App No. Grid Ref. Applicant, proposal, type, address Decision Date Issued Decision Type

19/17318/FUL N: 227375 Mr S WELTON for Change of use of Permit 22 January Delegated E: 276151 barn to one self-contained dwelling, subject to 2020 Decision drainage and associated works. (Full Section Application) at Gilfach , Cross Inn To 106 Llangadog, Llanddeusant Llangadog SA19 Agreement 9EY

19/17338/FUL N: 208358 Mrs Sian Egan for Retention of Permit 31 January Delegated E: 302274 conversion of disused farm building into 2020 Decision an ancillary annexe. (Full Application) at Ffrwd Uchaf Farm, Cefn Coed, Merthyr Tydfil CF48 2SN

19/17342/LBC N: 208358 Mrs Sian Egan for Conversion of farm Permit 31 January Delegated E: 302274 building into an ancillary annexe. (Listed 2020 Decision Building Consent) at Ffrwd Uchaf Farm, Cefn Coed, Merthyr Tydfil CF48 2SN

19/17721/LBC N: 221708 Mr & Mrs John & Helen Chadwick for Permit 23 January Delegated E: 317004 Repair and alterations to the listed 2020 Decision former threshing barn. (Listed Building Consent) at Middle Gaer , Cwm-Du, NP8 1SB

19/17779/FUL N: 216249 Mrs Lisa Outhwaite for Conversion of Permit 3 April 2020 Delegated E: 320238 an existing unused barn into a holiday let Decision with parking and patio (Full Application) at Penrheol Darren , Hillside, Llangattock NP8 1LF

19/17843/ADV N: 242292 Nancy Albert for The signage comprises Permit 24 March Delegated E: 322900 welcome, orientation and informational 2020 Decision signs for visitors to the publicly accessible Hay Castle (opening in 2020). They are designed by BWA Design in consultation with MICA Architects. The signs use natural materials where possible, such as steel and Richlite, a highly sustainable material. The colours are muted and neutral. (Application to Display Adverts) at Hay Castle, Hay Castle Coach House , Oxford Road Hay-On-Wye Hereford HR3 5DG

19/17845/FUL N: 229418 Mr William Sims for Retrospective Withdraw 23 January Delegated E: 315782 change of use from agricultural use to 2020 Decision domestic use in association with Y Beudy. Retention of summer house on unauthorised extension of domestic garden. (Full Application) at Y Beudy , Llangorse, LD3 7UL

Page 1 of 33 19/17849/FUL N: 221017 Mr W Johnstone for Proposed single Permit 20 February Delegated E: 328416 storey extension and internal 2020 Decision alterations. Repairs to include: provision of bathrooms, removal of dilapidated ground floor cupboard, provision of underfloor heating, repair of windows (where beyond repair replace with new on a like for like basis), creation of new door opening in east gable end and provision of new door opening to north lean-to addition and alterations to approved dormers. Change of use of area of land adjoining house to the north, from agricultural to residential, to form modest garden curtilage. (Full Application) at Pontyspig Farm , Fforest Coalpit, NP7 7LS

19/17850/LBC N: 221017 Mr W Johnstone for Proposed single Permit 20 February Delegated E: 328416 storey extension and internal 2020 Decision alterations. Repairs to include: provision of bathrooms, removal of dilapidated ground floor cupboard, provision of underfloor heating, repair of windows (where beyond repair replace with new on a like for like basis), creation of new door opening in east gable end and provision of new door opening to north lean-to addition, alteration to approved dormers. Change of use of area of land adjoining house to the north, from agricultural to residential, to form modest garden curtilage. (Listed Building Consent) at Pontyspig Farm , Fforest Coalpit, NP7 7LS

19/17865/FUL N: 230438 Mrs Powell for To demolish the existing Permit 9 March 2020 Delegated E: 317002 adjacent structure and to replace with a Decision new "home work" studio (Full Application) at , , LD3 0EN

19/17877/FUL N: 212541 Blaenau Gwent CBC for Proposed New Permit 24 January Delegated E: 319647 3G Pitch with associated floodlighting 2020 Decision including site preparation works. (Full Application) at Brynmawr Foundation School , Intermediate Road, Brynmawr NP23 4XT

Page 2 of 33 19/17918/FUL N: 218672 County Council for Installation of Permit 12 March Delegated E: 321527 one single demountable teaching unit 2020 Decision and one double demountable teaching unit, means of access, retaining wall and associated development. Construction of new car parking spaces. (Full Application) at Crickhowell High School, New Road, Crickhowell Powys NP8 1AW

19/17939/FUL N: 215454 Mr Dennis Travers for Conversion of Permit 4 February Delegated E: 324819 play room and part of garage to a 2 2020 Decision person holiday let and division of garden. (Full Application) at The Kennels, Lower Common, Gilwern Monmouthshire NP7 0EE

19/17966/FUL N: 216332 Mrs Joanna Milborrow for Change of Permit 6 April 2020 Delegated E: 320233 use of section of agricultural land to Decision form access and parking area for Darren Cottage. (Full Application) at Darren Cottage , Hillside, Llangattock NP8 1LF

19/17972/FUL N: 232154 Mr Neil Poulton for Full planning Permit 16 April 2020 Delegated E: 314335 application for the conversion of coach Decision house to holiday let use (Full Application) at Coach House, Trefeca, Brecon

19/17973/LBC N: 232154 Mr Neil Poulton for Conversion of Permit 16 April 2020 Delegated E: 314335 coach house to holiday let use (Listed Decision Building Consent) at Coach House, Trefeca, Brecon

19/18004/LBC N: 218346 Mrs Williams for LBC application for Permit 17 January Delegated E: 321829 new external door configurations and 2020 Decision internal changes, to facilitate a new access point to the first floor and offices and to ensure the building conforms with fire safety and building regulations. (Listed Building Consent) at The Former Natwest Bank, Beaufort Street, Crickhowell NP8 1ZY

19/18009/TPO N: 216724 Mr Darren Howland for Crown thinning Permit 21 January Delegated E: 331085 and removal of overhanging branches of 2020 Decision 2 Oak trees within DC/018/8 (Tree Preservation Order) at 15 Coed Y Brenin, Llantilio Pertholey, Abergavenny NP7 6PY

Page 3 of 33 19/18019/FUL N: 217609 Mr & Mrs Logie for Erection of a timber Refuse 17 January Delegated E: 320954 car port (Full Application) at Glanonney 2020 Decision , Hillside Road, Llangattock Crickhowell NP8 1HU Reason/s for refusal: The proposed development does not comply with Policy 1, 17 and 27 of the Brecon Beacons National Park Local Development Plan, as the proposed materials do not respect the character and appearance of the host dwelling, which is a Grade II Listed Building, and would therefore result in a building which would have a detrimental impact on the setting of the listed building. The cumulative impact of the proposed car port and proposed annex would, as a result of the overall size, scale, proposed materials result in a detrimental impact on the setting of the listed building which is contrary to Policy 17 of the Brecon Beacons National Park Local Development Plan.

19/18021/FUL N: 217609 Mr & Mrs Logie for Erection of a timber Refuse 17 January Delegated E: 320954 frame single storey granny annexe to be 2020 Decision used ancillary to the main dwelling (Full Application) at Glanonney , Hillside Road, Llangattock Crickhowell NP8 1HU Reason/s for refusal: The proposed development does not comply with Policy 1, 17, 19 and 27 of the Brecon Beacons National Park Local Development Plan, as the combination of the proposed building and access ramp is considered to be excessive in terms of its size and scale together with the proposed materials do not respect the character and appearance of the host dwelling, which is a Grade II Listed Building, and would therefore result in a building which would have a detrimental impact on the setting of the listed building. The proposed development would, by virtue of its undue size, scale and use of materials would also be detrimental to the character or appearance of the Conservation Area. The cumulative impact of the proposed car port and proposed annex would, as a result of the overall size, scale, proposed materials result in a detrimental impact on the setting of the listed building and have a detrimental impact on the character or appearance of the Llangattock Conservation Area, which would be contrary to Policy 17 and 19 of the Brecon Beacons National Park Local Development Plan.

19/18034/FUL N: 234126 Ms Sophie Gumble for Erection of 2 Permit 17 January Delegated E: 280892 stables wash down area and hay store 2020 Decision (Full Application) at Tafarn Newydd Farm, Halfway, Carmarthenshire SA20 0RU

19/18045/FUL N: 222905 N.P. DAVIES for Retention of Refuse 28 February Delegated E: 273473 unauthorised works carried out and 2020 Decision remediation: 1. Renew roof and raise eaves and increase roof pitch from 35 to 42 degrees over dwelling; 2. Remove one chimney stack and rebuild one demolished stack; 3. Insert windows in north gable at attic level; 4. Provide 2 nr. rooflights on east elevation; 5. Demolish rear lean to extension and construct new single storey extension on east elevation; 6. Construct patio area on east elevation; 7. Construct porch on west elevation; 8. Convert adjoining two storey barn to provide additional residential accommodation: renew roof to match pitch and height as for dwelling: insert new openings for

Page 4 of 33 windows: fix weatherboards to eaves and gable; 9. Re roof single storey barn on south elevation to same pitch as roof of dwelling: provide 4 nr. rooflights: fix weatherboards to eaves and gable: retain agricultural use (Full Application) at Gwarallt , Gwynfe, Llangadog SA19 9RA Reason/s for refusal: The development harms the cultural heritage of the National Park and is contrary to Policy SP1, Policy 1, Policy CYD LP1 and the accompanying Supplementary Planning Guidance CYD LP1 Enabling Appropriate Development in the Countryside of the adopted Local Development for the BBNP (2013). There is insufficient information to understand whether protected species (principally bats and nesting birds) were present prior to the works being undertaken. In addition, there are no details of biodiversity mitigation and compensation measures. The development is therefore contrary to Section 6 of Planning Policy Wales (2018), Technical Advice Note 5 and Policies SP3, Policy 1, Policy 6 and Policy 7 of the adopted Local Development Plan for the BBNP (2013) and the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended) and the Environment (Wales) Act 2016.

