Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 144 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1998 No. 20 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE $2,000 to $7,000 annually. It would also called to order by the Speaker pro tem- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the increase the salary threshold from to- pore (Mr. PEASE). gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. day's level to $110,000, including all f SAXTON) come forward and lead the Members of the middle class. It would House in the Pledge of Allegiance. also permit withdrawals for a number DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER Mr. SAXTON led the Pledge of Alle- of purposes, including medical expenses PRO TEMPORE giance as follows: and education costs, in addition to those already permitted. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the fore the House the following commu- United States of America, and to the Repub- This is a good bill. I urge all my col- nication from the Speaker: lic for which it stands, one nation under God, leagues to become cosponsors. WASHINGTON, DC, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. March 4, 1998. f f I hereby designate the Honorable EDWARD MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT A. PEASE to act as Speaker pro tempore on DEMOCRATS WANT TO IMPROVE this day. A message in writing from the Presi- PUBLIC SCHOOLS NEWT GINGRICH, dent of the United States was commu- Speaker of the House of Representatives. nicated to the House by Mr. Sherman (Mr. PALLONE asked and was given f Williams, one of his secretaries. permission to address the House for 1 minute.) f PRAYER Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, the The Chaplain, Reverend James David ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Democratic leadership in the House Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- PRO TEMPORE and Senate are unveiling the details of er: The SPEAKER pro tempore. The legislation today to improve America's We are grateful, O God, that in a Chair will entertain 15 one-minute public schools. Our plans are in marked world that often is marked by perplex- speeches on each side. contrast to the Republican leadership ity and confusion, there are proud mo- that continues to stress tuition vouch- f ments of renewal that encourage us in ers and other efforts that will provide the depths of our souls and help us to IRA PLAN TO ENTER SOCIAL less funding for public schools. Last see a brighter and more noble future. SECURITY SWEEPSTAKES session the Republicans went so far as Whenever we anticipate new ideas, new to advocate abolishing the Department (Mr. SAXTON asked and was given responsibilities, new aspirations or am- of Education. permission to address the House for 1 bitions, our hearts and minds, our very minute and to revise and extend his re- Democrats want to give America's beings can be invigorated and sus- marks.) towns and cities the ability to reduce tained by the opportunities before us. Mr. SAXTON. Mr. Speaker, on Feb- class size through hiring an additional Of all your gifts, gracious God, for ruary 27, 1997, I introduced with Major- 100,000 new qualified teachers. Reduc- which we give boundless thanks, it is ing class size is the best way to raise ity Leader ARMEY a bill to expand the for the gift of life with all its wonder IRA system. student achievement, and smaller and all its glory. Make us conscious of In today's Congressional Daily, the classes also provide for better dis- this very special gift so that we will headline is ``Kasich Enters IRA plan cipline. lead lives of gratitude and of praise. into Social Security Sweepstakes.'' Democrats also want to address the This is our earnest prayer. Amen. This is good news. It goes on to say need for renovations to school build- f House Budget Chairman KASICH today ings and new construction. We will pro- floated a plan to use part of the wind- vide tax incentives to help States and THE JOURNAL fall, meaning the surplus in our budget, local districts accelerate the pace of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The to establish a government system of in- new construction and renovation. Chair has examined the Journal of the dividual retirement accounts. This is Mr. Speaker, Republicans do not be- last day's proceedings and announces good news. lieve in public education. The Demo- to the House his approval thereof. H.R. 891 would increase the amount crats, on the other hand, want the Fed- Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- that one could contribute over a period eral Government to improve America's nal stands approved. of years from today's maximum of public schools. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H759 H760 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE March 4, 1998 TAX CODE NEEDS OVERHAUL MARRIAGE TAX ELIMINATION ACT statement has caused me a great con- (Mr. GIBBONS asked and was given (Mr. WELLER asked and was given cern, especially since I do not know permission to address the House for 1 permission to address the House for 1 how much longer American families minute and to revise and extend his re- minute and to revise and extend his re- and businesses can afford to shoulder marks.) marks.) the tremendous tax burden they are Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, the Mr. WELLER. Mr. Speaker, today I currently facing. Taxes are simply too President referred to the proposed rise to ask the question of why should high, and the Internal Revenue Code is overhaul of the Tax Code as irrespon- we pass the Marriage Tax Elimination too lengthy and too complicated. sible. He went on to say that the Re- Act. I think it is best explained with a Polls prove that a fairer, simpler tax publican effort to reform the Nation's series of questions. system is what the American people current income tax code would be sim- Do Americans feel that it is fair that want. I know from speaking to the peo- ply reckless for the economy and fami- a working married couple pays higher ple in my district that it is not only lies. taxes just because they are married? what they want, it is what they need. I Mr. President, I respectfully dis- Do Americans feel that it is fair that 21 urge the President to join those of us agree. In my opinion, it would be irre- million married working couples pay who are working to give the American sponsible for Congress not to overhaul an average of $1,400 more than an iden- people the tax relief they deserve, want this Tax Code. It would be irresponsible tical working couple living together and need. It is past time for a fairer, for this Congress to allow such an in- outside of marriage? Do Americans feel simpler tax system in this country. equitable, punitive Tax Code to con- that it is right that our Tax Code actu- f tinue to stifle the economic growth in ally provides them an incentive to get SELF-DETERMINATION FOR this country. Mr. President, I feel it is divorced? PUERTO RICO irresponsible for you and your adminis- Twenty-one million married working (Ms. VELAÂ ZQUEZ asked and was tration to blatantly stump for the sta- couples pay on the average of $1,400 given permission to address the House tus quo when the status quo represents more in taxes just because they are for 1 minute.) a tax collection agency that is abusive married. In the south suburbs of Chi- Ms. VELAÂ ZQUEZ. Mr. Speaker, to innocent working men and women, cago, that is 1 year's tuition at a com- today is a very important day for the intrusive into the lives of each and munity college. That is 3 months worth people of Puerto Rico, but it is a more every taxpayer, and callous to every of day care. important day for the democratic proc- American citizen. The Marriage Tax Elimination Act ess. This afternoon the House of Rep- Although it is not clear at this point now has 238 bipartisan cosponsors. It resentatives will debate H.R. 856, the which type of alternative tax system would immediately eliminate the mar- United States-Puerto Rico Self-Deter- would be best for this country, what is riage tax penalty. The marriage tax mination Act. This bill sets up a plebi- clear, however, is that the current tax penalty is unfair and it is wrong. Let scite that will determine the future system is broken and must undergo a us eliminate the marriage tax penalty status of Puerto Rico. complete overhaul. Mr. President, the and do it now. The American people should know only irresponsible action is your sup- f port for an unconscionable, unfair and that this bill was designed to guaran- defective tax system. ON THE CUTTING EDGE IN tee statehood for Puerto Rico because f DEALING WITH RAPISTS it was written by the party that sup- ports statehood. I will say this again. If ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER (Mr. TRAFICANT asked and was H.R. 856 becomes law, Puerto Rico will PRO TEMPORE given permission to address the House be the 51st State, whether or not the for 1 minute and to revise and extend The SPEAKER pro tempore.