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As MP for (1997 – 2017), Andrew Tyrie served as Chairman of the Commons Treasury Select Committee (2010 – 2017), Chairman of the Liaison Committee (2015 – 2017), and Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards (2012 – 2013) whose recommendations for the reform of governance in major financial institutions, now implemented, are widely held to be transforming business practice in financial services. Andrew has also held board roles in investment management and property firms. He was previously Special Advisor to Chancellors of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson and John Major. Andrew Tyrie has been Chairman of the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) since June 2018.


I would like to thank Dr Michael Grenfell, Professor David Howarth, Tony Peto QC, Eve Samson, Dr Paul Seaward, Juliette Smith, Gavin Thompson, and the Rt Hon Lord Young of Cookham CH for their comments on an earlier draft.


Andrew Tyrie was the most formidable Chair of a Commons Select Committee ever. Without resorting to the grandstanding or hectoring of some of his colleagues, he held to account those responsible for the financial crisis and, as Chair of the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards, identified the remedies. Courteous, well-briefed and persistent, he cut through the defences of those who appeared before his Committee, and then steered his Committee towards unanimous conclusions. Virtually all have been accepted by the Government.

He stretched to the limit the current powers of Select Committees, but has concluded that they are proving inadequate to the task. In ‘The emperor has no clothes’ he exposes the weaknesses in the current settlement, and argues for reform. As someone who chaired the Standards and Privileges Committee for 8 years, I have had my share of recalcitrant witnesses; I agree with his analysis and his promotion of possible solutions. At a time when many in Parliament are also coming publicly to share his concerns, his solutions will be of interest to MPs – and to the wider public who follow these important Parliamentary and constitutional issues.

The Rt. Hon. the Lord Young of Cookham CH

October 2019


Select Committees are the To perform this job, Select success story of Parliament over Committees have started to make the last decade. Election of much fuller use of their theoretical Chairmen by secret ballot of the powers, which are extensive, whole House – introduced by the particularly the power to summon incoming Coalition Government witnesses and produce papers. In – has been seized by several turn, some – particularly witnesses Select Committees to boost their and people and institutions authority. As a consequence, of whom papers have been scrutiny of the executive, and demanded – have challenged wider public life, is both more Parliament’s right to make such effective and more meaningful, demands. A few have ignored and increasingly seen to be so. or frustrated those demands. Select Committees are extending Parliament’s bluff is now being their influence and developing a called. This paper argues that the capacity to set Parliament’s agenda time has come for reinforcement in new ways. of those powers to give them full practical effect. This is now essential if Select Committees’ crucial, and relatively new, roles – closer to the centre of political life – are to be entrenched. What follows sets out how to accomplish it.


SUMMARY IN MORE DETAIL In a nutshell, it isn’t.1 Doing nothing is the easy option. It avoids the risk of unsettling the The apparently recondite constitutional balance between issue – of the enforcement by Parliament and the UK courts (if Parliament of the powers of Select legislation were used to bolster Committees to obtain papers Committee powers) or the and cross-examine witnesses – European Court of Human Rights has high stakes attached. Select finding the House’s procedures Committees have been helping were incompatible with the to restore Parliament’s credibility, UK’s international human rights becoming again part of “the grand obligations, which might happen inquisition of the nation”. They are if there was no legislative basis for crucial to the long-term future and their use. It is primarily for these health of Parliamentary democracy reasons that not much, so far, has in the UK. been done.

Committees cannot do their job Those who advocate doing nothing fully now: there is a gap between might also argue that, in most real powers and appearances. The cases, papers are supplied willingly, Parliamentary magic to secure and people are ready, or even compliance with requests for eager, to give evidence. people and papers is wearing off. It is not just that Select Committees However, the experience of the are already constrained; the last twenty years has shown that, constraints are likely to get worse. just at the moment when powers An assertive executive, supported of compulsion are most needed by a reasonable Parliamentary – during the most high-profile majority, would be happy to let it inquiries, on matters of greatest deteriorate. concern to the public – they have

1 The fact of the inquiry launched by the Privileges Committee in 2016 suggests that they have concerns. Appendix 2 sets out their terms of reference.

7 often been found to be wanting. • in its 2016 report on BHS Some examples: the Work and Pensions Committee noted that • the Government succeeded “Advisers citing issues of in preventing a timely and full legal privilege and client investigation into the origin of confidentiality acted as a bar the Iraq War by the relevant to us gathering information” Committees – Defence, and and that in some cases a very Foreign Affairs. They were wide interpretation of these unable to see what and concepts was used.6 As set out whom they felt necessary. in evidence to the Standards Congressional inquiries into Committee, Sir Philip Green the same question in the and Ian Grabiner have refused US, by contrast, were more to comply with an order from 2 effective; the Women and Equalities Committee.7 In many • the Culture, Media and Sport cases, these are the type of Committee noted that it investigations which may have “repeatedly encountered an contributed to the restoration unwillingness to provide the of Parliament’s reputation for detailed information that we doing the job the electorate sought, claims of ignorance or expects of it. lack of recall, and deliberate obfuscation” in its 2010 What was once an open secret inquiry into Press Standards, on Committee Corridor is now 3 Privacy and Libel. In 2011, becoming increasingly obvious to in its subsequent inquiry into a wider public: the only practical News International and Phone consequence of refusing to comply Hacking, the Committee had with a Committee summons, or a 4 to use the power to summons call for papers, is reputational. And 5 the Murdochs; that cost will vary, depending on the individual concerned. For some