19/18046/FUL N: 214818 Mr & Mrs Angharad and owen Parry for Permit 21 February Delegated E: 323188 To renovate the current 'garage' and 2020 Decision adjoining store into a liveable space for elderly relative(s). To raise the roof line by approx 1.5m, in line with some other historic roofline evident in the house wall and add a sleeping area above the garage. To do this sympathetically with larch wood and windows to harmonise with main building. Keeping the current garage doors and current use of garage. To use the storage area as a kitchen/dining living area. To repoint and make good the existing stone work. To bring water in and out, connecting to existing sceptic tank (Full Application) at The Five Bells, Llanelli Church, Gilwern Abergavenny Monmouthshire NP7 0HG

19/18051/DISC N: 212921 Mr ben hiscock for Discharge of Permit 30 January Delegated ON E: 322500 conditions 3 (written scheme of 2020 Decision investigation and building recording), 4 (biodiversity enhancement) and 5 (external lighting) pursuant to planning permission reference 19/17812/FUL. (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at Wesleyan Chapel , Main Road, Clydach Monmouthshire NP7 0LL

19/18064/DISC N: 212921 Mr ben hiscock for Discharge of Split 30 January Delegated ON E: 322500 Conditions pursuant to listed building Decision 2020 Decision consent 19/17813/LBC Discharge (Approval of details reserved Conditions bycondition) at Wesleyan Chapel , Main Road, Clydach Abergavenny NP7 0LL

Page 5 of 33 19/18078/FUL N: 218746 Mr Aaron Roberts for Two storey Permit 28 January Delegated E: 321998 extension garage at ground floor 2020 Decision bedroom at first floor. (Full Application) at 18 Danygrug, Crickhowell, Powys NP8 1DD

19/18079/TPO N: 214799 Mr Rhys Hicks for Works to various Permit 23 January Delegated E: 325250 TPOs - T3 - Lime, Tag 1227, T8 - Oak, 2020 Decision Tag 1231 and T5 - Lime (Tree Preservation Order) at Hooper Close, Gilwern, Sir Fynwy NP7 0EZ

19/18080/DISC N: 233856 Mr Geoffrey Hayward for Discharge of Permit 7 February Delegated ON E: 315471 conditions 3 9 10 11 and 12 pursuant to 2020 Decision planning permission 16/14091/FUL - Proposed change of use of former doctors surgery to 5 no residential units (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at Great House Close , Cottage Lane, Talgarth Powys LD3 0AE

19/18081/FUL N: 232969 Ms Sandy Thwaites for The demolition Refuse 22 January Delegated E: 317895 and replacement of Ancillary domestic 2020 Decision structures with a new kitchen extension. (Full Application) at Berth Fedw Farm , Talgarth, LD3 0ED Reason/s for refusal: The proposed development does not comply with Policy 1 and 27 of the Brecon Beacons National Park Local Development Plan, as the combination of the proposed extension and link is considered to be excessive in terms of its size and scale, and together with the proposed materials do not respect the character and appearance of the host dwelling. The proposed development would result in a net volume increase of over 30%, compared to the original dwelling, and would result in an extension which would be inappropriate in scale and design to the countryside location which is contrary to Policy CYD LP1 of the Brecon Beacons National Park Local Development Plan. The proposed development would be contrary to Policies 6 and 7 of the Brecon Beacons National Park Local Development Plan as insufficient information has been provided to assess the potential impact on protected species. Further to this, the proposed rooflight is considered to unacceptable as the light spill into the adjacent tree canopy will have an adverse impact on protected species. The existing buildings on the site of the proposed extension are considered to be of an agricultural use, not ancillary domestic buildings and not within the residential curtilage of the existing dwelling house. Therefore, a change of use of the land would be required to build the proposed extension to the dwelling house.

19/18084/DISC N: 229237 N/A for Discharge of Condition 16 Permit 22 January Delegated ON E: 305287 relating to Biodiversity Enhancement 2020 Decision pursuant to Planning Permission 17/15291/FUL for new school and associated works (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at Land Off Cerrigcochion Road, Brecon , Powys LD3 9SR Penlan Brecon

Page 6 of 33 19/18085/DEM N: 229127 Mrs Debbie Williams for 1 No Nissen Planning 22 January Delegated E: 292230 style redundant building to be Permission 2020 Decision demolished down to concrete slab. No Required replacement building planned. (Demolition Notification) at 214 Nissen Hut, Training Camp, Sennybridge Brecon Powys LD3 8PN

19/18088/FUL N: 213673 Mr Shaun Needle for Retrospective Permit 2 April 2020 Delegated E: 326549 Planning Permission sought for Decision Pergola/BBQ/Outdoor Oven Area and Pergola to the side elevation of the property. Erection of garden shed. (Full Application) at Briardene, 1 Derwen Deg, Station Road Govilon Monmouthshire NP7 9RG

19/18089/CPE N: 218121 Mr & Mrs Sharp for To regularise the Withdraw 28 January Delegated E: 320416 use of Merryfields Barn for human 2020 Decision habitation (C3) use class between October and March of the succeeding year (Certificate Existing Lawful Use/Dev) at Merryfields Barn , Crickhowell, Powys NP8 1PY

19/18093/FUL N: 216581 Mr A. Griffiths for Extension (Full Permit 23 January Delegated E: 333768 Application) at Walnut Tree Cottage , 2020 Decision Old Ross Road, Llandewi Skirrid NP7 8AW

19/18096/FUL N: 214555 Mrs Helen James for Proposed single Permit 31 January Delegated E: 325091 storey front extension (Full Application) 2020 Decision at 15 High Trees Road, Gilwern, NP7 0AH

19/18099/FUL N: 234058 Mrs Anita Thomas for Remodelling of Refuse 27 January Delegated E: 315221 existing single storey to rear of property 2020 Decision to replace with two storey extension and single storey extension/ lean to. Relocation of back bedroom window to side of house (same as number 27 and 26) (Full Application) at 28 Westfields, Talgarth, LD3 0HG Reason/s for refusal: It is considered that there is insufficient information submitted in support of the application to accurately assess the potential impact of the proposed development on protected species at the site. Therefore the proposal does not conform with Policies 6 and 7 of the Brecon Beacons National Park Local Development Plan 2013. The proposed development results in a significant loss of privacy and overlooking to the neighbouring properties on either side of the site, due to the proposed upper floor windows to be inserted within the existing side elevation of the property and side elevation of the proposed extension. Therefore the proposed development does not conform with Policy 27 of the Brecon Beacons National Park Local Development Plan (2013).

Page 7 of 33 19/18100/FUL N: 223710 Mr matthew chambers for Knock down Permit 29 January Delegated E: 318018 existing single brick extension and build 2020 Decision a double storey extension on rear of property. (Full Application) at 5 St Michael's Close, Cwm-Du, Crickhowell NP8 1RP

19/18101/DISC N: 228922 Mr Matthew Hall for Discharge of Permit 20 January Delegated ON E: 305106 conditions in pursuant to planning 2020 Decision application 16/13596/FUL. Archaeological strip, map & excavation report. (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at Land Adj To Cerrigochion Road , Brecon,

19/18104/FUL N: 222869 Mr Peter And Mrs Emma Berglund for Permit 21 February Delegated E: 332840 Ground floor single storey extension to 2020 Decision existing dwelling, siting of bunded oil tank and retention of package sewage treatment plant. (Full Application) at The Old Carpenters Shop, Trewyn , Pandy Monmouthshire NP7 7PG

19/18105/DISC N: 220585 Mr Neil Startin for Discharge of Split 4 March 2020 Delegated ON E: 312456 conditions 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 18 Decision Decision 19 20 21 26 27 and 28 pursuant to Discharge planning permission 19/16997/FUL - The Conditions change of use, refurbishment and conversion of existing Grade 2 listed outbuildings to provide four new holiday lets including the provision of extended living accommodation for the existing Grade 2 listed farmhouse. (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at Llanddetty Hall Farm , Llandetty, Brecon LD3 7YR

19/18106/DISC N: 220585 Mr Neil Startin for Discharge of Permit 11 March Delegated ON E: 312456 conditions 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2020 Decision 16 19 and 20 pursuant to planning permission 19/16998/LBC - The change of use, refurbishment and conversion of existing Grade 2 listed outbuildings to provide four new holiday lets including the provision of extended living accommodation for the existing Grade 2 listed farmhouse. (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at Llanddetty Hall Farm , Llandetty, Brecon LD3 7YR

Page 8 of 33 19/18107/CPL N: 228122 Mr & Mrs R & M Thomas for Single- Permit 28 January Delegated E: 301254 storey extension to rear of dwelling 2020 Decision (Certificate Proposed Lawful Use/Dev) at 15 Heol Sant Cattwg, , Brecon LD3 8PD

