District Statistical Handbook Nawarangapur 2011

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District Statistical Handbook Nawarangapur 2011 GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA DISTRICT STATISTICAL HAND BOOK 2011 NABARANGPUR GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA DISTRICT STATISTICAL HANDBOOK NAWARANGAPUR 2011 DISTRICT PLANNING AND MONITORING UNIT NAWARANGAPUR ( Price : Rs.25.00 ) CONTENTS Table No. SUBJECT PAGE ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) Socio-Economic Profile : Nawarangapur … 1 Administrative set up … 4 I POSITION OF DISTRICT IN THE STATE 1.01 Geographical Area … 5 District wise Population with Rural & Urban and their proportion of 1.02 … 6 Odisha. District-wise SC & ST Population with percentage to total population of 1.03 … 8 Odisha. 1.04 Population by Sex, Density & Growth rate … 10 1.05 District wise sex ratio among all category, SC & ST by residence of Odisha. … 11 1.06 District wise Literacy rate, 2011 Census … 12 Child population in the age Group 0-6 in different district of Odisha. 1.07 … 13 II AREA AND POPULATION Geographical Area, Households and Number of Census Villages in 2.01 … 14 different Blocks and ULBs of the District. 2.02 Classification of workers (Main+ Marginal) … 15 2.03 Total workers and work participation by residence … 17 III CLIMATE 3.01 Month wise Rainfall in different Rain gauge Stations in the District. … 18 3.02 Month wise Temperature and Relative Humidity of the district. … 20 IV AGRICULTURE 4.01 Block wise Land Utilisation pattern of the district. … 21 Season wise Estimated Area, Yield rate and Production of Paddy in 4.02 … 23 different Blocks and ULBs of the district. Estimated Area, Yield rate and Production of different programmed Minor 4.03 … 25 crops in the district. 4.04 Source- wise Irrigation Potential Created in different Blocks of the district … 26 Achievement of Pani Panchayat programme of different Blocks of the 4.05 … 27 district 4.06 Consumption of Chemical Fertiliser in different Blocks of the district. … 28 Table SUBJECT PAGE No. ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) V CO-OPERATION 5.01 Co-operative Structure in the district. … 29 Activities of Primary Agrl. Co-operative Society in different Blocks of the 5.02 … 30 district Non-Agricultural Credit Society in different Blocks & Urban areas of the 5.03 … 31 district Marketing Co-operative Societies in different Blocks and 5.04 … 32 Urban areas of the district VI FOREST 6.01 Classification of forest Area by legal status in the district … 33 VII FISHERY 7.01 Block-wise Production of Fish in different Blocks of the district … 34 VIII LIVE STOCK AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY District wise Live Stock Production as per 2007 (Quick Report) Live Stock 8.01 … 35 Census Veterinary Institutions and personnel in different Blocks and 8.02 … 37 Urban areas of the district Treatment of Animal and Progeny Born in different Blocks and 8.03 … 38 Urban areas of the districts. 8.04 District wise estimated Production of Milk, Meat and Egg in Odisha … 39 IX INDUSTRY AND MINING Activities of Small Scale, Handicrafts & Cottage and Handloom Industries 9.01 … 42 in the district 9.02 Mining Activities in Odisha, 2010-11 … 43 X POWER 10.01 Division- wise Consumption of Electricity in the district. … 49 10.02 Villages Electrified in Odisha at the end of the year 2010-11 … 50 XI TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION 11.01 Postal Net-work different Block and ULBs of the district, 2010-11 … 51 11.02 Telecommunication Service in different Block and ULBs of the district … 52 Distance of Sub Divisional Hqrs / Block Hqrs / Main Hats ( Market) from 11.03 … 53 District Hqrs of the district 11.04 Motor Vehicles Registered & M.V On Road in the district. … 54 11.05 District- wise Railway routes and No of Railway Stations in Odisha. … 55 11.06 Length of different categories of Roads in the Districts. … 56 11.07 Important Tourist Spots of the district. … 57 Table No. SUBJECT PAGE ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) XII EDUCATION 12.01 Education in Rural / Urban areas of the District. … 58 No. of Primary Schools, Teachers and Students in different 12.02 … 59 Block and Urban area of the district No. of Middle Schools, Teachers and Students in different Block and 12.03 … 61 Urban area of the district No. of Secondary Schools, Teachers and Students in different 12.04 … 63 Block and Urban area of the district No. of Colleges for General education, Lecturers and Students in different 12.05 … 65 Block and Urban area of the districts. 12.06 Literacy rate in different Blocks and Urban Ares of the district. … 67 XIII HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE Health care infrastructures (Allopathic) in different Blocks and 13.01 … 68 Urban areas of the district. Ayush infrastructures ( Homoeopathic) , Patients treated in different 13.02 … 70 blocks and urban areas of the district. Ayush infrastructures ( Ayurvedic / Uanani ) Patients treated in different 13.03 … 71 Blocks and Urban areas of the district. 