AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters




A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis



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Dr. ernadine Ria Lestari M.Sc. August 15,2016 Ad sor

Arina Isti'anah S.Pd, M.Hum August 15,2016 Co-Advisor PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis


By ANITA SULISTIYAWATI Student Number: 124214118

Defended before the board ofexaminers On August 31,2016 and declared acceptable


Name Chairperson : Dr. FX Siswadi, M.A Secretary : Sri Mulyani, Ph.D

Member 1 : Anna Fitriati, S.Pd, M.Hum Member 2 : Dr. Bernadine Ria Lestari, M. S Member 3 : Arina Isti'anah, S.Pd, M.Hum



I celiify that this undergraduate thesis contains no material which has been previously submitted for the awards ofany other degree at any university, and that, to the best ofmy knowledge, this undergraduate thesis contain no material previously written by any other person except where due reference is made in the text ofundergraduate thesis.

/1Anita Su1 stiyawati



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Nama: Anita Sulistiyawati Nomor mahasiswa: 124214118

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This page is written to offer my gratitude for Jesus Christ for His grace.

Without Him, I would never finish this thesis. The journey of this past 4 years has been done with His blessing. I also thank my parents, Harun Satija, SE. and

Yuniarti Sulismiharti for the support verbal and financial. After everything that my family has been trough in pain, finally I can make a new smile for my parents.

I also thank my sister Haniek Setiyawati for her support, Niendy Listiyawati for never tired listening to my stories, and Renaldo Yosia Setianto for being the best brother who can always cheer me up after I was stressed about something.

After that, I would like to thank Dr. B. Ria Lestari, M.S. as my beloved thesis advisor in the making process of this thesis. I thank her for always helping me and giving me the best suggestion. I also thank Arina Isti’anah S.Pd, M.Hum for never being tired listening to my opinion and always giving her smile every time

I met her for consulting this thesis so that I could accomplish this undergraduate thesis at the right time, and all the lecturer and staff of English letters department of Sanata Dharma University who helped me a lot during accomplishing my study.

Last but not least, I want to thank my dearest dearest sister, Angelica

Chrestella Famila for her accompaniment during my ups and downs all of this year in Sanata Dharma. Thank you for never tired giving me support and advice and for showing the meaning of togetherness, happiness and real friendship. I also want to thank E-United girls, Esthi, Lea, Selvy, Mentari, Stefi, and Anggi for sharing



almost everything all of this year, for them who are never being tired to keep my head up in my darkest time. I also want to thank to my dearest Babo, Raras Arum

Wulandari, Wijayanti Juniarti, Firda Yasmin Maimunah, and Novy Amalia for showing me the sweetness of friendship and happiness that we shared for past 6 years. Thank you for Nur Fitriani who is always supporting and making me better every time I got a problem even though we are miles away. Thank you to all of my friend who I could not mention each of their names for the presence during my college life, thank you for giving me happiness and support to keep up in this thesis.

The last one, I want to thank my dearest partner, Michael Aquila Machiavelli for his patient supporting and encouraging me in the progress of making this thesis. I am so lucky to have you.

Anita Sulistiyawati





CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. Problem Formulation ...... 5 C. Object of the Study...... 5 D. Definition of Terms ...... 5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED STUDIES A. Review of Related Study ...... 7 B. Review of Related Theories ...... 9 1. Theory of Song ...... 9 2. Semantics ...... 9 3. Lexical Semantics ...... 9 4. Figurative Language...... 10 5. Pragmatics ...... 11 6. Theory of Theme ...... 13 C. Theoretical Framework ...... 13

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY A. Object of the Study...... 15 B. Approach of the Study ...... 16 C. Method of the Study ...... 16 1. Data Collection...... 16 2. Data Analysis ...... 17

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. The Metaphorical Expression and the Classification ...... 18 1. Dead Metaphor ...... 22 2. Live Metaphor ...... 23 B. Meaning of the Metaphor ...... 24 C. Metaphor Contribution to the Theme of the Song ...... 50








Sulistiyawati, Anita. Metaphor Contribution towards Theme Development on Sara Bareille’s Songs. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University. 2016.

Metaphors are really common to be used in daily life. Metaphors can be found in so many written texts and spoken language such as in television, advertisement, and songs. Written texts in literature is the most often text that uses metaphor toad aesthetic in it. Song is one of literature artworks that uses metaphors quite often. The purpose of the metaphors in the song is to invite people imagination to the song. Metaphors are often make confusion for people to define the meaning because metaphors can be created by everyone. There is always a new metaphor every day. Also, it is because the word that is used as metaphor has lexical meaning or literal meaning that is fixed in dictionary. The purpose of the study is to give enlightenments to people about the meaning behind the metaphors that author created in the songs. This study answers the problems which are the metaphors that the songs have and the classification, the meaning of the metaphors, and how the metaphors contribute to make theme of the song. The semantic approach is used to define the meaning of the metaphors. The first step is to find the metaphors and to classify them to dead and live metaphor and the use lexical meaning to define the real or the literal meaning using fixed source like English dictionary. The theory of metaphor is used to define the meaning of the metaphorical expression. Context will have the contribution to find the transferred meaning in the context. The study analyzes five Sara Bareilles’ songs which are Brave, Manhattan, , Gravity, and Love song. The study found twenty one metaphors in the songs as the data. Sara Bareilles’ songs mostly used free metaphors or live metaphor. There are also dead metaphors in her songs or often called as idiom. This study concludes that every live metaphor has different meaning one to another in the lyrics because the meaning depends on the context of the songs. In addition, the classifications also influence the meaning of the metaphors. This study is aimed to see the contribution of the metaphors in creating the theme for the song.




Sulistiyawati, Anita. Metaphor Contribution toward Theme Development on Sara Bareilles’ Songs. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma. 2016

Metafor sangatlah sering penggunaannya di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Orang-orang sudah sangat tidak asing the metaphor. Metaphor biasa ditemukan dalam bahasa tulisan, dan bahasa lisan seperti di televisi, media periklanan, dan lagu. Bahasa tulisan di sastra adalah salah satu yang paling sering meggunakan metafor untuk memperindah karya tersebut. Lagu adalah salah satu karya sastra yang sering menggunakan metafor. Tujuan dari penggunaan metafor adalah untuk membuat orang berimajinasi tentang isi dari lagu tersebut. Metafor terkadang membuat kebingungan bagi pendengar untuk mengartikannya. Ini disebabkan kata kata dari metaphor tersebut memilik dua arti yang berbeda secara arti harafiahnya di kamus. Tujuan dari pembelajaran ini dalah untuk memberi pencerahan kepada orang-orang tentang metafor yang penulis buat dalam lagunya. Penelitian ini menjawab tiga rumusan masalah, yaitu: metapfor dan klasifikasinya, arti dari metaphor, dan bagaimana metafor memberikan kontribusi untuk membuat tema dalam lagu. Pendekatan semantik digunakan untuk mencari arti metafor tersebut. Langkah pertama adalah mencari metafor dalam lagu tersebut dan mengklsifikasinya menjadi metafora mati dan metafora hidup dan menggunakan arti leksikal untuk mencari arti secara harafiah menggunakan kamus bahasa Inggris. Teori metafor digunakan untuk mencari arti dari ungkapan metafor tersebut. Dan konteks dalam lagu tersebut membantu menentukan dari dari secara kiasan dalam lagu. Pembelajaran ini menganalisis lima lagu Sara Bareilles dan menemukan dua puluh satu metafor dalam lagu tersebut. Sara Bareilles palings sering menggunakan metafor hidup. Ada juga metaofr mati dalam lagunya dalam bentuk idiom. Pembelajaran ini menyimpulkan bahwa setiap metafor memili arti yang berbeda dari yang lain karena arti tersbut bergantung pada konteks dari lagu tersebut. Sementara itu, kalsifikasi juga mempengaruhi arti dari metafor tersebut. Setelah menegtahui arti dari metafor, studi ini berjuan untuk melihat bagaimana metafor memberikan kontribusi dalam menyimpulkan tema untuk lagu tersebut.





A. Background of the Study

Human use communication system different from any other species. They create a lot of words to communicate with others. Creativity is a thing that shows the unique characteristic of human language. This creativity is the speaker’s ability to create infinity of sounds, words, sentences and even a language. Human language helps people to have another information and also express their feeling as well. We also use human language in our daily basis activity no matter where the place is and what the situation is. Language is measured as the vital and the most important thing because the language enables us to receive and give some information.

English is an international language in this world. English connects people from across countries to share their own information and knowledge. English is used in any literary works like poem, song, play, drama, and novel. However, language style in literary works and in daily basis activity are different. Most of literary works use non-verbal language, because they are written in the format of text.

One kind of non-verbal literary works is song. A song is a short piece of music with words that are sung. Songs contain 2 elements, they are music and words. The combination of both elements make a harmony that we know as song.

People usually listen to the song when they feel either happy or sad. Songs denote emotions. Song lyrics is one of important thing to attract the listener, song lyrics




give certain vibe or feeling to the song and support the author to give the message in the song. In another word song is a popular way to express the feeling, situation, or experience to somebody. One of popular song writers in the U.S. is Sara


Sara Bareilles is a singer that has so many hit songs in the .

Most of her songs are based on her experience of her love story. She released 6 in past 12 years. Her very first was ‘Careful Confession’ that was released in the U.S. in 2004 that contains “Love Song” in it, three years passed and she released ‘Little Voice’ which a song titled “Gravity” was included in this album.

In 2010, she released ‘’ which has 13 songs including “King of

Anything”. Gain a lot of successes, in 2012 she continued releasing her fourth album (EP) titled “” which has 5 songs in it. Within a year, she released another album titled “” which contains 12 songs including “Brave” and “Manhattan”. “Brave” was a big hit for her career, this song is certified as platinum in the U.S., Australia and New Zealand. In 2015 she released an album for her musical drama; “” titled “What’s Inside: Songs from

Waitress”. Sara Bareilles uses figurative language in order to attract the listener.