19/18108/FUL N: 213181 Mr David Abbott for Conversion of Permit 6 February Delegated E: 324398 existing detached garage building to 2020 Decision Holiday Let accommodation (Full Application) at Lilac Cottage , Heol Bedd-Dyn-Hir, Govilon NP7 0HS

19/18109/FUL N: 229117 Mr John David for New field access to Refuse 29 January Delegated E: 290386 paddock from highway 2020 Decision (Full Application) at Pantyscallog Fach, Crai, Brecon Powys LD3 8PT Reason/s for refusal: The development is not justified and the essential need for the development has not been demonstrated contrary to the provisions of paragraph of the Brecon Beacons National Park Local Development Plan and Policy CYD LP1 of the Brecon Beacons National Park Local Development Plan. The development has not been demonstrated to contribute positively to its countryside location and therefore does not comply with the provisions of Policy CYD LP1of the Brecon Beacons National Park Local Development Plan. The development has not been demonstrated to be integrated into the landscape and does not maintain or enhance the quality and character of the Park's Natural Beauty and therefore is contrary to the provisions of Policy 1 of the Brecon Beacons National Park Local Development Plan. The proposed development has not been demonstrated to have an unacceptable impact on road safety as not all of the necessary works associated with the proposed development are located within the proposed red outline of the planning application. The proposed development is therefore contrary to the provisions of Policy 59 of the Brecon Beacons National Park Local Development Plan. Inadequate information has been submitted to assess the ecological impact of the proposed development contrary to the provisions of Policy 1 and Policy 6 of the Brecon Beacons National Park Local Development Plan.

19/18110/DISC N: 228475 Mr Geoffrey Waldron for Discharge of Split 20 January Delegated ON E: 303741 Condition 3 relating to biodiversity Decision 2020 Decision enhancement scheme pursuant to Discharge Planning Permission 19/17861/FUL for Conditions side extension (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at Glenafton , Penyfan Road, Llan-Faes Brecon LD3 8DB

19/18111/FUL N: 214768 Mrs Jade Randall-Evans for Demolition Permit 13 February Delegated E: 324706 of existing single storey kitchen and 2020 Decision store extension and construction of new Two storey extension to rear of existing dwelling to provide new kitchen to ground floor and bedroom and ensuite to first floor. Also the formation of off road parking and associated retaining walls (Full Application) at 2 Brynglas, Gilwern, NP7 0BT

Page 9 of 33 19/18112/FUL N: 228664 Mr Howard Crackle for Construction of Permit 28 January Delegated E: 305012 pitched roofed extension to front 2020 Decision elevation of bungalow (Full Application) at 8 Camden Crescent, Brecon, Powys LD3 7BY

19/18116/CPE N: 211634 Mr & Mrs G & R Jones for Existing Deemed 28 January Delegated E: 278789 biomass boiler flue. See plans and Permitted 2020 Decision document attached. (Certificate Existing Developm Lawful Use/Dev) at Llwynbedw Farm , ent Heol Giedd, SA9 1LX

19/18119/FUL N: 240168 Miss Kathryn Vaughan for Addition of a Refuse 31 January Delegated E: 321283 second story on top of an existing 2020 Decision garden room. The property is currently a 3 bedroom, semi-detached, ex council house, this extension would add an extra bedroom to the existing property. The build would not exceed the existing footprint and external materials would match the existing house. (Full Application) at 4 Digeddi Villas, , Hereford Powys HR3 5PZ Reason/s for refusal: It is considered that there is insufficient information submitted in support of the application to accurately assess the potential impact of the proposed development on protected species at the site. Therefore the proposal does not conform with Policies 6 and 7 of the Brecon Beacons National Park Local Development Plan 2013. The proposed development results in a significant loss of privacy and overlooking to the neighbouring property, due to the proposed upper floor window the proposed extension. Furthermore, insufficient information has been submitted to assess the potential loss of light to the neighbouring property. Therefore the proposed development does not conform with Policy 27 of the Brecon Beacons National Park Local Development Plan (2013).

19/18120/FUL N: 233877 Mr & Mrs Davies for Construction of a Refuse 20 February Delegated E: 315503 detached garage at 2 Bron Y Garth (Full 2020 Decision Application) at 2 Bron Y Garth , Cottage Lane, Talgarth LD3 0AE Reason/s for refusal: Due to the height of the proposed garage building the application fails to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area and is therefore contrary to Policy 19 of the Local Development Plan 2013. The application fails to meet the requirements of Policy 27 in that it is not considered to be a subservient addition to the residential curtilage when seen in conjunction with the host dwelling.

19/18129/FUL N: 218980 Mr & Mrs Jackson for Rear single storey Permit 4 February Delegated E: 321524 extension incorporating existing 2020 Decision outbuilding/store with new velux roof light in existing building. (Full Application) at The Old School House , Brecon Road, Crickhowell NP8 1DG

Page 10 of 33 19/18141/FUL N: 218657 Mr & Mrs Donna & Hayden Williams for Withdraw 6 February Delegated E: 265120 Change of use of land and constuction of 2020 Decision proposed Garage with home office in the loft served by an external staircase. To be ancillary to dwelling currently under construction within the curtilage. (Full Application) at Glyncoch , Trapp, Llandeilo SA19 6TR

19/18143/FUL N: 213857 Dr Ben Shooter for Conversion of Permit 2 March 2020 Delegated E: 327023 Permitted garage and studio/work above Decision (14/14/10821/FUL) and alterations to form "granny" flat accommodation ancillary to the existing house. (Full Application) at Elms Farm, Elms Road, Govilon Abergavenny NP7 9PH

19/18145/DEM N: 228929 Mr Graham Wearne for Concrete valve Planning 26 February Delegated E: 283400 house, 5.7m x 8.7m in plan, 4.0 m above Permission 2020 Decision ground and 3.5m below ground Not (Demolition Notification) at Usk Required Reservoir Valve House Grid Ref SN 83400 28929, ,

19/18146/FUL N: 233149 Mr & Mrs Offord for roposed garage Withdraw 12 March Delegated E: 314911 extension, first floor extension and 2020 Decision removal of chimney. (Full Application) at Maescoch , Tredustan, Brecon LD3 0PN

19/18147/FUL N: 216753 Mr Kelton Nicholas for Material change Permit 16 April 2020 Delegated E: 331721 of use of agricultural land to residential Decision use, retention of porch on front elevation, demolition of existing unauthorised garage and construction of new garage with parking to front elevation. Retention of aviary building and any associated works. (Full Application) at Little New Court , New Court Lane, Llantilio Pertholey NP7 8AU

19/18148/FUL N: 217670 Miss Debbie Pritchard for Removal of Permit 10 February Delegated E: 321039 single-storey extension and construction 2020 Decision of two-storey extension to rear elevation (Full Application) at Yard Cottage , Hillside Road, Llangattock Crickhowell NP8 1HU

19/18152/FUL N: 226597 Mr David Morgan for Replacement of Permit 27 February Delegated E: 309037 present garage with a similar one on the 2020 Decision same footprint and the same materials. (Full Application) at Ty Illtyd, Llanhamlach, Brecon Powys LD3 7YB

Page 11 of 33 19/18155/FUL N: 216117 Daniel Games Andrea Davies for Permit 29 April 2020 Delegated E: 323450 Retrospective planning application for Decision two water disposal points and sink built on concrete pads, associated concrete block walls, installation of cesspit tank to serve caravans and associated works (Full Application) at Land Adjoining Llwyncytrych Farm , Crickhowell, NP8 1EE

19/18156/FUL N: 219548 Ms Cheryl Hughes for Proposed single Permit 23 April 2020 Delegated E: 315471 storey sun room located to the side of Decision the existing house. (Full Application) at 22 Clos Castell, , Crickhowell Powys

19/18160/FUL N: 226428 Jeremy Williams for Change of use of Refuse 20 April 2020 Delegated E: 304219 agricultural land to residential use and Decision construction of a domestic timber storage shed on the land. (Full Application) at 5 Cefn Cantref, Cantref, Brecon Powys LD3 8LT Reason/s for refusal: The LDP sets out that there should be no land in the countryside lost to development which is permitted by way of departure to Policy CYD LP1 (p.175). The proposal is contrary to the requirements of LDP Policy CYD LP1 in that it represents an unjustified change of use and additional building in its countryside location.

19/18161/DISC N: 225363 Mr Neil Lewis for Discharge of Permit 3 February Delegated ON E: 310588 Condition 7 pursuant to Planning 2020 Decision Permission 19/17858/FUL for external and internal renovations to property (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at Scethrog Farm , Scethrog, Brecon LD3 7EQ

19/18165/LBC N: 239920 Shooter for 1. Removal of existing Permit 20 March Delegated E: 321335 (modern) ceramic tile floor covering in 2020 Decision Kitchen & Utility and replacement with new natural Flag Stones onto improved sub-base. 2. Laying of Engineered Oak flooring in Dining Room onto existing concrete slab (if viable - alternatively onto improved sub-base). 3. Removal of modern firebox, surround & raised outer hearth in Reception Room, with view to exposing original fireplace to be restored & repaired as necessary. 4. Removal of modern, existing, exposed softwood stud partition walls to Kitchen, Utility & Stairwell/Entrance to return room/space to original structural dimensions.

