ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020


Mrs. DIVYA C.V1, Dr. (Mrs.) VIJAYA M.A.2 1Research scholar, Avinashlingam institute of home science and higher education for women, Coimbatore 2Assistant Professor, Department of Administration, Avinashlingam Institute of Home science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore

Received: 14 March 2020 Revised and Accepted: 8 July 2020

ABSTRACT: This review paper, by nature, is integrative and in its content. This paper would provide an outlook on the various perspectives of , factors and conditions in which employee engagement prevails. The study would also evaluate whether employee engagement by nature leads to employee retention. The role and influence, impact of employee engagement and its influences on employee retention would be examined and evaluated. This paper would also cover the aspects regarding employee ratio. The paper would examine how employee turnover ratio is ascertained and how it affects the overall productivity of the organization. The various types and categories of employee turnover, models & perspectives regarding retention ratio would be discussed. This paper would also provide specific recommendations and suggestions for effective employee engagement in India Inc. The research would also ascertain how the turnover intentions are influenced and its role in work place productivity and performances in Indian business. This paper would also provide future emerging corporate strategies and solutions for effective employee engagement, retention and in reducing employee turnover ratios. The first section of this paper would evaluate the concept of employee engagement and its influences on quality, productivity and performances of organizations. The implications on corporate orientations and strategy formulation, its role and impact would be determined as well.

KEYWORDS: Employee engagement, employee retention, employee turnover ratio, strategy formulation.

I. EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT – Engaging practices The word employee engagement refers to the ways and means of effectively engaging and involving the employees in work and in-work situations. These activities and engagement practices enable the employees to engage, involve and become more loyal in work. These practices of engagement would involve small activities like letter of appreciation, providing rewards, taking personal care and attention on employee welfare which makes the employees feel attached to the company and its activities. These engagements make the employees work towards the goals in an effective way as it provides personal engagement and involvement in work. The practical implications of employee engagement is analyzed and evaluated with a literature review which is provided below.

Changing dynamics of work and work situations: Implications Hiam (2003) conducted a study on work and work related behavior. In this study, he had clearly concluded that in order to make the employees be more effective and purposive in work situations, there is a need to be employee oriented and develop new methods and mechanisms which can make them engage in work situations more and effectively.

The work situations, challenges and issues are very dynamic from the external environment point of views other is a need for effective and purposive engagement practices which can make the employees work and gel together with the organizational goals and purposes. Modern work environment and challenges make the employees work more which make them stressed up in work situations. Stress buster mechanisms must be put in place in organizations where employees can feel happy and committed to work. Organizations can engage in fun related activities in the organizations which can make the employees more productive and quality oriented.

Behavior analysis in work situations & work dynamics Wellman and Kruger (1999) conducted a study and provided inputs on employee behavior in work situations. In



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020 this study, they had clearly stated that there is an inherent need to analyse and interpret various types of behavior in varied situations which could provide inputs on engagement practices and policies for top management.

Human capital management &development – Towards engaging practices

Kaplan and Norton (2004) conducted a study and had said that there is a need for effective human capital management practices which would involve in development and effective management. These processes, activities would help organizations to achieve most integrative work related performances and highest levels of employee commitment and engagement practices.

Brewster et al (2003) conducted a study and had given three different orientations which are integrative and important for employee performance and effective engagement. The study has clearly concluded that there is a need for effective management of employees by focusing on competency, attitude and intellectual ability to provide intellectual solutions & management practices for the organization.

Human resource management and Employee engagement Kowalski (2002) conducted a study to find out the role and impact of HR practices and had concluded that employee engagement by nature is the nature and extent of emotional, cognitive and personal commitment of the employee towards the organization in terms of activities, behavior, performances and output.

Emotional connect and employee engagement Robinson and Hayday (2003) said that there is a need for emotional connect from the employee towards organizations which would involve and evolve willful employee practices from them. This can only create new products, services and revolutionary changes in the organizational process, production and delivery of services.