2 I did a relatively detailed comparative study of Parliamentary/Congressional scrutiny of the decision to go to war in Mr Blair’s Poodle goes to War, 2004, Centre for Policy Studies. The Iraq war was an interesting and rare test case for a comparison of the respective powers of Westminster and Capitol Hill. Each demo- cratic body was seeking to establish the truth about the decisions to initiate the same war. 3 4 The scope and limits of these powers has yet to be codified although, under various standing orders the Chamber gives wide-ranging powers and formalities to obtain evidence, call witnesses and submit reports to the House as a whole. These powers are therefore derived from those of the whole House. The latter can be traced back at least as far as the 16th century. 5, para 4. 6, para 87. 7 tee-of-privileges/select-committees-and-contempts/written/103502.html 8 – such as the head of a public It would be a matter for the body, or a major government to decide whether contractor – to be held in contempt to replicate any new system may bring about the end of their brought in by the Commons. But careers. For others, particularly it probably should and would. those whose anti-establishment To the extent that the problems credentials may be burnished by a identified are not currently shared finding of contempt, it may do the in the House of Lords, it is probably opposite. because Lords’ Committees do not seek to swim so often in the The present situation – in treacherous currents of high profile which Committees’ work is controversies evident on the confined to scrutiny of the Commons Committee corridor. willing and the fearful – has a The Lords – if it is to sustain a number of undesirable potential meaningful scrutiny role in the 21st consequences: century, and in the absence of a • Members of Parliament and democratic mandate – will need to the public are less well- do some more swimming. informed about controversial issues; Why neither the Chamber nor • Committees conduct inquiries the Courts can substitute for on the basis of incomplete Committee Powers information, and they reach conclusions that are poorly- A great deal of the business of informed or unfair; the state is now carried out in a penumbra of governmental • the failure of Parliament quangos and regulators of varying to “get to the bottom of degrees of independence.8 The things” leads to further public list is very large.9 This is the 21st disenchantment with politics, century reality of the exercise of and heightens the sense public authority over a great deal that the political process is of British life. Such bodies are ineffective.

8 The Government website lists 406 agencies and other public bodies, ranging from minor organisations, such as the Chevening Scholarship Programme to major regulators such as Ofwat and Ofgem, and the financial regulators see 9 For example, Regulators’ Network has a membership of 13: Civil Aviation Author- ity, Financial Conduct Authority, Financial Reporting Council, Information Commissioner’s Office, Legal Services Board, Ofcom, Ofgem, Ofwat, ORR, Payment Systems Regulator, Single Source Regulation Office, The Pensions’ Regulator and the Utility Regulator Northern Ireland. This does not include all bodies with a major role. For example, it excludes the Bank of England and the Competition and Markets Authority. Around a quarter of total UK economic activity takes place in the directly regulated sectors.

9 likely to continue to give evidence, The Committee Corridor conducts whether or not Parliament its business in a language more reinforces privilege. Many of them readily understandable and recognise the benefits to them of acceptable to the wider public so doing: it can legitimise their than the Chamber. Its scrutiny own authority.10 However, in even is often more substantive, too. these cases Parliament’s practical A step shift in the importance capacity to exercise effective of Select Committees has scrutiny may be weakened. come with the secret ballot for Certainly, a brake would be put on election of Chairmen, in the some of the Select Committees’ Commons, in 2010. This is the recent innovations. transformational reform. It has given Committees, as a whole, new As the business of Government self-confidence, an ability to speak has become more complex, and for and to the public, and more as power and responsibility has effective leadership, sometimes passed from central Government to demonstrably independent of regulators and arms length bodies, the Whips. Their work is closely the effectiveness of the floor of followed by the media and the the House as a means of scrutiny public. They now help frame public and control has diminished. This discourse. has been going on for many decades. It has recently been Overall, a historically somewhat obscured by which has inward facing process, a temporarily focussed attention conversation with itself, based on the Commons’ “cockpit”. on formal stylised procedures, Narrow majorities and a Coalition and equally formulaic language, Government have contributed. The is now being supplemented growth of the Committee system in Committees by a public has played an important part in conversation, where proceedings improving the public perception are direct, and based less on of Parliament and its relevance to assertion, more on substance. them, acting as a counter weight, Notwithstanding the apparent among other things, to poor collapse of trust in politics, behaviour in the Chamber and Committee proceedings are often expenses scandals. held to be effective, and seen to be effective. This is a considerable achievement. It is the consolidation

