Ending the Lies & Beginning the Peace in

To end decades of false propaganda & lies is no easy task. Putting the pieces of the puzzle requires patience, understanding & the ability to question the allegations made & counter them with truth.

Firstly, it is important that people ask how did The allegations of war crimes have also The claim of genocide can easily be nullified terrorism start, who armed, trained and funded been without evidence & subject to in taking the census statistics on population these terrorists? sensationalisms paid for by the very sources that reveal that the Tamil population has that have funded . not declined but increased inspite of large Secondly, it is important to negate the The onus is on those making allegations to numbers now living overseas as refugees/ perception that Sri Lanka suffered an ethnic present the evidence, however the claims of asylum seekers & economic migrants. problem. The LTTE murdered all communities 40,000 or more dead comes with no names, including the it claims to represent. This no details that they even existed & no dead The much hyped discrimination by Sinhalese nullifies that Sri Lanka’s conflict was ethnic. The bodies even. The US satellite imagery showed against the Tamils & minorities too can UN too categorizes Sri Lanka’s conflict as a Non- just 3 mass graves, two of which were LTTE. easily be nullified by looking at the national International Armed Conflict. The submissions of the international terrorist holidays, stamps, festivals that the minorities experts led by late Sir Desmond de Silva enjoy and the minorities are even depicted Thirdly, it was after suffering 3 decades of clearly exonerates the Sri Lankan Armed in Sri Lanka’s National flag which with terrorism and successive failed peace talks, Forces of any war crimes & instead faults 72m of the world’s 76m Tamils have not ceasefires & even failed foreign negotiated peace the LTTE for violating Geneva Conventions accommodated. settlements failed that the option to militarily by subjecting civilians to harm by firing from defeat the LTTE was taken. Sri Lanka suffered among them while also putting civilian lives In spite of the lies & distortions, people of over 300 suicide attacks by the LTTE in these 3 in danger by forcing them to accompany all communities continue to live in peace & decades of terror. Hundreds and thousands of the LTTE. Many of those making allegations should be allowed to continue to live in peace. lives were lost because of LTTE terrorists. The have been third parties or people who make Peace cannot be subject to paper or political LTTE terror threat remains alive which is why the allegations from overseas using LTTE solutions. To give peace a chance, the people the 32 countries that banned LTTE continues to sources while completely ignoring that LTTE must take over the peace not politicians or maintain the ban 9 years after the defeat of fired & killed at fleeing Tamil civilians which politically motivated parties. the LTTE ground force. statements from UN substantiate.

No Discrimination in Sri Lanka Discrimination NO in sri lanka

Discrimination No in Sri Lanka

The much hyped discrimination by Sinhalese In spite of the lies & distortions, people of against the Tamils & minorities too can easily all communities continue to live in peace & be nullified by looking at the national holidays, should be allowed to continue to live in peace. stamps, festivals that the minorities enjoy and Peace cannot be subject to paper or political the minorities are even depicted in Sri Lanka’s solutions. To give peace a chance, the people National flag which India with 72m of the must take over the peace not politicians or world’s 76m Tamils have not accommodated. politically motivated parties.

5 Discrimination NO in sri lanka

Name a single country that has given ethno-religious minorities privileges as Sri Lanka has done Name a single country, which has given MINORITIES the privileges that the ethno-religious minority groups in Sri Lanka enjoy


Pongal national holiday in January Id-Ul-Fitr (Ramazan) Festival Day a public holiday Christianity/Catholicism began as a result of Mahasivarathri Day a public holiday in March Id-Ul-Alha (Hadji Festival Day) a public holiday forcibly converting Sinhala Buddhists and Tamil Deepavali Festival Day a public holiday in October Holy Prophet’s Birthday – a public holiday Hindus by Portuguese in 1505 Tamils have held cabinet portfolios in government Muslims have held cabinet level posts including Justice Good Friday a public holiday in March There have been Tamil IGPs, Tamil Foreign Minister, Minister, Education Minister, senior civil servent posts. Christmas day a public holiday in December Central Bank Governor, Tamil Chief Justice, Judges, Ambassadors, Security forces commanders STAMP ISSUED STAMP ISSUED STAMP ISSUED

Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam (1977) M.A, Azeez (Sri Lanka’s first Muslim civil servant) Christmas Days Ponnambalam Ramanathan, lawyer, (1986) 150th Anniversary of Talawila Church educator (1975) Centenary of Zahira College (1993) Papal Visit and Beatification of Father Joseph Vaz Ananda Coomaraswamy (1971) Abdul Cafoor (1993) (1995) G G Ponnambalam (1986) 120th Birth Anniv of Abdul Cader (lawyer) (1995) Anthony’s Shrine – Kochchikade (2010) Vipulananda Adigal Translation of The Koran into Sinhala (1985) Anniversary of St. Patricks College, Ja‰na (2000) Ja‰na Central College (1996) 95th Birth Anniv of Dr. Badiudin Mahmud (Islamic 300th Anniv of De La Salle Brothers (Religious Order Swami Vivekananda, Indian Hindu monk politician) (1999) of the Brothers of the Christian Schools) (1981) (2013) All Ceylon Young Men’s Muslim Association conference Reverend Father Tissa Balasuriya, Roman Catholic S Thondaman, Politician (2000) priest and theologian (2013) Jeyraj Fernandopulle, assassinated by A C S Hameed, former Minister (2002) Pope John Paul II, LTTE Joseph Vaz, Indian Catholic missionary, “Apostle of Sri Birth Centenary of Dr. Pandithamani Lanka” (1992) Kanapathipillai (Tamil scholar) 1999 300th Annivasary of Arrival of Father Joseph Vaz in 2nd World Hindu Conference (2003) Kandy (1987) Centenary of St. Lawrence School (2001) Diocese of , Golden Jubilee Centenary of St. Servatius’ College, Matara (1997) NAME ANY COUNTRY THAT ALLOWS LAWS LIKE Centenary of the Freemansons Hall (2002) TO EXIST WHERE PURCHASE OF LAND IS DENIED TO OTHERS ETHINICS Holy Cross College, Kalutara, Centenary (2002) EXCEPT TAMILS AND IS AN AFFRONT TO EQUAL JUSTICE. Uddupiddy American Mission College (2002) Kopay Christian College 150th Anniversary (2002) Holy Family Convent, Bambalapitiya – Centenary (2003) 6 Discrimination NO in sri lanka

To give a few examples, there are the population. Sri Lanka has a throughout Sri Lanka who can currently (2018) 33 Tamil MPs separate colour to depict Tamils claim being discriminated? has is this so called in Parliament; the Opposition and Muslims in the country’s discrimination that the Leader is the leader of Tamil national flag – has India shown These false allegations and Tamil Expatriates and a National Alliance, which was the such a gesture when 9/10th of fabrications of discrimination few Tamil political leaders political wing of the LTTE Tamil the world’s Tamils live in India? do exist, as a desperate from Sri Lanka and Tamil terrorists, and the current and measure to seek help from former Governors of the Central Healthcare and Education are international bodies to federate Nadu are talking about Bank, former Chief Justice , basic human rights and is equally the beautiful Island of Sri Lanka when constitutionally and Former Navy Commander are and freely accessible to all by Separatists Tamils. These very economically Tamils in Sri also Tamils. citizens of Sri Lanka regardless of same separatists have openly Lanka enjoy a higher share their ethnicity. supported the LTTE in their goal than their demographic Sri Lanka is one country that has to create a mono ethnic Tamil percentage ? given equal language status to While Tamils can live, buy enclave. a minority language. Tamils of property, indulge in business, Sri Lanka make up only 11% of and educate their children

7 Discrimination NO in sri lanka

Tamils are Living in Peace in all Parts of Sri Lanka Why it needs Separatism?