Page 12 of 33 5. Creation of new structural opening between Bedroom & Study at first floor to create integrated space comprising Bedroom, Study, En-suite and storage. Existing entresol floor to Bedroom to be removed also. 6. Repair both chimney stacks as recommended in Surveyor's report. The central stack to be repointed etc. & the gable end stack to be taken down to roof level & reconstructed with appropriate lead apron, flashings & soakers etc. 7. Repairs to living room floor including damaged floor boards to be repaired and replaced with new kiln dried boards where required. (Listed Building Consent) at Old Post Office, Llanigon, Powys HR3 5QA

19/18167/DISC N: 227664 Mr & Mrs Gillis for Discharge of Permit 13 February Delegated ON E: 318571 conditions 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 pursuant to 2020 Decision planning application 18/16756/FUL - Replacement of 1950's outbuilding with new traditional timber styled barn to form annexed living accommodation (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at Glandwr, Talgarth, Aberhonddu Powys LD3 0ER

19/18172/CPL N: 228721 Mr & Mrs T & S Payne for Construction Permit 18 February Delegated E: 303992 of car port outbuilding and driveway 2020 Decision (Certificate Proposed Lawful Use/Dev) at The Dingle , Walnut Square, Llan- Faes Brecon LD3 8BD

20/18173/FUL N: 228566 Mr Matthew Williams for Construction Permit 2 February Delegated E: 303723 of a rear extension at 53 Newton Green 2020 Decision (Full Application) at Iago , 53 Newton Green, Llan-Faes Brecon LD3 8DF

20/18175/TRCA N: 228169 Mrs Lynn Butt for Two trees to be Works 13 February Delegated E: 304775 taken down as in the way of granted approved 2020 Decision planning permission to erect a dwelling (reference 18/16692/FUL). 1. Corkscrew willow. 2. Apple tree - this tree has been ringed by sheep (Work to trees in con area) at Saddlers Garden , Canal Bank, Brecon Powys LD3 7HG

20/18176/FUL N: 213824 Miss Alyson Davies for Proposed single Permit 2 March 2020 Delegated E: 326594 storey extension to existing bungalow Decision (Full Application) at 19 Linden Grove, Govilon, NP7 9RB

Page 13 of 33 20/18177/FUL N: 239950 Mr & Mrs Ledger for Proposed Withdraw 14 April 2020 Delegated E: 321345 installation of rooflights to Decision accommodate a loft conversion and remodel of internal layout of the dwelling. (Full Application) at Church House , Church House, Llanigon HR3 5QA

20/18178/DISC N: 219495 Mr Carl Moon for Discharge Condition Permit 26 February Delegated ON E: 316869 3 in pursuant to listed building consent 2020 Decision 19/17548/LBC (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at Dan-y-wern Farm, Cyffredyn Lane, Llangynidr Crickhowell Powys NP8 1LR

20/18179/DISC N: 228885 Mr David Williams for Discharge of Permit 15 April 2020 Delegated ON E: 304498 conditions 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 and 12 Decision persuant to approved planning application 18/16818/FUL - Change of use of public house/hotel to a single dwelling (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at The Bulls Head Inn, 86 The Struet, Brecon Powys LD3 7LS

20/18181/MINO N: 218528 Mr And Mrs James for Minor Permit 30 January Delegated R E: 321783 Amendedment to application 2020 Decision 17/15404/FUL - Landscaping (bat mitigation details included) (Non- Material Changes (Minor Amendments)) at Crickhowell Conservative Club, High Street, Crickhowell Powys NP8 1BW

20/18182/FUL N: 218528 Mr And Mrs James for Installation of Permit 25 February Delegated E: 321783 extraction units (Full Application) at 2020 Decision Crickhowell Conservative Club, High Street, Crickhowell Powys NP8 1BW

20/18184/DISC N: 226031 Mr Paul Cravos for Discharge of Split 28 January Delegated ON E: 299488 condition 3 pursuant to approved Decision 2020 Decision planning application 19/17981/FUL - Discharge Single storey pitched roof rear Conditions extension and removal of chimney (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at Maes-yr-eglwys, Libanus, Brecon Powys LD3 8EL

20/18185/FUL N: 216332 Mrs Lisa Outhwaite for Construction of Permit 10 March Delegated E: 320233 rear extension, utilising existing retaining 2020 Decision wall and creation of new porch. (Full Application) at Annex At Penrheol Darren Cottage, Hillside, Llangattock Powys NP8 1LF

Page 14 of 33 20/18194/FUL N: 228580 N/A for Change of use of ground floor Retrospect 2 April 2020 Delegated E: 304551 from Class A1 to Class A3 ive Decision (retrospective) (Full Application) at 30 Application Bethel Square, Brecon, LD3 7JP Permitted

20/18195/FUL N: 242348 Mr & Mrs Spencer-Brown for Permit 16 March Delegated E: 323142 Alterations & Improvements to Existing 2020 Decision Dwelling: including change from flat roof to pitched roofs (Full Application) at 19 & 21 Lion Street, Hay-On-Wye, Hereford HR3 5AD

20/18197/FUL N: 214993 Mr Huw Simmonds for Demolition and Permit 24 March Delegated E: 324532 re-building of conservatory (Full 2020 Decision Application) at Ventnor , 9 Bank Crescent, Gilwern NP7 0DL

20/18198/DISC N: 240618 Ms Clare Purcell for Discharge of Split 5 February Delegated ON E: 322284 conditions 3, 4 and 5 in pursuant to Decision 2020 Decision planning application 19/17687/FUL. Discharge External lighting plan Conditions Biodiversity enhancement scheme Level 2 Historical Building Survey (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at Pencommon , Hay-On- Wye, Hereford HR3 5RH

20/18211/FUL N: 239920 Mr And Mrs Shooter for Take down Permit 10 March Delegated E: 321335 existing end gable chimney stack to roof 2020 Decision level and re-build as existing. (Full Application) at Old Post Office, Llanigon, Powys HR3 5QA

20/18206/FUL N: 219835 Mrs Jill Carr for Extension to front Permit 3 March 2020 Delegated E: 314753 elevation providing larger entrance hall Decision and toilet conversion of garage to residential use (Full Application) at 10 Felsgarth, Llangynidr, Crickhowell Powys NP8 1NF

20/18207/LBC N: 222869 Mr Peter And Mrs Emma Berglund for Permit 12 February Delegated E: 332840 Single storey extension to the rear of 2020 Decision the existing house and amendments to door and window openings (Listed Building Consent) at The Old Carpenters Shop, Trewyn House, Groes Lwyd Road Pandy Monmouthshire NP7 7PG

20/18209/FUL N: 215389 Dr Thomas Close for Erection of Permit 17 March Delegated E: 325555 Timber framed Home Office/Studio with 2020 Decision washroom facilities (Full Application) at 14 Crawshay Bailey Close, Gilwern, Monmouthshire NP7 0AZ

Page 15 of 33 20/18221/DISC N: 239060 Mr Huw Evans-Bevan for Discharge Permit 2 March 2020 Delegated ON E: 320733 conditions 3,4 and 5 in relation to listed Decision building 14/11494/LBC (Approval of details reserved by condition) at Maesygarn , Ffordd Las, Llanigon HR3 5QE

20/18222/FUL N: 229013 Ms Gillian Cameron for Erection of Permit 12 March Delegated E: 304592 timber shed to house mobility scooter 2020 Decision at the front of the property (Full Application) at 3 Honddu Court, Brecon, LD3 7JW

20/18224/CPE N: 224249 Mr and Mrs C D Severn for Occupation Permit 24 January Delegated E: 328563 of dwellinghouse in non-compliance with 2020 Decision Condition 2 of planning permission M9487. (Certificate Existing Lawful Use/Dev) at Troed Y Rhiw Gou , Brynarw To Llanthony Wood, Cwmyoy Abergavenny NP7 7NH

20/18225/DISC N: 218952 Mr & Mrs Morgans for Discharge of Permit 10 February Delegated ON E: 321493 conditions 3 and 4 in pursuant to 2020 Decision planning application 19/17989/FUL. Amended drawings. (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at 24 Brookfields, Crickhowell, NP8 1DJ

20/18226/FUL N: 217324 Mr & Mrs Levon Sandercock for Permit 2 March 2020 Delegated E: 320816 Conversion of part of garage to living Decision space (Full Application) at 2 Chapel Field, Llangattock, Crickhowell NP8 1LJ

20/18227/FUL N: 242090 Dr Richard Beavan for Single storey Permit 2 April 2020 Delegated E: 322722 Conservatory to side, Skylights and Decision Alterations to Patio (Full Application) at Laurel Cottage, Church Street, Hay-On- Wye Hereford Powys HR3 5DW

20/18228/DISC N: 226512 Mr Mr & Mrs Jones for Discharge of Permit 5 February Delegated ON E: 293039 condition 3 in pursuant to planning 2020 Decision application 18/16312/FUL Pleached Beech or Birch is proposed in lieu of Hornbeam, as we still want to retain the intended sculptural elegance of formal planting. Native hedge row planting to be added as stated to the southern boundary behind the Garage and to extend on the boundary to Kite cottage.Native species to be included to the herbaceous border areas. Plants are to be arranged in layers, with smaller plants positioned at the front of the border and taller plants towards the back. Native hedgerow

