Environmental Conservation a National Duty: President
Volume II, Number 46 5th Waning Day of Nayon 1377 ME Saturday, 6 June, 2015 Environmental conservation a national duty: president President U Thein Sein poses for documentary photo with Vice President Dr Sai Mauk Kham and prize winners in contests to mark World Environment Day 2015.—MNA NAY PYI TAW, 5 June tal Conservation Day. adoption of an ambitious ronment and ecosystem, crease in population from world loses 30 percent of — The adoption of sus- In his speech at Myan- global environmental pact. the president said. over 40 million in 1990 its forestland, 20 percent tainable development mar International Conven- It is necessary for Supplying food, hu- to 51.4 million today, the of farmland and 10 percent goals and climate change tion Centre (2), the presi- people around the world man needs and resources president added. of pasture land every year, protocols by the Unit- dent said the UN General including Myanmar to fun- to the growing global pop- Then president said having lost 50 percent loss ed Nations this year will Assembly is going to adopt damentally change their ulation, which is estimated 925 million people around of its wetlands between be milestones for the in- sustainable development individual lifestyles so that to grow from 7 billion to- the world are facing food 2000 and 2010, before ternational community, goals in September, while extraction, consumption day to 9.6 billion in 2050, shortages, while anoth- adding that such condi- President U Thein Sein the climate change confer- and waste of natural re- is a major challenge for all er 600 million lack clean tions are threatening the said Friday, in a speech to ence to be held in Decem- sources will not affect the countries including Myan- drinking water.
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