R MTHE Jobmu 82 Interesting That Among the Guests at the Dinner Next Wveek Will Be a Member of the Lettsom Family
MIIAYI2, 1923) E,XCOHAN GE PRO SSORS. r MTHE JOBmu 82 interesting that among the guests at the dinner next wveek will be a member of the Lettsom family. Dr. John EXCHANGE PROFESSORS. Fothergill, though not a member of the Society, was a friend VISIT OF SIR HAROLD STILES TO BOSTON. and patron of Lettsom, who in 1784, soon after Fothergill's AN initerestinig precedent has been established by the death, founded a Fothergillian gold medal in his honour; the recent visit of the Regius Professor of Clinical Surgery at family will be represented at the dinner by Dr. Fothergill. Edinbur-gh University to Harvard to act temporarily in Among other guests are the presidents of the Royal Colleges the place of Professor Harvey Cushing. Sir Harold Stiles, of Surgeonis of England and of Ireland, of the British who lhas just resumed his regular duties in Edinburgh, Medical Association, of the Royal Society of Medicine, and carried out for the last fortnight of the Harvard sessioni of the Royal Academy; the Minister of Health, Professor the teachlinig in clinical surgery at Boston and the duties Sir Clifford Allbutt, and Professor of surgeoII to the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in that Sir Archibald Garrod, city. The system of " exchange professors " has been in the Bishop of Birmingham, Sir John Goodwin, Sir William vogue at the Harvard School for eight years, and while Leishman, together with Sir Alfred Yarrow and many other Sir Harold Stiles was in temporary occupancy of the Chair representatives of science. of Surgery, Professor Connor, from Cornell University, New York, acted for a fortnight as " exchange professor" THE HOSPITAL POLICY OF THE ASSOCIATION.
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