Numerics 2D INTERPOLATION 3-2, 3-125 2-Level Full Factorial Designs 6
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Numerics BINPPF 8-2, 8-21 2D INTERPOLATION 3-2, 3-125 biplot 4-68, 4-69 2-level full factorial designs 6-12 Birnbaum-Saunders distribution 8-91 bisection algorithm 3-95 A bisquare transformation 2-6 ABS 6-1, 6-3 BIVARIATE INTERPOLATION 3-2, 3-6 absolute value 2-24 bivariate normal cumulative distribution function 8-23 ALPHA 5-3 bivariate normal distribution 8-1 analytic derivatives 3-39 bivariate normal probability density function 8-25 ARCCOS 7-1, 7-2 BIWEIGHT 2-2, 2-6 arccosecant 7-10 biweight transformation 2-6 ARCCOSH 7-1, 7-4 bootstrap 2-2, 2-9, 2-11, 2-25 arccosine 7-2 bootstrap analysis 2-9, 2-11 ARCCOT 7-1, 7-6 BOOTSTRAP INDEX 2-2, 2-9 arccotangent 7-6 BOOTSTRAP SAMPLE 2-2, 2-9, 2-11, 2-53 ARCCOTH 7-1, 7-8 bootstrap sample 2-11 ARCCSC 7-1, 7-10 BVNCDF 8-1, 8-23 ARCCSCH 7-1, 7-12 BVNPDF 8-1, 8-25 ARCSEC 7-1, 7-14 arcsecant 7-14 C ARCSECH 7-1, 7-16 cannonical correlation analysis 4-3 ARCSIN 7-1, 7-18 CANTOR NUMBERS 3-1, 3-8 arcsine 7-18 Cantor sets 3-8 ARCSINH 7-1, 7-20 capability index 2-17, 2-19 ARCTAN 7-1, 7-22 CAUCDF 8-2, 8-27 arctangent 7-22 Cauchy cumulative distribution function 8-27 ARCTANH 7-1, 7-24 Cauchy distribution 8-2 AUTOCORRELATION 2-2, 2-3 Cauchy percent point function 8-31 AUTOCOVARIANCE 2-2, 2-4 Cauchy probability density function 8-29 AVERAGE ABSOLUTE DEVIATION 2-1, 2-5 CAUCHY RANDOM NUMBERS 5-2 Cauchy sparsity function 8-33 B CAUPDF 8-2, 8-29 base 10 logarithm 6-47 CAUPPF 8-2, 8-31 base 2 logarithm 6-45 CAUSF 8-2, 8-33 BESS0 6-2, 6-5 censored 3-124 BESS1 6-2, 6-5 characteristic equation 4-20, 4-24 Bessel function 6-5 characteristic value 4-20, 4-24 BESSEL functions 6-5 CHEB0 6-2, 6-14 BETA 5-3, 6-1, 6-8 CHEB1 6-2, 6-14 beta cumulative distribution function 8-11 CHEB10 6-2, 6-15 beta distribution 8-1 CHEB2 6-2, 6-14 beta function 6-8 CHEB3 6-2, 6-14 beta percent point function 8-15 CHEB4 6-2, 6-14 beta probability density function 8-13 CHEB5 6-2, 6-15 BETA RANDOM NUMBERS 5-3 CHEB6 6-2, 6-15 BETAI 6-1, 6-10 CHEB7 6-2, 6-15 BETCDF 8-1, 8-11 CHEB8 6-2, 6-15 BETPDF 8-1, 8-13 CHEB9 6-2, 6-15 BETPPF 8-1, 8-15 Chebychev polynomial 6-14 BILINEAR INTERPOLATION 3-2, 3-4 Chebychev’s thereom 2-17, 2-19 binary coded 3-13 chi-square cumulative distribution function 8-35 binary pattern 6-12 Chi-square distribution 8-2 BINCDF 8-2, 8-17 chi-square distribution 8-163 binomial cumulative distribution function 8-17 chi-square percent point function 8-39 binomial distribution 8-2 chi-square probability density function 8-37 binomial percent point function 8-21 CHI-SQUARED RANDOM NUMBERS 5-3 binomial probability density function 8-19 CHOLESKY DECOMPOSITION 4-1, 4-3 BINOMIAL RANDOM NUMBERS 5-4 Cholesky decomposition 4-3, 4-71, 4-73 BINPAT 6-2, 6-12 Cholesky square root 4-3 BINPDF 8-2, 8-19 CHSCDF 8-2, 8-35 CHSPDF 8-2, 8-37 D CHSPPF 8-2, 8-39 DATA 3-1 classical adjoint 4-11 data analysis 1-1 COCODE 3-1, 3-10 DECILE 2-2, 2-21 COCOPY 3-1, 3-11 decimal to octal 6-18 CODE 3-1, 3-12 DECOCT 6-1, 6-18 CODE2 3-1, 3-13 DECONVOLUTION 3-2 CODE4 3-1, 3-14 definite integral 3-55 CODE8 3-1, 3-15 DERIVATIVE 3-2, 3-39 CODEH 3-16 derivative at specific points 3-39 CODEN 3-17 