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Q425 mm) with incomplete cranium (pre- A Swimming Mammaliaform from the served length Q60 mm) but well-preserved and lower ( 4, Middle and Ecomorphological canine 1, 5, molars 6). Lower molars 3 to 6 have the diagnostic characteristics of docodontans (Fig. 2): anteriorly placed and Diversification of Early enlarged lingual g, triangulated crests

1,3 2,1 3 2 formed by cusps a-c and a-g, and two partially Qiang Ji, Zhe-Xi Luo, * Chong-Xi Yuan, Alan R. Tabrum enclosed basins formed respectively by cusps a, b, and g, and by cusps a, c, and d (9–12). As in A docodontan mammaliaform from the of possesses swimming all docodontans, the molars were capable of and burrowing skeletal and some dental features for aquatic feeding. It is both shearing by the triangulated crests and the most primitive taxon in the mammalian lineage known to have and has a broad, grinding between the anterior (‘‘pseudotalonid’’) flattened, partly scaly analogous to that of modern . We infer that docodontans basin and the transversely widened upper molars were semiaquatic, convergent to the modern and many placentals. (9–12). is distinctive from other This demonstrates that some mammaliaforms, or proximal relatives to modern mammals, docodontans in having mediolaterally com- developed diverse locomotory and feeding adaptations and were ecomorphologically different pressed crowns of molars 1 and 2, each with from the majority of generalized small terrestrial mammalian . five cusps in straight alignment (23, 24); pri- mary cusp a and posterior cusps c and d are he Middle Jurassic mammalian diver- several taxa are known from the Middle slightly recurved (Fig. 2). These ‘‘triconodont- sification gave rise to several emergent Jurassic (1, 9–13). Here, we report on a large like’’ anterior molars are plesiomorphic for Tclades: eutriconodontans, amphi- docodontan mammaliaform that has some mammaliaforms (6–8) but nonetheless distinc- theriid cladotherians, the basal mammalian dental features for feeding on aquatic inverte- tive among docodontans. They are convergent to lineage of shuotheriids, and basal australos- brates and small , plus specialized those of placental mesonychians and phenidans (1–5). These new of crown skeletal and soft-tissue features for swimming (25). This type of with recurved Mammalia coexisted with several mamma- and burrowing. cusps in alignment is hypothesized to be a spe- liaform lineages (the proximal relatives to Description and comparison. Castorocauda cialization for feeding on and aquatic modern mammals) (1, 6–8). Docodontans are lutrasimilis, gen. et sp. nov. (14), is from the invertebrates by functional analogy to the teeth a Mesozoic mammaliaform lineage that have Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation, dated of modern such as seals. specialized molars for omnivorous feeding; to be approximately 164 million ago Castorocauda is preserved with intact middle (15–17). The fauna includes (17, 18), ear bones (Fig. 2) on the , including the 1 Department of Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing a coelurosaurian (19), lissamphibians articular (), the surangular, and the 200017, China. 2Carnegie Museum of , Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA. 3Chinese Academy of Geolog- (20), abundant fossil (21), and the angular (ectotympanic). The bones ical Sciences, Beijing 100037, China. conchostracan Euestheria (22). The holotype in anatomical association with the mandible *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: of C. lutrasimilis (Fig. 1) is represented by a corroborate a previous interpretation of the mid- [email protected] partial skeleton (preserved rostrum-tail length dle ear in docodontans (26). A concavity on the SCIENCE VOL 311 24 FEBRUARY 2006 1123 RESEARCH ARTICLES

Fig. 1. Holotype of Castorocauda lutrasimilis [Jinzhou Museum of Paleon- tology (JZMP) 04-117]. (A)Photograph of the holotype. (B) Osteological struc- tures and preserved soft-tissue features. (C)ReconstructionofCastorocauda lutrasimilis as a swimming and - ing mammaliaform. Abbreviations: as, as- tragalus; ca, caudal vertebrae; cn, ento-, meso-, and ecto-cuneiforms; co, coro- noid process of dentary; cp, carpals; cs, calcaneus; ec, ectepicondyle and supi- nator shelf (); ef, entepicondyle foramen; ep?, probable epipubis; is, ischium; J, jugal; L1-6, lumbar ribs 1 to 6; m, molars; mb, manubrium of malleus; mp, metacarpals; mx, ; px, ; ra, ; rc, radial condyle; S1-2, sacrals 1 and 2; sp, extratarsal (‘‘poisonous’’) spur; t4-t14 (preserved ribs through thoracic 17); uc, ulnar condyle; ul, .

