The Ecosystem of the Technological Clubs in Russia

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The Ecosystem of the Technological Clubs in Russia The Kruzhøk National The ecosystem of the Technoløgy Initiative movement technological clubs in Russia INGRAD NSK MI REP NORTHWESTERN FEDERAL DISTRICT LIN OB RMA OBL KO UB The Kruzhok movement is a country-wide community of technological KA LA U AS 4 LIC S M T KALININGRAD OBLAST SAINT-PETERSBURG T 1 Rostelekom, Experimental design bureau “Fakel”, Committee for Education of Saint-Petersburg Holding GS Group, “Yantarny Yuvelirprom”, enthusiasts. It is based on the principle of horizontal connections among CML, Gazpromneft, Rostelecom, LenPoligraphMash, Plant «Kaliningradgazavtomatika» LLC Svyazstroydetal, 1C: Programmers Club Technopark of Kaliningrad State St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, ITMO University, Technical University Central Research Institution of Robotics and Technological Cybernetics, people, ideas, and resources. Quantorium, Youth center “Rodnik” Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Regional Skolkovo operator in Saint-Petersburg Center for gifted children, Lyceum №18 Fablab “Politech”, Fab Lab TVN SPB, Technopark ITMO.KIDS, Business incubator Ingria, Festival “Nauka 0+”, 4 Center for young technological creativity and IT, ROBBO CLUB, 32 5 exhibition “PRO-Obrazovaniye” Saint-Petersburg Children's technological creativity center MURMANSK OBLAST The regional center for gifted children, Academy of digital technologies, Study center “Shkola znany”, Technoacademy “Teenger”, A kruzhok is an independent team of enthusiasts who face modern Rostelecom, Murmansk Commercial Seaport, Kolsk Mining and Metallurgical Company, ROBBO club, Leage of Robots, Robotrack, Codabra Nornickel, Kola Nuclear Power Plant, “PhosAgro”, VKfest, ScienceFest, Geek picnic Kandalaksha Alluminium Factory, “Apatit” Baltic Science and Engineering Competition, Robofinist, technology barriers and successfully solve them (examples of the similar Murmansk Arctic State University, Tournament of two capitals, Hackathons Murmansk State Technological University Finals of NTI competition in the following areas: - Nano-systems and nano-engineering Quantorium “Laplandiya”, - Advanced manufactoring technologies associations in the past are Aeronautical Club of Zhukovsky and Group AINT GOR Fersman Youth Center, 37 S -PE OV OD T N OB Creative center for children and youth “Polyaris”, NOVGOROD OBLAST ER 6 L Youth center “Khibiny”, “Klassnoye Delo” S A Department of Education, FASIE, B S Regional center “Sirius”, Association of 3D-Education, VR/AR Association, for the Study of Reactive Motion of Zander and Korolev). U T Murmansk Technological Lyceum, Transregional tutor association, Fund of creative industries, R Center for children and youth in Kolsk region branch of the Kruzhok Movement in Boiling Point Veliky Novgorod G “Arctic young engineers”, “Quant”, Design bureau “Planeta”, Association of manufacturers, BiTronics Lab, “Engineers of the Future” LenGroup, Copter Express, Lorett, Novgorod State University business incubator KOMI REPUBLIC Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University, Novgorod Technical School Syktyvkar Timber Processing Complex, Quantorium, Fab Lab “Synthesis”, IT-Cube The aim of the Kruzhok Movement is to train entrepreneurs, engineers, SKAT, School №36, Novgorod Varukhin Young Sailors’ Club Technological center “Sodeystviye” 118 14 National summer school for young sailors, Hackathon WISE Camp., Komi Republic School for Advanced Studies, Innovator’s Navigator, Academy day Ukhta STU scientists, managers of the next generation. The core part of it Competition “Technological Entrepreneur”, Quantorium (Syktyvkar), Center of Young engineers (Ukhta), Contest on 3D technologies “Engineers of the future”, Cultural Centers for children and students (Syktyvkar), Regional hackathon of national competition “Digital Breakthrough”, Data-hackathon Cultural Center for children (Vorkuta) School of Mentors, pilot launching of University 20.35, finals of NTI is supposed to consist of people coming from "kruzhoks" — skilled Regional center “Sirius” competition in the following areas: - Neurotechnologies - Autonomous traffic infrastructures enthusiasts who are able to create and bring to life projects, to suggest new organizational decisions and to form new technological companies. OBLA SCOW D ST OBL MO RO TSK AST 20 CENTRAL FEDERAL DISTRICT O PE DLOVSK TONOM LG I ER OB AU O E L SV LA K US B S YS D BELGOROD OBLAST Space Research Institute, Institute of Oceanology, VORONEZH OBLAST 2 T I I Innopraktika, Skolkovo Open University, S S Администрация Белгородской области, Штаб Сharity fund Engineering School of Moscow Polytechnic University, 4 N T Кружкового движения в Точке кипения “Rozhdestvenskiy Vecher” R FabLab of MISiS, STANKIN center for technological A г. Белгород I support of