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Index Note to the reader: Throughout this index boldfaced page numbers indicate primary discus- sions of a topic. Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations.

Numbers file searches, 146, 148–149 network selection, 147 3ECS, 177 sharing files, 150 Akamai Technologies, 39 A alien civilization search. See SETI@home Allen, Myles, 362 AbovePeer, 145 Amaya, 41, 325, 325–326 access control list, 61 America Online, 54 Access Power, 220, 256 and Aimster, 152 Adaptinet, 424 Gnutella and, 87, 96–97, 131 Adult Media Swapper, 177 instant messaging, 24, 218–219 advertisements in JXTA, 398 Lists, 212 advertising, 48–49 introduction, 211 in instant messaging, 224 P2P success and, 57 adware, 49 resistance to IM network connections, AgentWare, 424 222–223 AIM. See AOL Instant Messenger Amir, Amnon, 211 Aimster, 25, 33, 102, 103, 144–153 Anderson, David, 354 history, 144–145 Andreessen, Marc, 45 how it works, 146–147 Annotea, 326 issues and challenges, 151–153 anonymity, 65 AOL opinion, 152 in Freenet, 186 copyright infringement, 151–152 in Gnutella, 135 revenue, 153 COPYRIGHTEDantivirus MATERIAL software, P2P to distribute, 64 tapping into networks, 152 AOL Instant Messenger, 24, 31, 47, 212, message encryption, 65 228–232 using, 147–151 Buddy List window, 229 adding buddies, 148 finding new buddies, 229–230 chatting, 151 group chat, 231–232 downloading files, 149–150 phone calls, 232 4018indx.qxd 10/24/01 2:35 PM Page 444

444 AOL Time Warner • Cello

sending files, 231 Big Ear Observatory, 351 sending messages, 230–231 Bitnet Relay Chat, 211 AOL Time Warner, 108 Biz2Peer, 425 Apple Computer, 9 Blake, Scott, 342 in JXTA stack, 401 Blizzard Entertainment, 319 application service provider (ASP), 307 Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol applications, 21–22. See also P2P (BEEP), 387–388 applications Blogger, 41, 326, 326 for collaboration, 279–280 Bobic, Nick, 191 Applied Meta, 425 bottlenecks, 83 Arecibo radio telescope, 352, 355, 356 Boucher, Rick, 75 artists, compensation, 71–72 Brazil project (Sun), 395–397 ASP (application service provider), 307 brokered services, 380 AT&T Labs, Publius, 191 with discovery and lookup , Audible Magic, 78 380–381, 382 Audiogalaxy, 25, 33, 102, 103 with discovery, lookup and content Audiogalaxy Satellite, 168–171, 169 server, 381–383, 382 searches, 170 finding files, 99 AudioGnome, 126 instant messaging as, 215 autonomy of peers, 20 BrowsUp, 41, 327 Avaki, 38, 425 Buddy Lists, 31, 54, 212 in Aimster, 148 in AOL Instant Messenger, 229–230 B BuddyPhone, 255 BadBlue, 177 bulletin board systems (BBS), 24 bandwidth, limitations from, 82–83 business-to-business revenue models, Bantu, 220, 246 51–53 Battle.net, 315 Buzzpad, 41, 316, 426 BBS (bulletin board systems), 24 BearShare, 137, 137 Beberg, Adam, 336, 366 C BEEP (Blocks Extensible Exchange Calendar tool (Groove), 299, 300 Protocol), 387–388 Cannon, Christopher, 75 Bertelsmann, 108, 118 CantaMetrix, 78 Bestnetcall, 220, 256 Carpinello, George, 151 BETA project, 353 Casino-21, 362 BIAP Systems, 40 CD drives, 107 Big Brother, 6–7 CD purchases, downloading vs., 94 server control, 8 Cello, 45 4018indx.qxd 10/24/01 2:35 PM Page 445

cellular phone users • content from peers 445

cellular phone users, ICQ instant messages and distributed content management, to, 234 274 censorship by ISP, 84 with Exchange, 291–292 CenterSpan, 41, 179 history, 268–271 centralized login in FastTrack, 165 with NetMeeting, 290, 291 CERL (Computer-based Education with Office XP, 284–289 Research Laboratory), 269 document editing and review, change, resistance to, 277 285–287 channels in IRC, 216 P2P, 271–274, 272 chat servers, 11, 22 vs. client/server, 268 chatting key application components, in Filetopia, 172 273–274 with Groove Networks, 304 Lotus, 275 group , 275–276 AOL Instant Messenger, 231–232 revenue, 280–281 Windows Messenger, 241 trends and issues, 277–281 Yahoo! Messenger, 244 users, 274–275 in ICQ, 235 Web-based IRC (), 210–211 current state, 324–327 Web-based, 217–218 issues and challenges, 327–329 chess game, 300 revenue, 329 children, and pornography, 84–85 WebDAV, 324 CineVideo/Direct, 260 Weblogs, 323 circuit switching, 250 Writeable Web, 322–323 Clarke, Ian, 97, 182, 182–183, 190 commerce, 40 ClearPhone, 260 communications. See instant messaging; client/server model, 8, 18, 23, 23, 376 P2P communications impact of P2P on companies, 56 Computer-based Education Research clients Laboratory (CERL), 269 for Gnutella, 136–139 computers, processing speed, 9 for Groove Networks, 296, 296–297 conferences, in Yahoo! Messenger, 244 peer computers as, 19–20 connections CMGI, 245 in Gnutella, 135–136 Cocconi, Giuseppe, 350 variable, 20–21 Cohen, Alexander, 429 Consilient, 40, 276, 307 collaboration, 268–281. See also Groove Contacts tool in Groove Networks, 300, Networks 300–301, 305 applications, 307–308 content from peers, 20 4018indx.qxd 10/24/01 2:35 PM Page 446

