Tax Exemption Tops Agenda Cartilage-Hair Hypoplasia
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Page 1 Volume 22 Issue 7 Published monthly by the Union of Ontario Indians - Anishinabek Nation Single Copy: $2.00 SEPTEMBER 2010 IN BRIEF Casino feud over OTTAWA – The nine-year legal battle by Mnjikaning First Na- tion – now known as Rama –to claim a 35% share of Casino Rama net proceeds in perpetuity is over. The casino’s host com- munity was only to receive a 35% share for the first five years of operations. Alderville plaque BELLEVILLE – A ceremony was staged here in August to install a plaque commemorat- ing the historic presence in the city by Alderville First Nation. The Government of Canada and Alderville resolved the Thur- low Purchase Specific Claim on March 4, providing the First Nation with $735,000 compen- sation for surrendered lands and the Crown’s failure to protect Theresa Stevens , a member of the Intergovernmental Affairs unit at the Union of Ontario Indians, was one of a team of UOI “secret shoppers” that Donor needed tested retailer compliance with Ontario regulations requiring them to give point-of-sale exemption of the provincial sales tax effective Sept. 1 to all First Nations citizens presenting certificates of Indian Status. Here Stevens presents her status card to Serena Lecappelain at North Bay’s Canadian Tire TORONTO – Bone marrow from outlet. – Photo by Marci Becking a matched Aboriginal Canadian donor may be the best chance Leona Bost, has for survival. The five-month-old was born with Tax exemption tops agenda Cartilage-Hair Hypoplasia. Visit By Maurice Switzer collect sales receipts and submit to customers were asked to complete question form. UOI OFFICES – Grand Council the Ontario ministry of Revenue a Tax Exemption Form with their “We do not want our citizens Pic River pilot Chief Patrick Madahbee chose the for refunds. registration number, name, signa- to endure embarrassment in stores first day that Ontario retailers were Overall, UOI staff reported that ture and First Nation. because of the ignorance of their PIC RIVER – Anishinabek Em- to resume recognition of the First large chain retailers seemed to have However clerks at the Canadi- employees,” said UOI chief oper- ployment and Training Services Nation point-of-sale tax exemp- followed provincial guidelines, al- an Tire franchise 15 minutes away ating officer Walter Manitowabi, in co-operation with the Assem- tion to announce that the Anishin- though there were inconsistencies. in Sturgeon Falls refused to hon- who played a key role in negotiat- bly of First Nations and the Min- abek Nation political agenda will The Canadian Tire franchise in our the First Nation tax exemption ing the continuation of the point- ing Industry Human Resources be taking on a more rights-based North Bay, for example, had post- until UOI staff made the manager of-sale exemption. “I ran into a Council (MiHR), are proud to focus. ed signs at checkouts asking First aware of the provincial regulation. First Nations couple shopping in announce the 12-week pilot "The province-wide campaign Nation customers to present their Wal-Mart was reported to be North Bay who somehow had the of Mining Essentials: A Work that the Anishinabek led against Certificates of Indian Status, staff compliant – except the retail gi- impression that their status cards Readiness Training Program for the Harmonized Sales Tax was ul- had been informed that the point- ant’s Midland outlet – but cash would no longer be recognized af- Aboriginal Peoples. The pilot timately successful," said Madah- of-sale exemption was resuming, registers had not been updated and ter July 1st.” project is in partnership with the bee, "but in the process we learned and receipts indicated that – in- staff were manually recording the Grand Council Chief Madah- Ojibways of the Pic River First how little other governments, the stead of the 13% HST – the total tax exemptions on register tapes. bee called on citizens of the 40 Nation, Pic Mobert First Nation, media, and the general public included 5% FNPOS– First Na- First Nation shoppers also are member Anishinabek Nation com- Barrick - Hemlo and Confedera- know about aboriginal and treaty tions Point-of-Sale. First Nations asked to complete a simple three- munities to provide the nearest tion College’s Training & Devel- rights. riding office of a member of the opment Department. "Even after the province has Ontario legislature with the name sent out notices informing busi- Ipperwash process of any business refusing to respect nesses that they must honour the their point-of-sale exemption to rights of our citizens - on and off- the 8-per-cent provincial sales tax. reserve - to tax exemption, we are losing momentum "That