[S'cwspaper Devoted ,„. Community Intewrt Prewnted Fairly, dearly

(IH Local Coverage fed Impartially Each Week tkrtmt Complete New Picture* CARTERET, N, J., FRIDAY, JUNE" 29, 1962 tnwtM u tud Glut IUU It P O.. Oirttrtt N J PRICE TEN CENTS

Field Day Boro Hall Overcrowdingf'pg ]\|apg

I'd- at the Office of the Tax Col. *• Cl O L C X Dlnn/s]!l Ing at the Borough Hall la lector u well as the Assea- i I 3 II fl I T ft becomings a vital problem ii sor's office. On the top T"fc T\ hat will not be easily solved. floor, overcrowding Is gen- The space need has been eral . One room is shared Bus Run Kadio Group Engager created by the ever increas- by the Fire Marshal and the ing responsibilities of ope.rat- Building Inspector. Cubby in 21 -Hour Drill. ng the borough affairs. hole quarters also are occu- ome Route 62 Buses JULIAN Up to the present time, pied, by Juvenile Aid Bureau Effectiveness Shown efforts have been made to Welfare Bureau and civil May Uge Turnpike meet the problem of over- Defense, CARTERET — Tile Commu- >QLLAK crowded conditions. Similar crowded conditions for Newark Trip nications Division of the Car- There has been some talk are In evidence on the base- here for its Newark destination. him1 you the same situation exists departments. effectiveness and range of com At present Route 62 traverse! 11 nil- that munitions. The Immediate through Carteret, thenc# i ;II^ .m(i." on Sunday at ^Scholarship Grants, Loan Link Is Pressed objective of the radio comma through Rahway. Linden, Elte* ,- ii 11 ui my nlcations group was to deter Hebrew Center Pledges abeth, and finally into Newark. 1 Lutheran Hall • 'n-Miiiit , CARTERET - At a meeting man of the board for the fund At W» Carteret mine the efficiency with whlc |The trip from Carteret to New* Sllturd :ll\ lift'. I CAKTERET — The RcvJ »y. the Minue .Scholar - to which the three student*, all the personnel could set u ark on this route now consume* lllip Pllll(1 CARTERET —The industrial ..i:il chnvn- Rollin Q. Shaffer of Nutley,:< Committee, made the graduates of Carteret High their equipment for simulate Now at $81,000 Mark an hour and even longer t» lfo owl |i Kiants and loans: oad proposed for the Minue ' di melted Associate Director of Lutheran " " emergency operations, Th cause of the heavy traffic 1 Robort sklba son of Mr Schol were invited. Street area Will bring a surge nill- World Action, will be the micst ' S- services of the group would CARTERET — A total Of Harold Gross, building con through the heart of these Mal|!lui t sklbu 24 Attending the session were T light industry to Turnplk doth- pistor at the 8:30 AM. Service ' ' » Washing- required by the borough structlon chairman reported towns. 10 Awmi Clarence McGlllis, Prank Bare- Terminal area, according to $81,000 has been pledged al- iiin w;iur of Zlon EvanKellcal Lutheran! " < «rant of $250. He Carteret if and when a natural the progress being made on t The proposal calls for the pIttns t0 uttcntl ford, Earl Rumpf, Herbert borough officials. ready for the Carteret Jewish mints. As Church, 712 Roosevelt Avenue i Providence Col- or man-made major disaste structure. j buses to start from its regular Rll()cie Island Kaplan, Francis Tomczuk, .station comlnK Sunday, during - The Planning Board has set isrupts existing communica Community Center. Talmud Torah chairman ermlnal in Perth Amboy, con* Amll(ll Walter Schaffhauser, Mrs v.s.yd !ahsc-w of the Rev. Willis >y Neri. son of Mr July 16 as the date for a public ion ssytems to major point This report was made at the George Resnlck reported that Inue on its usual route to Car* ...... _._ , Nerl 41 Sherman Umansky and School 1 Wet. iMorian Ross, pastor, who ls!'md Mrs- hearing on an application for utside the borough. June meeting of the board of 120 students are registered for ;eret and then enter the Car* 1 1O k Sl . TT ".XrV."""^ '. "T '"'Oak street ~ffrant of"'linn ami'Superintendent Edwin S. Quin a major subdivision providing the Center by Mrs. Isadore eret Interchange for Newark. i:... .-rablc, I attending the Constituting Con.'°f *£*u s'tand Colw"of i The Private Nicholas Minue Objective Listed the Hebrew School next year. U1 auena UMle e 0I "or a road that would eventual- Gamza, financial secretary.! It would cut about half an hour d A.iichi'd for ver.tion of the Lutheran Churdi * * i The contest objective was t A study will be made to handle E po n Kan8as | Scholarship Fund Committee ,y come under, borough control. Approval was given to changes for the Carteret-Newark trip. : .iful unit in America meeting in Detroit. "^ "* i - ontact as many other fie! the increased enrollment. Rab- Peter Wrampe, son of Mr. making its initial plea raised in the basement of the Center bi Morton S. Baum cited thel .-rdlng to the application. tor to furnish power for the Retired by USMR •|in)ii 'h the Outline Aims to the run. applicants, a holding group. .i lu-kct I Parish Picnic Set jCampbell Heads CARTERET — John Bodak, CARTERET — Among the Consent from additional 1 company, plan to use the road -• in M way Roy Else. Assistant Emer- 79 Longfellow Street, Carterot, girl graduates Clasf of 1962 ol as an access route to property municipality Is required before v ,i imNScn- gency Coordinator of the Ama- arteret H1 h to be offered to industrial de retired this week from U. S. ? * 2™»* the Public Bervice can Initiate <• tin Irani, For Tomorrow K. of C. Council teur Radio Emergency Corps have secured tffice '-positions,!the new Turnpike run. velopers, No subdivision of lob for Middlesex and Union coun- Metals after completing 31 \'i> iitm F,x- CAHTERET—Families of the| CARTERET — Walter Camp, Seven will study beauty cul- is included in the application. ties Inspected the Bite and com- tyears of continuous service. i ii'l rhat Vl- First Presbyterian Church and bell was elected Grand Knight ture and seven others will at- The proposed extension o plimented the group on the|Bodak was hired at the "Cop- ,-'Htitui city, Church School are Invited to a of Carey Council, No. 1280, tend business school* In N^w Minue calls for.U'o traffic lancsjeffective showing and Imprea- per Works" in July, 1931 as a I v.nulii like church-wide family picnic, Knights of Columbus, at its an- York and East Oranfe. Fifteen Parish Picnic of 17 feet each with 8-foot slve display of communications laborer in the Yard Depart- 1 i.ti'i. I .'..lii'ed Saturday, June 30. The outing nual meeting on Monday night will continue their education shoulder areas' on both sides.!technique. ment. A year later, he was Hint «,' far will be held at Roosevelt Park, in the Columbian Club. He will on tile collegege,, llevel n|th several Vincent Cisceglia, vice presi-l transferred to the Scrap Dept. Set for Sunday ilia' depw'. I Grove 2, Section 2, and begins succeed John Hornak who was Seek Recruit* jta»*f dUfr whilhile dent of the Aotlve Essex Corp.,| During his 30 years In »*fn educ :1 older people, at 10 A, M., continuing until elected treasurer. who "in- CARTERET — Worship serv- met wtth th.* board ai*t H 'individuals Jscrap Dtp'u., lfedak held ta*\ ices in the Hungarian Reformfd '.'•!•) lii-'in with dusk: Fare Hit's that do not have Ajao • elected were (teorge on npeii, and in 1997, he made a study tour,building in shape to be used by Susan K. Cinese, Losger. skewers and folding chairs. der are requested for the rolman John Kahora. issuing of building permits for Nicholas A. Minue scholarship 1 of Protestant relief and mis- tin' Church 8chool when it re- Only cost, a donation of $1.71 ' i-umpiirt- orphans. Donations may be loan program has made grants slon activities to Japan. Korea, »i><-ns, and to provide a con- Minutes afti'i the Borough!. , .. , the four-family multiple dwell- 'iii I hardly left at the Columbian club on or loans to three applicants per person, no other charty Taiwan, Hong Konc, Australia, niunnH schedule of work until Hail was hit, lmhtning struck Seminar Attended ings. Children free.' i | The con- High Street. and the Lions Club presented whatsoever. : New Guinea, Indonesia, and the building is completed. The •he home of Patrick Dorlsiello,! The statement complimented There will be games, contests >!. " the next Announcement that 19 By Three Residents class awards to the boy and the lnp. There fftnsylvania. he attended Mlih-ltereMJih- teret and Port ReadnmRj, tlu lej Classes Ended Michigan State University. IChristiiins Are Concerned." l vu ficers, members of the honor '• "'' -y at that iejberg College AllentownAllentown,, k turns were the h.ghest eve. col CARTERET — The Carteret lliv guard, officers ol the post aux- '" "»en got ta- wherh e he received his Bachelor'lecU'dhl'lcU'd. mine ire icuuivcu ••» "«- -• , , lac.,Police Department U> once iliary also are in attendance, '""i'^'ini'iit and sat of Arts degree in 1937. Two. Mrs. Tuoliey to* b« > aa ac ulldergoing intensive ;; More than 25 persons from „.;;•'' "' n-ain started years later he received his Mast-;tive chairman '° twelv"'[ e "years i|trainiii , « in the use of police s 0 Si the post are represented at the """'• .Illll my er of in English!Fund for_the P^^J ,.of thHlPistolsthe!P' ' ' , B&s-gunsgas-suns, shot-guns 1 :'oiwcnlion. •*>•"• Ll.'lll'"U!K because of .Jterature from Syracuse i ~ " "Heurt jund machine guns They are Illll,. ; ' h'*ii remained ersity. also learning the techniques o 1 11 Association. "" position on the (Continued on Page 2) mechanics of arrests, seizures iSt>e Court Battle ' decided to and searches. niy hiding plus. The training in fire arms; In Zoning Decision from the searches and seizures was held CARTERET — A court men were PAL Day Fourth of July from June 25 through today, battle was indicated, today appar- under the supervision of F.B.I. over the decision of the Zon- Agent Ray Piper, and Range ng Hoard of Adjustrnent. Vienna Expected to Draw 2,500 [Officer Sgt. Andrew Pross. ' The boprd ruled this week U« Dets. R. White, C. Makwinski, have to seek approval Of the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial 7 — > Iserve officersofficers.. C. Russo, \V. Chamra, C. Sheri- Carteret Planning Board. Park. dan, Ptlm. J. AJusco. S. Kunak, the cost E. Brechka, J. Rivers, J. Ka- ST. ELIAS DAY JULY 82 Wfty at 10 A. M. and continue cover by Police Chief hora, W, Hundemann, D. Dos- CARTERET - St. EUw until 4 P. M. There will be six L. Makwinakl. He urged thaw T VenmchiOi f. Larkin Church has set July 33 at thS and I had rides. A series of contests are L. Ma h can to contribute. W f^ FitepgtrlCFitapatrlck|t , wW . TioosTroostt , AA, miry: juhn Schlr»iei, assiotunt nkrte officer date for lta annual St. Ota* '•'"U strangew planned Including balloon who can to contribute IVlL DKHVM; HELD DAY: Kuliih Turk, rails hiui Dydak, J. Bo»se, A. Dobrovich, uprrateh the Iwo-uieter cuniniunlcittur. LAck of more Day feast, An outdoor •*«y from an blowing, a«ck races, bubble gum stations while Ins wife, Lillian i»iiii-s iiifuiiuuliun. Ike E Ki*h. J- C™1*' K. Hulb, A, communications operttton inrant mure work and lew Jdtnner and picnic will 111 order to .and watermelon eating. drill invulvta billing and nckiionlfd(jiin ut, iiiaiu ;1 Kasha. B. Szullmovrtkl, H. ak«p for niaujr. Mure picture! the day. s!ions, I in- Arrangement* are being and the j an iio»ible. '" »>y own. I made to have cough soda, hot ward to U Hell, B. D'Zurllla. rinai tlon. PAGE TWO JUNE 28, 29, 1962 J.Whigs of Lite Board Engages Colirtnbus School Boy Hu (Continued from PM« 1> Uld them my parents were Awards MadeSt. Joseph's 8th Grade Graduates More Teachers d»ad and I was trying to get CARTERET — A number of to my aunt In Vienna. I even CARTBRKT — At the eighth appointments were made by As Bom invented a nan.e for her I grade graduation exercise of the Board of Education at its »lvo told them 1 diU not have the Columbus school, the fol- meeting Wednesday nlKht, lowing eighth graders received Four Aoarhns were named nnd ExplO(|, '.ft ticket, or any money to pay awards: t^l mv train fare appointment R unproved to the English. William Bclrne; athletic coftrhiili: stuffs. "Don't worry," ore of the ^lstory, David Castantlnl:! Judith M. Miles, Ann C. Old Port Rent;;. rinnn sr.id to me. "You're a I mathematics, Richard Fuho; Dnnofrio, Laraine H. Pavero brave bay and we'll see that 'spelling. Marilyn Brown nnd Playing with tiirr. nnd Judith Horton were hired the backyard n( i •yen jret to Vienna safely." |Dort-en Kublak: science, Wil- ! us elementary tenfhers. Mlrtj^^ mU p 1 i I w;.s told that. I must Ham Belrne; citizenship, Anne Horton Is iv RrRduftte of New- ' '-.i i:,. r.'.rk under the seat ftRaln Cautl; highest avenife, boy, ink State College, while thp|w hl« left hand vi, fc; J2\ire the train r*.ow Was ap.William Belrne: highest aver- made i others are nil graduates of Jer- bomb hp *n, , ' jw.'ac ''lny the German bur- age, girl, Lintln Harmer; srv Cltv Rfnte Collrgo. *}™ UP wlillr 1), .... dtr I complied gladly. While showed most prom-ess, Maria The conchlne appointment* .I.K.-5 crouching there In t';e uominguei. Taken to the 6n':rn""d compartmpnt, con- 8clence certificates we re re- Inilud selection of Wal- General Hospital £ . >rs crmc and went, ceived by. ter Clnslor as hend track conch bridge <•' :''".in? tickets. By midnight and Itownrd BS fresh- Kerije Barge, Sherry Brown,! mini Imketbnll conch, positions ":•. rr.^ nt the border, Hnd Carol Michael, William Belrne. Marlon \\ • came to examine the formerly held by recently ap- at the hospitni i,r Unda Harmer, Sonta Tormella pointed Assistant Suiwlnten- v and of all Gary Luida. Joseph Kisii, Anne The other thnv dent, Robert T O'Donnell. Injury were M is. In half an hour, Cm'.tS. EJteabcth Turtck. Valeria "in r Otisior will receive $350 and Richard Dor :n was rolling again. Vlrag, Patricia Syzmonifka, Rossellr $300. i little while one of the Frances Lakatos, Barbara La- Charles Haley, io" 1 The other appointments and men In the compart- katos, Suianne, Wllgiis, Marilyn] The Booth boy -,ti, i. nt called to me, and said Brown, Barbara Larar. Joseph salaries are as follows: foot- ball • DOUKIM Kinir, varsity. a piece of condiiit p It would be all right for me Rivera, Ann Galuska, Alien Mc- seven inches ion;. .,' Donald, Mid Glenn Mills. $70(1; Vv'alter Oasior and James to come out from under the iOilruin, nsslstant. S400: Rob- dreds of match \M-M\., teat. I sat down on the soft The following Columbus ert Hu'rdi'rl and Albert Br?ch- bomb exploded "„,', seat cushion and fell Into a School students received credit kn. frcfhmnn. $300 severe injuries to )•,.'•' xound sleep. When the train for perfect attendance; VVislry S])ewnk. varsity, $fi00; Patrolmen FI1A;I ,, -steamed into the Marlahllfle Eighth grade, Patricia Makar j Kin::, junior varsilv. $350: nick made the u;ii:;, Station in Vienna next morn- Irene Slca, Bernard Buckworth.l 'I'lcnicnt.'iry. Oeorsr Sisko and tion and then t n:,.^ Ing, my protectors had to Wayne Amundson, Marie Dom-j fxitlis Ni'.'.ro, $U'5. over to the Juvi i-.-.:, '|'i awaken me. "Wlrd slnd schon Inquoz, Eionia Torruclla, David Gilrnin, $2,r>0. Baseball: Rlch- ,tn Wein, kleiner." said one of Castintlno, Dennis Czeto, Rich-! nrd Ml!!lec7, varsity, $400: Rob-St. Joseph's (.) -the men as he left. ard PUIRO, Blase Scibctta,] ert Mullin. assistant, S25O. •'•' -Bright sunshine greeted me Fratik.Verscjtl, mid Eileen Bull; Triirk: Sprwnk, assistant, $250. Sell Danrr when I emerged from the seventh grade, Irene Dytynlak. Joseph Zimmerman was CARTERET I;,,. "railway station. Vienna was Donna Elliot, Rita Rasimow!c7,| 1 named chief custodian in the Scott Muni Dai.n- •, getting up and I had never and Frank Papp; .sixth I'liule, , school at no increase in sored by the S- ,i,, eeen such a tempo of life. I Joseph Ruela, Betty Ann Mehl, salary and Mary K. Mastprson, will be on sal.' :\,.s " was smiling and whistling. At Olorta Buser, and Diane Kol- a teacher, was granted a leave the church t,iii,,i . the age of ten, I was far away paczyk; fifth grade, Paul Oster, of absence Mrs. Theresa Su- 10. and 11 AM M/| '.'from my prison and had Henry Peterson, Janice Kra- hay was appointed to the cus-tickets for the di.v.' ' come to a beautiful city. I Jewski, Kenneth Smith, and todial staff at. Columbus School. on July 6 in p. felt It was good to be alive. John Karpiak; fourth snide,; from 8-12 P.M. H,,, "1 began day-dreaming. I Linda Parsons and Susan Kan-] —— Visualized myself living there fHippo; third grade. Michael The CYO will :i, In Vienna permanently and Palumbo and Joseph Gil. Library Unit munion at the 1 f.M. Dull; 10 AiM. to 4 P.M. Kl 1-5467 25 Cooke Aveaue—Kl 1-5100, 5108-9 Fridu « * M. to • P.M. Friday 10 A.M. to 4 VJt. El 1-2909 me* RH LOt and • P.M. to a r.M. Pc railing at d 3 9 EMIL ZUBACK "Preferred by people who appreciate food food!" Open D»Uj > to I. ™ » ' " Member Federal Reserve System and Kandoljth Drive-Up Window Open Daily » •" *• *' Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 21 Leffert Street Carteret Member federal Deposit JUNE 28, 29, 1982 PAGE THREE Carteret Miss Joan Carol Domhof\ dinners Listed Community News Weds; To Live in Madison At PlaygroundSj '".AHTKHET - The second CARTERET The marriage ayle Rossi, junior bndcimnld, of plnyjiNMind RCllvltHt f Miss Jonn Carol Domhof, ,nd Terry Lynn Rossi, flower ninhlluhted by A ploj^t daughter of Mi. and Henry rl, are both cousins of th*1 r Cnrteri-t Park on MOB* fcrnihof, 10 Whitman Street, to iride from Avenel. .lulv .'nd »t i o'clock rti

