

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7.449,173 B2 Rabinowitz et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Nov. 11, 2008

(54) DELIVERY OF , 4,863,720 A 9/1989 Burghartet al. ESTAZOLAM, OR 4,895,719 A 1/1990 Radhakrishnun et al. TRAZOLAM THROUGH AN INHALATION 4,906,417 A 3/1990 Gentry ROUTE 4,917,119 A 4, 1990 Potter et al. 4,924,883. A 5/1990 Perfetti et al. (75) Inventors: Joshua D Rabinowitz, Princeton, NJ 4.941,483. A 7/1990 Ridings et al. (US); Alejandro C Zaffaroni, Atherton, 4,963,289 A 10, 1990 Ortiz et al. CA (US) 5,042,509 A 8/1991 Banerjee et al. 5,049,389 A 9, 1991 Radhakrishnun (73) Assignee: Alexza Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 5,060.671 A 10, 1991 Counts et al. Mountain View, CA (US) 5,099,861 A 3, 1992 Clearman et al. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 5,135,009 A 8, 1992 Muller et al. patent is extended or adjusted under 35 5,144.962 A 9, 1992 Counts et al. U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. 5,146,915 A 9/1992 Montgomery 5,166,202 A 11/1992 Schweizer This patent is Subject to a terminal dis 5,224,498 A 7/1993 Deevi et al. claimer. 5,240,922 A 8, 1993 O'Neill 5,345,951 A 9, 1994 Serrano et al. (21) Appl. No.: 11/451,852 5,366,770 A 1 1/1994 Wang (22) Filed: Jun. 13, 2006 5,388,574 A 2/1995 Ingebrethsen (65) Prior Publication Data US 2006/0233718A1 Oct. 19, 2006 (Continued) Related U.S. Application Data FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (63) Continuation of application No. 10/769,157, filed on CA 2152684 1, 1996 Jan. 29, 2004, now Pat. No. 7,060,255. (51) Int. Cl. A6 IK 9/12 (2006.01) (Continued) A6 IK 9/14 (2006.01) A6M I5/00 (2006.01) OTHER PUBLICATIONS (52) U.S. Cl...... 424/45; 424/46; 424/434; Wood, R.W. et al. (1996). “Methylecgonidine Coats the Crack Par 424/489: 424/499; 514/958: 128/200.14: ticle.” Pharmacology Biochemistry & Behavior. 53(1):57-66. 128/200.24; 128/200.15 (58) Field of Classification Search ...... 424/45, (Continued) 424/46, 434, 489, 499; 514/958: 128/200.14, 128/200.24, 203.15 Primary Examiner Mina Haghighatian See application file for complete search history. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Swanson & Bratschun, L.L.C. (56) References Cited (57) ABSTRACT U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 3,219,533 A 11, 1965 Mullins 3,560,607 A 2/1971 Hartley et al. The present invention relates to aerosols containing alpra 3,949,743 A 4, 1976 Shanbrom Zolam, estazolam, midazolam or that are used in 3,982,095 A 9, 1976 Robinson inhalation therapy. In a method aspect of the present inven 4,141,369 A 2f1979 Burruss RE30,285 E 5/1980 Babington tion, alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam or triazolam is 4,229.447 A 10, 1980 Porter administered to a patient through an inhalation route. The 4,303,083. A 12/1981 Burruss, Jr. method comprises: a) heating a thin layer of alprazolam, 4,474,191 A 10, 1984 Steiner estazolam, midazolam or triazolam, on a solid Support to 4.484,576 A 11, 1984 Albarda form a vapor, and, b) passing air through the heated vapor to 4,508,726 A 4, 1985 Coleman produce aerosol particles having less than 5% drug degrada 4,566,451 A 1, 1986 Badewien tion products. In a kit aspect of the present invention, a kit for 4,588,721 A 5, 1986 Mahan delivering alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam or triazolam 4,683,231 A 7, 1987 Glassman through an inhalation route is provided which comprises: a) a 4,708,151 A 11, 1987 Shelar thin coating of an alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam, or tria 4,734,560 A 3, 1988 Bowen 4,735,217 A 4, 1988 Gerth et al. Zolam composition and b) a device for dispensing said thin 4,819,665 A 4, 1989 Roberts et al. coating as a condensation aerosol. 4,848,374. A 7, 1989 Chard et al. 4,853,517 A 8, 1989 Bowen et al. 41 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet US 7,449,173 B2 Page 2

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3 US 7,449,173 B2 1. 2 DELIVERY OF ALPRAZOLAM, prise less than 5 percent by weight of alprazolam, estaZolam, ESTAZOLAM, MIDAZOLAM OR midazolam or triazolam degradation products. More prefer TRAZOLAM THROUGH AN INHALATION ably, the particles comprise less than 2.5, 1, 0.5, 0.1 or 0.03 ROUTE percent by weight of alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam or triazolam degradation products. This application is a continuation of U.S. patent applica Typically, the aerosol particles comprise less than 90 per tion Ser. No. 10/769,157, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,060,255, filed cent by weight of water. Preferably, the particles comprise Jan. 29, 2004; which is a continuation of U.S. Pat. Nos. less than 80 percent by weight of water. More preferably, the 6,737,043, and 7,018,619 entitled “Delivery of Alprazolam, particles comprise less than 70 percent, 60 percent, 50 per Estazolam, Midazolam or Triazolam Through an Inhalation 10 cent, 40 percent, 30 percent, 20 percent, 10 percent, or 5 Route.” filed May 22, 2002, and Dec. 12, 2003, respectively percent by weight of water. Rabinowitz and Zaffaroni; which claim priority to U.S. pro Typically, at least 50 percent by weight of the aerosol is visional application Ser. No. 60/294.203, entitled “Thermal amorphous in form, wherein crystalline forms make up less Vapor Delivery of Drugs.” filed May 24, 2001, Rabinowitz than 50 percent by weight of the total aerosol weight, regard and Zaffaroni; U.S. provisional application Ser. No. 60/317. 15 less of the nature of individual particles. Preferably, at least 75 479, entitled “Aerosol Drug Delivery,” filed Sep. 5, 2001, percent by weight of the aerosol is amorphous in form. More Rabinowitz and Zaffaroni; and U.S. provisional application preferably, at least 90 percent by weight of the aerosol is Ser. No. 60/345,876, entitled “Delivery of Alprazolam, Esta amorphous in form. Zolam, Midazolam, and Triazolam Through an Inhalation Typically, the aerosol has an inhalable aerosol drug mass Route, filed Nov. 9, 2001, Rabinowitz and Hale; the entire density of between 0.02 mg/L and 10 mg/L. Preferably, the disclosures of which are hereby incorporated by reference. aerosol has an inhalable aerosol drug mass density of between 0.05 mg/L and 5 mg/L. More preferably, the aerosol has an FIELD OF THE INVENTION inhalable aerosol drug mass density of between 0.1 mg/L and 2 mg/L. The present invention relates to the delivery of alprazolam, 25 Typically, the aerosol has an inhalable aerosol particle estazolam, midazolam or triazolam through an inhalation density greater than 10° particles/mL. Preferably, the aerosol route. Specifically, it relates to aerosols containing alpra has an inhalable aerosol particle density greater than 107 Zolam, estazolam, midazolam or triazolam that are used in particles/mL. More preferably, the aerosol has an inhalable inhalation therapy. aerosol particle density greater than 10 particles/mL. 30 BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Typically, the aerosol particles have a mass median aero dynamic diameter of less than 5 microns, e.g., 0.2 to 3 There are a number of compositions currently marketed for microns. Preferably, the particles have a mass median aero the treatment of or . The compositions con dynamic diameterofless than 3 microns. More preferably, the tain at least one active ingredient that provides for observed 35 particles have a mass median aerodynamic diameter of less therapeutic effects. Among the active ingredients in