16 Juttlfy a No-Trump Thirtera — the Object O( All Aound Bid- Ton Rn Ft I Ul; but Tht Tlagltton Baart B a Danger Ding
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& Impressive Ceremonies at • 4; ' Frstest Rmnl Retiring School Board Chapel Dedication OfJhtMiees \ Members Re-elected Fine Program Prawnted and Residents oi Columbia Ave. it: Irwpiring'Messajpj Given to Presbyterian Church 1 ' .Enjoyed -t>y'Appred«thr* Object to Wide Paving Mown. N. A. Laming and L. D. Faunce Elected V*T»khWUI Remove Treet Rev. J. Ross Stevenson, D,T).. LL. D,, of Print """Audience." *~~ for Three Yean and Mrs. W. W. Troeber for One Town Art and Planning . ton_Theplogical_Seniinary. /The Uncoln-shsnnan Home" and Commission Presents Re- Year. Heavy Rains Reduce Vote. School League celebrated-the thirty- ftr»5 anniversary of the fouoding of port. £ the National Congress of-Parenta and \ after—which-reft Teachers w!Qi~«p»cTir«SercBes Sunday Room andCnspelot -wlehes. ice cream/cake and coffee were TttestUs At the meeting'of the Township Com* election of Trustees and the Appropri- The Ollutens' Commllloe of last of the night, a number of year, headed by Mr. O K Iluster, held in the new edifice test Monday SchoolAi ations was b*Id on Tuesday from 4 to church. headed by the Ladles' Aid teacher movement was launched in residents and property owners of Oo- 8 p. m. This year five polling places again-teok part in the canvass and evening. Fully MO were present to wit- Society. ^^ the national capital on February IT. tumUa avenue were present {o .protest wtTe . nipvU|«i..ui_ths. Jour. J«hooU__,, frlends_g£the School Board got busy ..PM-^he impressive ceremony, . •Hie^new. structure now lias a-seaUm The so there ^walTmuch acUve work fbr'flie" 18*1, -TMs =is'the---first against plane for paving that'street Cleveland school'housing two. .The . AJJttJhe j»r«aiK*e.B)»SwI,to JPjrsnk jcl capacity M. 3KL to. each Hoot. -It m; Pounder Day- has been observed -in election, mutted in.mumum Tnuw«s •inning group. The 'UiuuuaUy heavy WdVhh -organist, the be- used as 8&s-roanr-or'dlTlded~ Into wqdn the removal ior Cranford. ~ - - '-' - OIL FRANK BOHM Stewart; Lansing, Fautwe-and Troeber drivln* "rain that "fell from 8 u> 9 ot, T separAte-rowis- fat <iUa» wgsv-__«^-_-. inadelreei'wmcit wnrare rgMat u- to the" Board. Two other candidates o'clock undoabtedty i-fducmt'tlw tout he V - pleton, soprano. Mis Florence Hen- The church school building proper U uressive of the spirit of the child wel- set It was dedarad by a, petition pre- were In the Held for the three year vote by several hundred. drlckson, contralto, s. C. Potter, tenor, now divided Into sections to permit the fare movement and designed to be a CK&NTOED COmilNsTT FOSVX term. Messrs. Francis A, Oleary and The appropriations asked for by the and 0. H,.Measerve, bast, sang an departmental graded system Each de- tribute to the founders was staged by Dr Frank Bonn win speak on -Ut%- sented and by a letter froarB. L. Com-' Charles L\. Slmms, Mrs. Tracker being Board of Education were carried with anthem, ' • partment la headed up with its ownthe pupils of 7A and TB Sherman Ico and Her Problenis.T next .Sunday a* ek. It was proposed to pave-a S3unopposed for the one year term. Mr. th* usual proportion of imitative \otcs. n. roadway but the owners Insisted M, Rew,Etaen J^jCobb, D. Dr Pastor superintendent, under the supervision School - under the direction of Miss 3 p. m, at the Cranford Theatre before *A. Stanier fUed_lhe first poUttons Many ballots were cast with but one he Bmeritua of the~?econd~Prcsbyterian T superintendent of~Uie Mary Dugan, 7A feacherT^and Mrs the- Cranford Community 'Kjrimfc— -- M fCroadw«v-w«uld be^aU4thst to ne» tor Messrs. Stewart, Lansing and name or two nainn vot<>d this at>- Church, Elizabeth,, gave the tnvocai The • appearance-- ot Or, Bosuv- bias •ary and this would allow the ssv •VSB«Bjsflwvssemse«aiw«sini«siiHXVi«UM supsisiin-rm-vt^v,wrrrm\ w>« >r>m'iswMi#in(s. rr^ri HHKftn* Tim ri'ailU by County by reason of the attack made property do not care, they said, to pro-for Messrs. Clsary and Paunoe and for total of 1014 cast ing' the Lard's, prayer. commodatlons and facilities for the use wait was the chairman of the evening. Mrs Troeber who had the high vot* tricU follows The. Act of Dedication m led byof all the church organisations, recrea- After the Ugbtlng of. the thirty-one on him by unknown parties on thevide for the future and make OolumbU the pastor, Rev*. Orion C. Hopper, and tional and otherwise. This recreational candles, each with an Impressive reci- charge.of extreme raitifallsm and proavenue a-through tramo street to Xsn- _ the _ congregation- repeated the .je-floor will provide a place (or basketball, tation by,a pupil ruirnswilliig some l Qworth. it was QnaOy agreed by the Committee that the paving shout*-be volley