Page 16 of 33 planting to be included around the "shed" in the north-west corner, to supplement the existing vegetation in this area. Planting specification and maintenance strategy as noted below. All planting to be carried out in the 1st available growing season following the completion of construction works. Native mixed hedges: Plant new hedging in species groups of 5-7No as double staggered row (400mm between rows, 450mm along rows) at 5 plants/lin m, bare root transplants, 600- 900mm high. All transplants protected by 400mm high plastic spiral rabbit guard support by 750mm stake. Provide post and wire fencing as boundary until hedge has grown in. Species mix: 50% hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) 40% hazel (Corylus avellana) 10% holly (Ilex aquifolium)30-40cm 2Ltr pot honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum)at 1 every 10m dog rose (Rosa canina)at 1 every 10m. Individual trees: Native tree species in hedges to be planted as bare root whips planted into 0.6x0.6x0.6m pits with 80% topsoil 20% peat free compost backfill mix, secured with a double stake and rubber belting - not timber cross bar. To be planted at least 2-3m back from rear of footpaths and 3m from any houses or retaining walls. Maintenance: Allow for 5 years maintenance to all planting areas to ensure establishment. Keep each plant weed free, ideally by hand weeding, mulching or by very careful herbicide treatment avoiding drift. Any plant failures wit (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at Tylegarw Farm , Sennybridge, Brecon LD3 8SP

20/18229/TRCA N: 217609 Mr Graham Logie for To reduce the Works 27 February Delegated E: 320954 height and overall size of a single copper approved 2020 Decision beach tree that is outgrowing the garden. (Work to trees in con area) at Glanonney, Hillside Road, Llangatwg Crughywel Powys NP8 1HU

Page 17 of 33 20/18237/DISC N: 224370 Samantha Wilkins And Steve Wilkins for Permit 10 February Delegated ON E: 275229 Discharge of landscaping Condition 6 2020 Decision pursuant to Planning Permission 18/16498/FUL for loft conversion and other alterations (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at Trem-Y- Wawr, Twynllanan, Llanddeusant Llangadog Sir Gar SA19 9SP

20/18230/DISC N: 226437 Dr. M. Bramley for Discharge of Split 2 March 2020 Delegated ON E: 308952 conditions 8 and 9 in pursuant to Decision Decision planning application 18/15880/FUL. Discharge Condition No.8 - Materials - Stone Conditions walling material, lime mortar mix and style of pointing roofing slate and clay ridge tiles Condition No.9 - Bio diversity enhancement proposals - 2 No Bird nesting boxes (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at St Illtyd And St Peter's Church , Llanhamlach, Brecon LD3 7YB

20/18232/FUL N: 208117 Mr & Mrs Morgan for Replacement Refuse 13 March Delegated E: 294997 dwelling (Full Application) at Garth 2020 Decision Madryn , Church Road, Penderyn Hirwaun CF44 9JP Reason/s for refusal: The scale, mass and design of the dwelling and impact on the nightscape would be unsympathetic to the locality, resulting in a dwelling incongruous in its setting which would not enhance or maintain the character and appearance of the built environment or visual qualities of the National Park. The application therefore fails to meet with the requirements of Brecon Beacons National Park Authority Local Development Plan Policy 1 Appropriate Development in the National Park (criterion i), Policy 26 Demolition and Replacement of Dwellings (Criterion ii) or Policy 12 Light Pollution (Criterion a) and b i)). The scale, mass and setting of the proposed dwelling would have an adverse effect upon the setting of the nearby Listed Building - Siloa Baptist Chapel. The development therefore does not meet with the requirements of Brecon Beacons National Park Authority Local Development Plan Policy 17 The Setting of Listed Buildings. The height and scale of the dwelling would for reasons of proximity, have an adverse effect upon the residential amenities of properties located to the south east and south west, in terms of overbearing impact. The development therefore does not meet with the requirements of Brecon Beacons National Park Authority Local Development Plan Policy 26 (Demolition and Replacement of Dwellings).

20/18234/CPE N: 224432 Mr & Mrs E and C Inglefield for Permit 4 February Delegated E: 318554 Residential occupation of dwelling and 2020 Decision use of attached and detached curtilage outbuildings in conjunction with the host dwelling and its residential use, including separate ancillary living space. (Certificate Existing Lawful Use/Dev) at Pengwyrlodau Farm, Cwmdu, Crickhowell Powys NP8 1RU

Page 18 of 33 20/18238/DISC N: 220411 Tom & Anita Harris for Discharge of Split 18 March Delegated ON E: 323886 Conditions 3 and 4 pursuant to Planning Decision 2020 Decision Permission 19/17816/FUL for alterations Discharge to property (Approval of details Conditions reserved bycondition) at Orchard Cottage , Llanbedr, Crickhowell NP8 1SR

20/18244/DISC N: 225142 Mr And Mrs Iley for Discharge of Permit 27 February Delegated ON E: 310676 Condition 3, 5 and 6 in relation to 2020 Decision planning application 19/17630/FUL. (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at Scethrog House, Scethrog, Brecon Powys LD3 7EQ

20/18250/FUL N: 239643 Mr V Phillips for 1 New extension to Withdraw 5 March 2020 Delegated E: 324771 the south with oak framing on a stone Decision plinth and chestnut shake roof. 2 Re-roofing stone tiled roof over the Kitchen/Studio, with a new dormer to the north and a new shower room with a new rooflight. 3 New traditional windows to 4 No.dormers on the north elevation, 1 No. ground floor (Kitchen) window on the north elevation and 1 No. ground floor (Kitchen) window on the east elevation. 4 Replacement of 4 No. Velux rooflights with smaller traditional conservation rooflights with a central bar. 5 Replacement of stone tile roof of the north lean-to of the western barn range with black painted corrugated steel, with the salvaged tiles used to patch other roofs on the site. (Full Application) at New Forest Farm, Hay-On-Wye, , Hereford HR3 5RL

20/18251/LBC N: 239643 Mr V Phillips for 1 New extension to Withdraw 5 March 2020 Delegated E: 324771 the south with oak framing on a stone Decision plinth and chestnut shake roof. 2 Re-roofing stone tiled roof over the Kitchen/Studio, with a new dormer to the north and a new shower room with a new rooflight. 3 New traditional windows to 4 No.dormers on the north elevation, 1 No. ground floor (Kitchen) window on the north elevation and 1 No. ground floor (Kitchen) window on the east elevation. 4 Replacement of 4 No. Velux rooflights with smaller traditional conservation

Page 19 of 33 rooflights with a central bar. 5 Replacement of stone tile roof of the north lean-to of the western barn range with black painted corrugated steel, with the salvaged tiles used to patch other roofs on the site. (Listed Building Consent) at New Forest Farm, Hay-On- Wye, Hereford, HR3 5RL

20/18261/DISC N: 228885 Mr David Williams for Discharge of Permit 15 April 2020 Delegated ON E: 304498 conditions 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 Decision pursuant to listed building consent 18/16819/LBC (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at The Bulls Head, 86 The Struet, Brecon Powys LD3 7LS

20/18252/LBC N: 228712 Miss Tracey Slade for Apply sacrificial Permit 1 April 2020 Delegated E: 304470 limewash coat to external walls. (Listed Decision Building Consent) at 2 George Street, Brecon, Powys LD3 7LD

20/18253/DISC N: 213000 Mr Ben Hiscock for Discharge of Permit 26 February Delegated ON E: 322598 condition 13 pursuant to planning 2020 Decision permission 19/17813/LBC - Full details including material and drawings at a scale of 1:10 or 1:20 of new internal joinery, the new staircase, internal doors and walk in cupboard located on the balcony. (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at Wesleyan Chapel, Main Road, Clydach Abergavenny NP7 0LL

20/18254/LBC N: 212985 Mr Ben Hiscock for Erect an internal / Permit 3 April 2020 Delegated E: 322541 demountable partition wall around the Decision pulpit at ground floor level, provide structural support measures to support internal wall, provide scheme of damp proofing in basement, insert fire place and internal chimney and insert flue into roof (Listed Building Consent) at Wesleyan Chapel, Main Road, Clydach Monmouthshire NP7 0LL

20/18255/FUL N: 212985 Mr Ben Hiscock for Addition of a Permit 6 April 2020 Delegated E: 322541 bunded, fire resistant oil tank and Decision external oil boiler. (Full Application) at Wesleyan Chapel , Main Road, Clydach Abergavenny NP7 0LL

20/18256/LBC N: 212985 Mr ben hiscock for Addition of a Permit 1 April 2020 Delegated E: 322541 bunded, fire resistant oil tank and Decision external oil boiler. (Listed Building Consent) at Wesleyan Chapel, Main Road, Clydach Monmouthshire NP7 0LL

Page 20 of 33 20/18260/DISC N: 227375 Mr JOHN BRODRICK for To discharge Permit 11 February Delegated ON E: 276151 conditions 3 and 4 pursuant to planning 2020 Decision permission 19/17318/FUL - materials and stonework repairs (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at Gilfach , Llanddeusant, Llangadog SA19 9EY

20/18263/MINO N: 220585 Mr Neil Startin for Minor amendment to Permit 20 February Delegated R E: 312456 application 19/16997/FUL (Mirroring of 2020 Decision door and glazed side panel to west elevation) (Non-Material Changes (Minor Amendments)) at Llanddetty Hall Farm, Llandetty, Brecon Powys LD3 7YR

20/18265/DISC N: 228239 Mr Steven Miles for Discharge of Permit 17 March Delegated ON E: 304794 conditions 3 5 12 and 23 pursuant to 2020 Decision planning permission 18/16045/FUL - 12 No Residential Units (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at 4 Cross Yard, Brecon, LD3 7FE