She uses the metaphor expression for of her songs to add deeper vibe to the listeners.

Her songs contain a lot of figurative language that can be analyzed in

Semantic approach. However, the limitation of the analysis only on Sara Bareilles songs entitled “Love Song”, “Gravity”, “King of Anything”, “Brave” and





Sara Bareilles is known for her songs that use figurative language to describe the meaning of the songs. There are so many types of figurative languages that English language has, some of them are metaphor, personification, and idiom.

Therefore, the writer becomes interested in analyzing one of the figurative language, which is metaphor and how it contributes in her songs. The descriptive words of metaphor have a meaning in sense other than literal, even the words carry precise meaning. Before this study goes further, Metaphor is going to be explained first. Metaphor is one of figurative language that compares a thing to another thing that has similar meaning. Metaphor is usually has a different meaning in lexical meaning.

The first song that is going to be analyzed is “Love Song”. “Love Song” is a song that tells about how love could be in bad and good condition at the same time. This song is from Sara Bareilles 1st studio album titled “Careful Confession”.

The use of the words in this song is really interesting. This song contains a lot of words as signs to deliver the main point and the story of the songs. This song contains signs that make some speculation about the message that she wants to deliver to the listeners.

The second song is titled “Gravity”. “Gravity” is Sara Bareilles 2nd album.

This song tells about a girl who cannot get freed from her boyfriend. The interesting part is the lyrics that is really deeply poetic. This song describes a girl who really wants to forget the boy but she cannot, because the boy keeps give his affection to the girl, so that the girl stuck in the middle of her in between feeling.




The third song is entitled “King of Anything” from Sara Bareilles 3rd studio album called “Kaleidoscope Heart”. This song tells about a man that is dominating the girl’s life. However, the girl just wants to be free to choose anything that she wants in her life.

The fourth song is “Brave”. This song tells about how someone cannot be brave because of some fears of the surroundings. This is the song in her latest 6th album called “The Blessed Unrest”. This album was well-known because this song became a hit single in the U.S. and certified as platinum for a couple times.

The last song is called “Manhattan”. This songs tells about how a girl and a boy finally end up their relationship for chasing after their own dreams. This song is also one of a song that is contained in her latest album.

Referring to the explanation above, the writer is interested in analyzing figurative language focused on metaphor used on five Sara Bareilles songs which are Love song, Gravity, King of Anything, Brave, and Manhattan. Semantic approach is used in this study because the semantic approach focuses on the meaning of the language. This study expects to give clearer meaning of the song lyrics, so the listener will be able to find out the clearer message from the song.




B. Problem Formulation

To analyze the topic the researcher has mentioned before, the researcher has formulated three research problems:

1. What metaphors are found on Sara Bareilles songs?

2. What are the metaphor interpretations from the Sara Bareilles songs?

3. How do the metaphors give contribution to the theme of her song?

C. Research Objective

This paper has been made to analyze five songs written by Sara Bareilles in order to reveal the meaning of her songs. The aim is achieved by first explicating the metaphor of the songs to get the meaning of the songs. The next step is identifying the figurative language which is metaphor employed in the songs.

Further analysis will be revealing the contribution of the metaphor for the theme of her songs.

D. Definition of Terms

To avoid misunderstanding in reading this thesis, the specific terms to this study are defined as some theories. Semantics is the technical term used to refer to the study of meaning (Palmer 1967: 1), in another hand the sematic branch that this study used is figurative language and lexical semantics.

Lexical meaning is meaning that is based on common dictionary

(Djajasudarma 1993: 34). Lexical meaning shows the literal meaning of the word.




In another hand, metaphor is a word which appears with literal meaning and transferred meaning (Palmer, 1976: 103).

Figurative language is a way to say a language using figures of speech. A figure of speech is assumed as a way to saying a thing and meaning another (Perrine,

1969: 65). Figurative language is one of characteristic of any literature text. Perrine says that figurative language consists of metaphor, personification, metonymy, symbol, allegory, paradox, overstatement, understatement, and irony. In this study, the figurative language that is going to be used is only metaphor.

Metaphor is a word has two meaning; literal meaning and ‘transferred’ meaning (Palmer 1976: 103). This word is mentioned quite a lot in previous part.

Basically, metaphor is part of linguistic in semantic field that is really common of its usage in daily life.





A. Review of Related Studies

Figurative language is one element in poetry to deliver the message to the reader, nowadays it is also the element that is also used in another literary work like songs and novels as well as means of communication. Most of literary works use figurative expression like idiom, personification and metaphor. The study carried by Maria Maya Sylvia entitled Metaphorical of Coldplay’s song lyrics (2015) is focused on figurative language in specific way which is metaphor. Sylvia analyzes

19 metaphor expressions from 15 Coldplay’s songs. She reveals the metaphor expressions that Coldplay has in their songs. She classified each metaphor used in the lyrics and then explained the meaning of the metaphoric expressions with the classifications.

As the result of her thesis, she divided the metaphor into two kinds of metaphor, they are dead metaphor and live metaphor. In the end of her study, she concluded that every metaphor contained in the songs is different. The different meaning in each metaphor is influenced by the context of the songs and also the classification. In her study, she said that the metaphor that the Coldplay’s songs used is to express the feeling and describe the person.

The second study is from Maria Godeliva Rettob entitled ‘The Metaphor

Analysis of Selected Eminem’s Rap Song Lyrics’ (2015). She also focused on the



metaphor on the lyrics. She analyzed the meaning of several lyrics of Eminem’s song. In her study she chose four rap songs, they are White America, Without me,

Superman, and Cleanin’ Out My Closet.

As the method of the study, she used library research. Formalist approach and biographical approaches are used in order to answer the problem formulation of her research. In the end of her study, she found 17 metaphors in four selected

Eminem’s rap song lyrics. She classified the metaphor based on connotation classification. After she found the metaphor and its meaning, she aimed to explain the function of the connotation meaning on the metaphor that the lyrics have.

This present study has the same aim of seeking the meaning of the metaphor in song lyrics. This study also uses the same method of study which is library research. Rettob and Sylvia theses give some enlightenments in order to find the meaning of the metaphor. In addition, the study gives brief information on Sara

Bareilles explicit way in delivering idea and meaning through her songs. Although the review gives some useful insight for the analysis the songs meaning occupied in this thesis, the revise has not answered the third problem formulation. Based on consideration, this study will be focused on the study of the metaphor employed in the poems to reveal the contribution of the metaphor on Sara Bareilles’ songs towards the theme.



B. Review Related Theories

1. Theory of Song

A piece of music is a continuous progress of harmony and melody for a duration. Those elements usually develop within a section of the song, before turning to the very end of the section. The basic knowledge about song is that song has 4 basic section which are verses, choruses, bridges, and other structural devices.

The structure of a song is a way a sections arranged by the author and usually it comes with repetition to create a good artwork

( A proper song structure will be creating musical experience for the listener.

2. Semantics

Semantics is a study of meaning. This study is focusing on sign and signifier as the mark of what meaning that they stand for. According to Palmer semantics is a study of linguistics that has a focus on the meaning of word, phrases, and sentences. Meaning of a phrase, sentence or word is not only determined by dictionary. It can be determined by the aspect like how they are formed. In the study of semantics, there is a scope called naming (Palmer, 1967: 17). Naming is a process of giving a name or labeling an object. This process usually happens when children learn a language in their earlier age.

a. Lexical Semantics

In a simple way, lexical semantics is a study based on dictionary. Lexical semantics is one of semantics terms that focuses on literal meaning of sentences, phrase and words. Lexical meaning is simply taking dictionary as the ‘real’ meaning



of the word, sentence, or phrase without include any influence of any context. For example, the word red. Based on Longman dictionary, red means ‘having the color of blood’, but if red is being used in another context it would have different meaning.

Saussure explains about how meaning is being analyzed by signifier and signified (Palmer 1976: 24). Signifier is the word that our brain says and known daily and signified is what the word stands for. Here are the table to show how meaning will be analyzed in this study: Lexical Semantic

Signifier  word

Signified  representative image of the word

b. Figurative Language

Figurative language can be found in literature, poetry, and songs. Where the

writing entreaties to the minds. It can do this by gives a word or phrase an exact

meaning that may be different from the literal meaning or definition. Sometimes

figurative language compares two things in a way that someone finds the

comparison interesting and descriptive. There are so many kinds of figurative

language such as metaphor, personification and idiom.

i. Metaphor

According to Bradford metaphor is the comparison of two things without

using the words “like” or “as”. According to Christopher, metaphor is figure of

speech that is comparing one thing to another directly. In another words, metaphor



is words that establish an analogy between objects without actually saying.

However, it directly suggests comparison of two things by creating as equation.

The use of metaphor in a song is to explain and elucidate emotion, feelings, and relationship between other elements that probably cannot be explained directly in usual language. Metaphor is when a word has two meaning; literal meaning and

‘transferred’ meaning (Palmer 1976: 103). Here are the analysis of metaphor.


Literal meaning transferred meaning

For example, red, in literal meaning is a word to describe a color. When someone mentions the word red, people will know exactly what it is in mind. If red is mentioned in another term like in a song, it will have different meaning. Red probably will have ‘transferred’ meaning. For example ‘…but loving him was red’

(Taylor Swift – Red). Red in here has a different meaning, red in this sentence has transferred meaning because the writer uses ‘red’ to compare something. Red in this context has meaning as the description of loving someone. “…but loving him was red” this lyric means, loving him was so intense and usually the emotion of

‘intense’ is symbolized with red.