Such than 2 or 1 micron(s). compositions are alprazolam, estaZolam, midazolam, and Typically, the geometric standard deviation around the triazolam. mass medianaerodynamic diameter of the aerosol particles is It is desirable to provide a new route of administration for less than 3.0. Preferably, the geometric standard deviation is alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam, and triazolam that rap 40 less than 2.5. More preferably, the geometric standard devia idly produces peak plasma concentrations of the compound. tion is less than 2.1. The provision of such a route is an object of the present Typically, the aerosol is formed by heating a composition invention. containing alprazolam, estaZolam, midazolam or triazolam to form a vapor and Subsequently allowing the vapor to con SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 45 dense into an aerosol. In a method aspect of the present invention, either alpra The present invention relates to the delivery of alprazolam, Zolam, estazolam, midazolam or triazolam is delivered to a estazolam, midazolam or triazolam through an inhalation mammal through an inhalation route. The method comprises: route. Specifically, it relates to aerosols containing alpra a) heating a composition, wherein the composition comprises Zolam, estazolam, midazolam or triazolam that are used in 50 at least 5 percent by weight of alprazolam, estazolam, mida inhalation therapy. Zolam or triazolam; and, b) allowing the vapor to cool, In a composition aspect of the present invention, the aero thereby forming a condensation aerosol comprising particles, Sol comprises particles comprising at least 5 percent by which is inhaled by the mammal. Preferably, the composition weight of alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam or triazolam. that is heated comprises at least 10 percent by weight of Preferably, the particles comprise at least 10 percent by 55 alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam or triazolam. More pref weight of alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam or triazolam. erably, the composition comprises 20 percent, 30 percent, 40 More preferably, the particles comprise at least 20 percent, 30 percent, 50 percent, 60 percent, 70 percent, 80 percent, 90 percent, 40 percent, 50 percent, 60 percent, 70 percent, 80 percent, 95 percent, 97 percent,99 percent, 99.5 percent, 99.9 percent, 90 percent, 95 percent, 97 percent, 99 percent, 99.5 percent or 99.97 percent by weight of alprazolam, estazolam, percent or 99.97 percent by weight of alprazolam, estazolam, 60 midazolam or triazolam. midazolam or triazolam. Typically, the delivered aerosol particles comprise at least Typically, the aerosol has a mass of at least lug. Preferably, 5 percent by weight of alprazolam, estaZolam, midazolam or the aerosol has a mass of at least 10 ug. More preferably, the triazolam. Preferably, the particles comprise at least 10 per aerosol has a mass of at least 20 ug. cent by weight of alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam or tria Typically, the aerosol particles comprise less than 10 per 65 Zolam. More preferably, the particles comprise at least 20 cent by weight of alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam or tria percent, 30 percent, 40 percent, 50 percent, 60 percent, 70 Zolam degradation products. Preferably, the particles com percent, 80 percent, 90 percent, 95 percent, 97 percent, 99 US 7,449,173 B2 3 4 percent, 99.5 percent, 99.9 percent or 99.97 percent by weight to the mammal in a single inspiration. Preferably, between 0.1 of alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam or triazolam. mg and 2 mg of estazolam are delivered to the mammal in a Typically, the aerosol has a mass of at least lug. Preferably, single inspiration. More preferably, between 0.2 mg and 1 mg the aerosol has a mass of at least 10 ug. More preferably, the of estazolam are delivered to the mammal in a single inspi aerosol has a mass of at least 20 ug. ration. Typically, the delivered aerosol particles comprise less Typically, where the condensation aerosol comprises than 10 percent by weight of alprazolam, estazolam, mida midazolam, between 0.05 mg and 4 mg of midazolam are Zolam or triazolam degradation products. Preferably, the par delivered to the mammal in a single inspiration. Preferably, ticles comprise less than 5 percent by weight of alprazolam, between 0.1 mg and 2 mg of midazolam are delivered to the estazolam, midazolam or triazolam degradation products. 10 mammalina single inspiration. More preferably, between 0.2 More preferably, the particles comprise less than 2.5, 1, 0.5, mg and 1 mg of midazolam are delivered in a single inspira 0.1 or 0.03 percent by weight of alprazolam, estazolam, mida tion. Zolam or triazolam degradation products. Typically, where the condensation aerosol comprises tria Typically, the aerosol particles comprise less than 90 per Zolam, between 0.006 mg and 0.5 mg of triazolam are deliv cent by weight of water. Preferably, the particles comprise 15 ered to the mammal in a single inspiration. Preferably, less than 80 percent by weight of water. More preferably, the between 0.0125 mg and 0.25 mg of triazolam are delivered to particles comprise less than 70 percent, 60 percent, 50 per the mammal in a single inspiration. More preferably, between cent, 40 percent, 30 percent, 20 percent, 10 percent, or 5 0.025 mg and 0.125 mg of triazolam are delivered to the percent by weight of water. mammal in a single inspiration. Typically, at least 50 percent by weight of the aerosol is Typically, the delivered condensation aerosol results in a amorphous in form, wherein crystalline forms make up less peak plasma concentration of alprazolam, estazolam, mida than 50 percent by weight of the total aerosol weight, regard Zolam or triazolam in the mammal in less than 1 h. Preferably, less of the nature of individual particles. Preferably, at least 75 the peak plasma concentration is reached in less than 0.5 h. percent by weight of the aerosol is amorphous in form. More More preferably, the peak plasma concentration is reached in preferably, at least 90 percent by weight of the aerosol is 25 amorphous in form. less than 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01, or 0.005 h (arterial mea Typically, the particles of the delivered condensation aero Surement). Sol have a mass median aerodynamic diameter of less than 5 In a kit aspect of the present invention, a kit for delivering microns, e.g., 0.2 to 3 microns. Preferably, the particles have alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam or triazolam through an a mass median aerodynamic diameter of less than 3 microns. 30 inhalation route to a mammal is provided which comprises: a) More preferably, the particles have a mass median aerody a composition comprising at least 5 percent by weight of namic diameter of less than 2 or 1 micron(s). alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam or triazolam; and, b) a Typically, the geometric standard deviation around the device that forms an alprazolam, estaZolam, midazolam or mass medianaerodynamic diameter of the aerosol particles is triazolam containing aerosol from the composition, for inha less than 3.0. Preferably, the geometric standard deviation is 35 lation by the mammal. Preferably, the composition comprises less than 2.5. More preferably, the geometric standard devia at least 10 percent by weight of alprazolam, estaZolam, mida tion is less than 2.1. Zolam or triazolam. More preferably, the composition com Typically, the delivered aerosol has an inhalable aerosol prises at least 20 percent, 30 percent, 40 percent, 50 percent, drug mass density of between 0.02 mg/L and 10 mg/L. Pref 60 percent, 70 percent, 80 percent, 90 percent, 95 percent, 97 erably, the aerosol has an inhalable aerosol drug mass density 40 percent, 99 percent, 99.5 percent, 99.9 percent or 99.97 per of between 0.05 mg/L and 5 mg/L. More preferably, the cent by weight of alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam or tria aerosol has an inhalable aerosol drug mass density of between Zolam. 