posterior aspect of the mandibular angle ac- Fig. 2. Dentition and commodates the ectotympanic (angular). The mandible of Castorocauda posterior position of the ectotympanic concav- lutrasimilis (JZMP04-117). ity on the mandibular angle in docodontans is (A)Labialviewoflower different from and more derived than that in the molars 1 to 6. (B)Lin- mammaliaforms and Morganu- gual view of lower molars codon, in which the ectotympanic concavity 1to6.(C)Crownviewof is on the medial aspect of the mandibular angle lower molars 3 to 6. (D) (6, 7). The manubrium of the malleus (retro- Cusp pattern [cusp desig- nation from (11, 12)]. (E) articular process of the articular) is anteriorly Middle ear bones. (F) curved and long in comparison with the Reconstructed mandible short manubrium of and and middle ear bones Sinoconodon (6, 7, 27). The proportion of (lateral view). c, canine; the malleus manubrium is similar to that of m, molars. extant , although slightly more robust than in the latter. Castorocauda is sim- ilar to crown Mammalia and more derived than Sinoconodon, Morganucodon,andallpre- mammaliaform (27)inpreservedmid- dle ear features. Our analyses, including new characters of Castorocauda, corroborate that docodontans are a mammaliaform , less derived than but more derived than Sinoco- nodon and Morganucodon (1, 8, 26, 28, 29). Among docodontans, Castorocauda is close- ly related to the Middle Jurassic Krusatodon and Simpsonodon of England (9–11), sug- gesting interchange between faunas of the Eurasian landmasses during the Middle Ju- rassic time. Integument. The fur of Castorocauda is preserved as impressions of guard and carbonized under-. Hairs and -related integument structures are important character- eutriconodontans, and symmetrodonts (1). This and that the origins of biological adaptations istics of all modern mammals (30, 31). Several indicates that the presence of fur is ancestral of mammalian integument, such as tactile sen- younger within the crown Mammalia for the crown Mammalia. Castorocauda further sory function and thermal insulation, occurred are preserved with fur, including basal euthe- shows that fur was also present in mammalia- before the origin of the crown Mammalia rians and metatherians (32, 33), multituberculates, form relatives of modern mammals (Fig. 3A) (30, 31).


Swimming and adaptations. Mam- indicating that their were naked or scaly. length of the tail. Carbonized scales are present mals with fossilized pelage from the Early By contrast, Castorocauda shows a broad adjacent to caudal vertebrae 9 through 20 but have few or no outline of preserved fur on the tail, which is at are best seen on both sides of caudals 11 hairs on the tail posterior to the pelvic area, least 50% wider than the pelvic width along the through 18 (Fig. 1). The proximal 25% of the tail is covered by guard hairs, the middle 50% Fig. 3. Phylogenetic rela- mostly covered by scales with sparse hairs, and tions of the docodontan the distal 25% by scales interspersed with guard Castorocauda lutrasimilis. hairs. The broad and scaly tail of Castorocauda (A)RelationofCastorocauda was similar to that of the modern Castor to other mammaliaforms (in- canadensis, a semiaquatic placental cluding crown Mammalia): well adapted for swimming. the strict consensus of 74 Postcranial skeletal features of Castorocauda equally parsimonious trees also show specializations for swimming. Cau- from 1000 heuristic runs of dal vertebrae 5 through 13 have dorsoventrally PAUP (version 4.0b10) search compressed centra, with the more posterior ofadatasetof48taxaand vertebrae completely flattened. Caudal verte- 281 characters [emended from brae 5 through 15 have bifurcate transverse refs (1, 28, 29, 42, 43)]; processes. Both are key features of placental for each of the 78 parsimo- mammals with tails specialized for swimming nious trees: tree length, 941; (34). In caudal vertebrae 5 through 7, the cranial consistency index, 0.507; transverse process is much longer than the retention index, 0.773. (B) Relationships of Castorocauda within the : the single most parsimonious caudal transverse process. The flattened centrum tree from brand-and-bound search of Phylogenetic Analyses and bifurcate transverse processes form a Using Parsimony (and Other Methods) 4.0b10 of 9 distinctive ‘‘butterfly’’ pattern (Fig. 4). This is docodontan genera plus 6 outgroups and 19 dental characters identical to caudals 9 through 12 of the beaver [adopted from refs. (10–12, 43)]; tree length, 49; consistency (Fig. 4). In caudals 7 through 10, the cranial and index, 0.633; retention index, 0.755. For details of analyses, caudal transverse processes are of approximately see (24). equal size and are similar to caudals of the river canadensis. In caudals 10 through 18, the transverse processes are reduced and the vertebral outline is graded into an hourglass shape. These vertebral and tail characteristics in this Middle Jurassic docodontan are very similar to those of modern beavers and , mammals capable of paddling and/or dorsoventral cau- dal undulation for propulsion in swimming (34, 35). Remnants of soft tissue between pedal digits suggest some webbing of hind feet.