Color emotion of ‘intense’



For this example, the word ‘Red’ has no relation between literal meaning and transferred meanings. The transferred meaning usually pervades our conceptual system. It means that, the transferred meaning could be interpreted from experience and knowledge in daily life. Most of the evidence of interpreting the meaning of the metaphor has come from the human experience and sense (Lakoff

1980: 115).

Larson, in her book, she divides metaphor into two classifications that are dead metaphor and live metaphor. Dead metaphor is a figurative language that the usage of it is already well-known among people. Usually, when people state one of dead metaphor, they will know it for sure the meaning of its metaphor because the expression is a kind of familiar and used in daily life. People will have no concern how dead metaphor is formed because it is already common and they often use it as daily conversation (Larson, 1998: 249). It’s time to face the music is one of the example of dead metaphor. This metaphor has meaning ‘to face the punishment’. In the literal meaning music is harmony of an instrument. There is no relation between music and punishment. This metaphor is really common among people in daily life. Dead metaphor is also known as idiom. Idiom is considered as dead metaphor and vice versa. In the usage of idiom, people would not think about the comparison in literal meaning nor transferred meaning.

Live metaphor can be categorized as a new term or classification of metaphor. Live metaphor is made by author and usually the meaning of this metaphor could be known by explaining the meaning of the word. Live metaphor is made by an author to give implicit message toward the audience. Live metaphor



can give a lesson to the audience by an expression. Everyone can make a new live metaphor because live metaphor is free, it is not bounded to any expression. Live metaphor is usually used to make the audience of the artwork have their own imagination towards the metaphor. In a simple way live metaphor is a figurative language that is made in an event and able to be understood without any additional information. Live metaphor is really common to be used in lyrics. The author will create new metaphor (live metaphor) or use dead metaphor to deliver a message through song.

3. Pragmatics

Pragmatics is a study about meaning in the context. According to Teun A

Van Djik, pragmatics is dealing with the context in order to get clearer meaning in a situation or in the text (Djik 1977: 191). Pragmatic is subfield of linguistics and semiotic. In pragmatic, context is used to get the meaning or the transferred meaning behind a word. Pragmatics also used dictionary to get the literal meaning and compared both of context and literal meaning.

a. Context

According to Teun A Van Dijk, context is place that the acts of a word is placed and formulate the conditions which a words are acceptable in which situation and the technical terms that is used for such a situation is context (Djik

1977: 191)

4. Theory of Theme

Theme is one element that literary work has is giving the difference between one to another literary artwork in the ‘atmosphere’ of the literary works. According



to Norton Dudeque, theme in music is the summarized of the idea of basic outline from every variation in structured song (2005: 194). Theme is the meaning of a story that may be the discovered story (Kenney 1966: 91). It means the theme is a central idea that dominates in a word where all elements in a work are focused.

C. Theoretical Framework

In this analysis, the writer uses four theories which are theory of song, semantics, theory of figurative language, pragmatics in context and theory of theme. The first one, which is the theory of song, is used to give the understanding of the nature of song. Also, the first theory is used to give strategies in comprehending the songs. The second theory which is the semantic, is beneficial in examining some features from the songs and also the basic understanding of the topic which is discussed in the study. The third theory is used to give brief explanation of the meaning of the words that the metaphor has and also give the comparison to find the transferred meaning. Using the figurative language theory, the writer also uses the theory to find the meaning behind the figurative language that the song writer by study of dictionary. The theory of context is used to imply the transferred meaning after being compared with semantics terms in lexical meaning. The last theory is used to summarize the metaphor in a word that clarifies the theme of the song. It is estimated that the meaning of metaphor can clarify how they contribute creating theme of the songs.





A. Object of The Study

Sara Bareilles is an American song-writer. She has sold more than one million records for the past 5 years and been nominated for Grammy awards. She has written over 70 songs and has released 5 albums from 2004 until 2015. Her first albums “Careful Confessions” contains 11 songs. This is her debut album for indie singer. The album was made and released when she was attending college in The

United States. Her second album named “Little Voice”, contains 13 songs, including her hit song “Love song“ and “Gravity”. This album became her official debut album in The United States and was nominated for 51st Grammy Awards.

“Kaleidoscope Heart” is her third album which was released on September 7th,

2007. This album contains 13 songs, including “King of Anything” as single of the album. Her latest album; The Blessed Unrest has been nominated in Grammy

Awards for album of the year. “Brave” become her lead single for the album that lead her into a nomination for 56th Grammy Awards. This album contains 12 songs including “Brave” and “Manhattan”. Dealing with the songs, the writer wants to find the meaning behind the metaphor in the song lyrics and also how they contribute to make the theme of the song.



B. Approach of The Study

In analyzing the songs, semantic approach is applied. In specific terms, these songs will be analyzed in terms of figurative language, which is metaphor, to analyze the sentence that Sara Bareilles uses in writing the songs. The semantic approach is used to determine the meaning of the metaphorical expression that Sara

Bareilles used in her songs. In Semantics, we could conduct meaning of a written text. This study uses printed lyrics of Sara Bareilles songs as the object of study of the analysis. The semantics approach helps find out the contribution of the metaphor in terms of creating the theme for the songs. The following metaphors use lexical semantic in order to find the literal meaning of the word, then after the literal meaning is found, the research will compare the literal meaning in order to find the transferred meaning. In the end of this study, it will reveal how the metaphor give the contribution the theme of the song.

C. Method of The Study

1. Data Collection

In the research, some steps were taken. For the first step, the

writer randomly picked songs from Sara Bareilles. The method that is used in

order to find the data is random sampling. The writer chose 5 songs that are

popular in each of the Sara Bareilles album. The works and choices are “Love

Song”, “Gravity”, “King of Anything”, “Brave”, and “Manhattan”. The second

step, the writer will collects the metaphors that contained in the songs. The theory

of metaphor helps the writer to find and group the metaphor.



2. Data Analysis

After collecting all metaphor, the data analysis is done. The data analysis consisted of three steps. First, all metaphors are categorized and grouped based on the title of the songs. Second, determining the meaning of the metaphor by defining the metaphors with literal meaning to make comparison. Here is the example:

Lexical Semantics

Signifier  Drug

Signified  A thing to heal someone

Drug a thing to heal

A word that is aimed to encourage and advice someone

The example is taken from the song entitled “Brave”. In this song, drug has a meaning word to encourage someone. Drug can have metaphorical meaning by comparing with the lexical meaning of drug itself. After knowing the literal meaning, next is using the meaning of the metaphors to analyze. The context puts the meaning and finally can make a new transferred meaning based on the context of the song. The last step is taken to draw the conclusion by comparing the meaning and the context of the songs from the analysis. The conclusion is the summary of the answer for the questions formulated.





This chapter is the discussion to answer the problem formulation that the researcher made which has been mentioned in the first chapter. This study will provide the metaphor of Sara Bareilles songs to answer the question of the problem formulation.

A. The Metaphorical Expression and the Classification

The writer has analyzed five songs from Sara Bareilles. The researcher has

found that Sara Bareilles uses metaphors into her song lyrics. Metaphors allow us

to know about an experience in another terms and definitions (Lakoff 1980: 117).

This study deals with 5 songs which are “Love Song”, “Gravity”, “King of

Anything”, “Brave”, and “Manhattan”. The writer has been done sorting out the lyrics which contain the metaphors. In order to sort the lyrics, the writer compared the literal meaning with the transferred meaning of the lyrics. All of the literal meaning are taken from the Longman Dictionary 5th Edition. All song lyrics are taken from internet source. There are 21 metaphors that are found in the lyrics which are taken from 5 different songs. Here are the data:

Table 4.1 List of Metaphors in “Brave”

No. Metaphor in the lyrics

1. You can turn phrase into weapon or drug Dictionary meaning: [n] something that you use to fight with or attack someone with, such as a knife, bomb, or gun [n] a medicine, or a substance for making medicines




Metaphorical meaning: to intimidate or to heal someone 2. Bow down to the mighty Dictionary meaning: [adj] very strong and powerful, or very big and impressive Metaphorical meaning: respect the powerful one 3. Don’t run, stop holding your tongue Dictionary meaning: [v] to speak up Metaphorical meaning: to speak up 4. Maybe there’s a way out of the cage where you live Dictionary Meaning: [n] a structure made of wires or bars in which birds or animals can be kept Metaphorical Meaning: a place to keep someone.

Table 4.2. List of Metaphors in “Love song”

No. Metaphor in the lyrics

1. I’m not gonna write you a love song Dictionary Meaning: [n] a short piece of music with words that you sing Metaphorical Meaning: a good and nice experience in love 2. Hello to high and dry Dictionary Meaning: [adj] measuring a long distance from the bottom to the top [adj] without water or liquid inside or on the surface Metaphorical Meaning: To be stranded; to be left out of things. 3. Is that why you wanted a love song? Dictionary Meaning: [n] a short piece of music with words that you sing Metaphorical Meaning: a good and nice experience in love 4. I’ll walk the seven seas Dictionary meaning: [n] seven salty water that covers earth surface Metaphorical meaning: to do everything to gain something

Table 4.3. List of Metaphors in “King of Anything”

No. Metaphor in the lyrics

1. Who made you king of anything Dictionary Meaning: [n] a man who rules a country because he is from a royal family Metaphorical Meaning: the one who ruled someone’s life 2. Ride off into your delusional sunset Dictionary Meaning: [n] the time of day when the sun disappears and night begins Metaphorical Meaning: false hope PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


3. You’re so busy making maps with my name on them in all caps Dictionary Meaning: [n] a drawing of a particular area for example a city or country, which shows its main features, such as its roads, rivers, mountains etc. Metaphorical Meaning: planning for future

Table 4.4. List of Metaphors in “Gravity”

No. Metaphor in the lyrics

1. You hold me without touch Dictionary Meaning: [n] the action of putting your hand, finger, or another part of your body on something or someone Metaphorical Meaning:Permission 2. You keep me without chain Dictionary Meaning: [n] a series of metal rings which are joined together in a line and used for fastening things, supporting weights, decoration etc Metaphorical Meaning: Tie in status 3. Drown in your love, not feel your rain Dictionary Meaning: [n] a strong feeling of caring about someone, especially a member of your family or a close friend [n] water fall from clouds in the sky. Metaphorical Meaning: Intense affection feeling. Cannot have it 4. I don’t wanna fall another moment into your gravity Dictionary Meaning: [n] technical the force that causes something to fall to the ground or to be attracted to another Metaphorical Meaning: The affection given by someone 5 I stand so tall Dictionary Meaning: to support yourself on your feet or be in an upright position: Metaphorical Meaning: to act in a proud and confident way 6 All my fragile strength is gone Dictionary Meaning: [adj] easily broken or damaged Metaphorical Meaning: weakness or uncertainness 7. I live on my knees Dictionary meaning: [v] living inside the knee Metaphorical Meaning: The period after a break up when depression sets in and you want him/her back.