0.1 mg/L and 2 mg/L. Typically, the device contained in the kit comprises: a) an Typically, the delivered aerosol has an inhalable aerosol element for heating the alprazolam, estaZolam, midazolam or particle density greater than 10° particles/mL. Preferably, the 45 triazolam composition to form a vapor; b) an element allow aerosol has an inhalable aerosol particle density greater than ing the vapor to cool to form an aerosol, and, c) an element 107 particles/mL. More preferably, the aerosol has an inhal permitting the mammal to inhale the aerosol. able aerosol particle density greater than 10 particles/mL. Typically, the rate of inhalable aerosol particle formation BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURE of the delivered condensation aerosol is greater than 10 50 particles per second. Preferably, the aerosol is formed at a rate FIG. 1 shows a device used to deliver alprazolam, esta greater than 10 inhalable particles per second. More prefer Zolam, midazolamor triazolam containing aerosols to a mam ably, the aerosol is formed atarate greater than 10" inhalable mal through an inhalation route. particles per second. Typically, the delivered aerosol is formed at a rate greater 55 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION than 0.1 mg/second. Preferably, the aerosol is formed at a rate greater than 0.25 mg/second. More preferably, the aerosol is formed at a rate greater than 0.5, 1 or 2 mg/second. Definitions Typically, where the condensation aerosol comprises “Aerodynamic diameter of a given particle refers to the alprazolam, between 0.05 mg and 4 mg of alprazolam are 60 diameter of a spherical droplet with a density of 1 g/mL (the delivered to the mammal in a single inspiration. Preferably, density of water) that has the same settling Velocity as the between 0.1 mg and 2 mg of alprazolam are delivered to the given particle. mammal in a single inspiration. More preferably, between 0.2 “Aerosol refers to a suspension of solid or liquid particles mg and 1 mg of alprazolam are delivered to the mammal in a in a gas. single inspiration. 65 “Aerosol drug mass density refers to the mass of alpra Typically, where the condensation aerosol comprises esta Zolam, estazolam, midazolam or triazolamper unit Volume of Zolam, between 0.05 mg and 4 mg of estazolam are delivered aerosol. US 7,449,173 B2 5 6 “Aerosol mass density' refers to the mass of particulate “Triazolam' refers to 8-chloro-6-(-o-chlorophenyl)-1-me matter per unit Volume of aerosol. thyl-4H-s-triazolo-4.3-C1,4), which has an “Aerosol particle density' refers to the number of particles empirical formula of CH2Cl2.N. per unit volume of aerosol. “Triazolam degradation product” refers to a compound Alprazolam' refers to 8-chloro-1-methyl-6-phenyl-4H-s- resulting from a chemical modification of triazolam. The triazolo-4.3-C1.4benzodiazepine, which has an empirical modification, for example, can be the result of a thermally or formula of C.H.CIN. photochemically induced reaction. Such reactions include, Alprazolam degradation product” refers to a compound without limitation, oxidation (e.g., of the methyl or methyl resulting from a chemical modification of alprazolam. The ene unit) and hydrolysis (e.g., of the imine portion). modification, for example, can be the result of a thermally or 10 “Typical patient tidal volume” refers to 1 L for an adult photochemically induced reaction. Such reactions include, patient and 15 mL/kg for a pediatric patient. without limitation, oxidation (e.g., of the methyl or methyl "Vapor refers to a gas, and “vapor phase' refers to a gas ene unit) and hydrolysis (e.g., of the imine portion). phase. The term “thermal vapor refers to a vapor phase, Amorphous particle' refers to a particle that does not aerosol, or mixture of aerosol-vapor phases, formed prefer contain more than 50 percent by weight of a crystalline form. 15 ably by heating. Preferably, the particle does not contain more than 25 percent by weight of a crystalline form. More preferably, the particle Formation of Alprazolam, Estazolam, Midazolam or Triaz does not contain more than 10 percent by weight of a crys olam Containing Aerosols talline form. Any suitable method is used to form the aerosols of the “Condensation aerosol refers to an aerosol formed by present invention. A preferred method, however, involves vaporization of a substance followed by condensation of the heating a composition comprising alprazolam, estaZolam, Substance into an aerosol. midazolam or triazolam to produce a vapor, followed by “Estazolam' refers to 8-chloro-6-phenyl-4H-s-triazolo4. cooling of the vapor such that it condenses to provide an 3-C.1.4benzodiazepine, which has an empirical formula of alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam or triazolam comprising CHCIN. 25 aerosol (condensation aerosol). The composition is heated in "Estazolam degradation product” refers to a compound one of two forms: as pure active compound (i.e., pure alpra resulting from a chemical modification of estazolam. The Zolam, estaZolam, midazolam or triazolam); or, as a mixture modification, for example, can be the result of a thermally or of active compound and a pharmaceutically acceptable photochemically induced reaction. Such reactions include, excipient. Typically, the composition is heated on a solid without limitation, oxidation (e.g., of the methylene unit) and 30 Support. hydrolysis (e.g., of the imine portion). Pharmaceutically acceptable excipients are either volatile "Inhalable aerosol drug mass density refers to the aerosol or nonvolatile. Volatile excipients, when heated, are concur drug mass density produced by an inhalation device and rently volatilized, aerosolized and inhaled with alprazolam, delivered into a typical patient tidal volume. estazolam, midazolam or triazolam. Classes of Such excipi "Inhalable aerosol mass density' refers to the aerosol mass 35 ents are known in the art and include, without limitation, density produced by an inhalation device and delivered into a gaseous, Supercritical fluid, liquid and Solid solvents. The typical patient tidal Volume. following is a list of exemplary carriers within the classes: "Inhalable aerosol particle density' refers to the aerosol water, terpenes, such as ; , such as , particle density of particles of size between 100 nm and 5 propylene glycol, glycerol and other similar alcohols; dim microns produced by an inhalation device and delivered into 40 ethylformamide; dimethylacetamide; wax; Supercritical car a typical patient tidal Volume. bon dioxide; dry ice; and mixtures thereof. “Mass median aerodynamic diameter' or “MMAD” of an Solid Supports on which the composition is heated are of a aerosol refers to the aerodynamic diameter for which half the variety of shapes. Examples of Such shapes include, without particulate mass of the aerosol is contributed by particles with limitation, cylinders of less than 1.0 mm in diameter, boxes of an aerodynamic diameter larger than the MMAD and half by 45 less than 1.0 mm thickness and virtually any shape permeated particles with an aerodynamic diameter Smaller than the by small (e.g., less than 1.0mm-sized) pores. Preferably, solid MMAD. Supports provide a large Surface to Volume ratio (e.g., greater “Midazolam refers to 8-chloro-6-(2-fluorophenyl)-1-me than 100 per meter) and a large surface to mass ratio (e.g., thyl-4H-imidazo 1.5-a1,4)benzodiazepine, which has an greater than 1 cm per gram). empirical formula of CHCIFN. 