was part of the deal we hearing stories of companies try- UOI OFFICES – A decade and a half after the killing of Dudley negotiated with Ontario; they ac- ing to gouge First Nations custom- George by a provincial police officer, Anishinabek Nation leaders say cepted responsibility for ensuring ers. These retailers are now break- the Ontario government is allowing the Ipperwash Inquiry process to that all businesses in the province ing their own government's laws, lose momentum. complied with their tax regime. We as well as ignoring First Nation “The McGuinty government raised a lot of hopes when they made showed Ontario that we were pre- School’s in rights." the Ipperwash Commission a priority after first being elected,” said pared to take to the streets to fight NORTH BAY – Shannon Mani- UOI staff members conducted Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee, “but 15 years after Dudley for our rights; we are also prepared towabi and Anishinabek Deputy a “secret shopper” exercise on George’s death all we’ve heard are a lot of good intentions.” to fight for our rights in stores and Grand Chief Glen Hare chat Sept. 1 to gauge how well provin- Madahbee was especially concerned about the lack of real progress malls, if necessary." during a welcoming pow-wow cial retailers were complying with being made by working groups of the Ipperwash Inquiry Priorities and Madahbee said the Union of Sept. 17 at the Canadore Col- a provincial regulation calling for Action Committee. The joint Ontario/First Nation process was estab- Ontario Indians will re-focus its lege campus outside of North resumption of point-of-sale ex- lished to discuss the 100 recommendations tabled three years ago fol- political advocacy for the Anishin- Bay. Manitowabi, and Hare emption from the 8-per-cent pro- lowing a commission of inquiry that looked into the shooting death of abek on the rights-based aspects of discussed rallies being planned vincial portion of the 13 % HST, Dudley George on the night of Sept. 6, 1995. such ongoing issues as citizenship, across Canada to protest gov- which was implemented July 1. “It’s time for the McGuinty government to walk the Ipperwash matrimonial real property and ernment inaction on providing At that time retailers were given a talk,” said Madahbee. funding for post-secondary educa- adequate funding for First Na- two-month grace period to adjust “On behalf of 55,000 Anishinabek Nation citizens we want mem- tion. t i o n s p o s t - s e c o n d a r y s t u d e n t s . accounting systems during which bers of the George family to know they are always very much in our See “Exercise Your Rights” –Photo by Walter Manitowabi First Nation citizens were asked to thoughts.” on Page 2. Page 2 Anishinabek News September 2010 EXERCISE YOUR RIGHTS! What you need to know about HST Receipts from July and August *On July 1st, 2010, when submitted with the official the new federal/provin- refund form as found on cial Harmonized Sales Tax the Ontario Ministry of (HST) came into effect and Revenue website. with that, the federally is- sued Indian status cards were forms/general/pdf/0237.pdf not honoured at point-of-sale With the submission process for goods and services. now officially underway, Instead, for the months of Anishinabek Nation citizens July and August, status card and communities are being holders paid the Provincial reminded: Sales Tax (PST) at the point • Fill out Application of sale but were asked to Forms as found on the keep all receipts where Ontario Ministry of they were charged the PST Revenue website (see link portion of the HST. noted above) or visit www. Having done this, Anishinabek Nation citizens • Submit all receipts William Stevens fills out the refund form for receipts collected in July and August. are now being asked showing PST was paid indicate it on the form status card; both sides • Refunds for the July and to submit their receipts • If you require your • Make sure you also • Allow up to 8 weeks August receipts need to be showing they paid the PST. receipts to be returned submit a photocopy of your for refund submitted by November 1, These receipts are to be back to you, make sure to 2010. As of September 1, you can use your Status Card at the cash • Point-of-Sale(POS) • The issue was discussed PST (8 %) tax exemption about small retailers pur- applies to all Indian status chasing items on a cash and card holders that reside carry business and being in Ontario regardless if charged the HST. The Prov- whether they live on or off ince noted that if the items reserve. are for resale, they will be taxed. Exemption is for per- • First Nation purchas- sonal consumption only. ers of take-out meals are eligible for the POS tax ex- • Tax exemption also ap- emption.