Ments; Amendments in Nature of Substitute
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AMENDMENTS Ch. 27 § 25 amendment in the nature of a sub- tions proposing to strike out an stitute. entire pending portion (section or The Clerk read as follows: title) of text and to insert new Amendment in the nature of a matter and is not used to describe substitute offered by Mr. Wright: Strike out all after the enacting those motions to strike out and in- clause and insert in lieu thereof the sert which may be properly char- following: acterized as ‘‘perfecting amend- That the Intelligence Authoriza- ments’’ and which go only to a tion Act for Fiscal Year 1983 is amended by adding at the end there- portion of the pending text. of the following new title:... An amendment in the nature of MR. [HENRY J.] HYDE [of Illinois]: I a substitute for a bill may be pro- have an amendment that was printed posed before perfecting amend- in the Record. Will I be given an op- ments to the pending portion of portunity to offer it? the original text have been of- THE CHAIRMAN: (1) The Chair will ad- fered, but may not be voted on vise the gentleman that a printed per- until after such perfecting amend- fecting amendment to the bill can be (2) offered before the vote on the Wright ments have been disposed of. amendment in the nature of a sub- Amendments to a committee stitute. amendment in the nature of a Parliamentarian’s Note: In cases substitute are voted on before a such as that above, the perfecting substitute amendment, and the ef- amendment to the pending por- fect of the adoption of a substitute tion of the bill is voted on first. amendment striking out all after the title of the committee amend- ment is to eliminate the language § 25. Substitute Amend- inserted by the committee amend- ment as well as the language of ments; Amendments in the amendments thereto. (3) Nature of Substitute 2. See 107 CONG. REC. 8825–27, 87th An amendment in the nature of Cong. 1st Sess., May 24, 1961, where a substitute is basically, in form, a Member was recognized to offer an a motion to strike out and insert. amendment in the nature of a sub- stitute for a bill, and after it was But the term ‘‘amendment in the read another Member was recog- nature of a substitute’’ applies nized to offer a perfecting amend- only to those motions which pro- ment to the original text. The per- pose to strike out an entire pend- fecting amendment was considered ing bill, or, less precisely, to mo- and voted on before the amendment in the nature of a substitute. 1. William H. Natcher (Ky.). 3. See § 25.3, infra. 7099 Ch. 27 § 25 DESCHLER’S PRECEDENTS Where a substitute—striking is on the Smith substitute as amended, out all of the text and inserting to the Ramspeck amendment to the new matter—for an amendment Vinson bill? in the nature of a substitute is THE CHAIRMAN: (6) The gentleman is adopted, the vote recurs imme- correct. diately on the amendment, as MR. COCHRAN: Now I want to know amended, and no further amend- if the Smith substitute is adopted, if ments to either proposition are in the vote then comes on the Ramspeck order since the original amend- amendment as amended by the Smith ment has been changed in its en- substitute? tirety by the substitute. (4) THE CHAIRMAN: The gentleman is correct again.... MR. COCHRAN: I would like to make one further parliamentary inquiry. If Rejection of Substitute the Smith substitute is voted down, we then remain in Committee of the § 25.1 If a substitute amend- Whole and consider the Ramspeck bill, ment is adopted, the ques- open to amendment under the 5- tion recurs on the amend- minute rule? ment as amended by the sub- THE CHAIRMAN: The gentleman from Missouri is correct throughout. stitute; but if the substitute is rejected, the amendment is Adoption of Substitute for open to further amendment. Amendment in Nature of Sub- ( ) On Dec. 3, 1941, 5 the following stitute proceedings took place: MR. [JOHN J.] COCHRAN [of Mis- § 25.2 Where an amendment in souri]: I desire to know if the first vote the nature of a substitute to a bill is amended in Com- 4. See, for example, 116 CONG. REC. 20206, 91st Cong. 2d Sess., June 17, mittee of the Whole by the 1970 (response of Chairman Charles adoption of a substitute M. Price [Ill.] to parliamentary in- therefor, the question recurs quiry by Mr. James G. Fulton [Pa.]). on the amendment in the na- 5. 87 CONG. REC. 9395, 77th Cong. 1st ture of a substitute, as Sess. Under consideration was H.R. amended. 4139, to further expedite national ( ) defense programs with respect to On Dec. 16, 1970, 7 the fol- naval construction, etc., by providing lowing proceedings took place: for the investigation and mediation of labor disputes in connection there- 6. William P. Cole, Jr. (Md.). with. For discussion of the effect of 7. 