7.1 Introduction scattered by gravitational tugs from or (Gladman et al., 2008). Until 2013, only the giant planets were known to host ring Chariklo was discovered in February 1997 (Scotti, 1997) systems. In June 2013, a stellar occulation revealed the pres- and is the largest Centaur known to date, with a diameter ence of narrow and dense rings around Chariklo, a small of about 240 km. Its very low geometric (about 4%, Centaur object that between and Uranus. see Table 7.1) makes it one of the darkest objects of the so- Meanwhile, the Cassini spacecraft revealed evidence for the lar system. It moves close to a 4:3 mean-motion resonance possible past presence of rings around the Saturnian satel- with Uranus, its main perturber. Dynamical studies indicate lites and . and are expected to have that Chariklo has been captured in its present orbital con- tenuous dusty rings, though they have so far evaded detec- figuration some 10 Myr ago, and that the half-life time of tion. More remotely, transit events observed around a its unstable current is about 10 Myr (Horner et al., in 2007 may have revealed for the first time exoplanetary 2004), a very short timescale compared to the age of the rings around a giant orbiting that star. . So, evidence is building to show that rings are more com- -scale photometric (Belskaya et al., 2010) and spec- mon features in the than previously thought. Sev- troscopic (Guilbert-Lepoutre, 2011) variations of Chariklo eral interesting issues arise from the discovery (or suspicion) were tentatively attributed to transient periods of cometary of the new ring systems described in this chapter. One of activity. As discussed below, those variations can be nat- them is to assess how universal is the physics governing urally explained by the presence of a flat, partially icy rings, in spite of large differences in size, age and origin. observed at various aspect angles, so that no In other words, do rings obey some common, fundamental cometary activity is necessary to explain this behavior. Ac- processes, or are their similarities just apparent and stem- tually, we will see that no dust or gas production has been ming from very different mechanisms? Another interesting detected so far around Chariklo. question is what those ring systems tell us about the origin, Meanwhile, Chiron (another Centaur similar in size to evolution and physical properties of the bodies they encircle. Chariklo) is also surrounded by narrowly confined material As such, rings may be of precious help to better understand whose interpretation is still debated. This shows that ma- the formation of and planets, not only in our own terial around Centaurs or other small bodies may be more solar system, but also among extrasolar worlds. We will re- common than previously thought. turn to those considerations in the concluding remarks of In the following sub-sections, the term “Chariklo” will this chapter, after reviewing recent ring system discoveries. apply to the central body only, while “Chariklo’s system” will denote the entire set Chariklo plus its rings.

7.2 Dense rings around the small Centaur 7.2.1 The discovery of Chariklo’s rings arXiv:1612.03321v2 [astro-ph.EP] 11 Apr 2017 object Chariklo Chariklo’s rings were discovered during a stellar occulta- tion, which occurs when an object passes in front of a star, In June 2013, narrow, sharply confined dense rings were dis- blocking its flux for some seconds (Fig. 7.2). Such an event covered around the small Centaur object (10199) Chariklo. was monitored on June 3, 2013 from various sites in Brazil, This -like object became the first body of the solar Uruguay, Argentina and Chile, see Fig. 7.1 and Braga-Ribas system, other than the giant planets, known to possess rings. et al. (2014). This was the first successful Chariklo occulta- Meanwhile, those rings resemble some of the sharply defined tion ever observed. This event was one of a number aimed at features observed around Saturn or Uranus (Figs. 7.1-7.3), characterizing the sizes, shapes and surroundings of TNO’s suggesting some common dynamics. and Centaurs (Assafin et al., 2012; Camargo et al., 2014), Centaurs are small objects (diameters less than about and monitoring Pluto’s (Assafin et al., 2010). 250 km) with perihelion beyond ’s orbit (5.2 AU) In the case of Chariklo, a further incentive was the search and semi-major axis inside of Neptune (30.0 AU). They were for surrounding (possibly cometary) material, as both sharp originally Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNO’s) that have been and diffuse secondary events were detected in 1993 and 1994

1 2 Sicardy & at al.

Table 7.1. Chariklo main body physical parameters

Semi-major axis, perioda 15.79 AU, 62.71 yrs Eccentricity, inclinationa 0.1716, 23.37 deg Perihelion-apheliona 13.08–18.50 AU b,c Equivalent radius Requiv = 119 ± 5 km b Visible pV = 0.042 ± 0.005 b Synodical PC = 7.004 ± 0.036 h Massd ∼ 1019 kg Surface compositione ∼ 60% amorphous ∼ 30% silicates, ∼ 10% organics aDesmars (2015); Desmars et al. (2015). bFornasier et al. (2014). cThe radius of a spherical body that presents the same d apparent surface area as the actual body. Order of magnitude estimate, using Requiv above and assuming an icy body. eDuffard et al. (2014a).

clear that they could not be interpreted as collimated, ra- dial cometary jets ejected from Chariklo’s surface because their geometries were mutually inconsistent with that inter- pretation. Instead, the ring interpretation was the simplest, although surprising, explanation for all the observed sec- ondary events. All the detections were in fact consistent with the presence of two rings: an inner, denser ring, 2013C1R (C1R for short), orbiting at some 390 km from Chariklo’s center, 15 km inside another, more tenuous outer ring, C2R (Fig. 7.1, Table 7.2). There were several arguments in favor of the ring interpretation drawn from those observations: • Although most of the stations appearing in Fig. 7.1 did not resolve the rings, their equivalent widths We (which measure the amount of material contained in the rings, see Chapter 4) were essentially the same for all events. Such coincidence is hard to reconcile with a set of independent Figure 7.1 The discovery of Chariklo’s rings during the June 3, 2013 stellar . The dotted lines show the trajectories cometary jets going in different directions. of the star in the plane of the sky relative to Chariklo, as seen • A flat ring system offers a natural explanation for from eight stations in Brazil, Argentina and Chile (the arrow Chariklo’s long-term photometric variations (see Belskaya indicates the direction of motion). The occultation by the main et al. 2010 and Fig. 7.4). Those variations merely reflect body was observed along the three black segments - or the changing ring aspect as Chariklo and revolve “chords” - near the center of the plot. Beside these detections, around the . secondary events were observed somewhere inside the black, • The ring interpretation also offers a simple explanation for thick intervals, most of them unresolved in time. Some segments are longer because of the longer integration time used at the the appearance and disappearance of the 2.2 µm water corresponding stations, hence their larger uncertainties in band in Chariklo’s spectra (Guilbert-Lepoutre 2011 and position. The two gray segments along the Bosque Alegre and Fig. 7.5). Again, the changing ring geometry causes the Cerro Tololo chords correspond to dead-times (due to image disappearance and reappearance of the ice band, showing readouts) during acquisition, leading to non detections of the by the same token that the rings do contain water ice. ring, but still providing constraints on the ring location. The Another occultation observed on April 29, 2014 fully con- rings were not detected at Cerro Burek due to a large firmed the ring interpretation drawn from the June 2013 dis- integration time at low signal-to-noise ratio. The size, shape and orientation of the inner, denser ring (C1R) is obtained though covery, and revealed finer structures in the main ring C1R, an elliptical fit to the black and gray segments, weighted with see Fig. 7.3 and the associated discussion. Other occulta- their respective uncertainties. The outer, fainter ring (C2R) was tions revealed either the main body only or the rings alone, resolved only in the best-sampled of the Danish but with lower signal-to-noise ratios or insufficient resolu- telescope at La Silla (Fig. 7.2). Its orbit has been reconstructed tion to reveal ring sub-structures (B´erardet al. 2016 and assuming that C1R and C2R are concentric. Adapted from Leiva et al. 2016, in preparation). Braga-Ribas et al. (2014).

7.2.2 Physical properties during stellar by its sibling Chiron (Elliot et al., Orbit 1995; Bus et al., 1996), see below. Narrow secondary events were indeed detected during the The secondary events shown around Chariklo in Fig. 7.1 June 2013 event (Figs. 7.1 and 7.2), but it became rapidly constrain the apparent shape, size and orientation of the Rings beyond the giant planets 3

Table 7.2. Chariklo’s rings physical parameters

Radiusa Radial width Normal optical depth b c Ring C1R 390.6 ± 3.3 km 4.8 < W < 7.1 km average τN ∼ 0.4 Ring C2R 404.8 ± 3.3 km W ∼ 1-3 km τN ∼ 0.1 Gap between C1R and C2Ra 8.7 ± 0.4 km < 0.004 a ◦ Pole position αp = 10 h 05 min± 02 min, δp = +41 29’±13’ (equatorial J2000) d Visible reflectivity (I/F )V = 0.07 ± 0.01 Surface compositiond 20% water ice, 40-70% silicates, 10-30% tholins, small quantities of amorphous carbon aFrom Braga-Ribas et al. (2014), assuming circular rings. bSmallest and largest widths observed during the June 3, 2013 and April 29, 2014 stellar occultations (Sicardy et al., 2014, and B´erard et al. 2016, in preparation). c With some some opaque parts, see text and Fig. 7.3. dDuffard et al. (2014a).

The elliptical fit displayed in Fig. 7.1 allows two alterna-

ingress egress tive ring pole positions, depending on which part of the ring is “in front” the sky plane. This ambiguity can be solved by % 1 considering Chariklo’s photometric evolution over time. The

Chariklo pole position adopted here (Table 7.2) predicts that the rings 2013C2R 2013C2R were observed edge-on in 2008, in agreement with Chariklo’s system photometric behavior (Fig. 7.4). Conversely, the al-

%flux%of%star%+% ternative solution predicts an edge-on configuration in 1994 that is out of phase compared to the observed behavior.

