The London Gazette, 24Th June1985
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8650 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 24TH JUNE 1985 Buildings, Spa Road, Gloucester GL1 1XD, Chartered Name, Address and Description—Beirne, Peter Joseph, Accountant Date of Certificate of Appointment—17th Thorton Baker, Lees House, 21 Dyke Road, Brighton, June 1985 East Sussex BN1 3GD, Chartered Accountant Date of Release—30th May 1985 WARD, David, unemployed, of 30 Nicholls Avenue, Porth- cawl in the county of Mid Glamorgan, lately residing LLOYD, Jeffrey Davies, of 4 Dare Road, Cwmdare, and carrying on business at the Marquis of Granby, 32 Aberdare, in the county of Mid Glamorgan, unemployed, King Street, Carmarthen, Dyfed, as LICENSEE and of lately carrying on business as an ORGAN BUILDER, the Ship Hotel, Dunraven Place, Bndgend, Mid Glamor- lately trading at Jerusalem Chapel Vestry, Penrhiwceiber gan as LICENSEE Court—BRIDGEND No of Matter Road, Penrhiwcei'ber, in- the county of Mad Glamorgan —17 of 1982 Trustee's Name. Address and Description Court—ABERDARE No of Matter—5 of 1984 —Bowden, James David, of 5th Floor, Sun Alliance Trustees Name, Address and Description'—Bowden, James House, 166-7 St Helens Road, Swansea SA1 5DL, David, 5th Floor, Sun Alliance House, 166-7 St Helens Official Receiver and Trustee Date of Release—3rd Road, Swansea SA1 5DL, Official Receiver and Trustee April 1985 Date of Release—3rd April 1985 CAVE, Mark Leslie, residing at 87 Meadow Road, Wol BEECROFT, Grace Amelia, unemployed, of 15 Heathfield ston, Coventry and carrying on business under the style Court, Firtree Grove, Whitby, Wnrai, Cheshire, formerly of "Vermark Upholstery", at 54A Rugby Road, Binley trading as " Bon Bon" from 350 Chester Road, Little Woods, Coventry, both in West Midlands as a FUR* Sutton, Wirral aforesaid, as a GENERAL SHOP- NITURE MANUFACTURER Court—COVENTRY KEEPER Court—BIRKENHEAD No of Matter— No of Matter—9 of 1985 Trustee's Name, Address and 8 of 1979 Trustee's Name, Address and Description— Descnption—Davie, Felix George, 65 Coventry Street, Adcroft, 1Peter, 7-9 Wilkinson Avenue, Blackpool, Lanes, Kidderminster DY10 2BS, Chartered Accountant Date Chartered Accountant Date of Release—29th May of Certificate of Appointment—17th June 1985 1985 HARWOO'D, Peter Andrew, Bus Driver, residing and WILLIAMS CLIFFORD, of and trading at The Coppins, lately carving on. business under the style of P H School Cockfield, Bishop Auckland DL13 9XX, county Dur- ham, lately of and trading at 1 Mayfield Terrace, Cock- of Motonng at 28 Duke Street, New Brighton, Wirral, field, Bishoo Auckland DL13 5EA, county Durham at Merseyside, as a DRIVING INSTRUCTOR, previously both as a PLASTERING CONTRACTOR Court— a COMPANY DIRECTOR Court—BJ.RKENHEAD DURHAM (by transfer from High Court of Justice) No of Matter—29 of 1981 Trustee's Name, Address No of Matter—33A of 1984 Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Upton, Robin Andrew, 284 Clifton and Descnption—Upton, Robin Andrew, of 284 Clifton Dnve South, Lyfiham St Annes, Lancashire, Chartered Dnve South, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire, Chartered Accountant Date of Release—29th May 1985 Accountant Date of Certificate of Appointment—23rd CLARKE, Howard Leslie (described' in the Receiving May 1985 Order as Howard L Clarke), residing at "Woodgate", 37 Hartopp Road, Four Oakes, Sutton Ooldfield, in the JARRETT, John Roger and JARRETT, Maureen (his metropolitan county of West Midlands, COMPANY wife), residing and carrying on business in partnership DIRECTOR Court^-BIRMINGHAM No of Matter at 115 Queen Street, Redcar in the county of Cleveland, —22 of 1983 Trustee's Name, Address and Descnption RETAILERS of BATHROOM SUITES, SHOWERS —Roach, Harry, Commercial Union House, 22 Martmeau and CUBICLES and PLUMBING ACCESSORIES Square, Birmingham B2 4UP, Official Receiver