Don O. Dennlsoii, SOn of Mr. 'Roy Matson, Inkster. Mich., iv.vs ,ln() ,.|riK ttiat uid Mm. Wilbur Donnlson of as best man. Ushers were ri.N in thr Olympics of nnkersflpld, Cal, took place In ohii Powell. Summit. Rudolph the picnic ?erhac,s and Russrll Orunden, lls,i reei'lvp thell St. Peter'R Episcopal church lOURin of the bride, both of Tin' (oilmvlm- boys Hnd Perth Amboy, Sunday after- Carteret. nil1 in tic honored noon. Following a weddinc trip to v Szr/ripanskl, Ralph The Very Rrv. CRnnon California, the couple will re- David Krlfor. Stanley* Susan Jftspan, Allen i cnndir light- Oeorge H. Boyd performed th< Ide at 666 Shunnlke Road, Rellm (Wnrnr l^r, Ro«el POJ- I'M David Shllan, and double ring ceremony, Madison. The bride wore a I in Andrew Chervenafc, rivices at 8|Baum. Escorted to the Rltar by he: navy blue silk sheath with -'> DHVIS. Edward at father, the bride wore a gown white accessories and a white nii Kovnl Arlon ,,.ivlcrs at 8 The main auditorium of the of silk orstinzR over taffeta with orchid. Oililweii. Irvln Oregory, 7.P.M. Carteret Jewish Community n Queen Bertha neckline, Ttv Mrs. Dennlson was urtidunted •. Komkiwkl. Steve DeAiW will be known as the Di. bell skirt, has a box pleat nm 'mm Carteret High School and Milt (in Davis David Coftti- Mi/,, son of Mr. Oreenwald Memorial a spray of embroidered Alencon he Perth Amboy General Hos- linn y Raasa, Robert Ul. LcouWlt?.. Will torlum. -" lace panelled on eRch side, pital School of Nursing In 1D60 -liew. Raiph Alltonello, bustle of roses extended Into I,II,Hnh scriptural She Isattendlnu Fnlrleigh Dtck- Howell, Edward Mantle, .,initt ill the Lov- Construction is RnR chapel length tratin. A four nson University. Madison, and sico. Pe -r *Lenfyel, tiered veil, of French Illusio: CimuicKatlon in rapidly on our new structure is employed by Dr Petillo and crodui), Jerry Saplenu, iviis attnohel to a crystal crown mclftli birthday. Over forty new families havr Dr Oreenberg, Perth Amboy Coanshork, Michael She carried a cascade of steDh ,,f Hie Senior iriade R building fund member- Her husband was maduated Robert Kalupa, Dennis nnotls and lilies of the valle; School ship pledge brliiRlnn our from Bakersfleld Hieh School , stevr Walko. Michael ,!,.„, with a white orchid. iml. piogram to 64% of completion. and University of California Holden, Larry Ransdell, Jer- Mis Janet Domhof, Cartere Berkeley. He is attendlni ome Tardy and R. Caltfweil; sister of the bride, was maid Seton Hall Law School, New Cherryl McMahon, MlchelU Induct of honor. Bridesmaids were the ark, and Is employed by Bel Mocolola, Leslie Stevens, Debr* Misses Mary Blron nnd Nancy ioiis award Telephone Laboratories, Mur ,Peters, ivbra O'Donnell, Pavria 13 /\W Members Grunden, cousins of the bride, Scouts Of ray Hill, where he is a membe Karen Minter, Pa- liny both of Carteret. The Misses of the patent staff. ieia Toule, Jill SlmUter, Joyt* . n i candidate CARTERET—Exhaltod Ruler urney, Eileen O'Shea, T. SUr- lisiiud, a Jewish Harry J. Brenner flccrB Initiated thirtcfn men iskl, C. Carl, Barbara Conkllfi, it uv.-iird. Into the Benevolent :uid Pr >. argaret Gray, Doris Scott, f Miss Sandra June Kaye lerlln Green, Diana Krisko, exercisesitoctlvp Order of Elks. Carteret eth Whitehead and Ruby Lea. Lodgr 2235, at St. Demctriu U, the fol- Registration Is still going on awards Pavilion Saturday Bride of Jerry Solomon or the girl's softball league, ;ii tendance ftti They are as follows: ny Kir) that resides In tht .•uaiion services; Edward J. Balka, Joseph CARTERET —A pretty wed-Brunswick, after a trip Doro between the ages of 10 i.Milcm, Debbie Le- and 16 Is eligible and may reg« Campbell, Peter Cobb. Stanley ding took place In the Roger 'anada MR8. DON 0. DENN1S0N Hreslow, Lowell ster at any playground wi» M. Epychin, Jacob Ference, Smith Hotel, New Brunswick, The bride was graduated id Fox, Irene Charles R. Fitchette. Benedict the director. ! !(>'.<• a MRS. JOSKPH S. CALIGUARI Sunday afternoon when Miss rom Highland Park High ,, n Relsman, Anne W Harrington, Stephen Bchol and Douglass College TO LIVE HKRE - Mrs, Joseph S. Callguarl, the former Sandra June Kaye, daughter The Arts and Crafts program ,,•11, v Wurzel, Joyce Komunlcky, 0, W. Krlnk, Her- She Is a fourth grade teachet was started this week with th* Dale lamela Lucas wed here recently, The couple will of Mr, and Mrs. Emanuel Kaye, Kidnapping of Carteret ild Brown, Jace- bert L. Iipman, Paul J. Prokop, at Benjamin Franklin School making of a raffia basket, tht reside at 203 Randolph Street. Highland Park, became the Duvid Chenkln, Jr., Alexander Shumny, and Edison. project tor next week will b« Stephen Harris, John Skiba. bride of Jerry Solomon, son of Her husband, a graduate of the wax candles, that proved Mr. and Mrs. Morris Solomon, Girl Proves to be Hoax l!!! Ul, Bruce Mad- Carteret HiRh School and Rider successful last summer. 35 Roosevelt Avenue. Rabbi The schedule tot this pro- H.itii. Shirley Shli Babitsky Bride; College, Trenton, ls employed WOODBRIDQE—Woodbridge and Carteret police, who ai ,M1. Richard Seld- Gerald Green of New Bruns- gram ls: members and their ladles. as a .senior writer by American first believed they were Investigating a case of kidnapping of :•, Katz, Michael wick officiated at the cere- Carteret girl Tuesday, discovered after investigation that tin Monday, 1:00, Parkview and