50 A Solid Support of one shape can also be transformed into “Midazolam degradation product” refers to a compound another shape with different properties. For example, a box of resulting from a chemical modification of midazolam. The 0.25 mm thickness has a surface to Volume ratio of approxi modification, for example, can be the result of a thermally or mately 8,000 per meter. Rolling the box into a hollow cylinder photochemically induced reaction. Such reactions include, of 1 cm diameter produces a Support that retains the high without limitation, oxidation (e.g., of the methyl or methyl 55 Surface to mass ratio of the original box but has a lower ene unit) and hydrolysis (e.g., of the imine portion). surface to volume ratio (about 400 per meter). "Rate of aerosol formation” refers to the mass of aero A number of different materials are used to construct the Solized particulate matter produced by an inhalation device Solid Supports. Classes of Such materials include, without per unit time. limitation, metals, inorganic materials, carbonaceous materi "Rate of inhalable aerosol particle formation” refers to the 60 als and polymers. The following are examples of the material number of particles of size between 100 nm and 5 microns classes: aluminum, silver, gold, stainless steel, copper and produced by an inhalation device per unit time. tungsten; silica, glass, silicon and alumina; graphite, porous "Rate of drug aerosol formation” refers to the mass of carbons, carbon yarns and carbon felts; polytetrafluoroethyl aerosolized alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam or triazolam ene and polyethylene glycol. Combinations of materials and produced by an inhalation device per unit time. 65 coated variants of materials are used as well. “Settling velocity' refers to the terminal velocity of an Where aluminum is used as a Solid Support, aluminum foil aerosol particle undergoing gravitational settling in air. is a suitable material. Examples of silica, alumina and silicon US 7,449,173 B2 7 8 based materials include amphorous silica S-5631 (Sigma, St. Zolam is given (injection or syrup) either as an anesthetic or Louis, Mo.), BCR171 (an alumina of defined surface area in a typical dose of 0.5 mg to 4 mg (VERSEDR). greater than 2 m/g from Aldrich, St. Louis, Mo.) and a silicon Triazolam is used to treat insomnia as an oral formulation in wafer as used in the semiconductor industry. Carbon yarns strengths of 0.125 mg and 0.25 mg (HALCIONR) Tablets). and felts are available from American Kynol, Inc., New York, N.Y. Chromatography resins such as octadecycl silane As aerosols, 0.05 mg to 4 mg of estazolam, 0.05 mg to 4 mg chemically bonded to porous silica are exemplary coated alprazolam, 0.05 mg to 4 mg midazolam and 0.006 mg to 0.5 variants of silica. mg triazolam are generally provided per inspiration for the The heating of the alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam or same indications. A typical dosage of an alprazolam, esta triazolam compositions is performed using any Suitable 10 Zolam, midazolam or triazolam aerosol is either administered method. Examples of methods by which heat can be gener as a single inhalation or as a series of inhalations taken within ated include the following: passage of current through an an hour or less (dosage equals sum of inhaled amounts). electrical resistance element; absorption of electromagnetic Where the drug is administered as a series of inhalations, a radiation, Such as microwave or laser light; and, exothermic different amount may be delivered in each inhalation. The chemical reactions, such as exothermic Solvation, hydration 15 dosage amount of alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam or tria of pyrophoric materials and oxidation of combustible mate Zolam in aerosol form is generally no greater than twice the rials. standard dose of the drug given orally or by injection. Delivery of Alprazolam, Estazolam, Midazolam or Triazolam One can determine the appropriate dose of alprazolam, Containing Aerosols estazolam, midazolam or triazolam containing aerosols to Alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam and triazolam contain treat a particular condition using methods such as animal ing aerosols of the present invention are delivered to a mam experiments and a dose-finding (Phase I/II) clinical trial. One mal using an inhalation device. Where the aerosol is a con animal experiment involves measuring plasma concentra densation aerosol, the device has at least three elements: an tions of an animal after its exposure to the aerosol. Mammals element for heating an alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam or Such as dogs or primates are typically used in Such studies, triazolam containing composition to form a vapor, an element 25 since their respiratory systems are similar to that of a human. allowing the vapor to cool, thereby providing a condensation Initial dose levels for testing in humans are generally less than aerosol; and, an element permitting the mammal to inhale the or equal to the dose in the mammal model that resulted in aerosol. Various suitable heating methods are described plasma drug levels associated with a therapeutic effect in above. The element that allows cooling is, in it simplest form, 30 humans. Dose escalation in humans is then performed, until an inert passageway linking the heating means to the inhala either an optimal therapeutic response is obtained or a dose tion means. The element permitting inhalation is an aerosol limiting toxicity is encountered. exit portal that forms a connection between the cooling ele ment and the mammals respiratory system. Analysis of Alprozolam, Estazolam, Midazolam or Triaz One device used to deliver alprazolam, estazolam, mida olam Containing Aerosols Zolam or triazolam containing aerosol is described in refer 35 Purity of an alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam or triaz ence to FIG. 1. Delivery device 100 has a proximal end 102 olam containing aerosol is determined using a number of and a distal end 104, a heating module 106, a power source methods, examples of which are described in Sekine et al., 108, and a mouthpiece 110. An alprazolam, estazolam, mida Journal of Forensic Science 32:1271-1280 (1987) and Martin Zolam or triazolam composition is deposited on a Surface 112 et al., Journal of Analytic Toxicology 13:158-162 (1989). One of heating module 106. Upon activation of a user activated 40 method involves forming the aerosol in a device through switch 1114, power source 108 initiates heating of heating which a gas flow (e.g., air flow) is maintained, generally at a module 106 (e.g., through ignition of combustible fuel or rate between 0.4 and 60 L/min. The gas flow carries the passage of current through a resistive heating element). The aerosol into one or more traps. After isolation from