446 control • distributed computing

control data distribution by P2P application, of e-mail, 12 378–379 IT departments and, 85–86 DataSynapse, 38, 366–367 problems from, 13 DEC System Research Center, 335 of server by Big Brother, 8 decentralization in peer-to-peer shift with P2P, 10–14 computing, 18 cookies, 12, 62 dedicated Internet telephony software, 255 Copernic, 35, 199–200 Deep, Johnny, 144 copy protection, 107–108 dial-up connections, 111 copyright, 28, 74 bandwidth, 82 copyright infringement Dialpad.com, 220, 256 by Aimster, 151–152 digital rights management, 78 by file sharing, 106 direct communication, 7 with Freenet, 187–188 Direct Connect, 177 with Gnutella, 140 directories of Web sites, 195–196 KaZaA, 164–165 Discussion tool in Groove Networks, 301, MusicCity, 164–165 301 Copyright.net, 84 distributed computing, 22, 37–38. See also Core layer in JXTA stack, 400 SETI@home Cosmos Studios, 354 basics, 334–335 costs of network infrastructure, 11 failed companies, 370–371 Crandall, Richard, 335 Popular Power, 370 Cranor, Lorrie, 191 ProcessTree, 370–371 crapster, 126 for-profit companies, 365–370 crawler, 196, 198 Avaki, 365–366 criminal use of Freenet, 188 Cosm, 366 Cruiser, 221, 260 DataSynapse, 366–367 Cryptobox, 191 Entropia, 367 CUseeMe, 221 IBM, 367 video conferencing with, 260 International Interactive customer-driven revenue models, 48–51 Commerce, 368 cycle sharing, 37 Parabon Computation, 368 Cyclops project, 351 Porivo, 368–369 Cytaq, 426 Sun Microsystems, 365 United Devices, 369–370 history, 26, 335–337 D how it works, 337–339 data collection by servers, 12 on Internet, 336 4018indx.qxd 10/24/01 2:35 PM Page 447

distributed content management • Engenia 447

issues and challenges, 340–345 in iMesh, 175 key players, 37–38 intelligent, 158 lessons learned, 371 in KaZaA Media Desktop, 159 not-for-profit projects, 362–365 in Napster, 115–116 climateprediction.com, 362 tracking, 78 distributed.net, 363 Drake, Frank, 350 Euler2000, 363 Druyan, Ann, 354 evolution@home, 363–364 dumb terminal, 8 GIMPS project, 364 Dwyco Video Conferencing System, 260 Globus project, 364–365 Dyson, Esther, 70 Primeform, 365 philanthropy vs. commerce, 343–344 platforms, 432 E potential applications, 339–340 e-commerce revenue, 50–51, 52, 344–345 fees, 50 security for, 61–62 as P2P application development, 389 distributed content management, e-mail, 22 collaboration and, 274 control of, 12 distributed load balancing, 176 delays, 5 distributed search engines, 34–35 EA.com, 315 how it works, 34, 197–199 ebXML (electronic business XML), 385 P2P crawling, 198 Ecocys Technologies, 40 real-time queries, 198 eDonkey2000, 102, 103, 171, 172 issues and challenges, 201–203 EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation), 336 revenue, 203 Ehman, Jerry, 351 key players, 34–35 electronic business XML (ebXML), 385 major players, 199–201 Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), 336, revenue, 35 363, 364 distributed storage, 38–39, 343 EMI Group, 108 distributed.net, 38, 336, 363 encryption, 336 DivX format, 68, 173–174 contests to break, 363 DNS (Domain Name Service), 21 distributed computing to crack bypassing, 98 codes, 26 Domain Name Service (DNS), 21 in Freenet, 183 downloading for privacy and security, 65 in Aimster, 149–150 Endeavors Technology, 65, 426–427 from Audiogalaxy, 169, 171 Endpoint Routing protocol (JXTA), 399 vs. CD purchases, 94 energy consumption by computers, 340 in Gnutella, 135–136 Engenia, 427 4018indx.qxd 10/24/01 2:35 PM Page 448

