Rs a MAN's WORLD U.S. Despite Agreement

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Rs a MAN's WORLD U.S. Despite Agreement T •■/, • ■ .- ' -V V /t 'f/V|- V MONDAY, JUNE 11, 1962 ATerage Daily Net.Preaa Ron \ ; i*>GE FOURTfeEN / The Weather i^Iaurbrstpr lEnrtttng Hi^ralb For the Week Ended inne t, IMl l^orecast of U. B. Weather Bnrede Manchester. Assembly, Order of '^".Hoae Co. No. 1, Eighth District Workers for St. Bridget’s sum- The Emanuel Churchworofii, i All adult/active In girl scouting I Memorial Temple, Pythian Sla­ FALSE 1EETH Partial rloaring, epoler tonlghL in thftyManchestpr area wUI meet, ter*, will meet'8 p.m. Rainbow for Girls, will meet to­ Fire Department, will meet to­ ner festival, to be held Thursday, Emanuel Lutheran Church, will i night at 8 at fire headquarters That Lootta 13,601 Low 66 to 60. WedneMlay fair, sponsor a atrawberry festival Wed-; tonight at 8 at the Watkins-West at Odd Fellows Hall, Flag Day will night at 7:30 at the Mationic Tem­ About To^ June 14, will meet in the church ple for initiation of candidates. Of- Main and Hilliard Sta. Member of the Audit pleaaanL High In mid to upper 70a. basement tomorrow at 10 a. m. to nesday from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on! Funeral Home, 142 E. Center 3t„ be observed. RefreahmenU will be NaadI Hot Embeurratt ■«ue«n a( Otreulatloe the church grounds. The Salvation I to pay respects to the late Mliu servrfd. hcers will wear floor-length whll8 Manchenter— 4 City of ViUage Charm tAurenc*' P. Rubinow, son of ielp In the kitchen and report on gowns. Members and In the The Army-Navy AuxUiary will Msnr wearers of false teeth have Judji^e: and Mrs. Jay E. Rubinow, ickets and baked goods for the Army band ^llC play. Members o f: Jennie Wind. i ' suffered reel embarrsstment bcoeuse the P ris^ la' Circle are in charge . ! There will be a special meeting choir will wear street-length white sponsor a card party tonight at 8 their pUte dropped, slipped or wab­ 49 PtUctn St., was graduated yes- estival. I dresses. at thd club house. bled St Just the Vrrong time. Do not tarday from Mount Hermob: of arrangements with Mrs. Ernest Members of the executive of the. British American Club to- live in fesr of this hsppenlmt to you. VOL. LXXXI. NO. 214 PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1962 (Olaselfled Advrrtlelng on Page-18) PRICE FIVE CENTS School for.boys. Mount Hermon, Mias Mary Proctor, 80 Fairfield W-, Johnson and Mrs. V(ct0r John: board of the Children's Services of morrow at 8 p.m. Just sprinkle a little PASTXETH, son co-chairmen. Tickets may be Misi Evaline Pentlahd and Miss Hose and Ladder Co. No. 1, the alkaline Inon-acldi powder, on Maas. While at the school, he wa.‘- U.. left by jet from Bradley Field Connectneut Auxiliary of Man- — - our pistee; Hold falie teeth more a member of the dande band and Saturday for California, wher^ she obtained from any member of the Chester w’lll meet tomorrow at 1:46 Members of the Mr. and Mrs. Geneva Pentland. 84 Adelaide Rd., town fire department. will hold its Srmly, eo they feel more oomfort- / the achool band for two years. He circle Or at the door. In the event p.m. at the home of Mrs. Paul Chib of .Temple Beth Sholom inter­ and Miss Gertrude Liddon, 49 Gar­ annual hydrant test tomorrow. eble. Does not sour.-Checks "piste will visit Mr. and Mrs. JameS Wy- of rain the festival will be in Liithcr odor breath". Oet PA8TERB at received a letter in ba.aeball. :ie of Santa \na, Calif. Mrs. Wylie Marte,'179 W. Vernon St. ested in bowling will meet tonight den St., are on a tou.r of Norway, Members will leave the hose house dniK counters everywhere. Hall at the church. Strawberry ei 8 at the Parkade Lanes. •Sweden and Denmark. at 6 p. m. : State N ew s Is the former Mls?i. Sarah Donnel­ shortcake, coffee and punch will Top Business Chiefs Stuart A. Savage, son of Mr. ly of Manche.ster. Reservations will close tomor­ and Mrs. Ralph Savage, 18 Weaver be served. row for a dinner of the Golden Rd.. was graduated yesterday Manche-sler Lodge of Masou.s Age Club Thursday at 1 p.m. at Bridrton Academy, North J>avid H. Glister, boilerman sec­ the Walnut Restaurant. Members U.S. vHy, meet tomorrow at 7:30 p. m. Bridgeton, Maine. He was a mem­ ond class. U.S. Navy, soi? of Mr. may call Mrs. Paul St. Lawrence, WiU Assist Kennedy ber of the varsity football team^ After a bu.slness meeting, the Fel- and'Mrs. Harry R. CusteiT»159 Hil­ 42A Bluefield Dr., for reservations. the