2013C1R Moreover, the solution adopted here was confirmed during Normalized another Chariklo stellar occultation observed on April 29, 2013C1R La Silla - ESO 2014 (B´erardet al. 2016, in preparation). Defining the ring Danish 1.54 m

0 pole direction as being parallel to the ring angular momen- 23,120 23,130 23,140 tum, there is a further ambiguity since two opposite orbital Time%(seconds%a-er%3%June%2013,%00:00:00.0%UTC)%% motions are possible, that correspond to opposite values of Figure 7.2 Plot of the stellar flux vs. time, as observed from B. We have arbitrarily chosen B > 0 in Table 7.2. This the Danish telescope at La Silla, during the June 3, 2013 choice may be revised in the future (in favor of the opposite occultation. This is the best sampled at highest signal-to-noise pole) if the particles orbital can be determined. ratio light curve among the various sites involved in this The best light curve obtained during the June 3, 2013 observation (Fig. 7.1). It shows a ∼ 5.3 s central drop, occultation shows that there are actually two rings. The corresponding to the blocking of the stellar flux by Chariklo’s main body. The two symmetric events on each side are caused dense ring C1R is flanked by a more tenuous outer ring, by the rings. In fact, each event is resolved into a main (C1R) C2R (Fig. 7.2). All the other instruments used during the and fainter (C2R) rings separated by an essentially empty gap. discovery observation did not have enough time resolution to Adapted from Braga-Ribas et al. (2014). separate the two rings, but they were clearly resolved again during the April 29, 2014 event (Fig. 7.3). The orbital pa- rameters for C1R and C2R, resulting from the fit of Fig. 7.1, are listed in Table 7.2. It is assumed here that C2R has also main ring C1R projected in the sky plane (the case of the a circular orbit, 14.2 km outside C1R and concentric with more tenuous, nearby ring C2R is considered in a second it, as derived by Braga-Ribas et al. (2014). step, as mentioned in the caption of Fig. 7.1). The simplest model for ring C1R is that of an ellipse with one focus at Chariklo’s center of . However, we do not Fine structure know a priori the ring pole position, nor its apse orientation. Moreover, we do not have enough occulting chords across From the June 3, 2013 discovery observations, no material the main body from the observation of June 2013 (nor from was detected in the gap between C1R and C2R up to a other later ones, to date) to determine Chariklo’s center po- normal optical depth of about 0.004 (Braga-Ribas et al., sition relative to the main ring (Fig. 7.1). 2014). Those observations did not reveal structures inside Thus, one has to make the simpliflying assumption that C1R and C2R, due to insufficient time resolution (Fig. 7.2). Ring C1R is circular, with opening angle B and position an- However, data obtained at higher rate during another event gle P as seen from Earth. An elliptical fit to the secondary (April 29, 2014) revealed a double-dip structure inside ring events of Fig. 7.1 then provides the center of the ellipse, its C1R, while no structure has been identified so far in the apparent semi-major and semi-minor axes a0 and b0 (pro- shallower C2R profiles (Fig. 7.3). jected in the sky plane) and its position angle. Note that in The densest parts of C1R are consistent with opaque ma- the circular assumption, | sin(B)| = b0/a0. terial concentrated at very sharp edges. The main smooth- 4 Sicardy & at al.

C1R C2R C1R C2R 1 June 3, 2013 Danish 0 magnitude 1 absolute April 29, 2014 Springbok Gierg Chariklo discovery ring edge-on ring discovery

Flux (Feb. 1997) (~2008) (June 2013) 0 Year

1 Figure 7.4 The observed of Chariklo’s system (gray squares) are fitted by a model (black line) that accounts for both the ring and Chariklo contributions to the April 29, 2014 SAAO total observed flux (see Eq. 7.2). Adapted from Duffard et al. (2014a). 0

370 390 410 430 370 390 410 430 global ring system C1R+C2R, where Wi and pNi denote Radius in ring plane (km) the physical width and normal opacitiy of each component, Figure 7.3 Chariklo’s ring radial profiles derived from the respectively. For a monolayer ring, We is a measure of the June 3, 2013 stellar occultation (Danish telescope, top), the amount of material contained along a radial cut of that ring. April 29, 2014 combined event at Springbok and Gifberg It can be viewed as the width of an opaque monolayer ring stations (middle), and the same event at the South African that would block the same amount of light as the observed Astronomical Observatory (SAAO, bottom). The gray boxes ring (see Elliot et al. 1984 and Chapter 4). correspond to the zero stellar fluxes (complete star The fifteen or so C1R+C2R occultation profiles obtained disappearance), where its thickness represents photometric uncertainties, while unity corresponds to the full, unocculted so far provide a consistent value close to We(1+2) ∼ 2 km stellar flux. The horizontal axis is the distance to Chariklo’s (with typical dispersion of ∼ 1 km), while the six pro- center, measured in the plane of the rings, using the orientation files where C2R can be resolved from C1R provide We2 ∼ given in Table 7.2. This orientation is derived assuming that the 0.25 km (with dispersion ∼ 0.05 km), with no significant rings are circular, so that this plot cannot be used to assess or azimuthal variations. Thus, the system C1R+C2R does not put upper limit on the ring eccentricities. The vertical dotted show appreciable azimuthal variations in We and C2R ap- lines are the ring radii adopted in Table 7.2. Due to the different acquisition rates and viewing geometries, the light curves have pears to contain ∼ 10 times less material than C1R. radial samplings of 3.6, 1.0 and 0.57 km par data point in the top, middle and bottom panels, respectively. The best resolved profiles are eventually diffraction-limited at the Fresnel scale Photometry limit (about 0.8 km). They show sharp edges and a W-shaped The long-term photometric evolution of Chariklo’s system structure in the main ring C1R, as well as a width variation for ring C1R. is a natural consequence of the changing aspect of its rings. During the 63- , the rings have an opening angle B to the Earth that varies between extreme values of ing effect of the April 29, 2014 profiles is Fresnel diffraction, about −60 to +60 degrees. Using the size, width and radius which amounts to about 0.8 km when projected at the ring of Chariklo and its rings (Tables 7.1 and 7.2), it follows that (the finite stellar diameter being negligible for that event). the total apparent surface area of the rings at maximum B At this scale, one cannot resolve the edges, as the occulta- represents about 35% of Chariklo’s apparent surface area. tion profiles are compatible with infinitely sharp boundaries For one of the possible ring pole positions previously dis- (B´erardet al. 2016, in preparation). cussed, the rings had their maximum opening angle in 1997 So far, only eight C1R profiles obtained in 2013 and 2014 and were observed edge-on in 2008 (Fig. 7.4). The resulting could provide an estimation the ring radial width W (pro- changing apparent ring geometry then satisfactorily repro- jected in the ring plane), the other profiles having insuffi- duces the shape and timing of Chariklo’s system absolute cient resolution to do so. The width W shows significant magnitude, while excluding the alternative solution afore- variations between 4.8 and 7.1 km (Sicardy et al. 2014 and mentioned. Table 7.2), with dynamical implications that are discussed Elaborating on that, let us consider the photometric be- later. havior of a flat, circular ring of radius a, width W and open- For the unresolved profiles, it is possible to estimate the ing angle B. The brightness of such a flat surface is measured equivalent width We(1+2) = (W1 · pN1 + W2 · pN2) of the by its reflectivity I/F , where πF is is the incident solar flux Rings beyond the giant planets 5 and I is the intensity emitted from the ring surface (remembering that the reflectivity of a perfect Lambert sur- face is I/F = 1). The flux Fr and FC received from the main ring and Chariklo are respectively: 0 0 Fr ∝ (I/F )rSr and FC ∝ pC φC (α)SC , (7.1) 0 where Sr = 2πaW µ is the ring’s apparent surface area, with µ = | sin(B)|, pC is Chariklo’s geometric albedo, α is the phase angle, φC (α) is the phase function (with φC (0) = 1 by 0 2 definition), and SC = πRequiv is Chariklo’s apparent surface area, where the equivalent radius Requiv, see Table 7.1. Defining H as the absolute magnitude of Chariklo’s sys- tem (main body plus rings), i.e. its magnitude at 1 AU from Earth and Sun and at zero phase angle, and assuming that Chariklo’s absolute magnitude HC is essentially constant over time, we obtain:   Figure 7.5 Synthetic spectra of Chariklo alone (gray) and its 0.4(H −H) 2aW µ I 10 C = 1 + (7.2) rings (black) derived from spectra of Chariklo’s system obtained 2 F pC φC (α)Requiv r at different epochs, with various ring opening angles. This permits to disentangle the contributions from the main body Monitoring of H vs. time (as µ changes) provides (I/F )r, and from the rings. Note the water ice bands around 1.5 µm and once Chariklo’s photometric properties are known, as well 2 µm in the ring spectrum. Adapted from Duffard et al. (2014a). as the parameters a and W , derived from occultation data (Table 7.2). A more detailed modeling of the observed variations (Duf- Of course, those spectra reveal surface properties, and may fard et al. 2014a and Fig. 7.4) provides (I/F )r = 0.07±0.01 be unrelated to the bulk compositions of the ring particles at 0.55 µm. We note that the reflectivity of Saturn’s A ring, and Chariklo’s interior. It particular, they do not preclude which has an optical depth comparable to that of ring C1R, the existence of water ice inside Chariklo. is (I/F )ring A ∼ 0.3 (Hedman et al., 2013). Conversely, Uranus rings α and β, which also have optical depths com- parable to that of C1R, have (I/F )α,β ∼ 0.05 (Karkoschka, 2001). Thus, Chariklo’s rings appear roughly three times Central body darker than Saturn’s A ring, twice as bright as Uranus’ α and β rings, and about three times brighter than Chariklo’s sur- Chariklo has a rotation period near 7 and an equiva- face. Note also that at maximum opening angle (B ∼ 60◦), lent radius close to 120 km (Table 7.1). Unfortunately, other the ring to Chariklo flux ratio is Fr/FC ∼ 0.75. In other physical properties like size, shape or density are poorly con- words, the rings significantly contribute to the total flux re- strained, while having important consequences on the ring ceived from the entire system. dynamics, see the next subsection. Currently, no direct imaging system can resolve Chariklo’s disk (it subtends less than 0.03 arcsec on the sky), and there Composition are not enough stellar occultations observed so far to pin The Chariklo system spectrum has been monitored since down Chariklo’s size and shape (which can be done in prin- 1997, and also shows long-term variations. In particular, the ciple at kilometric accuracy using that method). The occul- water ice bands at 1.5 µm and 2 µm disappeared in 2007-08, tation data currently available show that Chariklo cannot while being prominent in 1997. The rings provide a natural be a spherical body. The observations are in fact consis- explanation for that behavior: they contain water ice that tent with either an oblate with equatorial and po- vanished out of view during the 2008 ring plane crossing lar radii of 133×125 km, respectively, or an with (Fig. 7.4). main axes 167×133×86 km, with typical uncertainties of By subtracting spectra when the rings are well open 5 km on each dimension (Leiva et al. 2016, in preparation). and spectra of Chariklo alone (edge-on geometry), one can Assuming a homogeneous body in hydrostatic equilibrium, obtain the spectrum of the rings alone, see Fig. 7.5. It this would imply densities of some 1-3 g cm−3 (Maclaurin clearly shows the presence of water ice, with a robustly spheroid case) or close to 0.8 g cm−3 (Jacobi ellipsoid case), derived abundance close to 20% (Duffard et al., 2014a). with corresponding dynamical oblatenesses around 0.07 and Other compounds must be present, but with far less con- 0.20, respectively. Taken together, the two cases considered strained abundances, with degeneracies between the various here imply a Chariklo mass in the range 0.6 − 3 × 1019 kg. species. Current estimates yield values of 40-70% silicates, It should be remembered, however, that an irregular shape 10-30% tholins and a small amount of amorphous carbon. cannot be currently discarded, and that the hydrostatic Conversely, Chariklo’s spectrum does not reveal any pres- and homogeneous hypotheses may be invalid. Clearly, more ence of water, and is consistent with about 60% of amor- multi-chord occultations are needed to build a correct model phous carbon, 30% of silicates and 10% of organics (Ibid.). for Chariklo’s size and shape. 6 Sicardy & at al.

