Egypt Level 3

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The Mighty Woman Animal-headed gods are common in Egyptian art and is one of the oldest known deities from Egypt.

• Sekhmet is given the head of a lioness by the Egyptians. What words do you associate with lions? Some words associated with lions could include: powerful, destructive, brave, fearless, ferocious, vicious, protective as well as many others.

Sekhmet’s name means “the Powerful Female-One”. But her other titles point to sometimes terrifying attributes: the “(One) Before Whom Evil Trembles,” the “Mistress of Dread,” and the “Lady of Slaughter.”

 This statue of Sekhmet was constructed during the reign of Amenhotep III, ’s grandfather .

 Where would you find this type of statue? In a temple.

 Find the life-sized granite statue of Sekhmet

Preparing for the Afterlife

The Ancient Egyptians preserved the dead through mummification because they be- lieved that the body had to survive intact in order for the soul to enjoy eternity in the Afterlife. Djedmaatesankh lived in Egypt between 945-715 B.C. Her coffin was made of moulded linen and plaster that was decorated with bright paints and gold leaf.

 A full-body CT-scan of Djedmaatesankh was done, which revealed a massive infection in the upper left jaw which was most likely the cause of her death.

 Identify at least four gods found on the coffin. (You can find more about gods and their names in the cases of god statues across from our mummies.)

There are many possible answers, some are: Osiris, Isis, Horus, Anubus, Thoth, Hapi, Nephthys, Imsety, Duamutef, Qebehsenuef, Amut, .

 Beside Djedmaatesankh is the wooden coffin and mummy of Antjau.

List the steps involved in mummification. 1) Purification 2) Removing the brain and internal organs 3) Drying the body in natron 4) Wrapping the body with amulets and linen 5) Prayers  Find the coffin and mummy of Djedmaatesankh

• What animals did the Egyptians mummify? There are many possible answers, some are: cats, dogs, birds (hawk, ibis, falcon), crocodiles, gazelles.

• Why did the Egyptians mummify animals?

There were three reasons, some are: as offerings to the gods, as

companions in the afterlife, or for use as food.  Find the animal mummies