derivative function 3-39 COEFFICIENT OF VARIATION 2-13 derivatives 3-96 cofactors 4-11, 4-13 determinant 4-11, 4-13, 4-18, 4-32 command driven 1-1 DEXCDF 8-2, 8-41 COMOVEMENT 2-2, 2-14 DEXPDF 8-2, 8-43 comovement coefficient 2-14 DEXPPF 8-2, 8-45 complementary error function 6-22 DEXSF 8-2, 8-47 complementary incomplete gamma function 6-31 DIAGONAL MATRIX 4-2, 4-8 COMPLEX ADDITION 3-2, 3-18 differential equations 3-96 COMPLEX CONJUGATE 3-19 DIM 6-1, 6-19 COMPLEX CONJUGATES 3-2 DIRECTION ANGLES 3-122 COMPLEX DIVISION 3-2, 3-20 DIRECTION COSINES 3-122 COMPLEX EXPONENTIATION 3-2, 3-21 DISCDF 8-2, 8-49 COMPLEX MULTIPLICATION 3-2, 3-22 discrete convolution 3-29, 3-37 COMPLEX ROOTS 3-2, 3-23 discrete cosine transform 3-31 COMPLEX SQUARE ROOT 3-27 discrete Fourier transform 3-43, 3-47, 3-58, 3-63 COMPLEX SQUARE ROOTS 3-2 discrete inverse Fourier transforms 3-43, 3-47, 3-58, 3-63 COMPLEX SUBTRACTION 3-2, 3-28 discrete sine transform 3-110 complex variable 3-18, 3-19, 3-20, 3-21, 3-22, 3-23, 3-27, 3-28 discrete uniform cumulative distribution 8-49 condition number 4-3, 4-18, 4-47 discrete uniform distribution 8-2 constraints 4-44 discrete uniform percent point function 8-53 CONVOLUTION 3-2, 3-29 discrete uniform probability density function 8-51 CORRELATION 2-2, 2-15 DISCRETE UNIFORM RANDOM NUMBERS 5-3 correlation 2-2, 4-57 DISPDF 8-2 correlation coefficient 2-15, 4-7 DISPPF 8-2, 8-53 CORRELATION MATRIX 4-1, 4-7 distance 3-119 COS 7-1, 7-26 DISTINCT 3-1, 3-42 cosecant 7-34 DNFCDF 8-2, 8-55 COSH 7-1, 7-28 DNFPPF 8-2, 8-57 cosine 7-26 DNTCDF 8-2, 8-59 COSINE TRANSFORM 3-2, 3-31 DNTPPF 8-2, 8-61 COT 7-1, 7-30 dot product 3-120 cotangent 7-30 double exponential cumulative distribution function 8-41 COTH 7-1, 7-32 Double exponential distribution 8-2 COUNT 2-49 double exponential percent point function 8-45 COVARIANCE 2-2, 2-16 double exponential probability density function 8-43 covariance 2-2, 4-57 double exponential sparsity function 8-47 CP 2-2, 2-17 doubly non-central F cumulative distribution function 8-55 CPK 2-2, 2-19 doubly non-central F distribution 8-2 cross product 3-118 doubly non-central F percent point function 8-57 CSC 7-1, 7-34 doubly non-central t cumulative distribution function 8-59 CSCH 7-1, 7-36 doubly non-central t distribution 8-2 CSQRT 3-27 cubic spline interpolation 3-56 E cumulative distribution function 8-4 eigenvalue 4-20, 4-24, 4-49, 4-50, 4-57 CUMULATIVE INTEGRAL 3-2, 3-33 eigenvector 4-20, 4-24, 4-57 CUMULATIVE PRODUCT 3-1, 3-34 EISPACK 4-20 CUMULATIVE SUM 3-1 EMCDF 8-203 ERF 6-1, 6-20 ERFC 6-1, 6-22 Erlang distribution 8-95, 8-97, 8-99 FOURIER TRANSFORM 3-2, 3-47 error function 6-20 Fourier transform 3-43, 3-47, 3-58, 3-63 EV1CDF 8-2, 8-63 FPDF 8-2, 8-85 EV1PDF 8-2, 8-65 FPPF 8-3, 8-87 EV1PPF 8-2, 8-67 FRACT 6-1, 6-26 EV2CDF 8-2, 8-69 FRACTAL 3-2, 3-50 EV2PDF 8-2, 8-71 fractional part of a number 6-26 EV2PPF 8-2, 8-73 FRECHET 5-4 EXP 6-1, 6-24 Frechet distribution 8-2, 8-71 EXPCDF 8-2, 8-75 frequencies of distinct values 3-53 EXPECTED LOSS 2-2, 2-23 FREQUENCY 3-1, 3-53 exponential cumulative distribution function 8-75 frequency data 2-65, 2-66, 2-68 Exponential distribution 8-2 frequency domain 3-31, 3-43, 3-47, 3-58, 3-63, 3-110 exponential function 6-24 functions 1-1 