13.04 Family welfare, Maternity and Child health programmes of the district. … 72 13.05 Number of Births, Deaths and Infant Deaths registered in the district. … 73 13.06 Achievement under Health Control Programmes in the districts. … 74 13.07 Drinking Water facilities in different Block of the district. … 76 XIV BANKING No. of Reporting Offices, Aggregate Deposits and Gross Bank Credit 14.01 … 77 of Schedule Commercial Banks in the district. XV REVENUE 15.01 Land Revenue Collection in the district. … 78 15.02 Collection of different type of Tax in the district. … 79 Table No. SUBJECT PAGE ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) XVI POLICE, CRIME AND JUDICIARY 16.01 No. of Police Stations, Out posts and Beat houses in the district. … 80 Sanctioned Strength of different categories of Posts under 16.02 … 81 Police Administration in the district. 16.03 Incidence of Crimes in the district … 82 16.04 Death Due to Dowery and Atrocity on women in the district. … 83 16.05 Position of Judges in the district. … 83 16.06 No. of Registered Legal Practioners in the district … 84 XVII LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT Qualification wise Registration, Placement and Live Register 17.01 … 85 Position as on 31st December, 2011 XVIII WAGES AND PRICE 18.01 Average Price of Selected Items of Farm Cultivation in the district. … 87 Average Daily Wages of different classes of Rural labourers in the 18.02 … 88 district. 18.03 Wholesale Prices of some Important crops of the district. … 89 18.04 Rural Retail Prices of some Important commodities of the district … 90 XIX PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION Distribution of Essential Commodities in different Blocks and 19.01 … 91 Urban areas of the district XX LOCAL BODIES Income of different Municipalities and Notified Area Councils 20.01 … 92 of the district. Expenditure of different Municipalities and Notified Area Councils 20.02 … 93 of the district XXI ELECTION Constituency-wise Block / Municipality / NAC and GP covered 21.01 … 94 under General Assembly Election Constituency wise General information on Assembly Election, 2009 in 21.02 … 99 the district Table No. SUBJECT PAGE ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) XXII WOMEN &CHILD WELFARE PROGRAMME 22.01 Self help Groups in different blocks of the district … 100 22.02 Integrated Child Development Scheme in different blocks of the district … 101 22.03 Social Security Programme in different Blocks of the district. … 103 XXIII POVERTY ALLEVIATION PROGRAMME ( RURAL ) Self Employment under SGSY Programme in different Blocks of the 23.01 … 104 district Employment Generation under MGNREGS / SGRY Programmes in 23.02 … 105 different Blocks of the district. Employment Generation under SJSRY Programme in 23.03 … 106 Urban Local Bodies ( ULB ) of the district. Self Employment under SJSRY Programme in Urban Local Bodies 23.04 … 107 ( ULB ) of the district. XXIV DISASTER STATISTICS Fire Stations, Incidence of fire accidents, Loss of Lives and 24.01 … 108 Properties etc. in the district. 24.02 Occurrences of different types of Natural Calamities in the district. … 109 24.03 Street Accidents due to Conveyance in the district. … 110 XXV MISCELLANEOUS 25.01 Progressive Small Savings Collection in the district. … 111 Categories wise Number of Representatives in District Planning 25.02 Committee,Zilla Parishad, Grama Panchayat, Panchayat Samities and … 112 ULB of the district 25.03 Death due to Snake Bite and Attack of other Wild Animals in the district. … 113 DISTRICT PROFILE : NAWARANGPUR 1. Location : The district of Nawarangpur came into existence on 2nd October 1992 after being carved out of the erstwhile Koraput district. The district is located in south western corner of Odisha and bounded by Kalahandi and Koraput districts in east and south, and the Raipur and Bastar districts of Chattisgarh in the north and west respectively. Nawarangpur district is located at 81052’ to 82053’E longitude and 1909’ to 2005’N latitude and stretches over an area of approximately 5291 sq.km. 2. Climate : Nabarangpur district falls under East Coast Plains and Hills as per the GOI’s Agro-Climatic Zonal Planning. Entire district except Dabugan block, falls under ‘Eastern Ghat High lands’. Dabugan block falls under ‘Western undulating lands’. The climate is subtropical to temperate. It is characterized by hot and dry summer, cool and humid monsoon and cold and dry winter. The district has different types of soils like red and laterite. The soil PH is neutral to alkaline and its salinity is normal. In 2011 Normal rainfall of the district was 1569.5 mm and the actual rainfall was 1432.8 mm. 3. Population : As per 2011 census, the total population of Nabarangpur district is 12,20,946 comprising above 11,33,321 rural and 87,625 urban population. The SC and ST population works out to 14.5 % and 55.8 % respectively. The district is predominantly inhabited by tribals like Kandha, Paraja, Soura etc. The density of population per sq.km is 231 with decadal growth of 19.0 for the district, as against population density of 270 person per sq.km and decadal growth of 14.0 for the state.
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