the trap, alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam or triazolam composition the aerosol is Subjected to an analytical technique, Such as gas volatilizes due to the heating of heating module 106 and 45 or liquid chromatography, that permits a determination of condenses to form a condensation aerosol prior to reaching composition purity. the mouthpiece 110 at the proximal end of the device 102. Air A variety of different traps are used for aerosol collection. flow traveling from the device distal end 104 to the mouth The following list contains examples of Such traps: filters; piece 110 carries the condensation aerosol to the mouthpiece 50 glass wool; impingers; solvent traps, such as dry ice-cooled 110, where it is inhaled by the mammal. ethanol, , and traps at vari Devices, if desired, contain a variety of components to ous pH values; Syringes that sample the aerosol, empty, low facilitate the delivery of alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam pressure (e.g., vacuum) containers into which the aerosol is or triazolam containing aerosols. For instance, the device may drawn; and, empty containers that fully surround and enclose include any component known in the art to control the timing 55 the aerosol generating device. Where a solid such as glass of drug aerosolization relative to inhalation (e.g., breath wool is used, it is typically extracted with a solvent Such as actuation), to provide feedback to patients on the rate and/or ethanol. The solvent extract is subjected to analysis rather Volume of inhalation, to prevent excessive use (i.e., "lock than the solid (i.e., glass wool) itself. Where a syringe or out feature), to prevent use by unauthorized individuals, container is used, the container is similarly extracted with a and/or to record dosing histories. 60 solvent. Dosage of Alprazolam, Estazolam, Midazolam or Triazolam The gas or liquid chromatograph discussed above contains Containing Aerosols a detection system (i.e., detector). Such detection systems are For the short-term management of insomnia, estazolam is well known in the art and include, for example, flame ioniza given orally at strengths of 1 mg or 2 mg (PROSOMTM Tab tion, photon absorption and mass spectrometry detectors. An lets). Alprazolam is used for the treatment of anxiety disor 65 advantage of a mass spectrometry detector is that it can be ders and is provided for oral administration at strengths of used to determine the structure of alprazolam, estaZolam, 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1 mg or 2 mg (XANAX(R) Tablets). Mida midazolam or triazolam degradation products. US 7,449,173 B2 9 10 Particle size distribution of an alprazolam, estazolam, delivery of the aerosol. In this case, the rate of aerosol forma midazolam or triazolam containing aerosol is determined tion is equal to the decrease in mass of the device or compo using any suitable method in the art (e.g., cascade impaction). nent during the delivery event divided by the duration of the An Andersen Eight Stage Non-viable Cascade Impactor delivery event. (Andersen Instruments, Smyrna, Ga.) linked to a furnace tube Rate of drug aerosol formation is determined, for example, by a mock throat (USP throat, Andersen Instruments, by delivering an alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam or triaz Smyrna, Ga.) is one system used for cascade impaction stud olam containing aerosol into a confined chamber via an inha 1CS lation device over a set period of time (e.g., 3 s). Where the Inhalable aerosol mass density is determined, for example, aerosol is pure alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam or triaz by delivering a drug-containing aerosol into a confined cham 10 olam, the amount of drug collected in the chamber is mea ber via an inhalation device and measuring the mass collected sured as described above. The rate of drug aerosol formation in the chamber. Typically, the aerosol is drawn into the cham is equal to the amount of alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam ber by having a pressure gradient between the device and the or triazolam collected in the chamber divided by the duration chamber, wherein the chamber is at lower pressure than the of the collection time. Where the alprazolam, estazolam, device. The volume of the chamber should approximate the 15 midazolam or triazolam containing aerosol comprises a phar tidal Volume of an inhaling patient. maceutically acceptable excipient, multiplying the rate of Inhalable aerosol drug mass density is determined, for example, by delivering a drug-containing aerosol into a con aerosol formation by the percentage of alprazolam, esta fined chamber via an inhalation device and measuring the Zolam, midazolam or triazolam in the aerosol provides the amount of active drug compound collected in the chamber. rate of drug aerosol formation. Typically, the aerosol is drawn into the chamber by having a Utility of Alprazolam, Estazolam, Midazolam and Triazolam pressure gradient between the device and the chamber, Containing Aerosols wherein the chamber is at lower pressure than the device. The Typical uses for alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam, and volume of the chamber should approximate the tidal volume triazolam-containing aerosols include without limitation the of an inhaling patient. The amount of active drug compound 25 following: relief of the symptoms of situational anxiety, relief collected in the chamber is determined by extracting the of acute panic attacks, relaxation of skeletal muscle, treat chamber, conducting chromatographic analysis of the extract ment of nausea and vomiting, induction of sleep, and sedation and comparing the results of the chromatographic analysis to for medical or dental procedures. Alprazolam and estazolam those of a standard containing known amounts of drug. containing-aerosols are distinguished from midazolam and Inhalable aerosol particle density is determined, for 30 triazolam-containing aerosols primarily by their durations of example, by delivering aerosol phase drug into a confined action, with alprazolam and estazolam having half-lives of chamber via an inhalation device and measuring the number approximately 12 hours and midazolam and triazolam having of particles of given size collected in the chamber. The num half-lives of approximately 3 hours. Thus triazolam or mida ber of particles of a given size may be directly measured based Zolam-containing aerosols are typically used in instances on the light-scattering properties of the particles. Alterna 35 where a rapid offset of action is desired (e.g. in sedation for tively, the number of particles of a given size may be deter medical or dental procedures). In contrast, alprazolam or mined by measuring the mass of particles within the given estazolam-containing aerosols are typically used in instances size range and calculating the number of particles based on where a Sustained action is desired (e.g. in the case of a panic the mass as follows: Total number of particles-Sum (from attack, where a rapid offset of action might predispose to size range 1 to size range N) of number of particles in each 40 another episode of panic). size range. Number of particles in a given size range Mass in the size range/Mass of a typical particle in the size range. The following examples are meant to illustrate, rather than Mass of a typical particle in a given size range D*p/6, limit, the present invention. where D