avast browser download remove How to Uninstall ! Free Antivirus 8. wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 37,797 times. Some avast! users encountered unexpected error like the "setiface error" while they tried to uninstall the latest version of avast! Free Antivirus software. To effectively troubleshoot such uninstall issue, we try the reinstallation as the system administrator and then reuse the Windows Uninstall (aka, avast!'s supplied uninstaller) to remove the free Anti-Virus program. Moreover, to fully remove the avast! Free Antivirus 8, you may also wish to get rid of the following optional software: the potentially unneeded , the Google Toolbar for . Here is the complete tutorial on how on uninstall avast! FREE ANTIVIRUS 8.0.1489 FINAL for a Windows 8 computer. How to Uninstall Avast! Free Antivirus 8. wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 37,797 times. Some avast! users encountered unexpected error like the "setiface error" while they tried to uninstall the latest version of avast! Free Antivirus software. To effectively troubleshoot such uninstall issue, we try the reinstallation as the system administrator and then reuse the Windows Uninstall (aka, avast!'s supplied uninstaller) to remove the free Anti-Virus program. Moreover, to fully remove the avast! Free Antivirus 8, you may also wish to get rid of the following optional software: the potentially unneeded Google Chrome, the Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer. Here is the complete tutorial on how on uninstall avast! FREE ANTIVIRUS 8.0.1489 FINAL for a Windows 8 computer. How to Uninstall and Remove avast Completely in Windows 10. Avast develops one of the best antivirus software in the business. It provides regular updates to keep your security up to date. With the paid version, you get more features including web and email scanners among others. However, some people have found a better antivirus, or find that windows defender is quite reliable on its own. This prompts them to uninstall the from their system. The correct procedure is to uninstall Avast from the program and features window. This launches the Avast uninstaller which then proceeds with the uninstallation. However, uninstalling an antivirus is not as simple as uninstalling any other app. Antivirus files are protected by digital signatures that allow only the ‘trusted installer’ (in this case Avast) to edit them. During the uninstall procedure, you will have to provide the signatures in order to complete the uninstallation. Avast installs a mock operating system in order to complete the uninstallation. It will then force the user to reboot the computer in safe mode. Since Avast was the last operating system to install, it becomes the default OS. When the computer restarts, the Avast OS loads and opens windows in safe mode. Avast then proceed to completely uninstall, leaving behind the uninstaller and the registry keys and a few files. Though your antivirus will no longer work, you will need to complete the uninstallation by removing residual files. Avast has mostly uninstalled from the system, but it has left some files behind. Users have complained that these files seem to still make the antivirus active. Pop-ups of the antivirus can still be seen asking for upgrades and this annoys the users that thought that they had completed the uninstallation of Avast antivirus. How can one get rid of all the antivirus residual files once and for all? We will give you some of the known ways in which you can complete the uninstallation of the antivirus and get rid of the pop-ups. 4 Ways to Remove and Uninstall Avast Completely. 1. Remove Avast as the default operating system and delete the Temporary Avast OS. During uninstalling, Avast creates a small operating system that it uses to uninstall files. After it is done, the operating system does not seem to uninstall itself after you restart your computer. The reason behind this is that you cannot uninstall the default operating system. You might notice the Avast OS option when starting your computer. Leaving it as the default OS might keep booting your computer into the safe mode every time you restart it. This option will let you switch your default operating system back to Windows. This will then allow the Avast antivirus to uninstall its residual files after you are done. Press Start/Windows Key + R to open the Run window Type sysdm.cpl in the Run textbox and hit enter to open the advanced system properties window. Go to Advanced tab. Tap on Settings under Startup and Recovery . Under the Default Operating System, you will find the dropdown box for choosing the default operating system. Choose the desired option and save the changes by clicking OK Press windows key + R to open run Type msconfig and hit enter In the system configuration window, open the Boot tab Choose the Avast operating system by clicking on it and then click delete. Allow the deletion Restart your computer Your computer will now start normally and Avast has will complete the uninstallation of residual files successfully. You can also set the default operating system by pressing esc or F10 or F12 (depending on your computer) during startup. This gives you the list of all installed operating systems and the option of setting the default OS. You can find the Avast uninstall utility if yours does not work correctly. 2. Use Avast Clear. Avastclear is an intuitive tool from the creators of Avast itself that is designed specifically to uninstall any and all Avast products installed on a computer. Click here to download Avastclear . It will automatically prompt you to run the tool in Safe Mode. Run the executable Avastclear. Follow the onscreen instructions and browse to the folder in which you have installed the Avast product you want to uninstall. (If you’ve not used a custom folder, then leave it to defaults). Click on Remove . Restart your computer, and Avastclear will finalize the uninstallation when your computer boots up. Once you have no more use for Avastclear , you can uninstall it from your computer. 