;,n-!M'l. Joel Albert, mony. iBroadcasting Co,, New Yorkj who]e tnlng wg8 B hoax_ perpetrated by a Borough boy to cove; 3:00 Shorecrest; Tuesday, U. 8. Will Live in Georgia Metals, 1:00, and St. Joseph'! , :i. Hugh Chodosh, The bride, given in marriage City. He served in the U. S.j up the fact that the two had stayed away from their homes fo: 3:00; Wednesday, 1:00. Park, , man. Steven Fir- I CARTERET - The Rev.iand Newark State College, | by her parents, wore a gown of Army. j several days. Since both the boy and girl are minors, thel 3:00, Grant Avenu; Thursday, ,!,i Miller, Ronald \l / ( V / Unl0n Chantllly lace embellished with ames were withheld by police. —; Casper M. Yost, OSM, of Chi-| 1:00, Bernards and 3:00, Post ,im Baime, num-, pearls over peau de sole. Her Abra-i ^ norn I tub 111., former pastor of St. Her husband, a graduate of Blvd.; Friday, 1:00, Washing- l!.i ;:i' r,:lck Baime. Ruthl Highland Park High School] fingertip veil of French tulle lerted by a telephone call from Joseph's Church here, made a! 1 ton School, :it Grvln, Ronald! and Seton Hall University, is was attached to a crown o: he youth that a young girl,1 At Foothill Theatre .: Welssman, Ken-! Mr, and Mrs. Robert Schnorr Carteret lasti ™' /"" *° ^«oned at Pt. Bennlng"." seed pearls. She carried a cas wind and gagged, was lying in jbusch, now of Laurence Harbor, weekend to officiate at the mar-i MIDDLESEX — Their season Sherry cade of gardenias and stepha ditch off Blair Road, on the Sportsmen Plan Isaacs, announce the birth of a .son. Harry na e f notis on a Bible. Woodbrldge side, near the Be- off to a flying start with the Philip Raiman, born June 22 at Penh Amboy B o Miss Josette Carolyni(Wiss Kolodzieski h Polo Grounds Trip Hospital. Mr. Schnorrbusch Ls Babitsky to Second Lt. John' Matrons of honor were Mrs jubllc Wire Company. Carteret hilarious, seductive comedy, .snurt Bauchner, police and the First Aid Squad Sportsmen Plan the son of Mr. and Mrs. J Michael Bennis, U.S. Army, Engaged to Marry Sidney Katz, Carteret, and Mrs 'The Marriage Qo Round," The iiimi. Lori Wurzel, 1 David Breitkopf, Newark, sis- were also called. CARTERET — Ron Helley, Schnorrbusch, 100 Daniel which took place Saturday CARTERET—Announcement Foothill Playhouse opens their ters of the bridegroom, Miss1 j ^iJ^ chairman^airman, ! an...- Street. Carteret. This Ls Mr.jmornlng in St. Joseph's Church. has been made of the engat?e- When the girl was found, it nC UpOn A Robin Katz, Carteret, niece of ..? ^ ,nounced today that the Car- and Mrs, J. Schnorrbusch'sJHe also officiated at the ment of Miss Judith Marie looked at first as if she had Mattress." on June 20. us Ire Hosts at the bridegroom, was flower girl. tcret Sportsmen Association' twelfth grandchild. i nuptial ma.Es. Kolodzieski, daughter of Mr. been thrown out of a car. Sterling Kaye, Highland Recently off Broadway, will sponsor a bus trip to the i.nuhtation Party and Mrs. Stanley Kolodzieski However, Detective Walter The bride's parents are Mr. Park, brother of the bride, was "Once Upon A Mattress" is the Polo Grounds on Friday, July lof1 32 Pershing Ave.vc , btou ucuGeorgce Singer of the Woodbrldge Police musical comedy version of the KT - Mi and Mrs.! Daughter born to Mr. and and Mrs Joseph Babitsky, 35I"_._, ." ""7 „"_ - _, '« best man. Page was Scott Breit- 0, In order to see the 767 Roosevelt Ave-|M«. Dominic Blase, 6 BumutkaiPost Blvd. Mr. Bennis is the|bteptlen Tlirk' son oLMr- and Juvenile Bureau, after ques Princess and the pea fairy Meta play the St. Louis Cardl* flu- Mrs, George J. Turk of 58 Loulsikopf, Newark, nephew of the Hospital,',son of Mr. and Mrs. John D.1 tionlng the pair, became auspl tal», However, a'little twentieth nal.s. Tickets are available to .nrd manv friendsjAvenue . . St. bridegroom. 1030 Rarltan Avenue, cious. The boy finally admitted century spice has been added to the public and reservations may Uune 14. Mrs. Blase is the for- Bcnna Miss Kolcdzieski, a graduate The couple wil) reside in East the hoax, for they feared what m a bullet supperi , Park. the 13th century setting, sir, be made by calling Ron Helley m( r Josephlne of St. Mary's High School, their families would say when )'•;• of the gradua*: Escorted to the altar by her Harry has Impregnated his KI 1-9574, Fred Oaslon, 968- Perth Amboy, and the School! they returned. lady fair. Good Knight that he d;. inhter Dorothy i Son born to Mr and Mrs.'father, 'he bride wore a gown Corey Council Fete 1224, or Walter Gaslon, 969* of Electronic Data Processing, is, he wants to marry her, but ..- School, William D. Hanus, 1 Ethendge!of peau de soie which tnded Both were sent to the Deten- 1554, All reservations must'lM Elizatfeth, is attending Seton alas, the rule of the land pro- was salu- Drive at St. Elizabeth Hospital.!in a chapel train. The modified Draws Large Croud tion Home in New Brunswick in by Thursday. July 5. M:>s Hall University, Newark. She hibits any marriage until the [Elizabeth, June 24. Mrs. Hnnus;Sabrina neckline was orna- CARTERET — Close to 200 Richard T. Lillie pending an invastigatlon by the '. • ••'•!• i;; employed in the accounting Juvenile Court Further investi- Prince finds a suitable bride. A Manly Fit Too f n J rt mented with bows and appli- persons attended 'Cabaret ,,v. Mis Stein per-' ' ' f° *ier Jo-Ann Feitit: department of Merck & Co., GETS TRAINING: Pvt. Rich gation of the case was turned Mrs. Gush - That dress is iques. Movie Nite' last Saturday it piano recitation Railway. ard T. Lillie, 20, of 13 Larc over to Sgt. Edward Czajkow- Appropriate the most perfect fit I have ew Son and Mrs.' Her mother's headpiece was| night. It was held at the Street, Carteret, is receivin > :.ts of Prof, Chris born to Mr. A graduate of Carteret High ski of the Carteret Juvenile Collegiate — Father, I've a seen. l':ibhc School M.jJesus Jimijiez, 76 Roosevelt'ic.s't into a ciown studded with,,, . , Columbian Club by Carey his basic training at Port Di: !schOQl Turk studied at Bureau. notion to settle down and start Mrs, Chargit — Then yoq -vas chostn from a'Avenue at Perth Amboy Gen-'fted oearls and a foui-tlered ' Council, No. 2280, Knights of with Company R of the Secom !! 1 Union Junior College, Cran* raising chickens. should have seen the one my '» Play with the e~a l Hospital, June 2222. ifiiwrtl' "p veil' . "Th" e bride carried Columbus. During the movie ford, and now Is attending JTralning Regiment. Kidnapped missionaries husband had when he got HM : light refreshments were served * | Father — Better try owls, •i piano duet. a prayer book with orchids. Monmouth College. West Long bill for it. % After the movie was shown, ai sought by Saigon. iThelr hours will suit you better •- ! Son born to Mr. and Mrs MIES Timlynn Babitsky, Car- Branch, He is president of light meal was served followed IKE T0 Romon Camacho, 18 Mercer tcitt, sister of the bride wast Sinma Alpha Beta Fraternity Street at Perth Amboy General:ma of honor. Bridesmaids The prospective bridegroom is'"by* J^jukec box""*, «»•"<'"*da_ncing•. «••"""•Another-i Forme^-"-r —-—•Presiden»t -•;-»•Dwigh-t D-. Janice and Hospital, June 24. wi •:•(.• the Misses employenmilin,?»Hd bhyv thtv,ec CarterePnHm-ot PosP^ctlont e of these affairs is planned Eisenhower plans to visit West !Ciirol Bennis, Highland Park, for the near future. em Europe next month when Office, LOST A son, Wayne Rouer, was onde&room's sister;., itud Diane Chairman of the affair was he will speak in Stockholm, Walter Campbell; projectionist, Sweden, to an international or- born to-Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bod- p:ipPi Woodbrid^c cousin of the BICYCLE STRIPPED Month-End Vacation Specials Tin Fox Terrier ganization of teachers. nar, 40 Wheeler Aviiiue. Car- .,nc)t. jun]Or bridesmaid was WOODBRIDGE—Police were Mitch Bednarz; decorations, Dick Richards assisted by Fred General Eisenhower will cross t«)(h Mack ttret, on June 21 at the Eliza- Muv. Karen Mane Babitsky, told by Mrs. Virginia Higgins, tan Ahlerlng and James Mulligan; the Atlantic by ship accompa- Soft Plastic beth General Hospital. Mr ,inothcr sister of the bride. 104 Walnut Street, Avenel, that 1st Quality ort tall kitchen refreshments, Stephen nied by Mrs. Elsenhower. Be- and Mrs. Bodnar nave thrct Donald Basil, Ramsey, was someone had stolen her daugh- Bodak and Al Patrick; reserva- yond the scheduled speech Carteret other sons. Mrs. Bodnar best nan. Ushers wen1 Thomas ter's bike from the St, Andrew's tions, Qeoree Stolte; ticket Stockholm the rest of their tour the former Theresa Alsonso Benni:1, Parlin, and Paul Cha- Church grounds. Later on the Cannon UTILITY collections, William Cocco.jis tentative. Carteret. billti. Woodbrldge. both cousins bicycle was recovered at the Other refreshments, Julius Sis | of t'ie bridegroom, nnd Ronald Security Steel playground with Kl 1-7786 and' wheel stripped izak and other details, William1 Kennedy leads exercises 790 graduate from the Naval , Middlesex the seat Lama Ua 'Postak and Benjamin Toth. West Point. BATH fl om BAG Academy. After a trip to Florida. thej ' couple will reside in Ft. Ben- u?5 With Draw String iflni! Gi«. The bride wore a , Very .Special! I vfhite. lace dress vith blue un- dertones and white and blue accessories for iravelniji. 