10 The Bank of England have argued several times that power and accountability need to go hand in hand. See, for example, oral evidence from Sir Mervyn King in Ev 44 of Treasury Select Committee, Ac- countability of the Bank of England, 21st Report of Session 2010-2012, 8 November 2011, HC 874. 10 of these gains, and further papers” tends to be conducted improvement on them, that is only on the basis of current also at stake in the debate about Committee investigative practice. “people and papers” powers. This is a mistake. Entrenchment of these powers could facilitate the scope for innovation and extension of their use. During Other means of enquiry cannot my chairmanship of the Treasury substitute for Parliament Committee, I tried to make a start. Some might argue that The power to send for papers Committees do not need to be was deployed not just to produce so intrusive for another reason: evidence (usually published), but in a state with well-functioning instead as a lever. It was used, civil and criminal justice systems for example, to provide the and with a complex landscape of Committee with an assurance that independent regulation, others that the information it received – supported by the media – can was full and truthful. This can do the investigative heavy lifting. be done without necessarily The claimed shortcomings of breaching commercial or personal Committees in their conduct of confidentiality, or security, the inquiries were explored in the customary reflex refrains of those Public Administration Committee’s wanting to withhold papers. For 2005 Report, Government by example, the Treasury Committee Inquiry. This identified political used the power to: partisanship and Committees’ structure and role as the main • impose expert advisers on arguments made against the FCA and its predecessor Parliamentary inquiries. They were regulator the FSA. These broadly right. Neither is likely in a advisers were embedded court. Those who think that court in the regulator for several or judicial scrutiny can act as a months, with full staff support. substitute for much of Parliament’s Their job was to scrutinise the investigative function are urged to preparation of the regulator’s turn to Appendix 1. two separate internal reviews of the regulation of RBS and HBOS up to their collapse. The importance of “people This was done with the twin and papers” for new forms of purpose of ensuring that scrutiny the FCA’s investigation was thorough and objective, and The debate about “people and 11 also that their summary report them to the Chairman’s, and (later published) was a fair ultimately the Committee’s, reflection of all the underlying attention. This procedure material and that the public was extensively developed, could have confidence in it. including in two notable cases: They reported back to the Committee in detail, both − the Committee had been in writing and in private pressing the Bank for a long and public sessions. The time to publish the minutes expert advisers, on behalf of the Court of the Bank of the Committee, saw all (the body equivalent to its the material (some of which Board) covering the period the FCA believed they had a of the financial crisis. When statutory duty not to divulge it eventually agreed to do publicly) on which the FCA’s so – with some redactions – final report was published. following the arrival of a new The advisers knew, as did the Governor and new Chairman regulators, that if they were of the Court in early 2015, denied access to anything they the Committee required that could turn to the Committee the clerk be able to read the for backup. It is probably entire original set of minutes because of this that the in the Bank, along with the Committee, and its advisers, proposed redactions, and received the full cooperation then agree each of those of the regulators. The scope redactions with the Bank. for “pulling the wool” over the − the Bank of England had eyes of the Committee was commissioned an internal thereby much diminished; review of an occasion • ensure that the Bank of when the Real Time Gross England published sensitive Settlement (RTGS) system documents with only the – a crucial part of the UK’s minimum of redactions, by financial ‘plumbing’ – had sending the clerk of the failed for most of a day, Committee to review the causing serious problems Bank’s proposed redactions for many businesses and and to raise any concerns with individuals. Again, the the Bank directly. Had the clerk clerk was able to read the been unable to agree matters original report and the with the Bank, he would proposed redactions, prior have been expected to bring to publication. These were,

12 in this case, legitimately investigate the Marconi scandal, a required for reasons both of hundred years earlier. The PCBS, commercial sensitivity and and the framework of Standing of security. He proposed Orders which supported it, have overturning some of the created a precedent for much more proposed redactions, Parliamentary scrutiny of the type and also proposed other formerly considered the preserve amendments, both to of judge led inquiries or tribunals. minimise their extent and to It has shown that Parliament can make the redacted version delve deeply into a major issue of easier to follow. Again, public concern. Furthermore, it has these were accepted by the demonstrated that Parliament’s Bank. The alternative, of a capacity to recommend and then report to the Chairman and force through the implementation the Committee of non- of radical remedies, supported compliance with the clerk’s by primary legislation, often in suggestions, followed by the face of initial obstruction detailed scrutiny of them in by the Government. It showed (initially private but possibly that this could be done while subsequent public) hearings, avoiding partisan acrimony, and was probably a substantial more quickly and much more cost deterrent to excessive effectively than judge led inquiries. redaction. “People and papers” powers Had the clerk not been able to were essential to its work. The obtain adequate co-operation, PCBS was able to secure extensive or if he had concluded that the cooperation from counter redactions were unnecessary or parties, including banks under would have led to a misleading investigation. This was probably impression of the original due to the reputational risks of not documents, it would have been doing so. It may also have been open to the Committee to form partly because firms knew that its own view and, if appropriate, the FCA would probably, using its publish the unredacted texts. statutory powers, have cooperated fully and promptly to secure papers The Parliamentary Commission on the PCBS’s behalf, had the on Banking Standards’ (PCBS) banks withheld material. For its experience is also relevant here. part, on receipt of request from This was the first major inquiry Parliament, the FCA would not to be attempted by Parliament have relished a clash about the since its catastrophic failure to withholding of papers.

13 The PCBS innovation and its clerks! They almost always avoid success in obtaining “people calling individuals who are known and papers” may therefore have to be subject to active police owed something to special investigation, or asking questions circumstances. It could turn out to of other witnesses directly relevant be one of a kind unless Parliament to it. does something to ensure that future Commissions can see and The existence of Article 9 of the 12 hear what they need.11 Bill of Rights, and a scrupulous observance of it by the courts, is part of the framework which ensures the fairness of committee Fairness proceedings. The Joint Committee noted that: This has already been touched on. What is or is not a fair process While a Committee’s findings for dealing with witnesses and may be uncomfortable evidence will depend on the reading for those criticised, context in which the evidence is a Committee will not take used, and the subsequent use direct action against them. made of it. It is also, to some A Committee report may degree, in the eye of the beholder. suggest that illegal conduct And it changes over time. has occurred, or that specific conduct should be culpable; it Parliament polices itself on fairness. cannot of itself create any legal Committee fairness is under liability. If a report prompts constant assessment by fellow MPs a disciplinary body to take informally, and on the floor of the action, that action will have to House. The press and wider public comply with the body’s own are also watching and commenting. powers and processes. The fact Legal fairness is also in play. that proceedings in Parliament The sub judice rules inhibit cannot be questioned in courts Committees from looking at or similar bodies outside matters where legal proceedings Parliament provides further are active or people have been protection for witnesses, charged. In practice, Committees whether or not they appear err on the side of caution, often willingly. guided by particularly cautious