TOTAL DISTRICTS TAMILS % OF POPULATION TAMILS Jana 583,882 579,145 99.19 "Tamils Mannar 99,570 80,795 81.14 In Rest all North It is only Tamils 172,115 143,123 83.16 "Total Province 52% of are living

NORTH Tamils Mullaitivu 92,238 81,388 88.24 total 995,975" in peacefully Tamils 113,510 111,524 98.25 N & E in other population 17 Districts "In 1,610,184" 526,567 383,008 72.74 living in with other Eastern N & E Ampara 649,402 113,303 17.45 communities EAST Province 379,541 117,873 31.06 614,184" Total Tamil Population in Sri Lanka 3,108,770

700,000 Total Population 600,000 Tamils 500,000

400,000 THEN WHY

300,000 TAMIL NEED A SEPARATE 200,000 COUNTRY IN SRI 100,000 LANKA??? Jana Mannar Ampara Vavuniya Mullaitivu Batticaloa

8 Kilinochchi Trincomalee Discrimination NO in sri lanka

Muslims are Living in Peace in all Parts of Sri Lanka Why it needs Separatism?

TOTAL DISTRICTS MUSLIMS % OF POPULATION MUSLIMS Jana 583,882 2,363 0.4 Muslims Vavuniya 172,115 11,972 7.0 In It is Rest all Mullaitivu 92,238 1,880 2.0 North Total only 31% Muslims

NORTH Kilinochchi 113,510 700 0.6 Province Muslims of total are living Mannar 99,570 16,512 16.6 33,427 in N & E Muslim peacefully 608,897 population in other Batticaloa 526,567 134,065 25.5 In living in 17 Districts Eastern N & E Ampara 649,402 281,987 43.4 with other

EAST Province communities Trincomalee 379,541 159,418 42.0 575,470

Total Muslims Population in Sri Lanka 1,967,523 Total Population 1,000,000 Muslims

Why Muslims are not shown in the Graphs in 500,000 Mannar, Vavniyawa etc. ???



Jana DO THEY NEED Mannar Ampara Vavuniya Mullaitivu Batticaloa Kilinochchi Trincomalee SEPARATISM??? 9 Discrimination NO in sri lanka

Tamil Villagers and Military Officer show what Reconciliation & Peaceful Coexistence

It has put to rest & completely Col. Rathnapriya Bandu nullified the lies that have has done what Prabakaran, been spread against Sri Wigneswaran, Sivajilingam, Lanka’s Military. Summanthiran, Sampanthan or even Tamil Nadu politicians The culprits include foreign could not do & do not want to governments/envoys, do. INGOs/NGOs, UN & even the present government, No TNA politician has been Tamil leadership & the LTTE honored by LTTErs in this diaspora who must be startled manner. No TNA politician has at the pictures emerging of an been carried by the people of entire village of rehabilitated any Tamil village in the North LTTErs weeping as they bid but these Tamil villagers not farewell to a military officer only carried Col. Rathnapriya who had played the role of they were all seen crying. their mentor, their father, their brother, their advisor & virtually their leader.

10 Discrimination NO in sri lanka

Riots of 1983 in Colombo following the killing of 13 soldiers were by thugs who looted and destroyed. This black mark caused upon one of the most generous Nations.

LTTE used this day’s horror to strengthen their war tactics getting sympathy and support from the international community. Expatriate Tamils of Sri Lanka still use 1983 to claim impunity without considering the repercussions they are bringing to their motherland and to their relatives that are back at home.

That is the discrimination that the Tamil diaspora is creating for their own people to seek asylum for greener pastures.

With the continuous series of terror attacks on the citizens of Sri Lanka by Tamil terrorists such as TELO, EROSE, PLOTE, EPRLF and LTTE be they Sinhalese, Tamils or Muslim, there wasn’t a single civil retaliation. The Tamil expatriates and the international Community have advantageously overlooked this.

11 No GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES in Sri Lanka GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka


The claim of genocide can easily be nullified in taking the census statistics on population that reveal that the Tamil population has not declined but increased in spite of large numbers now living overseas as refugees/ asylum seekers & economic migrants.

13 GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka

Who has committed Genocide and War Crimes?

Genocide : Origin of Term

In 1944, Raphael Lemkin, a POLISH-JEWISH Killing members of the group; lawyer described Nazi policies of systematic Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of murder of Jewish created the word ‘genocide’ the group; by combining the ancient Greek word “genos” Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life (race, tribe) and the Latin word “cide” (killing). calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; The term genocide was used by the UN after Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the Holocaust and was defined as any of the following actions committed with intent to the group, or forcibly transferring children of the group destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious to another group. group:

14 GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka

In 1946, the UN Resolution ‘affirmed’ that genocide was a crime under international law though a legal definition of the crime was not provided. However, In 1948, the UN adopted the “Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime none of THESE of Genocide” giving the legal definition of genocide. In 2006, the UN Security Council Resolution 1674 committed itself to protect civilians in occurred armed conflicts against acts of genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against or happened humanity. in Sri Lanka In 2008, the UN Security Council expanded the definition of genocide with Resolution 1820 and included ‘rape and other forms of sexual violence to constitute war crimes, crimes against humanity or a constitutive act with respect to genocide’.

15 GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka

Who has committed Genocide and War Crimes?

Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court for Genocide Article 6.(a) Killing members of the group;.

LTTE Terrorists attacked and killed Sinhala villagers living adjoining the North and East Province from 1984. First such attack was to Dollar and Kent Farm at Welioya - 30th November 1984. This is much before the full scale war begun. Sri Lankan Security Forces never attacked to Tamil Villages. Those attacks were on Sinhalese and Muslim Villages in North and East continued until war ended

16 GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka

Who has committed Genocide and War Crimes?

Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court for Genocide Article 82. (i) - War crimes means Willful killing.

LTTE killed civilians by pre-planned attacked, planting bombs in commuters, hacked to death and shooting etc; Attack at Sri Maha Bodhiya Anuradhapura - 14 May 1985 Bomb blast in Colombo Central Bus Terminal - 21st April 1987 Massacre of Buddhist Monks in Aranthalawa – 2 July 1987 Massacre in mosque - Kathankudy -3 August 1990 Attack on public Train Transport: Dehiwala 24th July 1996 Attack on public bus transport: Kebithigollawa 15th June 2006 Sri Lankan Forces never pre-planned and attacked to Tamil civilian targets in willful maner

17 GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka

Who has committed Genocide and War Crimes?

Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Article 8.(iV) War Crimes - means Extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly;

LTTE Terrorists carried out following attacks to create: Extensive destruction, Not justified by military necessity, Carried out unlawfully and wantonly,

Attack on Sacred Temple of the Tooth at Kandy - 25th January 1998 Attack on Central Bank of Sri Lanka – 31st January 1996 Attack on Central Petroleum Refinery Complex Colombo - 20th October 1995 Attack on Colombo International Airport - 24th July 2001 Sri Lankan Forces never attacked unless it is justifiable for military and Humanitarian necessity

18 GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka

Who has committed Genocide and War Crimes?

Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Article 8.(Vi) War Crimes - means Willfully depriving a prisoner of war or other protected person of the rights of fair and regular trial:

Gamage Kumara G C S Dharmawadana Weerawardhana Shanthalal

Following Police officers with over another 25 Police officers were captured by LTTE Tamil Terrorist after attacking to the Mankulama Police Station in June 1990. These Police officers were detained in various torture camps ran by the Tamil terrorists and few of them released after five years while others were summarily killed by LTTE Tamil terrorist

LTTE Terrorists captured, members of the Sri Lankan security forces,(thousands) then tortured for years and later killed. However, at the end of the war all captured and surrendered LTTE Terrorists rehabilitated and released to the society by Sri Lankan Govenment.

19 GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka

Tamil Genocide While there is considerable evidence that such large-scale killings took place, many occurred in large measure because in Sri Lanka? the Tigers chose to use their own population as human shields. The fact that there are no longer identifiable high- Rome Statute of the International Criminal level Tiger leaders around to blame for their contribution to these massacres no doubt does little to encourage the Sri Court Article Article 8.(iii) War crimes Lankan government to expose itself to what it believes will means Taking of hostages be a very one-sided investigation.

LTTE terrorists took over 300,000 Tamil civilians’ Source: http://nationalpost.com/opinion/martin-collacott-how-canada-became-the-odd- man-out-in-sri-lanka hostage to use as Human Shield. No international community leaders, Tamil Sympathizers diaspora or Tamil politicians in Sri Lanka exerted pressure on LTTE Terrorist to release the Tamil Civilians. As Sri Lankan Government forces have advanced deep into In contrary, they all pressurized Sri Lankan Government the area, almost all the civilian population has been to stop the war. progressively displaced along with the LTTE. They are now in a coastal strip of 14 square kilometers, declared as no-fire zone‘ by the Sri Lanka Government. Many of these people have been displaced many times, but they now face very great danger from fighting between the Sri Lankan Government forces and the LTTE. And there is strong evidence that the LTTE are preventing them from leaving

Source: Mr. John Holmes, (U.N. Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator circa 2009), Briefing to the Security Council, 27th February 2009, In Defence of the Armed Forces of Sri Lanka, Vol 1, p 18

20 GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka

Tamil Genocide in Sri Lanka?

Can a reasonable man believe that someone would visit to a place that they will be subjected to genocide?

Internal government documents show 70% of Tamils who We are aware of media allegations that returnees are being claimed refugee status in Canada continue to take holidays abused. All have been investigated by the high commission, in Sri Lanka, a country which they claims is genocidal towards and no evidence has been found to substantiate any of them Tamils

Barry O’Regan, Canadian journalist, “Tamil Refugees Still Going Home for Holidays”, Mr. Alistair Burt, at the time the Minister in charge of Sri Lanka at the Foreign and www.examiner.com, 25th October 2010, In Defence of the Armed Forces of Sri Lanka, Vol Commonwealth office, Hansard Records, 22nd February 2012, www.parliament.uk, In 1, p 59 Defence of the Armed Forces of Sri Lanka, Vol 1, p 58

21 GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka

Were the deaths in Sri Lanka ONLY those of Tamils to warrant claim for genocide?

Did the campaign on terror unleashed in the early 1980s first target villages hacking to death scores of Sinhalese villagers including children and pregnant women?

Did the LTTE not thereafter carry out 384 attacks that killed thousands of Sinhalese, Muslims and even Tamils as well as foreigners?

Did the LTTE not kill over 250 Tamil politicians, public servants, clergy, academics, civil servants, Tamil policemen etc – this list excludes scores of leaders of other Tamil groups who were gunned down so that LTTE could reign supreme as well as killings of scores of LTTE cadres who did not follow Prabakaran’s law. The list also omits scores of Tamils living abroad who have died or were bumped off for not subscribing to LTTE’s fund raising kitty.

Only hours was given for all Sinhalese and Muslims to leave the North in what can easily be charged as ‘ethnic cleansing’ to create a fictitious ‘Only Tamils live in North’.

LTTE’s attacks on civilians were almost outside of military zones. And specifically targeted on innocent civilians and civilian institutions.

22 GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka

Who has committed Does the LTTE fall under above protected category? Genocide and War Crimes? LTTE is an organized armed terrorist group. LTTE did not lay down arms. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Therefore, LTTE has no immune under the Rome Statute. Court Article 8(c) & (e)(i) - Whom will have the immune under the Rome Statute? NO

Civilian population. Does the LTTE involved with Genocide and War Crimes? Persons taking no active part in the LTTE massacred civilians hostilities. LTTE massacred Buddhist Monks, Muslims, Christians Members of armed forces who have laid LTTE planted bombs killed thousands of civilians. down their arms and those placed hors de LTTE Torture and killed detained Security forces members combat by sickness, wounds, detention or & civilians. YES any other cause.

Then who has committed Genocide and War Crimes? That is none other than LTTE supported by TNA.

23 GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka

What needs to be exposed?

To claim dead there needs to be bodies, the bodies must have names, relations, a home, school records, employment records or in the least a birth certificate.

How can Sri Lanka be deemed guilty of killing an ‘x’ number of people if those No War Crimes making allegations cannot produce names in Sri Lanka or details of the dead?

Who are the ‘civilians’ How did SL military kill between 40,000 to died in Sri Lanka’s 125,000 Tamil civilians between 13th – 18th Final War? May and save 295,000 people too?

Who are the kith and kin of the dead?

The Darusman report refers to LTTE as a ‘disciplined group’ – which banned by 32 countries

24 GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka

TamilNet admits that Summary of reported deaths by Tamilnet 2009 only 2285 Deaths in January = 331 Deaths in February = 1188 civilian died due to Deaths in March = 1761 cross fire!!! Deaths in April = 3889 Deaths in May = 4476 Total = 11645

Less: i. Obfuscated reports of TamilNet: = (2459) www..com ii. UN verified figures – TamilNet: = (901) Revised Total = 7,285 Out of 7,285; circa 5,000 are LTTE terrorists. Accordingly, only 2,285 are civilians.

Source: Survey conducted by Global Sri Lankan Forum using deaths figures in pro-LTTE website www.tamilnet.com archives between January and May 2009 which is the period prescribed in the OISL Report in February 2018.

25 GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka

Number Game of Dead BoDIES!!