448 enterprise privacy and security • file transfer

enterprise privacy and security, 65 Audiogalaxy Satellite, 168–171, 169 Entropia, 38, 367 downloading, 100–101 Espra, 177 eDonkey2000, 171, 172 Eterna, 430 factors in P2P use, 94–95 ethics of distributed computing, 341 Filetopia, 172–173, 173 Euler2000, 363 finding files, 98–100 Everybuddy, 220, 246 brokered services, 99 evolution@home, 363–364 nonbrokered services, 99–100 ExactOne, 200 gated P2P network, 101–102 Exchange, collaboration with, 291–292 history, 25, 95–97 Extensible Markup Language (XML), 384 Hotline Connect, 173–174, 174 extraterrestrials, search for. See SETI@home how it works, 32–33, 97–102 eZula TopText, 49 iMesh, 174–176, 175 impact of P2P, 95 key players, 33, 102–105 F Mojo Nation, 176, 177 family filter in BearShare, 137 network bottlenecks, 83 Fanning, Shawn, 25, 96, 117, 118–119, opposition, 55 121, 152 problems, 110–111 comments before Senate Judiciary revenue, 34 Committee, 127 revenue issues, 109 Farsite project (Microsoft), 420 security, 60–61 FastTrack, 104, 156–166. See also KaZaA smaller networks, 176–180 intelligent downloads, 158 tracking, 78 for MusicCity, 163 trends and issues, 105–109 revenue from, 166 copy protection, 107–108 SuperNodes, 157, 157 copyright infringement, 106 fax transmission, 5 music industry reaction, 108 fear of distributed computing, 341 Napster’s troubles, 106–107 Federal Communications Commission, 222 unreliable access, 83–84 Federalist Papers, 191 users, 93–94 Fermi paradox, 349 using or not using, 109–111 Ferneau, Philip, 88 value of content, 72–73 FidoNet, 24 what it is, 92–93 Field Research Corporation, 94 file transfer, 7 File Rogue, 178 in ICQ, 234–235 file searches. See searches in MSN Messenger, 238 file sharing, 22, 32–34 in Windows Messenger, 240–241 in Aimster, 150 in Yahoo! Messenger, 244 4018indx.qxd 10/24/01 2:35 PM Page 449

FileDemon • Gnutella 449

FileDemon, 178 Freewebfone Combo, 261 FileFreedom, 178 friends in Yahoo! Messenger, 242–243 FileNavigator, 126 Friis, Janus, 156 FilePile, 178 FTP, 22 Files tool in Groove Networks, 301, 302 Filetopia, 33, 172–173, 173 filters in iMesh, 175 G finding files. See searches Gamerlink, 315 fingerprinting, 78, 122 GameSpy Arcade, 315, 316 firewalls, 278 GameSpy.net, 317 Firmage, Joe, 354 gaming FirstPeer, 427–428 online, 40–41 Fitzgerald, Charles, 412 developers, 316–317 FLIPR, 178 multiplayer games, 310–313 Flypaper TeamSpace, 276, 307 networks, 313–315, 314 Frankel, Justin, 130 proprietary, 318 free content, 68–74 revenue, 319 Free Haven Project, 41 sites, 315–316 Free World Dialup, 256 PC vs. consoles, 318 freedb, 78 Gartner Group, 26 Freeh, Victor, 342 gated P2P network, 73, 101–102 freeloaders, in Gnutella, 141 Microsoft and, 412 Freenet, 33, 102, 182–190 Gedye, David, 353 alternatives, 190–191 GIMPS project, 336, 364 development, 97, 182–183 Global Grid Forum, 432 encryption for anonymity, 77 Globus project, 364–365 how it works, 184–186, 185 GLUE platform, 430 bypassing DNS, 21 gnapster, 126 issues and challenges, 187–190 Gnotella, 138, 138 altruism vs. reality, 189–190 Gnucleus, 139 copyright infringement, 187–188 Gnut, 139 illegal purposes, 188–189 Gnutella, 25, 33, 102, 104 revenue, 190 Aimster search in, 146 mission, 103–104 anonymity and survivability, 135 nodes, 187 bypassing DNS, 21 promises of, 183–184 clients, 136–139 using, 186–187 connecting and downloading, 135–136 Freesites, 184 development, 87, 96–97, 130–131 creating, 187 vs. FastTrack, 165 4018indx.qxd 10/24/01 2:35 PM Page 450

