District Disaster Management Plan-2019 Bhadrak District, Odisha

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District Disaster Management Plan-2019 Bhadrak District, Odisha District Disaster Management Plan-2019 Volume: I Bhadrak District, Odisha District Disaster Management Authority, BHadrak District Disaster Management Plan-2019 LIST OF TABLES Sl. No. Table No. Title Page No. 1 3.1 Major Disasters/ Incidents during 2008-2017 23 2 3.2 Major Disasters/ Incidents in the District during 2018 24 3 3.3 Cyclone vulnerable areas of the district 27 4 3.4 Cyclone Vulnerability Index 28 5 3.5 Electrical Infrastructure and cyclone Vulnerability 29 6 3.6 Drinking water facility in the Cyclone prone areas 29 7 3.7 Tsunami Vulnerability Index 31 8 3.8 Tsunami vulnerable areas of the district 31 9 3.9 Catchment Area Analysis of Akhuapada Gauge Station 32 10 3.10 Name and location of Escape Points 32 Escape Point Analysis with Respect to Gauge at 11 3.11 33 Akhuapada 12 3.12 Flood vulnerable areas of the district in general 33 13 3.13 Flood Vulnerability Index 34 Causing agent wise flood vulnerable areas of the 14 3.14 34 district 15 3.15 Agriculture and Flood Vulnerability 35 16 3.16 Electrical Infrastructure in the Flood Prone Area 35 17 3.17 Drinking water and Flood Vulnerability 35 18 3.18 Places of mass gathering 36 19 3.19 Boat operation Points 37 20 3.20 Details of damage due to Lightning 39 21 3.21 Block Wise Rainfall and Ground Water Level 40 22 3.22 Drought Vulnerability 40 23 3.23 Railway Line Exposed to Different Hazards 41 24 3.24 Accident Prone Areas 42 25 3.25 Population Requiring Special Care 43 District Disaster Management Authority, Bhadrak District Disaster Management Plan-2019 26 3.26 Old and depleted buildings 44 27 3.27 Forest Fire Incidents 45 28 3.28 Forest fire vulnerability 45 29 3.29 Fire & Life safety in High rise Buildings 45 30 3.30 Details of High Rise Buildings 45 31 3.31 Irrigation Division Wise Embankments in the District 46 32 3.32 Division wise list of Vulnerable Points 48 33 3.33 Details of Dam 48 34 3.34 Cultural Heritage Sites 49 10 3.35 List of Museums 49 Loss of Human Lives and Property due to animal 11 3.36 50 attack 12 3.37 Loss of Animal Lives due to man-made causes 50 13 4.1 Structure of District Disaster Management Authority 55 Structure of District Level Committee on Natural 14 4.2 59 Calamity 15 4.3 Location of National Disaster Response Forces 61 Location of Odisha Disaster Rapid Action Force with 16 4.4 62 contact details 17 4.5 List of other Disaster Response Teams in the District 63 Equipment provided to DEoC and their operational 18 4.6 66 status 19 4.7 Important Line Departments at the District 68 20 4.8 Important Line Departments at the Block 70 21 4.9 Composition of State Crisis Group 71 22 4.10 Composition of District Crisis Group 73 23 4.11 Composition of Local Crisis Group 74 24 4.12 Details of CSMMC 77 25 4.13 Details of equipment provided to MCS 80 26 4.14 Details of FSMMC 81 27 4.15 Details of equipment provided to FS 83 District Disaster Management Authority, Bhadrak District Disaster Management Plan-2019 28 4.16 Identified Safe temporary shelters 84 29 6.1 Details of Greenhouse Gases 96 Industry and location wise Carbon Dioxide (Co ) 30 6.2 2 97 emission 31 6.3 Industry and location wise Methane (CH4) emission 98 Industry and location wise Nitrous Oxide(N2O) 32 6.4 98 emission 33 6.5 Industry and location wise Fluorinated Gases emission 99 34 6.6 Industry and location wise CFC emission 100 Major Greenhouse Gases Contributors (Anthrpogenic) 22 6.7 100 to Climate Change 23 6.8 Details of forest as a major Carbon sink (District) 101 24 6.9 Sector With High Mitigation Potential 101 25 6.10 Sector Specific Climate change mitigation projects 102 26 7.1 Category & type of schools 106 27 7.2 Category & type of schools 106 28 7.3 School Safety Advisory Committee 107 29 7.4 Details of School safety in the District 108 30 7.5 Disaster management Education 109 31 7.6 Details of Child Care Institutions 110 32 8.1 Capacity Building 111 33 9.1 Relief Line from District to Block 112 34 9.2 Relief Line from Block to GP & Village 112 35 9.3 Response Force & Volunteers 124 Status of Flood Fighting Material by Jajpur Irrigation 36 9.4 129 Division Status of Flood Fighting Material by Salandi Canal 37 9.5 130 Division 38 9.6 Preparedness and Epidemic Management by CDMO 131 39 9.7 List of allotted Satellite Phone Numbers 133 District Disaster Management Authority, Bhadrak District Disaster Management Plan-2019 LIST OF CHARTS & FIGURE Chart/ Sl. No. Title Page No. Figure No. 1 2.1 Rainfall Trend Analysis over last 10 years 9 Disaster Wise Number & % of Death During 2001- 2 3.1 25 18 3 3.2 Year Wise No. of Road Accident and Death 42 4 3.3 Block Wise Old Age & Disable Person 43 Organogram of District Disaster Management 5 4.1 56 Authority 6 4.2 Information flow chart from SEOC to Districts 64 