S.NO CLAIMED ORGANIZATION REPORTED NUMBER OF CIVILIANS KILLED 1 Darusman Panel – (2011 ) 40,000 2 US former envoy Robert Blake 40,000 3 Siobhain McDonagh (Pro-LTTE UK Labor MP) 40,000 4 Amnesty International 10,000 to 40,000 Originally 7,000*, then adjusted to 40,000, later 5 Gordon Weiss (former UN official) revised to 10,000 6 Charles Petrie referring to UNSG’s report - 2012 70,000 7 Tamilnet - the LTTE terrorist web 7,398* 8 UN country team in Sri Lanka 7,72 1* 9 A Survey by the Government 7,400* (with LTTE Terrorists) 10 The satellite analyst report by the American Association for the Advancement of Science 2,306 (with LTTE terrorists) 11 Tamil Teachers of the North (July 2011 - a population survey of the North for 2005 to 2009 7,896* (with LTTE terrorists, and natural deaths) 2,564*(676 were children - 64% of them were 12 UNICEF-sponsored Family Tracing and Verification Unit (2011) kidnapped by LTTE). 13 The University Teachers for Human Rights- (10 June 2009) and (December 2009) 20,000-40,000 14 Dr. V. Shanmugarajah 1,000 15 The Times of London 20,000 16 of Mannar, Rayappu Joseph 147,000 17 Project Director of International Crisis Group Sri Lanka 40,000 to 147,00 18 The Institute of Conflict Management, Delhi 11,111 19 Independent Diaspora Analysis Group-Sri Lanka 18,000 20 Rajasingham Narendran 10,000 to 15,000 21 Muttukrishna Sarvananthan of the Institute 12,000 (With LTTE terrorists) 21 Dr. Noel Nadesan 16,000 (With LTTE terrorists) 23 Data compiled by the South Asia Terrorism Portal 2,972 24 UN Human Rights Commissioner (March 2009) 2,800 25 40,000 26 Editorials by The Times and The Sunday Times 20,000 146,679 - out of which 40,000 in the final 48 27 La Tarde (diario) - the Argentinean Journal hours. 28 Prof. Michael Roberts 10,000 to 18,000 Numbers* quoted by locally Sri Lankan based organizations including LTTE Terrorists are in the region of 7,500* than 40,000 to 100,000 quoted by foreign organizations and foreign funded NGOs and individuals 26 GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka

If the civilian death toll over 6 months was roughly 3,000 and that under the extremely trying conditions, under which the last phase of the war was fought, it is difficult to see how any reasonable person can say that there is a case to be made that civilians were indiscriminately attacked. Rebuttal to OISL report, para 69.

27 GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka

The UK must now get the UN and the UNHCR in Geneva to accept a civilian casualty level of 7,000 to 8,000, not 40,000. On top of that, the UK must recognise that this was a war against terrorism, so the rules of engagement are based on International Humanitarian Law, not the European Convention on No War Crime Human Rights… Committed by Sri Lanka? the UK will recognise the truth that no one in the Sri Lankan Government ever wanted to kill Tamil civilians… the West, particularly the US and the UK, must remove the threat of war crimes and foreign judges that overhangs and overshadows all Sri Lankans, especially their leaders

Michael Morris, Baron Naseby PC, in British Parliament on Thursday 12th October 2017, http://www.dailymirror.lk/article/West-must-remove-war-crime-threats-on-SL-Lord- Naseby-138457.html

28 GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka

No Policy of Killing Tamil Civilians - Lord Naseby

I have discovered an unpublished report from the United Nations country team, which stated that from August 2008 up to 13 May 2009, the number of civilians killed was 7,721. The war ended six days later, so it cannot possibly have got up to 40,000. Then, I looked at what Gordon Weiss, the former UN spokesman. He produced an estimate in 2009 of 7,000 civilian deaths. Gordon Weiss also made the simple observation that, for the Sri Lankan army, it made no tactical sense to kill civilians. The British defence attaché, Lieutenant Colonel Anton Gash, University Teachers for Human Rights had similar figures, and said to me in January 2009 that he was surprised at the commented that from what happened it could not say that the controlled discipline and success of the Sri Lankan Army and purpose of bombing or shelling by government forces was to kill in particular the care that it was taking to encourage civilians to civilians. It also said that ground troops took great trouble not to escape and how well they were looked after, and that certainly harm civilians. there was no policy to kill civilians. The Sri Lankan Government’s census department issued an in- According to the paper released to me by the UK Foreign and depth census leading to the conclusion that 7,000 to 8,000 were Commonwealth Office in the period 1 January to 19 May 2009 missing. On 28 January: “It is not possible to distinguish civilians US Ambassador Blake stated on 7 April that there were deaths of from LTTE cadres as few are in uniform”. 4,164 from 20 January to 6 April. So it cannot possibly go up to Then, from 16 February: “IDPs being cared for in Trincomalee. 40,000 by 19th May. Welfare appears to be overriding security considerations”. Major General Holmes in his expert military report of March 2015 Then on 20 January they say: “no cluster munitions were concurs with 7,000 to 8,000. used”, and On 26 April: “civilians killed Feb 1-April 26—6432”. Above all, and all the people I have cited Michael Morris, Baron Naseby PC state that there was no policy to kill Tamil civilians - in fact, the opposite

29 GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka

SLA had no any intention to kill Tamil civilians but LTTE gunmen shot and killed innocent civilians like LTTE Killed stray dogs… most of those civilians who were killed Tamil Civilians by the LTTE were brought to Puthumaththalan hospital and the people who brought these dead bodies told me that the dead ones were killed by the the people were going to the LTTE gunmen area (SLA)were deliberately shot by the LTTE Thamilini Jeyakkumaran, who was the Head of Women’s Wing of the LTTE’s Political Office, in her Mr. Sathasivam Kanagaratnam, a former TNA Member of Parliament represented the Under the Shade of a Sharp-edge Sword, page 193-194 Vanni electoral district from April 2004 to April 2010,

From February 2009 onwards, the LTTE started point-blank shooting of civilians who attempted to escape from the conflict zone, significantly adding to the death toll in the final stages of the war. It also fired artillery in proximity to large groups of internally displaced Tamil persons (IDP‘s) and fired from, or stored military equipment near IDP‘s or civilian installations such as hospitals.