is a typical particle diameter in the size range (gen Alprazolam, estazolam and triazolam were purchased erally, the mean boundary of the MMADs defining the size 45 from Sigma (www.sigma-aldrich.com). Midazolam was range) in microns, (p is the particle density (in g/mL) and obtained from Gyma Laboratories of America, Inc. (West mass is given in units of picograms (g'). bury, N.Y.). Rate of inhalable aerosol particle formation is determined, for example, by delivering aerosol phase drug into a confined EXAMPLE 1. chamber via an inhalation device. The delivery is for a set 50 period of time (e.g., 3 s), and the number of particles of a Volatilization of Alprazolam given size collected in the chamber is determined as outlined above. The rate of particle formation is equal to the number of A solution of 2.6 mg alprazolam in 120 L dichlo 100 nm to 5 micron particles collected divided by the duration romethane was coated on a 3.6 cmx8 cm piece of aluminum of the collection time. 55 foil. The dichloromethane was allowed to evaporate. The Rate of aerosol formation is determined, for example, by coated foil was wrapped around a 300 watt halogen tube (Feit delivering aerosol phase drug into a confined chamber via an Electric Company, Pico Rivera, Calif.), which was inserted inhalation device. The delivery is for a set period of time (e.g., into a glass tube sealed at one end with a rubber stopper. 3 s), and the mass of particulate matter collected is deter Running 75 V of alternating current (driven by line power mined by weighing the confined chamber before and after the 60 controlled by a variac) through the bulb for 6 s afforded delivery of the particulate matter. The rate of aerosol forma alprazolam thermal vapor (including alprazolam aerosol), tion is equal to the increase in mass in the chamber divided by which collected on the glass tube walls. Reverse-phase HPLC the duration of the collection time. Alternatively, where a analysis with detection by absorption of 225 nm light showed change in mass of the delivery device or component thereof the collected material to be at least 99.9% pure alprazolam. To can only occur through release of the aerosol phase particu 65 obtain higher purity aerosols, one can coat a lesser amount of late matter, the mass of particulate matter may be equated drug, yielding a thinner film to heat. A linear decrease in film with the mass lost from the device or component during the thickness is associated with a linear decrease in impurities. US 7,449,173 B2 11 12 EXAMPLE 2 giving an inhalable aerosol particle density of 5.5x107 par ticles/mL. The rate of inhalable aerosol particle formation is Volatilization of Estazolam the sum of the numbers of particles collected on impactor stages 3 through 8 divided by the formation time of 6 s, giving A solution of 2.0 mg estazolam in 120 uL dichloromethane a rate of inhalable aerosol particle formation of 9.1x10 par was coated on a 3.6 cmx8 cm piece of aluminum foil. The ticles/second. dichloromethane was allowed to evaporate. The coated foil was wrapped around a 300 watt halogen tube (Feit Electric TABLE 1 Company, Pico Rivera, Calif.), which was inserted into a 10 Determination of the characteristics of a midazolam condensation glass tube sealed at one end with a rubber stopper. Running 60 aerosol by cascade impaction using an Andersen 8-stage V of alternating current (driven by line power controlled by a non-viable cascade impactor run at 1 cubic foot per minute variac) through the bulb for 3 s, followed by 45 V for 11 s, air flow. afforded estazolam thermal vapor (including estazolam aero Mass sol), which collected on the glass tube walls. Reverse-phase Particle size Average particle collected Number of HPLC analysis with detection by absorption of 225 nm light 15 Stage range (microns) size (microns) (mg) particles showed the collected material to be at least 99.9% pure esta Zolam. O 9.0-100 9.5 O.1 2.2 x 10 1 5.8-9.0 7.4 O.6 2.8 x 10 2 4.7-5.8 5.25 0.7 9.2 x 10 EXAMPLE 3 3 33-47 4.0 1.1 3.3 x 107 4 2.1-3.3 2.7 1.1 1.1 x 10 Volatilization of Midazolam 5 1.1-2.1 1.6 1.1 5.1 x 108 6 O.7-1.1 O.9 0.7 1.8 x 10° 7 O4-O.7 0.55 O.3 4.6 x 109 A solution of 5.0 mg midazolam in 120 uL dichlo 8 0-0.4 O.2 O.2 4.8 x 109 romethane was coated on a 3.6 cmx8 cm piece of aluminum foil. The dichloromethane was allowed to evaporate. The 25 coated foil was wrapped around a 300 watt halogen tube (Feit Electric Company, Pico Rivera, Calif.), which was inserted EXAMPLE 5 into a glass tube sealed at one end with a rubber stopper. Running 60V of alternating current (driven by line power Drug Mass Density and Rate of Drug Aerosol Formation of Midazolam Aerosol controlled by a variac) through the bulb for 6 s afforded 30 midazolam thermal vapor (including midazolam aerosol), which collected on the glass tube walls. Reverse-phase HPLC A solution of 16.7 mg midazolam in 200 uL dichlo analysis with detection by absorption of 225 nm light showed romethane was spread outinathin layer on the central portion the collected material to be at least 99.9% pure midazolam. of a 4 cmx9 cm sheet of aluminum foil. The dichloromethane 35 was allowed to evaporate. The aluminum foil was wrapped EXAMPLE 4 around a 300 watt halogen tube, which was inserted into a T-shaped glass tube. One of the openings of the tube was Particle Size, Particle Density, and Rate of Inhalable sealed with a rubber stopper, another was loosely covered Particle Formation of Midazolam Aerosol with the end of the halogen tube, and the third was connected 40 to a 1 liter, 3-neck glass flask. The glass flask was further A solution of 17.1 mg midazolam in 200 uL dichlo connected to a large piston capable of drawing 1.1 liters of air romethane was spread outina thin layer on the central portion through the flask. Alternating current was run through the of a 4 cmx9 cm sheet of aluminum foil. The dichloromethane halogen bulb by application of 90 V using a variac connected was allowed to evaporate. The aluminum foil was wrapped to 110 V line power. Within seconds, an aerosol appeared and around a 300 watt halogen tube, which was inserted into a 45 was drawn into the 1 L flask by use of the piston, with T-shaped glass tube. One of the openings of the tube was formation of the aerosol terminated after 6 s. The aerosol was sealed with a rubber stopper, another was loosely covered allowed to sediment onto the walls of the 1 L flask for with the end of the halogen tube, and the third was connected approximately 30 minutes. The flask was then extracted with to a 1 liter, 3-neck glass flask. The glass flask was further dichloromethane and the extract analyzed by HPLC with connected to a large piston capable of drawing 1.1 liters of air 50 detection by light absorption at 225 nm. Comparison with through the flask. Alternating current was run through the standards containing known amounts of midazolam revealed halogen bulb by application of 90 V using a variac connected that 8.12 mg of >99% pure midazolam had been collected in to 110 V line power. Within 1 s, an aerosol appeared and was the flask, resulting in an aerosol drug mass density of 8.12 drawn into the 1 L flask by use of the piston, with collection mg/L. The aluminum foil upon which the midazolam had of the aerosol terminated after 6 s. The aerosol was analyzed 55 previously been coated was weighed following the experi by connecting the 1 L flask to an eight-stage Andersen non ment. Of the 16.7 mg originally coated on the aluminum, all viable