Abstraction Data, 81 Standards For, 4, 6–7, 10 Acceleration, 117, 188 ACID
MEGGINSON_Index.ps 11/11/04 10:31 AM Page 215 Index Abstraction Auditing data, 80 data, 81 Authors, in-line markup for, 154 standards for, 4, 6–7, 10 Automated conversions with legacy Acceleration, 117, 188 information, 181 ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, Automation, 77 durability) tests, 103–105 Addressable data, 98 B2B (business-to-business) Adobe PostScript language automation for, 77 as de facto standard, 26 types of, 134–135 for printing, 73 Backward compatibility, 44 Advanced searches, 148–149 Base64 encoding, 96 Aircraft manuals, 56, 74 Batch requests, 116 American Iron and Steel Institute, 17 Batch searching, 37 American National Standards Institute Berners-Lee, Tim, 13, 162 (ANSI), 11 Binary data Analysis of legacy information, 173–174 external references, 96 ANSI (American National Standards internal, 96–97 Institute), 11 representations of, 189 APIs, 22 space efficiency in, 186 Application specifications, 24–25 Binary Large Objects (BLOBs), 34, 36 Archiving data Binding benefits of, 80 data, 94, 109–110 in XML projects, 34, 36 programming languages, 22 Artificial intelligence in search process, 162 in WSDL, 128–129 Associating Style Sheets with XML BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards), 11 Documents, 20 Bloat in legacy information, 175–176 Asynchronous networking, 119, 126–127 BLOBs (Binary Large Objects), 34, 36 Atomicity in ACID test, 103 Bloomberg service, 38 Attributes Boolean searches, 148 in markup, 64 Bourret, Ronald, 110 in relationships, 87 Bray, Tim, 147–148 repetition of, 188 Broadcast networking, 119 215 MEGGINSON_Index.ps 11/11/04 10:31 AM Page 216 216 Index Budgets in XML projects, 46–47 CompuServe, 33 Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), 11 Computer games, external metadata for, 158 Business documents, 134 Concurrent version system (CVS), 36, 74 Business-to-business (B2B) Consistency automation for, 77 in ACID test, 103 types of, 134–135 in standards, 27–29 bzip2 program, 199 Content management of, 74–75 CALS Table Model, 21 non-XML, 95–97 Canonical XML, 19 vs.
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