Report of the Secretary General‘s Panel of Experts on Accountability in Sri Lanka, 31 March 2011, p 3., In Defence of the Armed Forces of Sri Lanka, Vol 1, p 27

30 GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka

Names of dead with proper ID

What needs Where are the dead bodies (at least the skeletons – by 18th May 2009 entire military operation against LTTE to be exposed? was completed. How did SL military kill between 40,000 to 125,000 between 13th – 18th May and save 295,000 people too? Anyone can claim a figure as dead but there needs to be bodies, the bodies must have names, relations, a Where did the dead live – their addresses home, school records, employment records or in the least a birth certificate or some sort of identity. Who are the kith and kin of the dead

The allegations of 40,000 dead extended to even Answers as to how Sri Lanka’s armed forces managed 125,000 and some cases 200,000 have not come to dig graves to put ’40,000 to 125,000 dead’ while firing with any names or details of the dead. was taking place and if C4 had been given mobile footage

of ‘crimes’ by SL troops why has no footage been taken of How can Sri Lanka be deemed guilty of killing an ‘x’ soldiers digging mass graves and putting the dead! To dig number of people if those making allegations cannot graves to put 125,000 or even 40,000 it takes more than produce names or details of the dead? a few hours! How many dead bodies can fit into a grave? A standard grave is 2 ½ feet wide and 8ft in length and 4ft Therefore anyone is welcome to make allegations deep. How many adult bodies can fit into such a grave? but these allegations must be accompanied with Where are the mobile footage of soldiers digging graves, solid evidence. shoving dead bodies – if footage can be given to make documentaries surely there must be footage of graves being dug!

31 GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka

LTTE Child Soldering

32 GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka

LTTE Child Soldering

33 GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka

TAMIL’S GENOCIDE CLAIM The question is where has there been genocide in Sri Lanka to fit into the internationally and legally accepted terminology accepted and endorsed by the UN? The letter signed by 33 members of the TNA human rights head claiming that “the Tamil people strongly TNA’s ridiculous and total lack of responsibility is revealed in believe that they have been, and continue to be subjected to looking at the history that have constituted under the purview genocide by Sri Lanka “ is totally unwarranted; of genocide.:

Armenia (1915) more than 1.0 million ethnic Cambodia (1975) Armenians massacred Khmer Rouge executed Darfur (2003) nearly 1.7 to 2.0 million an estimated 300,000 Cambodians people have died and nearly 2.7 million people have been displaced.

Jews (1945) Nazi forced Jews into concentration camps Rwanda (1990) and killed Hutus are accused of killing up to 1.0 million Tutsi’s 34 GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka

Did the campaign on Tamil terrorism unleashed 1980s first target of Sinhala villages?

Did the LTTE not thereafter carry out 384 attacks that killed thousands of Sinhalese, Muslims and Tamils ? Were the deaths in Did the LTTE not kill over 250 Tamil politicians, public servants, Sri Lanka only those clergy, academics, civil servants, Tamil policemen etc of Tamils to warrant Have TNA forgotten that Sinhalese and Muslims chased from the claim for genocide? North which can easily be charged as ‘ethnic cleansing’ for TNA and others.

Who throughout Have TNA forgotten that LTTE’s attacks on civilians were all outside of any military zone and was specifically targeted on innocent civilians the three decades and civilian installations. of TAMIL terror died in Sri Lanka? Have TNA forgotten that most of TNA members reside amongst the Sinhalese and their official addresses are all outside the North and East?

Have TNA not wondered if there is any claims to genocide why majority of Tamils are living by amongst the Sinhalese? This fear that grappled an entire nation for 3 decades exists no more and for 5 years not a single bomb or suicide attack has occurred.

35 GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka

The pre-1948 examples of genocide (by England, France, The Pro-LTTE Tamil terrorist political Spain, Netherlands, Portugal, German) remain uninvestigated party; Tamil National Alliance’s ridiculous and were as a result of European empire expansions and taking over lands belonging to indigenous races in Americas, and total lack of responsibility of Africa, Australasia and Asia. position and total disregard and respect Pre-colonial Americas (16th, 17th, 18th and 19th centuries) for the rest of the communities in Sri – estimated population between 8.4m – 112m had declined Lanka is revealed in looking at the by more than 80% after arrival of colonizers. These history of following examples that have genocidal acts (Indian Removal Act 1830, Trail of Tears, Sand constituted and belonged under the Creek Massacre, Mendocino War) against the indigenous purview of genocide: populations have yet to be admonished. Spanish conquest of the Americas – 8m indigenous people dead. Encomienda policy that converted to Christianity and fostered cultural assimilation, forced labor and exploitation Armenia (1915) – More than 1million ethnic Armenians of natural resources. massacred Portuguese colonial expansion in Africa/Brazil – Over Jews (1945) – Nazi policy against German Jews led to 80 indigenous tribes had disappeared between 1900- millions of Jews being forced into concentration camps 1957. A population of 1m was reduced by 80% through and killed. deculturalization, disease and murder. Cambodia (1975) – Khmer Rouge executions is said to British Empire expansion – Doctrine of terra nullius used by have killed 1.7 to 2million Cambodians. British to justify seizure of territory in Australia and Tasmania Rwanda (1990) – Hutus are accused of killing upto 1million killing thousands of Aboriginal Tasmanians. Belgium genocide of Congo – Under Leopold II of Belgium Tutsi’s in 100 days. 60% of Congo’s population was reduced. Darfur (2003) – Since 2003, an estimated 300,000 The question is where has there been genocide in Sri people have died and as many as 2.7 million people have Lanka to fit into the internationally and legally accepted been displaced. terminology accepted and endorsed by the UN?

36 GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka WANTED...

Adele Balasingham


Adele Balasingham, Australian origin, British National cannot Proof of Adele Balasingham being a LTTE key terrorists escape from her role in mass murder, recruitment leading up to member is given in the Norwegian Government website where death, destruction of life and intentional killing of others. she is listed a member of the LTTE terrorisrs delegation during the 2002 round the world peace talk sessions held in Thailand Accountability start with charging Adele Balasingham for (three sessions), Oslo, Germany and Japan. turning men, women and children into killers, kidnapping them from parents, giving them training in arms, placing suicide http://www.norway.lk/Embassy/Peace-Process/peace/ vests on them, drugging and brainwashing them into killing others and taking their own lives.

37 GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka

If there is any claims to genocide why majority of Tamils are living by choice amongst the Sinhalese and not a single has been killed for living with the Sinhalese while the Northern Provincial Chief Minister is on record for saying that Sinhalese are not welcome in the North.

It is ok for Government to rebuild homes, roads and other infrastructure for Tamils, which LTTE destroyed but it is not ok for the Sinhalese to purchase lands and live in the North where historically Sinhalese also once lived.

38 GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES NO in sri lanka

The allegations of war crimes have also been without evidence & subject to sensationalisms paid for by the very sources that have funded terrorism in Sri Lanka.

The onus is on those making allegations to present the evidence, however the claims of 40,000 or more dead comes;

With no names, No details that they even existed & No dead bodies even.

The US satellite imagery showed just 3 mass graves, two of which were LTTE.

The submissions of the international terrorist experts led by late Sir Desmond de Silva clearly exonerates the Sri Lankan Armed Forces of any war crimes & instead faults the LTTE for violating Geneva Conventions by subjecting civilians to harm by firing from among them while also putting civilian lives in danger by forcing them to accompany the LTTE.

Many of those making allegations have been third parties or people who make the allegations from overseas using LTTE sources while completely ignoring that LTTE fired & killed at fleeing Tamil civilians which statements from UN substantiate.