Co-ordination Structure at District Level Control 7 4.3 65 Room Information flow chart from District Emergency 8 4.4 Operation Centre (DEoC) to Villages with early 67 warning Information flow chart from Villages to District 9 4.5 Emergency Operation Centre (DEoC) without early 69 warning Coordination structure at the District level and down 10 4.6 74 the line District Disaster Management Authority, Bhadrak District Disaster Management Plan-2019 ABBREVIATIONS AAO : Assistant Agriculture Officer AAR : After Action Report ADM : Additional District Magistrate ADMO : Additional District Medical Officer ADVO : Additional District Veterinary Officer ASHA : Accredited Social Health Activist BDMC : Block Disaster Management Committee BDMP : Block Disaster management Plan BDO : Block Development Officer BEO : Block Education Officer BEOC : Block Emergency Operation Centre BHQ : Block Headquarter CBDM : Community Based Disaster Management CBDP : Community Based Disaster Preparedness CBDRM : Community Based Disaster Risk Mitigation CBO : Community Based Organization CD : Civil Defence CDM&PHO : Chief District Medical And Public Health Officer CDVO : Chief District Veterinary Officer CM : Chief Minister CMG : Crisis Management Group CMRF : Chief Minister Relief Fund CPM : Critical Path Method CRF : Calamity Relief Fund CSMMC : Cyclone Shelter Management & Maintenance CSO : CivilCommittee society Organization CSO : Civil Supplies Officer CWC : Central Water Commission DAO : District Agriculture Officer DC : District Collector DDA : Deputy Director Agriculture DDMA : District Disaster Management Authority DDMC : District Disaster Management Committee District Disaster Management Authority, Bhadrak District Disaster Management Plan-2019 DDMP : District Disaster management Plan DEO : District Education Officer DEOC : District Emergency Operation Centre DFO : Divisional Forest Officer DHQ : District Headquarter DIPRO : District Information and Public Relation Officer DLCNC : District Level Committee for Natural Calamity DLO : District Labour Officer DM : Disaster Management DMIS : Disaster Management Information System DMP : Disaster management Plan DMR : Digital Mobile Radio DMT : Disaster Management Committee DPM : District Programme Manager DPO (SSA) : District Programme Officer, Sarva Shiksha DRDA : DistrictAbhiyan Rural development Agency DRM : Disaster Risk Management DRR : Disaster risk Reduction DSC : Decision Support System DSWO : District Social Welfare Office EO : Emergency Officer EOC : Emergency Operation Centre ESF : Emergency Support Function ETA : Expected Time of arrival EW : Early warning EWDS : Early Warning Dissemination System FDR : Final Damage Report FEMA : Federal Emergency Management Agency FIR : First Information Report FSMMC : Flood Shelter Management & Maintenance GOI : GovernmentCommittee of India GP : Gram Panchayat GPDMC : Gram Panchayat Disaster Management GPDMP : GramCommittee Panchayat Disaster management Plan GPS : Global Positioning System District Disaster Management Authority, Bhadrak District Disaster Management Plan-2019 HFA : Hyogo Framework of Action HLC : High Level Committee HPC : High Powered Committee HRVA : Hazard Risk and Vulnerability Analysis ICAR : Indian Council of Agricultural Research ICS : Incident Command System ICT : Information & Communication Technology IDNDR : International Decade for Natural Disaster IDRN : IndiaReduction Disaster Resource Network IIT : Indian Institute of Technology IMC : Inter-Ministerial Committee IMD : Indian Meteorological Department IMG : Inter-Ministerial Group INCOIS : Indian National Centre for Ocean Information IRS : IndianService Remote Sensing ISRO : Indian Space Research Organisation IT : Information Technology ITEWC : Indian Tsunami Early Warning Centre LI : Livestock Inspector LMC : Last Mile Connectivity MCS : Multipurpose Cyclone Shelter MFS : Multipurpose Flood Shelter MHA : Ministry of Home Affairs MI : Marketing Inspector MO : Medical Officer MoRD : Ministry of Rural Development MOU : Memorandum of Understanding MVI : Motor Vehicle Inspector NAC : Notified Area Committee NCC : National Cadet Corps NCCF : National Calamity Contingency Fund NCMC : National Crisis Management Committee NCMC : National Crisis Management Committee NDEM : National Database for Emergency Management NDMA : National Disaster Management Authority District Disaster Management Authority, Bhadrak District Disaster Management Plan-2019 NDMF : National Disaster Mitigation Fund NDMP : National Disaster management Plan NDRF : National Disaster Response Force NDRF : National Disaster Response Fund NEC : National Executive Committee NEOC : National Emergency Operation Centre NGO : Non-Governmental Organization NIDM : National Institute of Disaster Management NRSC : National Remote Sensing Centre NSS : National Service Scheme NYKS :
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