450 Gnutelliums Web site • HRMS (High Resolution Microwave Survey)

file searches, 134 voice chat, 304 file sharing, 136 , 304, 305 how it works, 132–135 development, 270 issues and challenges, 140–142 Groove Enterprise Network Services, network creation, 133 297 network structure, 77 history, 294–295 network topology, 134 how it works, 297, 297 as nonbrokered service, 99 shared spaces, 298 viruses, 63 using, 304–306 Gnutelliums Web site, 136 group chat Go2Call, 256, 220 in AOL Instant Messenger, 231–232 Golden Fleece Award, 351 in Windows Messenger, 241 Goldfinger, Yair, 211 in Yahoo! Messenger, 244 Golomb Ruler, 363 group collaboration, 22, 35–36 Google, 197, 202 revenue, 36 government controls over information group meetings, 288–289 dissemination, 184 groupware. See collaboration Gracenote, 78 Grub, 200 Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search, 364 Greenfield Online/YouthStream Media Networks, 94 H Grokster, 156, 166 hackers, 28 Groove Networks, 36, 276, 294–306, 428 HailStorm, 416 bypassing DNS, 21 Hall-Beyer, Ian, 131 client, 296, 296–297 Halvorsen, Tim, 269 collaborative tools, 299–306 hardware calendar, 299, 300 distributed storage, 343 chess game, 300 sales, 51, 52 Contacts tool, 300, 300–301, 305 for video conferencing, 261 Discussion tool, 301, 301 Harvard University, 353 Files tool, 301, 302 Hawking, Stephen, 349 instant messaging, 301, 302, 305 High Resolution Microwave Survey Notepad, 302 (HRMS), 351 Outliner, 303, 303, 306 Hilbers, Konrad, 107, 123 Pictures, 303 host caches in Gnutella, 140 Sketchpad, 303, 304 Hotline, 68 text chat, 304 Hotline Connect, 173–174, 174 Tic-Tac-Toe, 304 HRMS (High Resolution Microwave Survey), 351 4018indx.qxd 10/24/01 2:35 PM Page 451

HTTP protocol • instant messaging 451

HTTP protocol, 100 iNoize, 178 Human-Links, 200 installed seats, 270 Humphrey, Robert, 429 instant messaging, 5, 22, 30–32, 209 Hupp, John A., 335 AOL Instant Messenger, 228–232 Hypership Trusted Information Buddy List window, 229 Exchange, 431 finding new buddies, 229–230 group chat, 231–232 phone calls, 232 I sending files, 231 IBM Corporation, 367 sending messages, 230–231 iCAST, 245 and file sharing, 144, 146–147 ICQ, 21, 24, 31, 211, 219, 233–235 in Filetopia, 173 AOL purchase, 212 in Groove Networks, 301, 302, 305 chat session, 235 history, 24–25 finding other users, 233–234 how it works, 30–31, 213–214 phone calls, 235, 235 as brokered service, 215 sending files, 234–235 ICQ, 233–235 sending messages, 234 chat session, 235 window, 233 finding other users, 233–234 ICUII, 221, 261 phone calls, 235, 235 identifiers in JXTA, 398 sending files, 234–235 IFPI (International Federation of the sending messages, 234 Phonographic Industry), 165 Internet telephony via, 254 IKimbo Omniprise, 276 key players, 31–32 Ikimbo Omniprise, 307 MSN Messenger, 236–238 iMesh, 39, 102, 104, 174–176, 175 finding contacts, 236 IMPP (Instant Messaging and Presence phone calls, 238 Protocol), 222 sending files, 238 IMUnified, 31, 222 sending messages, 237 iNapster, 126 projected growth, 208 index for distributed search, 198, 199 revenue, 32, 224–225 index server for Napster, 25 services, 245–248 Infobot, 40 video conferencing via, 258–259 information Windows Messenger, 238–242 distribution, 182 finding contacts, 239–240 Web storage, 194–195 group chat, 241 information management, as P2P phone calls, 241 application development, 388 sending files, 240–241 InfraSearch, 141 sending messages, 240 video conferencing, 241–242 4018indx.qxd 10/24/01 2:35 PM Page 452

452 Instant Messaging and Presence Protocol (IMPP) • Kapor, Mitch

Yahoo! Messenger, 242–245 IntraLinks, 36, 276, 308 finding friends, 242–243 invisible Web, 197 group chat, 244 IP addresses, temporary, 20–21 phone calls, 244 iQ Netsolutions, 252 sending files, 244 IRC (Internet Relay Chat), 210–211 sending messages, 243 how it works, 216–217, 217 video conferencing, 245 Iris Associates, 269 Instant Messaging and Presence Protocol ISP (Internet service provider), 10 (IMPP), 222 censorship, 84 Intel, 54 limitations by, 7 8080 microprocessor chip, 9 IT departments distributed computing by, 340 and P2P, 85–86, 389–390 Peer-to-Peer Working Group, 432 resistance to change, 277 intellectual property rights, 68 iVisit, 221, 261 free content, 68–74 legal actions, 74–76 responsibility, 75 J intelligent agents, 40 Jabber, 25, 32, 220, 246 Interbind, 428 Jibe, 200 International Data Corporation, 208 Jini (Sun), 394–395 International Federation of the jnap, 126 Phonographic Industry (IFPI), 165 Jung, Edward, 429 International Interactive Commerce, 368 Jungle Monkey, 178 Internet, 10–11 JXTA (Sun), 397–404 distributed computing on, 336 concepts, 398–399 privacy and security over, 65–66 goals, 397–398 Internet Engineering Task Force, 222, 324 industry reaction, 408–409 Internet PhoneJACK, 252 JXTA stack, 399–401, 400 Internet service provider (ISP), censorship, Operations, 401–402 84 projects, 402–404 Internet telephony, 22, 250–256 protocols, 399 applications, 254–256 JXTA Search, 35 dedicated software, 255 JXTA Search/InfraSearch, 200 issues and challenges, 261–264 line-sharing, 256 need for, 263 K revenue, 263–264 Kali, 313–314, 314 types, 253–254 Kan, Gene, 132 Web-server based, 255–256 Kapor, Mitch, 269 4018indx.qxd 10/24/01 2:35 PM Page 453