Terrorist Attacks in World but not in Sri Lanka






Terrorist Attacks in the World Compared to Zero Attacks in Sri Lanka after May 2009

Spread of attacks around the TEN WORST TERRORITS ATTACKS world 2015 Nearly half of all terrorist attacks occurred in four COUNTRY YEAR ATTACK DEATHS INJURIES RESPONSIBLE countries. Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India France 2015 Paris attacks 137 368 ISIL

Turkey 2015 Ankara bombings 105 400 ISIL Rest of the Iraq 20% COUNTRY YEAR ATTACK DEATHS INJURIES RESPONSIBLE world 27% Turkey 2015 Suruc bombings 33 104 Lone actor (ISIL inspired) France 2015 Paris attacks 137 368 ISIL France 2015 Lie-de-France attacks 20 22 Local group (Al-Quida/ISIL inspired) Turkey 2015 Ankara bombings 105 400 ISIL Afghanistan 14% France 2016 Nice truck attack 85 300 Lone actor (ISIL inspired) Iraq 20% Libya 3% Rest of the world 27% Turkey 2015 Suruc bombings 33 104 Lone actor (ISIL inspired) Turkey 2016 Ataturk Airport attack 50 230 ISIL Bangladesh 4% France 2015 Lie-de-France attacks 20 22 Local group (Al-Quida/ISIL inspired) USA 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting 50 53 Lone actor (ISIL inspired) Yemen 4% AfghanistanPakistan 14% France 2016 Nice truck attack 85 300 Lone actor (ISIL inspired) Libya 3% 8% Belgiun 2016 Brussels attacks 35 330 ISIL India Philippines 4% Turkey 2016 Ataturk Airport attack 50 230 ISIL 7% Turkey 2016 March Ankara bombings 34 125 Kurdistan Freedom Falcons (TAK) Bangladesh 4% Egypt 4% USA 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting 50 53 Lone actor (ISIL inspired) Nigeria 5% Turkey 2016 February Ankara bombings 30 60 Kurdistan Freedom Falcons (TAK) Yemen 4% Pakistan 8% Belgiun 2016 Brussels attacks 35 330 ISIL India Philippines 4% 7% Source:Turkey IEP 2016 March Ankara bombings 34 125 Kurdistan Freedom Falcons (TAK) Egypt 4% Nigeria 5% Turkey 2016 February Ankara bombings 30 60 Kurdistan Freedom Falcons (TAK)

Source: START GTD, IEP calculations


Tamil motherland in Tamilnadu not in Sri Lanka


COUNTRY POPULATION INDIA 60,793,814 SRI LANKA 3,135,770 MALAYSIA 1,800,000 MYANMAR 1,000,000 INDIA UNITED KINGDOM 300,000 SOUTH AFRICA 250,000 CANADA 200,000 UNITED STATES 190,685 SINGAPORE 188,591 FRANCE 125,000 Total Tamil Population in the World is 80 Million AUSTRALIA 73,161 out of total 80million, 61 million are in Tamilnadu OTHER COUNTRIES 500,000


The “Separate Country” for Tamils shall therefore be established in “TAMIL MOTHERLAND”; NOT in Sri Lanka



Regardless of ethinic and Tamil extremist rejected the Prime Minister Bandaranayake Prime Minister Senanayake – territorial distribution of SOulbury recommendations and – Tamil leader Chevanayagam. Tamil Leader Chevanayagam population, British colonists requested 50-50 representation An agreement was reached to Agreement included devolution appointed equal numbers to legislature for minorities which resolve alleged political unrest of of judicial and executive powers. of Sinhalese and Tamils to is 18% of the total population. the Tamils. represent the Legislative Council.

The Legislative Council estab- In 1947, Soulbury commission lished under Colebrooke Comis- established Bicameral legisla- 1957 Rata Saba (local council) 1965 District Council (Proposal) sion recommendations 1832 ture consisting of House Repre- (Proposal) sentatives elected on a territorial basis.

Tamils were priviledge due to high Tamil extremists initiated a Tamil extremists did not satisfy Tamil extremists did not satisfy representation in the legislature. movement for separatism with the political power granted in with the political power granted in Below are some independent by sabotaging government the proposal the proposal evidences.‘’They introduced administration. Tamil names substituted for Sinhalese Villages, tanks” Henry Parker (seasonal paper 8 of 1886 p4-5.S.P.46 of 1886) “Former Sinhalese inhabitants were driven out from the villages to Southern districts of Vanni” J.P.Lewis (1896) “Tamil Surveyors employed by the British to conduct a cadastral survey in 1857 & 1860 in East had given Tamil names for the Sinhala names”. C.W Nicholas (P85- Historical topography of ancient and medieval Ceylon)



Round table conference was Political negotiations took Political negotiations took plave Ranil Wickramasingha – PM of arranged to resolve alleged place in 1984. In 1985, political with President Premadasa in Sri Lanka and Prabhkaran LTTE administrative grievances by solutions were proposed by 1989-90 and with President terrorist leader signed a Cease political means. the government for Thimpu Chandrika in 1994-95 Fire Agreement (CFA) and Memo- Conference. The Indo – Lankan randum of Understanding (MOU) Accord was signed in 1987. in 2001. Negotiations stated in 2002 for a lasting peace.

2002 interim Council (an 1981 District Development 1987 Provincial Councils 1995 – 2000 Confederation of Council States (Proposal) election pledge by the UNF gonverment)

Tamil extremists demanded Rejected by Tamil extremists and LTTE terrorist did not change LTTE has violated CFA nearly a separate state and initiated demanded only a separate state. their demand for a separate state 4000 times as recorded by the terrorist movements to achieve LTTETamil terrorists intensified resulted in massacres of unarmed Sri Lankan Ceasefire Monitoring it. LTTE has emerged as a brutal their attacks on civilian targets. 700 police officers, assassination Mission. 50% of terms agreed terrorist organization. of Indian former PM Rajeev under MOU was not carried out Gandhi, Sri Lankan President by the LTTE. LTTE strengthened PRemadasa and many politicians politically, militarily with the and civilians. support of Norway and its allies

LTTE has withdrawn unilaterally from Peace Talks in 2003 demanding an Interim Self Governing Authority (ISGA) which is non other than a BLUE PRINT to a separate state.



The Tamil Claim The True Fact… This Tamil state thus described was known from the 13th century to In the East of the Portuguese had only two small forts in 1833 as Tamil / Ilam. Trincomalee hiill and Puliyanduwa respectively during the entire period of their territorial government in the country 1597 – 1658; the Dutch themselves had only the forts at Trincomalee and Pulyanduwa until they obtained cession from the Sinhalese in 1766.

The Tamil Claim The True Fact… The Portuguese capture “” from the Tamils. The Dutch This has already been exposed as falsehood. No claim to a Tamil state captured it from Portuguese. The British captured it from Dutch. of Tamil homeland made before the Soulbury Commission when all Each power ruled it as a separate country, while the Sinhala kingdom claims and complaints relating to constitutional reform were made to of Kotte was ruled as another country by Portuguese and by the that commission in 1985. Dutch after the Kandyan Convention of 1815. The British ruled that Sinhala kingdom also separately from their Tamil colony which was a described by Cleghorn.