7.2.3 Dynamics In fact, the mere requirement that the rings must reside inside the Roche zone imposes the value of n, and thus of Roche zone p 3 dv/da. In effect, combining Eq. 7.3 and n = GMC /a , we p Chariklo’s tidal disruptive forces must be strong enough obtain n ∼ γGρcrit/3. So, the velocity field surrounding to prevent the of ring particles into small satel- the ring particles depends only on their physical properties, lites. To be disrupted, a particle at distance a from Chariklo i.e. γ and ρcrit, whatever the central body mass or the ring should have a density ρ of the order of, or lower than a dimension are. critical density ρcrit (Tiscareno et al., 2013): In the same vein, we see that the ring thickness h only  3 depends on the particle physical properties, and not on the 4πρC Requat macroscopic ring parameters. A dense collisional ring tends ρ < ρcrit = , (7.3) γ a to adjust itself so that its Toomre’s stability parameter Q stays near unity: where ρC and Requat are Chariklo’s density and equato- rial radius, while γ is a dimensionless parameter that de- v n hn2 Q = rms ∼ ∼ 1, (7.4) scribes the structure of the disrupted particles. For instance, πGΣ πGΣ γ = 4π/3 for a (see e.g. Murray and Dermott 1999), where Σ is the ring surface density, vrms is the ring particle γ ∼ 1.6 for a body that uniformly spreads into its lemon- velocity dispersion and h is the ring thickness, h ∼ vrms/n. shaped Roche lobe (Porco et al., 2007), and γ ∼ 0.85 for the As Chariklo’s main ring is densely packed with particles, (unlikely) incompressible fluid case that corresponds to the Σ ∼ ρ R, where R is the radius of the largest particles. classical . crit So, h ∼ (3π)/γQR ∼ a few times R from the estimation of γ All the parameters in Eq. 7.3 are largely unknown. The given before, and from Q ∼ 1. In the case of Saturn’s rings, occultation chords obtained in 2013 suggest that Chariklo R ∼ 1 m, so that h ∼ 10 m (Colwell et al., 2009). We do is elongated, with R ∼ 150 km (see above). More- equat not know the size distribution in Chariklo’s rings, but if it over, values of γ ∼ 1.6 seem the most appropriate in the is similar to that in Saturn’s rings, they should also have a context of planetary rings (Tiscareno et al., 2013). Taking thickness of h ∼ 10 m. a ∼ 400 km, we obtain ρcrit ∼ 0.4ρC . For an expected icy −3 body like Chariklo, we can assume ρC ∼ 1 g cm . This suggests that the ring particles should be rather underdense Mass and angular momentum −3 (∼< 0.5 g cm ) to prevent accretion. Such densities are ac- Only rough estimations of the ring mass and angular mo- tually typical of what is observed in the outer regions of mentum can be made at the present stage. As argued in Saturn’s A ring (Tiscareno, 2013). As previously noted, how- the previous subsection, the local kinematic conditions in ever, while water ice is clearly identified in Chariklo’s rings the ring C1R should be close to those prevailing in Saturn’s (Fig. 7.5), other compounds must be present, like silicates rings. Assuming a surface density Σ ∼ 500-1000 kg m−2 for or tholins. This would make Chariklo’s ring quite different, C1R (typical of Saturn’s ring densest parts, Colwell et al. in terms of composition, from those of Saturn, which are ba- 2009), and considering the quantities in Table 7.2, we ob- sically pure water ice (see Chapter 3 by Cuzzi et al.). Very tain a ring mass estimate M ∼ 1013 kg, equivalent to an little is known about the physical properties of individual r icy body of radius ∼ 1 km. This corresponds to a very small ring particles in general (including those of Saturn’s rings). fraction of Chariklo’s mass, M /M ∼ 10−6, and is larger In that context, it remains to be seen if particles partly r C than, but still comparable to the corresponding fraction in composed of silicates or tholins may have densities as low as the case of Saturn’s rings, M /M ∼ 10−7 (Cuzzi et al., 0.5 g cm−3, for instance if they are porous or fluffly. More- r S 2009). over, the criterion proposed in Eq. 7.3 might miss some of Another method can be used to estimate C1R’s mass. the physics at work and be too crude for a firm claim that Its physical width W varies from about 5.5 to 7.1 km (Ta- Chariklo’s ring particles must be underdense. ble 7.2). This suggests that C1R may behave like some of the Uranian rings (French et al., 1991), i.e. a set of nested elliptical streamlines locked into a common precession rate Local velocity field and thickness regime, against the differential precession (stemming from Although hugely different in terms of size and mass, the central body’s oblateness) that should destroy this con- Chariklo’s rings share a local velocity field similar to those figuration. 19 of Saturn or Uranus. Using a typical mass MC ∼ 10 kg In those models, the narrow ring is globally described by for Chariklo (see above), we obtain a ring orbital mean an ellipse with mean semi-major axis a and mean eccen- p 3 −4 −1 motion of n ∼ GMC /a ∼ 10 s at a ∼ 400 km, tricity e, while its inner and outer edges are described by where G is the . This is comparable aligned ellipses with semi-major axes ainn and aout, and ec- to the orbital motions in Uranus’ rings and the outer part centricities einn and eout, respectively. To first order in e, of Saturn’s rings. Consequently, the local Keplerian shears, the width of the ring then varies with true anomaly f as dv/da = −3n/2 (where v is the orbital velocity), are also W = ∆a[1 − qe cos(f)], where qe = e + a∂e/∂a is a di- comparable. In other words, a particle in Chariklo’s rings mensionless parameter that depends on both the eccentric- esssentially “sees” the same local velocity field as a particle ity and its gradient across the ring, ∂e/∂a = ∆e/∆a, with in Saturn’s and Uranus’ rings. ∆e = eout − einn and ∆a = aout − ainn. Rings beyond the giant planets 7

One mechanism proposed by Goldreich and Tremaine Chariklo’s mass and angular momentum are stored in the (1979b,a) to lock the streamlines into a rigid precession rings, a noteworthy result when it comes to discussing the regime is self-gravity. In essence, the mass of the inner half of rings’ origin. the ring increases the precession rate of the outer half, and vice-versa, thus maintaining the alignment. This requires 3 2 Putative shepherd satellites a ratio Mr/MC of the order of (e/∆e)(∆a/a) J2(RC /a) , where J2 is the dynamical oblateness of the central body. Rings C1R and C2R are both sharply confined, see Fig. 7.3. Elaborating on that basis, and Wu (2016) estimate a If unperturbed, they should spread out on a timescale of C1R mass of a few 1013 kg, comparable to the estimate al- (Goldreich and Tremaine, 1979b): ready given before. This reinforces the notion that the ring W 2 C1R is comparable, both in terms of surface density and tν ∼ , (7.5) ν dynamical behavior, to some of the dense and narrow rings where ν is the kinematic viscosity associated with particle of Saturn or Uranus. collisions. A typical value of ν is ∼ nh2, where h is the Those estimates must be considered with caution, though, ring thickness. Taking W ∼ 5 km (Table 7.2), we obtain first because neither e nor qe are currently known. The oc- t ∼ 104/h2 years, where h is expressed in meters. Assuming cultation data are not yet accurate and numerous enough to ν again h ∼ 10 m, we obtain t ∼ a few thousand years. More- provide detailed ring orbital solutions and edge models. ν over, Poynting-Robertson (PR) differential drag also causes Secondly, only variations of width W with respect to the a spreading over a timescale of (Goldreich and Tremaine, inertial mean longitude λ have been derived right now, while 1979b): variations vs. true anomaly f should be determined to test rigid precession models. This will be possibe only when the  c2   W  2 tPR ∼ ρτR, (7.6) ring rate$ ˙ ∼ 1.5(Rc/a) J2n is deter- 4f a mined. An expected value of J is ∼ Ω2 R3 /2GM , assum- 2 C C C where c is the velocity of light, f is the solar flux den- ing a homogeneous body, where Ω = 2π/P is Chariklo’s C C sity at Chariklo, ρ the density of the particles and τ is spin rate. From Table 7.1, one obtains J ∼ 0.08 and 2 the optical depth. Taking ρ < ρ ∼ 0.5 g cm−3, as ex- $˙ ∼ 10−6 s−1, so that the ring apse should precess over crit plained before, and τ ∼ 1, we obtain a typical value of a period of a couple of months only. This is much shorter t ∼ 109R years, i.e. a few million years for sub- than the eleven months or so separating the June 2013 and PR meters cm particles. The effect of PR drag is even more drastic for April 2014 occultations from which values of W are derived smaller grains, with a depletion time of only a few months (Table 7.2). Consequently, it is not yet possible to compare for micrometric particles. Even if very crude, these estima- consistently those observations and obtain a coherent plot tions show that Chariklo’s rings are either very young, or of W vs. f. confined by an active mechanism. Finally, we do not know yet if the observed width varia- It is remarkable that apparently similar ring confinement tion is caused by a m=1 azimuthal wavenumber, or by some occurs in systems so widely different (in terms of orbital higher (free or forced) wavenumbers which would require a radii) as those of Saturn or Uranus, compared to Chariklo. revision of the mass estimation made above. In fact, looking at Chariklo’s rings’ optical depth profiles More generally, the physics at work in dense narrow rings (Fig. 7.3), it is hard to distinguish them from their Uranian may be more complex than the purely self-gravitating mod- cousins, see French et al. (1991) and Chapter 4. els evoked so far. In particular, viscous effects due to in- A classical theory to confine ring material invokes the terparticle collisions near sharp ring edges resonantly per- presence of putative “shepherd satellites”. In its simplest turbed by (yet to be discovered) shepherd satellites may version, a shepherd of mass Ms can exert a torque Tm onto significantly increase the mass estimation quoted above, see a ring edge at a discrete m + 1 : m resonance Chiang and Goldreich (2000) and Mosqueira and Estrada (where the ring particle completes m + 1 revolutions while (2002). Those models predict enhanced ring surface densi- the completes m revolutions, with m integer), see ties at some 100-500 m from the edges, consistent with the Goldreich and Tremaine (1982): double-dip structures observed in α and  Uranus’ rings oc-  2 cultation profiles (French et al., 1991), and interestingly, in 2 4 2 Ms Tm ∼ 8.5m a n Σ . (7.7) the C1R profile too (Fig. 7.3). MC Finally, approximating Chariklo as a homogeneous As m increases, resonances overlap and the torque density sphere of radius R , the ratio of the ring an- equiv (torque per unit interval of semi-major axis) is: gular momentum to that of Chariklo is H /H ∼ √ r C p  2 4 (Mr/MC )PC GρC a/Requiv. From Tables 7.1 and 7.2, dT 3 2 Ms  a  −5 ∼ 2.5a n Σ , (7.8) we obtain Hr/HC ∼ 10 . Applying the same calculation da MC x to Saturn’s rings, where we assume that the rings are uni- where x is the distance between the satellite and the ring. formly spread between ∼ 92,000 and 137,000 km, we obtain −6 −7 To prevent spreading, the satellite torque must balance the a ratio Hr/HS ∼ 10 (using Mr/MS ∼ 10 , see above). viscous torque Tν associated with inter-particle collisions. In This is smaller than, but still comparable to the fraction a Keplerian velocity field, it is: Hr/HC . In any case, we see that very small fractions of 2 Tν = 3πna νΣ. (7.9) 8 Sicardy & at al.

