Redbook-1894 (25GA)
RALPH P. LOWE, FOURTH GOVERNOR OF IOWA, 1858. \ .. EGISTES. PUBLISHED BY THE- of State. JSSg ©r6cr of tbc General ... 1894 ... DESMOINES: GEO. H. RAGSDALE, STATE PRINTER. 1894. Official Register EXECUTIVE OFFICERS. Governor— FRANK D. JACKSON, Polk Co ; term expires January, 1896. W. S. RICHARDS, Private Secretary to the Governor. Lieutenant Governor— WARREN S. DUNGAN, Lucas Co.; term expires January, 1896. Secretary of State— W. M. MCFARLAND, Emmet Co.; term expires January, 1895. C. S. BYRKIT, Deputy Secretary of State. Auditor of State— C. G. MCCARTHY, Story Co.; term expires January, 1895. OLE O. ROE, Deputy Auditor of State. Treasurer of State— BYRON A. BEESON, Polk Co.; term expires January, 1895. D. B. DAVIDSON, Deputy Treasurer of State. Superintendent of Public Instruction— HENRY SAFIN, Polk Co.; term expires January, 1896. W. S. WILSON, Deputy Superintendent. Adjutant-Ge?ieral and A. Q. M. G.— *GEORGE GREENE, Linn Co.; appointed Jan. 21, 1892. Commissioner of Labor Statistics— *J. R. SOVEREIGN, Cass Co.; term expires April 1, 1894. Librarian— *MRS. MARY H. MILLER, Polk Co.; the term expires May 1,1894. State Geologist— KSAMUBL CALVIN, Johnson Co.; postoffice, Iowa City. TJC. R- KEYES, Assistant Geologist, Des Moines. 4 IOWA OFFICIAL REGISTER. Mine Inspectors— *lst District, John Verner, Cleveland. *2d District, John W. Canty, Youngstown. *3d District, M. G. Thomas, Des Moines. M. C. BENNETT, Secretary to the Board. Terms of Inspectors expire April 1, 1894 (office at Des Moines). Board of Examiners for Mine Inspectors— WILLIAM MITCHELL, Dunreath, Miner. THOMAS H. DAVIS, Beacon, Miner. JAMES E. STOUT, Des Moines, Operator. ALBERT STEIN, Fort Dodge, Operator.
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