20/18266/DISC N: 222417 Mr James Davies for Discharge of Split 4 March 2020 Delegated ON E: 331822 conditions 3 4 and 5 pursuant to Decision Decision planning permission 17/14785/FUL - To Discharge erect a steel frame apex agricultural Conditions building designed to BS 5502 Agricultural Specification 22.850m long x 12m wide x 3.6m to eaves and 5.220m to ridge to be used as as a hay/straw barn along with a seasonal lambing shed for welfare purposes. (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at Dan Y Farmhouse, Groes Lwyd Road, Cymyoy Monmouthshire NP7 7NY

20/18268/MINO N: 212834 KATE PRITCHARD for Amendments to Permit 27 February Delegated R E: 323031 planning permission reference to 2020 Decision 13/10020/FUL - modify roof pitch on rear elevation to achieve required headroom over internal stairs, including forming raised abutment with adjoining roof and cladding in lead in accordance with building control requirements and regularisation of increase in ridge height (Non-Material Changes (Minor Amendments)) at 2 Station Road, Clydach, NP7 0LP

20/18271/DISC N: 242341 Mr Stuart Sheppard for Discharge of Split 1 April 2020 Delegated ON E: 323033 conditions 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 pursuant Decision Decision to planning permission 19/17051/LBC Discharge

Page 21 of 33 (Approval of details reserved Conditions bycondition) at The Bear , 2 Bear Street, Hay-On-Wye Hereford HR3 5AN

20/18273/CPE N: 217972 Mrs Christine Thomas for Use of land as Permit 12 March Delegated E: 320971 garden adjoining Court Isaf Cottage 2020 Decision (Certificate Existing Lawful Use/Dev) at Court Isaf Farm, Court Farm Cottage, Llangattock Crickhowell Powys NP8 1PH

20/18274/DISC N: 228711 Mr Malcolm Rich for Discharge of Permit 5 February Delegated ON E: 304470 condition 7 (archaeology) pursuant to 2020 Decision planning permission 19/17436/FUL - Side ground floor extension to existing retail unit (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at 1 George Street, Brecon, Powys LD3 7LH

20/18362/DISC N: 242344 Mr Stuart Sheppard for Discharge of Split 1 April 2020 Delegated ON E: 323038 conditions 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and 11 Decision Decision pursuant to planning permission Discharge 19/17050/FUL. (Approval of details Conditions reserved bycondition) at The Bear, 2 Bear Street, Hay-On-Wye Hereford Powys HR3 5AN

20/18275/FUL N: 224281 Mr & Mrs Stoddart for Retrospective Permit 1 April 2020 Delegated E: 329308 application for renewal of the surface of Decision the access track and turning area serving Daren Ganol, Daren Uchaf, and Ty Bach, Cwmyoy. Including coating with paint, new landscaping measures and sustainable drainage system. (Full Application) at Daren Ganol , Cwmyoy, Abergavenny NP7 7NR

20/18277/ADV N: 218376 Mrs Jan Morgan for Community Notice Permit 9 April 2020 Delegated E: 321836 Board to display town map and direct Decision people to premises either end of town as well as those in the centre in order to prevent some of the fly-posting that occurs across town (Application to Display Adverts) at Public Carpark , Beaufort Street, Crickhowell NP8 1BN

20/18284/MINO N: 228019 N/a for Minor amendments sought to Permit 27 February Delegated R E: 305465 planning permission 18/16566/FUL 2020 Decision (Conversion of the former Brecon Law Courts and construction of extension to accommodate an overall total of 21 affordable apartments and associated works) - for an amended layout to reflect reduction of one car parking

Page 22 of 33 space and reconfiguration of external bin store details to address Local Authority requirements. (Non-Material Changes (Minor Amendments)) at Brecon County Court, Camden Road, Brecon Powys LD3 7BE

20/18285/DISC N: 214045 Mr Nick Withey for To discharge Permit 6 March 2020 Delegated ON E: 323563 condition 3 pursuant to planning Decision permission 13/10000/CON (original permission 07/01276/FUL) - HIA (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at St Maelog , Forge Row, Maesygwartha Gilwern NP7 0HA

20/18286/CON N: 220585 Mr Neil Startin for Vary condition 2 of Permit 11 March Delegated E: 312456 19/16998/LBC to revise drawing 160A 2020 Decision to160B 'Proposed External Elevations - Sheet 1' (Mirroring of door and glazed side panel to west elevation) (Variation/Renewal of Conditions) at Llanddetty Hall Farm, Llandetty, Brecon Powys LD3 7YR

20/18287/FUL N: 213431 Mr Paul Richards for Proposed garden Permit 26 March Delegated E: 292981 cabin and covered wood store / garden 2020 Decision utility space (Full Application) at Frondeg House, Pont Nedd Fechan, Neath Powys CF44 9JF

20/18294/FUL N: 214851 Mr Simon Whent for Proposed single Permit 24 March Delegated E: 324445 storey rear extension (Full Application) 2020 Decision at Hillcrest , Hiley Avenue, Gilwern NP7 0DW

20/18295/FUL N: 228364 Mr Simon Legg for 1. Repair and Permit 2 April 2020 Delegated E: 304681 redecoration of 14No. existing timber Decision framed, single glazed sliding sash windows to the front elevation of Grade II Listed Oxford House. 2. Repair and redecoration of 2No. existing timber framed, single glazed arch-headed windows and 1No. small sliding sash window to the left hand side elevation of Grade II Listed Oxford House. 3. Repair and redecoration of existing timber front entrance door, frame, pedimented doorcase, pilasters, fanlight etc to front elevation of Grade II Listed Oxford House. 4. Redecoration of front elevation of Grade II Listed Oxford House. 5. Redecoration of all existing timber roofline elements of Grade II Listed

Page 23 of 33 Oxford House. 6. Renewal of all remaining 50No. existing timber framed windows to Richway Court with new engineered timber framed, double glazed windows. Size and style of new windows to vary to match existing. All to be painted white. 7. Renewal of existing timber entrance door to Richway Court with new engineered timber door and frame. 8. Redecoration of all elevations of Richway Court. 9. Redecoration of all existing timber roofline elements of Richway Court. (Full Application) at Oxford House And Richway Court, Watton, Brecon Powys LD3 7EP

20/18296/LBC N: 228364 Mr Simon Legg for 1. Repair and Permit 2 April 2020 Delegated E: 304681 redecoration of 14No. existing timber Decision framed, single glazed sliding sash windows to the front elevation of Grade II Listed Oxford House. 2. Repair and redecoration of 2No. existing timber framed, single glazed arch-headed windows and 1No. small sliding sash window to the left hand side elevation of Grade II Listed Oxford House. 3. Repair and redecoration of existing timber front entrance door, frame, pedimented doorcase, pilasters, fanlight etc to front elevation of Grade II Listed Oxford House. 4. Redecoration of front elevation of Grade II Listed Oxford House. 5. Redecoration of all existing timber roofline elements of Grade II Listed Oxford House. 6. Renewal of all remaining 50No. existing timber framed windows to Richway Court with new engineered timber framed, double glazed windows. Size and style of new windows to vary to match existing. All to be painted white. 7. Renewal of existing timber entrance door to Richway Court with new engineered timber door and frame. 8. Redecoration of all elevations of Richway Court. 9. Redecoration of all existing timber roofline elements of Richway Court. (Listed Building Consent) at Oxford

Page 24 of 33 House And Richway Court, Watton, Brecon Powys LD3 7EP

20/18297/MINOR N: 226437 Dr. M. Bramley for Minor amendment Permit 9 March 2020 Delegated E: 308952 to the application 18/15880/FUL. Decision Introduction of obscured glazed aperture into door. (Non-Material Changes (Minor Amendments)) at St Illtyd And St Peter's Church , Llanhamlach, Brecon LD3 7YB

20/18299/LBC N: 221740 Mr John Chadwick for Conversion of Permit 27 March Delegated E: 316945 former coach house to holiday 2020 Decision accommodation in line with planning consent already secured. 11/07330/FUL (Listed Building Consent) at Coach House, Middle Gaer, Cwmdu Crickhowell NP8 1SB

20/18304/FUL N: 217925 Mr David Bartlett for Conversion of Withdraw 20 March Delegated E: 321589 existing Guest House to 2 single 2020 Decision dwellings (Full Application) at Park Place The Legar, Llangattock Crickhowell NP8 1HH

20/18316/DISC N: 212439 Mr DK & KL Daniel for Discharge Permit 6 March 2020 Delegated ON E: 278351 Condition 8 pursuant to planning Decision permission 19/17841/FUL for proposed farm diversification to accommodate pet crematorium (Approval of details reserved by condition) at Pensarn , Lower , SA9 2QL

20/18323/FUL N: 238353 Mr & Mrs D Von Rothenberg for Permit 9 April 2020 Delegated E: 320070 Extension of dwelling permitted under Decision reference 13/09746/FUL into adjacent lean to store building. (Full Application) at Llwynberried , Ffordd Las, Llanigon HR3 5QQ

20/18324/FUL N: 230336 Mr Rhys Davies for Shed to contain Permit 1 April 2020 Delegated E: 291861 biomass central heating boiler and Decision storage for pallet fuel (Full Application) at 2 Masons Row, Sennybridge, Brecon Powys LD3 8TT