Making Tm = Tν , and in the case of discrete resonances, the timescale problems described above. In that context, de- radius Rs of a shepherd with density ρs is: tections of the putative shepherd satellites would be very helpful to understand Chariklo’s ring confinement, but this  1/3  1/3 ρC h remains a very challenging observational task. Rs ∼ RC . (7.10) ρs ma At this point, it is worth mentioning that resonances may arise not from satellites, but from the very shape of Chariklo. This yields radii of a few km for icy shepherds (ρs ∼ For instance, a topographic feature of some 5 km in height 1 g cm−3), taking m of a few times unity and h a few me- on Chariklo’s surface might cause (tesseral-type) resonant ters. Concerning the gap between C1R and C2R, it should perturbations that are comparable in strength to those stem- be opened in the overlapping resonance regime (Eq. 7.8), ming from the putative satellites mentioned above. The in which case, the radius of the satellite is (Goldreich and same is true if the body is elongated in one direction by a few Tremaine, 1982): kilometers, in which case non-axisymmetric perturbations  1/3  1/3  1/2 arise from the bulges associated with the elongation. Assum- Rs ρC h Wgap ∼ ∼< 1 km (7.11) ing thet Chariklo’s mass is in the range 0.6−3×1019 kg, the RC ρs a a corotation radius – where particles have an orbital period where Wgap ∼ 8.5 km is the full width of the gap (Table 7.2). matching that of Chariklo (∼ 7 h) – would lie somewhere Note in passing that the mass of the shepherds estimated between 185 and 320 km. On each side of this corotation ra- here would be comparable to that of the rings (see the pre- dius, first order commensurabilities m + 1 : m between the vious subsection). In other words, there would be roughly particle mean motion and Chariklo’s orbital period would the same amount of material in the form of rings and in the appear. It is instructive to note that the 2/1 outer reso- form of (putative) shepherd satellites. nance (corresponding to particles with orbital period close This said, this model poses new problems. In effect, as to 14 h) should occur somewhere between 290 and 510 km, the shepherd confines a ring through a torque Tm, the bracketing the region where the rings are found. It is too reaction from the latter induces a migration rate |a˙ s| ∼ early to conclude anything before accurate measurements 2|Tm|/(anMs), where as is the shepherd’s semi-major axis. of Chariklo’s mass and shape are made, but it is worth re- Considering that Tm = Tν and using Toomre’s criterion of membering that the ring dynamics might be significantly Eq. 7.4, one obtains: influenced by resonances with the spin of the central body.  h   h  |a˙ s| ∼ 36m , (7.12) a Torb 7.2.4 The origin of Chariklo’s rings where Torb is the orbital period. We may apply this for- The general portrait that emerges from the previous sub- mula to the shepherd satellites and which sections is that of a ring system composed of underdense −3 confine the Uranian  ring. In this case, m ∼ 10, Torb ∼ particles (ρ ∼< 0.5 g cm ), partially composed of water ice, 10 hours, a ∼ 50, 000 km and h ∼ 10 meters. This and confined by small shepherd satellites of some kilome- −1 yields |a˙ s| ∼ 1 m s . As the shepherds orbit at some ters in size that contain a mass comparable to that of the 1000-2000 km from the  ring, this implies short recession rings. Moreover, a very small fraction of mass (∼ 10−6) and timescales of some million years for those two satellites. This angular momentum (∼ 10−5), compared to Chariklo, are problem is exacerbated for Chariklo, due to the smallness of required to explain the observed rings. the semi-major axis a (by more than two orders of magni- tudes) compared to the case of the giant planets. Applying Rings around other small bodies Eq. 7.12 to the Chariklo case actually provides recession timescales of some thousands of years only if one assumes At present, it remains unclear whether Chariklo’s rings are again h ∼ 10 meters, and considering that Torb must again generic and frequent features around small bodies, or are an be of the order of 10 hours. exceptional system resulting from a fine tuning between var- One possibility is that, for a so far unexplained reason, ious physical properties. Hundreds of Main Belt asteroid oc- Chariklo’s ring particles are much smaller than those of Sat- cultations have been monitored, but no report of secondary urn or Uranus, resulting in a much smaller value of h, and events possibly due to rings have been reported so far. A thus, much longer recession timescales for the shepherds. handful of occultation events involving TNO’s have been The shepherding physics may also be more complex than published up to now (Elliot et al., 2010; Sicardy et al., 2011; assumed here. For instance, the viscous torque (7.9) can be Ortiz et al., 2012; Braga-Ribas et al., 2013), and again no significantly reduced due to the local reversal of the vis- evidence of ring events have been documented. It should be cous angular momentum flux, caused by the satellite itself noted, however, that Chariklo’s rings cause very brief stellar (Goldreich and Porco, 1987). This in turn would reduce the drops (at sub-second level, see Fig. 7.2) that are easily over- of the shepherds estimated above, as well as their looked if integration times and/or noise levels are too large. migration rates. Also, re-analysis of the best occultation data sets obtained In summary, and except if Chariklo’s rings are very young, so far might reveal ring-related features. Moreover, imag- some deep understanding of the shepherding mechanism, ing such systems is challenging from Earth. For instance, and in particular a better knowledge of the ring local col- Chariklo’s rings do not span more than 0.04 arcsec around lisional dynamics are required to better assess the short the main body. This makes direct detection very hard, even Rings beyond the giant planets 9 on the best instruments available nowadays. So, other ring the ice to avoid sublimation (which explains why no rings systems may still be undiscovered due to the lack of high- are seen around Main Belt ), but still high enough quality occultation observations or high resolution imagers. to remain weak and consequently be subjected to tidal dis- ruption in the Roche zone. This would be consistent with the fact that Chariklo travels between 13 and 19 AU from The case of Chiron the Sun. The object (2060) Chiron is the second largest Centaur Another circumstance linked to heliocentric distance is the known to date, with a diameter of 218 ± 20 km (Fornasier lower impact velocities prevailing in Chariklo’s region - typ- et al., 2013) and perihelion-aphelion distances of 8.4-18.8 ically 1 km s−1 - compared to relative velocities in the Main AU. Two stellar occultations observed in 1993 and 1994 ac- Belt, about 5 km s−1. This results in much less destructive tually revealed secondary events that were interpreted as collisions that may give rise to a around the im- due to collimated cometary jets (Elliot et al., 1995; Bus pacted body, from which rings form, instead of dispersing et al., 1996). A more recent Chiron occultation in 2011 re- most of the pieces to infinity. vealed symmetric, narrow and sharp double dips, similar in Turning to point (ii), it appears that some Centaurs have depth and width to those observed around Chariklo. They cometary activity. This is documented for Chiron (Meech have been interpreted as being due to a spherical shell sur- and Belton, 1989; Luu and Jewitt, 1990) and Echeclus rounding Chiron (Ruprecht et al., 2015) or to a ring system (Rousselot, 2008), a Centaur with perihelion-aphelion dis- akin to those of Chariklo. tances of 5.8-15.6 AU and diameter of about 65 km (Duffard The ring hypothesis is supported by various arguments et al., 2014b). In Echeclus’ case, the cometary-like episode (Ortiz et al., 2015): (1) the strong similarity between the of March 2006 showed a coma around a source that was sep- event reported by Ruprecht et al. (2015) and the one in arated from Echeclus. This coma may have been caused by Fig. 7.2, (2) the fact that the reconstructed ring orientation a 8-km object moving near the main body, that could be a globally explains the photometric behavior of Chiron since satellite or a fragment ejected from the surface. This adds ∼ 1980, with a minimum in 2001 when the rings should be one case in the list of Centaurs surrounded by (in this case, observed edge-on, (3) the fact that this also explains the vari- transient) material. ations over time of Chiron’s rotational lightcurve amplitude, The at the surface of a body of density ρ assuming that the rings lie in the equatorial plane of a tri- and radius R is axial central body, and (4) the fact that Chiron’s spectrum r 8πGρ exhibits variations of the water ice band, with a disappear- v = R ∼ 0.75R m s−1, (7.13) esc 3 km ance in 2001 that would be caused by an edge-on geometry of the ring at that , as it is the case for Chariklo in 2008. assuming an icy body (ρ ∼ 1 g cm−3). This implies a rough −1 However, the ring hypothesis remains debatable as Chiron value of vesc ∼ 100 m s for Chariklo or Chiron. This has cometary activity (Meech and Belton, 1989; Luu and Je- is typical of the upper limit for terminal velocities of dust witt, 1990) that may skew the interpretation. Moreover, the grains in a cometary coma (Delsemme, 1982; Tenishev et al., 1994 Chiron occultation showed one sharp secondary event 2011). This coincidence raises the interesting possibility that followed by a more diffuse stellar drop that is incompatible Chariklo’s rings have an endogenous origin. They could be with azimuthally uniform narrow and dense rings, perhaps formed of cometary material ejected from the surface with calling for the existence of incomplete rings (arcs) instead. velocities large enough to prevent an immediate in-fall onto Discriminating between the shell and ring interpretations the surface, as is the case for ’s geyser material, but (or others) clearly requires higher-quality multi-chords oc- still small enough to prevent escape to infinity, as is the case cultations. for km-sized . In any case, it is interesting to see that Chiron, a Cen- In any case, no dust production has been observed so far taur similar to Chariklo in terms of size and orbit, is also for Chariklo (Guilbert et al., 2009), with an upper limit surrounded by optically dense material. This suggests that of about 2.5 kg s−1 for the dust production rate (Fornasier common physical processes may be at work, giving rise to et al., 2014). Similarly, no gas production has been found for unaccreted closeby material. that body, with typical upper limits of 2×1028 molecules s−1 of CO (∼ 103 kg s−1) and 8 × 1027 molecules s−1 of HCN (∼ 400 kg s−1), see Bockel´ee-Morvan et al. (2001). In that Are Centaurs special? context, deeper searches for dust or gas production might Several circumstances can make Chariklo (and possibly reveal a low level cometary activity for Chariklo, and thus other Centaurs) special to allow it to possess rings: (i) its he- constrain ring origin models. liocentric distance, (ii) possible transient cometary activity, Finally, we already noted that Chariklo is moving on an (iii) its size, and (iv) significant gravitational perturbations unstable, short life-time (10 Myr) orbit controlled by Uranus from the giant planets. (Horner et al., 2004). The encounter distance ∆disrupt at Point (i) is discussed by Hedman (2015), who consid- which a ring of semi-major axis a is disrupted is given by the 1/3 ers that water ice particles may have the adequate physical Hill sphere radius ∆disrupt ∼ a(3MU /MC ) , where MU is 26 19 properties to meet the condition given in Eq. 7.3 between 8 the Uranus mass. Using MU ∼ 10 kg, MC ∼ 10 kg and and 20 AU. More precisely, in that heliocentric range, water a ∼ 400 km yields ∆disrupt ∼ 5 Uranian radii. Current esti- ice may reach a typical of 70 K, low enough for mations show that such a small distance has a small prob- 10 Sicardy & at al. ability to occur (some 10%, see Hyodo et al. 2016) during Chariklo’s migration, and that globally Chariklo’s ring sys- tem can survive more than 90% of its encounters with giant planets (Araujo et al., 2016). In other words, if Chariklo’s rings were already formed while the object was in the TNO region, they should have safely experienced the migration episode. However, encounters with Uranus may have destabilized a pre-existing, marginally stable Chariklo’s satellite system, causing orbit crossing and then collisions between the satel- lites, resulting in ring formation, a scenario that is still to be investigated. Note finally that a mere disruption of Chariklo during a close encounter with Uranus may also be envis- Figure 7.6 An image of the ridge of Iapetus taken from around aged. This might result in a debris disk around the body, 62,000 km in September 2007 by the Cassini-Huygens mission from which small shepherding ring material could (image number N00091828: credit to NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space emerge near Chariklo’s Roche limit (Hyodo et al., 2016). Science Institute).

