Women’s Health West Policy and Law Reform Scan

This scan is provided to inform the WHW strategic planning process. It outlines key policy documents, legislative reforms and the external policy environment that relate to women’s health, safety and wellbeing.

International Context ...... 3 Federal Government ...... 5 Victorian Government ...... 19 Local Government and Community Sector ...... 33 Strategic committees and networks...... 36

© Women’s Health West 1

International Context

UN Women In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, combining four previously distinct agencies. UN Women aims to improve coordination of global efforts to promote gender equality and empower women. Australia has been a strong advocate for strengthening the institutional arrangements for gender equality within the United Nations, and has played an active role in the establishment of this body. Further information can be found at: http://www.unwomen.org/

Global Ambassador for Women and Girls Former Democrats leader Natasha Stott Despoja has been appointed to this position by Foreign Minister, Julie Bishop. This follows her appointment as founding chair of the Foundation to prevent Violence Against Women and their Children. The minister sees ‘one of the best ways to achieve peace and security and…achieve stronger communities and societies is to empower the women and the girls in your populations’. Further information can be found at: http://www.dfat.gov.au/homs/wg.html

Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations (2013) Australia is currently participating in the final stages of negotiations for the Trans Pacific Partnership; an agreement to regulate free trade in the Asia-Pacific region. While the details of the agreement are yet to be released, a draft of the intellectual property chapter was leaked in November 2013. United States draft proposals for expanded patent protection have led many academics and public health professions to question what the agreement might mean for timely access to affordable medicines. In response, a motion was passed in the senate calling for early release of the draft text and greater public scrutiny of the agreement. The following areas of concern were raised in the letter presented to the federal Minister for Health by 44 prominent academics in public health and health sciences:

. Intellectual property provisions that would expand patent monopolies, delay the availability of generic medicines and increase the cost of medicines for taxpayers and the public . Procedural changes to our Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme that would prevent the use of effective pricing mechanisms, create new avenues of appeal and new opportunities for pharmaceutical industry influence over decision making . An investor-state dispute settlement clause that will give new rights to foreign corporations to sue our government in international tribunals over its public health and environmental policies and laws . Rules for labelling wine and spirits that could prevent Australia from mandating health warnings on the principal front or back label on an alcohol container and provisions for proprietary formulas that may limit government’s future options for food labelling.

After the agreement is signed, it will be tabled in parliament for 20 sitting days where it will be put to a vote for ratification. The agreement is expected to be tabled in 2014.

WHO study – global prevalence and health impacts of violence against women (2013) A study from the World Health Organisation presents a systematic review of the global and regional prevalence and health impacts of intimate partner violence and non-partner sexual assault. Globally, 35.6 per cent of women have experienced physical or sexual violence. Regional findings show that women in high income countries do not fare much better, with prevalence sitting at 32.7 per cent. The study also found that women who experience intimate partner violence are: . 16 per cent more likely to have low birth weight babies; . Twice as likely to have an abortion; . Twice as likely to experience depression; and . Almost twice as likely to have alcohol use and abuse problems. Full report available at: http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/85239/1/9789241564625_eng.pdf

UN International Day of the Girl Child The 11 October 2012 marked the first United Nations International Day of the Girl Child. The day has been established to draw attention to the impacts of gender inequity on the lives of young girls around the world. For

© Women’s Health West 3 this first year of the International Day of the Girl Child, Australia has focused on the theme of education and the tens of millions of girls around the world who do not participate in formal education.

UN resolution to eliminate female genital mutilation/cutting (2012) On the 21 December 2012, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly unanimously passed a resolution banning the practice of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). The resolution was signed by 194 UN member states. It urges countries to take all necessary measures to protect women and girls from FGM/C, including enforcing legislation and awareness-raising initiatives. Importantly, the resolution also called for special attention to protect and support women and girls who have been affected by FGM/C and those at risk of the practice – including those from migrant and refugee backgrounds.

Doha Declaration on Climate, Health and Wellbeing (2012) The recent Doha global climate change summit produced a declaration calling for the protection and promotion of health to be made one of the central priorities to global and national policy responses to climate change. Specifically, the declaration calls for: 1. The health impacts of climate change to be taken into account domestically and globally 2. Investment in climate mitigation and adaptation to be significantly increased on a rapid timescale 3. The health sector and the community to engaged and informed on climate action

Women’s Health West has signed the declaration and has promoted it on our website and social media initiatives. Further information on the declaration is available at: http://dohadeclaration.weebly.com/

Global study – feminism central to preventing violence against women (2012) A large global study on violence against women found that strong feminist movements are critical to preventing violence. The study includes data from 70 countries, spanning the last four decades. Full report available at: http://polisci.unm.edu/common/documents/htun_apsa-article.pdf

CEDAW Action Plan for Women in Australia (2010) The United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) is the international bill of rights for women, which Australia has ratified. The UN reviewed Australia’s performance under CEDAW in 2010 and made a series of recommendations. The Plan outlines 15 actions the Australian Government must adequately respond to before the next CEDAW report. CEDAW’s recommendations focus on ensuring women’s human rights are protected (e.g. prohibit non-therapeutic sterilisation) and on increasing anti- discrimination, improving women’s public and political representation, elimination of violence, women’s education and employment, and in particular, the need to improve the universal human rights for ATSI women, CALD women, and women with disabilities. Further information can be found at: http://www.ywca.org.au/advocacy- policy/our-united-nations-work/cedaw

© Women’s Health West 4 Federal Government

Federal parliament – post 2013 election On 7 September 2013 Tony Abbott’s Coalition government was elected to the House of Representatives. With 77 per cent of the vote counted, the Coalition has taken 83 seats and secured a majority government. Nationally there was a 4 per cent swing against the Labor Party. The most significant changes were seen in Tasmania with an 8.9 per cent swing against Labour and 8.8 per cent against the Greens.

From 30 June 2014, the new Senate will be comprised of 33 Coalition senators, 25 Labor, 10 Greens, one Democratic Labor Party, two Palmer United Party, one Liberal Democrats, one Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party, one Family First, one Australian Sports Party and independent Nick Xenophon. This will mean that the Coalition will need to negotiate with several minor parties to pass legislation that is not supported by Labor or the Greens. In the Northern Territory, Labor candidate Nova Peris was elected to the Senate, making history as the first Indigenous woman to be represented in Federal Parliament.

In the current federal cabinet Peter Dutton MP is the Minister for Health, Nigel Scullion is the Minister for the new dedicated Indigenous Affairs portfolio and Kevin Andrews is the new Minister for Social Services, combining portfolios for aged care, housing, families and community services. The Offices for Women and Indigenous Affairs now sits within the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. Prime Minister Tony Abbott is the new Minister for Women, with assistance from Senator Michaelia Cash. For further information see: http://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament

Federal budget analysis 2014-15 The 2014-15 federal budget received a strong reaction from community sector organisations, including the women’s health sector. Many decisions will have disproportionate impact on women, and are likely to increase health inequity in Australia. For example, it is a concern that the significant cuts to community legal and housing services will directly undermine important work from state and federal governments to respond to violence against women under the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022.

In response to the loss of the ‘Women’s Budget Statement’ in official reporting processes, the National Foundation of Australian Women published a detailed gender analysis of the 2014-15 federal budget, available at: http://www.nfaw.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Budget-2014-NFAW-gender-lens-final.pdf

Senate Inquiry into Domestic Violence in Australia On 26 June 2014, the Commonwealth Government initiated an inquiry into Domestic Violence in Australia guided by the following terms of reference: i. The prevalence and impact of domestic violence in Australia as it affects all Australians and, in particular, as it affects women living with a disability, and women from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds ii. The factors contributing to the present levels of domestic violence iii. The adequacy of policy and community responses to domestic violence iv. The effects of policy decisions regarding housing, legal services, and women‘s economic independence on the ability of women to escape domestic violence v. How the Federal Government can best support, contribute to and drive the social, cultural and behavioural shifts required to eliminate violence against women and their children

The closing date for submissions is 31 July 2014 and the final report is scheduled for release on 27 October 2014. For further information see: http://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Finance_and_Public_Administration/ Domestic_Violence

Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety (2014) In May 2014, the Commonwealth Government launched Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety (ANROWS) as an initiative under Australia's National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022. ANROWS is funded jointly by the Commonwealth, state and territory governments to

© Women’s Health West 5 undertake research aimed at addressing the high rates of domestic, family and sexual violence against women and their children and improving outcomes for victims. The Victorian Coalition Government has committed $1.3 million over three years.

ANROWS has invited researchers from across Australia to apply for grants under its Research Programme 2014- 15 by 11 July 2014. Applications can be submitted by researchers from academic and research institutions, non- government organisations and community organisations. For further information see: http://anrows.org.au/

Review of the Native Title Act (2014) In March 2014, The Australian Law Reform Commission launched an inquiry into Australia’s native title laws and legal frameworks. The ALRC was asked specifically to inquire into five suggested options for reform, including whether there should be a presumption of continuity; redefinition of key concepts such as ‘traditional’ and ‘physical occupation’; clarification that native title can include rights and interests of a commercial nature; and whether substantial interruption to connection might be disregarded in certain circumstances.

The ALRC plans to release a discussion paper in September 2014 and will provide its final report to the Attorney General by the end of March 2015. For further information see: http://www.alrc.gov.au/news-media/media- release/alrc-seeks-input-inquiry-native-title-act

Racial Discrimination Act 1975 – Bill to reform Sec 18C (2014) Changes to section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 were proposed by Attorney General George Brandis shortly after the 2013 federal election and an exposure draft was released in March 2014. Section 18C makes it unlawful to participate in a public act or publish material that is reasonably likely to ‘offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate another person or a group of people’ because of their race, colour or national or ethnic origin. Changes discussed include, repealing section 18C in its entirety or amending the section to remove the words ‘offend’ and ‘insult’. Proposed changes have been strongly opposed by human rights groups who emphasise the importance of maintaining a civil avenue of redress for race-base abuse and vilification in online and offline public spaces.

WHW joined over 150 other organisations in endorsing an open letter to the Attorney General opposing the proposed changes to the Racial Discrimination Act 1975. The letter is included in the Human Right’s Law Centre’s media pack that is available at: http://www.hrlc.org.au/aboriginal-ethnic-religious-and-community-groups- australia-must-retain-strong-and-effective-protections-against-racial-vilification. WHW also wrote to the Attorney General to provide feedback on the law reform bill. Our submission is available at: http://whwest.org.au/news/policy/submissions/

Australian Domestic and Family Vioence Clearinghouse closes (2014) From January 2014, the National Centre for Excellence will take over responsibility for national research on violence against women. The Australian Domestic Violence Clearinghouse has provided a number of important services during its 13 year of operations, including research, issues and stakeholder papers, webinars and networking activities.