20/18326/DISC N: 242241 Mr D Bartlett for Discharge of condition Permit 11 February Delegated ON E: 322808 15 in pursuant to planning application 2020 Decision 19/17036/FUL. WSI prepared by AH Archaeology, written in accordance with the standards laid down by the Institute for Archaeologists in their Standard and Guidance for an Archaeological Watching Brief. (Approval of details

Page 25 of 33 reserved by condition) at Radnor House Church Street, Hay-On-Wye Hereford HR3 5DQ

20/18332/DISC N: 212921 Mr Ben Hiscock for Discharge of Permit 6 April 2020 Delegated ON E: 322500 conditions 4, 7b and 12 pursuant to Decision planning permission 19/17813/LBC - Listed building consent for former Wesleyan Chapel from D1 to C3(a) to provide a single 4 bedroom residential dwelling. (Approval of details reserved by condition) at Wesleyan Chapel , Main Road, Clydach Abergavenny NP7 0LL

20/18333/DISC N: 226209 Mr Wayne Lewis for Discharge of Split 17 February Delegated ON E: 297734 conditions 3 and 4 pursuant to planning Decision 2020 Decision permission 19/17888/FUL (Approval of Discharge details reserved by condition) at The Conditions National Park Visitors Centre, Brecon Beacons Mountain Centre, Libanus Brecon Powys LD3 8ER

20/18334/DISC N: 217649 Mrs KAT ASTLEY for Discharge of Split 12 March Delegated ON E: 311260 conditions 4 (archaeology), 6 (ecology), Decision 2020 Decision 8 (ecology), 9 (landscaping) and 10 Discharge (external lighting) pursuant to planning Conditions permission 18/16984/FUL - Conversion of redundant farm buildings to become part of existing dwelling (Approval of details reserved by condition) at Llanerchybeudy Farm , Llangynidr, Crickhowell NP8 1NU

20/18335/FUL N: 225096 Mr I Greenow for Conversion of barn Permit 15 April 2020 Delegated E: 318835 to holiday letting unit, alterations to Decision vehicular access and installation of septic tank and drainage field (Full Application) at Neuaddfach, Cwm-du, Crickhowell Powys NP8 1RT

20/18337/FUL N: 219055 Mr And Mrs Sharpless for Construction Permit 6 April 2020 Delegated E: 315654 of a small storey sun room extension to Decision the rear of the existing house (Full Application) at The Ffrwd Farm, Llangynidr, Crickhowell Powys NP8 1LL

20/18338/DISC N: 234126 Ms Sophie Gumble for Discharge of Permit 4 March 2020 Delegated ON E: 280892 conditions 3 and 4 pursuant to planning Decision permission 19/18034/FUL - Erection of 2 stables wash down area and hay store (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at Tafarn Newydd Farm, Halfway, Llandovery Carmarthenshire SA20 0RU

Page 26 of 33 20/18343/FUL N: 222268 Mrs Amy Henderson for Demolition of Permit 20 April 2020 Delegated E: 263834 kitchen and ancillary storage to be Decision reconstructed as a connected single storey element incorporating a semi open log store. (Full Application) at Tygwyn Fawr , Bethlehem Road, Llandeilo SA19 6US

20/18345/FUL N: 217343 Mrs Nell Cawley for Convert existing Permit 27 April 2020 Delegated E: 320942 garage for domestic use and extension Decision to the front elevation. Alteration of roof pitch from flat roof to pitch roof on existing side extension. (Full Application) at 1 Lime Trees Avenue, Llangattock, Crickhowell Powys NP8 1LB

20/18346/FUL N: 229214 Mrs Catherine Whitall for Rear single Permit 6 April 2020 Delegated E: 292558 storey extension to the present dwelling Decision replacing the existing (Full Application) at 48 Coedwaunger, Sennybridge, Brecon Powys LD3 8TR

20/18349/FUL N: 226569 Mr & Mrs Martin for Demolition of Permit 6 April 2020 Delegated E: 291944 existing single storey side and rear Decision extension and for the construction of a single storey side extension and two storey rear extension. To include minor fenestration changes and construction of retaining walls to facilitate the raising of ground level to the side of the property. (Full Application) at Abertreweren Farm, , Brecon LD3 8YH

20/18350/FUL N: 219532 Mr And Mrs Williams for Erection of Permit 9 April 2020 Delegated E: 321123 single storey side extension, Decision enlargement of an existing window and associated works (Full Application) at Gwernvale Manor Cottage, Crickhowell, Powys NP8 1SE

20/18359/DISC N: 223262 SOS for Home Department for Permit 2 April 2020 Delegated ON E: 323892 Discharge of Condition 3 in pursuant to Decision planning application 18/16527/FUL. Relevant appendices to the CEMP relating to pollution prevention including Water and Waste Management (Approval of details reserved by condition) at Pentwyn Farm, Llanbedr, Crickhowell Powys NP8 1SY

Page 27 of 33 20/18361/DISC N: 226209 BBNPA for Discharge of conditions in Permit 8 April 2020 Delegated ON E: 297734 pursuant to planning application Decision 19/17952/FUL. A 4m high kinetic metal sculpture located beside the entrance pathway to the Visitor Centre depicting a red kite. (Approval of details reserved by condition) at Visitors Centre, Brecon Beacons Mountain Centre, Libanus Brecon Powys LD3 8ER

20/18363/MINO N: 212899 Ms Sarah Wood for Alteration to the Permit 16 March Delegated R E: 322478 fenestration and doors to the proposed 2020 Decision Family room. Removal of door to the South West elevation of family room and replacing proposed standing seam roof over proposed family room with Slate finish. (Non-Material Changes (Minor Amendments)) at Brookwood , Main Road, Clydach NP7 0LL

20/18364/CPL N: 229132 Mr Graham Wearne for Proposed Refuse 4 May 2020 Delegated E: 283089 pipework replacement and associated Decision upgrade works (Certificate Proposed Lawful Use/Dev) at Usk Reservoir, Cwmwysg , Brecon Powys Reason/s for refusal: On the basis of the information presented it has been determined that the application does not comply with the requirements of Schedule 2, Part 17, Class E (g) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development Order) 1995 (as amended) and that the Certificate should be refused and planning permission would be required for the proposed electrical storage unit.

20/18365/FUL N: 228556 Ms Beryl Gibson for Replacement garage Permit 9 April 2020 Delegated E: 304837 and alteration to garden steps (Full Decision Application) at 4 Camden Road, Brecon, LD3 7BU

20/18369/DISC N: 225810 Mr Camron Gardner for Discharge Permit 30 March Delegated ON E: 307396 condition 3 of Planning Permission 2020 Decision 19/17715/FUL - Arboricultural Assessment (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at 1 Waunberllan , Brecon LD3 7AJ

20/18376/FUL N: 212158 Mr C Adcock for Timber Garage (Full Permit 20 April 2020 Delegated E: 322460 Application) at 5 Penallt Estate, Llanelly Decision Hill, Monmouthshire NP7 0RA

20/18377/FUL N: 222540 Mr Mark And Mrs Hilary Davis for Permit 15 April 2020 Delegated E: 314096 Construction of a single storey garden Decision room to replace an existing conservatory, and constructing a larger replacement dormer window to a first floor lounge (Full Application) at Glanpant, Nr Bwlch, Brecon Powys LD3 7HQ

Page 28 of 33 20/18393/FUL N: 213204 Nullis & Hudson for Proposed first-floor Permit 21 April 2020 Delegated E: 283700 extension above and forward of an Decision existing outhouse side annex. (Full Application) at 105 Ynyswen, Penycae, Swansea SA9 1YX

20/18394/FUL N: 213193 Mr & Mrs Preece for Proposed first- Permit 21 April 2020 Delegated E: 283703 floor extension above and forward of an Decision existing outhouse side annex. (Full Application) at 104 Ynyswen, Penycae, Swansea SA9 1YX

20/18397/LBC N: 228555 Ms Beryl Gibson for Proposed Permit 15 April 2020 Delegated E: 304837 replacement of curtilage-listed garage Decision (Listed Building Consent) at 4 Camden Road, Brecon, Powys LD3 7BU

20/18403/DISC N: 217609 Mr Graham Logie for To discharge Permit 8 April 2020 Delegated ON E: 320954 condition 3 pursuant to listed building Decision consent 19/17782/LBC - window details (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at Glanonney, Hillside Road, Llangattock Crickhowell Powys NP8 1HU

20/18409/LBC N: 228730 Mr & Mrs Fahy for Replacement of one Permit 20 April 2020 Delegated E: 304384 ground floor window (Listed Building Decision Consent) at 18 Castle Street, Brecon, LD3 9BU

20/18410/DISC N: 218295 Tom White And Eliane Wigzell for Permit 23 April 2020 Delegated ON E: 319820 Discharge of Cond 4 relating to external Decision lighting pursuant to Planning permission c for replacement of garage store outbuilding (Approval of details reserved by condition) at Berllan, Ffawyddog, Crickhowell Powys NP8 1PY

20/18411/DISC N: 218295 Discharge of Cond 5 relating to external Permit 23 April 2020 Delegated ON E: 319820 lighting pursuant to PLanning permission Decision 18/15989/FUL for refurbishment and improvement of exisiting dwelling (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at Berllan, Llangynidr, Crickhowell Powys NP8 1PY

