2018/2019 Community Engagement Contents | Community Engagement Introduction | Community Engagement CONTENTS 3 Community Engagement 4 Science Shop 30th Anniversary 6 Social Justice Hub COMMUNITY 7 Diversity through Education 8 Project Social ENGAGEMENT 9 Unblocking Potiential 10 Access to Education Photography Competition Ulster University actively seeks to build and engage in sustainable 14 Ceremics First Step partnerships with the primary aim of positively influencing individuals 15 One City, One Story and communities across the region through encouraging achievement, recognising success and improving educational attainment. 16 ACE Celebrations 17 Architecture This year we celebrated the 30-year represent the University in all of our 18 Care Leavers partnership of the Science Shop between local district council areas. Acting Ulster University and Queens University as Companions the Fellows deliver 19 The Songbirds Belfast, supporting staff and students presentations and workshops, participant 20 Aspirations and telling tales from both institutions to engage in action- in community based forums and celebrate based research projects put forward by talent, to increase the visibility and shared 21 Sociology Trip to Windsor Park community and voluntary partners. understanding of the University’s impact at 22 My Laces a local level, while strengthening our civic 23 Tick the Box We introduced the Civic Ambassador networks across Northern Ireland Scheme for Ulster staff to access widening 24 Fostering Aspirations access monies to support community This Annual Review records the wide 25 Community Big Day Out engagement and school partnership range of activities the team have engaged 26 Santa/Elf Run at Christmas activity. in 2018-2019. 27 Creative Arts The department also launched and If you require any further information 28 Care Zone appointed 13 Community Fellows to on these activities, please contact ensure that the community needs and
[email protected] 29 Ulster Business School voices continue to be heard by the 30 Student Placement Experience University.