ATLANTIS Military Buoyancy Compensator

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ATLANTIS Military Buoyancy Compensator ATLANTIS Military Buoyancy Compensator TECHNICAL MANUAL 2 Atlantis Technical Manual COPYRIGHT NOTICE This manual is copyrighted, all rights reserved. It may not, in whole or in part, be copied, photo copied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form without prior consent in writing from Aqua Lung International. It may not be distributed through the internet or computer bulletin board systems without prior consent in writing from Aqua Lung International. ©2013 AQUA LUNG AMERICA. ATLANTIS BC TECHNICAL MANUAL, P/N 762989 ATLANTIS BC W/ CYLINDER P/N 762950 ATLANTIS BC W/O CYLINDER P/N 762960 You can contact a Technical Advisor via e-mail at: [email protected] Trademark Notice Aqua Lung®, is a registered trademark of Aqua Lung America, Inc. Warnings, Cautions and Notes: Pay special attention to information provided in warnings, cautions and notes, that is accompanied by these symbols: A WARNING indicates a procedure or situation that, if not avoided, could result in serious injury or death to the user. A CAUTION indicates any situation or technique that could cause damage to the product and could subsequently result in injury to the user. A NOTE is used to emphasize important points, tips and reminders. 3 CONTENTS CHANGE RECORD .................................................................................... 5 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 6 GENERAL PRECAUTIONS & WARNINGS ............................................... 8 PRODUCT OVERVIEW .............................................................................. 9 Military Oral Inflator Assembly (Standard) .............................................................. 9 Powerline Inflator Assembly ................................................................................... 9 Auxiliary Air Cylinders ........................................................................................... 10 Filling the Auxiliary Air Cylinders........................................................................... 10 Attaching the Auxiliary Air Cylinders ..................................................................... 12 INFLATION METHODS ............................................................................. 13 Inflation via the Military Oral Inflator ..................................................................... 13 Inflation via the Powerline Inflator......................................................................... 13 Inflation via the Auxiliary Air Cylinders .................................................................. 13 DEFLATION METHODS ........................................................................... 14 Deflation via Rapid Exhaust Valve (REV) (Primary Method) ................................ 14 Deflation via Oral Inflator (Secondary Method) .................................................... 14 DONNING & ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES .......................................... 15 Donning ................................................................................................................ 15 Adjusting strap length ........................................................................................... 15 PRE-DIVE INSPECTION CHECKLIST ..................................................... 16 POST DIVE INSPECTION CHECKLIST ................................................... 17 CYLINDER VALVE CONNECTOR MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES ...... 18 Disassembly ......................................................................................................... 18 Assembly .............................................................................................................. 18 CYLINDER VALVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES .............................. 18 Disassembly ......................................................................................................... 18 Assembly .............................................................................................................. 20 Testing Procedures ............................................................................................... 21 4 Atlantis Technical Manual FINAL ASSEMBLY AND TESTING .......................................................... 22 BC PATCH KIT INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................. 23 MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDED MAINTENANCE CHECKS ....... 24 TABLE 1: LIST OF TOOLS ...................................................................... 25 TABLE 2: TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS ................................................... 27 TABLE 3: RECOMMENDED CLEANERS AND LUBRICANTS ............... 27 PROCEDURE A: CLEANING AND LUBRICATING ................................. 28 EXPLODED PARTS DIAGRAMS ............................................................. 29 ATLANTIS COMPONENTS ...................................................................... 32 OVERHAUL PARTS KITS ........................................................................ 33 TECHNICAL DATA ................................................................................... 34 ATLANTIS RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS LIST ................................ 35 ATLANTIS ACCESSORIES ...................................................................... 35 ANNUAL SERVICE AND INSPECTION RECORD .................................. 37 MAINTENANCE NOTES ........................................................................... 38 WARRANTY INFORMATION .................................................................... 39 5 CHANGE RECORD Change No. Date Title or Description Change Made By 001-13 20 Feb 13 Powerline inflator PN changed from 101270 to 42746 Aqua Lung America 002-13 20 Feb 13 Added Cylinder Connector Maintenance Procedures Aqua Lung America 003-13 20 Feb 13 Added Cylinder Connector Maintenance Procedures Aqua Lung America 004-13 20 Feb 13 Updated Cylinder Valve Maintenance Procedures Aqua Lung America 005-13 20 Feb 13 Added Final Assembly & Testing Aqua Lung America 006-13 20 Feb 13 Added Expiration date note to Weld-On 4784© Aqua Lung America 007-13 20 Feb 13 Updated Powerline Exploded Parts Diagram Aqua Lung America 008-13 20 Feb 13 Updated Atlantis Components Aqua Lung America 009-13 20 Feb 13 Added Overhaul Parts Kits Aqua Lung America 010-13 20 Feb 13 Updated Technical Data Aqua Lung America 6 Atlantis Technical Manual Introduction 2. All service and repair should be carried out in a work area specifically set up and equipped for the This manual provides factory prescribed procedures task. Adequate lighting, cleanliness and easy access for the correct service and repair of the Aqua Lung to all required tools are essential for an efficient repair product described in this manual. It is not intended facility. to be used as an instructional manual for untrained 3. As the valve/inflator is disassembled, reusable personnel. The procedures outlined within this components should be segregated and not allowed manual are to be performed only by personnel who to intermix with nonreusable parts or parts from have received Factory Authorized training through other units. Delicate parts, including inlet fittings an Aqua Lung Service & Repair Seminar. If you do and crowns which contain critical sealing surfaces, not completely understand all of the procedures must be protected and isolated from other parts to outlined in this manual, contact Aqua Lung to speak prevent damage during the cleaning procedure. directly with a Technical Advisor before proceeding 4. Use only genuine Aqua Lung® parts provided any further. in the overhaul parts kit for this product. DO NOT attempt to substitute an Aqua Lung® part It is recommended that the Atlantis should be rinsed with another manufacturer’s, regardless of any in fresh water after use and it should be stripped similarity in shape or size. down and serviced annually. 5. Do not attempt to reuse mandatory replacement However, if at all unsure about the correct function- parts under any circumstances, regardless of the ing of the Atlantis, then it must be officially inspected amount of use the product has received since it was manufactured or last serviced. immediately. 6. When reassembling, it is important to follow every torque specification prescribed in this An Official Inspection consists of: manual, using a calibrated torque wrench. Most parts are made of either marine brass or plastic 1. Testing instructions see Pre-Dive Inspection. and can be permanently damaged by excessive 2. Orally inflate the Atlantis. Check that the over stress. pressure relief valve (OPRV)/rapid exhaust valve (REV) are operating correctly, tightened down General Conventions properly and no leaks are detected. Unless otherwise instructed, the following terminology 3. A visual inspection of the Atlantis checking that there and techniques are assumed: is no excess wear to the hook/loop material, stitching points are not excessively coming undone and quick 1. When instructed to remove, unscrew or loosen release buckles are in good working order. a threaded part, turn the part counter-clockwise. 4. Auxiliary air cylinders are full and no leaks are 2. When instructed to install, screw in or tighten detected. If the Atlantis fails any of the 4 steps it a threaded part, turn the part clockwise. should be serviced by an Aqua Lung trained service 3. When instructed to remove an o-ring, use the technician. pinch method (see illustration below) if possible or use brass or plastic o-ring removal tool. Avoid General Guidelines using hardened steel
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