11 I have set out some lessons learnt from the PCBS experiment in more detail in The Poodle Bites Back, 2015, Centre for Policy Studies. See, in particular, p. 33 ff and Appendix 2 which, among other things, sets out some of the ingredients essential for any future Commission’s success. 12 Article 9 of the Bill of Rights: `freedom of speech and debates or proceedings in Parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parliament’. 14 As already explained,13 the There may be other incursions. investigative function of Parliament The courts have been extending is different from the function of the ways in which they consider the court, or of a public inquiry. Parliamentary material. While it is Committees may set out their proper for the courts to interpret interpretation of events. Their statute, there may be unfortunate findings should not impose civil or or unintended consequences for criminal liability, nor should they be Parliament if the courts are broad used in the courts. The prohibition in their interpretation. To the in Article 9 of the Bill of Rights on extent that courts might widen “impeaching and questioning” access to Parliamentary material, proceedings in Parliament, which witnesses would have good reason includes evidence to Committees, to resist giving a full account to in courts or places out of Committees. Parliament, is a crucial protection for witnesses.14 Both the above examples are domestic. A further problem for Any new legislation dealing with Committees is that their necessary these matters would need to range of evidence gathering restate and reinforce the principles extends well beyond the UK. of Article 9 prohibiting court It may be possible to sustain intervention. Any incursion on the a high degree of immunity for Article 9 protection of evidence by witnesses in UK courts. But none the courts reduces that protection can be provided for courts in other and hinders Parliament in the jurisdictions. Bob Diamond, the exercise of its own functions. Chief Executive of Barclays, may At the highest levels the courts have had such considerations in understand this, but there have mind when giving evidence to been occasions when evidence the Treasury Committee. These before Select Committees has concerns are likely to grow with the been the basis for subsequent necessary increase in the calling of cross-examination.15 Since there is witnesses from firms operating in no requirement for permission to global financial markets, and also be sought to adduce Parliamentary those firms engaged in extensive material, its frequency is unknown international activity. but probably rare.16

13 See Appendix 1. 14 The recent Supreme Court judgement on prorogation interpreted ‘impeached’ to mean ‘impugned’. 15 See Weir v Secretary of State for Transport [2005] EWHC 2192 (Ch). 16 As a first step, the Ministry of Justice could be asked to equestr that the judiciary keep a record of all such uses that come to their attention and report it to the Ministry and Parliament. 15 The standards of fairness for there should still be some basic witnesses who appear before the standards and safeguards if the Committee in the normal way need power that Committees exercise is to be proportionate. A hearing to retain consent and legitimacy. should not raise questions of An essential “quid pro quo” for civil or criminal liability such as to stronger powers over “people engage Article 6 of the European and papers” is better safeguards Convention on Human Rights.17 and consistently high standards of This requires Committee discipline. Committee conduct. Codification Committees should consider a of safeguards is probably the witness’s reasons for not wishing most straightforward way of to come; they should consider accomplishing this. requests to hold hearings at other times than originally proposed; What if the witness refuses to they should ensure that the witness come? At that stage it is arguable has the opportunity to reply, in that Article 6 rights are engaged: person or in writing, to points the body determining whether made by other witnesses. It should or not the witness should appear be made clear that the proper could be said to be deciding on a protections provided by legal civil obligation. But in any event, professional privilege and privilege the House would presumably wish against self-incrimination would be to be as fair as possible: fairness is preserved. This is all usual practice. not an external, judicially imposed, value but central to the values The Privileges Committee of both Houses. The fact that should consider recommending Commons Standing Orders reserve a codification of the standards time for Opposition parties and which the House expects of Select that SOs provide for certain levels Committees. This would need of conduct both in the Chamber careful thought. Two important and Select Committees is evidence points to bear in mind would be of this. that first, the standards of fairness, and the safeguards one might It would be a mistake to conclude reasonably expect as a witness to a that only judicial intervention could Committee, are not necessarily the ensure the fair use of powers by same as they would be if one were Committees. Each House is its own on trial as a defendant. Secondly, guardian of fairness. Behind

17 Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights: Right to a fair trial. 16 Parliament stands the electorate which, on the Commons at least, can impose its own judgments. If Committees abuse their powers, those powers can and should be restricted by the House. There is ample precedent for the Commons restricting its powers.18

18 For example, in 1978 the House of Commons resolved to exercise its penal jurisdiction as sparingly as possible and only when essential to do so; in two cases the House has rejected recommendations to exclude journalists from the precincts as punishment for giving publicity to leaks (see CJ (1975-76) 64; CJ (191985-86) 374), and in 1958 the House rejected the proposition that letters between Members and Ministers were proceedings. 17 REMEDIES

If the status quo is an The 2013 Report of the Joint uncomfortable place to stay, what Committee on Parliamentary is to be done? There are three Privilege attempted to construct broad routes: assertion, legislation a rights compliant system of and assertion supported by an Parliamentary self assertion.19 It is ECHR compatible Parliamentary possible that if the Committee’s court/tribunal. I favour the last of recommendations had been these and what follows explains implemented at that time, five why. years ago, this could have bought Parliament more time before a case, or a series of events, revealed Parliament’s powers to be defective Assertion of Powers when it matters most – the naked The advantage of Parliamentary (and toothless) emperor. assertion is that it could give each The Committee proposed House the power to summon safeguards for witnesses, and without the risk of having its a process to appeal against a procedures evaluated by the summons; the combination of courts. It carries two risks. First, a fair process and the prospect it should not do so in a way of imprisonment might have which would survive challenge persuaded potentially recalcitrant at the European Court of Human witnesses to comply. The fact there Rights. Secondly, its effectiveness has recently been an increase in would depend on compliance uncertainty (to put it mildly) over and enforcement by a third party, Parliamentary powers and that probably the police, to support a the sanction of imprisonment has Parliamentary warrant. not been imposed for 140 years, increases the risk that the 2013