education, MIPT center of technological Quantorium, Station of young engineers №3, M C Холдинг «Зеленая долина», Геоскан, support of education, the technopark Cultural Center URAL FEDERAL DISTRICT - T «Агродозор» of the Kurchatov Institute, MSUPE Y Ramon Lyceum, the regional center T БелГАУ им. Горина, Инжиниринговая школа Technopolis Mosсow, Technoparks: for gifted children “Solnyshko” 177 SVERDLOVSK OBLAST The Group Chelpipe Group, Russian Railways, НИУ БелГУ Mosgormash, Smart-grad, the RSSU technopark 2 Russian Post, “Tridivi”, “Innovations for children”, N Experimental technological school RoboArt, The Ural club of new education, Sverdlovsk Oblast Department of equal opportunities, Fab Labs – 25 3 “Napoleon IT”, “Technopark of Innovational technologies”, A Кванториум; Станция юных техников; ЦМИТы: Profest of Education, the branch of the Kruzhok Movement «Метаморфоза», «Кластер» Schools of IT technologies, in Boiling Point Yekaterinburg CINT, Rosatom, Xpage, Everypixel, ReadyRobot, 80 H MOSCOW OBLAST “SKB Turbina”, UZPT Mayak, “Sol IT”, 6 Center for extended education “Obraz”, K Региональный центр «Сириус» UGMK, «Avtomatiki», «Unimatik», PNTZ, BAES, School №1356, Khoroshkola, Codabra NPO Android Technic, PAO MMK Moscow Oblast Department “SKB-kontur”, Naumen, “UEHK-RosAtom”, NPO “Sapfir” Фестиваль «Наука 0+» MakerFaire, GeekPicnic, Festical “Nauka 0+”, of Education ChSU, SUSU, MIDiS The UrFU higher engineering school Конкурс «АгроНТИ для учащихся сельских School of real business, Profest Special “Dubna” Economic Zone, Quantorium in Chelyabinsk and Magnitogorsk, 1 школ» Quantorium, Russian Railways Quantorium, Engineering club The prevocational competition, Space Rocket Corporation “Energia” the Krupskaya Palace of the Pioneers and schoolchildren, for children, Robotics academy Robonest, the hackspace MakeItLab, Tournament of two capital cities, the Moscow City named after S.P.Korolev, Tactical Missile Arms the Palace of students “Smena”, Fab lab, the children LIPETSK OBLAST the children technological school “Legocomp”, the Oktober Region Competition of project and research activities Corporation, Chemical Engineering Design technopark Ingenerika, the Makeev children`s cultural Cultural Center, the Cultural Center for children and young people, center Youth, Sport School on technical sports, Management for Small & Medium Enterprise Development, Bureau named after A.M. Isayev, Roscosmos, The Mentor School H OB C the technopark “Universitetsky” The Center of young engineers, IT-Cub Branch of the Kruzhok Movement NPO Mashinostroyeniya, Promelectroservis, EZ LA OS OW The finals of NTI Contest in the following areas: N S M O in the Boiling Point - Lipetsk NPK “Dedal”, “Composit” O T B Fund for support of young and talanted children “Zolotoe Sechenie”, - Intellectual power systems R 8 L The ChelSU Robotics laboratory, the Yandex Lyceum, the robotics A Fab Lab “Unimatik”, the Ural Club of the new education, the project - Big data and machine learning Dubna State University, O school Liga Robotov, the computer academy STEP, NLMK Group, Rostelekom V S “Incubator PROFI”, the center “Zolotoe Sechenie” - Nanosystems and nanoengineering Technological University T the antischool “Corpus”, Napoleon IT School, the lyceum №11. Lipetsk State - Neurotechnologies Engineering Center, 3 The festival “Gorod Technotvorchestva”, ChOLI Lyceum for gifted students, the lyceum №31, Technological University - Engineering biological systems: agribiotechnologies the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research the festival “Kstati”, TechnoNoch, Robofest, the lyceum №97, the information center on the atomic energy, - Engineering biological systems: gene editing SAMSUNG IT-School BINS N OB Quantorium, the Center for technological creativity Quantoriums in Korolyov and Fryasino cities, Technological Freestyle, the project sessions “TechnoLider” YA K O ME LA - Communications systems and remote sensing EL B U ST “Novolipetsky”, the Zadonye Schoolchildren Center, Fab Technoshkola, Leage of Robots, Academy of Robots, Engineeriada UGMK, Young TechnoTalents, The open city Festival of students’ technological creativity, H LA Y Labs: “Concept” and “Novator” of the Earth Izobretarium (Reutov city), Fab Labs – 16 the Festival of ideas and technologies Rukami, C S T - Unmanned aircraft systems Semokhatovskiye Chteniya, Kurchatovskiye Chteniya, 1 The UrFU Talents School the city technological forum “Vremya, Vperyod!” 8 T Gifted Children Support Center “Strategiya” - Composite technologies Reutov College "Energiya", - Analysis of satellite and geospatial data Zabrodin School №29 (Podolsk city) Robofest, VRO, “I am a mother`s ENGINEER”, NLMK Project camp in the “Strategiya” center The Mentor school, the projects schools “Practices of the Future”, - Aerospace systems “Puteshestviye V Technograd”, “Step to the Future”, Championship
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