confirming Denk’s finding. Profiles from the Digital Terrain 7.3 Rings around natural satellites Model (DTM) constructed from Cassini data find a diver- sity in the morphology of the ridge. At times it has a strictly Currently, no rings have been confirmed orbiting natural steep-sided triangular shape (see ridge profiles r1 and r2 in satellites in our solar system, but physical evidence suggests Fig. 5 of Giese et al. 2008), while at others a more “flat- that such rings could have been a common occurrence in top” or trapezoidal shape characterized by lower slopes on the past. In fact, equatorial features occur on two moons of the Northern side estimated to decrease to 15 deg down to Saturn, Rhea and Iapetus, and could be remnants of such 8 deg in ridge profile r3 and 4 deg in ridge profile r4. Subse- rings, as discussed below. quent global mapping of the topography (by PMS, published in Dombard et al., 2012) shows that the ridge is discontinu- ous with a series of linear ridges and isolated quasi-conical 7.3.1 Iapetus massifs along the equatorial trace. The elevation is variable The ridge on Iapetus is a puzzling feature, up to 20 km along the length and appears to be absent in some stretches, tall and about 100 km wide, see Denk et al. (2005a,b) and though it is essentially global in character. Fig. 7.6. It is challenging to reconcile this with the global The trailing side DTM was constructed of only two sets history of Iapetus. One approach has modeled it as the out- of stereo pairs, but reveals that the ridge continues on the come of endogenic (tectonic or other) processes, but none back hemisphere, and appears to be centered at 30 deg East could satisfy the observational constraint of a single equa- (Giese et al., 2008). Given the current observations, with torial high-standing ridge, see Castillo-Rogez et al. (2007) confirmed existence of the ridge spanning the entire well- and Robuchon et al. (2010). Alternately, an exogenous ori- observed leading side hemisphere (Porco et al., 2005; Giese gin has been proposed - the remnants of a ring that has et al., 2008), the leading side limb and also the trailing side fallen to the surface (Ip 2006; Levison et al. 2011; Dom- (Giese et al., 2008) it is safe to assume that this feature is bard et al. 2012). Following this latter idea, one can use indeed global. the constraining observed features of the Iapetan ridge - its The size and the equatorial location of the ridge made it dimensions, morphology/slopes and some localised cases of an enigmatic feature, but the larger context at Iapetus also parallel ridges or tracks - and combine them with the dy- includes its synchronous spin state, and its non-equilibrium namics of the Saturnian system and a ring’s tidal evolution global shape. Iapetus is synchronously locked with its orbital to estimate the origin and properties that this proposed ring period around Saturn of 79 days, and estimates based on could have had. solid-body tides suggest that de-spinning to this state would Note that the Voyager imaging had not high enough res- take > 10 Gyr (Peale, 1977). Meanwhile, the global shape olution at equatorial latitudes to detect directly any signifi- of Iapetus suggests it is not in hydrostatic equilibrium, as it cant equatorial topography (Smith et al., 1981, 1982). How- has a shape expected for a body with a 16-h rotation rate ever, the analysis of the limb data many years later strongly (Thomas et al., 2007; Castillo-Rogez et al., 2007; Thomas, pointed to a massive mountain-like structure with heights up 2010). Combined, the features of the equatorial ridge and to 20 km (Denk et al., 2000). These were identified in the the spin state and global shape of the entire icy satellite Cassini Regio (the dark leading side) between the longitudes point to a complicated history, one in which the ridge could of 180 W and 200 W. have formed from an in-falling ring (Ip, 2006). The most significant imaging of the equatorial ridge was Two distinct takes on this idea have been explored. Levi- done by the Cassini spacecraft during a flyby on 31 Decem- son et al. (2011) propose that Iapetus suffered a violent im- ber 2004. The dark, leading side, was reported by Porco et al. pact, and ejecta formed a large disk of debris that quickly (2005) to have an equatorial ridge up to 20 km in height, damped to the equatorial plane straddling the synchronous Rings beyond the giant planets 11 limit for a then-faster spinning Iapetus (as the global shape implies a faster rotation in its past) – similar to the proto- lunar disk at Earth. A sub-satellite forms from the disk be- yond the Roche limit and the synchronous limit, and its tidal interactions with the remaining debris push the ring to the surface of Iapetus forming the equatorial ridge. The sub-satellite then tidally evolves away from Iapetus, slowing the rotation of Iapetus and aiding its de-spinning until it is eventually stripped from the orbit of Iapetus. Dombard et al. (2012) propose a similar scenario, but with a different origin and fate for the formed sub-satellite. Here, a ∼ 100 km body impacts Iapetus and is captured into orbit – similar to the Pluto- formation scenario. If the or- bit is retrograde it will tidally evolve inward until reaching the Roche limit, after which it will be tidally disrupted and eventually rain down to the surface piece by piece building the equatorial ridge. While there are some differences in the models, they both propose the existence of a substantial ring orbiting Iape- tus in its past. Fundamentally, both models would require Figure 7.7 This view shows a Cassini color ratio map a ring with a minimum mass equal to that needed to create (IR3/UV3) of the anti-Saturnian facing hemisphere of Rhea. the equatorial ridge. Estimates for this mass depend on the Such maps reveal discrete spots along the 20-50 km assumed shape and size of the ridge before its degradation across that have unusual spectral signatures enhanced in the due to bombardment over Solar System timescales - it has , giving them a “bluish” appearance in Cassini 3-color been estimated between 5.5 × 1017 and 4.4 × 1019 kg (Ip, mosaics. Each spot correlates with local highs in topography. Effective resolution is ∼1.75 km/pixel. 2006; Levison et al., 2011), or a fraction up to a few per- cent of the mass of Iapetus. The Levison et al. (2011) model would actually require more mass in the ring initially, as it stratigraphy on the surface of Iapetus to date the ring and would eventually build a sizable sub-satellite leaving behind understand its relationship to some of the largest impacts. enough mass in the ring to then fall to the surface and build the ridge. 7.3.2 Rhea Neither model predicts a long lifetime for the ring. Lev- ison et al. (2011) find a spreading timescale of only 100’s In 2009 a putative ring was reported in orbit around Rhea, of years owing to the strong tidal interaction with the sub- after sharp drops in measured electron counts from the satellite. Meanwhile, the timescale for the survival of a ring fields and particles instruments, symmetric about the , is longer in Dombard et al. (2012) as there is no external were detected by the charged-particle detectors aboard interaction with other orbiting debris - the sub-satellite is the Cassini spacecraft (Jones et al., 2008). However, deep tidally disrupted and then falls piecewise onto the surface on searches in both high-phase and low-phase Cassini ISS tidal timescales. This was estimated to be quite rapid com- narrow-angle camera images ruled out dust material orbit- pared to the 10-100’s Myr tidal timescales of the system, ing Rhea as an explanation for those drops (Tiscareno et al., owing to the eventual ring having a very high surface mass 2010). After this report, independent workers examining density and therefore rapid viscous evolution. The timing of multispectral ISS mosaics of Rhea discovered “blue pearls” the formation, evolution and demise of the ring is different on the surface of that moon (Schenk et al. 2011). These in each case as well. The ring in Levison et al. (2011) would features take the form of irregularly shaped surface patches form and be lost coincident with the large impact and birth 5-50 km wide and 50-150 km apart, visible only as color of the sub-satellite, with a longer tidal scenario to play out anomalies, and only along the equator of Rhea (Fig. 7.7). with the sub-satellite. The Dombard et al. (2012) scenario These patches are brighter in the near-UV and hence have would have the ring form well after the impact and tidal evo- a bluish signature when mapped in UV-green-IR filter com- lution of the sub-satellite, so at the end of the story. While binations. The key observation at Rhea is that these spots these may not be testable distinctions for Iapetus with the or “Blue Pearls” form only on the highest local topogra- current dataset, they do provide scenarios that could be dis- phy along the equator (Schenk et al., 2011), consistent with tinguished in other parts of our Solar System or external to infalling orbiting debris striking the surface in the manner our Solar System. suggested by Ip (2006) for Iapetus. No constructional moun- While these are both compelling models, much of their vi- tains or ridges are associated with these features, however, ability lies in the geophysical evolution of Iapetus, the large as the relief along the equator consists of pre-existing uncertainties in tidal evolution timescales, and even in the rims and ridges. The Schenk et al. (2011) proposal was that impact physics of ring particles pummeling the surface. Fur- fine material spiraled in toward the surface and disturbed ther advances could be made by better understanding the regolith on high topographic ridges. Due to the very low im- pact angles, lower lying topography “downstream” of these 12 Sicardy & at al. impact points would be shielded from impact and thus un- 7.3.4 Rings around Uranian moons colored. Finally, the case for rings or ridges associated with the Ura- nian moons is not clear, namely because Voyager lacked 7.3.3 Comparison of Iapetus and Rhea features the color filters that Cassini observed the Rhea ring deposit with, but also because the 1986 Uranus encounter provided By itself, the equatorial ridge on Iapetus remained enig- our only mapping to date. Like Voyager at Saturn, these matic, though all efforts to identify a tectonic mechanism maps are incomplete, and provided imaging on the outer failed. The discovery of a second non-tectonic equatorial Uranian satellites and (where rings are likely feature on Rhea strengthens the case for ring deposition. to be more stable) at no better than 2 to 5 km/pixel, respec- The major difference at Rhea (compared to Iapetus) is that tively, and only of the southern hemispheres. Thus it is likely there is no significant accumulation of a topographic deposit that both Blue Pearls and an equatorial ridge on one or more at Rhea, suggesting that the mass of the ring system there of these moons were missed by Voyager, if they exist. A re- was also much less than at Iapetus. turn to the Uranian system will be required to determine if This said, two major features link the Rhean Blue Pearls moon-rings ever formed there. and the Iapetus ridge. The first is the narrow equatorial great circle pattern of both. The second is the discontinuous of both. The Blue Pearls are widely separated and occur only on high-standing topography. The Iapetus ridge is also discontinuous