New Court Trinity College Cambridge Iona Foster Brief
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New Court Trinity College Cambridge Iona Foster Brief COLLEGE BRIEF 2. Sustainability November 2009 Fabric and systems a. Photovoltaic panels a. Accommodation b. Fresh air intake and outlets c. Extract air and heat exchange b. • 130 Study Bedrooms d. Fabric upgrades c. - air tightness 1/5 Ensuite rooms - insulation 4/5 Shared facilities e. Under oor heating 4 Accessible Rooms f. Ground-source heat boreholes • Tutorial Offices, Fellows teaching and residential sets • Seminar Room d. e. 3. Facade f. Compliance with Building, Renewal of fabric Fire and other Regulations Complete new services installations Refurbish and enhance facades and character of court and of rooms Reduce energy use and carbon emissions in line 1. Rooms with global targets Character and comfort Trinity College • Largest college in Cambridge • 600 undergraduates • 300 graduates • 180 fellows New Court: • At the ‘heart’ of the College • Level access from road and rest of college • Accommodates majority of undergraduates as well as central tutorial offices ...and (most importantly) • Fellows’ Car Parking N a e 4 e 3 5 M 0 M A len 1 St a d 28 DI d t NGLEY RO Lan LB NORTHAMPTO r ag nde 6 to M ou 8 28 (f ip 8 1 MA 0 Sh 0 AD G CR DAL e EN sid Half m 2 .0 3 m ay 2 Mallory Cou E Moon Yard 7 9.2m S 75 Qu C Tk CH T 8.22 ns R 1 e EET BM Great 30 Benton Court PC ard Merton Hall PH Bridge G Cottage 31 nts e 3 El 8 3 Su 2 b b St Basing a Clem BM 9.23m El Sub Sta 31 House St 1 Merton Hall TCB e of) 33 s 32 B ROMANcour ROAD Merton Hall El i 30b ( n Broo 32 S 34 ub Church S 35 ta k 30a 33a Shelter Drai 36 Pavilion n 29 Merton House 28 ol 37 27 Synagogue 26 35 2 5 24 36 The Old Vicarage 23 N 29 a e 4 e N 3 a e 4 5 0 e M 3 M 5 22 1 0 en M A M en 1 l A l 7.7m St a d 28 DI St a d 28 d DI t 9 d Lan NGLEY RO t NGLEY RO 21 r Lan ag nde 6 to LB r NORTHAMPTO ag nde NORTHAMPTO 6 to M ou 8 LB 28 M ou 8 (f ip 28 ip 8 1 (f MA 8 1 0 MA Sh 0 0 AD Sh G CR 0 AD G CR DAL e DAL e Merton Cottage EN sid Half m uilding m EN sid 2 .0 3 Half m ay 2 Mallory Cou E Moon Yard 7 B 2 LB .0 3 m ay 2 9.2m Mallory Cou E Moon Yard 7 S 75 Qu C Tk CH 9.2m S T 8.22 ns er 1 75 Qu R C Tk CH T 8.22 TCB ns e R 1 St Clement's EET EET e BM BM Ma Great 30 Church PC ard Greats 30 Benton Court Cripps Building te PC ard G r' BM 9.06 Bridge e Fish Benton Court s PH Merton Hall Bridge Lodge G h Merton Hall PH Post 31 T nts Cottage 31 e m) nts 1 Cottage 3 El 8 m e (u 3 Su 3 El 2 8 3 Su b b 2 St b a Clem ath b El Sub Sta Basing BM 9.23m St Posts Blackm P Clem Bin Brook El Sub Sta Basing a 31 PH House St BM 9.23m 20 31 1 House St Merton Hall Master's Garden 1 69 7.6m North Court 19 TCB e of) Merton Hall 33 s TCB 32 e of) 33 B PH s ROMANcour ROAD Merton Hall 32 El B in Broo 30b ( R 32 B S 18 34 ROMANcour ROAD Merton