Alabama Pamphlets Collection Finding
ALABAMA PAMPHLETS COLLECTION, 1821-1961 Finding aid Call number: LPR131 Extent: 13 cubic ft. (13 cubic ft. boxes.) To return to the ADAHCat catalog record, click here: Alabama Dept. of Archives and History, 624 Washington Ave., Montgomery, AL 36130 CONTAINER LISTING Collection: Alabama pamphlet collection Location: LPR131 Box/Folder Description/Title Abercrombie, John W. 1 1 “Patriotism and Preparedness: Speech in the House of Representatives, June 2, 1916.” Congressional Record. 64th Congress, 1st sess., 1916. 12Vocational Education: Speech in the House of Representatives, Oct. 2, 1913. 1 9 Washington D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1913. 13Our Public School System, Its Defects and How to Remedy Them: Address before the Alabama Education Association, June 26, 1900. Montgomery, AL: Brown Printing Co., 1900. 14Suffrage for Women: Speech in the House of Representatives, January 12, 1915. Washington D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1915. 15Statement and Resignation of President John W. Abercrombie of the University of Alabama, 1911. 16University of Cincinnati Commencement Record, 1905. Includes John W. Abercrombie’s address, “The College Man in the Nation’s Work.” 17Education in the Old and in the New South: Address before the Southern Educational Association, Dec. 29, 1899. Richmond, VA: B. F. Johnson Publishing Co., ca. 1899. 18Federal Aid for Post Roads: Remarks in the House of Representatives, Jan. 25, 1916. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1916. 110Immigration: Speech in the House of Representatives, Jan. 30, 1914. Washington D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1914. Abernethy, Thomas Perkins 111The Origin of the Whig Party in Tennessee.
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