Kawell, Len • middleman 453

Kawell, Len, 269 Maritz, Paul, 429 KaZaA, 33, 102, 104, 156, 158–162 master/slave relationship, 18 how it works, 158–159 Mayland, Bryan, 131 issues and challenges, 164–166 McNett, Dave, 334 Media Desktop, 159–161, 160 MediaForce, 84 searching and downloading files, MediaRing Talk, 220, 255 159 meetings, scheduling, 288–289 vs. MusicCity, 166 Mersenne prime numbers, 364 Winamp plug-in, 161 messages in JXTA, 399 KaZaA.com, 162 META project, 353 key in Freenet, 184, 187 metadata Konspire, 178 for FastTrack network files, 158 importance, 383 Metallica, 120 L MFTP (Multisource ), languages for KaZaA, 158 171 latency in video conferencing, 262 micropayments, 176 lawsuits, 75–76 Microsoft, 47. See also MSN Messenger; Aimster and RIAA, 145 .NET initiative Lenstra, Arjen K., 335 Farsite project, 420 Liberty Alliance, 407–408, 419 industry reaction, 420–422 life in the universe, search for. See P2P collaboration tools, 275–276 SETI@home P2P success and, 53, 56, 57 LimeWire, 138–139, 139 Passport service, 53, 416 login, centralized, in FastTrack, 165 vs. Liberty Alliance, 408 Lotus Development Corporation, 269 pros and cons, 418–419 Lotus Notes, 269–270, 275 Web server support, 14 Microsoft Exchange, 270 Microsoft NetMeeting, 21, 36 M video conferencing via, 259–260 Macrovision Corp., 107 XP for collaboration, Mactella, 139 284–289 Magi applications, 426–427 document editing and review, 285–287 Magic Carpet, 408 group meetings, 288–289 Magnetar Games, 41, 317 scheduling, 288 Mahowald, Robert, 277 SharePoint Team Services, 287 Manasse, Mark S., 335 Microsoft Outlook, 288 Manila, 41, 327 Midbar Technologies, 107 many to many model, 92 middleman, eliminating, 5–6 4018indx.qxd 10/24/01 2:35 PM Page 454

454 Mieszkowski, Katharine • .NET initiative

Mieszkowski, Katharine, 109 Myhrvold, Nathan, 429 The Mind Electric, 430 MyNapster, 126 Mirabilis, 31 Myster, 178 Mithral, 428 MITS Altair, 9 Mobot, 200–201 N MOCA (Music Online Competition Act), N-Tella, 139 108–109 NapAmp, 126 Moinvaziri, Nathan, 131 Napigator Web site, 124 Mojo Nation, 33, 39, 176, 177 Napster, 19, 20, 25, 33, 102, 105 Moore’s Law, 9 as brokered service, 99 Morrison, Phil, 350 client, 115 Mosaic, 45–46 file sharing, 92–93 movies, 68 future, 123–127 MP3 files, 32 history, 117–122 ripping, 93 court case, 120–121 MSN Gaming Zone, 315 development, 96, 118–119 MSN Messenger, 24, 31, 212, 236–238 file filter development, 122 finding contacts, 236 how it works, 114–115 instant messaging, 219, 237 illegal copying or free promotion, 70–71 phone calls, 238 network, 114 sending files, 238 responsibility for illegal copying, 75 sending messages, 237 searching and downloading, 115–116 window, 237 sharing files, 117 multiplayer games, 7, 310–313 subscription fees, 50 wireless, 317–318 troubles, 106–107 Multisource File Transfer Protocol (MFTP), users, 94 171 NASA, 351–352 Murray, James, 429 National Center for Supercomputing music industry, 95 Applications (NCSA), 45 Music Online Competition Act (MOCA), National Radio Astronomy Observatory, 350 108–109 Nature, 350 MusicCity, 156 NCSA (National Center for issues and challenges, 164–166 Supercomputing Applications), 45 KaZaA vs., 166 Nerdhead Web site, 131 Morpheus, 33, 102, 105, 162–163, 164 Net-Games, 315 MusicNet, 73, 108 .NET initiative, 53 My KaZaA to organize files, 160, 161 and distributed computing, 413–414 myCIO.com, 64 expectations, 415 4018indx.qxd 10/24/01 2:35 PM Page 455

