CONSUMER GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL FORUM NORTHERN REGION, KOZHIKODE. (Formed under Section 42(5) of Electricity Act 2003) Vydyuthibhavan, Gandhi Road, Kozhikode -673011 Telephone Number -0495 2367820
[email protected] PRESENT BEENA GOPINATH. S : CHAIRPERSON LEKHA RANI R : MEMBER II OP No.133/2019-20 PETITIONER : Sri. Boya Ragavendra Kumar,Senior Divisional Electrical Engr/TRD, Southern Railway, Palakkad District-678002. RESPONDENTS : 1. The Deputy Chief Engineer, Electrical Circle, Kasaragod, Kasaragod District-671121. 2. The Deputy Chief Engineer, Transmission Circle, Kannur, ORDER Case of the Petitioner:- The petitioner, Sri. Boya Ragavendra Kumar, Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer, Southern Railway, Palakkad district complaints that unreliable power supply situation at Railway Traction Sub-station, Uppala cause immense difficulties in day today hassle free train movements. As a part of electrification of Shoranur-Mangalore section of Palakkad Division of Southern Railway, a 25 KV Railway Traction Sub Station at Uppala was commissioned on 12.01.2018 with a CMD of 5000KVA. Though there was a proposal to enhance the existing CMD of 5000 KVA to 7000 KVA, KSEB did not accept the application owing to inadequate capacity of KSEB sub station and permitted the Railways to extend supply from Cheruvathur Railway Traction Sub Station up to Uppala. The in coming supply of Uppala Railway Traction Sub Station is fed from 110KV KSEB Sub Station at Kubanoor. During load condition, the incoming 110 KV supply at Uppala is failing frequently due to overload tripping at Manjeswaram Sub Station which is feeding to Kubanoor. It is understood that the OCR setting of the Kubanoor Traction Feeder is 200 Amps where as that of Manjeswaram is 150 Amps only (150A for both domestic and Traction load) Even though the KSEB authorities are claiming that their supply system has been strengthened, there has been no reduction at all noticed in the supply failure and interruptions to railway traction supply to Uppala.