Table 4.5. List of Metaphors in “Manhattan”

No. Metaphor in the lyrics

1. You can have Manhattan Dictionary Meaning: [n] an island and Borough of in New York Bay, between the Hudson River and the East River. It is the business and cultural centre of New York City. When people say that they have visited New York, they often mean that they have been to Manhattan. Metaphorical Meaning: good future 2. I’ll gather up the avenues and leave them on your doorstep Dictionary Meaning: [n] used in the names of streets in a town or city Metaphorical Meaning: chance 3. That holding us in place is simple fear of what’s already change Dictionary Meaning: [n] the feeling you get when you are afraid or worried that something bad is going to happen Metaphorical Meaning: the bad past 4. When I was one half of two Dictionary Meaning: [adj] one of two equal parts of something Metaphorical Meaning: alone The following metaphor are classified into dead metaphor and live metaphor in order to narrow the scope of classification of the metaphor. According to Larson

(Larson 1998: 249), there are two types of metaphor, they are dead metaphor and live metaphor. Classification of discussion and division of the type of lyrics as follow:

1. Dead Metaphor

According to Larson, dead metaphor is a metaphor that is part of idiomatic construction of the lexicon of the language (Larson 1998: 249). When people hear about dead metaphor, they will surely understand about the meaning of the dead metaphor because it is commonly used in society. They will not think about every word, but instead the whole idiomatic expression that the metaphor has. In a simple way, dead metaphor is an idiom of a word that a language has that the speakers already know about the meaning. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


This study finds some dead metaphors in Sara Bareilles songs. The writer compares the literal meaning and the context in the lyrics. In the previous table, the study is showing the comparison of literal meaning based on only one dictionary.

In order to gather the meaning and compare the literal meaning and transferred meaning, the writer uses several dictionary. The result is based on several English dictionaries. Here are the metaphor:

Table 4.6. Dead Metaphors in the 5 Chosen Sara Bareilles’s Songs

no Song Title Dead Metaphor Meaning

Not to speak (Cambridge Don’t run, stop holding 1. Brave English Dictionary your tongue Online) Respect the powerful one 2. Brave Bow down to the mighty (Cambridge English Dictionary Online) Difficult situation which a person enable to do anything about. (Collins Cobuild Dictionary of 3. Love Song Hello to high and dry Idioms) To be stranded; to be left out of things (Dictionary of idioms and their origins) to act in a proud and confident way 4. Gravity I stand so tall (Cambridge Dictionary Online) Cannot move on (Urban 5. Gravity I live on my knees Dictionary)



2. Live Metaphor

Unlike dead metaphor, live metaphor is a metaphor that is not common in

society. It needs to be explained to know the meaning of the live metaphor. Live

metaphor is usually used by the author to represent the message of the author’s

artwork such as in the songs, poems, or novel to the audience in another word or

in another concept. In some occasion, live metaphor is used by the author to create

imagination for the audience, so the audience can know the relation between the

metaphor and the context of the song. In the other hand, live metaphor is

understandable after the audience paying special attention to the comparison which

is being made (Larson 1980: 249). Most of Sara Bereilles songs contain live

metaphor. She created the metaphor in order to give brief message to the audience.

This study finds some live metaphors in Sara Bareilles songs. The study

uses several dictionaries as well in order to search the meaning behind the live

metaphor. Unlike the first table, in this table, the words of the live metaphors are

already in the transferred meaning. Here are the metaphors:

Table 4.7. Live Metaphors in the 5 Chosen Sara Bareilles’s Songs

no Song Title Live Metaphor Meaning A thing to intimidate a person (Penguin Dictionary of Symbol) You can turn phrase into 1. Brave A thing to heal someone weapon or drug or encourage. (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English) A place that is kept Maybe there’s a way out someone. (Longman

of the cage where you live Dictionary of Contemporary English) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


A good love experience I’m not gonna write you a 3. Love Song (Penguin Dictionary of love song Symbol) Do everything for someone (Longman I’ll walk the seven seas Dictionary of Contemporary English) Ride off into your A false hope (Penguin 5. King of Anything delusional sunset Dictionary of Symbol) You’re so busy making Planning with the lover maps with my name on (Longman Dictionary of them in all caps Contemporary English) The ruler of someone’s Who died and made you life (Encarta Webster king of anything College Dictionary) Permission (Encarta You hold me without 8. Gravity Webster College touch Dictionary) To tie two beings in a You keep me without status (Penguin chain Dictionary of Symbol) Intense affection feeling (Penguin Dictionary of Drown in your love, not Symbol)

feel your rain A thing that she cannot have (Encarta Webster College Dictionary) The affection given by I don’t wanna fall another someone (Encarta

moment into your gravity Webster College Dictionary) Weak or uncertain All my fragile strength is (Longman Dictionary of gone Contemporary English) Good future (Longman 13. Manhattan You can have Manhattan Dictionary of Contemporary English) I’ll gather up the avenues Something to be gained and leave them on your (Encarta Webster doorstep College Dictionary) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


That holding us in place is Bad past experience simple fear of what’s (Longman Dictionary of already change. Contemporary English) When I was one half of Alone (Longman two Dictionary of Contemporary English)

B. Interpretation of Metaphors

1. Metaphor in “Brave”

Brave tells about a person who is encouraging the outcasts to speak up about their minds or perception. It is proved with the phrase contained in the song. The line “Say, what you wanna say, and let the words fall out” is one of the way the author encouraged the audience. This song contains 4 metaphors. The metaphor are written in italic bold. The table in each discussion of the metaphors is the conclusion in the end of the discussion. Here are the following metaphor and the discussion about the meaning of the metaphor:

a. “You can turn phrase into weapon or drug”

A metaphor is defined way of comparing two things which are unlike but they share similar characteristic (Perrine, 1969: 65). In this line, the author used

‘weapon’ and ‘drug’ to represent the message. The use of word is very specific. In lexical semantic which means meaning in literal by dictionary, weapon is used to attack the enemy. Weapon could be anything made of metal like knife and gun, or it can be invisible like words. Words are like them, the attack can caused pain for someone. In this song, along with the weapon there is also drug. Drug can be good PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


and bad in one condition as well. Drug can be healing someone in good way. In the bad way, drug can also kill someone by the wrong use of its drug.

Those metaphor are used for giving the result how word can cause something to someone. The word drug has two results which are healing and killing.

In this song the word drug refers to the meaning of healing. The reason is because the word ‘or’ in the middle of the weapon and drug. According to Longman

Dictionary, the word ‘or’ is used between two words or phrases to show that either of two things is possible. The possibilities of the result of the words that someone has been spoken are good or bad. Weapon is as the cause of the ‘word’ that can harm or attack someone and make someone hurts. Weapon is the bad cause of the word.

Unlike weapon, drug in here is supposed to heal. In this lyric, weapon and drug are in contrast, which mean they have different significant meaning

In this song, the weapon is aimed to insult someone. The word is the thing that is used by someone to insult other people. It caused bad result as the weapon can cause in literal meaning. In different case drug is aimed to heal someone by advice or tips for someone to encourage someone.

i. Table 4.8. Lexical Semantics of the Word Weapon and Drug

Lexical Semantic

Signifier  Weapon

Signified  a thing to attack someone PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Lexical Semantic

Signifier  Drug

Signified  A thing to heal someone ii. Metaphor

Weapon a thing to attack such as gun or knife

A word that is aimed to insult a person

Drug a thing to heal

A word that is aimed to encourage and advice someone b. “Bow down to the mighty”

The metaphorical expression of “bow down to the mighty” is classified as dead metaphor which means everyone who hear this metaphorical expression will know the meaning of this. “Bow” in literal meanings means bend the body to respect or greet someone. According to Longman Dictionary, “bow” means to bend the top part of your body forward in order to show respect for someone important, or as a way of thanking. In this song, “bow” is followed by “down” that gives another meaning in literal as well. According to same dictionary, “bow down” is a dead metaphor or often called as idiom which means to let someone give you orders or tell you what to do.

In the context of the song, “bow down” is followed by “the mighty” which shows that someone has to obey the orders of someone who is more powerful. In society this thing always happens because usually society is ruled by someone. If the word “bow down” are separated, they would have different meaning. In the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


dictionary “bow down” can be also bend over to show respect or greet someone.

This has same meaning with the word “bow” by itself. In the other hand, the word

“down” means a lower place or position or a feeling of sadness.