Foundation to Prevent Violence Against Women and their Children (2013) In July 2013, former Commonwealth Minister for the Status of Women, the Honourable Julie Collins MP, and the Victorian Minister for Community Services, the Honourable Mary Wooldridge MP launched a new based, independent foundation to raise awareness and engage the community in action to prevent violence against women and their children. The Victorian Government will allocate $6.5 million to the foundation over the next two years, and the Federal Government will invest an additional $3 million from 2014.

Human Rights Commission Pregnancy and Return to Work National Review (2013) In June 2013, the Australian Human Rights Commission was asked by the Federal Government to undertake research into the prevalence and nature of discrimination in relation to women who are pregnant at work and people returning to work after parental leave. The Commission found that half of Australian women have experienced discrimination in the workplace during their pregnancy, parental leave or on return to work and that a high number of women had to leave the workforce or change their employer.

© Women’s Health West 6 WHW submitted to the National Review, calling attention to the persistent stereotypes and expectations that produce gendered differences in the prevalence, nature and consequences of discrimination related to pregnancy and caring responsibilities. WHW submission is available at: http://whwest.org.au/news/policy/submissions/

Productivity Commission Inquiry into Childcare and Childhood Learning (2013) In November 2013, the Commonwealth Government asked the Productivity Commission to undertake an inquiry into future options for childcare and early childhood learning. The inquiry will assess the contributions that access to high quality affordable childcare can make to:

1. Increased participation in the workforce, particularly for women 2. Optimising children’s learning and development.

The terms of reference for the inquiry also considers how models of childcare support parents with diverse work and study commitments, and families who experience significant disadvantage. Recommendations will be contained by existing budget parameters, as no additional funding will be allocated. Final report is scheduled for release in October 2014. For more information see: http://www.pc.gov.au/projects/inquiry/childcare/terms- of-reference

Wage increases for aged care and childcare workers rescinded (2013) Proposed wage increases for aged care and childcare workers have been withdrawn. Following the 2013 federal election, the Coalition Government announced that it would not be allocating the $300 million set aside for childcare workers or the $1.2 billion for age care workers.

Federal Office for the Not-For-Profit Sector and the Social Inclusion Unit (2013) On 18 September 2013 the Social Inclusion Unit and the Office for the Not-for-Profit Sector were disbanded, as one of the first decisions made by Prime Minister Tony Abbott MP after he was sworn in by the Governor-General. Social inclusion, non-profit sector and volunteering were dropped as matters dealt with by the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet in the new Administrative Arrangement Orders. While some of the functions of these bodies will be incorporated into other federal portfolios, there is also indication that the Coalition is interested in enabling NGOs and community services to take a greater role in responding to social exclusion. Details on how work in this area would be supported are not currently available. The Minister for Social Services, the Hon Kevin Andrews MP, will have responsibility for the community sector, volunteering and philanthropy. The Minister for Human Services, Senator the Hon Marise Payne, will take responsibility for service delivery policy.

Bill to abolish Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (2013) In December 2013, Commonwealth Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews announced that a new Centre for Excellence will be established in place of the outgoing Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) and other functions of the commission would be delegated to the Australian Tax Office. In March 2014, the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission (Repeal) (No 1) Bill 2014 was referred to the Senate Economics Legislation Committee. In there report the committee recommended that the bill be passed. For further information see: http://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Economics/ACNC

Funding cuts to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander legal services (2013) Following the 2013 federal election, the Coalition Government announced plans for a $42 million funding cut to the Indigenous Policy Reform Program, which funds eight Aboriginal legal aid services to deliver legal assistance to Aboriginal people in all states and territories. This represents a 20 per cent reduction in funding to Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Legal Services. In December 2013, Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Services were advised of a further $3.6 million funding cut to their National FVPLS Program over the next three years. The 2014-15 federal budget confirmed changes to programs and services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, which will mean a reduction of $494 million over the next four years, including significant cuts to legal aid and social policy roles in community controlled organisations.

ABS Personal Safety Survey (2012) In December 2013 the Australian Bureau of Statistics released the results from the 2012 Personal Safety Survey. The survey collected data about the nature and extent of violence experienced by women and men since the age of 15, including their experience of violence in the past 12 months. Key survey findings include:

. One in three Australian women (34 per cent) have experienced physical violence since the age of 15

© Women’s Health West 7 . One in five Australian women (19 per cent) have experienced sexual violence since the age of 15 . One in four Australian women (25 per cent) have experienced emotional abuse by a partner since the age of 15 . One in five Australian women (19 per cent) have experienced stalking in their lifetime.

While data relating to emotional abuse is a new addition to the survey, the rates of physical and sexual violence, and stalking have not changed significantly since the release of the 2005 Personal Safety Survey. The complete survey available at: http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/mf/4906.0 WHW summary of the 2012 survey available at: http://pvawhub.whwest.org.au/wordpress/wp- content/uploads/2014/01/abs-personal-safety-survey-2012-summary-whw.pdf Temporary Protection Visas revisited (2013) In December 2013, Labor voted with the Greens on the Senate disallowance motion to prevent the reintroduction of Temporary Protection Visas (TPVs) for asylum seekers residing in Australia. The motion was successful, but the Coalition Government has indicated that it will be seeking alternative measures to prevent asylum seekers in Australia from being granted permanent protection. TPVs were in place in Australian between 1999 and 2008. Studies show that uncertainty and fears of repatriation associated with being granted only temporary protection can contribute to ongoing mental health problems for refugees. The Australian Human Right’s Commission has raised concern that the reintroduction of TPVs could lead to breaches of Australia’s international human rights obligations under the 1951 Refugee Convention and 1967 Protocol. For further information see: https://www.humanrights.gov.au/sites/default/files/document/publication/TPV_FactSheet.pdf

Marriage Equality (Same Sex) Act (2013) In December 2013, the ACT Government passed the Marriage Equality (Same Sex) Act 2013, which legalised same-sex marriages. One week later the High Court unanimously ruled that the legislation was inconsistent with the Commonwealth Marriage Act 1961, as it legislates over an area where the Commonwealth intended to provide a complete statement of the law. This ruling effectively contains all future decisions on marriage equality for same-sex couples to the federal parliament.

Australian Human Rights Commission Social Justice and Native Title Report (2013) On 11 December 2013, the Australian Human Rights Commission tabled the 2013 Social Justice and Native Title Report in Federal Parliament. The report reflects on the past 20 years of work toward health equity and social justice reforms for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and sets out the Social Justice Commissioner’s agenda for change. The report includes a critique of existing approaches to alcohol management in the Northern Territory. The full report is available here: https://www.humanrights.gov.au/publications/social-justice-and- native-title-report-2013

Federal Charities Act (2013) The new Charities Act 2013, which defines charity and charitable purpose for the purposes of all Commonwealth legislation commenced 1 January 2014. A nine month delay on the commencement of the Act was initially proposed by the Coalition Government and incorporated into the Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013. This decision was met with concern from the NGO sector that there would be an attempt to scale back the definitions of the Act, particularly provisions for advocacy work. However, the delay was not accepted, as the original text of the Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 did not pass in the Senate. The new Commonwealth definition for charity and charitable purpose applies to entities that are not- for-profit, for the public benefit (Division 2 of the Act) and fulfil one or more of the following purposes:

. advancing health . advancing education . advancing social or public welfare . advancing religion . advancing culture; . promoting reconciliation, mutual respect and tolerance between groups of individuals that are in Australia . promoting or protecting human rights; . advancing the security or safety of Australia or the Australian public; . preventing or relieving the suffering of animals; . advancing the natural environment; . any other purpose beneficial to the general public that may reasonably be regarded as analogous to, or within the spirit of, any of the purposes mentioned above

© Women’s Health West 8 . promoting or opposing a change to any matter established by law, policy or practice in the Commonwealth, a State, a Territory or another country to advance or protect public interests

The Act also includes important qualifying provisions for Indigenous organisations that receive, hold or manage benefits that relate to native title and land management. The full text of the Act is available at: http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/C2013A00100

Sex Discrimination Amendment (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status) Bill (2013) In June 2013, the Sex Discrimination Amendment (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status) Bill 2013 was passed by federal parliament. The amendments will establish new legal protections in all areas outlined in the Sex Discrimination Act 1984, marking significant milestone for the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual, intersex, and transgender people. The Act now sets out consistent national definitions for ‘sexual orientation’, ‘gender identity’, and ‘intersex status’. It also extends prohibition of discrimination on the existing ground of ‘marital status’ to ‘marital or relationship status’ to provide protection from discrimination to same-sex de facto couples.

Existing exemptions granted to religious organisations that provide Commonwealth-funded aged care services will be removed. This amendment means that elderly LGBQI people will have greater access to aged care services and will be legally protected from discrimination. For further information see: http://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Bills_Legislation/Bills_Search_Results/Result?bId=r5026

Australian Education Bill (2013) On 26 June 2013, the Australian Education Bill 2013 was passed through both houses of parliament, establishing the legislative framework needed to support the reforms proposed in the Gonski report. The Bill establishes a new funding framework for Australian schools and sets out national standards for participating states, including adherence with the National Plan for School Improvement. Under the new arrangements additional funding will be allocated to 875,000 students from low-income families and a further 31,900 Indigenous students.

PBS listing of RU486 (medication abortion) approved (2013) In June 2013, on the recommendation of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee, the federal government approved the listing of mifepristone and misoprostol in the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) for medicatiion termination of early pregnancy. This medication offers an alternative to surgical termination of pregnancy for women in the first seven weeks of pregnancy. Government subsidy of mifepristone through the PBS is planned to redress the current inequities in abortion service delivery, particularly for women in regional, rural and remote areas. WHW provided a submission to the committee advocating for the inclusion of mifepristone and misoprostol in the PBS.

