SNOWMASS21-Compf2 Compf5-034.Pdf 68.77KB 2020-08-31 13:15:49
Key4hep Letter of Interest – Snowmass 2021 August 31, 2020 1 Key4hep 2 Letter of Interest 3 Authors: b a b f 4 Placido Fernandez Declara , Frank Gaede , Gerardo Ganis , Paolo Giacomelli , Benedikt b b a b b 5 Hegner , Clement Helsens , Thomas Madlener , Andre Sailer , Graeme A Stewart , Valentin b c;1 d d d d e 6 Volkl , Joseph Wang , Wenxin Fang , Weidong Li , Tao Lin , Jiaheng Zou , Xingtao Huang , g 7 Alexey Zhemchugov 8 a b c d e f 9 DESY; CERN; Twofish Enterprises (Asia) Limited; IHEP; Shandong University; INFN g 10 Bologna; JINR Dubna 11 Introduction 12 Future HEP experiments require detailed simulation and advanced reconstruction algorithms to ex- 13 plore and maximise the physics reach of their proposed machines and to design, optimise, and 14 study detector geometry and performance. To synergize such developments the CEPC [1], CLIC [2], 15 FCC [3], ILC [4], and SCT [5], communities have started the creation of a “Turnkey Software Stack” 16 (Key4hep), which would provide all the necessary ingredients, from simulation to analysis, for future 17 experiments. This approach is based on the positive experience of the linear collider projects ILC 18 and CLIC, that have developed and used a common software stack iLCSoft [6] over the last decade. 19 This would cover most if not all future linear and circular machines colliding electrons, muons and 20 hadrons. The software stack will facilitate writing specific components for experiments ensuring co- 21 herency and maximising the re-use of established packages to benefit from existing solutions and 22 community developments, for example, ROOT, Geant4, DD4hep, Gaudi and podio.
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