.NET Messenger Service • P2P applications 455

framework, 414–415 Odigo, 32, 220, 246–248, 247 .NET My Services, 416–419 Office Web server, 287 sharing, 418 Office XP (Microsoft) for collaboration, P2P application development, 412–415 284–289 platform components, 414 document editing and review, 285–287 Sun One Network Environment vs., group meetings, 288–289 405 scheduling, 288 .NET Messenger Service, 236 SharePoint Team Services, 287 Net-Z, 430 Oikarinen, Jarkko, 211 Net2Phone, 253, 255, 220 Oliver, Barney, 351 NetGAMES, 316 online gaming, 40–41 NetMeeting, 36 OnWan, 221, 261 collaboration with, 290, 291 open-source computing, 45 Netscape, 45 OpenCola, 35, 201, 429 Netstreak, 178 OpenDesign, 429 network traffic, 28 OpenNap Network, 102, 105, 123–127, networks 124 P2P types, 379–383 clients, 125–126 brokered with discovery and lookup OpenPrivacy, 65 server, 380–381, 382 OrangeBook standard, 107 brokered with discovery, lookup and O’Reilly, Tim, 45, 73 content server, 381–383, 382 Orwant, Jon, 189 brokered with discovery server, 380 Outliner, in Groove Networks, 303, 303, pure P2P, 379–380, 380 306 selecting for Aimster, 147 ownership of content, 28, 69 NeuroGrid, 201 Ozma project, 350 newsgroups, 11, 22 Ozzie, Ray, 269, 270, 294–295 Newtella, 139 NextPage, 308 node in Gnutella network, 99, 133 P connecting to, 136 P2P. See peer-to-peer computing not-for-profit development, 46 P2P applications, 21–22 Notepad, in Groove Networks, 302 development tools, 424–431 Nullsoft, 87, 97, 130 Adaptinet, 424 AgentWare, 424 Avaki, 425 O Biz2Peer, 425 Oculus, 276 Buzzpad, 426 Oculus CO, 308 Cytaq, 426 4018indx.qxd 10/24/01 2:35 PM Page 456

456 P2P communications • peer-to-peer computing

Endeavors Technology, 426–427 P2P communications, 208. See also instant Engenia, 427 messaging FirstPeer, 427–428 history, 210–212 Groove Networks, 428 Internet telephony, 209 Interbind, 428 players, 220 The Mind Electric, 430 key players, 218–221 Mithral, 428 America Online, 218–219 OpenCola, 429 MSN Messenger, 219 OpenDesign, 429 Yahoo!, 219 PeerMetrics, 429 trends and issues, 221–225 Proksim, 430 advertising, 224 ThinkStream, 430 interoperability and standards, Ubero, 430 222–223 WareOnEarth, 431 revenue, 224–225 XDegrees, 431 viruses, 223–224 Zion Technologies, 431 video conferencing, 209–210 how it works, 377, 377–379 players, 221 important development areas, 388–389 who uses, 210 issues and challenges, 389–391 packet switching, 251 IT department objections, 389–390 PalTalk, 261 platform selection, 390–391 pandango, 35, 201 key technologies, 383–388 Parabon Computation, 368 BEEP (Blocks Extensible Exchange parasitic computing, 342 Protocol), 387–388 Parkes Observatory (Australia), 353 ebXML (electronic business XML), Passport service, industry reaction, 421 385 Passport service (Microsoft), 53, 416 RDF (Resource Development vs. Liberty Alliance, 408 Framework), 386 pros and cons, 418–419 SML (Simple Markup Language), Patel, Marilyn Hall, 96, 118, 120 385 PBX (private branch exchange), 252 SOAP (Simple Object Access PC camera, 261 Protocol), 387 PC-to-PC Internet telephony, 253 UDDI (Universal Description, PC-to-Phone, 220, 253, 255 Discovery and Integration), 386 Peer Discovery protocol (JXTA), 399 XML (Extensible Markup peer groups in JXTA, 398 Language), 384 Peer Information protocol (JXTA), 399 XML-RPC, 384–385 Peer Membership protocol (JXTA), 399 reasons to develop, 376–377 Peer Resolver protocol (JXTA), 399 peer-to-peer computing, 4–7, 23 4018indx.qxd 10/24/01 2:35 PM Page 457