cascade impactor. Results are shown in table 1. of the material was found to have aerosolized in the 6 s time MMAD of the collected aerosol was 2.8 microns with a period, implying a rate of drug aerosol formation of 2.7 mg/s. geometric standard deviation of 1.9. Also shown in table 1 is the number of particles collected on the various stages of the 60 EXAMPLE 6 cascade impactor, given by the mass collected on the stage divided by the mass of a typical particle trapped on that stage. Volatilization of Triazolam The mass of a single particle of diameter D is given by the volume of the particle, t|D/6, multiplied by the density of the A solution of 2.0 mg triazolam in 120 uL dichloromethane drug (taken to be 1 g/cm). The inhalable aerosol particle 65 was coated on a 3.6 cmx8 cm piece of aluminum foil. The density is the sum of the numbers of particles collected on dichloromethane was allowed to evaporate. The coated foil impactor stages 3 to 8 divided by the collection volume of 1 L, was wrapped around a 300 watt halogen tube (Feit Electric US 7,449,173 B2 13 14 Company, Pico Rivera, Calif.), which was inserted into a EXAMPLE 8 glass tube sealed at one end with a rubber stopper. Running 75 V of alternating current (driven by line power controlled by a Drug Mass Density and Rate of Drug Aerosol variac) through the bulb for 2 s, followed by 45 V for 8 s. Formation of Triazolam Aerosol afforded triazolam thermal vapor (including triazolam aero sol), which collected on the glass tube walls. Reverse-phase A solution of 0.6 mg triazolam in 200 uL dichloromethane HPLC analysis with detection by absorption of 225 nm light was spread out in a thin layer on the central portion of a 4 showed the collected material to be at least 99.85% pure cmx9 cm sheet of aluminum foil. The dichloromethane was triazolam. allowed to evaporate. The aluminum foil was wrapped around 10 a 300 watt halogen tube, which was inserted into a T-shaped EXAMPLE 7 glass tube. One of the openings of the tube was sealed with a rubber stopper, another was loosely covered with the end of Particle Size, Particle Density, and Rate of Inhalable the halogen tube, and the third was connected to a 1 liter, Particle Formation of Triazolam Aerosol 3-neck glass flask. The glass flask was further connected to a 15 large piston capable of drawing 1.1 liters of air through the A solution of 16.4 mg. triazolam in 200 uL dichlo flask. Glass wool was placed in the tube connecting the flask romethane was spread outina thin layer on the central portion to the piston. Alternating current was run through the halogen of a 4 cmx9 cm sheet of aluminum foil. The dichloromethane bulb by application of 90 V using a variac connected to 110 V was allowed to evaporate. The aluminum foil was wrapped line power. Within seconds, an aerosol appeared and was around a 300 watt halogen tube, which was inserted into a drawn into the 1 L flask by use of the piston, with formation T-shaped glass tube. One of the openings of the tube was of the aerosol terminated after 6 s. The aerosol was allowed to sealed with a rubber stopper, another was loosely covered sediment onto the walls of the 1 L flask for approximately 30 with the end of the halogen tube, and the third was connected minutes. The flask and glass wool were then extracted with to a 1 liter, 3-neck glass flask. The glass flask was further dichloromethane and the extract analyzed by HPLC with connected to a large piston capable of drawing 1.1 liters of air 25 detection by light absorption at 225 nm. Comparison with through the flask. Alternating current was run through the standards containing known amounts of triazolam revealed halogen bulb by application of 90 V using a variac connected that 0.17 mg of >99% pure triazolam had been collected in the to 110 V line power. Within 1 s, an aerosol appeared and was flask, resulting in an aerosol drug mass density of 0.17 mg/L. drawn into the 1 L flask by use of the piston, with collection The aluminum foil upon which the triazolam had previously of the aerosol terminated after 6 s. The aerosol was analyzed 30 been coated was weighed following the experiment. Of the by connecting the 1 L flask to an eight-stage Andersen non 0.6 mg originally coated on the aluminum, all of the material viable cascade impactor. Results are shown in table 1. was found to have aerosolized in the 6s time period, implying MMAD of the collected aerosol was 2.2 microns with a a rate of drug aerosol formation of 0.1 mg/s. geometric standard deviation of 2. Also shown in table 1 is the number of particles collected on the various stages of the 35 EXAMPLE 9 cascade impactor, given by the mass collected on the stage divided by the mass of a typical particle trapped on that stage. Delivery of Triazolam to a Dog The mass of a single particle of diameter D is given by the volume of the particle, t|D/6, multiplied by the density of the Apnea was induced in a dog, which was Subsequently drug (taken to be 1 g/cm). The inhalable aerosol particle 40 exposed to a 15 SLPM flow of air containing 140 ug of density is the sum of the numbers of particles collected on triazolam (condensation aerosol formed by Volatilizing tria impactor stages 3 to 8 divided by the collection volume of 1 L, Zolam off of a heated, metal substrate; MMAD-1.1) through giving an inhalable aerosol particle density of 3.8x10° par an endotracheal tube. This corresponded to approximately a ticles/mL. The rate of inhalable aerosol particle formation is 625 cc volume of inhalation air delivered to the dog. Once the the sum of the numbers of particles collected on impactor 45 dog had received the triazolam aerosol, an air Supply valve stages 3 through 8 divided by the formation time of 6 s, giving was shut off for 5 s, which simulated a 5 s breath hold. a rate of inhalable aerosol particle formation of 6x10' par Following the hold, the dog was allowed to exhale through an ticles/second. exhalation filter. Arterial blood samples were taken at the Table 1: Determination of the characteristics of a triazolam following intervals: 0 min, 0.25 min, 0.5 min, 1 min, 1.5 min, condensation aerosol by cascade impaction using an Ander 50 2 min, 10 min, and 30 min. HPLC analysis of the blood Sen 8-stage non-viable cascade impactor run at 1 cubic foot samples indicated that the Tmax for triazolam was about 0.25 per minute air flow. minutes, with a concentration of greater than 100 ng/mL reached. The invention claimed is: 55 1. A condensation aerosol for delivery of alprazolam Mass formed by heating a composition containing alprazolam Particle size Average particle collected Number of coated on a solid Support to form a vapor and condensing the Stage range (microns) size (microns) (mg) particles vapor to form a condensation aerosol comprising particles, O 9.0-10.O 9.5 O.O O wherein the particles comprise at least 10 percent by weight 1 58-9.O 7.4 O.3 1.4 x 10 2 4.7-5.8 5.25 O.3 4.0 x 10 60 ofalprazolam and less than 5 percent by weight of alprazolam 3 33-47 4.0 0.7 2.1 x 10' degradation products, and the condensation aerosol has an 4 21-33 2.7 1.2 1.2 x 10 MMAD of less than 5 microns. 5 1.1-2.1 1.6 1.5 7.0 x 108 2. The condensation aerosol according to claim 1, wherein 6 O.7-1.1 O.9 0.7 1.8 x 10° the condensation aerosol has an MMAD of 0.2 to 3 microns. 