24" x 44" • » Why Go To Europe? Colorful Mrs. Bennis u:^ 'iiudtiated Reg. $1.00 Value (»(iod News! nom St, Mary's I Huh School, Itosf - Pink - Green Stripes k While - Yellow Plsldt PLAID STAMPS Lavender - Blue 88 l JJ\ Now Ayaijable at ininq THONG SANDALS tor the FamUy! a at INFANTS'I 29« CHILD'S 29< the most talked about LADIES' 39c MEN'S 49= In choice of colors . . . ideal for CLEANERS GALLERY Beachwear - Casual Wear • Showers The ONLY Dry Cleaner in ATHLETIC SOCKS Woodbridge Proper who WHITE gives Plaid Stamps! - f tor * RED - WHITE • BLUE k PLAID • Keenforoed Heol • Infants and Toe INTRODUCTORY OFFER! Luncheons - Cocktails - Dinnerg - Snacks • Children • Shrink Resistant Have a prepaid • Women • Sizes 8'.;> to II 100EX1; vacation through regular saving nl. • .99 PLAID STAMPS j U, S. ONE 7, DAYS Ityr with every box storage order amounting WOODBRIDQE from 49 to 120.00 or more from) now 'til July | U:30 to 3 AM. Slit. | t . Open Daily 9:30 to 5:30 P.M. — Open Friday 9:30 to 9 P.M. USE OUR FREE PARKING LOT AT REAR ENTRANCE AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Hewrvatloni BANQUETS AMPLE FREE DRY CLEANERS HE 4-6068 PARKING DANCING F.W.WOOLWORTH imboy *« 387 School Street, Woodbridge VMTFRTAINMENT PAGE FOUR JUNE 38,19. 1BSI i-KM. SHOP A&P FOR SOME WONDERFUl INDOOR AND OUTDOOR FEASTING! I FOR YOUNG ADULTS CASH SAViNg ; VALUABLE * ONLY DOC School Is out! I For ft number;of our teachers. There are many Mr. Katz — (Here is a man of the seniors school Is out for of them who will be spending with a busy summer), First of good, but for some, It will begin their summer in Europe or all Mr. KaU will go to New again in September. This will, some other country. This we York to direct three plays, LOW - PIAID in most canes, be a school ol think is just great. We don't "Under the Yum-Yum Tree", higher rducatlon where the often thing of the teachers who "Wedding Breakfast", and students will be. able to major are attending school so that "This, Too, Shall Pass". After in the subject of their choice. they can improve their teach- that he will travel around New Yes, school Is out, and for ing methods. After speaking to England with his wife. many people summer boredom a few teachers, I was able to No matter what you will be La here already. Before we even see a variety of vacation plans. doing this summer,' I sincerely know it, the idea of summer be- Mrs. Warman — Well, she hope that it will bring you en PRICK STAMPS ing glorious and relaxing will plans to spend the summer Joyment and relaxation. fade from our minds. Summer cleaning and getting her daugh- If you have written any short Shop at A&P ... save cash for holiday fun.., and you'll he addiup t<> your colliv lull will then become a time when ters off to work on time. stories, or If you have had any ar! we try to find something to oc- Mr. and Mrs. Drummond — embarrassing moments, please of valuable PLAID STAMPS — The #1 Stamp In The New York Area ... By I cupy our time in order that They plan on taking a trip with send them to me at 67 Park mother or father won't give u« their daughter. Definite plans Avenue, Iselin. Thts column WORK to do. While we wonder have not been made yet, but can not continue unless you SUPER-RIGHT - FULLY COOKED - SMOKED what to do or while we lay they will most likely RO to an-1 are a part of it. Thank you around leisurely, we often think other State for a while. I see you again soon. _ 100 EXTRA Youth Fellowship PicnicCompanions Club 1 PLAID STAMPS Slated for Sunday Night Elects Officers with purchase of S500 or more AVENEL — The Companions HAMButt PoitlOSl FUdMmabU only ar A&P iforei g,v,nq AVENEL, — On Sunday Dr. ,nd Mrs. Earl Sutton. Mrs. Club members recently enjoyed! Shank Portion Plaid Srimpi. Limit on* coupon p Charles S. MacKenzle will Ills Peterson is In charge of trip to Washington, D. C. cr preach at all three morning landlcraft. These girls who are aged 11 adult cuitom«r. worship services, 8:00, 9:30, Youth helpers are: through 14 will conduct a. drive Cigarettes, tobacco, fluid milk ami n' . >, and 11:00 A.M. The 8:00 and Misses Bernadette Gibson, for Mental Health, a program! fH'mpt from Wsiil Stamp , »,, 9:30 A.M. services will be for- larolyn Hawkes, Doris Chris- for which they themselves are; Good through Tuaidiy, July 3rd mal services held in the Sanc- offerson, Shirley Dietrich, Gall contributing time and money, i tuary. The 11:00 AM. service llsbet, Lillian Davlla, Betty Newly elected officers are: will be an Informal service In ane Cocuzza, Gail Hemsel, Faith Carey, president; Pamela Ib. Room 1, directly beneath the rudy Vianden, Mary MacKen- Mastrangelo, vice president; 2*39 II Sanctuary. le, Jean Florky, Barbara Behr, Sylvia Hendley, secretary; Eliz- Wholt or Elthtr af}C There will be but one ses- )arrell Hansen, Ann Swlsstack, abeth Chartrand. treasurer; Helen Parisen, good and wel- Half - Full Cut 4Tlb. sion of summer Sunday Church Linda Kremp, Linda Hutchens, I Pwk-All Schol at 9:30 AM. Linda Scott, Pat Walling, Rob fare; Anne Kutchirvski, exami- Plut D*potit The summer youth fellow- ert Greco, and Sue Hyde. nations; Rose Yanvary, person- ships are underway at the als; Caryn Blash and Carolyn TOPorBOTTEM Yukon Club 6 3! Seddon, sergeant-at-arms. Boiefeti church under the direction of Flui Dtpoiil Graham Bardsley, minister of A sight seeing trip to New| Mo Fat Added 6 3] Youth. The Junior High group York, a day at Crestwood Lake.j Coca-Cola will meet Tuesday, 7:00 P.M Woodbridge Oaks Allendale, are some of the ac- ROUND ROAST and the 3enlor High young tivities planned for the club in 21 people. Thursday, 7:00 VM Bwitltti Grape Drink ALICE CUTHBERTSON the near future. Sultiiu trtnd 6* Basketball, Softball, wiffleball 85: 1606 Oak Tree Road Membership will be open for' welghtllfting, high bar, shuffle- Top Sirloin Roast 89; Rump Roast TomiloSmct ( 2! Iielln, New Jeney a limited time and girls deslr-j Old Fuhlontd Tyi -Wkoli or Either Hill Pork ft Beans board, volleyball, dancing, and Tel. LI,8-8469 Ing to Join may contact Mrs. Coloniil Bund trampoline will be featured Imok.d Waggner. 45 happen Street or; 2,89 -4.79 Keihtr 21 during the recreation period. —Mr. and Mrs. William Blh- Mrs. Bessie Cibrlan, ME 4-3429.i Fully Cooked Hams Unox Horns Dill Pickle Spears A block dance will be held er, West Warren Street, at- The Senior Companipns Club Ann Ng» at 8:00 P.M. tomorrow in the ;ended the twenty-fifth class will make plans for an instal-; Turkeys lb. Salad Mustard 2! church parking lot. Top Sirloin Steak eunion of the class of 1937, St. lation dinner at a meeting, July' Front I! oi The young adult program Straight M C 9. Membership will be open for- Cirft gtarted the year with a success- tlary's High School, Elizabeth, a limited time and anyone' Top Round Steak -- 95! Briskot Beef Cirti Ib. Corned Beef 2 8< ful get-together party and laturday. The event was held Homtipun interested may call ME 4-3429 "Suptr-RigM" !•»' seminar entitled "Who Are at the Cross Keys Inn. Rahway. or ME 4-1162. '. Chuck Fillet Paper Napkins Unchioa 2 4< You?" The young adults will —Mrs. Helen Rohlfs and Mr. A membership drive Is also' Cubed Steaks """ 99,! Aluminum Foil 2S h. continue their program Sunday and Mrs. Robert Fitzsimmons being held for the young.| 1 1 i:" Widik It 7:00 P.M. at a picnic. All Semel Avenue, motored to Ran-single adults aged 21 through Soup Beef THIN 35! ^"49,! }l btn SUipi with pirohiM •< Reynolds Wrap 2 young adults, ages 17-25, ar dallstown, Md., where they were 35 interested in becoming mem- Invited. 11 oi. ^ weekend guests of Mrs, E. bers of the Young Adult Com- FimemAMertmtnt The Women's Association wll Dell. panions Club, Anyone Interest-' Smoked Beef Tongues 49,! BOLOGNA $££ 59* Nabisoo Cookies iponsor a bus ride to the Barn ed may call ME 4-1162 to speak Playhouse. A bus will leave the —On Saturday evening, Mr. Charcoal Briquettes and Mrs, Walter Krontrt and to any of the members as fol- ehurch parking lot at 6:00 PM Per Quick SUrlif children Carol and Walter, were lows: Miss Patricia Webber, H U U IS H II I! i tomorrow. Marvel Starter Fluid MtnU flrM :uests of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Miss Susann Woods, Angello B0 IxtTi thftpt wHk PtNfcM (1 i Vacation Church School Fonda lr

