Graham, Martha - Dance Company (2)” of the Betty Ford White House Papers, 1973-1977 at the Gerald R

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Graham, Martha - Dance Company (2)” of the Betty Ford White House Papers, 1973-1977 at the Gerald R The original documents are located in Box 39, folder “Graham, Martha - Dance Company (2)” of the Betty Ford White House Papers, 1973-1977 at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Betty Ford donated to the United States of America her copyrights in all of her unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. nancy hanks B~rr, /=OrJ - ~ ~ ~ SClah /).p~1 ... +- ~# l,J.11 "-"' A?_,n~ " . r ,,.,._,-s.,J 'h _,;~l ~o - • I/ '•J. 'C ~ ,,,._J /~,'I~ """' AL pn>-J el~ "" o./C ·~ ~' ~~~~~~~~-. ~---......I Depttrt;tient of ..()tate ,,, __ .......... ... .................. UNCLASSIFIED 2?08 PAGE 01 SINGAP 03900 250904Z \7 ACTION CU111915 R '.50721c:lZ SEP 14 FM AHEMbASSy SINGAPORE I o -' ... ... ! '·· I ' , I• ~O SECSTATE WA3HOC 1276 .. ! TNFO USIA WASHDC r. AMFMBASSV AANGKOK AMCONSUL HONG KONG AMFMA AS~Y JAKARTA AH~MBA5SV KUAL~ LUMPUR AM~MBASSY MANILA I j AM~MBASSY RANGOON l AMFMBASSY SAIGON I AMFMBAS~Y TAIPEI I I lJNr.~~0 ) ' I! ... I F,O, 116!52i N/A . ,,. I - • TAOSt OtXC l ~URJECYI ~U/CPI MARTHA GR~HAH DANCE COMPANY I RE~& STATf 2084~7 f, SUMMA~YI 1HE SHORT TWO DAY SINGAPORE VXSlT OF THE ~ MARTHA GRAHAM DANCE COMPANY WAS AS SUCCESSFUL AS lT P0~5YOLY COULD HAVE BEEN~ THE WARM OFFICIAL RE~?OhSE riAS UNEXPECTED AND THE PAIO ATTENbANGE OF APPROXIMA TELY 2p700 FO~ THO PERFOHMANCES MAY HELL H A \1 E UE f.. ~l THE l. AR G EST i 0 D Al' c 1: GR M0 DL: R N 0 AN C~ • 'HF HlGhLY EFFECTIVE ~ORKSHOP WAS A DISPLAY OF THE \IE~l(:Rf\fJLE t1rSo G~AHA" AT HEH tlOST DYNAMIC MW, A~nNG HlTH THE A~BASSADQRIS POST PERFORkANC~ ... RECEPTYUN, ALLOWED FOR MEANINGFUL :ONTACT C~TWEEN YHi:' P[~RSONAHLt DANCERS ANU SINGAPOREAN C0l.LtAGUE5 ANn OEVOTtfS 0 PRESS RESPONSf MEAGER SQ FAR HUT MroE TO CUHEo HOST IMPORTANT EFFECT OF VISIT HAS v~l .IJABLE ASS!ST IN OIS?t:Ll.ING PREVAii.ING ATTITUOES "~ A~tnICAN CULTUH~ HAVING LITTLE HORTH, ___. ~.,. I , • I . ' .. ' I . UNCL.ASSlP'I EO ?~ .. _....,:.____. -lr'·.rt'lK. ......... ~ ..-· .. • ·-~ ... ,. ........ • . .. ...... ~ .. .-.