19 See paras 76-100. 18 proposals might fail.20 Legislation Standing Orders in each House The benefit of legislation to could make clear that any Member address the “people and papers” REMEDIES who holds public office should powers directly is that it could appear before Parliamentary put these powers of Parliament committees if requested. Failure to beyond doubt. comply with a request to appear would become a breach of the The disadvantage is that it would Code of each House. This would make significant inroads into two increase the pressure on Members allied principles: Article 9 of the Bill who held public appointments to of Rights, and so-called “exclusive appear. The assumption is that staff cognisance”. This is no more than of either House would consider an old-fashioned term used to it their duty to give evidence, describe the power of each House and that no such order would be to determine its own procedures required. The 2013 report agreed. and to have its right to do so But I see little harm in adding respected. Recent judicial remarks staff, and perhaps little good. I that “it is ultimately for the courts, have not considered whether to not the legislature, to determine re-open the vexed question of the the limits set by the rule of law to 22 so called Osmotherly rules as part the power to exclude review” of this submission, relevant though raise the possibility that the courts it might be. If staff were to be would refuse to recognise either included, and all public servants, the provisions of Article 9, or the this could be made a contractual validity of exclusive cognisance. condition of employment. The Parliament respects the courts and same approach could at least be would be extremely unlikely to considered for all public servants. interfere with the determination of The latter would be a major step a particular case. Nonetheless, it is and would certainly drive a coach important that the sovereignty of and horses through Osmotherly.21 the Crown in Parliament

20 The power to commit offenders to prison, or into the custody of the Serjeant at Arms, has not been used since Charles Bradlaugh was committed by order of the House of Commons in 1880. Since 1945, two Members (Mr Walkeden in 1947 and Tam Dalyell in 1968) and one journalist (Mr Heigh- way in 1947) have been formally reprimanded. John Junor (Editor of the Sunday Express) was summoned to the bar of the House in 1957 to explain his actions regarding an article in his newspaper; however, after he made an apology to the House, the House decided to take no further action. (Robert Blackburn and Andrew Kennon (eds), Griffith and Ryle on Parliament: Functions, Practices and Procedures, 2003, p 134; and House of Commons Library, Select Committees: Evidence and Witnesses, 2 June 2016, p 35). 21 For an explanation of the Osmotherly see Andrew Tyrie, Mr Blair’s Poodle, p.45, 2000, Centre for Policy Studies. 22 Lord Carnwath in the Privacy International case [2019] UKSC 22. 19 remains understood, and that what evidence they need to hear the freedom of the constituent and see, ultimately limited only parts of Parliament to act without by the Chamber from which they interference is respected, including are formed, or by Parliament as a by the courts. whole.

A court’s function should be to A further constitutional danger consider individual cases which would be that the courts would come before it, some of which evaluate the way in which may have wider implications. witnesses were treated. This would In doing so courts interpret the impinge on Article 9. The proper law. Parliament (the Crown in forum for challenging questioning Parliament) makes statute law. in committee is in Parliament Each House of Parliament plays itself, not in the courts; Members a crucial part in legislation. Each are able to challenge a line of makes law on behalf of its own questioning if they wish. They – procedures whether established by particularly Chairmen – frequently precedent or framed in SOs, these do just that. should be considered the exclusive responsibility of each House. Each The above shortcomings of court House also scrutinises not just oversight have practical as well the actions of the executive, but as constitutional drawbacks. For broader policy questions, including example, it might be rational the judicial process. The functions for a reluctant witness to delay are interrelated but distinct. giving evidence for as long as possible. Such witnesses would After legislation, the courts, with be very likely to apply for court their intrinsic task of dealing review of a summons, if it were individual justice, would find it available, delaying the Committee’s difficult to resist the temptation evidence-gathering, potentially for of examining why a Committee a very long time. The reputational wished to call a particular witness, costs of doing so are small because and whether that witness was that witness could hardly be necessary. That would undermine criticised for exercising a right exclusive cognisance; in my view, of appeal/review. Furthermore, it would be wholly unacceptable. if courts were to be expected to This matters because, as indicated move quickly, Parliament would earlier, the courts and Parliament need to make an application to do different jobs. A committee them for urgent consideration. If inquiry is not a court of law. one’s concern is about exclusive Committees must be free to decide cognisance, the prospect of a

20 Committee having to make out a Acts in which failure to comply case to the court why its inquiry is with a summons is an offence, “urgent” is not a happy one. and the courts then deal with the matter (a more limited These dangers could be limited in legislative approach). a number of ways: A former clerk to the Privileges • making Committee processes Committee, Ms Eve Samson, for calling evidence in ordinary has submitted evidence to the inquiries more explicit; Committee setting out the arguments for each. I won’t repeat • ensuring there is some them. I make a much more limited mechanism for appeal against set of observations: a summons within the House’s own procedures; • both approaches carry considerable risks. It would • ensuring that any appeal not just be an incursion into mechanism was put in place exclusive cognisance. The and met the standards of likelihood must be that the fairness of the ECHR, which scope of court incursion would include the right to would develop over time. be accompanied by a legal The courts’ area of decision adviser; would resemble a ratchet not a • drafting legislation in a way pendulum; which made clear that the • given this risk, other courts were not expected to approaches should at least be question the House’s decision attempted first, even if they that a particular witness was also carry weaknesses; necessary. • whatever else is done, At least two legislative routes Parliament should legislate might be followed: to limit the extent to which • legislation following the courts could take evidence on Australian or New Zealand Parliamentary proceedings. model in which the power The former requirement, that to impose penalties is given permission of the House was directly to Parliament itself required before proceedings (broad legislation on privilege); were used, should be put on a statutory footing. Modern • legislation on the model of the mechanisms for granting Inquiries Act or the devolution such permission might be

