Mass Media, Mass Culture and Contemporary Italian Fiction
Mass Media, Mass Culture and Contemporary Italian Fiction Virginia Agostinelli A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Philosophy University of Washington 2012 Reading Committee: Albert Sbragia, Chair Susan Gaylard Jennifer Bean Leroy Searle Program Authorized to Offer Degree: Comparative Literature University of Washington Abstract Mass Media, Mass Culture and Contemporary Italian Fiction Virginia Agostinelli Chair of the Supervisory Committee: Associate Professor Albert Sbragia Italian This dissertation examines the pulp literary trend that developed in Italy from mid 1990s. By analyzing the historical, socio-economical and cultural changes that Italy went through after World War II, I clarify the process by which the traditional elitist literary scene radically transformed into a mass cultural movement targeting young generations of readers. Television plays a key role in the development of this new pulp genre that incorporates its language and, in some cases, even its format. During the period of the Second Republic (1992-2012), also known as the Berlusconi era, the connection between television and politics became so tight that one forged the term “videocrazy” in reference to Italy. I examine the pulp trend as an active response from the Italian literary world aimed to generate socio-political awareness; in this way, one avoided that Italians were relegated to the passive role of spectators or tele spettatori with respect to the transformations the country was/is going through . The body of texts that can be grouped under the umbrella term “pulp” is vast. The use of case studies is employed to illustrate more specifically two points: first, the way in which contemporary pulp writers are redefining the task of the intellectual (fiction writer, historian and investigative journalist); second, the legacy interwoven by the new generation of writers with Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922-1975).
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