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Connecticut’s only trade magazine and comprehensive online resource for the local licensed beer, wine and spirits industry. Market’s Largest Product Source Brand & Price Index Local News, Photos & Columns GET LEARN READ SHOP MARKET INFORMATION ABOUT NEW NEWS, BE NEWS PRODUCTS & PRICES PRODUCTS ANYTIME INCLUDED IN YOUR SUBSCRIPTION PASSWORD TO ACCESS THE ONLINE PRODUCT PORTAL REAL-TIME PRODUCTS AND PRICES, ANYTIME, VIA MOBILE PHONE, TABLET OR LAPTOP ONLINE ORDERING 24/7 CONTACT US TO SUBSCRIBE CALL US AT 203.288.3375 | VISIT US AT WWW.THEBEVERAGEJOURNAL.COM JANUARY2015 FEATURES 10 Green Mountain Momentum Vermont’s spirits and beers are striking a chord with consumers 12 Local Down-Lo A handful of local beverage professionals weigh in on 2015 top trends. 14 Industry Awards The annual CRA awards and dinner shines a spotlight on the 10 state’s industry. 34 Brand Profi le Washington’s historic Columbia Winery streamlines its wine line-up. 36 Under One Roof Germany’s ProWein trade show gathers global steam as the top spot for the trade. 44 Catching Up On Rye A recent growth spurt and brown goods momentum make rye the whiskey to bet on. A Thyme to Cook celebrate being named “Caterer of the Year.” Photo by Brian Ambrose. 14 36 44 January 2015 CONNECTICUT BEVERAGE JOURNAL 3 JANUARY2015 48 Special Report: Garnacha This Mediterranean grape is ready for prime time. 54 Crystal Ball 2015 Industry veterans share their trends to watch in wine, spirits and technology. 56 Sister Act Robin and Andréa McBride fi nd their way with Truvée wines. 48 58 Bar Talk Matthew Conway, of Restaurant Marc Forgione in NYC, forges ahead.
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