21 considered, although I am not Committee powers, it is vital an enthusiast.23 to have in mind that what the Chamber – supported by a majority governing coalition – gave in 2010 it could take away at any Assertion: Parliament as a court/ time.24 A government with a large tribunal majority might not be so generous I strongly favour this approach, if to Committees as a coalition it can be made to work. First, it government, or one in a hung re-clothes the emperor. Second, it Parliament. offers the best prospect of keeping The fairer and more thorough a the courts largely out of the House’s internal process the less business of Parliamentary scrutiny. likely the courts are to attempt Third, it can create a flexible tool to intervene. Lord Thomas of for developing – internally – the Cwmgiedd appears to agree. He checks and balances now required has suggested in evidence to the to support the more powerful Privileges Committee: Committee system that has developed as a consequence of “13. If Parliament was strongly election. Fourth, by addressing opposed to the involvement of the the above, it reduces the courts in the manner suggested, scope – whether by necessity the court’s function (as suggested (caused perhaps by a Committee above) could instead be exercised overreaching the use of its powers) by the High Court of Parliament. or excuse – for a government to I am sure that a better course reverse the reforms made to the could be to revive a Committee Select Committee corridor. The risk composed of Peers who have held of this is too often overlooked. High Judicial Office, who could then determine such contempt As pointed out earlier, the issues in a judicial manner.”25 apparent potency of Committee scrutiny has a great deal to do The disadvantage that one with the Parliamentary arithmetic House would be deciding on the over the last decade. And in privilege of the other could readily consideration of all aspects of be addressed. A Committee of

23 For example, the Speaker could be given power to permit certain classes of use without reference to the House as a whole. 24 Robin Cook’s proposed reforms for election failed for this reason (Labour had a majority of 166) and, supported by a conspiracy of the whips of both major parties, killed his proposals. Parliament may not like to hear it but, having earned greater respect on the Committee corridor, it needs to keep earning the right to deploy its new and powerful tools of scrutiny. 25 Written evidence from the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd, Select Committees and Contempt, Committee of Privileges, May 2017, (SCC0013). 22 Lords and Commons Members, expected to do its job as quickly probably led by a Law Lord, and as reasonably possible.27 All the with a number of experienced above could be set out in Standing MPs and Peers (five in all might be Orders. enough) could meet this concern. It should not take decisions without Each House should have fair Members of both Houses present. procedures, also set out in It could probably be constituted Standing Orders, for the exercise by parallel Standing Orders (or the of “people and papers” powers. equivalent) in each House. There These should operate before the would be no need to follow exactly case goes to this new Parliamentary the current Joint Committee “court”. For example, the relevant ‘template’ in Standing Orders.26 Select Committee should be required to consider whether the If there were to be such a court, evidence it sought was needed or specialist tribunal, it should and to give the witness warning, be required to adjudicate on the so that representations could be basis of a narrow definition of made. If it subsequently issued a what might constitute reasonable summons, which was disobeyed, grounds for non-appearance the matter would be referred or the withholding of papers or to the Committee of Privileges. information. Such grounds would The witness should have the include whether the demand opportunity to explain to the was reasonable or proportionate Privileges Committee his or her (proportionality could include decision to ignore the Committee matters such as whether the order. If the Committee of Committee was seeking material Privileges decided that the original which was not central to the inquiry summons was unreasonable, and which might prejudice criminal arguably no further action should investigations or legal proceedings, be taken – but a Select Committee endanger security, breach legal might at least want to put its case privilege or breach commercial for disagreeing with the Privileges confidentiality). It should be Committee to the floor of the

26 If, for example, it were concluded that each House should retain jurisdiction over its own proceed- ings, and that a Joint Committee would compromise it, purpose built arrangements could be devised. The relevant Committee in one House could have the power to co-opt members from the relevant Committee of the other House. A good deal of flexibility is already possible: the Standing Orders of the Commons already permit Committees to deliberate and take evidence with Lords Committees. It would also be necessary to permit the Committee to include co-opted members from the other House in the agreement of reports. These are second order problems. 27 The Supreme Court held hearings in the Miller case (for exiting the European Union) on 5, 6, 7 and 8 December 2016. It delivered its judgment on 24 January 2017; a Parliamentary court could act with similar expedition. Its recent judgment on the prorogation of Parliament was delivered even more quickly. 23 House (for which provisions The above procedures, or could be made). If the Privileges something like them, should Committee concluded that there ensure that a recalcitrant witness had been a contempt, its report would have several opportunities should be endorsed by the House to challenge the original before the matter can proceed. Committee decision, even before a This would give the relevant Parliamentary court/tribunal began Chamber an opportunity to block its work. They should also ensure a the process. high level of transparency.