--....,... 'UNCLASSIFIED . ~ ~. AUDI~NCE GENERALLYYOUNG AND ALMOST eNTl~ELV i . ~lHGAPOREANq V~RY Few WALl'\cl) OUT~ (BY COrlT.R,<'\S r, AUOIENC~ fOA COMP~NVIS 1955 VlSITo WHEN GRAHAM HER5ELP WAS OANCINGp WAS MUCH SMA~LER ANO ~XPATHIATE, T~O~THIROS OP WHOM HA~KEO OUT DU~lNG ... ' I FIRST tNTERVALQ) FIRST NIGHT AUDIENCE ao~EWHAT I• ~OHBF.R SUT SECOND NIGHT R~SPONSE COMP~NV AS 1.H!lNG UMIJSUAL.LV WARM FOR ASIA ANO ORr:w Ytle.b..;lliii-ED""---- - - ·-· --~8.frJlQ.NO C~l<TAIN CAL.L 9 ~~--~--·· - :a.ur•-- ~~ RESPONSE FROM OFFIC!AL SINGAPORE UNUS~LLY WARMv ACCf)iHHl~G TO CUSYOM, NA r IfJN AL n1EAi1<E Tf\UST ~CnwSPOHSOR) INVITED ALL TOP GOS OFFICXAL3, CABINET, JUnlCIARV# ETC,, ANO RECEIVED OVER 200 ACCEPTANCES, .. 1.MH9EST fH.~POWJE OM RECORDQ CTHI S P'IGURE NOT RPT N0 ,. · I NC I.., I JOE 0 AS P A Y0 AU 0 I ENCE ) • AL. S0 S '.i GN 1 F ! CANT WAS . nRhHAM CALL ON MINISTER FOR CULTURE~ ALTHOUGH A I I.I~ ELl AS 1 5 a MI NUTE r. 0lJ1n E 3 Y C AL. L , C0 VER :l AT I 0 N fi E(!AME sud .i:; ,. Ar~ 7 l v e AN 0 ME t-,; T I NG L. '· s j t; n II 0 R 4 0 MI Nu TE s ' LUNGEST OF KIND IN MEMORV ·-- ----·-·-. ···------~G.AlN lTS 9 . ; . ... I __ l-- . - . - - I - HI~ OBVIOUS fi"A!jC!NATION OU[ HEn COMPE~LING PRESENCK AND DYNAMIC HIND~ · ~ 11 WORKSHu?, AN ELECTRIC PERFORMANCE BV GRAliAM HERESEL.F 1 WA~ 4 OAZZLING DISPLAY OF ENEHGY ANO INSIGHTS THAT HAn EVEN HER OWN OANCERS lMPRESSEOA P~ST P~EASEO CO~DUCT BESIO~S RQ WITH OF ENTIRE COMPANY. .... ' , ., .,._ ... r.RAH1\Mj EXECUTIVE DlRECTOP., DANCERS AND Cl;tl~~ STl\FP rtf..RPOt..~l Vt;;, AGREEABL.E AND VERY PEHSOtJA6L.I.:" ARE TlitV ,......... ~~L VALUAaLE ASSE7S IN REPHESENTATIONAL . S~TTINGS ANO • II • P ~ ~ ... .,. ...... ~l! t'HJ L 0 f) F. r, I v~ ~~ E vER v npp 0 RT u N I T y Mr x . wl i H '· 0 c Al.. e0IllHER?11 RT s Mm FAN s • 0 NL. y c 0 M!->LA INT RE c; l s TE f! ED WA~ YHAT SINGAPORE VISIT TOO SHORT TO A~~ow ~OMPANV RUJ:F IC 1 ~NT PERSQN~L. CUNT .lCT , - . ·' I • UNCL.ASSif lEO ·. 11 )S·1 G52 .... --....... _....... ---·- -· .............. ·-... - . ....... - ' Departnient of Stctte ., I UNC~ASSif IED PAr~E:J'13 _,. ~ lNGAP 0;~900 250904Z ,, t; , l 0 fll. Y fl lS: VH: ~J T0 0 Ai' f! 1 C0 NS E f( YA T I VI'! f. NGI. I S H • LANGUAGf STMNlTS T1MES DRAMA REVIEWEN WRO TE I •I T. N Ft' AWI' ; ~llJ 0 n~ MAR TH A GH ft. 11 Ml HAS R AI SE0 M0 D!; ~ N ... ~ ' ' ~~ . OANCE 1'0 TH~ MONUMENT 1\I.. HEIGHTS· OF 'iHE l)a tz ATEST won:'s !N i•1::-: Cl.A~:HC.