20/18419/FUL N: 214493 Mr & Mrs P Cox for Demolition of old Withdraw 17 April 2020 Delegated E: 327081 extensions to replace with new Decision extensions and other alterations (Full Application) at Ferry Cottage , Glan-Y- Cafn Lane, Govilon NP7 9SD

Page 29 of 33 20/18422/DISC N: 219408 Mr Nick Bellis for Discharge of Permit 6 May 2020 Delegated ON E: 324398 conditions 3, 7, 8, 13, 18, 20 and 21 in Decision pursuant to listed building application 19/17793/LBC. (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at Ty-canol, Llangenny, Crickhowell Powys NP8 1HF

20/18433/MINO N: 220445 Steve Booker for Amendment to floor Permit 24 March Delegated R E: 323860 dimensions of summer house pursuant 2020 Decision to 19/17160/FUL (Non-Material Changes (Minor Amendments)) at Henberllan, Llanbedr, Crickhowell Powys NP8 1SR

20/18477/DISC N: 219408 Mr Nick Bellis for To discharge Permit 6 May 2020 Delegated ON E: 324398 conditions 3, 7 and 8 pursuant to Decision planning permission 19/17792/FUL (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at Ty-canol, Llangenny, Crickhowell Powys NP8 1HF

20/18456/TRCA N: 228350 Mrs Lis Lifford for Coppice 1 x Ash 1x Works 8 April 2020 Delegated E: 304474 Willow both young trees to re-generate approved Decision (Work to trees in con area) at 3 Harp Terrace, Scout Lane, Brecon Powys LD3 7DY

20/18432/CPL N: 228474 B & S Mullen & Coates for Single-storey Permit 27 March Delegated E: 303819 extension to rear of house (Certificate 2020 Decision Proposed Lawful Use/Dev) at 27 Penyfan Road, Llan-faes, Brecon Powys LD3 8DB

20/18435/FUL N: 223881 Mr & Mrs S WILLIAMS for Remove two Permit 21 April 2020 Delegated E: 269932 dormer windows, retile roof and raise Decision rear catslide roof (Full Application) at Tanylan , Llangadog, SA19 9DR

20/18436/FUL N: 228200 Mr & Mrs Chris Woodward for Permit 29 April 2020 Delegated E: 301254 Creation of an access to replace existing Decision substandard access (Full Application) at Ty Usk , Penpont, Brecon LD3 8PB

20/18440/FUL N: 215338 Mr And Mrs J Stepto for To remove Permit 22 April 2020 Delegated E: 321475 existing timber/glazed conservatory and Decision replace with single storey extension. (Full Application) at Wern Watkin, Hillside, Llangattock Powys NP8 1LG

20/18441/TPO N: 228169 Mrs Lucy Beharrell for To reduce Permit 6 May 2020 Delegated E: 305308 copper beech tree crown by 30% (T1) Decision showing signs of developed ganoderma fungus on 3 sides of main stem. (018/85) (Tree Preservation Order) at 59 Camden Road, Brecon, Powys LD3 7RT

Page 30 of 33 20/18442/CPL N: 229583 Mr & Mrs D & M Childs for Single- Planning 30 April 2020 Delegated E: 304304 storey extension to rear of house Permission Decision (Certificate Proposed Lawful Use/Dev) Not at 28 Pontwilym, Brecon, LD3 9BT Required

20/18443/TPO N: 227922 Mr David Stockley for T6 - Ash - Permit 6 May 2020 Delegated E: 306082 Dismantle to ground, G2 - Chestnut Decision (one tree in group-numbered T5 on Plan 1), One sycamore on roadside hedge (not covered by TPO but numbered T3 on the Plan 1), Beech on roadside and G1 - one lime in group. (018/30) (Tree Preservation Order) at Woodlands House, Dorlangoch, Brecon Powys LD3 7SG

20/18446/MINO N: 219497 Mr John Goreing for Change of material Permit 26 March Delegated R E: 320747 proposed for roof from Dark grey zinc 2020 Decision roof finish on approved drawings to Dark grey colourcoat prefinished standing seam metal roof finish. (Non- Material Changes (Minor Amendments)) at Llanfair Farm , Tretower, Crickhowell NP8 1RB

20/18450/FUL N: 229601 Mr Martin Skinner for Demolition of Withdraw 30 April 2020 Delegated E: 305569 existing detached domestic garage and Decision construction of detached domestic garage with office space at 1st floor level, in position of original garage. (Full Application) at Ffynnonau Cottage, Penlan, Brecon Powys LD3 9SP

20/18452/DISC N: 218772 Mr David Norman Jones for Discharge Permit 6 May 2020 Delegated ON E: 321810 of conditions 1, 3 (biodiversity Decision enhancement), 4 (external lighting) and 5 (External finishes) pursuant to planning application 18/15991/FUL. (Approval of details reserved by condition) at St Davids House, Rectory Road, Crickhowell Powys NP8 1DW

20/18453/DISC N: 215135 Discharge of conditions 1-3 in pursuant Split 28 April 2020 Delegated ON E: 324907 to planning application 19/17706/FUL. Decision Decision (Approval of details reserved Discharge bycondition) at Gilwern Primary School, Conditions Cae Meldon, Gilwern Sir Fynwy NP7 0AY

20/18458/FUL N: 210618 Mr Huw Richards for This application is Permit 4 May 2020 Delegated E: 291202 retrospective for the flues on the Decision biomass boilers already in use (Full Application) at Glynmercher Uchaf Farm, Pont Nedd Fechan, Neath Powys SA11 5US

Page 31 of 33 20/18464/DISC N: 222526 Rodney Dukes for Discharge of Permit 1 May 2020 Delegated ON E: 275996 condition 11 and in pursuant to planning Decision application 18/16751/CON - sample provided (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at Pant Y Turnor, Llanddeusant, Llangadog Sir Gar SA19 9TN

20/18471/DISC N: 214818 Mr And Mrs Parry for To discharge Permit 16 April 2020 Delegated ON E: 323188 condition 5 (proposed materials) of Decision planning permission 19/18046/FUL (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at The Five Bells, Llanelli Church, Gilwern Monmouthshire NP7 0HG

20/18472/CPL N: 228781 Mr & Mrs K & T Hughes for Single Permit 27 March Delegated E: 304762 storey extension to rear of dwelling 2020 Decision (Certificate Proposed Lawful Use/Dev) at 5 Belle Vue Gardens, Brecon, LD3

20/18474/CPE N: 215742 Mr Simon Bloor for Additional turbine Permit 30 April 2020 Delegated E: 328393 within turbine house of hydro-electric Decision scheme approved under 15/12696/FUL Two turbines with combined achievable peak power of 27kW up from 24.5kW within the existing NRW abstraction licence. (Certificate Existing Lawful Use/Dev) at Dummar Farm , Pentre Lane, Abergavenny NP7 7LA

20/18476/FUL N: 219714 Karl Wills for The erection of a Refuse 4 May 2020 Delegated E: 316566 polytunnel of 6x10m with an extension Decision of 6x4m as a fruit cage (Full Application) at Brook Cottage , Cyffredyn Lane, Llangynidr Crickhowell NP8 1LR Reason/s for refusal: The proposed development is not sited with any existing buildings, and has not been sensitively sited within the landscape. As such, the proposed development does not comply with Policy 1, 41 and CYD LP1 of the Local Development Plan 2013.

20/18479/CPL N: 220258 Mr George Foster for Single storey rear Planning 28 April 2020 Delegated E: 329457 extension (Certificate Proposed Lawful Permission Decision Use/Dev) at Rhyd Lanau Barn, Fforest Required Coalpit, Monmouthshire NP7 7LH

20/18495/MINO N: 228566 Mr Matthew Williams for Minor Permit 15 April 2020 Delegated R E: 303723 amendment to make the roof line of the Decision extension match the existing roof line by extending the roof to be in line with the existing eaves pursuant to Planning Premission 20/18173/FUL (Non-Material Changes (Minor Amendments)) at Iago , 53 Newton Green, Llan-Faes Brecon LD3 8DF

Page 32 of 33 20/18500/DISC N: 220638 Mr & Mrs S Harrhy for Discharge of Permit 16 April 2020 Delegated ON E: 332628 Condition 4 Arborculturalist Final Decision Watching Brief and Condition 6 Archaeologist Watching Brief pursuant to Planning Permission 18/16436/FUL for addition of garage to Plot 9 (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at 4 Cwrt Mihangel, Sycamore House , Llanvihangel Crucorney NP7 8DX

20/18506/ADV N: 228432 Mrs Griffin for Aluminium composite Withdraw 30 April 2020 Delegated E: 304195 folded tray with face applied vinyl Decision (Application to Display Adverts) at Christ College , Bridge Street, Llan-Faes Brecon LD3 8AF

20/18522/DISC N: 220638 Mr & Mrs S Harrhy for Discharge of Permit 30 April 2020 Delegated ON E: 332628 Condition 5 relating to Garage external Decision light locations pursuant to Planning Permission 18/164 36/FUL (Approval of details reserved bycondition) at 4 Cwrt Mihangel, Sycamore House , Llanvihangel Crucorney Abergavenny NP7 8DX

20/18528/DISC N: 221921 Mr Kevan Ellaway for Discharge of Split 1 May 2020 Delegated ON E: 314991 Condition 6 for 19/17629/FUL: Photos Decision Decision showing details of approved bat Discharge mitigation installation. (Approval of Conditions details reserved by condition) at Wellfield , Old Road, Bwlch Brecon LD3 7RZ

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