3. Use the ESET Antivirus Remover tool. If Avastclear fails to successfully uninstall Avast from your computer (which is quite unlikely) or if you simply don’t want to use Avastclear, you can use the ESET Antivirus Remover tool instead. The ESET Antivirus Remover tool is designed to be able to uninstall almost every single antivirus or anti-malware program out there, and that includes all Avast programs. Go here and download an appropriate version (32-bit or 64-bit) of the ESET Antivirus Remover. Install and run the utility. Click on Continue and allow the ESET Antivirus Remover tool to scan your computer for all previously installed security programs. When provided with the results of the scan, select all of the Avast applications that you want to be removed from your computer and click on Remove . Confirm the action by clicking on Remove in the warning window that pops up. Wait until the tool displays a message stating “ Applications successfully removed ”. At this point, the applications you selected will have been removed and you can close down the utility. Once you have uninstalled Avast from your computer, you can go ahead and uninstall the ESET Antivirus Remover. Note: You may need to restart your computer during or after the uninstallation process. To make sure that whatever method you used actually managed to completely uninstall Avast from your computer, simply go to Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs (Windows XP, Vista or 7), Control Panel > Programs and features (Windows 8 and 8.1) or Control Panel > Programs > Programs and features (Windows 10) and make sure that there aren’t any Avast programs left in the list. 4. Delete trusted installer files manually. If method 1 does not clear the Avast pop-ups, you will need to delete the Avast files manually. This method will allow you to take control of trusted installer files and the ability to delete those files. Go to the following location ‘ C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\’ Right-click on the file or folder you want to delete and choose Properties . Next, click on the Security tab and then click on the Advanced button at the bottom Next, click on the Owner tab and you’ll now see that the current owner is TrustedInstaller. Now click on the Edit button and choose who you would like to change the owner to, either your account or the Administrators. If your account is an Administrator account, we suggest just picking Administrators. Click OK to save the new owner. Keep clicking OK until the file/folder properties windows is closed. Go back and delete these folder/files Repeat the same for other files and folders Go to this location (copy-paste it into your address bar and press enter) %windir%\WinSxS\ find all files associated with Avast and delete them using procedure steps 2 – 7 Go to this location %windir%\WinSxS\Manifests\ find all files associated with Avast and delete them using procedure steps 2 – 7 Restart your computer. It is not recommended to take ownership of trusted owner files, but if you are sure you are not going to use them again, you can just delete them. Use this as a last resort method. How To Uninstall Avast Browser: 6 Easy Methods. After discontinuation of Avast SafeZone Browser, Avast Software introduced Avast Secure Browser, which comes with better privacy features and improved speed. Avast introduced the secure browser bundled with the Avast Antivirus. For that reason, it installs in your computer automatically when updating your Avast Antivirus. To prevent automatic installation of the browser, you have to uncheck it in the setup dialogue if you do not need it. You have to be careful when updating your antivirus to avoid installing it. But if the browser is already running on your computer but it does not look helpful, you might want to uninstall it or remove it with the official removal tool from Avast. Unfortunately, you will realize that the process of uninstalling it through the Control Panel in your Windows desktop is tedious and might not provide any results. To help you uninstall it easily, we have gathered the methods you should use. How to uninstall Avast Browser. The Avast Secure Browser uninstall process might look complicated but you should not panic. Here are the methods you need to complete the uninstallation successfully. Method 1: Disable the Avast Secure Browser during the startup. If the Avast Secure Browser is helpful but you would not want it to start at boot, you can disable it by following the following steps. Press Win + X or right-click on your Windows Start button to open WinX menu Choose the Task Manager from the WinX menu Under the Startup tab, you will see all the apps enabled to run during the startup Right-click on the Avast Secure Browser and choose the Disable option. That will disable the browser from startup. The browser is likely to stress your system whenever it runs during the boot process. Method 2: Uninstall the Avast Secure Browser. Even though Avast offers many tools and features to help maximize the security of your computer system, the Avast Secure Browser is not a good browser and the other -based browsers are better. Here is how to uninstall Avast Browser through this method. – Before doing anything, stop all the processes of your Avast Antivirus. After that, right-click on your system’s notification tray icon. Hover the cursor over the Avast Shields Control >> Disable Until Computer is Restarted. Now right-click on your Windows Start button and wait for the WinX menu to launch. Move to the top and choose Apps & Features. Alternatively, you can launch the Apps and Features from the Control Panel. Search for the Avast Secure Browser on the list of applications running on your computer. Click on it. Click on Uninstall Follow the entire on-screen process to complete the uninstallation. Restart your computer. Sometimes, an SZBrowser folder will remain on your computer system after the uninstallation. To delete the folder, boot your computer in Safe Mode. Press F8 during the boot process and delete the folder. Reboot the computer normally. Method 3: Uninstall the Avast Secure Browser via the Control Panel. To uninstall the via the Control Panel, here are the steps to follow: Hit the Windows-Pause to access the Control Panel Choose “Control Panel Home” and click on “Uninstall a Program” on the screen that opens Right-click on the Avast Free Antivirus and choose change option from the context menu. You can also click on the Avast entry and choose Change from the menu. On the window that opens, choose change again. You will find it next to the “Update and repair” option. Locate the Avast Secure Browser from the lists and uncheck the checkbox next to it. Do the same for all