So, if “bow down to the mighty” is elaborated literal meaning, it will become to bend over to lower position to the mighty. Metaphorically, they will have a meaning as to obey to someone's orders without offering confrontation from the one who is more powerful.

i. Table 4.9. Lexical Semantics of the Word Bow Down Lexical Semantic

Signifier  bow down

Signified  to bend over to show respect or greet someone ii. Metaphor

Bow Down to bend over

Obey the powerful one c. “stop holding your tongue”

Hold your tongue is classified as dead metaphor. This dead metaphor is really common used in any text and context. This metaphorical expression is idiom or in another meaning it cannot be separated or they will have different meaning word by word.

According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, “hold your tongue” means to tell someone to stop talking or to not tell someone about something. In order to find the significant meaning of this popular dead metaphor, the writer compares the meaning with another dictionary. According to Cambridge PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


English Dictionary “hold your tongue” means to not speak. Both of the dictionaries state that hold your tongue is an informal way to make someone stop talking. This metaphor is usually used in informal situation ore sometimes in rude way. In the song, “hold your tongue” comes after “stop”. The word stop change the meaning to be “speak up about your mind”. So, if it is combined, it will become to not just keep in silent.

“Hold your tongue” has 3 words that has different meaning in literal if they are staying together. Lexically, if “hold your tongue” in literal meaning means holding tongue with hands. It is has significant different meaning if literal meaning is being compared with the metaphorical meaning. According to Longman

Dictionary of Contemporary English the word “hold” has meaning as to have something in your hand, hands, or arms and tongue has meaning as the soft part inside your mouth that you can move about and use for eating and speaking.

In the context of the song, “stop holding your tongue” is stated in the verse

2. In the context of the song this has meaning that we have to speak up to show that we are to express our self because this metaphor came up after the word “don’t run”. The word “don’t run” strengthen the meaning of the metaphor itself.

i. Table 4.10. Lexical Semantics of the Word Hold Your Tongue Lexical Semantic

Signifier  hold your tongue

Signified  holding the tongue with hands



ii. Metaphor

Hold your tongue holding the tongue with hands

To not speak d. “Maybe there’s a way out of the cage where you live”

Lexically, cage means a place to keep an animal. In this lyrics, the author wants to state that there is a way for someone to free them for something that hold someone for so long. In literal meaning, cage is used to keep animal (pet) so the animal will stay and obey the owner. “Maybe there’s a way out of the cage where you live” is classified as live metaphor. In general, cage can hold so many meaning in some context. As a metaphor in the lyrics, cage has significant meaning in if it is transferred in literal meaning. It is supported by the context of the song. The author puts a word that represent about something that makes someone cannot speak up about their mind in public. As the cage keeps the pet in its place, “cage” in the context of the song keep someone to not speak up. If it is described as a literal meaning of the cage, it will be there is no way to get out of the cage that a person lives in. It is almost impossible that person will live in cage for any reason. Even though cage in real life has so many different size, a person will not live in there because it is made of a metal bar like jail.

In conclusion, Cage in the lyrics “Maybe there’s a way out of the cage where you live” means something that hold someone to not be brave enough to speak up about their own opinion. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


i. Table 4.11. Lexical Semantics of the Word Cage Lexical Semantic

Signifier  cage

Signified  a place to keep an animal

ii. Metaphor

Cage A place to keep an animal

Something that hold someone to speak up

2. Metaphor in “Love Song”

Love song is Sara Bareilles debut song in the North America. It is released in June 2006. According to her profile, she made this song when she attended

UCLA in 2004 as her very first album was released. This song tells about a girl thought about her relationship that her boyfriend expects her to be what he wants in relationship. He wants to have a good relationship with the girl and the girl wants the man to accept her as she is. In this song, there are 4 metaphors. The table that shown in the end of the discussion of every metaphor is the compartion between signifier and signified. Here are the metaphor:

a. “Hello to high and dry”

“High and dry” is classified as dead metaphor. It is an idiom which means

if it is separated, it will have different meaning, compared if they are staying

together. According to Dictionary of idioms and their origins, “high and dry” is PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


difficult situation which a person enable to do anything about. In another dictionary, Collins Cobuild Dictionary of Idioms, “high and dry” means to be stranded; to be left out of things. The meaning of “high and dry” can be also as to be under the influence of marijuana, but not alcohol according to Urban

Dictionary. In the context of the song, the metaphor “high and dry” means left helpless in a situation because someone does not give something that they have promised before.

In literal meaning, the word “high” and “dry” are adjective. They are used to modify a noun, but in this metaphor they become a noun. “High” means position that is longer than usual above the ground according to Longman Dictionary. In another hand, “dry” means without water or liquid. If they both are together, in literal, they will mean a position that is longer than usual and without water or liquid.

In the context of the song, the metaphor “high and dry” means, to be left helpless because the lover has left with false hope. The girl expects something that the man has promised before, but the man does not give the girl the words. So, the girl will be left in place with nothing from the men. The line before the metaphor comes up, which is “you are not what I thought you were” is proving that the girl was expecting something from the man.

i. Table 4.12. Lexical Semantics of the Word High and Dry Lexical Semantic

Signifier  high and dry

Signified  position that is longer than usual and without water or liquid PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


ii. Metaphor

High and dry position that is longer than usual and without water or liquid

To be left helpless because the lover has left with false hope

b. “I’m not gonna write you a love song”

The metaphor “love song” is classified as live metaphor, which means it

needs to be compared with the literal meaning and the context in order to find the

meaning of “love song” in the song. In literal meaning, according to Longman

Dictionary of Contemporary English “love” means an affection felling toward

someone and “song” means a short piece of music with words that is sung by a

singer. “Love song” means a piece of music with written love story sung by a

singer. “Love song” can be a theme of a song in general.

In the context of the song, “love song” means a good love story or

experience. It is supported by several phrases in the song. In the lyrics, the author

wrote “I’m not gonna write you a love song, cause you asked for it, cause you need

one, you see”. This means, the man expects a good relationship with the girl, but

the girl disagrees with him because she thinks, the man rules everything in the

relationship. It is supported in second chorus which is “if you’re on your way” that

describes the man in his own ego.

In daily life, “love song” in common use, tells about how love is beautiful

or a great love experience. Referring to the daily experience, in this song, “love

song” represents as a good relationship. The author used the word “love song” to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


say about the expectation of the man towards the girl. Therefore, the girl thinks

that she does not have a good relationship with the man, it is stated in the third

chorus in the line 3 which is “I’ma need a better reason to write you a love song

today”. This line support that the girl seemed forced to be in the relationship and

she does not think she has a beautiful relationship with the man as a real “love

song” in general. The metaphor “love song” is stated so many times in the song. It

is stated 10 times.

i. Table 4.12. Lexical Semantics of the Word Love Song Lexical Semantic

Signifier  Love song

Signified  a short piece of music about love

ii. Metaphor

Love song a short piece of music about love

A good love relationship

c. “I’ll walk the seven seas”

In literal, “seven seas” means the seven seas that the world have. Earth has

seven big seas that covers its surface. If they are separated, “seven” means number

after six and “sea” means the large area of salty water that covers much of the

earth's surface according to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.

“Seven seas” is classified as live metaphor which means they have to be compared

by the context and the literal meaning in order to find the meaning of the metaphor



In literal meaning, the lyric “I’ll walk the seven seas” means someone will

walk in one sea to another sea until he or she reached the seventh sea. This is

impossible, since no one can walk in the water like Jesus did. In the context of the

song, the lyric means the girl is willing to do everything she could if she is really

in love with the man. It is supported by the following words that come up after the

metaphor, which is “I’ll walk the seven seas when I believe that there’s a reason

to write you a love song today”. The words “…when I believe that there’s a reason

to write you a love song today” support that she does not really fall in love with

the man.

In conclusion, the metaphor “I’ll walk the seven seas” is like a promise to

the man that the girl will do everything if she really does love the man.

i. Table 4.13. Lexical Semantics of the Word Seven Seas

Lexical Semantic

Signifier  Seven Seas

Signified  salty water that covers much of the earth's surface

ii. Metaphor

Seven Seas salty water that covers much of the earth's surface

An act to do everything for the one that someone loves

3. Metaphor in “King of Anything”

King of anything is Sara Bareilles third single in the album “Kaleidoscope heart”. This song is released on May 10th, 2010. This song is nominated for 53rd PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Grammy awards 2011. This song tells about a girl’s mind about her partner that is ruled everything in her life. The man has many plans for a girl, but all of his plan is made by him without the girl contribute her own plan. In this song, there are three metaphors. Here are the metaphor:

a. “Ride off into your delusional sunset”

As a live metaphor, “delusional sunset” needs to be compared with literal meaning and the context to know the real meaning of the metaphor. In literal,

“delusional sunset” means impossible the time of day when the sun disappears and night begins, according to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. The word “delusion” can be also a false belief about yourself or the situation someone is in. This means that someone think that the world will not have sunset in literal.

In the context of the song, “delusional sunset” means a false hope.

According to Penguin Dictionary of Symbol, “sunset” is the symbol of hope or expectation of someone. Sunset is described as the turnover of one thing to another thing. In daily life, sunset often describe as a time that is beautiful in the evening before the sky changed to dark. In the song, “sunset” comes along with “delusional” that change the meaning into something bad. It becomes someone that is promised a big thing so other but they keep their own words.

