History of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Racine, Wisconsin

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History of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Racine, Wisconsin THE- METHODIST- CHURCH lAELYBAClNE .«« .^-^ Itf *. ^#//J (In. 7^x14 'i '/^l^J! ^'^ ';^ it h^- L\l\ JOHX WESLEY. Courtesy of the Northwestern Christiiin Advocate. mSTOKYOrTME riBST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHUBCH MCINE WISCONSIN WITH A PRELIMINARY CHAPTER DEVOTED- TO THE- CITY- Or-RACINE 1636 T0l912r BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED WITH • HALF-TONE • R.EP E.ODUCTI ONS 1 9 1 a • I , .. I. Cc Preface IN compiling this volume we have not ol>sei'ved the rule, often followed in writing history, whieh is to record all events as they have occurred, year by year, in chronological order, but have divided it into chapters covering different phases of the church work, in an effort to make it more valuable as a book of reference, and more interesting to the casual reader. "We are not sure that we have succeeded completely, but the prospect looked promising enougli to invite, if not to warrant, the venture. This book contains a history of the First Methodist Episcopal Church. Kaeine, AVis., or so much of it as we have been able to gather from records, dociiments, correspondence, and conversations with people whose memory goes beyond the records we have. It is a fact to be deplored that, so far as we have been able to discover, there are no records covering the period from the organization of our church in 1836 until the year 1855; for the first nine- teen years, therefore, we have been obliged to depend upon the minutes of the annual Conferences; upon the memory of the very few people who were here during those years ; and upon the meagre items of information contained in some published historical sketches of the church, in histories of Racine, to which we liave had access. The disappearance of our records is attributed to the tire which destroy- ed our church building in 1882. While there are very fe-w people now living, who were members of our church in pioneer days, it is a remarkable circumstance, that two of its foun- ders should still survive—Mr. Alanson Filer,* 1719 Orrington Ave., Evanston, 111., and Mrs. Lucy I"'oxwell, of Yorkville. Racine Co., Wis. We have talked repeatedly with these people, and tlie information we have gotten from them, is iiiii)ortant and interesting, if not voluminous. It is also a renuirkable fact, and worthy of mention, in passing, that ]\Ir. Filer and ]Mi-s. Foxwcll are the only jieople now living, so far as diligent in- quiry can establisli, who were residents of Racine in 1837, and it is interest- ing to us. however it may strike others, to know that the only survivors of that early day in Racine should be two Methodists. We refrain, however, from taking any advantage of the ()|)portunity to moralize. There is some evidence, nevertheless, that tlie importance of tliis nuitter of records has not been overlooked entirely by those charged with responsi- bility in the church affairs. *Since writing the above Mr. Filer has been hiid to rest in Mound Cemetery. Racine, having died at Evans- ton, ni.. December 19. 1911. at the age of 99 years. 9 months and 9 days. — : At the annual session of the Wiseonsin Confei'ence hehl at Janesville, Sept. 26, 1860, the following resolution was adopted: "Resolved, that eaeli preaoher lie, and hereliy is requested to write a his- tory of liis cireuit or station, durinj;- the present conference year." There is no evidence at hand to show that the Racine preacher responded to that re- quest. In 1894, at our quarterly conference held April IS, '-Peter Du Four was appointed a committee to collect data concerning the church history, for fu- ture reference." It is not known that Brother Du Four ever did collect any- thing of value along that line, although lie may have done so. At other different times our official l>oards have appointed committees, and in other ways have endeavored to have something done toward the writ- ing up of our church history in something like a pernmueut form, but with- out success, and the lapse of years has only made it increasingly difficult to perform that duty. On Feb. 6, 1911, by the authority of the official board, the pastor, W. P. Leek, appointed the following committee to compile a history of the church E. W. Leach, chairman: E. W. Rapps, E. B. Funston, J. C. Lunn. This book has been compiled under the supervision of that committee. The drawings with which the book is illustrated, have been contributed by Lillian Delia Whiteley, an artist, and granddaughter of one of the founders of our church. Beside the history we are printing some illustrations, biography, memor- ials, reminiscences and portraits, that we believe will add materially to its in- terest for the members and