Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. 31 -01 20th Avenue Long Island City NY 11 105-2048 conEdison ~* a conEdlson, inc cornparly February 16,2007 Mr. Matthew Hubicki Project Manager New York State Department of Environmental Conservation 625 Broadway Albany,N.Y. 12233-7017 RE: Ossining Works Site Revised Site Characterization Work Plan Voluntary Cleanup Agreement Index No. D2-0003-02-08 Site ID V00568 Dear Mr. Hubicki: Enclosed for your review please find the revised Site Characterization Work Plan for the Ossining Works Site. This version of the work plan incorporates the off-site soil borings as per NYSDEC request. If you have any questions or require further information to complete your review, please * contact me at 718-204-4288, or via e-mail at
[email protected]. Project Manager cc: M. Ryan, NYSDEC (wlo attach) R. Pergardia, NYSDEC Region 3 M. Rivara, NYSDOH (2 copies) R. Price, Con Ed (wlo encl.) M. Wilcken, Esq. Con Ed (wlo end.) E. Louie, Con Ed (wlo end.) L. Mascuch Con Ed, (wlo encl.) J OTooIe, Con Ed (wlo encl.) Site Characterization Study Work Plan Former Ossining Works Manufactured Gas Plant Ossining, New York Site Identification Number V00568 For Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. 3 1-02 2othAvenue Building 136, Second Floor Long Island City, New York 11 105 Prepared by: SCHOOR DEPALMA Justin Corporate Center 200 State Highway Nine P.O. Box 900 Manalapan, New Jersey 07726-0900 and HDR ( LMS One Blue Hill Plaza Pearl River, New York 10965-3 104 February 16,2007 N:\pro~eclV006\0603419\O I \Oss SCWP\Oss SC WP Trxt\SCWP-Ossin~ng-finaldoc SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORK PLAN FORMER OSSINING WORKS MANUFACTURED GAS PLANT OSSINING.