Compton and Up Marden CE School School Lane Compton West PO18 9EZ

Telephone: 023 92631900

Headteacher: Mrs C Inskip BA.QTS (Hons) E-mail: [email protected] Website:

8 November 2019

Dear Parents, Chichester Cathedral Year 1 and 2 Wednesday 27 November 2019

To enhance our topic work this term we will be visiting Chichester Cathedral to learn about the life and pilgrimage of St Richard, through Drama. In RE we have been focussing on journeys and their endings; as part of our topic ‘On the Move’. The children will be taking part in two activities, drama and the other making their own pin badge!

We will be travelling to the Cathedral by coach, leaving school at 9.30am and will be returning to school in time to go home in the usual way. The cost of the trip is £17.86 which includes the cost of transport, and two workshops.

Children will need a packed lunch put in a named disposable container. No fizzy drinks, sweets or chocolate please.

Would you please sign the attached consent form and return it together with your voluntary contribution of £17.86 towards the visit. Although the contribution is voluntary, the trip is unlikely to take place unless all parents, who are able, are willing to contribute. If this should prove difficult, please contact the Head teacher in confidence.

Please contact Mrs Inskip in confidence if you are receiving any of the following benefits, Income Support, Income-based Job Seekers Allowance, Child Tax Credit (providing you are not entitled to Working tax credit and have an income of less than £16,190 per year) or if there is any problem with finance.

The consent form must be returned to the Class Teacher before we can take any child on a visit.

The children must wear their school uniform, sturdy shoes and an outdoor coat. No book bags need be brought in that day.

PLEASE make sure you let us know if your child/ren suffers from travel sickness so that we can be prepared! Any medication is to be given, together with written instructions, to the class teacher.

DIOCESE OF CHICHESTER Bishop’s Commendation 2007

If you have any queries regarding this trip please contact your child’s Class Teacher.

Yours sincerely

Mr M Shaw Owl Class Teacher ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………… Owl Class – Chichester Cathedral –Wednesday 27 November 2019 (please return slip by Monday 18 November)

I confirm that I am aware that ……………………………………………………………… / are taking part in the above trip. I enclose £17.86 per child cash/chq/online* Please delete where appropriate.

Signed ……………………………………………………… Date …………………………………..

Account name: Compton & Up Marden CE School Sort code: 09-01-51 Account number: 49965508

DIOCESE OF CHICHESTER Bishop’s Commendation 2007