In 1833, following the Colebrooke Commission totally disregarding the history traditions aspirations of these various states the British brought together under one authority the state of Eelam which they conquered from the Dutch and the Kandyan kingdom which they overran in 1815 along with the Sinhalese kindom of Kotte. The Tamil Claim The True Fact… In 1948 the British handed over state power over the whole Island to Eelam/ Ilam is the representation in the of the Sinahala the Sinhalese. Tamil state was not granted independence. Sinch 1948 name; Sinhale/ Sinhala. It has been demonstrated earlier. That Tamil the Sinhalese have impposedan imperialistic rule over the Tamils in Eelam was not a name that ever existed. Chelvanayagam, a racist the history of their ancient state. leader and his followers invented word Eelam state in the 1970s is an ignorance of Tamil etymology.


The Tamil Claim The True Fact… That the Tamil had a sovereign state in the Island in The Mahawamsa says no such thing. The first reference to “Damila” (Tamils) prehistoric recorded in the Mahawamsa is to Sena and Guttika in the Mahawamsa. 246 B.C.

The Tamil Claim The True Fact… The entire island was ruled by the Tamil king Senaa, Guttika According to the Mahawansa [TYPO] Sena, Guttika and Elara were South and Elara in pre-Christian times. The source relied on: The Indian usurpers who controlled only the Rajarata (North-Central Province) Mahawansa [TYPO] from 247 B.C. to 215 B.C. and from 205 B.C to 161 B.C. They exist only in the Sinhala chronicles which are the sole source of all information about them. There is no mention of any of them in any Tamil historical record in Sri Lanka or India. The Tamil Claim The True Fact… For a thousand years after Elara there was a struggle for In 597 years after the defeat and death of Elara in 161 B.C. at the hands of supremacy over the island between Sinhala king and local Dutugemunu, who restored Sinhala sovereignty over whole Island in 161-435 Tamil king, Sinhala kings ruling at times, and Tamil kings at A.D. there was only one South Indian invasion. This was when Vattagamani other times. Abhaya (Valagamba) was ousted from Anuradhapura by six Pandyans in 102 B.C. Vattagamini defeated the usurpers in 8 B.C. In 524 years from Vattagamini’s restoration in 88 B.C. to 436 A.D. there was no invasion of the Island from any quarter and no Tamil ruler in any part of the country. This was the period in which the the Sinhalese developed their irrigation science and technology. There is no record or trace of even a settlement of Tamil in this half millennium. There was a Pandan usurpation at Anuradhapura for 27 years from 436 to 463 A.D. Thereafter in the period of more than another 500 years from 464 to the end of 10th century there was no Tamil occupation though there were three invasion raid from south India and two Sinhala counter invasion. Thus two brief occupation of Anuradhapura by south invaders (which totally only 41 years) in a period of 1000 years is represented in the Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF) manifesto as a struggle for supremacy between the Tamil king and Sinhalese kings for over 1000 years.



The land occupation in Eastern province have been dominated by majority Sinhalese and minority Muslims.It constitutes 79.4% of land in and 54.7% of land in occupied by majority Sinhalese. Since LTTE Terrorism started there had been systematically planned ethnic cleansing of Sinhalese from two Sinhalese

provinces of North and East. Not only Sinhalese Muslims but ethnic Muslims have also been victimized and driven away by Tamil Extremists.

How Tamil Extremists claim Eastern province as a Tamil homeland?


LTTE Killings





Tamil Terrorism from Separatism

Tamil Separatism started during the time when the British colonized Sri Lanka. The colonists, who mastered on ‘divide and rule’, encouraged Separatists to work against the Sinhalese representation in the constitutional council.

A few years later in 1939 during British rule when GG Ponnambalam demanded 50-50, his demand was for 50% of parliament seats for non-Sinhales and the balance 50% could be for Sinhalese and the non-Sinhalese.

That was the Discrimination that our fore fathers had fought and defeated for the sovereignty of our motherland.

It was in 1949, immediately after the independence of Sri Lanka that Chelvanayagam formed the first racist party in Sri Lanka called Ilankei Thamil Arasu Kachchi – the direct translation being Sri Lankan Tamil state party demanding a federal state for Tamils. Later so called racist was formed in 1976, seeking a separate homeland for Tamils by TULF.

The difference between Prabakaran and the separatists before him was that he used the most gruesome methods of terrorism against the Sinhalese. Using his own Tamil people, which included women and children as weapons and human shields to fulfil this same dream of eelam to divide and rule.


Sought 50:50 power sharing between the majority and minority while minority represent only 20% of the total population

Declaration of Separatism in 1976 in Vaddukoddai PROPAGATE FOR TAMIL Called for Separate Country in the General SEPARATISM Election Manifesto by Tamil United Liberation AND Front in 1977 TERRORISM

Creation of Tamil Terrorism -1980s

Called for Federal State for merged two provinces of North and East in the General Election Manifesto by Tamil National Alliance in 2015


LTTE has been banned by 34 countries as Terrorists

Austria Italy 1992 - India was the first to ban LTTE following the assassination of Rajiv Beligum Latvia Gandhi.

Bulgaria Lithuania 1997 – USA banned LTTE as a Foreign Terrorist Organization on 8 Oct 1997 Croatia Luxemberg Cyprus Malta 1998 – Sri Lanka bans LTTE following LTTE attack on Sri Dalada Maligawa, Kandy Czech Republic Netherlands Denmark Poland 2000 – UK designated LTTE as a Proscribed Terrorist Group under the UK Estonia Portugal Terrorism Act of 2000

Finland Romania 2001 – USA designated LTTE as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist France Slovakia organization since 2 Nov 2001 Germany Slovenia 2006 – EU (Council of the European Union) comprising 28 nations Greece Spain declared LTTE as a Terrorist Organization on 17 May 2006 Hungary Sweden Ireland United Kingdom 2006 – Canada

52 YES PEACE in Sri Lanka Peace YES in sri lanka

PEACE YES in Sri Lanka

On the 19th of May 2009 the Forces of the Sri Lankan people defeated Terrorism.

With that the aspirations of Separatists were defeated.

The apparition of Eelam was defeated.