MAZZA'S PHARMACY AIUNTIC 1 fACIHC IU COMfAMY, INC. 555 BROADWAY, LONG BRANCH, N. J. Tide Spic & Span 11:00 A.M. J(JLY 2ind 11:00 A,M. uper Markets Rinto Blue Oxydol Detergent For ttii family wtih ind dii F« th* Family Wuh OROUND8: 40' x 168' Lot 13. Bile 27. Sec. 4. Two fv tht limlly, •tory frame bldg., 5 room Apt. on 2nd floor. Automatic 5c o« lib«l *1, | Prictl •H«cliv« thru Saturday, Junt }0t* la 9314 With 4C Hot Wttt&r heat. Deposit ol (200000 (cash or certified Sup«r Markatl .and S«lt-Strvic« irorai ••[(. 32 ««, pkg. •' u „ SUES 67* ".H l.b.l check) at time of sale. Real Estate sells at 11:00 AM. All Ci(>r«tlei, Tobaccu, Fluid Mill tUil Alco- 12-20 STOCK and FIXTURES: Qiao* floor, display cases, holic Beveragea Exempt fium ['laid bump oiler. Printed Pattern 8314: Mil**' Prescription Counter, Wall display cabinets, National I Sicet 12, H. 16, 18, 20. Bit* 10 Ca*b Reglitar, Refrigerator, Stock of Drug Store and Ukea *U yird» SS-tnch fibrle, Sundry itenu, including 39,000 prescriptions. 113 MAIN STREET, WOODBRIDGE, N. J. Ssnl FIFTY CERTS in coini far PUBLIC EXHIBITION Open TU1 9 P. M. Mon., Tucs., Wed., Thurs. - Friday Till 10 P. M. - Sat. 8 . 8 P. M, ^ Open Sunday. 9 - 6 P• this p»tt«n — »dd |0 canti.rar SUNDAY, JULY l»t — One to Five P.M. ttch uittem (or first 833 ROOSEVELT AVENUE, CARTERET, N. J. Swi to 170 Newip*per_ P»tt«rn By Order of: JOSEPH MAZZA Open Till 9 P. M. Mon., Thes., Wed., Thurs. — Friday Till 10 P, M. _ Saturday 8 A M to 6 P M D«t 212 W«t lfttliSt, N«w Wk U\ N.Y. 106 EXCfTINC B. (i. COATS, Auctioneer 306 INMAN AVENUE, COLONIA, N. J. STU-tS—in ow ne»r. Color Phone KEUogg 1-3461 " 1 Summer I'attcru GkULvg. SdJS Open Till » P. M. Mon., Tues., Wed., Thure. - Friday TilJ 10 I . M. - Saturday 8 - 9 P. M. - Ope>i Sunday 9 • 6 P. JUNE 28V 29, 1962 PAoinvi