Peergenius • Primeform 457

applications, 21–22 Pepper, Tom, 130, 132 bandwidth limitations, 82–83 persistent downloads, 158 companies benefiting from success, personal computer, 9 53–55 Phex, 139 companies losing from success, 55–57 Phoenix project, 352 control shift, 10–14 phone calls definition, 4, 18–23 in AOL Instant Messenger, 232, 232 complex, 19–21 in ICQ, 235, 235 simple, 18 in MSN Messenger, 238 development cycle, 45–46 in Windows Messenger, 241 not-for-profit, 46 in Yahoo! Messenger, 244 Fanning comments on, 127 Phone-to-PC Internet telephony, 254 history, 23–27 Phone-to-phone Internet telephony, 254 current state, 26–27 PhoneFree, 220, 255 distributed computing, 26 PhonePatch, 261 early Internet, 24 Pictures, in Groove Networks, 303 file sharing, 25 PictureTalk, 261 instant messaging, 24–25 PictureTel, 261 for instant messaging, 214, 214 Pipe Binding protocol (JXTA), 399 marketable technology, 46–47 pipes in JXTA, 399 Microsoft support for, 412 plain old telephone system (POTS), 250 opposition, 14–15 Planetary Society, 353 organizations and Internet resources, PLATO (Programmed Logic for Automated 434–442 Teaching Operations), 269 person-to-person communications, 4–5 player piano, 75 playing politics, 44–45 Plebio, 201 revenue models, 47–53 plug-ins for Aimster, 147 business-to-business, 51–53 point-to-point communications, 5 customer-driven, 48–51 Pointera, 33 strengths and weaknesses, 27–28 Pointera Sharing Engine, 201 tomorrow’s applications, 38–41 Popular Power, 47, 370 commerce, 40 Porivo, 368–369 distributed storage, 38–39 PornDigger!, 179 intelligent agents, 40 pornography, 189 licensed media distribution, 39 children and, 84–85 online gaming, 40–41 POTS (plain old telephone system), 250 Peergenius, 178 PowWow IM client, 245 PeerMetrics, 429 pressplay, 73 peers in JXTA, 398 Primeform, 336, 365 4018indx.qxd 10/24/01 2:35 PM Page 458

458 privacy • SafeWeb

privacy. See also encryption RDF (Resource Development Framework), infrastructure development, 64–66 386 monitoring of online activities, 62–63 real-time data/message transmission, 19 private branch exchange (PBX), 252 real-time queries, 198, 198 ProcessTree, 370–371 benefits, 199 Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching RealNetworks, 108 Operations (PLATO), 269 Reciprocal, 78 Project BETA, 353 Recording Industry Association of America, Project Cyclops, 351 55, 95, 120 Project META, 353 opposition to Aimster, 145 Project Ozma, 350 RedBook standard, 107 Project Phoenix, 352 Relatable, 78 Proksim, 430 reliability of distributed computing, 342–343 Proksim Software, 317 Remote Assistance (Windows XP), 53 proprietary network structure, in instant for collaboration, 289–290 messaging, 31 Remote Desktop Connection, 290 Proskim Software, 41 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 144 Proxmire, William, 351 Resource Development Framework (RDF), pseudoanonymity in Gnutella, 135 386 PSTN (public switched telephone network), resource reselling, 50–51 250 resource sharing, as P2P application public switched telephone network (PSTN), development, 389 250 revenue models, 47–53 Publius, 191 business-to-business, 51–53 Punch WebGroups, 179 customer-driven, 48–51 questionable, 86–87 revolution, 10 Q RiffShare, 179 Qube, 179 RightsMarket, 39 queries. See searches ripping MP3 files, 93 Quiq, 36, 276, 308 Rubin, Avi, 191 Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Space Science and Technology Department, R 362 Radio Shack, 9 radio signals, listening to extraterrestrial, 350 S Rapigator, 126 SafeWeb, 65 Rapster, 126 Triangle Boy software, 65 4018indx.qxd 10/24/01 2:35 PM Page 459

Sagan, Carl • Stutz, David 459

Sagan, Carl, 350, 353 accomplishments, 359 scaling in FastTrack, 165 getting involved, 358–359 scheduling group meetings, 288–289 how it works, 354–358, 355 Scour Exchange, 107, 179 data analysis, 357, 357–358 search engines, 196, 196–197 data recording, 356 distributed search engines vs. discovering aliens, 358 centralized, 202 searching skies, 355 searches. See also distributed search engines implications, 360 in Aimster, 148–149 participants, 359 directories, 195–196 shared folders, 61 in Gnutella, 134 shared spaces in Groove client, 297, 298 how search engines work, 196, creating, 306 196–197 SharePoint Portal Server, 287 in KaZaA Media Desktop, 159 SharePoint Team Services, 287 in Napster, 115–116 sharing files. See file sharing problems of traditional engines, Shoch, John F., 335 194–197 Simple Markup Language (SML), 385 security, 60–62 Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), 387 in distributed computing, 61–62, 341 Sketchpad, in Groove Networks, 303, 304 file sharing issues, 60–61 Sky and Telescope magazine, 359 infrastructure development, 64–66 SML (Simple Markup Language), 385 in JXTA, 401–402 sneakernet, 95 by P2P application, 379 SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 387 viruses, 63–64 social good, P2P and, 45 SERENDIP, 352 software. See also P2P applications server-based services, 23 development, 52–53, 87 servers revenue from sales, 49, 52 Big Brother control, 8 Songbird, 39 as bottleneck, 376 SongSpy, 179 games on, 311 Sony Betamax, 75 instant messaging based on, 213, 213 spam, 12 on Internet, 11–12 Speak Freely, 220, 255 peer computer as, 19–20, 101 spider, 196 Services layer in JXTA stack, 401 SpinFrenzy, 179 SETI, history, 349–354 Splooge, 179 SETI Institute, 352 spyware, 49 world-wide projects, 353 standalone computing, 23 SETI@home, 21, 26, 37, 336–337, standards, 28 348–360 Stutz, David, 413 4018indx.qxd 10/24/01 2:35 PM Page 460