54 Peace YES in sri lanka

Peace attempts made by the (1985-2006)

On 20th April, the LTTE terrorist o‘cially pulled out of peace talks indefinitely and continued terrorist DECEMBER attacks JULY Peace talks began, after Prime Minister JUNE OCTOBER 25TH DECEMBER three rounds of Further peace talks Rajeev Gandhi talks on 21st April 2003 and Newly elected New government were scheduled in President Chandrika of Ranil Tamil terrorists Oslo on 8th -9th President J. R. suspended the talks Jayewardene Kumaratunga, Wickramasinghe June but LTTE signed Indo-Sri initiated peace talks and the LTTE terrorist Lanka Peace with the LTTE terrorists declared canceled the talks Accord to end terrorists cease-fires tamil terrorism 1989 1985 1990 1995 2002 2006 END OF TAMIL TERRORISM 1987 1994 2001 2002 2006 MAY 2009

JULY JANUARY The first-ever APRIL 1989 - The Sri Lankan FEBRUARY peace talks JUNE 1990 Government and the New government of between the Sri The Sri Lankan LTTE FEBRUARY and Lankan government lead by terrorists ceased Government and the the LTTE Terrorists government, President R. Premada- hostilities to initiate LTTE signed a agreed on new talks to Tamil terrorists sa engaged in direct negotiations. Ceasefire Agreement be held in Geneva on and Tamil communications with However, in April while Norwegian 22nd -23rd February. political parties the LTTE terrorists’ 1995, Tamil facilitation Tamil terrorists’ were held in leadership in seeking a terrorists unilaterally postponement Geneva Thimpu in July peaceful settlement resumed hostilities talks until 24th-25th April 2006

55 Peace YES in sri lanka

ex-terrorists back to the Society Then Transformation Now

Then Change of Mindset Future

A responsible partner contributing to the The resultant transfomation Prosperity and Development of the Country

56 Peace YES in sri lanka

ex-terrorists back to the Society Then Transformation Now

Then Change of Mindset Future

A responsible partner contributing to the The resultant transfomation Prosperity and Development of the Country

57 Peace YES in sri lanka

To Livelihood Assistance to Reintegrated LTTE Terrorists

Granting a loan up to Rs. 250,000 at a 4% for Self-Employment Projects. Approximately 1800 ex-terrorists have received loans by 30th April 2013.

Liaison with the Foreign Employment Bureau and with a number of Foreign Recruitment Agencies to obtain employment foreign countries.

Pre-School Teacher Diploma training courses.

Arrange employment development work in North and East through the Public.

Providing resources to Agricultural Projects and buying back the harvest.

Vocational Training targeting most demanding jobs in the market

Source: Rehabilitation of Ex Combatants by- issued by Bureau of the Commissioner

58 Peace YES in sri lanka

Who were rehabilitated?

Age Boys 363 Between 12 and 18 Girls 230

Male 1823 Gender Female 8373

Married 3658 Civil Status Single 7035 Window 97

Buddhist 6 Religion Muslim 3 Christians 814 Hindu 9976

* Few deserted and died in natural cause

Source: Rehabilitation of Ex Combatants by- issued by Bureau of the Commissioner

The government of Sri Lanka; guided by the Buddhist principles of forgiveness and compassion knowing the value of human life, thought that, as the terrorists are human beings whose minds were distorted, and hence misguided, could be reformed and could be rehabilitated to enlist their services as useful citizens of the country.

59 Peace YES in sri lanka

Child LTTE Soldiers back to the Society

Total Number Of Child Soldiers Surrendered Boys 364 Girls 230

Formal Education Given To 273

Vocational Training Given To 321

Age Category of Surrendered Child Soldiers

Age 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Above 19

No. of child soldiers 2 3 24 93 224 218 7 23

Source: Rehabilitation of Ex Combatants by- issued by Bureau of the Commissioner

60 Peace YES in sri lanka

Improvements of GDP in N & E after the War


North Western Central South North East Central

2006 50.1 8.8 10.0 2.8 4.9 4.0

2007 46.5 9.6 10.5 2.9 5.2 4.0

2008 45.4 9.8 10.5 3.2 5.6 4.7

2009 45.8 9.8 10.5 3.2 5.8 4.6

2010 44.8 10.0 10.5 3.4 6.0 4.8

2011 44.4 9.8 11.1 3.7 5.7 4.6

2012 42.8 10.2 11.0 3.7 6.3 5.0

2013 42.2 10.5 10.1 3.4 5.7 5.1

2014 41.7 10.3 10.5 3.3 5.8 5.2

2015 41.2 10.3 10.4 3.5 6.0 5.4

Source : Central Bank of Sri Lanka

61 Peace YES in sri lanka

Post war Improvement in Life style of Sri Lankans Improvement Tourism Industry


2006 559,603 133,555 2011 855,975 137,795

2007 494,008 145,238 2012 1,005,605 162,869

2008 438,475 123,134 2013 1,274,593 270,150

2009 447,890 124,970 2014 1,527,153 299,890

2015 1,798,380 319,436

2016 2,050,832 335,659

62 Peace YES in sri lanka

Sri Lankan Governments Efforts Solve Ethnic Issue Opposed to Destructions from Tamils

Attempts by Sri Lankan Governments to Reach Peaceful Solutions with Tamils

1957 1967 1971 1983 1987 1988


No Federal Constitution, Tamil To Be The Recognized ethnic Tamil an o„cial language Sinhala and Tamil to be Created Kilinochchi or Regional Autonomy Language For Adminis- minorities and English a link Languages of Adminis- District – predominately Tamil To Be The tration And For Records in the National Flag Language, and tration and Legislation Tamil Language For Adminis- In North And East established of Provincial tration and For Records Establish District Councils In North And East Councils Establish Regional Priority of distribution of Councils Lands in North and East Regional Councils should to be given to Tamils have powers over specified subjects;

63 Peace YES in sri lanka

Terrorism Vs Humanitarian

300,000 Tamil Civilians liberated from LTTE Terrorists by Sri Lankan 12,000 surrendered LTTE Terrorists to Sri Lankan security forces Security Forces and provided shelter, foods, Medicine and protec- were rehabilitated providing with education, vocational training and tion handed over to their relatives

64 Peace YES in sri lanka

Our demands

When talking about victims – victims should cover the either to live in Colombo and how many now live in foreign very 1st person LTTE gunned down and include all the shores (legally and illegally) people LTTE killed over 3 decades and the peace of mind and emotional instability caused to those living in fear Is it because Sri Lanka dented a very lucrative terrorist of LTTE terror. Victims cannot be confined to a period business that the elements that thrived on terrorism are convenient to those now framing war bogus crimes wanting their pound of flesh in the form of revenge? charges influenced by money and political agendas. Is it jealousy for becoming the only nation to end 30 years is no small period of time – the world, the UN, ground force terrorists and terrorist leader or is it anger were well aware of LTTE killings but other than standard that the cash cow LTTE was eliminated that provides statements and a paper proscription nothing happened the vengeance to draft resolutions, fund tarnishing to stop LTTE terror. It was OUR BRAVE soldiers who campaigns, recruit officials to build a case against those liberated from LTTE and we thought that that defeated the LTTE and possibly take them to The Tamils also wanted to be liberated from the LTTE. If not, Hague? we cannot help it. The country cannot suffer further terrorism to satisfy a handful of people who benefit from Sri Lanka’s public say first prove all allegations before terrorism. taking those that saved the nation and press bogus charges for crimes that have no evidence of proof. Reconciliation bogey is unacceptable. We fought a terrorist organization and not Tamils. There is no requirement The Sri Lankan Public remain indebted to the Government for Sri Lanka to reconcile with terrorists. Why have the who lead the war against terrorism , all the Armed Forces Government failed to get this message conveyed? heads, the civil defense force head, the Police and all military and police personnel, public officials, the nationalists/ Statistics of Tamils who fled North from 2006 onwards patriots – the invisible lot who did much to help end terror.

65 Published by