Employee engagement is determined by the psychological experiences of the employee in work situations which can help the employees of the organization to boost up their performances and engage in social engagement activities.

These engagement activities are categorized in to three major types – highly engaged, moderately engaged and less engaged employees. The organizational role is very complicated and challenging as it has to involve all these types of employees and make them fully and professionally engaged and committed in work situations.

Historical significance & importance of Employee engagement practices This concept has evolved in prominence, grown in importance and has added value and importance in organizational activities and performances which has led to organizational growth and development.

Luthans and Peterson (2001) conducted a research and had focused on the soft behavior oriented aspects of professional and active employee engagement in work situations. The aspects of employee traits and behavior, character, behavioral orientations, emotions, perceptions and attitudes play an important role in increasing engaging activities in the organization. This would also lead to organizational transformation practices which provide high integrative employee commitment and work related behavior in work situations.

Cognitive engagement and behavioral outcomes: Kahn (1990) conducted a study and concluded that cognitive and mental engagement is more important than doing repetitive tasks in the organization. The cognitive engagement can be created by having a fruitful mental association and framework which can determine and increase the output of the organizational. So this study clearly stated that mental associations, relationships and associations with the organization can increase employee engagement.

Personal engagement and Professional commitment Practices & orientations Gorman (2003) conducted a study and concluded that the levels of personal commitment and engagement practices really transform the entire organizational processes and outcomes from these relationships and engagements.

Organizational citizenship behavior and employee engagement practices: Kreitner and Kinicki (2002) conducted a study and found and established the relationships and associations between organizational citizenship behavior and existence of highest level of commitment and engagement from employees. The study had also established the importance of work situation and its significance in improving



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020 and effectively managing employee engagement and its practices in organizations.

Commitment levels, impact and effects on employee engagement: Guirdham (2002) conducted a study to establish the relationship between employee individual commitment and its impact on effective employee engagement. Anyincrease in the levels of employee engagement would result in higher employee engagement and work related behavior in work situations.

Challenges, skills and commitment– Impact on Employee engagement practices:

Csikszentmihalyi (1997) conducted a study which related employee’s skills, commitment and challenges which prevail in the organization. The employee experiences a high flow of commitment when high level of skills of the employees matches with challenging work situations. The chart below clearly presents it.

The above framework clearly illustrates that when the employee skills are more, there is a need for job autonomy, job-flexibility, independence and creativity in work situations. The highly skilled people are having a lot of expectations on job which has to be challenging and engaging. These challenging and engaging work situations make the employees more engaged and committed in work and in organizational objectives.

Organizational measures for Employee commitment Gratton (2004) conducted a study to provide the various employee commitment measures which can increase organizational productivity and performances. Employees have to be treated fairly. Suitable rewards have to be provided. The employees must have a say in their work which makes them involved and engaged and in the process, employee engagement can be ensured. Extrinsic rewards also have to be provided. Jobs must be intellectually stimulating and engaging in work situations. Adequate discussions and clarifications have to be provided from the side of the management on the issues and challenges in work situation which would make the employees more engaged and involved in the entire process of work and work related challenges.



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020

Job performance, & Employee engagement

Mitchell has provided the model which clearly indicates the relationship between individual inputs, motivational process, motivated behavior and job context which lead to employee engagement.

The above framework clearly provides the importance of work situation and work environment which has its influence on job context, motivational processes and motivated behavior leads to performance. The organizational performance leads to an increase in work commitment and employee engagement practices by organizations.

Job characteristics and employee engagement: Hackman and Oldham (1976) provided the conceptual framework on job characteristics which plays an important role in employee engagement.

This research clearly states that core job dimensions like skill variety, task significance, task identity, autonomy and feedback lead to personal influence and it, in turn, leads to higher levels of employee engagement strategies.

The work based experiences determine the critical psychological outlook on the work, environment and engagement levels. This leads to an increase in personal and work related outcomes for more effective engagement, team work and establishment of organizational culture in organizations.