components that you do not need. That will remove all the components from your computer if they were already installed. Click on Change to begin the removal process. You will get a message informing you that the process was successful. Restart your computer for the uninstallation to be complete. Method 4: Remove all Avast Extensions. Avast installs some extensions to help enhance your security when browsing the internet. To remove the extensions from , Chrome or any other browser, follow these steps. Open the web browser, click the hamburger menu (≡) Choose More Tools and choose Extensions Locate all Avast extensions on the list of the installed extensions and click on Remove Extension to get rid of them That will remove all the extensions or those you would want to remove. Method 5: Uninstall the Avast! Free Antivirus. If you would want to uninstall the antivirus too, the uninstallation of the Avast Secure Browser will be much easier. Complete uninstallation of the Avast Antivirus will eliminate all the components that come with the Avast package installer. Follow these steps to do that. Stop the Antivirus and right-click on your computer’s notification tray icon. Hover over the Avast Shields Control and choose Disable Until Computer is Restarted Right-click the start button and wait for the WinX menu to appear. Go to Apps & Features Situated at the top of the menu. From the applications list, find the Avast! Free Antivirus. Click on it and click Uninstall. Click Yes afterUAC pops up. Follow all the on-screen instructions for the uninstallation to be complete. Reinstall the Avast Antivirus but remember to uncheck installation of the Avast Secure Browser before installing. Method 6: Uninstall it with the official Avast removal tool. Avast offers an Avast Secure Browser removal tool to help you avoid the hassles associated with the manual removal method. Download this tool from the official website and run it on your computer. Choose “Also delete your browsing data” and click on Uninstall”. Wait for the uninstallation to end. The removal tool will ask you whether you would want to take a survey in the browser. Avoid the step and close the dialogue window. Conclusion. Even though Avast is a great free antivirus, it comes with many popup ads that might be unbearable. Originally, it came with the premium editions of Avast Antivirus but the company is now rolling it out with the free version too. Follow the above steps to uninstall the Avast Secure Browser or the Antivirus itself. But if you love the features and tools it offers, it is safe to use. How To Stop Avast Browser From Opening – How To Fix ? Antiviruses are very important for your PC. Without them, your computer is vulnerable to malware and viruses. Avast is one of the most used antiviruses and it is great at its job. But even though Avast is popular, users have some problems with it. One of the biggest problems that the Avast users face is the Avast browser that comes for free when you download Avast. In this article, we have explained what Avast browser is and how to stop Avast browser from opening . What Is Avast Browser? Avast browser is a privacy and security-focused, Chromium-based internet browser that comes bundled with the Avast antivirus. It does have various useful features like Adblock, anti-phishing, anti-tracking, HTTPS encryption, , privacy cleaner, flash blocker, hack check, webcam guard, anti-fingerprinting, etc. These features sound good, so why the users want to turn off Avast browser ? It’s mostly because most users don’t even know how the browser was installed on their PC in the first place. The Avast browser is bundled with the Avast antivirus. During the installation of Avast antivirus, the users can decide if they want to install the Avast browser or not. This option, however, is already enabled and is quite unnoticeable unless you are searching for it. It’s a clever marketing tactic by Avast that definitely doesn’t go well with the users. Another reason that users want to disable Avast browser is that it automatically sends usage statistics to Avast servers. This feature can be disabled but the app should ask before doing it in the first place. Other than that, the Avast browser is basically like Google Chrome as it is based on Chromium engine. One can use it if they want if they don’t have issues with the above-discussed issues. But there is no point to use if you already use Google Chrome. Also, you may also like to read this article on what to do when Google Chrome won’t open. How To Stop Avast Browser From Opening? Now coming to the important question, “ How to delete Avast Browser ?”. You can stop and uninstall the Avast browser by following the instructions given below. 1) Stop Opening Automatically At Startup. This feature in Avast browser is particularly annoying. It opens the Avast browser automatically when your computer boots into the desktop. To disable this feature follow the steps given below: Open Avast browser and type secure://settings/ in the address bar and press Enter. The Settings page of the Avast browser will open on your screen. Scroll down and locate the On startup section. Turn Off the Launch Avast Secure Browser Automatically when your computer starts toggle. You can also disable the Always check to see if Avast Secure Browser is the default browser on startup toggle, which is also another annoying feature. Close the Avast browser. Now, this will turn off Avast browser from opening at startup. 2) Delete Avast Browser. Deleting Avast browser is pretty simple, as you don’t need to delete Avast antivirus to delete the browser, the browser can be deleted separately. To uninstall Avast browser follow the steps given below: Open the Run utility by pressing the Windows + R keys. Type appwiz.cpl and press Enter to open the Programs and Features panel. Locate the Avast Security Browser and right-click on it. Select the Uninstall option. Follow the instructions on your screen to complete the uninstallation process. Now, you know how to delete Avast browser . Wrapping Up. So, there you have it. Now you know how to stop Avast browser from opening. Follow the above methods carefully and you will be able to do it easily. Leave your comments below sharing your views on this article. About Sanmay Chakrabarti. Sanmay is a natural geek and love to write about technology. He loves to travel when free and enjoy playing his new PS4.