The executive might mobilise Who would put the case for against the Committee’s the relevant House before conclusions. But it could probably the Parliamentary court? This find a way of interfering anyway, responsibility should probably lie if it was determined enough. By with the Chairman of Privileges of requiring it to be reported, any each House – in practice a suitably government intervention would qualified and experienced QC on at least be highly transparent his or her behalf. and subject to debate. At this point, if requested by the relevant Committee, the Privileges WHO WOULD ENFORCE THE Committee, and not opposed SUMMONS/WARRANT?28 by the relevant Chamber, the issue could be referred to the This should be the Serjeant at Arms Parliamentary court/tribunal for in the Commons and Black Rod final decision (assuming continued in the Lords. He or she should be non-compliance from the witness). empowered to act on the authority of the Parliamentary court/tribunal,

28 The High Court has well established machinery for enforcing its orders by a system which uses warrants regarded as binding by the officers of the court, or ‘Tipstaffs’, the police and prison governors. It also has well established “people and papers” powers. In the High Court, if a person has been ordered to attend to give evidence and/or to produce documents at court but has failed to appear, the High Court has power to issue a bench warrant for their arrest. A bench warrant is an order addressed to the Tipstaff requiring him/her to apprehend somebody in question and bring them to court. Bench warrants are also addressed to every police officer equally requiring them to assist the officer of the Court. The Tipstaff and his/her deputies are not police officers, but officers of the High Court. In practice, the Tipstaff often asks the local police to make an arrest on his/her behalf. Once produced before the judge by the Tipstaff, the person in question, known apparently as the ‘contemnor’ may purge the contempt by answering the ques- tions or supplying the relevant documents. If they do not do so they can be imprisoned or fined.

In the case of imprisonment, the judge signs a warrant of committal which is an instruction to the Tipstaff to take the contemnor into custody and convey them to prison to serve the sentence and the governor of the prison has an obligation to keep them in custody for the duration of the sentence, unless it is lifted by the court. Contemnors of this sort, if they subsequently decide to purge their contempt by giving evidence/ documents, can come back to court to ask for the sentence to be lifted or reduced in exchange for their co-operation. The maximum sentence is 2 years. Contemnors can also be fined an unlimited amount. 24 drawing on some of the current Some drawbacks practice for the enforcement of court orders in the High Court The biggest difficulty with the currently. It is for consideration approach above is that – as with whether – necessarily tightly drawn a court of law – the power to find – legislation could support the contempt and impose sanctions Parliamentary court/tribunal, and would lie with a court of Parliament officers of Parliament, by imposing – the new Parliamentary body. Its a requirement on the police (or judgments could, sooner or later, any other relevant authority) to provoke a challenge at the ECHR enforce a Parliamentary warrant on the grounds that a fair hearing or summons. Any substantive was denied. This could be the case, court challenge to the validity however august its composition of the warrant would amount to and robust its procedures. a challenge of the decision of A central argument of those the Parliamentary court/tribunal. bringing the case would be that Their decisions would have the the Parliamentary court/tribunal protection of Article 9, being was composed of members of proceedings in Parliament and the same institution as the one would therefore be liable to be bringing the contempt findings. struck out by the court. I favour In my view, any move from the the above approach. Nonetheless, status quo will encounter this risk the proposal is not entirely without or worse. If, as I have reluctantly risk: it could, possibly, introduce concluded, permitting contempt to substantive court scrutiny by the continue (and probably develop) back door, discussed below. also carries growing and ultimately unacceptable risks for Parliament, The sanctions could be significant, the decision rests with which and could be either a fine or response carries least risk. It is on imprisonment. These need these grounds that I favour the to be sufficient to deter non- above approach – one which could, compliance.29 if thoughtfully designed, provide a high level of safeguards for witnesses, high enough to act as a bulwark against a successful ECHR challenge.

29 The Inquiries Act 2005 provides a precedent of sorts. It gives a maximum period of imprisonment of 51 weeks. The Contempt of Court Act 1981 gives superior courts the power to imprison for up to two years. 25 CONCLUSIONS

I have made five proposals: None of this is straightforward. A great deal of detail would need to 1. legislation to reassert be worked up. But the underlying Parliamentary privilege over points remain: doing nothing is an evidence in Committees in invitation to deeper problems later. conformity with Article 9 of the Bill of Rights; What’s proposed here offers, in my view, an early prospect of re- 2. a change in Standing Orders to clothing the emperor. It may work. require office holder MPs and The existence of such a framework Peers to appear before Select may be enough to ensure that Committees (although a case the Parliamentary court/tribunal can be made for this not being is scarcely ever needed. If it needed); doesn’t work, and notwithstanding 3. self-assertion by Parliament, its attendant risks, full scale supported by a strong and legislation may well be essential, demonstrably ECHR Article notwithstanding the considerable 6 compliant court/tribunal of accompanying risks to exclusive Parliament; cognisance.

4. consideration of legislation to Beneath all the legal mumbo require that the police (and jumbo is a crucial constitutional any other necessary relevant principle. Effective Parliaments authorities) support Parliament need certain immunities and in the enforcement of a warrant rights to be able to function, to or summons; speak on behalf of the electorate and to secure their consent for 5. codification in Standing Orders legislation. Access to “people and of the standards and treatment papers” are two of those rights. In that a witness is entitled an age of multi-media politics and to expect when giving oral greater direct democracy, they are evidence.30 essential.

