Contact information: (Phone) – 805-984-5907 (Fax) – 805-984-2397 Email:
[email protected] 4903 Island View St Channel Islands Harbor, CA 93035 visit us online at: and © Copyright 2011 Film Clips Spirit of America FILM CLIPS for CATHOLIC YOUTH FAITH FORMATION Study Guide INTRODUCTION: Film Clips for Youth Faith Formation is an exciting and creative approach to the faith formation of youth that uses a medium for which they have a natural affinity: Hollywood movies. In this eight-part series, fully licensed clips from Hollywood movies are used to help Catholic school religion teachers, parish catechists, and youth ministers involve their students in reflection and discussion about faith and its implications for prayer, belief, and behavior. NOTE: Adults can find this series helpful for their programs as well. At the core of the program are clips from popular movies that exemplify key traits and issues that are part of a person’s life-long journey of faith. The clips provide viewers with situations that relate to real-life experiences and draw them into a natural engagement with the subject. A person’s faith journey is a sacred and profound thing, but there is no reason why one cannot have fun along the way. Jesus enjoyed himself at a wedding and certainly must have chuckled at his conversation with Zachaeus, the little guy in the tree. It’s possible – necessary, even – to enjoy the process detailed in this program while still being true to the sacred task of faith formation. HOW TO USE THIS SERIES: The teacher/catechist/youth minister should download and consult the companion booklet for this program: How to Use This Series.