and forms widely separated sub-ridges 7.4 Rings around Mars and promontories along the equator (Fig. 7.6s). In the case of a low-mass ring system, only the tops of high-standing Studies of the giant planets have revealed a distinct connec- features crossing the equator would be disturbed by infalling tion between small moons and dusty rings (see Chapter 13). debris (as at Rhea). In the case of a massive ring system, The concept is simple— impact the surface of a material would accrete “backwards” along the equator at moon and raise a cloud of dust. That dust escapes from high standing blocking ridges, forming a partial ridge. With the moon’s weak gravity but remains in orbit around the enough mass, a more continuous ridge is built up. central planet. For example, Jupiter’s gossamer rings are The two moon putative ring deposits appear to be of dif- associated with and (Burns et al., 1999). ferent ages. The Rhea color anomaly is a surficial effect and Similar rings emerge from several small satellites of Saturn easily erased. The inference is that it is not ancient as blue (e.g., Pan, , and ), Uranus () and color signatures fade over time and are not visible in older Neptune (). In an analogous way, we would expect eroded craters. The small-scale complexity of these spots impacts into and to populate faint Martian also points to a relatively young age as small scale features dust rings. Soter (1971) was the first to predict the existence always tend to be ground up into the regolith of airless plan- of rings of Mars, using a similar argument. Since then, the etary bodies within a or so, depending on lo- hypothetical Martian rings have been the topic of over thirty cation. The Iapetus ridge is much more massive and not theoretical publications; see Krivov and Hamilton (1997) for easily destroyed or eroded. Landslides have affected its pro- a historical summary. file (Singer et al., 2013) and it is heavily cratered. Some large Dynamical simulations by Krivov and Hamilton (1997), craters cut into it. It is inferred that it is very ancient, but building upon previous work (Juhasz and Horanyi, 1995; also it does not appear to be primordial as its profile would Krivov and Titov, 1995; Ishimoto, 1996), indicate that the be much more dissected than it appears. We infer that it Martian rings will have some peculiar properties. Because of formed sometime within the first 1-2 Gyr of formation but the strong influence of solar radiation pressure, both rings that tighter constraints on age are lacking. are offset from the center of the planet, with the Phobos ring Finally, no equatorial features (ridge, color anomaly, or displaced toward the Sun by ∼ one Martian radius, whereas otherwise) have been observed on other icy moons of Sat- the Deimos ring should be displaced away from the Sun by urn, while mapping on the Uranian satellites is limited by several radii. This peculiar result follows from the dynamics poor coverage of the equatorial regions. Color and topo- of individual dust grains. Briefly, Mars’ oblateness causes el- graphic mapping are at least as good on the other Saturnian liptical orbits of Phobos’ ring particles to precess faster than satellites as they are on Rhea and Iapetus, and if such ring Mars’ mean motion around the Sun, whereas for Deimos, deposits ever formed they have either been erased by subse- this precession is slower than Mars’ mean motion. Solar ra- quent bombardment or E-ring deposition (e.g., Schenk et al., diation pressure, which drives orbital eccentricities, is very 2011) or never formed. The surficial Rhean Blue Pearls are sensitive to the difference between the two motions; the re- easily erased over time, and are therefore geologically recent, sults are rings offset in opposite directions. The Phobos ring but the apparent great age of the Iapetus ridge is such that should be equatorial and ∼ 400 km thick. The Deimos ring is large massive ring deposits of this kind would have been predicted to be much thicker, 10,000–15,000 km, and tilted ◦ preserved through much of Saturn System history. The lack out of the equatorial plane toward the by ∼ 15 . of prominent ridges on other Saturnian satellites is thus real The larger thickness and tilt are both due to solar radiation and indicates that if any formed at those bodies, they formed pressure, which is a more effective for this more very early and were erased in the accretional storm of pro- distant ring. Similar solar perturbations are responsible for jectile bombardment. the warps in Saturn’s E ring, and for the tilt and thickness Rings beyond the giant planets 13 of the Phoebe ring (see Chapter 13). Also, the strong so- Mars, could harbor a tenuous ring system. Charon is less lar radiation pressure quickly drives micron-sized grains out likely to be a major source of dusty rings because its gravita- of orbit, by inducing eccentricities large enough that they tional field will more efficiently retain any dust ejected from strike the planet; this leaves behind a ring that should be its surface. Using the discovery images from HST, Steffl and composed primarily of particles tens of microns or larger Stern (2007) searched for rings in the orbits of the two small (Hamilton, 1996; Krivov and Hamilton, 1997). moons. They obtained upper limits of a few ×10−7 in reflec- So far, attempts to observe rings around Mars have been tivity which, depending on the rings’ , corresponds −6 unsuccessful. Duxbury and Ocampo (1988) used Viking im- to τ . 10 . This is comparable to the conservatively esti- ages to put an upper limit on the ring’s normal optical depth mated τ < 10−6 suggested by Stern et al. (2006). τ < 3 × 10−5. In situ observations by Mars-orbiting space- The limiting factor in the search by Steffl and Stern (2007) craft of anomalies in the magnetic field were in- was the extensive glare from Pluto and Charon. Showalter terpreted in the 1980s as being due to Martian rings, but et al. (2011) used an alternative technique with HST to con- more extensive measurements by the magnetometer aboard trol for and subtract the glare pattern, making a more sen- Mars Global Surveyor showed that observable fluctuations sitive ring search possible. That program did not detect any are likely due to well-known solar wind or bowshock phe- rings, setting a new upper limit of τ < a few ×10−7. How- nomena (Øieroset et al., 2010). ever, it did reveal a fourth moon, . The following Earth-based, telescopic detection of rings around Mars is year, a more extensive HST observing program revealed a more difficult than for analogous rings of the gas giants, be- fifth moon, (Showalter et al., 2012). cause of the former’s lack of atmospheric . Methane With en route to its July 2015 flyby of has very strong absorption bands at, e.g., 2.2 µm, so the Pluto, the revelation of such an extensive satellite sys- the brightness of the giant planets drops substantially at se- tem raised concerns about a possible dust hazard to the lected wavelengths, facilitating the detection of faint rings. spacecraft. However, dynamical studies in advance of the Mars has no analogous absorption bands. Nevertheless, the flyby tended to minimize that risk. Showalter and Hamilton (HST) has been used four times (2015) showed that the satellite system is on the edge of to search for Martian rings. Two early attempts (HST pro- chaos, which reduces the likelihood of a stable ring system. grams GO-5493 and GTO-7176) used inappropriate view- Porter and Stern (2015) showed that relatively few stable ing geometries and did not succeed; these results are un- orbits exist between the four small outer moons, and those published. On May 28, 2001, Mars’ hypothetical ring plane that do exist require a nonzero inclination. Furthermore, it appeared edge-on to Earth within weeks of its , had been noted that, somewhat counterintuitively, solar ra- providing the best Earth-based opportunity to detect these diation pressure is an important consideration in the Pluto rings for several decades. Using the Wide Field/ because, although the Sun is very far away, Pluto’s Camera 2 (WFPC2), Showalter et al. (2006) obtained upper gravity is also quite weak. limits of τ < 3 × 10−8 for the Phobos ring and τ < 10−7 for Showalter and Hamilton (2010) showed that micron- the Deimos ring. This limit was sufficient to rule out rings at size grains are quickly driven into orbits that collide with the upper end of the dust density predictions by Krivov and Charon, leaving behind particles primarily larger than ∼ Hamilton (1997). A final attempt with HST, by the same 25 µm. More detailed models showed that and team, employed a slightly inferior viewing opportunity in should be the main dust provider for broad and tenuous December 2007. Using the finer sensitivity of the Advanced rings through micrometeoroid impacts. Combined effects of Camera for Surveys (ACS), the observing plan had the po- radiation pressure, collisions of the ejecta with the larger tential to detect rings 30–100 times fainter than the previous bodies Pluto and Charon and escape, however, seriously limit. However, due to the failure of the ACS prior to the limit the optical depth of such rings. Poppe and Hor´anyi observations, the system was again imaged using WFPC2 (2011) estimated optical depths on the order of 10−7 for and the ring detection threshold could not be improved. grains between 0.1 and 100 µm in size. On the other hand, Despite the lack of detections, the dynamics of dust in the Pires dos Santos et al. (2013) showed that radiation pres- Martian environment is well understood, and there remains sure remove very rapidly (on year-scales) particles with sizes little doubt that dust rings, at some very low level, must be around 1 µm, leaving rings with normal optical depth on the present. The most plausible remaining method for detecting order of 10−11. them would entail placing a sensitive dust detector into orbit An extensive survey of the Pluto system was conducted around Mars. Japan’s Nozomi spacecraft did carry such an throughout the New Horizons mission approach phase. No instrument, but it failed to enter orbit around Mars in 1999 new moons and no rings were detected, and the spacecraft as planned. Perhaps some future Mars mission will finally passed through the system safely. The final upper limit on reveal these long-sought rings. the dust optical depth was 10−7 (Spencer et al., 2015). After the flyby, the spacecraft conducted an outbound search for faint rings at high phase angles. However, the analysis of that data set is still underway and no results have been 7.5 Rings around Pluto reported. Stellar occultations also provide an opportunity to search The discoveries of Pluto’s small moons Nix and Hydra in for rings. Optically thin rings would be generally unde- 2005 (Weaver et al., 2006) raised the possibility that it, like tectable by this method, but rings that are narrow and/or 14 Sicardy & at al. dark could potentially show up in occultations before they are imaged directly. Historically, this is how the rings of star%J1407% Uranus and the arcs of Neptune were discovered. Boissel et al. (2014) conducted one such search, setting an upper limit of 30–100 m for the equivalent depth of a narrow planet% ring (see Chapter 4 for the formal definition of “equivalent depth,” a form of radially-integrated optical depth). Simi- larly, Throop et al. (2015) set a limit of ∼ 170 m assuming planet’s%mo2on% around%the%star% a nominal ring of width 2.4 km. to%observer%