Funding for national women’s alliances (2013-2016) In Australia there are six national women’s alliances that each focus on distinct portfolios, such as promoting improved gender equality, violence against women and their children, and adversity faced by immigrant and refugee women. These six alliances will receive $4.8 million in federal government funding until 2016, to continue advising government on priority concerns for women. The renewed funding followed an independent review of the alliances. Further information at: http://www.fahcsia.gov.au/our-responsibilities/women/publications- articles/the-national-womens-alliances-program

Senate Inquiry into Involuntary or Coerced Sterilisation of People with Disabilities in Australia (2012) On 20 September 2012, the Senate called for an inquiry into the involuntary or coerced sterilisation of people with a disability, and for public comment on the nature, prevalence, impacts, and adequacy of existing legal, regulatory and policy frameworks in this area. The first report from the inquiry, released in July 2013, made a number of recommendations regarding improved education and support around sexuality, relationships and sexual health for people with a disability and their carers. Recommendation four was of particular interest as it indicated that relationships and sexuality education, and support for menstrual management should be included as ‘necessary and reasonable supports’ in plans funded through DisabilityCare Australia. The Senate Committee also called for a ban on non-therapeutic sterilisation of people with a disability in the absence of informed consent in cases where the person has the capacity to consent or where the person might develop the capacity to consent in the future. However, the committee stopped short of a blanket ban on non-therapeutic serialisation in all circumstances.

© Women’s Health West 9 WHW submitted to the inquiry calling attention to the historical context of involuntary and coerced sterilisation, particularly of women and girls with an intellectual disability. WHW views involuntary and coerced sterilisation as a gendered practice and a violation of women and girls’ human rights. WHW submission is available at: http://whwest.org.au/news/policy/submissions/

Fair Work Amendment Act (2013) In June 2013, the federal parliament passed amendments to the Fair Work Act, which broaden the right of workers to request flexible working arrangements. The reforms are informed by submissions made to the Fair Work Act review, which argued that the right to request provisions should be extended. Current legislation limits the right to request flexible hours to parents who are responsible for a child under school age or a child with a disability aged less than 18 years. The new changes will see the right to request flexible working arrangements, extended to:

. Workers with caring responsibilities . Employees who are parents or who have responsibility for the care of a child of school age . Employees with a disability . Mature-age employees . Workers experiencing family violence . Workers providing personal care, support and assistance to a member of their immediate family or household who are experiencing family violence

Under the previous conditions employers were able to refuse a request on reasonable business grounds, which will remain under the new amendments. The government will provide a guide for employers and employees about what constitutes ‘reasonable business grounds’ and will finalise the details of the extended provisions in consultation with relevant sectors and communities of interest. For more information see: https://www.fwc.gov.au/about-us/legislation-regulations/fair-work-act-2009

Points of interest: Given that women undertake the majority of caring responsibilities, extending the right to request flexible working arrangements for employees in caring roles presents important implications for women. Provisions for employees experiencing family violence will also have significant implications for women, given that economic considerations including job security is important in supporting women’s capacity to leave a violent relationship. However, the right of employers to refuse requests made upon ‘reasonable business grounds’ will largely determine how these new provisions for employees are translated into practice.

Draft Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill (2012) On 21 November 2012 the Senate referred the draft of the Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill 2012 for inquiry and report. The committee tabled its report for the inquiry to parliament on 21 February 2013, but the bill did not progress to parliament at this time and is not expected to be included in the law reform agenda of current Coalition Government.

The Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill (2012) sought to consolidate the existing commonwealth anti- discrimination legislation (including the Age Discrimination Act 2004, the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, the Racial Discrimination Act 1975, the Sex Discrimination Act 1984, and the Australian Human Rights Discrimination Act 1986), into the one single Act to improve clarity and consistency in Australia’s anti-discrimination laws. Further information and final parliamentary report available at: http://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Legal_and_Constitutional_Affairs/Co mpleted_inquiries/2010-13/antidiscrimination2012/index

National Health Reform Agreement (2011) The National Health Reform Agreement was signed on 2 August 2011 and sets out the intention of the Australian Government to work in partnership with state and territory governments to improve health outcomes for all Australians. Key components of the National Health Reform Agreement as well as the related National Partnership Agreement on Improving Public Hospital Services and the National Healthcare Agreement 2011 are:

. A new framework for funding public hospitals and an extra $19.8 billion for public hospitals through to 2019-20; . A focus on reducing emergency department and elective surgery waiting times; . increased transparency and accountability across the health and aged care system;

© Women’s Health West 10 . A stronger primary health care system supported by joint planning with states and territories and Medicare Locals; and . The Australian Government becoming directly responsible for funding basic community care in most states and territories. Further information at: http://www.yourhealth.gov.au/internet/yourhealth/publishing.nsf/Content/theme- primarycare

Federal parliament inquiry into the Social Determinants of Health (2013) In March 2013, the Senate Committee for Community Affairs released their inquiry report into Australia’s response to the World Health Organisation’s Commission on Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) report Closing the gap within a generation. The report makes a clear distinction between policies that focus on the choices and behaviour of individuals and those that target the structural context in which personal choices are made. It also outlines the extent to which the Commonwealth is adopting a SDoH approach, and the scope for improving awareness of the SDoH in the community, within government programs and among health and community service providers. The Senate Committee recommends that:

1. the government adopt the WHO report and commit to action on the SDoH, particularly in relevant areas such as education, employment, housing, family and social security 2. administrative procedures are established to ensure consideration of the SDoH in all relevant policies 3. responsibility for the SDoH sits with one agency, with a mandate to address issues across portfolios 4. the National Health and Medical Research Council give greater emphasis in its grant allocation priorities to research on public health and the SDoH 5. annual progress reports are submitted to parliament

National Centre of Excellence to Reduce Violence Against Women (2013) The federal government in collaboration with states and territories has funded a new National Centre of Excellence to Reduce Violence Against Women. The centre will develop a national research agenda to improve policy and service planning in the prevention, early intervention and tertiary response to violence against women. The federal government will provide an initial $1 million to establish the centre and 1.5 million for each following year. The Victorian Coalition government has committed more than $1 million over three years. The centre will be operational from the 1 January 2013 and will be located in Sydney. Professor Anne Edwards has been announced as the chair of the new centre of excellence.

CHA-NATSEM study – The Cost of Inaction on the Social Determinants of Health (2012) In June 2012, The National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling produced a research report on behalf of Catholic Health Australia titled The Cost of Inaction on the Social Determinants of Health. The report is the first of its kind that attempts to gauge the impact of government inaction of the social determinants of health. The findings suggest that if the World Health Organisation’s recommendations for Australia relating to the social determinants of health were actioned by federal and state governments across a range of sectors:

. 500,000 Australians could avoid suffering a chronic illness . 170,000 extra Australians could enter the workforce, generating $8 billion in extra earnings . Annual savings of $4 billion in welfare support payments could be made; 60,000 fewer people would need to be admitted to hospital annually, resulting in savings of $2.3 billion in hospital expenditure . 5.5 million fewer Medicare services would be needed each year, resulting in annual savings of $273 million . 5.3 million fewer Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme scripts would be filled each year, resulting in annual savings of $184.5 million each year.

Report available at: http://www.cha.org.au/images/CHA-NATSEM%20Cost%20of%20Inaction.pdf

National Disability Insurance Scheme Bill (2013) On 21 March 2013, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Bill 2013 was passed in both houses of parliament. The legislation includes criteria for people to get support under the scheme, with requirements in relation to age (under 65 if accessing support for the first time), location of residence (Australia), and disability requirements (including if the person has one or more permanent impairments that substantially affect their daily life and social and economic participation). More detailed information pertaining to the operational aspects of the scheme are contained in a series of legislative instruments, known as the ‘NDIS Rules’ and in operational guidelines developed by DisabilityCare Australia.

© Women’s Health West 11

National Disability Insurance Scheme (2013) The National Disability Insurance Scheme is designed to support the independence and wellbeing of people with a disability, including those who experience mental illness, and their right to social and economic participation. The estimated annual cost of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, when it reaches full implementation is $22.2 billion, providing coverage to 460,000 people across Australia. Under this new framework there will be a shift from block-funded disability services to funding attached to individual support plans. The first phase of the scheme began 1 July 2013. Victoria’s Barwon region launch site includes local government areas of Greater Geelong, Colac-Otway, Queenscliff and the Surf Coast Shire. The 2014-15 budget confirmed that Government will provide a total of $19.3 billion to DisabilityCare Australia over seven years from 2012-13, inclusive of the redirection of existing disability funding. For further information see: http://www.ndis.gov.au/

Crimes Legislation Amendment (Slavery, Slavery-like Conditions and People Trafficking) Act (2013) On 27 February 2013, the Commonwealth Government passed the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Slavery, Slavery-like Conditions and People Trafficking) Act 2013, amending the legislative framework criminalising people trafficking, slavery, slavery-like practices, and forced marriage. The Act was prepared following extensive consultations on the criminal justice response to slavery and people trafficking, vulnerable witness protections, and forced and servile marriage from November 2010 to February 2011. The Act expands existing offences of sexual servitude and deceptive recruiting for sexual services so that they now apply to exploitation in any industry. It also establishes a new stand alone offence for forced marriage.

WHW provided a written submission on 13 January 2012, which recommends the introduction of a series of non- legislative reforms and initiatives that will provide a sound legislative framework for deterring and punishing human rights violations under Australian law. Submission available at: http://whwest.org.au/news/policy/submissions/

Telstra policy wavering silent line fee for family violence victims/survivors On the 27 February 2013, Telstra announced it will be introducing a new policy in which the fee for silent telephone numbers will be wavered for individuals who have a protection order or are a client or a community organisation that provides services to individuals who are ‘facing a security threat’.

The Workplace Gender Equality Act (2012) The Australian government introduced a bill into parliament on 1 March 2012 to improve gender equality outcomes in Australian workplaces, following a review of the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999. On the 6 December 2012, the new Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 received royal assent - replacing the former Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999. The Act identifies five key intended outcomes: 1. To improve women’s workforce participation across Australia 2. To improve women’s representation in leadership positions in workplaces and on governing bodies 3. To improve equal remuneration for work of equal value, between women and men 4. To increase flexible working arrangements for both women and men, particularly those with family or caring responsibilities 5. To promote employee and employer engagement on gender equality

Progress towards the five outcomes of the Act will be measured against a set of gender equality indicators, which provide minimum standards and performance benchmarks for the Act. The five gender equality indicators to be introduced are:

1. The gender composition of the workforce 2. Gender composition of governing bodies 3. Equal remuneration between women and men 4. Availability and utility of employment terms, conditions and practices relating to flexible working arrangements for employees, and to working arrangements supporting employees with family or caring responsibilities 5. Consultation with employees on issues concerning gender equality in the workplace

© Women’s Health West 12 Under the new Act, non-public sector organisations with more than 100 employees are required to report on the set of gender equality indicators. The first compulsory reporting period ended in April 2014, for the 2013-14. However, there were no minimum workplace standards for this period..