Self-efficacy and its impact on Employee engagement

Bandura’s (1989) conducted a research and concluded that there is a positive association between self-efficacy and employee engagement practices. This is clearly provided in the framework given below:

This framework clearly states that work related experience, persuasion of others and the physical and emotional responses of the individual in work situations lead to an increase or decrease in work performances which impacts employee engagement.

Employee engagement hierarchy: Gallop (2001) has provided the employee engagement hierarchy which has to be influenced and managed at various levels by organizations..



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020

The first level of engagement involves in what the individual expects and the benefits

obtained, which is transactional in nature. The second level involves in self-assessment of employee on what he can contribute to the organization. The third level of engagement involves in creating belongingness with the organization. The fourth level involves in the creating and crafting of strategies related to how both the employees & the organizations can grow together. The issues and dimension of this employee engagement framework is provided above.



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020

Employee engagement and managerial self-efficacy: Luthans & Peterson (2001) has provided the framework on employees whose engagement levels are influenced by manager self-efficacy. This is clearly explained with the framework provided below:

The above chart indicates how the level of engagaement of an employee is influenced and impacted by the level and nature of managers’ self efficacy and belief systems and practices.

Employee retention and various models

Employee retention is most important which results in an effective leverage of the most effective resource- the human capital and its management in organizations. An effective employee engagement system and practices would enable employee retention practices. In this section, we will briefly describe the various models in employee retention. This Zinger model provides an effective engagement model for retention of employees. This model emphasizes the developing of energy and capabilities, with identification of right talent and engagement practices which would help to retain the employees in the organization. This would help the organizations to achieve their goals and targets in the most effective way.

Factors of retentions & frameworks: Chandranshu Sinha and Ruchi Sinha (2012) have provided an integrated retention system framework which provides the various dimensions and association with regard to employee retention in organizations.

This model emphasizes that stimulating work, leadership, reward and recognition play an important role which helps to establish effective employee engagement practices.



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020

Integrated retention system and modeling Pranita S. Jumade & Dr. Shubhada Kulkarni (2015), provided an integrated retention system and modelling which would be very effective for organizational performances and outputs.

This model has various inputs to be obtained from the employees. This model also assumes that recognition of rewarding performances, training future leaders, competency building and career development, designing stimulating work situations would provide an integrative framework for organizations.

Rethinking retention model and its Organizational implications:

JackJ.Phillips, AdeleO.Connell (2003) has provided new orientations and rethinking on the existing models and frameworks regarding retention models and its implications on organizational performances. This study has provided a new approach which is provided below:



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020

Source: Jack J. Phillips, Adele O. Connell (2003)

This retention model focuses on starting with the process, building on principles and implementing strategies which would help organizations achieve business outcomes and it would also help in the organizational retention of employees.

Chennai IT industry and retention strategies: Rathan Raj &Brindha (2017) conducted a study on retention strategies which are adopted in Chennai IT industry. This paper emphasizes on the importance of employee retention and its impact on organizational work force. Retention encourages commitment and involvement in terms of employees and their involvement towards work.

Stauss. (2011) conducted a study and evaluated the various factors which are involved in employee retention and management. Customer liking, customer management and customer relationships also play an important role in employee retention. The employee commitment, readiness and trust, repurchase intentions are behavioral and cognitive factors which lead to retention.

Boxall, Macky and Rasmussen (2013) conducted a study and evaluated the role of employee retention on organizational cost and performance. In this study, they had concluded that substantial costs in hiring employees, training and development could be saved if the good working employees are retained in the long run.

Samuel and Chipunza (2015) said that employees must be encouraged to share ideas and their opinions on functioning of the organizations. If the suggestions lead to increase in productivity and profits,, they must be encouraged. This would provide more employee involvement which would turn lead to commitment and later to employee retention as the employee would feel respected and proud that his suggestions are being implemented in the organization. Antony Joe Raja and R. Anbu Ranjith Kumar (2016) conducted a study on employee retention and emphasized that there is a need for employee oriented monetary and reward programs which would make the employees feel emotionally connected and committed. Development and implementation of such reward, recognition and career development programs would make the organizations more profitable in the future and would also have sustained productive employees.