Figure 7.8 Sketch illustrating the modeling of possible rings around J1407b, the putative companion of J1407 (see text). 7.6 Rings around During its motion around the star, an surrounded by rings may cause the dimming of the star as seen by an observer Studies of transient photometric changes have predomi- (here far away on the lower left side of the figure). The sizes of nantly focused on objects that brighten, such as novae or the planet and its ring system are not on scale, they have been gravitationally micro-lensed objects. The exceptions to this enlarged for better viewing. rule are the recent searches for exoplanet transits that find periodic but shallow and short dimming events. Thousands of exoplanets have been discovered using transit searches, orbit, taking into account all possible orientations and as- however, with one exception, J1407 (Kenworthy and Ma- suming a uniform distribution of orientations. If disks fill a majek, 2015), these have not been interpreted in terms of large fraction of a secondary’s Hill radius, then the probabil- exoplanetary ring systems. Detection algorithms that rely ity that a sample of young star exhibits could on periodicity, fitting a known transit shape to the dim- reach as high as 10−4 (see equation 14 of Mamajek et al. ming event or that ignore deep events from eclipsing binaries 2012). would likely discard an from a circumsecondary and With the discovery of the J1407 dimming event, it was (Mamajek et al., 2012; Meng et al., argued from the number above that the probability of find- 2014; Zuluaga et al., 2015). Such eclipses could be rare or ing a dimming event by an eclipse of a circumsecondary or have long periods and if periodicity is required for a search exoplanetary ring system in a large photometric survey is they would not be found (Quillen et al., 2014; Petrov et al., not small (Mamajek et al., 2012). A large uncertainty af- 2015). They could have an unusual light curve transit shape, fecting the detection probability for eclipsing disks is the and so would not be well fit by a planet transit or eclipsing lifetime of circumplanetary and circumsecondary disks, with binary light curve model (Meng et al., 2014; Dong et al., younger stars being most likely to host extended and dense 2014; Rattenbury et al., 2015). The transits could be deeper circumplanetary or circumsecondary disks, and suggesting than expected for a planet transit and so would be classi- that young stellar populations would be most likely to ex- fied as a possible eclipsing binary and so ignored in planet hibit disk or ring system eclipses. transit searches. The low fraction of field eclipsing binaries that exhibit disk During an occultation (Fig. 7.8), structure in an occult- like features suggests that the size and optical depth of ring ing disk can be measured on the scale of a stellar radius or systems and circumbinary disks decreases with age (Meng ∼ 0.01 AU (about one million km), a scale that is difficult et al., 2014). A survey of 40,000 stars in the 2MASS calibra- or impossible to resolve directly. So if eclipsing exoplane- tion database that searched for dimming events and did not tary ring systems are evident in light curves, they would restrict the search to periodic light curves, primarily found allow detailed study of ring structure, potentially even giv- new eclipsing binaries but also found dimming events from ing constraints on their composition through time resolved variable young stars (Quillen et al., 2014). The KELT pho- or from their wavelength dependent reflection tometric survey recently discovered long and deep dimming and transmission properties. events from young stars. The 2014 dimming of RW Auri- Ring system outer radii are larger than planetary radii. gae A was greater than 2 magnitudes and lasted 6 months The probability of detecting an extended object in transit (Petrov et al., 2015). The star RW Aur also exhibited a depends on the fractional solid angle of the object covered 6 month long 2 mag dip in 2010 (Rodriguez et al., 2013), in its orbit about the host star. while DM Ori exhibited, twice, dips of 1.5 mag lasting 6 A spherical object of diameter d object in orbit with semi- months (Rodriguez et al., 2016). These types of events are major axis a covers a band of area 2πda during one revo- sometimes called “dippers”. Even though the Kepler mission lution, i.e. a solid angle of 2πd/a as seen from the star. discovered thousands of short period planets in transit, none An observer viewing the star with line of sight intersect- so far exhibit ring systems – perhaps short period planets ing this band would see an eclipse of the star. The to- cannot support extended ring systems (Hedman, 2015). Be- dal solid angle covered by a sphere being 4π, the ratio cause they did not restrict their search to periodic systems p = (2πd/a)/(4π) = d/(2a) gives the probability that an or light curves that brighten, the citizen scientists in the eclipse is seen from a distribution of systems during a sur- Planet Hunters consortium recently discovered an F star, vey that goes on long enough to include the period of the KIC 8462852, exhibiting irregularly shaped, aperiodic dips Rings beyond the giant planets 15