Call for a national sexual and reproductive health strategy Australia remains without a national sexual and reproductive health strategy that provides a comprehensive overarching evidence-based framework for research, policy and program development, implementation and evaluation. In recent years, there have been calls from the Australian Public Health Association and the Australian Sexual Health and Family Planning Association, among other agencies, for a national strategy as evident in the background paper Time for a National Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy for Australia.

In November 2012, at the first Australian National Sexual and Reproductive Health Conference, delegates made a commitment to the Melbourne Proclamation. The proclamation advances several goals, including the improvement of health literacy and education; developing an effective workforce; making fertility control services accessible and affordable; promoting lifelong sexual and reproductive wellbeing; and coordinating strategies at primary care level. Time for a National Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy for Australia available at: http://www.fpwa.org.au/resources/srhbackground.pdf. Advancing sexual and reproductive wellbeing in Australia: the Melbourne Proclamation available at: http://www.phaa.net.au/documents/130322_Melbourne%20Proclamation%20FINAL.pdf

FaHCSIA Respectful relationships education grant (2012-2014) WHW was awarded a grant from the Department of Social Services to deliver a three year respectful relationships education program with young people. The funded You, Me and Us program adopts a peer education model to train forty-eight young women aged 18-24 years to participate in the development of the program and deliver respectful relationships education in youth, sporting and educational settings across Melbourne’s west. The program concludes in November 2014.

Commission for Children and Young People Bill (2012) On 13 December 2012, the Commission for Children and Young People Bill was passed by the Victorian Parliament. The legislation supports the establishment of a new Commission for Children and Young People which commenced operation on 1 March 2013. The commission is independent of the government and has a commissioner with specific responsibility for Aboriginal children and young people. The commission is also resourced to initiate inquiries, conduct investigations into individual cases of child abuse or systemic service delivery difficulties and will report directly to the Victorian parliament.

Marriage Equality Amendment Bill and the Marriage Amendment Bill (2012) On 18 June 2012, the Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2012 and the Marriage Amendment Bill 2012 were tabled for federal parliament. The legislation did not pass in the House of Representatives, with 98 ministers voting against and 42 standing in support. Both bills sought to allow same-sex marriages, remove all discriminatory references in the Marriage Act 1961 and amend the definition of marriage. The Marriage Amendment Bill 2012 sought to repeal the definition of marriage and substitute the words ‘a man and a woman’ with the words ‘two people’. The Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2012 went further in redefining the definition of marriage as ‘the union of two people, regardless of their sex, sexual orientation or gender identity, to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.’ In addition both bills called for section 88EA to be repealed, which currently states that same-sex marriages solemnised in foreign countries must not be recognised as marriage in Australia.

National Anti-Racism Strategy (2012-2015) The National Anti-Racism Strategy was launched on 24 August 2012 and will be implemented between July 2012 and June 2015. The aim of the strategy is ‘To promote a clear understanding in the Australian community of what racism is, and how it can be prevented and reduced’. The three key objectives of the strategy are to:

. Create awareness of racism and how it affects individuals and the broader community, . Identify, promote and build on good practice initiatives to prevent and reduce racism, and . Empower communities and individuals to take action to prevent and reduce racism and to seek redress when it occurs.

© Women’s Health West 13 WHW attended a Melbourne consultation and submitted a response to the National Anti-Racism Strategy on 11 May 2012. Our submission recommends that the strategy is endorsed by COAG; that redressing racism in employment, education, housing and service access must be prioritised as areas for action; and that gender- specific programs that build the capacity of communities to take action on race-based discrimination are included in the national anti-racism strategy. Submission available at: http://whwest.org.au/news/policy/submissions/

Amendment to Family Violence Provisions under the Migration Act (2012) On the 24 November 2012, amendments to the family violence provisions under the Migration Act were introduced, in order to improve the assessment of family violence under migration law. The measures streamline the evidence that applicants need to provide when making a non-judicial claim of family violence and provide for a wider range of evidence to be considered in supporting such claims. These changes to the Migration Act extend protections to people experiencing family violence and build upon the amendments to the Family Law Act that commenced on June 7 2012.

Fairer Private Health Insurance Incentives Act (2012) Community groups welcomed the 15 February 2012 passing of legislation through the House of Representatives that will lead to means testing of the private health insurance rebate that has long run counter to the principles of a universal health system or a fair and equitable tax system. For instance, having low income earners, who can't afford private health insurance themselves, subsidise the health insurance of those who can afford it is unfair and unsustainable. Australian Council of Social Services note that private health is significantly more common for residents of capital cities, with structural barriers to affordable and timely health care in rural and regional areas where residents have little or no access to GPs, specialists and after-hours care. The government reform is expected to save around $2.4 billion over three years and calls have begun for the savings to be redistributed to high need areas like oral health.

Recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People in the Constitution (2012- 2014) On 19 January 2012, the expert panel on constitutional recognition of Indigenous Australians delivered the Recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People in the Constitution report. Tasked with the role of advising the Gillard government on options for Indigenous constitutional recognition, the expert panel’s proposed Bill would recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as Australia’s people; acknowledge the need to secure the advancement of Indigenous people; and remove racially discriminatory sections of the Constitution. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Recognition Bill 2012 passed in both houses of parliament on 27 March 2013, setting a two year timeframe for government to call a national referendum on the proposed constitutional changes.

The Labor Government was originally planning for a 2013 referendum, held on or before the federal election, but this has now been postponed to allow more time to raise community awareness. During the 2013 federal election campaign, Tony Abbot promised to devote his efforts to recognising indigenous Australians in the Constitution within the current term of parliament. As of June 2014, no official schedule has been set for the referendum. The Recognise movement has been taking action across Australia to ensure that Indigenous constitutional recognition remains on the government agenda. For further information see: http://www.recognise.org.au

Family Law Amendment (Family Violence and Other Measures) Bill (2011) In November 2011, Family Law Legislation Amendment (Family Violence and Other Measures) Bill (with government amendments) was passed. The new act amends the Family Law Act 1975 to protect children and families at risk of violence or abuse by prioritising the safety of children in parenting matters. This includes harmful behaviour in the definitions of ‘abuse’ and ‘family violence’ and requires family counsellors, dispute resolution practitioners and legal practitioners to prioritise the safety of children; placing additional reporting requirements for evidence to courts; and child protection authorities to participate in family law proceedings where appropriate. For further information see: http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/committee/legcon_ctte/family_law_familyviolence/index.htm

Social and Community Services Equal Pay Case - Fair Work Australia (2011) On 16 May 2011, Fair Work Australia published preliminary conclusions about an equal remuneration order for the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award 2010, stating that social and community service workers are not receiving equal pay and that this is a direct result of gender. The order was sought by unions to correct gender disparity between the pay of SACS workers and that of employees in state

© Women’s Health West 14 and local government. On 10 November 2011, the Gillard Government committed $2 billion over six years to deliver higher wages for SACS workers. The prime minister called on the states to match the pledge, with the Baillieu Government currently committing $200 million over four years. Further information is available at: https://www.fairwork.gov.au/Pay/Minimum-wages/social-and-community-services-industry-pay-rates

Australia’s national multicultural policy (2011) In February 2011, the federal government announced Australia’s new multicultural policy, The People of Australia, which reaffirms the importance of a culturally diverse and socially cohesive nation. A key component of the policy was the establishment of a new national partnership to develop and implement a comprehensive national anti- racism strategy, led by Race Discrimination Commissioner Dr Helen Szoke. WHW strongly supports the development of a strategy that works to prevent race-based discrimination before it occurs. For further information: http://www.dss.gov.au/our-responsibilities/settlement-and-multicultural-affairs/programs- policy/a-multicultural-australia

Sex and Age Discrimination Legislation Amendment Bill (2010) In May 2011, the Sex and Age Discrimination Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 was passed. The new law significantly strengthens Australia’s Sex Discrimination Act by, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of family responsibilities for men and women in all areas of employment; establishing breastfeeding as a separate ground of discrimination and allowing measures to be taken to accommodate the needs of breastfeeding mothers; and introducing new protections from sexual harassment for students, including by way of new technologies such as the internet, social networking sites and mobile phones. For further information see: http://www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/legcon_ctte/sexandagediscrimination2010provisions/report/ind ex.htm

Paid Parental Leave Act (2010) Australia’s first national paid parental leave scheme came into affect on 1 January 2011. The scheme provides eighteen weeks paid leave to the primary carer at the federal minimum wage. The Paid Parental Leave: Dad and Partner Pay will provide eligible fathers and other partners sharing care of a child born or adopted from 1 January 2013 access to two weeks pay at the national minimum wage (currently around $590 per week). Further information available at: http://www.dss.gov.au/our-responsibilities/families-and-children/programs- services/paid-parental-leave-scheme During the 2013 federal election the Coalition Government proposed new legislation for paid parental leave that would provide 26 weeks paid leave to the primary carer at the mothers’ full wage or the national minimum wage (whichever is greater), plus superannuation. As of June 2014, no bill for the proposal had been introduced to parliament. An overview of the Coalition Government’s proposal is available here: http://www.nationals.org.au/Portals/0/2013/policy/Paid%20Parental%20Leave.pdf

National Sexual Assault, Family & Domestic Violence Counselling Line (2010-2014) The Commonwealth Government has established a national domestic violence and sexual assault telephone counselling service, providing $12.5 million over four years from October 2010 to fund the new 24-hour service. The service provider, Medibank Health Solutions, is required to sub-contract expertise from the domestic violence and sexual assault sector to ensure that the specialised counselling, information and advice meets best practice standards. Further information is available at: https://www.1800respect.org.au/about/

A Stronger, Fairer Australia (2010) A Stronger, Fairer Australia was the policy statement for the former Labor Government’s social inclusion agenda. The policy has six reform priorities:

1. Targeting jobless families with children to increase work opportunities, improve parenting and build capacity 2. Improving the life chances of children at greatest risk of long-term disadvantage 3. Reducing the incidence of homelessness 4. Improved outcomes for people living with a disability or mental illness and their carers 5. Closing the gap for Indigenous Australians 6. Breaking the cycle of entrenched and multiple disadvantage in particular neighbourhoods and communities (otherwise known as place-based interventions)

© Women’s Health West 15 This policy was the overarching framework by which the former Federal Government coordinated much of its social policy reforms, such as the National Disability Scheme, the Closing the Gap initiative and A Road Home: A National Approach to Reducing Homelessness. This agenda was overseen by the Australian Social Inclusion Board, a government advisory committee, which was disbanded by the newly elected Coalition Government in 2013. Resources developed by the Social Inclusion Unit can been found National Library of Australia's Trove web archive: http://pandora.nla.gov.au/tep/142909