Jayaraman and Peer Mohideen (2017) had said that organizations must focus on career oriented development programs which would enable them to be more engaged with organizations. These career learning and career guidance programs would have positive impact on the organizational growth and development which would also enable employee retentions, as well.

Prabusankar (2017) conducted a study and evaluated the role of employee engagement in organizational performances. He further elaborated that there is a need for effective communication strategy and connecting them with organizational goals and targets. Once, a clear communication is made and established, organizational commitment and engagement would lead to employee retention.

Komal Khalid and SaminaNawab (2017) conducted a study and determined the relationship between employee participation and employee retention. The moderating factor employee compensation influences employee participation on employee retention practices.

The theoretical perspective provided in the study is given below:



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020

In this study, it is assumed that compensation leads to employee retention and there is an influence of direct and indirect participation of employees. This study was conducted in Pakistan with manufacturing and services industries. A total sample of 1054 was administered with Questionnaire with front line and middle level managers. After establishing the reliability and validity of the scale, descriptive statistics, correlation, Univariate analysis, multiple regression analysis, and independent- sample t test were conducted. All types of employee participation influence employee retention positively in both the sectors.

In this study, it was empirically proven that low levels of compensation lead to low levels of employee participation and engagement which have an impact on employee retention also.

Employee participation and employee retention Allen (2015) discusses regarding employee participation and its determining influence on employee retention. All forms of employee participation and its engagement methods would lead to employee retention which must be the focus of these organizations.

Akkerman, Sluiter, & Jansen, (2015) conducted a study and evaluated the role of indirect participation and indirect influences which play an important role in organizational work place. This indirect and passive involvement also increases employee commitments and it leads to employee retention methods and practices.

Brandt, Bielitz & Georgi (2016)conducted a study and concluded that when employee resigns the job, the customer loyalty and retention are also lost which is very much destructive to the operations of the company. The daily work flow disruptions are very detrimental to the organizational progress and development. Instead of that, employee retention would be a far better strategy for the organizations.



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Ojasalo, J., & Tahtinen, L. (2016) had conducted a study and concluded that when the employees are in decision making level and they take important decisions for the organization, it becomes very difficult for them to leave the organizations. This study says that organizations must ensure that employees be provided with freedom of work and independence which leads to employee retention.

Turnea (2018) discussed various employee engagement and retention strategies. This study has focused on providing surprise gifts and work place fun as the strategies for employee engagement and retention.

Ruiz, & Rivero, (2018) conducted a study on motivational factors and its influential role in employee engagement and retention. The study concludes that compensation and are the greatest factors which induce employees to work and which effectively engages employees. It leads to employee engagement.

Employee retention rates and its implications on Organizational productivity All these factors of compensation and salary, reward structure, performance management systems lead to employee engagement. These practices lead to employee retention and it leads to higher employee retention rates. This retention rate is an important indicator of the organizational value as perceived by the employees. We could find that there is a high extent of employee turnover in IT and ITES industries. These turnovers could be voluntary and involuntary in nature. It could be organization based and factors which are beyond the scope of the organization.

Voluntary turnover by nature is a situation where the employees leave the organization due to personal factors. Here, there is no role of the organization.

Involuntary turnover is a situation where the employees leave the organisation because of factors which prevail in the organizations which make the employee leave the organization.

Attrition is a factor where there is large amount of voluntary turnovers in huge numbers where the organizational policy or compensation practices could be the reasons. These turnover rates are indicators of organizational performance and efficiency and it also reflects the organizational efficiency. In the next section, we would deal with turnover ratios, empirical studies conducted on this domain.