pMftw«eofeHt forito M». Kunak. After the Dual- tint ATi-BUr Fire Auxiliary the fifth and sixth mden of MM meeting the T.V. game, this year, ut for July JO the Fifth Fire District We be-|paM-word was played with Mrs th Fifth PiDtettlt!d ~~ Wanhinirlon, , . . Lawrence lnBing reidled n<> lllb - TV CloSeS SeaSOn "" " * * Pre-!Stan1ey Derewsky, Mrs. Poll, Welk. complete With bind, will sented to the schools in the'Mrs. Kosak. Mrs. do a stint next AVF,NEU-The closlnj meet-fal1. «ec"ordlng to the chairman, Mrs. Tetesco participating un- JUDY GARLAND WILL DO •'«<* Benny Show. of the season of Ladles' Mrs' Orrco- d<">'th^ dlrecUlon of Mrs. TIIP- » onnrfit »i.nn^ fnr „,!,. Stewart had been ctM in a Auxiliaiy Avenel Fire Company^""l^Ports were given by ^e Art-vm- program chair- A SPECIAL planned for c-aily ^^ %{ofy ..nMmt was held nt the" fVoho7vTlthMrs'John KoMk on th* Allxtl-mR'u "Mt ym ton°wtnB thr CBS Spikes.' lor Alcoa Premiere. Mrs GOOIBP Kunak nre^dtno ]M* theater party: Mrs. God- Tnc 0openinP°llln«g mcftlnfmrrtlntee I" HIP repeat of the first special she Also cast. Dod«er pitcher Don amB> be September H nt thr frey Thompson on the bowllnn $}.?}" September 11 nt the rtld T|lp ropfRt of (hr (n(t|a, r»yi«taie show, "The Judy Gnv'and OAT,K STORM OOE8 INTO Bfl'-r rompletlnR 25 yenrs of ac'""«"•" Schae"ini,..il T....™ . A U'rom One Shmv" ls scnc(1il.1(!d fnr S<"P-SUMMER STOCK on Aupust Mrs. - I past firs ch Uicillp Bnlls " »Peronei 'or a breakfast when she heard the o'f ,,1Timint|ml for \m-M' the »hnw 01 1 1 b nd jt t b bi'dc door slam Thiki ' Hnnrd of DirertorTfnr ZJS' ^ ! ? " *"p»J«* *» b^'Ot'Ck dnor slam. Thinking it ,Rtrsl Vim, Jetport. an iu>ur »f • ye«r *«< . Vine id- nderUk(l ,,„,, ?/,,i,tn" ml.L' ".!.> » by Avenel Fire Co «as her young son wtumlnu.lotlR fin,hoto*y bawd on life m wsrds, brtier known as Ben undertook many' nialor' from a prniPds nnd is still Mrs. Kunak appointed chair-. P' V ^n "»"«! out. "I'm and around a modern-dnv m-'Casry. new recording citi- '..""". .. :""" 'icre, darling. I've been wait- tenmtioTial airport. It's a Wariract with inn rclier in auxiliary : ts as follows: • :>"8 for you ' npr Brothers protect. Parffml Reiner, writer of The Dtrk Mr:;. Peter Greco, stntr dele- 1 Mrs. Andrew Qallsen, covered! There was silence for n long Of n new look for the RltlnnarrVx' Dyke Show, will have a reported the next statejdish supper at the opening moment, then ap embarrassebrasedd next seiwsonn son: Star ChuChurr1 - OC-n dramatic vole In - —Btmawa nit will be In Franldyn- meeting in September' Mrs shuffling of Ted and finally a nors. who portrays a widower*('P|so. "The BrglningK." next South Jersey, the third Michael Hraber. lesange • sup- strong mawuline voice whichiWui have a steady glil friend f»H- Comedian Dick Shawn Tluirsdny in July. The pre-con- per, opened to. the public in suld: "I think you ought to ithe role hasn"t been rash *M guest on five nf Dinah vention mucus meetlnp will be Seotember: Mrs. Mulligan a know Madam, that 1 ain't yqur Johnny Crawford, who Dlays Shore's nine specials next sea- li'-ld in South River at which public card party in October, regular milkman!" Connor's teen-age son. will sing son. |time convention business will Among other plaiw are a Fall In n number of episodes Ride -- lie finalized. The next county'sodal for auxiliary, firemen, Flr«t Things First n roll? necting will he the second exempt firemen and guests; Customer — "I want to buy a! RICHARD BOONE'S 9- Magl*t.;-af "But why did you Wednesday in August, time and:nominations and election of of- present for my wife." YEAR-OLD -SON, Peter, will break Into this shop four plnce to be announced. She also fleers In November and the i, stated that reservations to the (Christmas party and the in Qlrl Asjistaiit -^"Could I In- have a guest role on Have Gun nights running?" terest yoti in a sun-bathing1— Will Travel next season. Defendnnt: "I tot » new State Convention In Atlantic stallatlon of new officers in sult? HANK: Middlesex Council. Knlthu „[ c ,,,,1IK City will close as of August 10. December. " Mel Allen and Joe Garagiol»idr*ss for my wife and will hold its annual carnival July 9-14 at the 1 Customer--"You could. Butjwill share the play-by-play an-|me so back and change it thre* from thr Columbian Club. Lrft I,, rieti I. si.Lic,t Rules for the annual fire | indrew |-(,*an,. Krilnrt klll(nl.rlMbt. wm,anl A special evening award went let's fix up the present, first." Inouncing for NBC's coverage of times." Koliert MtiehiHiir, «rani| knlKt,| Just, pit l-i>ilnt' IN h rlcctrlciil; Petrr MrCann, brverajri; \\ Publicity; John Mulle.,, financr; standing. John !>v, booths; Nichulas Ballo, drawint.