National Disability Strategy 2010 – 2020 The National Disability Strategy outlines the Council of Australian Governments’ (COAG) 10 year policy framework to drive reforms in mainstream and specialist disability services to improve outcome for people with a disability, their families and careers. The strategy consists of six key policy areas, which include:

1. Inclusive and accessible communities 2. Rights protection, justice and legislation 3. Economic security 4. Personal and community support 5. Learning and skills 6. Health and wellbeing

For further information see: http://www.coag.gov.au/coag_meeting_outcomes/2011-02- 13/docs/national_disability_strategy_2010-2020.pdf

National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children (2010-2022) The National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children is the first plan aimed at reducing violence against women through coordinated action across Australian jurisdictions. The plan sets out a framework for action over the next 12 years and outlines Australia’s commitment to upholding women and children’s right to live free from violence. The plan outlines six intended outcomes:

1. Communities are safe and free from violence 2. Relationships are respectful 3. Indigenous families are strengthened 4. Services meet the needs of women and their children experiencing violence 5. Justice responses are effective 6. Perpetrators stop their violence and are held to account

The plan builds on a considerable body of work undertaken since 2008 by the National Council to Reduce Violence against Women. The plan incorporated primary and secondary prevention strategies with tertiary responses to violence against women. As a member of the Council of Australian Government’s (COAG) the state government is a signatory to the plan, and marked its commitment to the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022 on Monday 5 September 2011. Further information at: http://www.facs.gov.au/sa/women/progserv/violence/nationalplan/Pages/default.aspx

A National Approach to Reducing Homelessness (2008-present) In December 2008 the Federal Government released a government white paper on homelessness, The Road Home. This strategy has two key goals that guide the national long-term response to homelessness, which are to halve homelessness by 2020 and to offer supported accommodation to all rough sleepers who need it by 2020. In 2009, Commonwealth, state and territory governments signed onto the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness 2009-2013 (NPAH) and committed $6.2 billion over five years to advance goals set out in the white paper.

In late 2013, the federal government announced a re-commitment to the NPAH for another year, which is welcome news for 2014-2015. However, a long-term sustainable funding program is required to bring ongoing certainty. Further information available at: http://www.dss.gov.au/our-responsibilities/housing-support/programs-services/homelessness/national- partnership-agreement-on-homelessness

National Women’s Health Policy (2010) The government’s National Women’s Health Policy 2010 aims to improve the health and wellbeing of all women in Australia, especially those at greatest risk of poor health. The policy adopts a dual priority approach that

© Women’s Health West 16 recognises the importance of redressing immediate and future health challenges, while also challenging structural inequities that impact on women’s health and wellbeing. The policy identifies four women’s health priorities:

1. Prevention of chronic diseases through the control of risk factors 2. Mental health and wellbeing 3. Sexual and reproductive health 4. Healthy ageing

The five health goals of the policy are to: highlight the significance of gender as a key determinant of women’s health and wellbeing; acknowledge that women’s health needs differ according to their life stage; prioritise women with the highest risk of poor health; ensure the health system is responsive to all women, with a clear focus on illness prevention and health promotion; and support effective and collaborative research, data collection, monitoring, evaluation and knowledge transfer to advance the evidence base on women’s health. Further information at: http://www.health.gov.au/womenshealthpolicy

National Male Health Policy (2010) The National Male Health Policy: Building on the Strengths of Australian Males provides a framework for improving the health of all Australian men and achieving equal health outcomes for population groups most at risk of poor health. The policy has nine supporting documents and six priority areas for action:

1. Optimal health outcomes 2. Health equity between population groups of males 3. Improved health at difference life stages 4. A focus on preventive health, particularly regarding chronic disease and injury 5. Building a strong evidence base on male health and using it to inform policies, programs and initiatives 6. Improved access to health care through initiatives and tailored healthcare services, particularly for male population groups at risk of poor health

Further information at: http://www.health.gov.au/malehealthpolicy

© Women’s Health West 17 Victorian Government

New Victorian Premier/ Cabinet Reshuffle (2013) On 6 March 2013, stepped down as leader of the Coalition, as Dr was appointed as the new Premier of Victoria. This change in leadership also sparked a reshuffle of cabinet portfolios with the Honourable appointed the Minister for Women’s Affairs and Honourable Mary Wooldridge taking on the portfolio responsibilities of mental health, community services and disability services and reform.

Victorian state budget analysis 2014-15

The Victorian state budget 2014-15 delivers a range of large scale infrastructure projects that aim to create new jobs and drive economic growth. Community sector organisations have commended this commitment, and the inclusion of major public transport projects, but have raised concern that there are minimal new funds to services that respond to disadvantage or to primary prevention programs. Positive and negative spending outcomes include:

. Spending in the health sector will increase by 4.2 per cent in the next financial year, which is needed to keep pace with demand. There was no increase in funding for prevention work. . In the housing and homelessness, we recognise the positive commitment of $124.4 million over 4 years to the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness. Disappointingly no additional funding was allocated for the expansion of social housing. . Positive commitment of $42 million in new funds was allocated to family violence response services. However, this amount still falls short of what is needed to meet the needs of women and children escaping violence. . We welcome the significant injection of funding ($304.9 million) to support students with disabilities, including a program focussing on transport access. . The budget outlines significant spending increases in punitive justice measure ($447.3 million over four years to expand the prison system). However, no additional spending has been allocated to community legal centres to help them meet growing demand.

Crimes Amendment (Protection of Children) Bill (2014) In March 2014, the Victorian Parliament passed amendments to the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic). The Crimes Amendment (Protection of Children) Bill 2014 expands mandatory reporting requirements where a person has a reasonable belief that a sexual offence has been committed against a child under the age of 16 years.

A group of non-government organisations, including peak bodies and state wide organisations that work in the area of family violence, provided comment on the Bill. They supported measures to increase accountability in preventing and responding to child abuse, but raised strong concern that ‘failure to protect laws do not adequately recognise the dynamics and complexities of family violence. In particular, [that] they fail to take account of the powerful barriers to a woman leaving an abusive relationship or reporting the abuse against her and her children, including a fear of retribution’. Submission available at: http://www.dvrcv.org.au/sites/thelookout.sites.go1.com.au/files/Joint-letter- Women-LNP-MPs-Protection-of-Children-Bill-2014-010514.pdf Full text of the bill available at: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/vic/bill/caocb2014381/

Victorian Refugee and Asylum Seeker Health Action Plan (2014-2018) In June 2014, the Coalition Government launched the Victorian Refugee and Asylum Seeker Health Action Plan 2014-2018. The Action Plan outlines Victoria’s long term strategic plan for how the health system can best meet the health and wellbeing needs of people from refugee backgrounds and asylum seekers. The Action Plan has been developed in partnership with the Victorian Refugee Health Network. The Action Plan articulates a new model of refugee and asylum seeker health care for Victoria and will guide the implementation of additional funding of $22.2 million (over four years). This was announced in the 2013-14 State Budget. The five priority areas for action identified are:

. Accessibility

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. Expertise in refugee health . Service coordination . Cultural responsiveness, and . Health literacy and communication

For more information see: http://www.health.vic.gov.au/diversity/refugee.htm

Services Connect expanded (2014) In May 2014, Minister for Community Services Mary Wooldridge announced $17.8 million over two years to continue the development and expansion of Services Connect, as part of the 2014–15 State Budget. This will include: . Eight new Services Connect sites in the community services sector . The first stage of Single Client View to provide a single source of client information . The first stage of an online self-service system

WHW has advised government of the importance of locating new sites in areas where there are high rates of family violence, including Melbourne’s West and Gippsland.

The Victorian Government is currently seeking submissions from Non-government organisations interested in the Services Connect Partnerships. For further information see: http://www.dhs.vic.gov.au/about-the- department/plans,-programs-and-projects/projects-and-initiatives/cross-departmental-projects-and- initiatives/services-connect

Victorian Social Housing Framework (2014) On 28 March 2014, the Victorian Government launched New Directions for Social Housing: A Framework for a Strong and Sustainable Future, a long-term framework outlining the future directions of social housing in Victoria. The framework outlines three broad strategic directions:

. Invest in safety and community development to make social housing a better place to live . Improve access to services including connections study and work opportunities . Boost investment to renew and upgrade existing public housing

The framework sets out government’s commitment of $1.3 billion over five years to upgrade Victoria’s social housing. According to the Community Housing Federation of Victoria, only $149 million of this amount represents new spending. The remaining amount refers to funds committed in previous state budgets. For further information see: http://www.dhs.vic.gov.au/about-the-department/plans,-programs-and-projects/plans- and-strategies/new-directions-for-social-housing

As part of the consultations for this framework WHW endorsed a joint statement from the community sector, calling for ‘accessible, affordable and appropriate’ public housing solutions. The statement is available at: http://vcoss.org.au/documents/2012/07/Joint-Housing-Framework-Statement-Final.pdf

Commonwealth funding to fight human trafficking and slavery (2014) In March 2014, Minister for Justice Michael Keenan announced an additional $1.44 million in funding for organisations that work to detect and prevent human trafficking and slavery. The following organisations will each receive $360,000 over three years under the Grants to Australian Organisations Program: Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH), Anti-Slavery Australia, Project Respect and Scarlet Alliance. For more information see: www.ag.gov.au/humantrafficking

Vic Parliament Inquiry into the Social Inclusion of Victorians with a Disability (2013) In November 2013, the Victorian Parliament’s Family and Community Development Committee called for public comment on nature and scale of relative exclusion and participation of Victorians with a disability in the economic, social and civil dimensions of society. The committee has also requested consideration of the impact of existing government initiatives and services, examples of best practice from the community sector and local government and assessment of the role of Disability Act 2006 in increasing access to government services.