Hall El i 30b ub IDG Jorda Church ( n Broo 32 S 34 ub S Church 17 35 ta ES k 30a S 35 ta 30a 33a Anglo-Saxon Shelter k St John's College Drai 36 Pavilion n TR 29 El Sub Sta 33a Shelter Drai 36 Pavilion Burial Ground n (founded 1511) EET 28 BM Merton House 29 ol 28 37 27 12.48m BM 8.31m Merton House 16 Synagogue 37 26 ol 27 to Synagogue 35 2 26 10 5 35 2 24 5 36 The Old Vicarage 24 23 36 29 New Court The Old Vicarage 23 7.7m 22 11.3m 29 21 9 7.7m 22 y 21 9 7.6m Chapel Court BM Merton Cottage 6.98m New Court uilding B 67 BM LB Merton Cottage 8.01m Bridge uilding er TCB ED & Ward Bd St Clement's B LB Forecourt Ma Church er TCB Cripps Building ste St Clement's Bdy r' BM 9.06 e Fish s d Lodge Ma h Church Post Cripps7.3m Building ste T FB War m) r' e Fish BM 9.06 s 1 Lodge m (u h Post R T D& C E m) Third Court 1 ath 1 6 lackm m Posts B St John(u 's College Playing Fields P Bin Brook Chapel PH 15 20 rain (private) ath D Posts Blackm Master's Garden P Bin Brook 1 69 PH 4 North Court 19 7.6m 20 EET Master's Garden R 13 PH ST 69 7.6m North Court 19 B S R 18 ' IDG Jorda PH 17 B HN ES St John's Second Court R 46 to 18 IDG Jorda 10.7m Anglo-Saxon Old Bridge 11 St John's College TR El Sub Sta 17 Burial Ground ES8.5m ST JO (founded 1511) EET 5 BM 1 Anglo-Saxon St John's College D TR 12.48m BM 8.31m 16 El Sub Sta A Burial Ground BM EET (founded 1511) s to BM 8.70m t D RO 10 A 16 12.48m BM 8.31m Pos 'S t N o First Court 10 EE New Court to U 60 58 St John's College Fellows' Garden K Divinity 11.3m Q ANGE RO School y or Wilderness New Court WAL GR 11.3m 4m 7.6m .4 Chapel Court BM 9 y R'S O 6.98m BM New Court 67 BM L Bowling Green 8.01m 7.6m m Chapel Court Bridge ED & Ward Bd BM 1a CHE Ca BM Forecourt 6.98m A r New Court 9.2 67 BM B All S 8.01m 7m ai Bdy ve Bridge nts' d ED & Ward Bd Ri 7.3m Pa FB ssa War 63 Forecourt El Sub S R Bdy D& C d E ta Third Court 1 St John's College Playing Fields 7.3m 6 FB War Chapel College School 15 rain Master's Garden (private) D R D& C 6.7m E 1 1 Third Court EET 4 St John's College Playing Fields Chapel Cross 6 R 13 rain (private) 15 ST D k Chapel S ge ' o FB 1 (private) EET 4 Pavilion R St John's Second Court HN 46 to Tennis Courts 13 10.7m ST Old Bridge 11 n Bro r's Lod S i ' CR 8.5m ST JO n 5 B i 1 a ste HN r D St John's Second Court D 46 to A BM 10.7m 11 ks Ma s Old Bridge t 9.1m c 8.70m D a RO 8.5m ST JO A 5 Pos 'S 1 D The B N 7.6mA BM s First Court EE 8.70m SD t D U to RO 60 58 St John's College Fellows' Garden K 24 Divinity A Q Pos PO 'S ANGE RO School N or Wilderness 23 WAL GR First Court EE 4m 62 to U 60 58 ook Divinity .4 St John's College Fellows' Garden K 9 Br Q R'S ANGE RO School Pavilion O BM Bin or Wilderness 1 WAL Great C ourt L Bowling Green Path (u 9 to 22 GR m 4m 1a CHE B m .4 Ca M ) 9 A r 9.2 B All S R'S 26 7m ve aints' O fountain BM L Bowling Green P Nevile's Court Ri assa 63 m 