John Daido Loori | 256 pages | 25 Oct 2004 | Wisdom Publications,U.S. | 9780861713943 | English | Somerville, United States The Art of Just Sitting: Essential Writings on the Zen Practice of Shikantaza - Google книги

Hongzhi Dogen and the Background. . Cultivating the Empty Field. Universal Eihei Dogen Recommendations for . The Wholehearted Way Eihei Dogen. Yangshans State of Mind. Foundational Texts. Bloodstream Sermon. In fact, all supernatural aspects seem to have been stripped away. The Soto school says that the moment you assume the zazen posture, you have entered a state of enlightenment. No additional striving or aspiration is necessary. You are enlightened simply by virtue of your sincere intent to practice. The teisho here are rich, literary productions in themselves, as well as vital instruction. They must represent some two or more centuries of collective Zen experience. Re- reading them soon will be necessary. Feb 24, DJ Dycus rated it it was amazing Shelves: , chinese , contemplative-life , culture , eastern- philosophy , existential , faith , history , human-nature , identity. A great anthology of Buddhist writings on the practice of shikantaza or zazen. The authors of these "essential writings" date from the 12th century through the 20th. After reading this, I have a much better grasp of Buddhism not to mention the practice of seated . If you look at the list of "shelves" I used to capture the content of this book, you'll see just how wide-ranging this collection of writings really is. Jun 05, Johnny Cordova rated it liked it Shelves: spiritual. A compilation of essays on shikantaza meditation, the Zen practice of simply sitting with the mind as it arises spontaneously. A great idea for a book, but I found the selections to be repetitive, didactic, and mostly dry. A shame because shikantaza, more than any other form of meditation, lends itself to poetry and there is very little poetry between these pages. Feb 27, Greg rated it liked it. 1 comment. Apr 15, Ona Kiser rated it it was amazing. The first book on Zen I've read that I just drank like water. A really nice diversity of essays. Nice commentaries on classic stories and teachings. Highly recommended. Jan 10, Levas rated it really liked it. I am not sure about the last statement, I can only repeat what I've read before. The diversity of texts is great - some of them are very complex, others - quite the opposite. And it was quite some time since the last time I've read something so refreshing and inspiring to sit and not question any of the experiences or thoughts. In each of these books one does not usually perceive biggest part of what is being said. But these small tiny parts that gets stuck is a great motivational force even if you are starting to get disappointed with how you sit. You just sit and that's it. For whatever reason this simple thing needs to be explained in so many words so many times. Recommended read. Jan 13, Juan Jacobo Bernal rated it really liked it. I initially thought this was going to be a super-academic text. Although it cites plenty of ancient scriptures, it did provide me with a few applicable insights that served me a lot during my last seshin. Jan 18, Majolo rated it liked it. This book collects about a couple dozen writings on shikantaza, or just sitting meditation. The texts range over almost a millennium and have an accordingly wide range of format and style. Mar 03, Garvice added it. Mar 02, DoGG rated it really liked it. Compilation of essays on Shikantaza and, to some extent, Silent Illumination. Some essays better than others, but overall very useful perspectives on this method of pure awareness. The process is the goal. Zazen is Buddha, zazen is enlightenment. On Silent Illumination. Yaoshans NonThinking. Yangshans State of Mind. Bloodstream Sermon. Treatise on the Essentials of Cultivating the Mind. The Platform . Permissions Credits. The Art of Just Sitting: Essential Writings on the Zen Practice of Shikantaza by

Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. This book has been indispensable to me as I have sought to teach myself zazen. In fact, all supernatural aspects seem to have been stripped away. The Soto school says that the moment you assume the zazen posture, you have entered a state of enlightenment. No additional striving or aspiration is necessary. You are enlightened simply by virtue of your sincere intent to practice. The teisho here are rich, literary productions in themselves, as well as vital instruction. They must represent some two or more centuries of collective Zen experience. Re-reading them soon will be necessary. Feb 24, DJ Dycus rated it it was amazing Shelves: buddhism , chinese , contemplative-life , culture , eastern-philosophy , existential , faith , history , human- nature , identity. A great anthology of Buddhist writings on the practice of shikantaza or zazen. The authors of these "essential writings" date from the 12th century through the 20th. After reading this, I have a much better grasp of Buddhism not to mention the practice of seated meditation. If you look at the list of "shelves" I used to capture the content of this book, you'll see just how wide-ranging this collection of writings really is. Jun 05, Johnny Cordova rated it liked it Shelves: spiritual. A compilation of essays on shikantaza meditation, the Zen practice of simply sitting with the mind as it arises spontaneously. A great idea for a book, but I found the selections to be repetitive, didactic, and mostly dry. A shame because shikantaza, more than any other form of meditation, lends itself to poetry and there is very little poetry between these pages. Feb 27, Greg rated it liked it. View 1 comment. Apr 15, Ona Kiser rated it it was amazing. The first book on Zen I've read that I just drank like water. A really nice diversity of essays. Nice commentaries on classic stories and teachings. Highly recommended. Jan 10, Levas rated it really liked it. I am not sure about the last statement, I can only repeat what I've read before. The diversity of texts is great - some of them are very complex, others - quite the opposite. And it was quite some time since the last time I've read something so refreshing and inspiring to sit and not question any of the experiences or thoughts. In each of these books one does not usually perceive biggest part of what is being said. But these small tiny parts that gets stuck is a great motivational force even if you are starting to get disappointed with how you sit. You just sit and that's it. For whatever reason this simple thing needs to be explained in so many words so many times. Recommended read. Jan 13, Juan Jacobo Bernal rated it really liked it. I initially thought this was going to be a super-academic text. Although it cites plenty of ancient scriptures, it did provide me with a few applicable insights that served me a lot during my last seshin. Jan 18, Majolo rated it liked it. This book collects about a couple dozen writings on shikantaza, or just sitting meditation. The texts range over almost a millennium and have an accordingly wide range of format and style. Mar 03, Garvice added it. Mar 02, DoGG rated it really liked it. Compilation of essays on Shikantaza and, to some extent, Silent Illumination. Some essays better than others, but overall very useful perspectives on this method of pure awareness. The process is the goal. Zazen is Buddha, zazen is enlightenment. We put aside all concerns, shed all attachments, and make ourselves as plain as possible, like a clean sheet of paper. We then just sit serenely, lett Compilation of essays on Shikantaza and, to some extent, Silent Illumination. We then just sit serenely, letting go of all that comes up, staying constantly present in zazen no matter what happens, abandoning all thoughts of life, body, fears, desires — everything but the method. We sit with our whole body and our whole mind, becoming the sitting ourselves. The sitter and sitting are the same thing — just sitting. Jul 27, James Elliott rated it it was amazing. An amazing compendium of writings on the type of Zen meditation known as "shikantaza" - the practice of sitting with full awareness, neither attaching to thoughts nor trying to suppress thought, without any particular object of focus - despite its seeming simplicity, it is regarded as one of the most challenging , and can be quite difficult to wrap your head around. This book, compiled by the late master John Daido Loori features some of the best writings on the subject, primarily in An amazing compendium of writings on the type of Zen meditation known as "shikantaza" - the practice of sitting with full awareness, neither attaching to thoughts nor trying to suppress thought, without any particular object of focus - despite its seeming simplicity, it is regarded as one of the most challenging meditations, and can be quite difficult to wrap your head around. This book, compiled by the late master John Daido Loori features some of the best writings on the subject, primarily in the tradition of Zen masters Hongzhi and Dogen - wherein practice and enlightenment are seen as being inseparable - to wholeheartedly sit is itself the manifestation of the buddha seal. Jan 25, John rated it it was amazing. If you want to find out about Zen Buddhism, there are other books that will give you a good introduction. If you have an established sitting practice, then this is probably the best practical manual available. Because it's an anthology of short pieces from the Buddha onwards, the teachings are from a wide variety perspectives on a wide variety of issues, so whatever help you need, you stand a good chance of finding it here. Sep 05, Walter Burton rated it really liked it. As noted by others some essays are hard to "get into" but on the whole it give a great deal if insight into the purpose and practice do Zazen. It is a book I will visit later as my practice progresses. Jun 30, Scott rated it it was ok. Yangshans State of Mind. Foundational Texts. Bloodstream Sermon. Treatise onthe Essentials of Cultivating the Mind. The Dajian . Permissions Credits. Shohaku Okumura. On Silent Illumination. Yaoshans NonThinking. Wisdom Publications. Tremper, New York. Devoted to maintaining authentic Zen training, he developed a distinctive style, called the Eight Gates of Zen, based on the . thezensite:The Art of Just Sitting book review

Yaoshans NonThinking. Yangshans State of Mind. Bloodstream Sermon. Treatise on the Essentials of Cultivating the Mind. The Platform Sutra. Permissions Credits. Tremper, New York. Devoted to maintaining authentic Zen training, he developed a distinctive style, called the Eight Gates of Zen, based on the noble eightfold path. Drawing on his background as scientist, artist, naturalist, and Zen priest, Abbot Loori was an American master who spoke directly to students from the perspective of a common background. Taigen has long been active in social justice programs, including Peace and Environmental Activism. The Wholehearted Way Eihei Dogen. Yangshans State of Mind. Foundational Texts. Bloodstream Sermon. Treatise onthe Essentials of Cultivating the Mind. The Platform Sutra Dajian Huineng. Permissions Credits. Shohaku Okumura. On Silent Illumination. Yaoshans NonThinking. Wisdom Publications. Tremper, New York.

Commentary on Fukanzazengi. On Silent Illumination. Yaoshans NonThinking. Yangshans State of Mind. Bloodstream Sermon. Treatise on the Essentials of Cultivating the Mind. The Platform Sutra. Permissions Credits. Tremper, New York. Devoted to maintaining authentic Zen training, he developed a distinctive style, called the Eight Gates of Zen, based on the noble eightfold path. This peerless volume brings together a wealth of writings, from the Buddha himself to and Dogen and many of modern Zen Buddhism's most influential masters, all pointing directly to the heart of this powerful practice. Edited by one of America's pre-eminent Zen teachers, this book is a rich resource for wisdom seekers and scholars alike. Hongzhi Dogen and the Background. Taigen Dan Leighton. Cultivating the Empty Field. Universal Eihei Dogen Recommendations for Zazen. The Wholehearted Way Eihei Dogen. Yangshans State of Mind. Foundational Texts. Bloodstream Sermon. Treatise onthe Essentials of Cultivating the Mind. The Platform Sutra Dajian Huineng. asthmas-22.pdf von-casar-bis-karl-dem-grossen-948.pdf