116 CONG. REC. 42032, 91st Cong. 2d rejection of amendments generally, Sess. Under consideration was H.R. see §§ 35 and 38, infra. 18582. For discussion of the effect of 7100 AMENDMENTS Ch. 27 § 25 THE CHAIRMAN: (8) The question is on ture of a substitute) is to the substitute amendment offered by eliminate the language in- the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. Abbitt), as amended for the amend- serted by the amendments to ment in the nature of a substitute, of- the amendment in the nature fered by the gentleman from Wash- of a substitute. ington (Mr. Foley). On May 26, 1960,(9) while a So the substitute for the amendment committee amendment in the na- in the nature of a substitute was agreed to. ture of a substitute was pending, THE CHAIRMAN: The question now the following proceedings took occurs on the amendment in the na- place: ture of a substitute offered by the gen- The Clerk read as follows: tleman from Washington (Mr. Foley), as amended by the substitute amend- Amendment offered by Mr. [Carl ment offered by the gentleman from A.] Elliott of Alabama: Page 13, strike out lines 5 through 12, and in- Virginia (Mr. Abbitt).... sert the following:... MR. [DURWARD G.] HALL [of Mis- souri]: The amendment was a sub- So the amendment was agreed (10) stitute amendment for the Foley com- to.... mittee amendment, and therefore the Amendment offered by Mr. [Adam question does not arise, does it? C.] Powell [Jr., of New York]: Page 18, line 4, after section 6(a) in- THE CHAIRMAN: The question is on sert:... the amendment in the nature of a sub- stitute offered by the gentleman from So the amendment was agreed Washington (Mr. Foley), as amended to....(11) by the substitute amendment offered Amendment offered by Mr. [Frank by the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. T.] Bow of Ohio: On page 11, line 20, Abbitt). after ‘‘Sec. 1.’’ strike out all after sec- tion 1 and insert in lieu thereof the § 25.3 Amendments to an following:... amendment in the nature of So the amendment was agreed a substitute are voted on be- to.... fore a substitute amendment, The committee amendment as (12) and the effect of the adop- amended was agreed to. tion of a substitute amend- 9. 106 CONG. REC. 11282, 11292, ment (here an amendment 11296–98, 11301, 11302, 86th Cong. striking out all after the title 2d Sess. Under consideration was of the amendment in the na- H.R. 10128. 10. 106 CONG. REC. 11282, 11292, 86th adoption of substitute amendments Cong. 2d Sess. generally, see § 32, infra. 11. Id. at pp. 11296, 11297. 8. Spark M. Matsunaga (Hawaii). 12. Id. at pp. 11298, 11301. 7101 Ch. 27 § 25 DESCHLER’S PRECEDENTS Since the rule permitted sepa- Chair responded to a parliamen- rate votes in the House on amend- tary inquiry as described above. ments to the committee amend- The proceedings were as follows: ment in the nature of a sub- THE CHAIRMAN: (17) The question is stitute, separate votes were de- on the amendment, as amended, of- manded on the three amend- fered as a substitute by the gentleman ments. An inquiry was then di- from Iowa (Mr. Smith) for the amend- rected to the Chair: (13) ment in the nature of a substitute of- fered by the gentleman from Texas MR. [GRAHAM A.] BARDEN [of North (Mr. Krueger). Carolina]: Mr. Speaker, what effect So the substitute amendment, as will the Bow amendment have on the amended, for the amendment in the other amendments that will be voted nature of a substitute to the committee on? amendment in the nature of a sub- THE SPEAKER: (14) If the Bow amend- stitute, was agreed to.... ment is agreed to it will strike out the THE CHAIRMAN: The question is on other two amendments. the amendment in the nature of a sub- MR. BARDEN: It strikes out the El- stitute offered by the gentleman from liott amendment and the Powell Texas (Mr. Krueger) as amended to the amendment? committee amendment in the nature of THE SPEAKER: That is correct. a substitute. MR. [ROBERT E.] BAUMAN [of Mary- § 25.4 Where a substitute for land]: Mr. Chairman, a parliamentary an amendment in the nature inquiry.... of a substitute has been . [I]t is my understanding that at this stage, since the Smith sub- agreed to, the question re- stitute amendment has been agreed to curs immediately upon the narrowly, that there are no further amendment as amended by amendments to the Krueger amend- the substitute, and further ment in the nature of a substitute perfecting amendments to since it was a complete substitute, is that correct? the amendment are not then THE CHAIRMAN: That is correct.