and Court—MIDDLESBROUGH No of Matter—10 of 1 1985 Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Warren Trustee Date of Release—22nd May 1985 John, 17 Marble Street, Manchester M2 3AW, Chartered COLLEY, Wendy Rosemary Rita, 44 Mamstone Close, Accountant Date of Certificate of Appointment—llth Winyates, Redditch, in the county of Hereford and1 June 1985 Worcester, previously residing at 123 Exhall Close, LONSDALE, Bame (described in the Receiving Order as Churchill South, Redditch, aforesaid and lately carrying B Lonsdale (male)), SCAFFOLDER, residing at 15 Hoy- on business as a SELF-EMPLOYED TRANSPORT lake Road, Saltersgill, Middlesbrough in the county of AGENCY MANAGERESS and COMPANY SECRE- Cleveland Court—MIDDLESBROUGH No of Matter TARY Court—'BIRMINGHAM No of Matter—60 —31 of 1984 Trustee's Name, Address and Description of 1982 Trustee's Name, Address and Descnption— —Franses, Ian Soloman Robert, Lauder House, 34 Han- Roach, Harry, Commercial Union Housei, 20 Mannneau way Street, London W1, Chartered Accountant Date of Square, Birmingham B2 4UP, Official Receiver and Certificate of Appointment—llth June 1985 Trustee Date of Release—22nd May 1985 SHENTON, Robert Michael, unemployed, of 9 Vernon FRANGESKOU, Frank, residing at 7 Ingoldsby Court, Street, Briton Ferry Neath, formerly trading on his 68 Wake Green Road, Moseley, Birmingham, in the own account and in his own name as a TENANT of metropolitan county of West Midlands, lately resid- a public house from premises at the Alma Inn, 10 Ben- ing at 8 Ingoldsby Court, 68 Wake Green Road, Mose- ley, Birmingham aforesaid, formerly residing at 784 nett Street, Landore, Swansea, all in the county of West 1 Glamorgan Court—NEATH AND PORT TALBOT (by Alcester Road South, Kings Heath, Birmingham afore- transfer from High Court of Justice) No of Matter— said*, unemployed, lately carrying on business in partner- 15A of 1984 Trustee's Name, Address and Descnption ship with another under the style of "Di'onysos —Hunt, E F, All Saints Chambers, Eign Gate, Hereford Restaurant" at 220 Broad; Street, Birmingham aforesaid, HE4 OAF, Chartered Accountant Date of Certificate of as RESTAURATEURS, previously residing at 132 Appointment—17th June 1985 Breeden Street, Long Eaton, in the county of Derbyshire, previously residing and carrying on businss in partner- STONE, David, unemployed1, of 20 Teilo Crescent, May- ship with another under the style of " Kirton Fish Bar " hill, Swansea, West Glamorgan', and) BACKEN, Stephen at 22 Station Road, Kirton, Boston, in 'the county o1f Gerald, unemployed!, of 161 Abertillery Road, Blaina, Lincolnshire, as FISH and CHIP SHOP PROPRIETORS Gweni, lately carrying on business in partnership to- Court—BIRMINGHAM N1o of Matter—116 of 1982 gether from 20 Tedo Crescent, aforesaid1, as STEEL Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Roach, Harry, ERECTORS, under the style of "Stone & Backen", Commercial Union Home, 22 M'artineau Squaire, Bir- Court—SWANSEA No of Matteir—15 of 1985 mingham B2 4UP1 , Official Receiver and' Trustee Date Trustee's Name, Addlress and Descnpfaon—Hunt, E F, of Release—22nd May 1985 Little & Co, All Saints Chambers, Eign Gate, Hereford 1 HARRIS, Roland, residing at 14 Heathercroft, Old Oscott, HE4 OAF, Chartered Accountant and Trustee Date of Birmingham B44 9SJ and carrying on business under the Certificate of Appointment—18th June 1985 style of "D D Harns" of 2 Camden Dnve, Birming- ham Bl 3LL both m West Midlands as a MANUFAC- TURER of STEEL PRESSINGS Court—BIRMING- HAM No of Matter—5 of 1982 Trustee's Name, Ad- RELEASE OF TRUSTEES dress and Descnpfaott—Roach, Harry Commercial CLUTTERBUOK, Roger, of 12 Falcon Close, Shoi»ham- Union House, 22 Maxtmeau Square, Birmingham B2 by-Sea, West Sussex, a CARPET FITTER Court— 4UP, Official Receiver and Trustee Date of Release— BRIGHTON No of Matter—65A of 1981 Trustee's 22nd May 1985.