Unit 3 Extension worksheet

1 Przeczytaj tekst. Dlaczego Nick lubi zespół Nick 4 Napisz zdania na temat fotografii w ćw. 1. Jonas and the Administration? 1 John sometimes plays the keyboard. My favourite band by Dan Harris He isn’t playing the keyboard now. He’s playing the bass guitar. and the Administration is my favourite band. They’re a rock band and they play great music. I like 2 Nick sometimes plays the piano. Nick Jonas and the Administration because they’re great musicians and their songs are interesting. 3 Tommy sometimes plays the trumpet. There are five people in the band. Nick can sing and he can play the guitar and piano, too. In this photo, he’s 4 Sonny sometimes sings. playing the bass guitar and he’s singing, too. John Fields can play the bass guitar, the keyboard and the drums. He isn’t playing the drums in this photo. He’s playing the bass guitar and he’s on the right of the photo. Michael 5 Przepisz poniższe zdania bez błędów. Bland can play the drums and Tommy Barbarella can play 1 Nick can to play the guitar. the keyboard and the trumpet. In this photo, Michael is playing the drums and Tommy is playing the keyboard. 2 Michael is play the drums now. Sonny Thompson can sing and he can play the guitar. He’s really good. He isn’t singing in this photo. He’s playing the bass guitar. I love all of their music, but my favourite song 3 Nick are singing in this photo. is Who I Am. It’s got great words and it’s a good song to dance to. 4 John can plays the bass guitar.

5 My favourite song are Who I Am. c e a b d 6 Pracujcie w parach. Wyobraźcie sobie, że to wy jesteście częścią przedstawionego na obrazku zespołu. Zadawajcie sobie nawzajem pytania i odpowiadajcie na nie.

2 Dopasuj osoby do właściwych zdjęć. 1 Nick Jonas 4 Tommy Barbarella 2 John Fields 5 Sonny Thompson 3 1 What’s your band’s name? 2 What kind of music does your band play? 3 Przeczytaj tekst z ćw. 1 jeszcze raz. Następnie 3 What can the people in the band do? uzupełnij poniższe zdania. W każdą lukę wpisz 4 How often do you play in concerts? tylko jeden wyraz. 5 What’s your best song? 1 Nick Jonas and the Administration is a What’s your band. band’s name? My band’s name is … 2 Nick can play the guitar and the .

3 John can play the guitar. 4 Michael is playing the in this Extra writing photo. 7 Napisz o swoim ulubionym zespole muzycznym. 5 Tommy can play the keyboard and the Narysuj go lub przyklej jego zdjęcie. Opisz, co . robią przedstawieni na ilustracji członkowie zespołu. PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extension worksheet Unit 3 157

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