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For more information visit: http://www.parliament.vic.gov.au/fcdc/article/2175 WHW’s submission to the inquiry focussing on the experience of women with a disability can be accessed here: http://whwest.org.au/news/advocacy/submissions/

Victorian Parliament Inquiry into the Social Inclusion of Victorians with a Disability (2013) In November 2013, the Victorian Parliament’s Family and Community Development Committee called for public comment on nature and scale of relative exclusion and participation of Victorians with a disability in the economic, social and civil dimensions of society. The committee has also requested consideration of the impact of existing government initiatives and services, examples of best practice from the community sector and local government and assessment of the role of Disability Act 2006 in increasing access to government services. For more information on the terms of reference visit: http://www.parliament.vic.gov.au/fcdc/article/2175

WHW wrote a submission to the inquiry which argues for need to redress harmful stereotypes, stigma and violence that undermine the health and wellbeing of people with a disability and contribute to their exclusion from social life. WHW submission available at: http://whwest.org.au/news/policy/submissions/

Workplace initiative to prevent violence against women with a disability (2013) In October 2013, the Victorian Government announced a new initiative to improve practice in preventing and responding to violence against women with a disability. Women with Disabilities Victoria will receive $400,000 in funding to deliver a training and education program on gender and disability for professionals. This initiative is part of Victoria's Action Plan to Address Violence against Women and Children 2012-2015. For more information visit: http://www.premier.vic.gov.au/media-centre/media-releases/8185-new-initiative-to-address-violence- against-women-with-disability.html

Women’s Health Victoria launches the Labia Library (2013) In September 2013, Women’s Health Victoria launched The Labia Library, a new online resource to counter myths about how vulvas should look and promote positive body image messages for women. The Labia Library has been developed to provide women with information about the natural diversity of genitals. The Labia Library can be accessed at: http://www.labialibrary.org.au/

The Victorian Achievements Program (2013 - present) The Victorian Achievements Program encourages schools, workplaces and early childhood services to redress the underlying causes of poor health. Participating institutions are asked to make commitments in line with the focus areas of the program. Once certain benchmarks are met the institution can apply for recognition. For further information see: http://www.health.vic.gov.au/prevention/achievementprogram.htm

Victorian Law Reform Committee Inquiry into Sexting (2013) On 29 May 2013, the Law Reform Committee of the Parliament of Victoria tabled its final report for the Inquiry into Sexting, outlining 14 recommendations for policy and law reform. The report covers the following three areas of inquiry: . Whether child pornography charges are appropriate for minors who participate in sexting . The extent to which young people are listed on the Sex Offenders Register for sexting-related offences, and whether registration is appropriate for these offences . Whether there are adequate legal and other protections available to people who are affected by sexting- related incidents

The committee report and government response is available at: http://www.parliament.vic.gov.au/lawreform/article/944 WHW provided a written submission and presented to the Law Reform Committee in June 2012. WHW submission is available at: http://whwest.org.au/news/policy/submissions/

Victorian Law Reform Committee Inquiry into Access to and Interaction with the Justice System by People with an Intellectual Disability and their Families and Carers (2013) On 5 March 2013, the Law Reform Committee tabled its report on the Inquiry into Access to and Interaction with the Justice System by People with an Intellectual Disability and their Families and Carers, outlining 47 recommendations for policy and law reform. As set out in the terms of reference, the key themes for inquiry were:

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. Participants' knowledge of their rights . Availability of appropriate services and supports . Dealings with the police . The operation of the courts

The Government Response to this report was tabled in Parliament on 5 September 2013. The committee report and government response are available at: http://www.parliament.vic.gov.au/lawreform/article/1461

Healthy Equal Youth (HEY) Project Grants (2011-2015) Grant recipients have been announced for the third round of Healthy Equal Youth (HEY) Grants. In total $189,297 was allocated to projects supporting the health and wellbeing of same sex attracted and sex/gender diverse young people. Applications for the fourth round of funding closed on 29 May 2014. HEY Grants provide one-off funding to local projects as part of the HEY project, which is a Victorian Government initiative that commits $4 million over four years (2011-2015). For more information visit: http://www.yacvic.org.au/sector- info/funding-opportunities/28-hey-grants

FARREP State-wide review (2011-2014) In 2011, the Victorian Department of Health commissioned a consultant to write a report for the Family and Reproductive Rights Education Program (FARREP) review in 2011. The report recommended that FARREP be centralised with one organisation. In May 2014 the Department of Health announced to FARREP funded agencies that no changes would be made to the current FARREP model. In June 2014, a new grant program was launched for community-led and initiated projects. For further information see: http://www.health.vic.gov.au/vwhp/farrep.htm

Reducing the alcohol and drug toll: Victoria’s plan (2013-2017) On the 25 January 2013 the state government launched the new whole of government alcohol and drug strategy. The strategy aims to improve the way police, courts, schools, hospitals and health and community health services work together – in order to reduce the alcohol and drug toll as well as to improve health outcomes for those affected by alcohol and drug related harm. Reducing the alcohol and drug toll sets out a 15-point plan redressing three major drug types; alcohol, pharmaceutical drugs and illegal drugs. The strategy has allocated $2.6 million to support a long term program to redress Victoria’s culture around drinking and alcohol misuse and a four year $12 million program for emergency departments across Victoria to support clinicians dealing with drug related admissions.

Community Sector Reform (2013) In November 2013, the Victorian Government released a discussion paper by Professor Peter Shergold titled ‘Towards a more effective and sustainable community service system’. The paper is associated with a project led by Shergold with the Department of Human Services, in conjunction with the Office for the Community Sector and VCOSS. The project is designed to review the way that government and the community services sector work together to support vulnerable Victorians. The project is part of the state government’s broader reform agenda in Human Services: The case for change, which was released in December 2011. Consultations with the community sector have investigated the possibility of reform in the following areas: . early intervention . integrated services . place-based solutions . flexibility of services . scaling up good practice and investing in innovation

WHW participated in a number of consultations and will submitted written feedback in association with other partners, including the Women’s Health Association Victoria and Domestic Violence Victoria. Further information and updates available at: http://www.dpc.vic.gov.au/index.php/featured/community-sector-reform-council

Whole of Government Victorian Alcohol and Drug Strategy (2013-2017) In January 2013, the Victorian Coalition Government launched, Reducing the alcohol and drug toll: Victoria’s plan 2013 – 2017. The plan’s objectives are to: decrease the current rates of alcohol and other drug abuse in Victoria; reduce the amount of harm that alcohol and other drug abuse causes in the community; and increase access to treatment options so that people with an alcohol or drug problem can get help when they need it. For further information: http://www.health.vic.gov.au/aod/strategy/

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Victoria’s Vulnerable Children Strategy (2013-22) In early May 2013, Minister Mary Wooldridge launched Victoria’s Vulnerable Children Strategy 2013-22. The strategy draws on the findings and recommendations of the Protecting Victoria’s Vulnerable Children Inquiry, which investigated systemic problems in Victoria’s child protection system. The strategic objectives set out in the strategy are to: . Prevent abuse and neglect . Act earlier when children are vulnerable . Improve outcomes for children in statutory care

WHW coordinated a written response to the inquiry on behalf of the WIFV Partnership. It is available at: http://whwest.org.au/news/policy/submissions/

Victorian State Disability Plan (2013-2016) On 19 December 2012, the Minister for Community Services Mary Wooldridge launched the Victorian State Disability Plan 2013-2016. The plan areas aims to achieve the following four goals: 1. Develop a strong foundation in education, housing and health for people with a disability to lead independent and fulfilling lives 2. Uphold the rights of people with a disability and promote their participation in the community 3. Improve access to information, neighbourhoods, public spaces, buildings and transport for people with a disability 4. Prepare Victoria to make a successful transition to a viable National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and reformed system of disability support.

.Further information is available at: http://www.dhs.vic.gov.au/about-the-department/plans,-programs-and-projects/plans-and- strategies/disability-services/victorian-state-disability-plan-2013-2016

Victoria’s Action Plan to Address Violence against Women and their Children (2012- 2015) On the 9 October 2012, the state government released Victoria’s Action Plan to Address Violence against Women & Children: Everyone has a Responsibility to Act. As per the consultation framework, the plan covers the continuum from primary prevention to tertiary responses to violence against women and their children. Governance for the plan will occur through a small, high level advisory group convened by the Minister for Women’s Affairs. The new state plan specifies government initiatives as falling within three main streams of preventing violence against women, early intervention and service response. Key aspects of the new plan include:

. A focus on primary prevention: including challenging community attitudes and behaviours, promotion of respectful relationships, and engaging communities and organisations to promote gender equity . Early intervention for women identified at greater risk of violence, including women with a disability. . Early intervention for those exhibiting early signs of violent behaviour . Investing in the service response for women and their children who are experiencing violence . Getting tougher on perpetrators of violence and preventing re-offending

Further information available at: http://www.dhs.vic.gov.au/for-business-and-community/community- involvement/women-in-the-community/preventing-violence-against-women/action-plan-to-address- violence-against-women-and_children

WHW attended consultations and wrote a substantive submission for the state plan, which is available at: http://whwest.org.au/news/policy/submissions/

Launch of ‘No to Homophobia’ campaign (2012) The Department of Health funded ‘No to Homophobia’ campaign was launched in October 2012. The initiative is led by the ALSO Foundation in partnership with the Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby, Transgender Victoria and the Anti-Violence Project of Victoria, with key support from the Human Rights Law Centre, Headspace and the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission. The campaign aims to challenges all forms of harassment and discrimination faced by people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (GLBTIQ). For more information see: http://www.notohomophobia.com.au/

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Funding package to redress family violence (2012) On the 3 September 2012 the Victorian Coalition government announced new funding and measures to help protect and support women and children who have experienced family violence and/or sexual assault. The package of $16 million over four years will provide expanded services, including: . $9.5 million for additional family violence counselling and case management . $3.75 million for sexual assault counselling . $3 million for men’s behaviour change programs

Legislative changes include: . Introducing new offences and penalties for breaches of family violence intervention orders . Extending the operation of Family Violence Safety Notices issued by police so they can operate for up to five days after, rather than the former three day period.

Koolin Balit: Victorian Government strategic directions for Aboriginal health (2012-2022) In May 2012, the Victorian government launched Koolin Balit, which outlines the strategic directions for Aboriginal health over the next ten years. The strategic directions guide two year actions plans and respective targets to be implemented by the Department of Health both centrally and regionally. The policy objectives are to:

. Close the gap in life expectancy for Aboriginal people living in Victoria . Reduce the differences in infant mortality rates, morbidity and low birth weights between the general population and Aboriginal people . Improve access to services and outcomes for Aboriginal people

The six key priorities of the policy include: a healthy start to life; a healthy childhood; a healthy transition to adulthood; caring for older people; addressing risk factors; and managing illness better with effective health services.

Successful Department of Justice grant recipients announced – reducing violence against women and their children (2012) WHW was one of Victoria’s eight successful Department of Justice grant recipients. WHW will receive $600,000 over three years to implement United: Working Together to Prevent Violence Against Women in the West – a collaborative regional plan to embed sustainable, evidence-based strategies for the primary prevention of violence against women and their children, working with partner agencies and communities. For more information see: http://whwest.org.au/health-promotion/equity-and-justice/prevent-violence/preventing-violence-together/

Justice Legislation Amendment (Family Violence and Other Matters) Bill (2012) The Justice Legislation Amendment (Family Violence and Other Matters) Bill 2012 makes a range of amendments to the Family Violence Protection Act 2008 that aims to reduce family violence and provide better protection for women and children. The new amendments proposed include: . Introducing new indictable offences for serious and persistent breaches of family violence intervention orders . Extending the operation of family violence safety notices from three to five days . Enabling a greater number of magistrates court venues to require respondents to undertaken men’s behaviour change programs.