tennis club and the ski club. lowcraft degree will be conferred liard St., recently returned to Long with David R. Spencer, senior He has been accepted for jtdmis- Beach, Calif., aboard the amphibi­ Daughters of Uberty, No. 125; Girl, 13, Dies; Sion to Nichols College lij-the fall. waidcn. presiding. There will be ous as.sault carrier, U.S.S. Prince­ a social hour with refreshments. will meet tomorrow at 7 :30 p.m. at ton. after an eight-month tour of Orange Hall. Mrs. Edw'ln Jacob­ Halt O utf lo.w of Gold Crash Victim The Robertson^School PTA will duty In the western Pacific. son. worthy mistress, will conduct rs A MAN'S WORLD Robert W. Anderson, son of Mr. hold Hs annual ramily picnic to­ s memorial service. The Past Mis­ In Waterbury morrow 1^ * p.m. on the school and Mrs. Walter A. Anderson. 20 By LARRY OSIUB ^the sharp decline in stock prices Despite Agreement St. Margaret's Circle, Daughters tress Cluh will meet after the reg­ grounds. 'William Cleavage will Avondale Rd., has been named to all this week at are raising a false Usue. of Is.ibella,. will meet tomorrow at ular meeting. WASHINGTON (AP) WATERBURY (AP) — dirpet games, with prize.s for wln- the dean's list at Bryant JDollege. 8 p.m at the K of C Home. | main stX , A group of top ranking busi­ Two of his most fi'equent Re­ flirs. Families will bring box Providence, R. I., where he is a publican m^lcs—Senate Minority Norma Perez, 13, died today nessmen has agreed to C lunches and coffee, ice cream and member of the Key Sofiei.y. an The Women's Home I.eague of manchester Lttder -Eveirett M. Dlrksen of Il­ at St. Mary’s Hospital here, soft'-drinks Will be available. In honor attained by outstanding the Salvation Army will meet to­ examine the Kennedy admin­ linois and House Minority Leader about 12 hours after she and case of rain, the picnic will be scholastic achievement. MI 3-4123 Charles Halleck of Indiana—ham Kennedy Says morrow at 2 p.m. in the junior hall. | ALL IN ONE STORE istration’s steps to halt the her sister were struck b.v a ; -p, . ' A. • J Wedntaday at 6:30. Mrs'. Margaret Therrlen, Mrs. Ann | mered away again Monday on the The WCTU of Mani healer will HOUSE R HALE balance of .payments deficit station wagon on North M ainlj4 f l f * Young and Mrs. Alvina CTiagnon and to make recommenda­ subject of the economy at a news Far East Aid The ladies Auxiliary of the Zipser meet at the South Methodist Church will serve as hostesses. SHOP FOR ALL YOUR conference. St. ■ Club will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. tomorrow for the last time this SO you can't forget FATH ER'S D A Y, Sunday, June 17th tions on how to stop the Re­ "It lias become clear that the Nprma died of multiple head and * at the club house. season. Members wishing to sew Carole Lyrtne Duma.s ; MATERNITY NEEDS sulting flow of U.S. gold Kennedy administration has got I body Injuries. Her 7-year-old sis- Curbing Reds Not Fixed on sruffies will meet at 10 a.m , daughter of Mr and Mrs .1. Doug- : America moving again—but in the ter, MilAgos. was reported in fair and are reminded to bring sand­ BIA1LSE8. SKIRTS, SLACKS. abroad. las Dumas of .IS Meadow Ijine The busines.smen. headed by wrong direction,” Dirksen said. I condition. wiches. After a shoii business meet­ and Miami. Fla., graduated from | BRAS, GIRDLES. The sccldent occurred several By WALTER R. MEARS ing at 1 p.'m., flowers w-ill be de­ SWEATERS and SWIMSLITS U.S. Steel. Corp. Chairman Roger "The -Stock market's crash' haS Miami. High School today. ^ .Miss' M. Blough. conferred with Presi­ supplied the evidence. hours after their mother, Mrs. WASHINGTON (AP) — In Accord livered to shut-ins. Members are i Duma.s has been at the Florida A'T bella Perez, had married Pedro requested to bring flowers in con­ dent Kennedy for an hour Monday Hallecx said of Kennedy's pro­ A Cornmuniat military ma­ school for two terms and i.s an posal to cut income taxes next Santiago. She was notified of the LECLERG tainers. night. Afterward. White House accident at a reception for her chine of 200 combat divisions, By 8PKNCER DAVIS lionor student. She attended i preak secretary Pierre Salinger year: "Evidently this means that FUNERAL HOME Manche.ster High School and Ben- j Glazie/s and her new husband. more than 4,000 jet war­ WASHINGTON (AP) — Members of Eliza Cliaproan Jay net Junior High. .She has tenia- ; Corsst and Uniform Shop said they had agreed to.
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