Table 7.3. Eclipsing Circumsecondary Disks

Object Eclipse length Period Deptha Primary Disk Temp. EE Cepb 30-60 days 5.6 yr 0.6-2.1 B5eIII 900K Epsilon Aurigaec 2 years 27.1 yr 0.8 F0 I n.a. OGLE-LMC-ECL-17782d 2 days 13.35 days 0.5 B2 1200K OGLE-LMC-ECL-11893e 15 days 468 days 1.5 B9 6000K OGLE-BLG 182.1.162852f 100 days 3.5 years 1–2 n.a. 300 K J1407g 60 days >4 years 4 K5V 200K aMeasured in magnitude drop. bGalanet al. (2012). cChadima et al. (2011). dMeng et al. (2014). eDong et al. (2014). f Rattenbury et al. (2015). gKenworthy et al. (2015). in flux down to below the 20% level (Boyajian et al., 2016). An interesting case is J1407 (1SWASP J140747.93- Surprisingly this star does not exhibit the behavior of a 394542.6), a 16 million year old, pre- K5-type young star. The dips in the light curve might be explained star of some 0.9 in the Sco-Cen OB association. It with a dust cloud created by a destructive impact between exhibited a complex 54 deep eclipse in April 2007, with two large or families of evaporating comets a maximum depth greater than 3 magnitudes (Mamajek (Bodman and Quillen, 2016). Another star, the et al., 2012; van Werkhoven et al., 2014). The long eclipse WD1145+017 exhibits 3-12 minute deep (0.5 mag) transit was discovered in a Super Wide Angle Search for Planets events (or dips) that could be due to disintegrating comets (SuperWASP) light curve but a few data points from the (G¨ansicke et al., 2016). Recently more than twenty young All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS) confirmed that the star (∼ 10 Myr old) late-K and M dwarf stars were observed in dropped in brightness in 2007. Continued monitoring and the Kepler Mission K2 Campaign Field 2 that host proto- high contrast imaging rule out a bright or stellar secondary planetary disks and exhibit quasi-periodic or aperiodic dip- object (Kenworthy et al., 2015). An optically thick ring pers (Ansdell et al., 2016). Magnetospheric truncation and passing in front of the star, causes a change in slope (flux accretion models can explain why dusty material is lifted out variation per unit time) dependent on the angular rotation of the midplane to obscure the star causing the light curve rate of the ring (also see limits on radius of occulting objects dips and why so many young low mass stars are dippers in the KIC 8462852 system by Boyajian et al. 2016). (Bodman et al., 2016). More detailed modelings of the slopes have been con- ducted by Kenworthy and Mamajek (2015) and Kenworthy et al. (2015), see Fig. 7.8. Using slope changes in the light 7.6.1 Notes on individual objects curve, each corresponding to a ring edge, the J1407 eclipsing system has been modeled as a complex set of more that 35 Two bright stars, EE-Cep and , have long thin rings lying in a oblique plane. The large slopes at some been known to exhibit deep eclipses. These are both long pe- epochs suggest that the secondary object hosting the ring riod systems hosting circumsecondary eclipsing disks with system orbits at no more than a few AU from the primary early type primary stars. Both disks have radial struc- star on an eccentric orbit, with a period estimated from a ture such as a central clearing and in EE-Cep this causes few to some 30 years. The ringed object would be a giant asymmetry in the light curve (e.g., Galan et al. 2012). Re- planet of some 15-25 Jovian masses, while the ring system examination of eclipsing binary light curves in archival data would contain about one Earth mass and span a diameter of have revealed three more eclipsing disk systems, OGLE- about 180 millions km (1.2 AU). This can be compared to LMC-ECL-11893 with a 468 day period (Dong et al., 2014) Saturn’s rings, which contain about 10−5 Earth mass and and OGLE-BLG 182.1.162852, a bulge object with a 3.5 is more than 600 times smaller than the system considered year period (Rattenbury et al., 2015) and OGLE-LMC-ECL- here. 17782, exhibiting 2 day eclipses in a 13 day period; this likely The complex substructure suggests that the ring system host a transient B-star blow-out disk (Meng et al., 2014). is very thin and hosts moons that maintain sharp edges at Each eclipse of OGLE-LMC-ECL-11893 is remarkably sim- Lindblad resonances, or open gaps in the disk. Crude esti- ilar and multi-color photometry shows that dust in the disk mations based on the width of one of these gaps suggest that causes reddening (Dong et al., 2014). The eclipse shape can it could stem from a Mars-size or small-Earth type object be fit with either a thin dusty disk or a thick gas and dust (Kenworthy and Mamajek, 2015). As more constraints of disk (Scott et al., 2014). Existing multicolor photometric the disk thickness and planet mass are gathered, Eqs. 7.10 observations could in the future be used to study the dust and 7.11 may be used to better assess the masses of those properties. These known eclipsing disk systems are listed in putative moons. Table 7.3. Disk are estimated from the orbital As a word of caution, we note that continued photometric period and the of the primary and span a wide monitoring of J1407 (Erin Scott, private communication) range suggesting that these systems may in future provide has not revealed new eclipse episodes, as is expected if the interesting settings to study disk composition through spec- ringed planet has an orbital period of a few years. If ongoing troscopy. 16 Sicardy & at al. monitoring fails to find new eclipses over the next decades, orbital elements. This might lead to the discovery of ring then it may become impossible to account for the eclipse proper modes, as observed in Uranus’ rings (see the Chap- with an extended ring system orbiting a secondary object. ter 4 by Nicholson et al.) and then provide the ring par- This said, an intringuing issue is the fact that the J1407 ticles’ mean motion, a direct way to determine Chariklo’s putative ring system would extend much beyond the planet mass, and thus its density through its dimensions. In the Roche limit (usually some 2-3 planetary radii). These rings same vein, the rings’ precession rates could yield Chariklo’s would then represent transient features en route towards an dynamical oblateness J2, an important parameter to under- accretion process that will form a retinue of moons around stand its internal structure. In short, rings may be precious the planet. Scaling from models of the proto-Jovian , probes of the gravity field of their host body. Mamajek et al. (2012) estimate that the lifetime of a circum- Those programs are not restricted to Chariklo, but also Jovian disk could be as long as several millions years, thus aimed at searching for material around other Centaurs, comparable to the age of J1407. However, this challenges TNOs and asteroids. This may lead to the discovery of new the mainstream idea that rings exist only inside the Roche ring systems, or rule them out with a safe margin. It will limit of their central planets, as accretion should proceed then be possible to address on firmer ground the question very rapidly (over a few orbital revolutions) to form moons. of whether “small body” rings exist only around Centaurs, To prevent such outcome, Toomre’s parameter Q should be and why it is so, or if on the contrary, they are also present maintained just above unity. In that context, Eq. 7.4 can be around very remote TNOs or even nearby asteroids. If exclu- re-written (Sicardy, 2006): sive to Centaurs, rings could be the witnesses of the troubled history of those objects (e.g. stemming from close encounters h Mr ∼ , (7.14) with giant planets), or a mere endogenous product associ- a Mp ated with cometary activities of those bodies, or the outcome assuming a uniform ring of radius a, mass Mr and thickness of a fine tuning of icy composition, size and temperature h surrounding a planet of mass Mp. For Mr comparable to conditions, or the result of some other unkown processes. Earth’s mass, Mp of some 20 Jovian masses and a a little As discussed in this chapter, rings might also have existed bit above 1 AU (see above), this implies h ∼ 30, 000 km. At around the Saturnian satellite Iapetus and Rhea. However, this point, the mechanism causing the stirring of the disk those rings should have been quite different from each other, and maintaining this thickness remains to be explained. with a massive (relative to the satellite) disk that fell along Iapetus’ equator early in the history of the Solar System, and a relatively recent low-mass ring that sprinkled Rhea’s equator. In any case, they would be remnants of interesting 7.7 Concluding remarks processes, and would tell us how a collisional disk or an ob- ject can be driven toward a body through tidal interactions As shown in this chapter, rings beyond the giant planets ap- and fall onto its equator. In that vein, it is important to pear to be more common features than previously thought. check – using well-sampled stellar occultations – if a ridge This has important implications at different levels. exists along Chariklo’s equator (or around other Centaurs). First, this raises the question of whether rings share some This would be a nice confirmation that rings may indeed basic, universal physics, or, on the contrary, if they follow explain Iapetus’ equatorial feature. a wide variety of disconnected behaviors depending on the Turning to exoplanetary rings, we note that in 2012 tran- context. For instance, Chariklo’s rings and the material sur- sient events were considered uninteresting and completely rounding J1407b exhibit sharp edges or gaps, that are also ignored. The discovery of new eclipsing circumsecondary encountered in Saturn’s and Uranus’ rings. Are those fea- disks (Dong et al., 2014; Rattenbury et al., 2015), a candi- tures all caused by shepherding nearby bodies (satellites or date exoplanetary ring system (Mamajek et al., 2012; Ken- planets), or do they stem from other, yet to be described worthy and Mamajek, 2015) and deep transient dimming physical processes? In fact, none of the “” that are events in both young and old stars from Kepler Mission data thought be responsible for the narrow rings or gaps in the (Boyajian et al., 2016; Ansdell et al., 2016) imply that photo- Saturnian C ring and Cassini Division have been discovered metric observations can uncover new eclipsing disk systems. so far (Colwell et al., 2009). As high resolution imaging is Up to now all eclipsing and transient dimming events have steadily improving thanks to larger telescopes, adaptive op- been found in archival data, making it difficult to follow up tics or space instruments, it is now of paramount importance non-periodic or long period eclipsing systems. In two cases, to discover (or rule out) the presence of confining bodies as- the same dimming events were found in more than one pho- sociated with sharp edges and gaps in the newly discovered tometric archive, giving confirmation (J1407, Mamajek et al. rings. 2012 and the dimming of V409 Tau, Rodriguez et al. 2013). At another level, rings can tell us a lot about the body Some of the dimming events seen in KIC 8462852 could have they encircle. With the advent of the European Space been detected from the ground. This system is now being Agency mission, star catalogs with absolute accuracy monitored for new dimming events which may allow a mul- of a fraction of milliarcsec will be released soon. In that ticolor photometric study. It is possible to mount a transient context, stellar occultations by Chariklo’s rings will be rou- detection program that triggers on dimming events allowing tinely observed by many teams. Those campaigns will then multicolor or high cadence observations (and possibly spec- provide accuracies of better than one kilometer on the rings’ Rings beyond the giant planets 17 troscopic observations) of rare, and long period, dimming events. Future and more accurate photometric studies of larger populations of stars could detect dimmings caused by an exoplanetary ring system as rich and old as Saturn’s as well as counterparts at earlier epochs. In that context, an interesting issue is the location of those rings relative to the exoplanet’s Roche limit. While Chariklo’s rings seem to lie a little bit outside of, but still near Chariklo’s Roche limit, the putative exoplanetary rings associated with J1407b are well outside that range. This undermines the paradigm of rings as collisional disks resid- ing inside the Roche limit of the central body in order to prevent rapid accretion into individual objects. So, we are either very lucky to observe today the J1407b ring system before it coalesces into satellites, or our understanding of accretion time scales needs revisions. In any case, an esti- mation of the probability to detect by mere chance a ring system among all the transit events now observed is very much wanted. This might put constraints on the efficiency of confining mechanisms and on accretion time scales, thus allowing us to better understand the various steps that led to the formation of planets and satellites, including in our own Solar System.

B.S. acknowledges funding from the French grant “Beyond Neptune II” (ANR-11-IS56-0002) and from the European Research Council under the European Community’s H2020 (2014-2020/ ERC Grant Agreement no. 669416 “LUCKY STAR”). K.J.W. acknowledges funding from the NASA Ori- gins program, and NASA SSERVI program (Institute of the Science of Exploration Targets) through institute grant number NNA14AB03A. REFERENCES

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