The Papal Foundation Delivers Millions in Support of the Holy Father's Outreach, Care and Evangelization - Christian Newswire 4/23/13 12:07 AM

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The Papal Foundation Delivers Millions in Support of the Holy Father's Outreach, Care and Evangelization

Contact: William Canny, The Papal Foundation, 610-535-6340

VATICAN CITY, April 11, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- Papal Foundation members and representatives, U.S. Cardinals and bishops made a pilgrimage to this week to present $8.6 million for support of Francis' charitable work during the coming year.

"The annual pilgrimage to Rome is always a deeply spiritual experience," reflected William Canny, the Foundation's Chief Operating Officer, "but this year we were especially blessed to have a private audience with as he sets the course for his papacy. These are exciting, hope-filled days for the Church, and for SUBMIT a world in need."

The Papal Foundation provides Catholics in America with a long- term, sustainable way to support projects of particular interest to the Holy Father. "From the first day of his election, Pope Francis has reminded us of the Church's fundamental responsibility to the poor and marginalized," said Cardinal , President of the Foundation and Archbishop of Washington.

During the last 25 years, the Foundation has supplied over $85 million to feed the hungry, comfort the ill, educate children and prepare women and men for a lifetime commitment to serve the Lord.

Over 100 participants in the 2013 pilgrimage included Stewards of Saint Peter and their families, priests and Foundation staff, as well as Cardinal Wuerl, Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, Archbishop Emeritus of Washington and Cardinal Justin Rigali, Archbishop Emeritus of . U.S. Bishops from , Newark, Wheeling-Charleston, Dallas and Las Vegas also joined the pilgrimage this year.

The Papal Foundation was founded in 1988 to provide sustainable Page 1 of 2 The Papal Foundation Delivers Millions in Support of the Holy Father's Outreach, Care and Evangelization - Christian Newswire 4/23/13 12:07 AM

financial support for the Holy Father and his witness to the world. For more information about The Papal Foundation, its grants and scholarships, visit