7 O4-O-7 0.55 O.1 1.2 x 10 8 0-0.4 O.2 O.O O 65 3. The condensation aerosol according to claim 1 or claim 2, wherein the geometric standard deviation around the MMAD is less than 3.0. US 7,449,173 B2 15 16 4. A condensation aerosol for delivery of estazolam formed 18. The method according to claim 17, wherein the coated by heating a composition containing estazolam coated on a composition comprises at least 10 percent by weight of esta Solid Support to form a vapor and condensing the vapor to Zolam. form a condensation aerosol comprising particles, wherein 19. A method of forming a midazolam containing aerosol the particles comprise at least 10 percent by weight of esta 5 comprising: Zolam and less than 5 percent by weight of estazolam degra (a) heating a composition containing midazolam coated on dation products, and the condensation aerosol has an MMAD a solid Support to form a vapor, and of less than 5 microns. (b) condensing the vapor to form a condensation aerosol 5. The condensation aerosol according to claim 4, wherein comprising particles, the condensation aerosol has an MMAD of 0.2 to 3 microns. 10 wherein the particles comprise less than 5 percent by 6. The condensation aerosol according to claim 4 or claim weight of midazolam degradation products, and the con 5, wherein the geometric standard deviation around the densation aerosol has an MMAD of less than 5 microns. MMAD is less than 3.0. 20. The method according to claim 19, wherein the con 7. A condensation aerosol for delivery of midazolam densation aerosol has an MMAD of 0.2 to 3 microns. formed by heating a composition containing midazolam 15 21. The method according to claim 20, wherein the coated coated on a solid Support to form a vapor and condensing the composition comprises at least 10 percent by weight of mida vapor to form a condensation aerosol comprising particles, Zolam. wherein the particles comprise at least 10 percent by weight 22. A method of forming a triazolam containing aerosol of midazolam and less than 5 percent by weight of midazolam comprising: degradation products, and the condensation aerosol has an (a) heating a composition containing triazolam coated on a MMAD of less than 5 microns. Solid Support to form a vapor, and (b) condensing the vapor to form a condensation aerosol 8. The condensation aerosol according to claim 7, wherein comprising particles, the condensation aerosol has an MMAD of 0.2 to 3 microns. wherein the particles comprise less than 5 percent by 9. The condensation aerosol according to claim 7 or claim 25 weight of triazolam degradation products, and the con 8, wherein the geometric standard deviation around the densation aerosol has an MMAD of less than 5 microns. MMAD is less than 3.0. 23. The method according to claim 22, wherein the con 10. A condensation aerosol for delivery of triazolam densation aerosol has an MMAD of 0.2 to 3 microns. formed by heating a composition containing triazolam coated 24. The method according to claim 23, wherein the coated on a Solid Support to form a vapor and condensing the vapor 30 composition comprises at least 10 percent by weight of tria to form a condensation aerosol comprising particles, wherein Zolam. the particles comprise at least 10 percent by weight of triaz 25. A method of forming a drug containing aerosol com olam and less than 5 percent by weight of triazolam degrada prising: tion products, and the condensation aerosol has an MMAD of (a) heating a composition containing the drug and a phar less than 5 microns. 35 maceutically acceptable excipient coated on a solid Sup 11. The condensation aerosol according to claim 10, port to form a vapor, and wherein the condensation aerosol has an MMAD of 0.2 to 3 (b) condensing the vapor to form a condensation aerosol microns. comprising particles, 12. The condensation aerosol according to claim 10 or wherein the drug is selected from the group consisting of claim 11, wherein the geometric standard deviation around 40 alprazolam, estaZolam, midazolam, and triazolam, and the MMAD is less than 3.0. wherein the particles comprise at least 10 percent by 13. A method of forming an alprazolam containing aerosol weight of the drug and less than 5 percent by weight of comprising: the drug degradation products, and the condensation (a) heating a composition containing alprazolam coated on aerosol has an MMAD of less than 5 microns. a solid Support to form a vapor, and 45 26. The method according to claim 25, wherein the con (b) condensing the vapor to form a condensation aerosol densation aerosol has an MMAD of 0.2 to 3 microns. comprising particles, 27. The method according to claim 26, wherein the coated wherein the particles comprise less than 5 percent by composition comprises at least 10 percent by weight of the weight of alprazolam degradation products, and the con drug. densation aerosol has an MMAD of less than 5 microns. 50 28. The condensation aerosol according to claim 2, 14. The method according to claim 13, wherein the con wherein the condensing comprises allowing the vapor to cool. densation aerosol has an MMAD of 0.2 to 3 microns. 29. The condensation aerosol according to claim 5, 15. The method according to claim 14, wherein the coated wherein the condensing comprises allowing the vapor to cool. composition comprises at least 10 percent by weight of alpra 30. The condensation aerosol according to claim 8. Zolam. 55 wherein the condensing comprises allowing the vapor to cool. 16. A method of forming an estazolam containing aerosol 31. The condensation aerosol according to claim 11, comprising: wherein the condensing comprises allowing the vapor to cool. 32. The method according to claim 14, wherein the con (a) heating a composition containing estaZolam coated on densing comprises allowing the vapor to cool. a solid Support to form a vapor, and 60 33. The method according to claim 17, wherein the con (b) condensing the vapor to form a condensation aerosol densing comprises allowing the vapor to cool. comprising particles, 34. The method according to claim 20, wherein the con wherein the particles comprise less than 5 percent by densing comprises allowing the vapor to cool. weight of estaZolam degradation products, and the con 35. The method according to claim 23, wherein the con densation aerosol has an MMAD of less than 5 microns. 65 densing comprises allowing the vapor to cool. 17. The method according to claim 16, wherein the con 36. The method according to claim 26, wherein the con densation aerosol has an MMAD of 0.2 to 3 microns. densing comprises allowing the vapor to cool. US 7,449,173 B2 17 18 37. A method of forming a drug containing aerosol com- the drug degradation products, and the condensation prising: aerosol has an MMAD of less than 5 microns. (a) heating a composition containing the drug coated on a 38. The method according to claim 37 wherein the conden Solid Support to form a vapor, and sation aerosol has an MMAD of 0.2 to 3 microns. (b) condensing the vapor to form a condensation aerosol 39. The method according to claim 38, wherein the con comprising particles, densation aerosol is formed at a rate greater than 1 mg/sec wherein the drug is selected from the group consisting of ond. 40. The method according to claim39 wherein the conden alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam, and triazolam, sation aerosol is formed at a rate greater than 2 mg/second. wherein the condensation aerosol is formed at a rate greater 10 41. The method according to claim 38 wherein the con than 0.5 mg/second, and densing comprises allowing the vapor to cool. wherein the particles comprise at least 10 percent by weight of the drug and less than 5 percent by weight of k . . . .