dress with white accessories, ds Janice Harm is Bride She is a Woodbridge High School graduate and is em- ployed as a secretary by Edgar '•*M».4/ St. Andrew'* Church H. Allen and Son, Inc., Kenll; I he worth. The bridegroom was, d Mis. Stomeskv will nmduated r.om HouUdale High WiMid- AVKNEL Miss . Mai Mi AKenrv. . . , , ' School and is employed by the Har|l S| dau(JMU r ul reside thf po Avrnel after a wed- Quakpr Mald Companv Inc., Harris, 105 Oak Stiwi. .-halt - d tin- ding ti!)i to the New Ennland Brooklyn as a cook. He served 'ate Mrs Harris, became th States. ilu- bride wore a green In the U. S. Army. bride of Jerome Sterneskv. son f'.r.ne. vicar of Mrs Stella Stemp\kv Hout/ ii t'lmrch. COLONI/V dale. Pa. and the lal> : ilial : man Sterb'Hsky it a Snturdir nfter- ! n[ -fuck In Security . -',. .<•. j noon weddlnit In fit A i 1 ' (Y LAST 3 NIGHTS! "hurch with the Rev. . lilin J. vice l.rled Eagan performing tlw ' t > 1111 > LI •,r:, }{ Km- rlne cremony Thursday, Friday & Saturday • St.-pht'iis '.nsi;i: mice The bridf. Riven in i:..., >.;HM' by ht-r father, wore a M!k m- WHS ri' Huddy "*nz" Kown *'"1 " s':itlna ;crt(ir 'leekluir trimmed \\';'\ up- •lllque.i of Alencon lai • COUNTRY bouffant skirt *ith MH iquf. ended In a cliup- •! :r;iin a; lerma A cabbage row of nlk i nt,.' tear held her butterfh v nf WHS ap- Prrnch illusion. She rai M.c Clti- stiray of ramatlons and . n FAIR I'.'iiiiiut- chid Mi!-- ACME PARKING LOT '' "'u""r> uroom, Flower mil was Mr- Route ffl at the Woodbridge Circle •Nd i'ia::! Kathleen Ann Wrlwmnn. «'n, Sponiortd by 1 . •• • .-.hoot field, nlec»- of thi».bndv. :..i.is.-!, A'.js- JOJ,|, stemesky. Hi^jklji, Till- FSKI.IN FIRST AID S(Jl AD .i t.:i.< File j; Y . brother of the bridrKroon and erved B-S best rrlan Ush^rinn C()N(;KK(;AIIO> BETU SHOIOH Pollckl were Robert TuLuiilsii, Hout/ dale, brother of tin ••1 Booths! Ground Priies! to the and Oeorge Harris. II Hides' Feature Act Nigh r- nephrv of the bri

Saturday, June 30th( io a. m. ta 5P . m. FREE GIFT*S! 6PE!\ HOUSE PARTY! All day Saturday . . . from 10 A.M. 'til 5 P.M. there There's a free gift waiting for everyone who visits the FIRST BANK OF COLONIA, Wonderful gifts will be refreshments on the House! Come see our for' the kiddies, too. Bring the family ... see Co- wonderful new bank . . . join the filn! lonia'S newest and most exciting bank! MEET MISS N. Jt REFRESHMENTS! Miss1 Georgie E. Mttfiek, Miss N J. of 1962 will be Join us in coffee and cake! Punch for the kiddies. at the Fintt Bank of Colonia in her first public There's fun a plenty at the open-house party of appearance! since her appointment. Come meet New the FIRST BANK OF COLONIA . . . first in service OIKYROLETS GOT THE CHOICE TO PLEASE CHOOSY PEOPLE Jersey's reigning beauty! She'll have irte baby ( Y II NOVA Holding out for ., . . first in security. tru II NOVA Holding out for ,;, MONZA Something JKT-SMOOTfl (MIKVUOLEX orchids for the ladies! h I,,',.,: „ »v a family mans Here's about all tlw ™«m. nde £ t rock your budget? donveniently located at Ininan Avenue ami Amhersl I,;,,, '" ^"jlulicionadoafteraam- and rvfinemenl you want-and »t CheVy II' Ndva. ll 1 ' • "'* srwH>ngiMhandling. all comes at a Chevrolet pnee. In the Colonia Shopping Center. lKk lntere*t Will Be Paid On *'ull Amount Left On from 34 models during Chevy's Golden Sales Jubilee lkiiostt Iii Our S»vini» Department For One Year or Mure.

•' *' the 3'-j'.i. Interest Will Be Paid On Full Amount Left On Deiiusiit In Our Savings Department For Six Months ur More. JUNE 28, 2M, I^- PAGE SIX

sUter, Mft. Joseph Zaremba, Agonry Holds Vrev\pw\ Fleming Named Plalnfleld; and three notheri, Steven and Michael. Avenel, On 'Woodbridiie" film OBITUARIES and John, Rahwuy WOODBRllXiF — A pre- "Showcase* Head view ol tlir colon (I film, Flcm- I MRS. GERTRUDE WALKER ' WiiodbrUige Tomorrow" *'as LOUIS J. WISHNEY [2345, Middlesex County Vet- ,,u, |.mi i I.K Tree Road, ISelln, WOODBRIDGE — Funeral' nrwnteil Monrinv by S. HOPEI AWN - Funeral serv.erang of World War I services for Mri> Ortrude; I, ni-rlmi'iiun of the "ARC He Buddy H.'irn.'-. (Mviitivr un!i for Retarded pltnl after a lengthy i'.lnew. toffersen, Sewaren: one stster..,^ tomoirow nwnlne nt 8.30j Mrg Riiildlii" Monrlnv ,.,„,,,„.•„. ,.„ m be presented were held Monday morning - Lillian Miller, Woodbridge; jiom the Oremcr Funeral: from tho Fl.vnn and Son Pune- » brother, Arnd Hanson. Perth Homp 44 Qrfen stmM and at The film Micv.ed Ikinrd „„ AlIlil,, •-,;,. 1 P.M. in the rnl Home, 23 Ford Avenue, Amboy, and one erandwn. „ )n S( Jamw. chlll< n Burial ! areas in need of redevelop- pi .inni'"-' SI'ITKII auditorium. Ford.". — will be in St. Mirv's Ometery. ment and contrH.-ted wine of 1 Ambm Ai.mi. and Main Street.' Rev Harley Meyer officiated MRS. BERTHA .ALLEN Rahway. I he delapldatecf IIMUM .-- with some of the finer homes in and burial was in the Alpine MADISON — Mrs. Bertha Mr§. Walker WHS 54 years old. will fenture top Crmetevy, Perth Amboy. Huber Afllen. 226 Kings Road, A native of Summit, she had: t-he Township ! The -h"'.' iiiners and tele- Mr. Wishncy had lived in the T^day after a short ill- resided here for the past 11 S. Buddy Han i- rwuiivc tlilenlerl r\<\<' 4lPd llties In a two K^BsVy-Hopelawn areR for the ness „ Reside Hospital, years. She was a rei!i... Eddy Lester, and Oxford find had been employed;wlfe of joseph Allen and is era) Hospital and belonRed to film. MISS MARGARET SCOTT is,, famed Illusion- by the Puritan Dairy Product*!survtvea by one sister. Mrs. its Nurses Guild. Mrs Walker The agency todnv arranged rROMOTKI): William B. ists' will l>'' nuimie the perform- Co.. Perth Amboy. .Irene 8neath, Dunellen. and a was a member of St. James KNGACiFI): Mr. and Mrs. for delivery of two copies of Brown has been named Man- Surviving are his wife. Mrs. j,rother, Arthur Huber .Newark .'Church and a member of it* Arthur J. Scott. Jr.. 125 It* Community Renewal Pro- ager Cost Reduetinn, Rwrlv- The proceeds from the-ben*1-I Ida Wishney: one daughter,, ^ ^ ^ jn WoodbrtdRP'Holy Rosary Society Warner Avenue, Jersey City, gram report, alfo entitled itin Tubr Oprratlons. RCA fit show will In' used by the as-'l Mrs Louis Malehuk. Hope-lawn; and worked as a statistician in Surviving are her Tallin announce the engagement of "Woodbridge Tomorrow", to F.leetrnnie Tune Divhion. swlatlon ro help all mi-nlally f his mother, Mrs, Mary Wish- Merck Sc Co.. Rahway, for 26 John J. Lamb. Woodhndi'"' t their daughter, Margaret, to each public library in the retardrd prison* in ney, Keasbey: two srandchil- yeara, After moving to Madison, sister. Mrs William Oriffm. Raymond Mudry, son of Mr. Township and to the Wood- Mr. Brown, previouily plant dren; three sisters, Mrs. Eliza- Mrs. Allen was a communicant Bergenfield, and five brothers. and Mrs, Anthony Mudrjr, 50 bridge Senior Hi.:h School manaice,..„..„ r at the Woodbrtdre .nossible. mjardlessof i beth Barkoczy, Keasbey; Mrs Episcopal Church. John. Wodbury. L. I. N V: Claire Avenue. library. plant, joined RCA in 1932 as Idegrec of handicap. Its cnu.se Anna Hertneky, Hopelawn, and Dr. Robert M. Laeiinn. Cal Mis* Scott is a graduate of Mr. HarrLs said it is the a marhine attendent at Har- wr' classlfimtlon. and whether Mrs. Mary Rafas, Rahway. rlaon. He became a ieneral Ithey are nt horn-', in schools or The funeral will be held to- Charles, Scotch Plains: Vin- Snyder High School and at- desire of the commissioners a brother, Joseph, also of Hope-! forman and than a superln- in Institutions morrow at 2 P, M, from theicent, Montgomery. A1 n. and tended Spencer Rofen Busi- that the report be read and tendent In 1953. A year later i Ticket- may l)f purchased by lawn. Burroughs and Kohr Funeral Quenten. Marlboro ness School. She is employed considered by as many resi- he was transferred to thr ,Hmp 6H4-MS3 or by writing Home, Madison Visiting hours will be from by First National City Bank dents of the Township a.s pos- |C1 MRS. MARILLA BINGHAM of New York. sible. Distribution of copies newly -constructed plant nf ARC Showcase '62". Raritsiii TEACHKR SAILS: MUs Kathleen lliicli, - AVENEL — Funeral services ? to 5 and 7 to 10 P.M. today. JOSEPH i, PETRAS Mr. Mudry Is a graduate of of the report to the libraries, the M'A electron tube di- Vallev U.ilt-NJ . A.R.C. S4 Avenue. Woiidbrid^r. Is ihown »» »hr I)"",- |, were held Friday night at the Baynrd Street. New Brunswick, AVENEL - Funeral services REPORTER FIRED Woodbridge High School and Mr. Harrs commented, should vision at VVoodbridxe as man- trturiphrr »b«»rd the Italian l.lnr'j Saturiui Greiner Funeral Home, 44 attended St. Prter'i Collect. facilitate the availability of ;iRrr of tube manufacture. N. J. i»lllnn (rum V« Vork for a three-mnnth Mim Green Street, Woodbridge, for for Joseph J. Petras, 54 Burnett'} Jack Romagna, who has taken Street, who died Sunday in the down the maior declarations He served In the Army for the report and permit wider He has served an plant man- vK-allnn tour of the continent. Kathlrrn iv i. Mrs, MarlUa Bingham, 94, M9 two years. At present, Mr. ;i(jer at Woodbridite since Rrlorni pressures rise in Rahway Memorial Hospital at and minor utterances of four readership thronshout the In