“Delusional Sunset” is coming up after “ride off into” which represents that the girl should come with the boy. “Ride off into your delusional sunset” means the girl should be with the man to do something that is impossible in the future for their relationship. It is supported with the lyrics that come up before the metaphor. In the previous lyric it is stated that the girl thinks that the man knows everything that is PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


good in his own way that the girl has to come up with by the lyric “you sound so innocent, all full of good intent, swear you know the best”. The lyric “But you expect me to….” proves that the man force the girl to obey whatever he wants.

i. Table 4.14. Lexical Semantics of the Word Delusional Sunset Lexical Semantic

Signifier  Delusional Sunset

Signified  impossible the time of day when the sun disappears and night begins

ii. Metaphor

Delusional Sunset impossible time of day when sun fades and night begins

False Hope

b. “You’re so busy making maps with my name on them in all caps”

Lexically, maps is a drawing of a particular part of the such as city or country, or even world according to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

5th Edition. In daily experience people make a map to making a plan to build a city or find a place near them. As what have been classified, “You’re so busy making maps with my name on them in all caps” is an example of live metaphor. This metaphor was created by the creativity of the author in making a lyric and composed it in to a song. People can easily make a new metaphor in a context because live metaphor is unlimited to everyone.

In the context of the song, “maps” means plans to someone’s future. The man has plans in his relationship this is proved by the word “you” in the lyrics. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


“You” is aimed to the lover of the author. Since the author is a woman, it is really obvious that the lover is a man. “You’re so busy making maps with my name on them in all caps” means the man is making plan for their future that are need to be happened but the girls does not have the contribution on making the “maps” itself.

It is supported by the lyrics “I’m not the one who’s lost, with no direction, oh, but you’ll never see”.

In literal, “you’re so busy making maps with my name on them in all caps” means someone is busy making a drawing of a city or a country with his girlfriend name in capital letters. The meaning in literal and when it is transferred have significant difference. There are no connection between the meaning in dictionary and meaning in metaphor. Thus, maps is not represent a drawing of a city or a country, but more like it represents plans for couple future.

i. Table 4.15. Lexical Semantics of the Word Maps

Lexical Semantic

Signifier  Maps

Signified  a drawing of a city or a country

ii. Metaphor

Maps a drawing of city or country

A plan for the couple’s future



c. “Who died and made you king of anything”

There are so many versions of this metaphor. In this lyric, the metaphors are

“died” and “king of anything”. The rest is common phrase that is people to show sarcasm. This phrase is commonly used to show hatred towards someone.

According to The Big Apple, this phrase is an old phrase, it has been used since at least 1940. There are so many versions of this according to the site, but this is a live metaphor because there is no idiom dictionary or other source that has specific and exact meaning of this phrase. In dictionary “died” mean no longer exist while “king of anything” means the ruler of anything. As the “king” and followed by “of” itself means someone or something that people think is the most important or best of a particular type of person or thing according to Longman Dictionary of

Contemporary English. Lexically, the metaphor means who is replacing the ruler of anything.

In the context of the song, “who died and made you king of anything” means person that is ruling someone’s life too much. In the song, the girl is tired of the man that pushed her to do whatever his orders are. The context of the song supports the meaning of the metaphor. The line “so you dare tell me who to be” is supporting that the man is ruling the girl too much.

In addition, the literal meaning and transferred meaning are a bit different.

They both have same mean in terms of “a person who rules” but they has different subject. The word “king” becomes the significant word that the girls must obey since the man rules way too much in her life. In the daily context, everyone must PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


obey the rule from the king. The comparison conclude that they both used in informal situation and they both are sarcasm to show dislike to someone.

i. Table 4.16. Lexical Semantics of the Word King of Anything Lexical Semantic

Signifier  King of anything

Signified  a ruler of everything ii. Metaphor

King of anything a ruler of everything

Someone that rules someone life too much

4. Metaphor in “Gravity”

Gravity is one of Sara Bareilles’s most popular songs. This song was released on February 3, 2009. This song is actually included in her very first album entitled “Careful Confession”, but later on when she released her second album, she included this song and this song become her single to promote the album. This song tells about the girl who wants to move on from her ex-lover but she cannot do that.

She keeps remembering about her lover by the thing that she does. This song has seven metaphors. Here are the metaphors:

a. “I stand so tall”

“Stand stall” is one of dead metaphors that is really common in use. This dead metaphor or idiom is in chorus of the song in the third line. According to

Cambridge Dictionary Online, “stand tall” means to act in confident way. In addition, according to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, “stand tall” PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


means to be proud and feel ready to deal with anything. In comparison of both meaning from two dictionaries, this metaphor is used to show that the speaker is confident about herself.

In literal meaning, if the idiom is separated and defined in literal meaning,

“stand” itself is defined as to be support yourself on feet in upright position while

“tall” means a a person, building, tree, etc., that has height than normal according to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Consequently, if they are combined and translated into literal meaning, they will be “to support body on feet in unusual height”. The meaning in literal meaning is non-sense since they both have different direction.

As the “stand tall” is a metaphor, the meaning of this words is transferred into “to act in confident way”. In the context of the song, “stand stall” is used to show that the author of the song is confident that she will be okay without the ex- lover. It is supported by the lyrics which appeared before. The line “set me free, leave me be” is the supported line to make the meaning of the metaphor in the context of song. This line support that the girl wants to be free without the ex-lover.

So, “I stand so tall” to act in very confident way according to the context of the lyric.

i. Table 4.17. Lexical Semantics of the Word Stand so Tall Lexical Semantic

Signifier  stand so tall

Signified  to be on the feet in great high than normal



ii. Metaphor

Stand so tall to be on the feet in great high than normal

Someone that rules someone life too much b. “You hold me without touch”

As the “touch” is classified as live metaphor, the meaning of this metaphor is transferred into “the feeling of presence”. In the context of the song, “touch” shows that the author feels that the lover is still with her and she still can feel the presence of the lover even though the lover is not there. The word “hold me” means that the lover is used to be in relationship with the author. In addition, touch is classified as dead metaphor that has to be explained by the context to know about the appropriate meaning.

Lexically, “touch” means the sense that you use to discover what something feels like, by putting your hand or fingers on it according to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Sense that human being has is practically can be in many terms. In comparison, the literal meaning contribute to make the metaphor make sense in its context. “hold me” in dictionary means to make something stay in its place according to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. “Hold me” is supporting the word “touch” to have the transferred meaning.

Consequently, “you hold me without touch” means that even though the lover was not there, the author can feel his presence.



i. Table 4.18. Lexical Semantics of the Word Touch

Lexical Semantic

Signifier  touch

Signified  the sense when someone put light hand or finger

ii. Metaphor

Touch the sense when someone put light hand or finger

The feeling of someone presence c. “You keep me without chain”

Lexically, “chain” means a thing to hold something or to put something to prevent them for being stolen according to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary

English. “You keep me without chain” is one of metaphor that is classified as live metaphor. The literal meaning and the context of the song support to create the transferred meaning. Chain is metal rings that is joined together. It is really strong to tie something. In literal, it would be “to make someone do something without metal rings”.

In the song, the word “chain” comes after “keep me”. The word “keep me” can have several meanings in general. In the context of the song, “keep me” is supporting “chain” to have the transferred meaning. “Keep me” means to make someone does something. In addition, the word “chain” become the things that is really strong that cannot be ignored, in this case, chains means “controlling” thus, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


it will be stay in its place. “Control” in here means doing anything to make someone happy or to please someone.

The meaning of this metaphor is, the man can control the author without him even tries to. It is because the word “without”, this prove that even though the man does not do or order something to the girl, the girl feels being controlled or ruled by the man. So, the meaning of “You keep me without chain” is to follow the control of someone even the controller does not ask to.

i. Table 4.19. Lexical Semantics of the Word Chain

Lexical Semantic

Signifier  chain

Signified  a metal rings that joined together

ii. Metaphor

Chain a metal rings joined together


d. “Drown in your love, not feel your rain”

Lexically, someone cannot drown in “love”. “Love” in literal meaning, means an affection intense felling. Love cannot be seen, but it can be felt by a human. For that reason, in the literal meaning, “drown in your love” means drowning in affection feeling, according to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary

English. In the literal meaning, the phrase is not going to happen in the real life, but in transferred meaning, it does have another meaning that is possible in the real life. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


“Drown in your love” means that the author is deeply in love with the man. The word “drown” in general means covered in liquid, so it can be transferred as covered in love which means all over the lover.

In addition, “not feel you rain” lexically means not feeling the present of the water fall from clouds in the sky. People will only feel the glimpse or the rain and soon enough, the part of the body of a human will be dry after getting soaked by rain. If those explanation is compared to the context of the song, the transferred meaning will be something that cannot stay for long or someone cannot have it for permanent.

Thus, if both the transferred meaning is combined, the metaphorical expression of “Drown in your love, not feel your rain” means that the author is deeply in love with the men but, unfortunately, the author only have him not for long. It is supported by the line “I never wanted anything so much”. This show that the girl really wants to have him, but they cannot be together for a reason.

i. Table 4.20. Lexical Semantics of the Word Love and Rain Lexical Semantic

Signifier  Drown in your love

Signified  covered in affection feeling Lexical Semantic

Signifier  not feel your rain

Signified  not feel the water fall from sky



ii. Metaphor

Drown in your love Covered in affection feeling

Deeply in love with someone

Not feel your rain not feel the water fall from sky

Cannot be with someone

e. “I don’t wanna fall another moment into your gravity”

According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, “Gravity” means the force that causes something to fall to the ground or to be attracted to another. It is naturally exist in daily basis life. The word “Gravity” is usually related with space and galaxy thing. It makes everything stay in ground and in its place.

Literally, “I don’t wanna fall another moment into your gravity” means someone does not want to be attached of forces towards the center of the earth.

In the context of the song, “gravity” means attractiveness love of a lover. It is supported by the context of the song itself. The word “fall” is a verb of being in a new or different situation, so “I don’t wanna fall another moment into your gravity” means the author does not want to be attracted to love that the lover offers.