Fig. 4. Comparison of the caudal vertebrae of Castorocauda lutrasimilis and other mammals (A to E scaled to about the same tail length, all dorsal view). (A) domestica (), a generalized terrestrial mammal. (B) jenkinsi (eutri- conodontan), a terrestrial mammal of the . (C) Castorocauda (JZMP04117), all caudal vertebrae. (D) Castor canadensis (modern beaver), all caudal vertebrae. (E) Lutra canadensis (river otter), caudal 9. (F) Castorocauda, caudals 5 and 9. (G) Beaver, caudal 15. Transverse processes are present in proximal caudal vertebrae of all mammals but are reduced markedly in the vertebrae posterior to the and are absent in more distal caudal vertebrae of generalized terrestrial mammals (e.g., Felis and Jeholodens). In semiaquatic placen- tals, the hypertrophied and bifurcate transverse processes form a ‘‘butterfly’’ or ‘‘horizontal H’’ pattern in caudal vertebrae that are correlated with the scaly and paddlelike tail of the beaver (34).TheMiddleJurassicCastorocauda developed similar caudal vertebral structures and had a broad, flattened, scaly tail as in modern beavers. Its semiaquatic feeding is similar to that of the modern river otter. SCIENCE VOL 311 24 FEBRUARY 2006 1125 RESEARCH ARTICLES

Both Castorocauda and the bones for buoyancy control), a characteristic 14. Etymology: Castor (Latin), beaver; cauda (Latin), tail; docodontan are similar to the mod- of fully aquatic and much larger sirenian after the broad, flattened, scaly, and beaverlike tail for swimming; lutra (Latin), otter; similis (Latin), similar; ern Ornithorhynchus in mammals. similar to extant otters in some dental and vertebral fossorial specializations (28–36). The distal hu- Castorocauda is the largest known Juras- characters. : Clade ( merus is wide; it has hypertrophied epicondyles, sic mammaliaform (including mammals). By Mammalia by traditional definition); Order Docodonta; a supinator process, and massive and widely its preserved length of Q60 mm and the ; gen. et sp. nov. Castorocauda lutrasimilis. Holotype: Jinzhou Museum of , separated ulnar and radial condyles. The ulna well-established scaling relation of skull and Jinzhou City, Province, China (JZMP-04-117), has a massive and asymmetrical body mass (8, 41), we estimate that the body an incomplete, flattened skeleton, partial skull, preserved process. The radius is robust. The carpals are mass of the holotype specimen was at least with fur and scales. Locality and Age: Daohugou locality blocklike, and the metacarpals and proximal 500 g. The preserved length from rostrum (N41-18.979¶, E119-14.318¶), Ningcheng County, Inner phalanges are robust and wide. A single and to tail is 425 mm, but the actual body length Mongolia, China; Jiulongshan Formation, dated to be 164 million years ago (15–17). large sesamoid bone for the digital flexor muscle is certainly greater. The length of 15. W. Chen, Q. Ji, D.-Y. Liu et al., Geol. Bull. China 23, 1165 tendon is present at the metacarpal-phalangeal with similar fossorial and semi- (in Chinese) (2004). joint. aquatic habits ranges from 390 to 550 mm, 16. Y.-Q. Liu, Y.-X. Liu, Geophys. Res. Lett. 32, L12314 The forelimb of Ornithorhynchus is adapted corresponding to a body mass range of 700 to (2005). 