Engage, Involve, Create - Youth Statement (2012) In April 2012, the Minister for Youth Affairs Ryan Smith launched Engage, Involve, Create, which outlines the state government’s vision statement for creating better outcomes for Victorian young people. Under the policy, young people will: ‘be engaged in education and training, and employment; involved in decision making activities, programs and in their communities; and create change, enterprise and culture’. The policy outlines three priorities:

1. Getting young people involved – supporting the full and active participation and engagement of all young people to ensure: social participation; community participation and economic participation 2. Services that meet the needs of young people – creating better outcomes by allowing young people to access services that are: young people focuses, integrated, and provided at the right time 3. Create new ideas and partnerships – families and young people, government, business, community and philanthropic organizations all working in partnership to deliver a range of outcomes for young people.

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For further information see: http://www.youthcentral.vic.gov.au/Government+Info+%26+Assistance/Youth+Statement+- +Engage,+Involve,+Create/

Disability and Family Violence Crisis Response Initiative (2012) In 2012 the Disability Services Division developed and trialled a Disability and Family Violence Crisis Response Initiative for women with disabilities escaping violence. The program enabled women with a disability who are escaping family violence – particularly from an unpaid carer – to connect with disability services and access short- term disability-related crisis support. Funding for this program has now been extended beyond the 12 month pilot. Further information is available at: http://www.dhs.vic.gov.au/for-service-providers/children,-youth-and- families/family-violence2/disability-and-family-violence-crisis-response Mental Health Reform in Victoria (2012 - present) The state government is currently undertaking a major reform designed to enhance the delivery of psychiatric, disability rehabilitation and support services (PDRSS). A consultation paper has been released that provides a framework to support the staged reform and redevelopment of the way PDRSS are provided to Victorian’s with a severe mental illness and psychiatric disability. The latest Ministerial Communiqué released in May 2014 announces the agencies that will be responsible for the delivery of mental health services across Victoria. For further information see: http://www.health.vic.gov.au/mentalhealth/pdrss-reform

On 12 April 2012, WHW wrote a submission that outlines the need for the reforms to be cognisant of gender in mental health policy, program and service provision in order to ensure the different needs of women and men are met. Our submission is available at: http://whwest.org.au/news/policy/submissions/

Victorian Government review of public housing sector (2012) In April 2012, the Department of Human Services released two discussion papers on public housing reform. The papers — Pathways to a Fair and Sustainable Social Housing System and Social Housing: Options to Improve the Supply of Quality Housing, which was prepared by KPMG — were developed to guide a new approach to the system. Reports from the Victorian Auditor-general’s office and a parliamentary inquiry have shown that the provision of social housing is unsustainable, unfair and lacks direction. For more information see: http://www.dhs.vic.gov.au/about-the-department/plans,-programs-and-projects/plans-and- strategies/housing-and-community-building/Pathways-to-a-new-Victorian-social-housing-framework

Victorian Health Priorities Framework Metropolitan Health Plan (2012-2022) The Metropolitan Health Plan, launched by the Minister for Health on 3 May 2011, provides directions for planning and health service delivery strategies within a metropolitan context working across the continuum of care. The seven metropolitan health planning priorities are:

1. Developing a system that is responsive to people’s needs 2. Improving every Victorian’s health status and health experiences 3. Expanding service, workforce and system capacity 4. Increasing the system’s financial sustainability and productivity 5. Implementing continuous improvements and innovation 6. Increasing accountability and transparency 7. Utilising e-health and communication technology

WHW attended a consultation forum, and provided a written response to the plan on 8 June 2011. The sector is awaiting the release of the Health Capital and Resources Plan, while the Rural and Regional Health Plan was released in December 2011. For further information: http://www.health.vic.gov.au/healthplan2022/. WHW submission is available at: http://whwest.org.au/news/policy/submissions/

Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan (2011-2015) The Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan aims to improve the health and wellbeing of all Victorians by engaging communities in prevention, and by strengthening systems for health protection, health promotion and preventive healthcare across all sectors and all levels of government. There are nine strategic objectives:

1. Build prevention infrastructure to support evidence-based policy and practice 2. Develop leadership and strengthen partnerships to maximise prevention efforts across sectors 3. Review financing and priority-setting mechanisms to ensure available resources are based on population need and potential for impact 4. Develop effective modes of engagement and delivery of evidence-based intervention in key settings 5. Strengthen local government capacity to develop and implement public health and wellbeing plans

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6. Improve health service capacity to promote health and wellbeing 7. Integrate statewide policy and planning to strengthen public health and wellbeing interventions 8. Increase the health literacy of all Victorians and support people to better manage their own health 9. Tailor interventions for priority populations to reduce disparities in health outcomes

WHW provided a written submission in response to the Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan on 3 October 2011. For further information see: http://www.health.vic.gov.au/prevention/vphwplan.htm. WHW submission is available at: http://whwest.org.au/news/policy/submissions/

Policy to reform Vicotia’s human services systems - The case for change (2011) On the 14 December 2011, the Victorian government released their new policy, Human Services: The case for change. The policy outlines a vision for a service system that supports and protects those most vulnerable and experiencing disadvantage, that is client-centred and that achieves improved outcomes for clients. It sets out five core principles that will guide case management and services reform, which includes: 1. People are at the centre of everything we do 2. People in need should have access to the right support, provided in a cost-effective way 3. All parts of the human services system should work together 4. A skilled workforce is key to a more integrated system and to better client outcomes 5. Victorian who access our services will be valued, respected and treated fairly at all times

Initial phases of policy implementation will involve case management reform in the two sites of Dandenong and Geelong/South West. Further information is available at: http://www.dhs.vic.gov.au/about-the-department/plans,- programs-and-projects/plans-and-strategies/key-plans-and-strategies/human-services-the-case-for-change2

Call for a state-wide sexual and reproductive health strategy In keeping with the national context, Victoria has a number of sexual and reproductive health strategies that focus on sexually transmitted infections, blood born viruses and Indigenous sexual health. However, Victoria is without a comprehensive statewide strategy.

The Women’s Health Association of Victoria (WHAV) has strongly advocated the need for a state wide sexual and reproductive health strategy in 2011 through the position paper, Proposal for a Victorian Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy, and meetings with the Minister for Health and Minister for Women’s Affairs. WHAV’s position paper is available at: http://whwest.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/WHAV-proposal-for-statewide- SRH-strategy.pdf

Victorian Homelessness Action Plan (2011-2015) The Victorian Homelessness Action Plan 2011-2015 commits a total of $76.7 million for a range of initiatives, including $25 million over four years for ‘Innovation Action Projects’ across Victoria. Three new 40-bed ‘Youth Foyers’ for young people who are homeless will link accommodation with education, training and employment. Five new ‘Work and Learning Centres’ located on public housing estates will link tenants with education and training. The plan focuses on three key areas:

. supporting innovative approaches to homelessness . investigating models that focus specifically on early intervention and prevention . targeting resources when and where they are most needed and where they will make the biggest difference

The Baillieu government intends to implement reforms that are outcome based and focus on an integrated and coordinated service system that includes specialist housing services and a broad range of mainstream services. For further information see: http://www.nwhn.net.au/Sector-Reform/Victorian-Homelessness-Action- Plan.aspx

Victorian Equal Opportunity Act 2010 The Equal Opportunity Act 2010 took effect in August 2011., replacing the Equal Opportunity Act 1995. The act makes several significant changes to the current anti-discrimination legislation, including widening the definitions of direct and indirect discrimination to make it easier to establish a claim; extending protection against sexual harassment to unpaid workers and volunteers; and enabling complainants to lodge claims directly with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal. The act clarifies that an employer has a positive duty to make

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‘reasonable adjustments’ for a person with an impairment. For further information see: http://www.humanrightscommission.vic.gov.au/

Government plan to reduce violence in Victoria’s Indigenous communities – Strong Culture, Strong Peoples, Strong Families (2008-2018) Strong Culture, Strong Peoples, Strong Families outlines the vision, objectives and actions that aim to reduce Indigenous family violence over the next ten years. The plan has eight key objectives:

1. Cultural safety: Make Victoria a safer place for all Indigenous Victorians 2. Healthy families: Support strong, robust and healthy families that provide a safe nurturing environment 3. Education, awareness and prevention: Intervene early to improve education, awareness and prevention of family violence 4. Safety for victims: Increase the safety of Indigenous families and individuals, especially women and children 5. Accountability: Increase the accountability and personal responsibility of perpetrators of family violence within Indigenous communities 6. Healing: Increase opportunities for healing for victims and perpetrators 7. Service capability: Increase the cultural competency and capacity of the service system to improve responses to Indigenous family violence 8. Research and evaluation: Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of responses to Indigenous family violence through ongoing research and evaluation.