30 Consistent with para 85 of the 2013 report. 26 Gentlemen’s understandings In my view, the gap between the and agreements break down rhetoric of successive governments when those involved have little about the effectiveness of the sense of obligation. Parliament’s ISC’s role, and the reality of its development is strewn with impotence – most vividly exposed such agreements which, when by its failure, in two reports, to challenged, are replaced by get to the bottom of the UK’s clearer codes, Standing Orders facilitation of rendition – touches and statute. A number of such on issues of Parliamentary challenges have occurred recently. privilege. It could benefit from Parliament must act. the attention of the Privilege Committee. Sooner or later One further point, beyond Parliament will need to address the terms of reference of the the ISC’s manifest shortcomings. Privilege Committee’s inquiry, A referral of its “people and might be worth bearing in mind. papers” powers to the Privileges None of the foregoing applies Committee would be a good start. to the Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC). The ISC is not a Select Committee; it is not even a full Committee of Parliament, as commonly understood, although it is a Committee of Parliamentarians.31

31 The Prime Minister controls what it may investigate. The government may block access to any or all information – without recourse or appeal – on grounds that it is ‘sensitive’. Likewise, the government can refuse to permit witnesses – whether in camera or otherwise – appearing before the ISC, even if the ISC has concluded that their contribution to an inquiry is essential. In practice, the Prime Minister also controls its membership. See Neither Just nor Secure, Peto and Tyrie, 2013, Centre for Policy Studies. 27 APPENDIX 1

The Public Administration • Committees can move swiftly Committee has, in the past, to look into matters of public pressed for greater Parliamentary concern – far more speedily involvement in and influence over than courts or inquiries; inquiries, not less.32 They were right to do so. • not all power or information lies within Government; There are many reasons why Select Committees need to hear from Committee inquiries underpinned those outside Government; by powers enabling Committees to get the evidence they need, • as legislators, Committee are not simply legitimate but are members gain knowledge essential. They can be grouped in a and understanding through number of ways: the evidence process in a way which simply could not • the Commons has a mandate; be achieved through reading it makes decisions on behalf third-party reports; of the electorate who chose its members, and those members • Committees are tools of can be removed; transparency. Their inquiries can force Government • Parliament does not just into making policy or legal consider what Government is changes, if they show it to be doing now; it considers what necessary; it should be doing, and, if necessary, promotes change; • even where policy is not altered by the inquiry, • those with power should Committees’ transparency be expected to explain can expose the executive’s themselves to Parliament; “hidden wiring”.

32 28 Public inquiries might perform those whose voices might not some of these functions, but it is be heard. up to the Government to decide whether or not to establish a • the courts can apply the particular inquiry. Inquiries do law, and, to a certain extent, not have either the swiftness of develop it, but Parliament and response or the ability to continue Government can decide if the to press for change which can law or policy needs changing; make Committee action effective. such changes need to be properly informed. It would certainly be inappropriate to expect the courts to look into A Committee undertaking an much of the above. Their function inquiry does not necessarily know is essential, but very different what it will uncover. The Culture, from that of Parliament and Media and Sport Committee’s Parliamentary bodies: inquiry into phone hacking, for example, showed that in certain • the courts make their findings parts of the press phone hacking in the context of the cases was a normal method of operation, which come before them, and rather than an isolated abuse. on the basis of the evidence It is possible that a series of which is presented to them civil actions would have led the by those with resources and government to a public inquiry permission to intervene. in time, but the Committee intervention brought the issue • Parliamentary law making speedily to political attention. is complex; proposals from Similarly, Committee intervention Government will typically after the collapse of BHS enabled have been drawn up by Parliamentarians to understand the policy experts and consulted regulatory system, and its failings, on widely before being as well as to look at events in one announced; Members of particular company. Parliament who scrutinise and, if legislation is required, enact The power to send for papers is that policy are drawn from essential for all the above such across the country, and have a work. The cry may go up that the wide range of experience and courts and inquiries are fairer than expertise. Not only can anyone Committees. Arguably. But it need make representations to a not be the case that Committees Committee or an individual are less concerned about fairness, MP, Committees can and do due process and individual rights seek out representations from than the courts. And the fact 29 that they may come to different context might be defamatory – views as to where the balance criticism. They can do that now; lies should not necessarily draw furthermore, Committees are the conclusion that their view on more at risk of publishing unfair the balance is inferior to that of a criticisms if they cannot collect court. they evidence they need.

Nonetheless, certain safeguards Nonetheless, if the Committees’ for defendants in court (and powers and effectiveness are generally in inquiries) don’t, at to continue to grow, they need the moment, exist for witnesses to have in mind that their in Select Committees. Some of own behaviour is a public and those safeguards – like right of Parliamentary “common good”. appeal – might not be relevant to Excesses and abuses of power Committee work. Others might (broadly defined) can erode it. be, and it’s worth thinking through Each Committee owes a duty of whether and how they should be responsibility to the others: to codified. show self-restraint in the handling of sensitive issues; to exercise The scope for unfairness is far good judgment; to respect the greater when Committees publish boundaries between one another a report that makes personal – laid down in Standing Orders. It and what in a non-Parliamentary has not invariably been on view.


In its call for evidence the Privilege • What protections or Committee asks: safeguards are necessary for witnesses within either • How can Select Committees a changed or the current effectively exercise their system? How can the House powers to summon witnesses demonstrate that it is treating and call for papers, while prospective witnesses fairly? at the same time treating potential witnesses with • What relevant developments fairness and due respect? have there been, since the inquiry was originally • What are the benefits and launched, in other Parliaments drawbacks of the three options and assemblies in the UK and identified in 2017 by the then overseas? Clerk of the House, that is, to do nothing, to reassert the House’s existing powers by amending Standing Orders or by Resolution, or to legislate to provide a statutory regime?

• What are appropriate sanctions for non-compliance or other contempts on the part of witnesses? How should these be applied?

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