9.4m 1a El Sub S CHE Ca BM A r 9.2 All S 18 ta B 7m 27 ai College School ve Trinity Colle ge nts' P Master's Garden Ri a17 (founded 1546) 28 ssa 63 6.7m El Sub S 58 Cross ta 29 16 60 k Chapel College School T o FB ge Master's Garden R (private) Posts Pavilion 30 6.7m NITI PostsTennis Courts 15 Cross n Bro YT i r's Lod CR 31 n i B SR k Trinity a Chapel 14 THE AVE ste o NUE Bridge FB r ge (private) Posts D 2 3 Ma ks E Pavilion 9.1m c a ET Tennis Courts THE A n Bro VENUE r's Lod 33 i 13 CR The B n B i 7.6m Angel a ste r BM SD D 8.30m Court Ma 24 ks 34 9.1m ac PO FB 9.4m New Court 23 The B 35 10 62 7.6m ook Br SD 36 58b Pavilion 24 Bin PO Great C ourt 1 Path (u 9 to 22 Trinity College Fellows' Garden TRINITY LANE 9 8.2m 23 37 m ) 62 56 ook 8 26 Burrell's Field 3 Br fountain Pavilion Nevile's Court 9.4m Bin Great C ourt 9.4m 1 Path (u 9 to 22 rain Gonville and D 18 m Caius College 27 ) Trinity Colle ge (founded 1348) Gonville 26 17 OAD fountain (founded 1546) 28 R Pond Court 58 Nevile's Court 9.4m 29 16 60 GARRET HOSTEL 18 T 27 Posts LANE R Trinity Colle ge 30 NITI GRANGE BM 9.16m 17 15 Posts Master's(f Lodgeounded 1546) 28 El Sub S 8.5m Chapel St M Gatehouse (private) YT 58 6.7m 31 Trinity Ch SR 14 Bldg ta THE AVE 29 NUE 16 60 Posts Bridge 2 T 3 E Post R Posts Latham ET THE A 30 VENUE NITI 33 15 Posts Building North Court 13 56a Angel Garret Thornton YT BM 31 Trinity Hostel Master's SR Court 8.30m 14 THE AVE Bldg 5 Posts NUE Bridge Bridge Garden 34 FB rry Tree Court Caius Tree Court 2 Che 3 9.4m Jerwood New Court E Library Court 4 ET THE A 35 VENUE 10 33 BM 8.60m 13 ED& Bdy Trinity Hall CR Angel 3 36 58b Front Court TCB BM Ward (founded 1350) 8.30m CP Court Trinity College Fellows' Garden TRINITY LANE 9 34 8.2m 37 3 2 FB 9.4m CR Drain ne New Court aius College 56 C CP La CP nville and 8 Burrell's Field Go 3 Drain ) 35 Garret Hostel Front Court (founded 1346 10 d Bdy Posts Garret Hostel Lane & War se P assage Posts BM 6.45m ED Senate Hou 9.4m 36 58b 6.7m rain Gonville and D 1 28 Post Y LANE 9 Burrell's Trinity College Fellows' Garden Drain 8.2m TRINIT Caius College CP Walk Trinity Hall 37 (founded 1348) Gonville OAD NGE ROAD (founded 1350) Senate House R Pond E Court 56 ED & War d Bdy 8 FB D & Wa Burrell's Field 3 Old Schools RY'S ST RE GRA ST MA ook Dr ain GARRET HOSTEL 9.4m Master's S LANE rain LB Gonville and South E r D d N GRANGE Fellows' Garden Lodge BM 9.16m Bin Br Court Caius College B Master's Lodge El Sub SA Chapel dy 8.5m St M (founded 1348) Gonville TE H OAD 7.9m Gatehouse (private) 6.7m R Pond Ch Court Bldg ta OU Church GA Post Latham RRET HOSTEL SE the G Clare College LANE Building North Court 56a West Court H GRANGE l BM Cobble Chape 9.16m Garret Thornton BM 9.26m Master's Lodge C El Sub S (private) 8.5m Hostel Chapel ILL Master's Master's and Fellows' R Court St M Gatehouse (private)Bldg 5 1 BM Bridge 6.7m 0.