exponential percent point function 8-79 exponential probability density function 8-77 G EXPONENTIAL RANDOM NUMBERS 5-2 GAMCDF 8-3, 8-95 exponential sparsity function 8-81 GAMMA 5-3, 6-1, 6-27 EXPPDF 8-2, 8-77 gamma cumulative distribution function 8-95 EXPPPF 8-2, 8-79 Gamma distribution 8-3 EXPSF 8-2, 8-81 gamma function 6-27, 6-49 EXTREME 2-1, 2-24 gamma percent point function 8-99 Extreme value analysis 2-36 gamma probability density function 8-97 EXTREME VALUE TYPE 1 RANDOM NUMBERS 5-2 GAMMA RANDOM NUMBERS 5-3 EXTREME VALUE TYPE 2 RANDOM NUMBERS 5-3 GAMMAI 6-1, 6-29 extreme value type I cumulative distribution function 8-63 GAMMAIC 6-1, 6-31 Extreme Value Type I distribution 8-2 GAMMAIP 6-2, 6-33 extreme value type I percent point function 8-67 GAMMAR 6-2, 6-35 extreme value type I probability density function 8-65 GAMPDF 8-3, 8-97 extreme value type II cumulative distribution function 8-69 GAMPPF 8-3, 8-99 Extreme Value Type II distribution 8-2 Gaussian quadrature 3-33 extreme value type II percent point function 8-73 generalized Pareto cumulative distribution function 8-107, 8- extreme value type II probability density function 8-71 109, 8-111 extremes 2-1 Generalized Pareto distribution 8-3 GENERALIZED PARETO RANDOM NUMBERS 5-4 F GENERATOR MULTIPLICATION 3-54 F cumulative distribution function 8-83 GEOCDF 8-3, 8-101 F distribution 8-2 geometric cumulative distribution function 8-101 F percent point function 8-87 Geometric distribution 8-3 F probability density function 8-85 geometric percent point function 8-105 F RANDOM NUMBERS 5-3 geometric probability density function 8-103 factorial 6-27, 6-49 GEOMETRIC RANDOM NUMBERS 5-4 fast Fourier transform 3-43 GEOPDF 8-3, 8-103 Fatigue Life distribution 8-3 GEOPPF 8-3, 8-105 FATIGUE LIFE RANDOM NUMBERS 5-4 GEPCDF 8-3, 8-107 fatigue-life cumulative distribution function 8-89 GEPPDF 8-3, 8-109 fatigue-life percent point function 8-93 GEPPPF 8-111 fatigue-life probability density function 8-91 graphics 1-1 FCDF 8-2, 8-83 GUMBEL 5-3 FFT 3-2, 3-43 Gumbel distribution 8-2, 8-65 Fibonnacci generator 5-2 FIBONNACCI NUMBERS 3-1, 3-46 H first order derivatives 3-40 half-normal cumulative distribution function 8-113 first order differential equations 3-96 Half-Normal distribution 8-3 Fisher’s discriminant analysis 4-77 half-normal percent point function 8-117 FIT 1-1 half-normal probability density function 8-115 fit 1-1, 2-6, 2-59 HALFNORMAL RANDOM NUMBERS 5-2 FLCDF 8-3, 8-89 HFNCDF 8-3, 8-113 FLPDF 8-3, 8-91 HFNPDF 8-3, 8-115 FLPPF 8-3, 8-93 HFNPPF 8-3, 8-117 higher order derivatives 3-40 Julia set 6-39 hinge coded 3-16 HYPCDF 8-3, 8-119 K hyperbolic arccosecant 7-12 K 5-4 hyperbolic arccosine 7-4 Koch curve 3-50 hyperbolic arccotangent 7-8 Koch snowflake 3-50 hyperbolic arcsecant 7-16 Kruskal- Wallis 3-93 hyperbolic arcsine 7-20 KURTOSIS 2-1, 2-26 hyperbolic arctangent 7-24 hyperbolic cosecant 7-36 L hyperbolic cosine 7-28 LAMBDA 5-3 hyperbolic cotangent 7-32 LAMCDF 8-5, 8-131 hyperbolic secant 7-40 LAMPDF 8-5, 8-133 hyperbolic sine 7-44 LAMPPF 8-5, 8-135 hyperbolic tangent 7-48 LAMSF 8-5, 8-137 hypergeometric cumulative distribution function 8-119 Laplace distribution 8-2, 8-43 hypergeometric distribution 8-3 Leigh-Perlman comovement coefficient