460 subscription fees • video conferencing

subscription fees, 50 ToadNode, 139 Sullivan, Woody, 354 TopText (eZula), 49 Sun Microsystems, 54, 56 Traffic view (KaZaA Media Desktop), 161 Brazil project, 395–397 transaction fees, 50 industry reaction, 408–409 Triangle Boy software, 65 Jini, 394–395 Tribal Voice, 245 JXTA, 397–404 concepts, 398–399 goals, 397–398 U JXTA stack, 399–401, 400 Ubero, 430 Operations, 401–402 UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery projects, 402–404 and Integration), 386 protocols, 399 Ulrich, Lars, 120 Liberty Alliance, 407–408 Ultimate Gamers, 316 P2P success and, 57 United Devices, 38, 369–370 Sun One Network Environment, Universal Description, Discovery and 404–407 Integration (UDDI), 386 assumptions, 405–406 Uomoto, Mike, 429 elements, 406–407 Uplister, 180 vs. .NET, 405 URLblaze, 180 supercomputer, 335 U.S. Congress, 75, 108 SuperNodes, 104, 157, 157 U.S. Court of Appeals, 96, 118, 121 Swaptor, 179 Usenet network, 24 swarm distribution, 176 Usernet server, 11 users flexibility for, 9 T need for participative Web, 328 TalkCity, 217 tracking habits, 49 telephone. See also Internet telephony network, 11 television, 328 V terrorism, 62 Vardi, Arik, 211 Freenet and, 183, 188–189 variable connections, 20–21 Texar Corporation, 65 video conferencing, 36, 256–261 text chat, in Groove Networks, 304 with CUseeMe, 260 Theatre view (KaZaA Media Desktop), 160 how it works, 257–258 ThinkStream, 201, 430 Internet telephony via, 255 third-party intervention, 7 issues and challenges, 261–264 Tic-Tac-Toe, in Groove Networks, 304 need for, 263 4018indx.qxd 10/24/01 2:35 PM Page 461

Vigiser, Sefi • XML (Extensible Markup Language) 461

other applications, 260–261 WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring revenue, 263–264 and Versioning), 324 via instant messaging, 258–259 Weblogs, 323 via Microsoft NetMeeting, 259–260 Webnoize, 94 in Windows Messenger, 241–242, 242 WebPhone, 220, 255 in Yahoo! Messenger, 245 WeGo.com, 132 Vigiser, Sefi, 211 Werthimer, Dan, 354 viruses, 28, 63–64 whiteboarding, 36, 268 in instant messaging, 223–224 in NetMeeting, 291 VisiTalk, 255 Wiki Wiki Web, 41, 327 Visse, Bob, 222 Winamp, 130, 161 VocalTec, 212, 220, 255 Winblad, Hummer, 117, 120 voice chat, in Groove Networks, 304 Windows Messenger, 24, 31–32, 47, 212, voice communications, 250–256 219, 238–242 circuit switching, 250 for collaboration, 289 packet switching, 251, 251 finding contacts, 239–240 VoIP (Voice over ), 251 group chat, 241 over Internet, 252 phone calls, 241 on private networks, 252 sending files, 240–241 Voodoo Vision, 180 sending messages, 240 VoxPhone, 220, 255 video conferencing, 241–242 Windows XP for collaboration, 289–290 Remote Assistance, 53, 289–290 W Windows Messenger, 289 Waldman, Marc, 191 WinMX, client, 126 WareOnEarth, 431 Wippit, 180 Web-based chat, 217–218 wireless games, 317–318 Web-based Distributed Authoring and work units, in SET@home, 356 Versioning (WebDAV), 324 workstation, 8 Web browsers worm, 26, 335 development cycle, 45 Wrapster, 64, 127 in Groove Networks, 304, 305 Writeable Web, 41, 322–323 Web browsing, 20, 22 Web server-based Internet telephony, 255–256 X Web services, 23 XDegrees, 431 Web sites, collaborative pages, 41 Xerox PARC labs, 26, 335 Webcam, 261 XML (Extensible Markup Language), 384 4018indx.qxd 10/24/01 2:35 PM Page 462

462 XML-RPC • Zion Technologies

XML-RPC, 384–385 video conferencing, 245 xnap, 126 window, 243 xS, 180 Yankelovich Partners, 94 XtX, 261 YellowBook standard, 107 Yenta, 40 Y Yoink Download Community, 180 Yahoo!, 195, 219 Yahoo! Messenger, 24, 32, 212, 242–245 Z finding friends, 242–243 Zennström, Niklas, 156 group chat, 244 Zero-Knowledge Systems, 65 phone calls, 244 Zilla, 335 sending files, 244 Zion Technologies, 431 sending messages, 243