Judet Localitate Denumire Furnizor Reprezentant Numar De Telefon

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Judet Localitate Denumire Furnizor Reprezentant Numar De Telefon Judet Localitate Denumire furnizor Reprezentant Numar de telefon Adresa de e-mail TIMIS Lenauheim SC LENAVET HORSE SRL BIBU MIHAELA CLAUDIA 0745891079/0256381874 [email protected] TIMIS Timisoara SC BANAT VET SRL VELICEVICI SERGIU 0735876670 [email protected] TIMIS Deta SC DETA VET SRL BUCUR NICULAE 0721322740 [email protected] TIMIS Deta SC VETERMED SRL LAZAU VASILE 0744764981 [email protected] TIMIS Jebel CMV DR. MUNTEANU ONORIU IONICA STELIAN MUNTEANU ONORIU 0720791550 [email protected] TIMIS Beregsau Mare SC SUPERVET SRL RIGAU CALIN 0729060562 [email protected] TIMIS Topolovatu Mare SC CRISALI-VET SRL SÎRBU CLAUDIU-CRISTIAN 0724797374 [email protected] TIMIS Varias SC TRIVET SRL OPRESCU ION 0745567085 [email protected] TIMIS Costeiu CMV DR. BURCEA FLORIN BURCEA FLORIN 0766308380 [email protected] TIMIS Darova SC BOCAVET SRL BOCA GHEROGHE 0740149943 [email protected] TIMIS Comlosu Mare CMV DR. FACEA DUMITRU FACEA DUMITRU 0256364148 [email protected] TIMIS Tormac CMV DR. KISS ZSOLT SRL KISS ZSOLT 0721529559 [email protected] TIMIS Racovita CMV DR.TENCHE EMILIAN TENCHE EMILIAN 0721529559 [email protected] TIMIS Carpinis CMV DR. BONDREA DUMITRU BONDREA DUMITRU 0721247134 - TIMIS Firdea CMV DR. COZMA MARIA ANDREEA COZMA MARIA ANDREEA 0727874024 [email protected] TIMIS Faget SC DEREVET 2014 SRL ARDELEAN REMUS-CORNEL 0723609459 [email protected] TIMIS Dumbravita SC LAVIVET SRL TOMA LAVINIA MONICA 0724700750 [email protected] TIMIS Timisoara SC HILFE VET 2009 SRL MOLDOVAN NICOLAE 0747603498 [email protected] TIMIS Gataia CMV DR. DAVID CALIN SRL DAVID CALIN 0740286933 [email protected] TIMIS Bara SC VALCOST VET SRL OLARIU IOAN VLAD 0733113298 [email protected] TIMIS Recas SC RULOVET SRL CRISTEA AMULIU 0742284283 [email protected] TIMIS Sanmihaiu Roman SC SANROVET DUO SRL HULEA CALIN IOAN 0740792763 [email protected] TIMIS Cenad SC AQUA-VET SRL MURESAN MIRCEA IOAN 0746773847 [email protected] TIMIS Balint SC MOW VET SRL GYORGY JOZSEF 0761722883 [email protected] TIMIS Sag SC GC HOPEVET SRL GAINA CONSTANTIN 0768765494 [email protected] TIMIS Sacalaz CMV DR. OLAR VIOREL-IOAN OLAR VIOREL-IOAN 0256367107 [email protected] TIMIS Buzias CMV DR. DORDEA IOAN SRL DORDEA IOAN 0766593281 [email protected].
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