download the latest android sdk How to download the latest version of Android SDK for Visual Studio .NET 2017. I would like to make use of the latest version of Android SDK, but it doesn't show up in "Android SDKs and Tools". I'm using MS Visual Studio Professional 2017, and I have to use Google repository, because it doesn't work with Microsoft repository. Can you advise? 1 Answer 1. If you're using Microsoft Visual Studio , I assume that you are or planning to work with Xamarin , and since you're asking for advice, I'd recommend that you work with android sdk from Microsoft repository instead of Google's as its clearly shown in the screenshot "unsupported" . However, if you still want to get latest sdk tool, switch to "Tools" instead of "Platforms" you'll see all the version and from there you can update as needed. Download the latest android sdk. OPSEC (operations security) is a security and risk management process and strategy that classifies information, then determines . A smart contract is a decentralized application that executes business logic in response to events. Compliance risk is an organization's potential exposure to legal penalties, financial forfeiture and material loss, resulting . Cyberstalking is a crime in which someone harasses or stalks a victim using electronic or digital means, such as social media, . Cybersecurity is the protection of internet-connected systems such as hardware, software and data from cyberthreats. A private key, also known as a secret key, is a variable in cryptography that is used with an algorithm to encrypt and decrypt . Protected health information (PHI), also referred to as personal health information, is the demographic information, medical . Digital health, or digital healthcare, is a broad, multidisciplinary concept that includes concepts from an intersection between . HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is United States legislation that provides data privacy and security . Risk mitigation is a strategy to prepare for and lessen the effects of threats faced by a business. Change control is a systematic approach to managing all changes made to a product or system. Disaster recovery (DR) is an organization's ability to respond to and recover from an event that affects business operations. RAM (Random Access Memory) is the hardware in a computing device where the operating system (OS), application programs and data . RAID 6, also known as double-parity RAID, uses two parity stripes on each disk. It allows for two disk failures within the RAID . NOR flash memory is one of two types of non-volatile storage technologies. Download Android SDK Platform Tools | Windows / Mac/ Linux. Download Latest ADB and Fastboot SDK Platform-Tools (2021 Updated): If you are an advanced Android user, you know that Android developers use the Android SDK or Android Studio to develop apps for Android users. Not just Android application development, Android SDK comes with various other tools under Platform-Tools such as ADB, Fastboot, Systrace and likewise. These tools are used by advanced Android users who may or may not have Android programming knowledge. They use to tool to do advanced works on their Android smartphones like unlocking the bootloader, flashing boot image, and install custom ROM and likewise. Previously, they had to down the entire Android SDK to get the required tools. This used to consume internet data unnecessarily because only a certain portion of Android SDK comprises Platform-Tools. ADB and Fastboot Download Only. Fortunately, you can now download SDK Platform Tools only and separately that contain the latest ADB and Fastboot files. These files are finally made available by Google for all users starting from Windows to Linux and Mac. You can now download the latest ADB and Fastboot files any time from Google Developer Site. Before this new option provided by Google, advanced Android users to wanted to do more with their smartphones than what their OEMs provided them, they had to download the entire Android SDK or Studio which was time–consuming and data-consuming. Do Not Settle With Third-Party ADB and Fastboot, get Android SDK Platform Tools. Since it was data-consuming with over 1GB of file size, most of the advanced Android users used to download third-party ADB and Fastboot files. For example, some of you may be aware of Minimal ADB and Fastboot as most of the people used to download. But third-party downloads can have malicious malware and Trojans that can do more damage than good. It is time to ditch the third-parties and get the latest tools directly from Google. The latest SDK Platform Tools file size is less than 4MB. The tools are available for Windows, Linux as well as Mac users. The downloadable are provided below. Android sdk platform-tools download offline. Windows – Mac: Linux: How to Use Android SDK Platform tools (Installation)? Video Guide. After downloading the appropriate Platform-Tools, you have to extract the Zip file and then open the extracted folder. Then launch a command window from inside the Platform-Tools folder. To do so, press Shift + Right Click on the blank space and select the option Open Command Window/power shell window Here option. Install SDK. You need Android Studio to follow along with these guides. Install the Android SDK using your preferred method: Via Gradle, or manually. 1: Declare repositories In the Project build.gradle file, declare the mavenCentral repository: Step 2: Add dependencies In the application build.gradle file, add the latest Android SDK package: In Android Studio , switch the folder structure from Android to Project : and paste it in your Android project, under app > libs . Right-click the jar you pasted and select Add As Library . When prompted, click Refactor . If prompted to commit to , click OK . Add the following permissions to AndroidManifest. : Optional Recommended To improve attribution accuracy, it's recommended to install the Google Play Install Referrer. Optional If you are using ProGuard and you encounter a warning regarding our AFKeystoreWrapper class, then add the following code to your file: If you add android:fullBackupContent="true" inside the tag in the AndroidManifest.xml , you might get the following error: To fix this error, add tools:replace="android:fullBackupContent" in the tag in the AndroidManifest.xml file. If you have your own backup rules specified ( android:fullBackupContent="@xml/my_rules" ), in addition to the instructions above, please merge them with AppsFlyer rules manually by adding the following rule: SDK V5 If you are using Android SDK V5 and above, make sure that in the APK file, in addition to the classes.dex and resources files, you also have a com > appsflyer > internal folder with files a- and b- inside. Note: Before SDK 5.3.0, file names are a. and b. Check that you have the required files by opening your APK in Android Studio: If those files are missing, the SDK can't make network requests to our server, and you need to contact your CSM or support. How do I download the latest version of the Android SDK? [closed] Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 7 years ago . But I forgot to mention I'm not using , or IE, or , or even (shocked gasp) Chrome. I'm using KDE rekonq, which, although technically a WebKit browser, does not inspire that over-developed site to list anything under "Choose the SDK package for your OS from the table below." That's right. Where you see the clicker for your least-favorite OS in that "table", I see absolutely nothing . The website does not recognize my rekonq, and does not pop in the link for the Linux version. Worse, the website does not simply barf out every version, responding to the edge- case where it cannot detect any of them. So, while I download expecting to then tell it to upgrade itself, would anyone like to try to answer the meta-question, here; how I was expected to download the LATEST version despite using an inferior browser? (And we will next discuss the ethics & accessibility of a CAPTCHA system that shells to YouTube. )