ball, hand ball and other ath- phase of the work of the national and Dr.'Bonn Is Inclined to be more V " In conducting the Act of Dedication. letic activities, of our young people's local' - organizations, Mrs. Stelgerwalt amused than Indignant at U* reduced to II feet The Town Art and Rev; Orion O. Hopper, Jr., pastor of the organizations. cut a huge birthday cake, which was charges; he frankly confesses that on MWIHIISSIPQ a* IU? msenng oc church, prefaced the Act of Dedication Lavatories for .men and women; with distributed, to the audience;". la spite leaving college be was as are many the totn, also recommended this and f YKARTERM— the Shade Tree Onrnmlssfasi by Precf- -with- thesa~remarfc»i--?Mlndfttl -of-the ahowws and Innkw Uh Mtere_-jresther_jL Janw-ciowd 3 Oleary^ great heritage which Is ours out of theand a very fine kitchen equipped to the time.the — ~*~ >gj~ut past, and conscious of our responsibll- cater to the banquet anfother demands At the beginning of the candle cere- he had tapered down to socrsUiiri. and the trees. Lanslng mony, Mrs. Edward J. Fee, president of that at the beginning .of the war he Secretary Wolf of (he Town Art and Simms the League, lighted the central was read out of the Socialist Party tot PUnntog Oommlsunn, .submitted the Stewart ami p*<ri »ho foHftwing- tritwt* faundeFs-of-the-Gongress! -r- in declarlng'~a sialeofwaronlbeOai^ ar the meeting of tht-iotfarr TrssbW".•«.«.•< "We light this candle In affectionate iral.*ow«r», •!»»_ which tln«e,he_he« "Weapprove the map. of Unooln sv#- APPROPWATIONS— devoted a gnat part of Ws time oo. tfce niis] nibmfttsd by Townsfilp *ngin»»r 1 Currant top,'m«J: •ney and Phoebe A. Hearst. thejrouwt platfom and in the- h ih i ld , __„__. „.«... Mo—«^^ era of this National Congress of Par. the I. W. W, and the Sodallsts. in* of Uus street' from High street, Blag. Repairs, 89.000— Yes ... ... ioa ents and Teachers who lighted the During the past few years Or. Bonn West to Denman Road. ' No. J° >*ay for us in cur work for the welfare has spent much of his time lecturing "We approve the map ot Wlnsns ave- Manual Tr»ln'g, 88,178-Yss,.... «J of the children'of our nation. before Womens Clubs, Chambers of nue, submitted by township Engineer No 30 The Thlrttdral AnniversaryJ>r the Commerce -snd- -Bankers Anaiilloni, Kir Bd-exte National Congress of Parents and and has been so enthusiastically i aion ot Wlnans avenue, and recommend Teachers finds the organisation with celved that most of these organisations this to be held for future action. Bind- forty-nine, state branches, more than have had httfiBi>ack again and again: ing Joint sewer improvements. New Bus Service Cranford Scouts 18M0 units with over a million mem- surely It is inconceivable thai, thes* "We approve the map of Nomahsgan bers, headquarters at the national, cap- bodies ot shrewd business men'could Beserw. Section 1, as per map sub- ital wlthi an, executive secretary and anhave been ao completely, f ooted bjr« mitted by Township Engineer, Collins ' Permit Granted Make Big Hit 2* 53353 i leal theories. " ' Public Service Given Authori Put onnRodecTExtubitiori at 'Child Welfare"; hundreds ot cW curbs, to" allow for'futurei widening of ands of If afleU printed and-dlstrlbutcd Dr, Bonn Is considered one df the Elizabeth .Uefore Huge-Au' - and an annual Founders Day observ- most brilliant and Interesting writers this Street. This recommenflatlnn was ' ty Jo 'Operate Deluxe ance with a birthday gift last year of and speakers on economic subjects bi made oo account of the trees-that are dience and Win Much Ap- now planted on this street between the Busses Plainfield to New •15.000 for national extension work, this counrty: he Is a. feature writer of plause. ' "The-Katlbnsl Congress ot Parents the Kew> Vorfc-Times,.Jit* »«>rf«« on atsur._Local jService Jo J3e — <*t and Teachers Is a recognized Influence Industrialism la various sections of the "We recommend the paving of Thorn" s avenue with »" full concrete- pave- i-Elx tended frr the": educational, -rengloos" pBllatf- Last Friday hight In the Armory at lty to this present age and to the In-made by the onranlpitlon.'i of the thronlfl ai»rt iwrlal vrorlit ind !• nt im meBt a p ways, in accordance with original pe- Elizabeth Craiuord Uoy ucuuis finite Love of Qod, we proceed to thechurch. This ought to be a great asset told value in protecting, enrlchlne and but are surely strange topics for a so- achieved a groat triumph and won Act of Dedication." not only to the brganlzatiens of the tition signed by the property owners." beautifying child life.' called Radical' to write for a newspaper The SUte Board of PubUo UUIltlta much praise for their wundenul ex- The dedicatory prayer was made by church but to the young people of the The pupils taking part In the cere- of the extreme conservative standing Mrs.