\1.. ~JOHLD OF ARTS11 SHE rs. ..\ . ' ".. .. wl yH 0 u'f 0 i) uf3 r AN A~ T xs 'rt~ aF' vl sl 0 N , AN . l N N 0 vAT 0 ~ ! I ANn A GHEAT CHOREOGRAPHER, . .. ,, ' - ,, ... 1"g MtR L.f.GEr~o ARY MARTHA GFt AMHAM DANCE COMP ANV HAS ' GATH~RHU TOGETHER A BRILLIANT AND DYNAMIC GROUP nF OANCfRS. THEIR FINAL P~RFURHANC! AT THE ,. HATIONAL THEATRE MAOE ~ TREMENDOUS ANO UNfOHGETTABLE .. YHPACT ON ALL PRESENJ UNQUOTE, . •!' A 11 AF'TEP.NOClN tNGLISH L.MJGU/\Gr: · DAil.V NEW NATION to•• • 'I PL. ANN l N(;° I N AUG U::? A TE NE ~l r: 0 RM AT 0 CT CH.H~ I~ 0 N ~~ ~H TH FUI L P~GE SPR~AO ON MARTHA GRAHAM ~ND RADIO !-'!I NG APOH~ Of.: V.OT l NG F'lll.L HAL.F MOlJR PROGRAM ON SEPTEMRER 30 TO COMPANYtS SlNGAPORE V!SITw REVIEW . nP PERFORHANC~. WILL BE PART OF THAT PROGRAHe. ·. ... 0 9 . SINGAPORE 15 A COUNTRY WXTHOUT A OANCE TRADITION ANn WITH LITTLE SUBSTANTIVE CULTURAL OR p ~s vc H (}I. 0 i; I c: ~ L I 0 EN T I F I c AT I aN wI TH u II s ll p RE v A"'· I NG PE;; RC E PT l 0 NS MA V ST I LL : BE · 0 ES CR I 6 E0 AS AM 0 l V ,H, i; NT YHF. REAi. VAt.llE OF' iHE HMHHA GRAHAM VIfllT IS THAT ' ... YHROUG~ H!R OWN SHEER FORCE OF PERSONALITY ANU THE RR!~LIANCE OF HER COMPANY ONSTAGE, THERE WI~L BE ROME HEVIS!ON OF ATTITUDES HEME, PARTlCULAR~V IN Ml~ISTRY OF CULTURE, CRl":NK .... : ..... : ~ .. ~. .. .. ... ~ .. ......... .· .... ... ~ •, ~· · . • h U I ' .. ' ., UNC~ASSIFlED 1l '"~ J.lS•16:32 \ .. J"nnM -- • - .. • ~~------------ I Departr,2ent of Stat·e UNC~ASSIFlEO 516g PAnE ~1 SINGAP 0~g03 26~512Z i2 ACTION CU•05 020677 R Pb0845Z SEP 74 . FM AM~M~ASSY ~INGAPOR~ TO SECSTATE WASHDC 1277 TNFO USIA WASHDC AHFMBAS~V RANGKO~ •· AMr.ONSU~ HON~ KONG AMFMBASSV JAKARTA AMFM8ASSY RANGnON AMFMBASSV KUA~A LUMPUR AMFMBASSV SAIGON AMFM8ASSV MANILA r AMFMRASSV~~==~ lJNl':L.A Fun, 11ti521 N/A TAr.