17. Q. Ji et al., Mesozoic Jehol Biota of Western Liaoning, to digging and also used for rowing during 2400 g. We estimate the upper limit of body China (Geol. Publ. House, Beijing, 2004). swimming and diving (35–37). It has been mass to be approximately 800 g for Castor- 18. X.-L. Wang, Z.-H. Zhou, F.-C. Zhang, X. Xu, Chin. Sci. hypothesized that the docodontan Haldanodon ocauda. All other Jurassic mammals are Bull. 47, 226 (2002). was semiaquatic (28, 38). From the additional small (1). Constrained by their small size, 19. X. Xu, F.-C. Zhang, Naturwissenschaften 92, 173 (2004). 20. K.-Q. Gao, N. Shubin, Nature 422, 424 (2003). evidence of Castorocauda, it appears that many most were generalized terrestrial insecti- 21. D. Ren et al., Geol. Bull. China 21, 584 (2002) docodontans were burrowing mammals with vores or . Previously, the largest (in Chinese). sprawling limb posture and in terrestrial taxon was Sinoconodon rigneyi (7); its largest 22. Y. Shen, P. Chen, D. Huang, J. Stratigraphy 27, 311 locomotion. They may have also used the fore- individuals reached an estimated body mass (2003) (in Chinese). limbs for rowing during swimming, as an of 500 g (8). Based on its relatively large 23. Diagnosis: Lower dentition i4, c1, p5, m6 (Fig. 2). Castorocauda lutrasimilis has the typical docodontan molar exaptation (37), as in the platypus. size, swimming body structure, and anterior features in molars 3 to 6 but is distinguishable from other Plated ribs. Based on the preserved ribs and molars specialized for piscivorous feeding, docodontans by the mediolaterally compressed molars 1 vertebral bodies, we estimate that Castorocauda Castorocauda was a semiaquatic , and 2 with slightly recurved cusps in alignment. In probably had 14 thoracic, 7 lumbar, 3 sacral and similar to the modern river otter. This fossil mandibular length, C. lutrasimilis is about twice as large as , the next largest docodontan. See also (24). 25 caudal vertebrae (Fig. 1). The proximal por- shows that basal mammals occupied more 24. Materials and methods are available as supporting tions of the thoracolumbar ribs have broad diverse niches than just those of small in- material on Science Online. costal plates; the adjacent costal plates overlap sectivorous or omnivorous mammals with 25. M. A. O’Leary, in The Emergence of Whales, by at least one-third of the plate width. The generalized terrestrial locomotory features. J. G. M. Thewissen, Ed. (Plenum Press, New York, 1998), pp. 133–161. costal plates resemble the plated thoraco- Castorocauda also suggests that mammalia- 26. J. A. Lillegraven, G. Krusat, Contrib. Geol. Univ. Wyom. lumbar ribs of the cynodonts , forms developed physiological adaptations 28, 39 (1991). (39), and Diademodon (40), associated with pelage, well before the rise 27. E. F. Allin, J. 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Paleontol. 24, 195 Paleontology for making this specimen available for tations (39). The plated ribs of Castorocauda (2004). us to study. We also thank K. C. Beard, M. R. Dawson, 12. P. M. Butler, J. Vertebr. Paleontol. 17, 435 (1997). T. Martin, N. Rybczynski, and J. R. Wible for numerous are very thin and lack the pachyosteosclerosis 13. A. O. Averianov et al., Acta Palaeontol. Pol. 50, 789 discussions; M. R. Dawson for improving the manuscript; (hypertrophied growth of the highly compact (2005). M. A. Klingler for assistance with graphics; J. R. Wible for