friends of the church. The chapter on Racine has nothing to do, directly, with the church's story, but deals chiefly with people, and places, and scenes, that in the early and later days, were the accompaniment and the back ground of its activities. It is believed that every member of our church, save perhaps the very latest comers, will find this an interesting chapter, and it is our expectation that it will arouse some interest in those who have no special concern in our church atfairs, but have a very natural and lively curiosity in whatever relates to the city itself. Very consitleral)le pains have hceii talscn that the facts stated herein, shall be authentic and accurate. It has been found necessary in some cases to indulge in conjecture, but we have attempted to draw a line between estab- ished fact and surmise, so that the careful reader may make the distinction vvithout difficulty. The writer has been assisted very materially in the preparation of this bori' by a great many people, who have responded with surprising unanimity ana promptness, to requests for photograjihs, books, papers, pampidets. ad- dresses, and other dncumcnts and inforiiuition. And this assistance has been rendered, and often tendered, in s\ich an evident spirit of helpfulness as to lighten >k <ood deal the labor involv(Ml. "We wish to express our apjii-eriat inn m all of these people, and to in- (luls'c the liopc Unit the tinishi'd work will not Ih' a ilisappoiiitnn'iit to those who have coutrihuted so materially to whatever sueeess it may have. We wish to acknowledge indebtedness also to the authors of the following piihlieations from whic-h we have quoted more or less freely: '" "History of Methodism in Y\'isconsin : P. S. Bennett 1890. "' "Thirty years in the Itini'raney : \V. (i. .Miller IST.l. Field's "'^Memorials"" of Methodism in Illinois. Charles E. Dyer's "Ilislorieal Address," 1871. "History of Raeine and Kenosha Coimties. " by the "Westei'n ITistorieal Comi)any, Chieago, 111., 1879. "Landmarks and Early History of Raeine. AVis." .Mrs. 1). II. Flett, 1905. "rohunbian History of the Raeine rublie Schools"; II. G. AVinslow, 1893. AVe make no jiretension to literary ability, and must beg the indulgence ol' the iTitieal for what laek of (juality or of style they find in the book. So far as this phase of the woi-k is eoneerned, we liojie only to place in ordei-ly array, and in language as lucid as we may, the facts we have gathered, with some com-lusions arrived at, and commit the finished work to the favorable con- sideration of its readers. But from another point of view this is serious business for u.s—this set- ting down of the record of the Church of God on the earth, as represented by Methodism in Racine ; and if we succeed in it, so that those who read may come to have a more reverent respect for the organized church of which we are a part, and for the "fathers and mothers in Israel" who have acted some- times like heroes, and at all times, with few exceptions, were true christian men and women ; if they may come to realize that they too are making a record, the full import of which will some day be known, and because of this realization, and exalted respect, be more zealous and earnest and devoted in the work today, we will be content. (^^^^ Introduction CHURCHES, like people, luivc individuality. They have an interest all their own. "NVi^ follow the story of their growth with an ever increasing attention, and find ourselves glorying in their progress and aehieve- ments. The Historian necessarily labors under certain limitations. He is eon- fined to facts, and hound l>y logical sequence. The essayist is ])rivileged to think in any one of the thirty-two points of the compass, provided always, that he thinks to a purjiose. The Historian must he content to speak only of such things as obviously contribute to the dm'elopment of his chosen theme. Tile author of this stor.v has been true to the historical conscience. He lias traced the development of the churidi in a fair and impartial manner. Under his discriminating ti'eatment it unfolds consistently from an un- pretentious beginning, to its present commendable strength. Tills church was not built. It gi'ew. It is no matter of discredit today that it was once weak and struggling. Its ultimate success is sufficient evi- dence of its worthiness to survive. Through the medium of the author's clear and concise statements, we are privileged to see behind the printed page, and to recognize the .spirit that dominated the founders, and which has descended upon their successors through all the intervening years. The story of seventy-five years; nearly three generations in this church! What does it not comprehend? It is so full of heart-throbs and heart-aeher, joy-bells and funeral dirges, that one is almost afraid to gaze upon its pages.
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