~r OC.XC ~URJECTI MARTHA GRAHAM DANCE COMPANY REF& SINGAPOR~ 3900 '' IN DELAYED REACTION, AFTERNOON ENGLISH LANGUAGE NEW NATION DEVOTED FU~L PAGE TO REVIEW OF GRAHAM VlRlT WITH TITLE, QUOTE THE FURY UF DANCE! THE nAv MARTHA GRAHAM SWEPT THE SINGAPORE STAGE, ttNnUOTE, '· IN PART NEW NATION SAID QUOTE 11aeLAST FRIDAY NIGHT ~~~~E~ COMPANY OF ~4 DANCERS GAVE ITS FIRST PERFORMANCE AT THE NATIONAL THEAT"E, MEMB~RS nF THE AUDIENCE EXCLAIMED& QUOTE IT WAS AN ~~FCTHirV4NG PRESENCEo~~BUT FULL 0, GRACE, ~HF WAS IN A RED GOWN ANO COULD BE CALLED REAUTlFUL, WE KNOW WE SAW A G~NlUS IN OUR ., . MinST, UNwUOT~ ••• '· ' ' •' , • .. ......' . '·· --··~----------~-----U-N~~-~~~-·-S_l_'_l_!_D________ __ ....,. ___ ._. ....... - ,..__._ .. ., •......,.7 •I .. Depa:rt1nent of State UNCL.ASSlFlEO PAr.E ~2 SINGAP 03903 260512Z ~. QUOTEuaaSINGAPORE'S DANCERS WERE NOT IMPERVIOUS TO HER INF~U~NCE. ON SATURDAY SHE HELD A CLO~EO WORKSHOP ~OR OUR BALLET T~ACH~RS WHO CAM ~ OUT n~ THE SESSION DAZED BV THE GENUIS OF THE WOMAN. UNQUOTf ••• A. •••QUOTE MISS GOH 500 KHIM ANO MR. CHEN HAl rHnw ENTHUSEDa QUOTE SHE REALLY DOMINATES THE ~CFNE AND FOR THOSE THREE HOU~S WE WERE TkANS• PO~TEO INTO A DREAM WORLD, ~E LEARNED A LOT hNn THOUGH NOT YOUNG, SHE IS YOUTH ITSEL.f e uNnuore:, r.HnNK .. ... .... ...... ; .. ... ' . ----~--- _......,_... -·------------- . ... Dehartnzent o+ State r.:~itu,~i ~r;uG· ri1\.n t'·~\ . r 'J ~n .':I . Ml,IJM,;t~. ' . I ~"t' ~I · • \ · ..iii · · · I~ •· I • . ' . "\. ' --------------------------------------------------------------__,.,.__.,.- - UNCL.ASSlFIED 07~7 PAn~ ~1 SANGKO 1~632 28~3~1Z ,. ei ACTION CU•Cl\5 ~NFO 0CT•~1 EA"07 IS0"~0 /013 W P R ~8~1247 S~P 74 FM AMEMtlASSY 8ANG~OK T~ ~ECSTATE WASHDC PRIO~ITV 7167 118TA r~ASHOC PHIORITY rNFO AM~M~ASSY RANGOON tiMFMAASSY ~AIGON 11Nr.L.AS~632 F.n, 116521 N/A TAnsi o~xc ~URJECTI ~U/CUPs MATHA GRAHAM ~TATE FOR CU/CP, USIA fOR IEA ~ASS HEDGES i, MARTHA r,RAHAM ANO COMPANY ARRIVED BANG~OK UN ~CHEOULE THU~SOAY SEPT~HBER 26p CALA RtCEPT!UN FOR MISS GRAH-H AND ENT!R~ ~OMPANY WA~ HUSTED dY AMBASSAOOH AT RESIDtNCE ThUHSUAY EVENlN~ FOR TwO HUNDRED GUESTSe ATTENDEE~ INCLLIDEU HI~H RTG OFFICIALS~ N~A MtM8F.RS, PERSONS OF ROYAL RANK ~EADIN~ ACADEMlCSi ~U~l~JtSS ~OMMLJNITY ANn PRESSQ MISS GRAHAM CHARMED GUESTS IN PRlVAT~ ~ITTINGS ANO A COMPANY OF THAI CLASSICAL OANCERS FRUM RTG rlNE ARTS DEPA~TMF.NT PERFORMED TWO NuMBERS 9 AMdASSADOR CONGR~TULATED PO~T FOR EXCELLENT ARRANGMENTS ANO WELL EXECUTED PRUGRAMQ .
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