1126 24 FEBRUARY 2006 VOL 311 SCIENCE access to collections; and H.-L. You for assistance with Science Foundation (China), National Geographic Society, Matrixes S1 and S2 this study. We received support from the Chinese and Carnegie Museum of Natural History (Z.-X.L.). References Academy of Geological Sciences (Beijing), Ministry of Land Resources of China, Ministry of Science and Supporting Online Material Technology of China (973 project) (Q.J.); and from the 28 November 2005; accepted 23 January 2006 National Science Foundation (USA), National Natural SOM Text 10.1126/science.1123026


star binary, a stellar-mass black hole is formed X-ray Flares from Postmerger with a transient torus of mass È1 to 10% of the total. These scenarios are valid if the total È Millisecond Pulsars mass ( 2.5 to 2.8 MR, where MR is the solar mass) of the postmerger object is larger than Z. G. Dai,1* X. Y. Wang,1 X. F. Wu,2 B. Zhang3 the maximum mass of a nonrotating Tolman- Oppenheimer-Volkoff neutron star, Mmax,0. Recent observations support the suggestion that short-duration gamma-ray bursts are produced by This is valid if the nuclear equation of state compact star mergers. The x-ray flares discovered in two short gamma-ray bursts last much longer (EOS) is soft to moderately stiff (17). than the previously proposed postmerger energy-release time scales. Here, we show that they can However, the total mass of the postmerger be produced by differentially rotating, millisecond pulsars after the mergers of binary neutron object is smaller than Mmax,0 for very stiff stars. The differential rotation leads to windup of interior poloidal magnetic fields and the resulting EOSs on the basis of mean field theory (17). toroidal fields are strong enough to float up and break through the stellar surface. Magnetic Timing observations of the millisecond pulsar reconnection–driven explosive events then occur, leading to multiple x-ray flares minutes after the J0751þ1807 in a circular binary system with original gamma-ray burst. a helium white-dwarf companion (18) reveal the existence of a neutron star with mass of 2.1 T 0.2 MR (at the 1s confidence level). amma-ray bursts (GRBs) are flashes of identified elliptical galaxies associated with This measurement implies that the maximum gamma rays occurring at the cosmolog- GRB 050509B (3, 4) and GRB 050724 (8, 9) mass of nonrotating neutron stars must be Gical distances. They fall into two classes suggest that these hosts are early-type galaxies larger than 2.1 MR so that stiff EOSs are (1): short-duration (G2 s) hard-spectrum bursts with a low star-formation rate, ruling out favored. Furthermore, recent general relativ- and long-duration soft-spectrum bursts. Long progenitor models invoking active star forma- istic numerical simulations (17, 19)have GRBs result from core collapses of massive stars tion. Second, the nondetection of any super- shown that for stiff to very stiff nuclear EOSs, (2), and short GRBs appear to be produced in nova signal from GRB 050709 indicates that the postmerger object is indeed a differential- mergers of neutron star binaries or black hole– short bursts are not associated with collapses ly rotating massive neutron star with period of neutron star binaries (3–9). Recently, thanks to of massive stars (5, 7). Third, afterglow mod- È1 ms, because uniform rotation and differ- accurate localizations of several short GRBs eling of GRB 050709 suggests a low-density ential rotation can support a maximum mass È È (3, 6, 8) by satellites Swift and High Energy environment (13), which is consistent with that 20 and 50% higher than Mmax,0,re- Transient Explorer 2 (HETE-2), the multiwave- of the outskirt of the host galaxy or that of an spectively. It is therefore reasonable to as- length afterglows from these events have been intergalactic medium. sume the existence of a differentially rotating detected and the associated host galaxies However, the above merger origin was millisecond pulsar after a double neutron star have been identified. The observations pro- recentlychallengedbythe discovery of x-ray merger. Such a pulsar should also be sur- vide a few pieces of evidence in favor of the flares occurring after two short bursts. X-ray rounded by a hot torus with mass È0.01 to 0.1 binary compact object merger origin of short flares were discovered to occur at least È100 s MR. Similar to the previous scenarios, a short GRBs (10–12). Because it takes È0.1to1bil- after the triggers of the short GRB 050709 (5) burst may be produced by the Parker in- years of gravitational wave radiation and GRB 050724 (8). These flares require that stability in the torus (11) or the annihilation of before the binary coalesces, at least some the central engine is in long-lasting activity. neutrinos emitted from the torus (12). short GRB host galaxies should contain a This requirement conflicts with the current mod- After the GRB trigger, differential rotation relatively old stellar population. Because neu- els involving neutron star–neutron star mergers starts to wind the interior magnetic field into tron stars in the binary system usually receive (14, 15) or neutron star–black hole mergers (16), a toroidal field (20, 21). To represent physical a very high natal velocity, the merger site is because all of these models are attached to a processes of windup and floating of the preferably at the outskirt of the host galaxy, common postmerger picture that invokes a black magnetic field, we considered a simple two- and the circumburst medium density is like- hole surrounded by a torus. The predicted typical component model in which the star is divided ly low. These characteristics have been re- time scales for energy release are much shorter into two zones with a boundary at the radius Q ; vealed by recent observations: First, the than 100 s, as observed in GRBs 050709 and Rc 0.5 R* (where R* is the stellar radius): the 050724. Therefore, understanding the origin core and the shell components. Their moments

of x-ray flares from short bursts is currently of inertia are Ic and Is and their angular 1 Department of , Nanjing University, Nanjing of great interest. Here, we show that such flares (rotation) velocities are Wc and Ws, respectively. 210093, China. 2Purple Mountain Observatory and Joint can be produced by differentially rotating, milli- The differential angular velocity is then DW 0 Center for Particle Nuclear Physics and of Purple second pulsars with typical surface magnetic Wc – Ws and its initial value (marked by a Mountain Observatory–Nanjing University, Chinese Academy 0 of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China. 3Department of Physics, fields that occur after the mergers of binary subscript zero) is taken as (DW)0 A0Ws,0 University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV 89154, USA. neutron stars. (where A0 is the ratio of the initial differential *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: In the conventional scenarios of short angular velocity to the shell_s initial angular [email protected] bursts (10–12), after the merger of a neutron velocity). If the radial magnetic field compo- SCIENCE VOL 311 24 FEBRUARY 2006 1127