Employee retention and organizational performance Nasir, S. Z., & Mahmood, N. (2018) conducted a study to measure the nature and extent of employee retention of employees and its impact on organizational performances. The study has been conducted in higher education sector in Pakistan. The findings of the study revealed positive correlation between dependent variable (employee retention) and independent variables (supervisor support, reward & recognition and work-life policies).

Smith, (2005) conducted a study to evaluate the nature and influence of employee retention strategies. The study states that there is a need for effective collaboration support and relationships between supervisor and subordinates working in the office.

(Hayward, 2011) had done a study and had concluded that there is a need to frame suitable policies and frameworks which can enhance effectiveness and efficiency of work which leads to employee retention. The major challenge lies in the fact that suitable policies and strategies have to be formulated for this by organizations.

Bisht, Chaubey, and Thapliyal (2016) conducted a study and emphasized that there is a need to identify the variables which lead to employee turnover. Organizations must study these factors in depth and suitable strategies have to be formulated in this regard.

Muir and Li (2014) pointed to the average age, ownership, female percentage, and work project that increase participation as retention factors. It was also pointed out that internal mobility policies (promotion) raise retention rates.

Ampomah and Cudjor (2015) explain that the health and long-term success of any organization depends on employee retention. Therefore, it is the prime task of management to encourage employees to stay in business for a long time.



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Employee engagement 1. There is a need for studies to be conducted in various factors of employee engagement as empirical studies 2. There is a need for empirical and conceptual studies, models and frameworks to be established across companies and industries all over the world. 3. There is a need for more empirical studies to be focused at the organizational level and the impact of employee engagement practices on organizational culture, brand building and customer orientations which have not been studied or explored, could be attempted.

Employee retention 1. We find that there are number of studies which focus on employee retention but we do not find empirical studies on this domain very much 2. Organizational focus related studies with respect to specific industries like hotels, tourism and entertainment have not been conducted yet. Employee retention rates We could not find studies which confine directly on employee retention rates, calculations and implications on industries and organizations. There is an immediate need for research to be conducted in these domains.

Corporate strategies for employee engagement: 1. Strategies must be evolved for emotional attachment and engagement in the organizational work place. Organizational involvement like participation, power, authority, decision making and entrepreneurship must be encouraged in organizations 2. We could find that these emotional engagements and attachments get transformed in to the employee engagement practices. This engagement can be managed effectively by giving reward practices, systems and mechanisms. Increments, surprise rewards, gifts, insurance and other family oriented rewards would be more effective. 3. Indian organizations must focus more on non-monetary benefits which would help the employees develop emotional commitment and engagement which would lead to employee engagement practices. 4. These engagement practices would lead to organizational citizenship behavior among the employees where the employees feel that they are citizens of the organization. 5. This OCB behavior would lead to organizational culture where employees respond to client requirements and specifications and develop customer oriented culture 6. The Indian organizations must devise suitable work place strategies for organizational fun – which would lead to creativity, novelty and new product development. A new model for Indian employee engagement which leads to employee retention and reduction in employee turnover ratio is provided below:

Model for Emotional engagement leading to employee retention and reduction of turnover ratio in Indian companies



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020

III. RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS: 1. Indian organizations must focus more on non-monetary benefits to attract talent, retain them and reduce their turn over ratios. 2. Organizational fun in work place has to be encouraged to a larger and greater extent which would result in employee engagement and improvement in employee commitment and employee involvement & emotional engagement of Indian employees. 3. The emotional and employee engagement practices lead to organizational citizenship behavior among Indian employees. 4. Non-monetary rewards play an important role in personal and emotional engagement of employees & family oriented measures would make the employees more committed and involved. 5. Non-monetary rewards and practices lead to novelty and R&D activities in work place and employee contribution with personal involvement would be more.


The three important dimensions of study – employee engagement, employee retention and its impact on employee retention rates have not been assessed, evaluated, examined or, investigated. There is a need for research to be conducted which effectively combines all the three factors across industries and organizations in companies’ world over & especially in India.


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