It is supported by the first verse that tells about the author still thinking about the lover. The second verse also support the meaning of “gravity”, the first verse tells about what she wants, but in the second verse the author explains the opposite which she thinks that she does not want the lover at the same moment. Consequently,

“Gravity” is representing as the man affection in the context of the song.



i. Table 4.21. Lexical Semantics of the Word Gravity Lexical Semantic

Signifier  Gravity

Signified  a force to be attached in the center of the earth

ii. Metaphor

Gravity a force to be attached in the center of the earth

Someone affection

f. “All my fragile strength is gone”

In literal meaning, “fragile and strength” cannot be together since they have opposite meaning one to another, but in this song, both words appear together as a metaphor. In Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, “fragile” means something that is easily broken such as glass. The word “Fragile” is often used to show the condition of illness related to human. In the other hand, strength means the physical power that makes human becomes strong. If both words are combined, in literal meaning, they will mean “a broken strong”. In literal, they do not make sense since they are contrast in meaning.

In the context of the song the “fragile strength” means a situation when someone feels they are strong, but in fact they are weak. This is supported by the first line of third verse which is “you loved me cause I’m fragile, when I thought that I was strong”. It this clearly stated the situation of the girl. The author use the metaphor to shorten the phrase. It commonly happens to girl. This metaphor is followed by the word “gone”, which means the “fragile strength” is no longer there. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


This phrase comes after “but you touch me for a little while” that support the meaning of the metaphor in the context. If they are combined, the metaphor will make sense, because according to the song, the man makes the “fragile strength” will go by his presence in the author’s life. So, “fragile strength” can be a girl weakness in terms of girl’s feeling.

i. Table 4.22. Lexical Semantics of the Word Fragile Strength Lexical Semantic

Signifier  fragile strength

Signified  a broken of strong feeling

ii. Metaphor

Fragile strength a broken of strong feeling

A situation of feeling strong but actually weak

g. “I live here on my knees”

“On my knees” is one of example of dead meteaphor that is also commonly used in daily life. “On my knees” is used in song to express about the relationship.

It is often misused with the idiom of “on your knees”. They both have contrast in meaning. “On your knees” simply means kneeling down to beg something according to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, while “on my knees” has more complex meaning. They both are dead metaphor that is commonly used.

“On my knees” means cannot move on from the past experience according to Urban Dictionary. In literal, on my knees means to stand on the knees according PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. If the literal meaning is applied to the song, it would not make sense. Thus, the meaning needs to be transferred.

In the context of the song, “On my knees” is supporting the song that show, the author cannot move on from the lover, but she want to be free from him. Even though she cannot move one, she wants to the lover know that she will be fine without him. It is stated in the next line of the song, which is “I try to make you see that you’re everything I need here on the ground”.

i. Table 4.23. Lexical Semantics of the Word On My Knees

Lexical Semantic

Signifier  on my knees

Signified  stand on the knees

ii. Metaphor

On my Knees stand on the knees

Cannot move on

5. Metaphor in “Manhattan”

Manhattan is the second single from her album entitled “The Blessed

Unrest”. It was released on 16th July, 2013. This song tells about the leaving of the girl because she thinks that is the best for their relationship. She tells the memories of ups and downs when they are both together and also hopes for the lover in the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


future. Even though she is sad to break up, but she is sure that break up is the best way. This song has six metaphors. Here are the metaphors:

a. “You can have Manhattan”

According to NYC the Official Guide, Manhattan is one of big city in New

York, North America. Manhattan is well-known for its fascination, because

Manhattan is the location of famous Times Square, Central Park, Empire State

Building, high class museum, restaurants and concert halls. According to the dictionary, Manhattan is an island and borough in the New York Bay between the

Hudson River and East river. In the literal meaning, “You can have Manhattan” means someone can own the “Manhattan”. This impossible since an island cannot be owned by a person. An island belongs to a country and Manhattan belongs to the

United States of America.

In the song, Manhattan is stated six times. Some of them come up with different lines and words. Since Manhattan is a big city and glamour, it could give good future for those who is seeking. In this song, with comparison of the literal meaning, “Manhattan” means a good future. It is supported by the next line in first verse which is “I know it’s for the best”. This means that she wants her ex-lover has a good future after breaking up with her. It is also supported by third verse.

“You can have Manhattan, the one we used to share”. As a couple, it is common to share and talk about the future the sake of the relationship. Consequently, the

Manhattan in the context of the song does not mean a specific plce in the world, but about the bright future that the lover might have after they break up.



i. Table 4.24. Lexical Semantics of the Word Manhattan

Lexical Semantic

Signifier  Manhattan

Signified  an island in the US

ii. Metaphor

On my Knees an island in the US

A good future

b. “I’ll gather up the avenues and leave them on your doorstep”

Since the song uses the “Manhattan” as the title, the writer finds some of

“Manhattan” elements in it such as avenue, bustle, building and beach.

Lexically, “avenue” means a broad road in a city that have trees along its sides. Avenue is a way to enter the approaching a placed. Another meaning of

“avenue” is a way to gain something according to Longman Dictionary of

Contemporary English. In literal meaning, the lyrics means someone will gather up the broad road of a city, and leave it in someone’s front door. It is not possible in the real life, since road is really big.

In the context of the song, “avenues” means possibilities. It is supported by the first and the second line. The previous metaphor (5.a) states that the author wants to gather the strength to surrender the possibilities of the relationship into the lover’s decision and see the lover has a good future because she know it is the best for him. With the intention of the author will give him some opportunity to make PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


the lover futures good. The next line after the “avenue” is supporting that she want to give up to the relationship.

i. Table 4.25. Lexical Semantics of the Word Avenue

Lexical Semantic

Signifier  Avenue

Signified  a way to enter the approaching a placed

ii. Metaphor

Avenues a way to enter the approaching a placed


c. “When I was one half of two”

In literal meaning, “one half of two” means one of two equal parts of something. This is usually used in terms of mathematics to divide a number. In the mathematic, half of two is one (2:1= 1). “One half of two” is not an idiom, but it is a live metaphor, so it needs to be compared with the literal meaning.

According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, “half of” means the largest part of something. It can be also exactly 50% of an amount, time, or etc. In literal meaning, it means someone is one half a largest part of two.

Obviously, this is not possible, since two is just a number.

In addition, in the context of the song, “one half of two” means the time that the author is the half part of the lover. It is supported by the previous verse and chorus. In the very first verse, the author states, that the lover and her used to be PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


together, the author decides to break up with the lover. Consequently, “When I was one half of two” means when the author used to be together and being of the lover’s life in the past

i. Table 4.26. Lexical Semantics of the Word One Half of Two Lexical Semantic

Signifier  one half of two

Signified  an equal part of two

ii. Metaphor

One half of two An equal part of two

Being the part of someone’s life

C. Metaphor Contribution to the Theme of the Song

After finding, classifying, discussing the meaning of each metaphor, this study continues to determine the theme of the song by seeing the meaning of the metaphor.

1. Theme in “Brave”

The theme of this song is “Be Brave to speak up the truth” because this song tells people not to just in silent because someone is in low position. The metaphor “Bow down to the mighty” proves that people are afraid to speak about the truth because they are afraid with someone that they thought in the higher position. The phrase “you can turn a phrase into weapon or a drug” reminds people, to be wise to speak because it might insult or make peace. The chorus is an obvious PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


hint to conclude the theme of this song. “Say what you wanna say, and let the words fall out, honestly I wanna see you be brave” is the line that the author creates to encourage the audience to be brave to speak.

2. Theme in “Love Song”

The theme of this song is “heartache in romance” because this song shows that the girl is not happy with the relationship and the lover just hurting the girl his attitude. The line “I’m not gonna write you a love song” is showing that the girl does not have a reason to love the lover any longer. The line “if you on your own way” support, that the man is self-centered. The lover does not want to understand the girl. The line “I’m trying to let you hear as I am” also support that the girl is not happy with the lover. The line “I’ll walk seven seas” seems like the girl is really hope that the man will change for her that is why the girl will do anything for that.

3. Theme in “King of Anything”

The theme of this song is “Self-centered lover”. In this song, the lover never listens to the girl’s opinion. The lover also rules too much about the girl life. The line “so many things I’d say if only I were able” shows that the girl never gets the chance to be listened to the lover. This behavior is unacceptable because it is self- centered. The metaphor “who died and made you king of anything” proves that the girl feels the man is controlling too much and the girl should obey since “king” represent a man with absolute power. King’s order must be obeyed. This shows the bad behavior of the lover also the metaphor “ride off into your delusional sunset” is one prove that the man has orders to be obeyed by the girl.



4. Theme in “Gravity”

The theme of this song is “Failed to move on”. This song is about the girl who is actually still in love with the lover, but still thinks about the lover. The metaphor “you hold me without touch” proves that the girl still has the lover in her mind. The metaphor means the presence while the love is not there. The presence of the lover is limited in her mind. Therefore, it is clearly that she cannot move on or cannot get over from the lover even their relationship is over. The metaphor “than to drown in your love” proves that the girl is still in love with the lover so much.

5. Theme in “Manhattan”

The theme of this song is “giving up in a relationship”. The chorus of the song is supported to conclude a theme for this song. The metaphor “you can have

Manhattan, because I can’t have you” proves that the girl wants to see her lover has a great future because she thinks her relationship will not be working out if she continue it. It is also proved in the line “hang onto the reverie, could you do that for me?” This line show that the girl really wants the lover has another opportunity or chasing after the dreams.




The analysis has done in the previous chapter, and this chapter presents the conclusion based on the analysis. This present study classifies the metaphor that are found in the song lyrics. Those classifications are dead metaphors and live metaphors. Dead metaphor or familiar with idiom are found 5 in lyrics. Live metaphors are found in 16 lyrics from free metaphors.

