Quote of the Day Never yield to the apparently overwhelming www.thedailyafghanistan.com Email:
[email protected] might of the enemy. Phone: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019 Add: In front of Habibia High School, Winston Churchill District 3, Kabul, Afghansitan Reg: No 352 Volume No. 3801 Wednesday February 07, 2018 dalw 18, 1396 www.outlookafghanistan.net Price: 20/-Afs Paktia Residents Protest Againstn Durand Line Fencing Afghanistan-Indonesia GARDEZ - Hundreds of residents of the Dand Patan border district of southeastern Paktia province on Tuesday protested against to Open Air Corridor what they claimed “movements” of Pakistani troops along the Du- Commerce ministry said Afghanistan and rand Line and fencing of the bor- US Redeploying Forces der. Indonesia have formed committees to work on opening Few days back, Pakistan started an air corridor between the two countries. from Iraq to Afghanistan installing fences and facilities KABUL - Contract workers at US military bases along the Durand Line. in Iraq have said troops are leaving on flights on Madain Satiwal, a protestor, said a daily basis. people of the district were upset The US military is redeploying its troops from an and angry over the recent actions American-led coalition base in Iraq to Afghani- of the Pakistani border forces. stan following the defeat of Deash in the country, He urged the National Unity Fox News reported. Government (NUG) to seriously The report said that it western contractors at the take measures against the Paki- base say US troops began the drawdown over the stani moves. past week, with groups of soldiers leaving the “All people are tired of the situ- base on daily flights.