For further information see: http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/indigenous/strong-culture,-strong-peoples,- strong-families-ten-year-plan

Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities came into full effect from 1 January 2008 to protect freedom, respect, equality and dignity. On 19 April 2011, Attorney-General Robert Clark announced a review of the charter to be undertaken by the Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee (SARC). The government received almost 4,000 submissions from individuals and organisations, with 95 per cent supporting keeping or strengthening the charter. On 14 March 2012 the government stated that there is an ‘ongoing place for courts in protecting rights’ under the charter and they have committed to seeking further advice on how courts and tribunals can best fulfil this role. For further information see: http://www.humanrightscommission.vic.gov.au/

In 2011 WHW and Western Region Health Centre coordinated a submission with 33 recommendations to the Scrutiny of Acts and Regulation Committee inquiry of the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 on behalf of 8 other community and women’s health services. This submission is available at: http://whwest.org.au/news/policy/submissions/

Victoria Police Code of Practice for the Investigation of Family Violence (last updated March 2014) The Code of Practice for the Investigation of Family Violence was launched in 2005 and is regularly reviewed and updated by Victoria Police’s Family Violence Coordination Unit. The Code of Practice estabilished the following broad areas of responsibility for police: . Increase the level of safety for all victims of family violence, particularly women and children, by thoroughly assessing risk, managing risk and making appropriate referrals . Hold perpetrators of family violence accountable for their behaviours by laying criminal charges where appropriate, including for contraventions of family violence intervention orders (FVIO) and family violence safety notices (FVSN); and by increasing successful prosecutions . Minimise trauma experienced by families during the process of police intervention

It also outlines the role of specialist family violence units and liaison officers and their coverage across the state. For further information see: http://www.police.vic.gov.au/content.asp?Document_ID=288

The Centre of Excellence in Intervention and Prevention Science (2011) In August 2011, the Coalition Government launched a new public health research centre. The Centre of Excellence in Intervention and Prevention Science (CEIPS) was,established to strengthen the preventive health effort in Victoria. A Victorian Department of Health initiative, CEIPS is an independent private, non-for-profit

© Women’s Health West 27 company. CEIPS research agenda is ‘to advance the science of systems thinking and its application to population health, and act as a catalyst to support new working relationships between research, policy and practice.’ The centre will work closely with universities and state government to help improve the health and well-being of all Victorians. For more information: http://ceips.org.au/

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Local Government and Community Sector

Review of Medicare Locals (2014) In May 2014, the Coalition Government published a review of the Medicare Locals. The Review recommended the creation of Primary Health Organisations to replace 61 Medicare Locals and the Australian Medicare Local (AML) Alliance. The Federal budget broadly adopts the recommendations, including significant funding cuts and measures to replace the Medicare Locals with ‘fewer but larger’ Primary Health Networks from 1 July 2015. The Australian Medicare Local Alliance in Canberra will cease operation on June 30 2014. For further information see: http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/medicare- locals

HealthWest Population Health Data Book (last updated April 2014) The HealthWest Population Data Book collates data to assist planning in Brimbank, Hobsons Bay, Maribyrnong, Melton and Wyndham local government areas (LGA). The latest update includes 2011 ABS Census data items such as migration into LGAs, Centrelink benefit recipients and health behaviours and is available at: http://www.healthwest.org.au/

Community health merger – Doutta Galla, Western Region Health Centre and North Yarra Community Health (2014) In 2014, Cohealth was launched completing the meger between three Victorian health services Doutta Galla Community Health, Western Region Health Centre and North Yarra Community Health. The new entity will serve one third of Melbourne’s geographic area. No immediate job losses or services changes are expected as a result of the merger. For more information see: www.cohealth.org.au

Western region strategies led by WHW WHW is the lead agency for two health promotion portfolios in the west – prevention of violence against women and sexual and reproductive health. We received funding from the Commonwealth Department of Health Preventing Violence Together: Western Region Action Plan to Prevent Violence Against Women. In October 2013, the Parliamentary Security for Health launched Action for Equity: A Sexual and Reproductive Health Plan for Melbourne’s West 2013-2017. The four year plan, which is led by WHW, will be implemented by a partnership of community and health services, specialist sexual and reproductive health services, local government, hospitals and ethno-specific organisations.

Victorian local government elections (2012) Victorian local council elections were held on 27 October 2012. The state government decided to continue with administrators at Brimbank City Council until March 2015, instead of going to democratic council elections. Council Plans and Municipal Public Health Plans (MPHP) are only applicable for the election term (4 years). Once elections are held, local councils are legislated to produce a new council plan by June 2013 and new MPHP by September 2013. Results for the 2012 local council elections see the following 23 female Councillors elected in the west:

Hobsons bay: WILSON, Sandra; ALTAIR, Angela; GATES, Colleen; GRIGOROVITCH, Luba Maribyrnong: CARTER, Sarah; CUMMING, Catherine Melbourne: RILEY, Susan; OKE, Cathy; PINDER-MORTIMER, Beverley; WATTS, Jackie Melton: MAJDLIK, Kathy; DUNN, Nola; RAMSEY, Sophie; CARLI, Lara; CUGLIARI, Renata Moonee Valley: SHARPE, Narelle; CHANTRY, Jan; MARSHALL, Nicole; SURACE, Andrea; CORNISH, Shirley Wyndham: BRITTAN, Marie; HEGEDICH, Adele; MARCUS, Heather

Western Health’s Sunshine Hospital maternity expansion (2012) In the 2012-2013 Victorian state budget, Sunshine Hospital received $15 million to further deliver critical care services and expand maternity services. This will see the development of two new birthing rooms. With 4,500 births per year performed at Sunshine Hospital (the third highest in the state) the hospital has plans for a free standing maternity unit by 2020. However, it has been reported that this funding only covers capital funds, with no additional funding for staffing that is required to service the facility.

© Women’s Health West 33 Medicare Locals (2011-2014) Between July 2011 and July 2012, Medicare Locals – a national network of primary health care organisations – were established to drive improvements in primary health care and ensure that primary health care services are better tailored to meet the needs of local communities. The establishment of Medicare Locals is a key part of the Australian Government's National Health Reforms and represent a shift from hospitals to primary health care including general practice, allied health and community care. Medicare Locals will have a number of key roles in improving primary health care services for local communities. WHW’s north and west metropolitan region will have three Medicare Locals:

. Inner North West – commenced July 2011 and covers the municipalities of Melbourne, Moonee Valley, Moreland and Yarra, . Macedon Ranges and North Western Melbourne – commenced January 2012 and includes the Local Government Areas of Brimbank, Maribyrnong and Melton. . South Western Melbourne – commenced July 2012 and includes the Local Government Areas of Hobsons Bay and Wyndham

For further information see: http://www.yourhealth.gov.au/internet/yourhealth/publishing.nsf/Content/medilocals-lp-1

GP Super Clinic (2011) In 2011, ISIS Primary Care received federal funding to develop and operate a $15 million GP Super Clinic. The Wyndham Vale clinic will bring together general practice, dietetics, dental services, occupational therapy, sexual and reproductive health, social work and family support programs. It will also have a strong focus on chronic disease and preventative health activities. The clinic, located in Wyndham Vale, opened in February 2014. For further information see: http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/pacd- gpsuperclinics

Better Health Plan for the West (2011 – 2021) The Better Health Plan for the West identifies an agreed set of key health concerns and broad direction for future service delivery in the western metropolitan region for 2011 – 2021 that local governments, community health services, Medicare Locals and hospitals will work in partnership to implement. The overarching goal of the plan is healthy and engaged communities in the west, which will be achieved through increasing health literacy; inclusive and culturally appropriate service delivery; service integration; retention of skilled staff; maximising and growing resources; research; and through utilising e-health and communication technologies. The plan outlines three high priority health concerns including: . mental health . cardiovascular disease/obesity/diabetes . cancer

Department of Health North and West Metropolitan Region Review (2011) The NWMR Department of Health has recently undertaken an extensive restructure. This has resulted in the implementation of an area-based approach with a new lead-program and service advisor (PASA) model. This is designed to support the department’s new business plan and operating model as a ‘system integrator’ of population health development and health system management in the region. The three new area-based groups align with the primary care partnership catchments across the north and west region – two of which are of relevance to WHW. The department’s expectation is that this will enhance opportunities for DH program areas to develop a collaborative focus on the whole population – from those who are well to those with complex chronic conditions.

In 2011, CEOs of local Councils and Regional Directors of State Government Departments identified the following as North and West Metropolitan Region (NWMR) priorities: • Affordable living and secure housing tenure; • Access to public transport and healthy walkable communities; • Local employment – particularly for youth; and • Access to lifelong education to up-skill residents.

Western Integrated Family Violence Partnership (2006 – present)

© Women’s Health West 34 The Western Integrated Family Violence Partnership (Women and Children’s Services) is a group of family violence agencies in the western region of Melbourne who support women and children’s right to freedom from violence. The partnership works to enhance an integrated service response to improve the safety of women and children and increase accountability of men who perpetrate violence.

Primary Care Partnerships (2000 – present) The Primary Care Partnership (PCP) Strategy was launched by the Victorian Government in April 2000, establishing a network of 32 PCPs across the state. WHW has two PCPs in our region – HealthWest (which services the municipalities of Brimbank, Hobsons Bay, Maribyrnong, Melton and Wyndham) and Inner North West (which includes the municipalities of Melbourne and Moonee Valley). With the introduction of Medicare Locals the future of Victorian PCPs had been unclear. In February 2012, Department of Health senior staff and the Minister for Health, David Davis, provided a definitive direction in favour of PCPs. Funds for 2012-15 have now been confirmed and PCPs directed to continue their important partnership work.

© Women’s Health West 35 Strategic committees and networks

National Australian Women’s Health Network Member Council of Homeless Persons Member Homelessness Australia Member Australian Health Promotion Association Member Statewide Women’s Health Association of Victoria (WHAV) Member and convener Monthly Member of WHAV Gender Equity Monthly Working Group Family Violence Statewide Advisory Committee WHAV representative Quarterly Domestic Violence Victoria (DV Vic) Member Statewide Refuge Meeting Member Quarterly Victorian Council of Social Service Member Gender Equity in Local Government working group Member Bi-monthly Partners in Prevention Network Member Quarterly FARREP Managers Network Member Quarterly FARREP (Workers) Network meeting Member Quarterly African Workers Network meeting Member Monthly Disability Advisory Group Member and convener Quarterly Women’s Refuge and Outreach Service Meeting Member Quarterly Women’s Mental Health Network Victoria Member Quarterly Regional HealthWest Partnership Board member Monthly IHP network member Monthly Inner North West Primary Care Partnership Governance Group member Monthly IHP Network member Monthly Social Inclusion working group Monthly Western Integrated Family Violence Partnership: - Governance group Chair Quarterly - Operations group Member Bi-monthly Community and Women’s Health HP Network Member Bi-monthly Wyndham City Council Community Health, Wellbeing and Safety Expert Advisory Group North West Region community and women’s health Active member Monthly CEOs and managers meeting Hobsons Bay City Council Health and Wellbeing Member Bi-monthly Committee Maribyrnong Preventing Family Violence working group Chair Bi-yearly DHS North West Metropolitan Region Integrated Chair Bi-yearly Family Violence Forum Breacan/Western Health Project Reference Group Member Monthly Multicultural Health & Support Service Peer Education Member Quarterly Project Reference Group Flemington Youth Service Network meeting Member Monthly A Place to Call Home Advisory Group Member Six-weekly Sunshine Settlement Service Provider Network Member Quarterly Brimbank/Melton Settlement Advisory Committee Member Quarterly Think Child Working Group Member Quarterly Court Uses Forum Member Quarterly Brimbank Family Violence Prevention Network Member Monthly Wyndham Family Violence Committee Member Monthly High Risk Working Group Member Monthly Centre for Gender WHS Advisory Board – University of Member Quarterly Melbourne VU Social Work Department Advisory Board Member Quarterly

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