The results are this study uses the classification to define the meaning of the metaphor. The writer found there are 21 metaphors in Sara Bareilles’s songs. As the analysis in previous chapter, metaphors are classified as two classifications which are dead and live metaphor. There are 5 dead metaphors in Sara Bareilles’s songs. The meaning of dead metaphors can be found in several famous dictionary, and they have fixed meanings because they already became part of English language in the society because the society has been familiar with them. There are

16 live metaphors that have different meanings in each song. The limitation of the listeners are when they know a metaphor, they can only guess the meaning and relate them with another phrase in the songs. As the result, live metaphor meaning is wide-ranging. This present study used dictionary, online source, and some literal texts that influence in order to define the meaning of the metaphor. The discussion of how the meaning of live metaphor are interpreted by comparing the meaning by the context of the songs. Live metaphor cannot be found in famous dictionary.




Dead metaphor and live metaphor have their own contribution to create the theme of the song. The meaning of live metaphors are found by comparing the literal meaning in dictionary and the context of the song, so it can be transferred and transformed new meaning as metaphors. The meaning of them can give some elements to form an angle of the story of the song, and finally create one theme for each song. As those metaphors already explained in chapter IV, theme can be developed by the metaphors contribution and the whole lyrics meaning. The theme of the songs are the goal for this study. The theme for “Brave” is “Be Brave to speak the truth”, the theme for “Love Song” is “Heartache in relationship”, the theme for

“king of Anything” is “Self-centered Lover”, the theme for “gravity” is “Failed to move on”, and the theme for “Manhattan” is “Giving up in a relationship”.

In the end of this study, the writer hopes that the goal of this study has reached which will make the listeners get clearer meaning of 5 Sara Breailles’s songs.



American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. 2011. (http://www.thefreedictionary/home) July 14, 2015 Brave Lyric by Sara Bareilles. (Accesed on March 12th, 2015) Cambridge English: Cambridge Dictionary Online: Cambridge University Press. 2013. ( tongue) Accessed on July 2nd, 2015 Cambridge English: Cambridge Dictionary Online. Cambridge university press, 2013 ( Accessed on July 2nd, 2015 -Marwick, Karen and Michael Mayor. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English: Longman Group UK Limited. 1995. Flavell, Linda, Roger Flavell, Kyle Cathie. Dictionary of Idioms and Their Origins. The University of Michigan, 2005. Gheerbrant, Alain and Jean Chavalier. The Penguin Dictionary of Symbols. City of Westminster: Editions Robert Laffont S. A. 1982. Gravity Lyric by Sara Bareilles. (Accessed on March 12th, 2016) HarperCollins UK. Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary: New York City. HarperCollins Publishers Limited, 2012. Hanslick, Eduard. The Beautiful in Music. New York: The Liberal Arts Press, Inc. 1957 Kovecses, Zoltan. Metaphor and Emotion: Language, Culture, and Body in Human Feeling. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2000. King of Anything Lyric by Sara Bareilles. (Accessed on March 12th, 2016) Lakoff, George and Mark Johnson. Metaphor We Live by. : the University of Chicago. 1980. Larson, Milderd L. Meaning Based Translation: A Guide to Cross-language Equivalence. Lanham and London: University Press of America. 1998.




Love Song Lyric by Sara Bareilles. (Accessed on March 12th, 2016) Manhattan Lyric by Sara Bareilles. (Accessed on March 12th, 2016) Manhattan Official Site neighborhoods/manhattan (July 13th, 2016) McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. The McGraw- Hill Companies, Inc. 2002 Official Sara Bareilles (Accessed on March 12th, 2016) Peckham, Aaron. The Urban Dictionary. 1999. ( Accessed on July 1st, 2015 Palmer, F.R. Sematics: Second Edition. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1967.

Rettob, Maria Godeliva. The Metaphor Analysis of Selected Eminem’s Rap Songs. Yogyakarta: Department Of English Language Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Sanata Dharma University. 2015.

Sylvia, Maria Maya. Metaphorical Meaning of Coldplay’s Song Lyrics. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University. 2015 (Accessed on March 12th, 2016)




Something always brings me back to you It never takes too long No matter what I say or do I'll still feel you here 'till the moment I'm gone

You hold me without touch You keep me without chains I never wanted anything so much than to drown in your love And not feel your reign

Set me free, leave me be I don't want to fall another moment into your gravity Here I am, and I stand So tall, just the way I'm supposed to be But you're on to me and all over me

Oh, you loved me 'cause I'm fragile When I thought that I was strong But you touch me for a little while And all my fragile strength is gone

Set me free, leave me be I don't want to fall another moment into your gravity Here I am, and I stand So tall, just the way I'm supposed to be But you're on to me and all over me

I live here on my knees as I try to make you see That you're everything I think I need here on the ground But you're neither friend nor foe though I can't seem to let you go The one thing that I still know is that you're keeping me down You're keeping me down, eh ooh You're on to me, on to me, and all over

Something always brings me back to you It never takes too long





You can be amazing You can turn a phrase into a weapon or a drug You can be the outcast Or be the backlash of somebody's lack of love Or you can start speaking up Nothing's gonna hurt you the way that words do And they settle 'neath your skin Kept on the inside and no sunlight Sometimes a shadow wins But I wonder what would happen if you

Say what you wanna say And let the words fall out Honestly I wanna see you be brave

With what you want to say And let the words fall out Honestly I wanna see you be brave

I just wanna see you I just wanna see you I just wanna see you I wanna see you be brave

I just wanna see you I just wanna see you I just wanna see you I wanna see you be brave

Everybody's been there, everybody's been stared down By the enemy Fallen for the fear and done some disappearing Bow down to the mighty Don't run, stop holding your tongue Maybe there's a way out of the cage where you live Maybe one of these days you can let the light in Show me how big your brave is

Say what you wanna say And let the words fall out Honestly I wanna see you be brave



With what you want to say And let the words fall out Honestly I wanna see you be brave

Innocence, your history of silence Won't do you any good Did you think it would? Let your words be anything but empty Why don't you tell them the truth?

Say what you wanna say And let the words fall out Honestly I wanna see you be brave

With what you want to say And let the words fall out Honestly I wanna see you be brave

I just wanna see you I just wanna see you I just wanna see you I wanna see you be brave

I just wanna see you I just wanna see you I just wanna see you See you be brave

I just wanna see you I just wanna see you I just wanna see you

I just wanna see you I just wanna see you I just wanna see you

You can have Manhattan I know it's for the best I'll gather up the avenues And leave them on your doorstep And I'll tip toe away So you won't have to say You heard me leave




You can have Manhattan I know it's what you want The bustle and the buildings The weather in the fall And I'll bow out of place To save you some space For somebody new

You can have Manhattan 'Cause I can't have you


You can have Manhattan The one we used to share The one where we were laughing And drunk on just being there Hang on to the reverie Could you do that for me 'Cause I'm just too sad to

You can have Manhattan 'Cause I can't have you

And so it goes One foot after the other 'Til black and white begin to color in And I know That holding us in place is simply fear Of what's already changed


You can have Manhattan I'll settle for the beach And sunsets facing westward with Sand beneath my feet I'll wish this away Just missing the days When I was one half of two

You can have Manhattan 'Cause I can't have you



Love Song

Head under water And they tell me to breathe easy for a while The breathing gets harder, even I know that

You made room for me but it's too soon to see If I'm happy in your hands I'm unusually hard to hold on to

Blank stares at blank pages No easy way to say this You mean well, but you make this hard on me

I'm not gonna write you a love song 'Cause you asked for it 'Cause you need one, you see I'm not gonna write you a love song 'Cause you tell me it's Make or breaking this If you're on your way I'm not gonna write you to stay If all you have is leaving I'm gonna need a better reason to write you a love song today

I learned the hard way That they all say things you want to hear And my heavy heart sinks deep down under you And your twisted words, your help just hurts You are not what I thought you were Hello to high and dry

Convinced me to please you Made me think that I need this too I'm trying to let you hear me as I am

I'm not gonna write you a love song 'Cause you asked for it 'Cause you need one, you see I'm not gonna write you a love song 'Cause you tell me it's Make or breaking this If you're on your way I'm not gonna write you to stay



If all you have is leaving I'm gonna need a better reason to write you a love song today

Promise me that you'll leave the light on To help me see with daylight, my guide, gone 'Cause I believe there's a way you can love me because I say

I won't write you a love song 'Cause you asked for it 'Cause you need one you see I'm not gonna write you a love song 'Cause you tell me it's make or breaking this Is that why you wanted a love song 'Cause you asked for it 'Cause you need one you see I'm not gonna write you a love song 'Cause you tell me it's make or breaking this If you're on your way I'm not gonna write you to stay If your heart is nowhere in it I don't want it for a minute Babe, I'll walk the seven seas when I believe that there's a reason to Write you a love song today

King of Anything

Keep drinking coffee, stare me down across the table While I look outside So many things I'd say if only I were able But I just keep quiet and count the cars that pass by

You've got opinions, man We're all entitled to 'em, but I never asked So let me thank you for your time, And try not to waste anymore of mine And get out of here fast

I hate to break it to you babe, but I'm not drowning There's no one here to save

Who cares if you disagree? You are not me Who made you king of anything?



So you dare tell me who to be? Who died and made you king of anything?

You sound so innocent, all full of good intent Swear you know best But you expect me to jump up on board with you And ride off into your delusional sunset

I'm not the one who's lost with no direction But you'll never see You're so busy making masks with my name on them in all caps You got the talking down, just not the listening

And who cares if you disagree? You are not me Who made you king of anything? So you dare tell me who to be? Who died and made you king of anything?

All my life I've tried to make everybody happy While I just hurt and hide Waiting for someone to tell me it's my turn to decide

Who cares if you disagree? You are not me Who made you king of anything? So you dare tell me who to be? Who died and made you king of anything?

Who cares if you disagree? You are not me Who made you king of anything? So you dare tell me who to be? Who died and made you king of anything?

Let me hold your crown, babe