o yaoi i^tilu. Fred Westfield, Avenel; a son. Fred, in Germany: two other! Years of experience have STEWING MEATS daughters, Mrs. Charles Swltz-' GROUND MEATS er, Elmsford. and Mrs. John! PUTE Fuerst. of White Plains, N, Y.: made us building craftsmen REfiVUW five grandchildren and nine HputtSot., JVM30 great-grandchildren. lm» I CavpoK P*r SkapfHiig '«•% GEORGE O. LeFEVRE 49 69c 19< 49. -79 IBELIN — Funeral services were, held Monday morning sured that on any Con- front.the Greiner Funeral Home Sinv On NatiofuiHv Ailt'ertised (groceries for George a LeFevre, 75, 29 or' remodeling FRH! 100 S*H CMtH STAMI Julius Street, who died Thurs- job we do for you, large day night at the Perth Amboy HAWAIIAN PUNCH 3 , 89 WHk CN»M MM ft Fmlim if lucnttr tout Fall) C General Hospital. Burial was in or small, we will use the Clover Leaf Cemetery. 43 finest materials, turn out Mr. LeFevre had resided in HEINZ KETCHUP ntm IOO UH GR«N Iseljn for 33 years Surviving a top piece of craftsman- are his wife, Mrs. Mary Ort Le- , ; Canned HAM Fevre, and a brother in Den- ship for the mo6t reason- GARAGES PET EVAP. MILK 7 mark. He was a retired produce S Li CAN • LI. CAN Loncottw Inmd dealer. able of pricea. Get our Let us submit our estimate for 3 quotations today. the roomy garage we'll build to SWIFT PREM - WILLIAM B. STANAWAY your specifications, $ 8EWAREN — Funeral serv-| Pnncesj * toes for William B. Stanaway. i PAPER NAPKINS 4.39 5.19 who died at his home, 22 Grant 12-oz Street, Monday, will be held at FREE ESTIMATES 69c 8:15 from Thomas J. Costelio PEANUT BUTTER 2 ever Funeral Home, Green Street. NO OBLIGATION ON YOUR PART m 12us5 h „ A A 'Yw » had if so fresh and Cooper Avenue, Iselin, to ICLIP COUPON) morrow morning. •' A requiem WAX PAPER - 44?r89c ... . Mass will follow at St. Anth- ony's Church, Port! Reading, at Fill nut and Muil To: 4 S A. M. MARGARINE M 4;;; 89c Watermelon M 4 J HOME IMPROVEMENT CORP. Mr. Stanaway is survived by his widow, Mrs, Marie Gehrum P. O. Box 215, Woodbridge, N. J. BEANS wWi PORK w*8- «1 Stanaway, a sister, Mrs. Cath- Red Ripe! erine McBay, Paterson, and two brothers, Joseph, South Amboy, Name DORMERS BEECHNUT COFFEE ^59« Sweet and Alfred, Jersey City. Address Dormers add character to your Mr. Stanaway was employed home. We'll install (or as Uttli MIRACLE WHIP 49= by the Indiana General Corp., City as Keasbey and was a member of I For 24 ft. $850.00 the Perth Amboy Elks Lodge. Phone . Dormer) PEANUTS .--, F. WILLIAM HANSON Type of work interested In havinf done: Complete 8EWAREN—Funeral services KAISER FOIL 2 * 45« Santa ROM Pltm were held yesterday morning Financing Arranged from the Flynn and «on Fune- ral Home for F. William Han- WWTEROSETUNA: 3 si son, 82 Woodbridge Avenue, who died Sunday at the Perth' (Day Phone) SCOTT TISSUE — -10« Amboy General Hospital. Call ME 4-6464 Rev. Herbert Hecht, Grace (Night Pho rkOZEH FOODS Lutheran Church, officiated, or FU 8-1886 and burial took place at the National Cemetery, Beverly. A native of Perth Amboy, the | COMPLETE HOMES CONSTRUCTED Ol> YOUR SITE OR OURS deceased had lived in- Sewaren LEMONADE 12 1 PIES for the past 25 years. He was PAINTING • ROOFING t ALUMINUM SIDING (Our Specialty) retired from the Perth Amboy n. UJLt WaHaM Public Service Company, and • CONVERSIONS • ELECTRICAL • AIR CONDITIONING Virginia L*« Frankiurt«r or ftar-B-Qy* r L was a member of American • FINISHED BASEMENTS • CARPENTRY • FLOORING « CrMk rTMQi 1.00 Union Post 45 and Barracks • MASONRY WORK • BASEMENTS WATERPROOFED i IT. 6 ^ 10W ROLLS 4 LOO •!;l ROCK —For Good Advice on Your Modernization Projects Call— SALT DAIRY ACMf COUPON IMAl Wlf«E OR COLOWO AMERICAN TMIRM-0 CW $1.90 hundred lbs. M & J Home Improvement Corp. $1.10 fifty lbs. (DIVISION OF OMEGA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY) CHEESE SLICES 4 SERVISOFT of JOSEPH JOHNSON, President WOODBRIDGE P. O. BOX 215 WOODBRIDGE, N. J. J pMW '•21 St. Georges Avenue LICENSED BY THE STATE OF N. J. i numb "< I lottrluf) ' *"^" ^mu^ ^^Mit» Mm MM ^m^^ 1-CP JUNE 28, 2fl, 1962 eiits hose PAOK SEVEN FLAN BTm BIDE School», Mr». The bu» win AnyoiM Interested in attend, I8EUN—A myjtery tnu rld« ware at 8:15 P. M. and ntumlnj pleue call Mn. Hamilton i.S. Benefits will be apoiuored by the parapproxlmatel- j at 1:16 A. MJBlllings, chairman, at u «• ents group of Kennedy Park'sporti clotlMl Trill be ' ,,...frills are los- Tl- S(,,,rlty benefits ',, .M,K month be- 1 . ;, ,„ |;,.cii In touch '•„, HI,, law nnd ii ]M .^plication for 1895 Christensen's 1962 .|1|1]llv due them, miiiri Manager, "The Friendly Store" .;. ,-utiiy Admlnls-

.,.' A]|ihoy. said to- I'M! N|, Hnss RRld. «• ••_,,.,l|Uriclt(

PVIMIIIIS o( the For A Bang-Up 4th I.,A • Mr. Bam HI nuki' rctro- fm- yi months and a Happy Summer at ' filniK. In this

•. iv. more than , -It ', i-k Dr- Partenope wan association president plan a fun wardrobe around. You'll be delighted Allh h Colon1a dld In br any area In thr roun.y. |,r vin*t s Tn! ^ - ••» «««* tl» 1961 drhe, the J2.543.81 collected wa» the km* »um turned at the prices, just right to help you stretch your Mr BftM «r. Vincent R. Taml was Heart Fund chairman In Colonla. Left to rifht: Dr. Partenope; Ronald E. Coles, Milltown vacation budget. Hurry in, start having a won- — ____ treasurer; Mr*. Stephen Benrae. Cranbury, .ecretarj and Mr. De Coster. ™"town, .it !hp office derful time, here and now. fur a nephew Beaverettes Work ms will be held this coming for Olrl Scouts Rasche, Diane Rasche, Nancy father had , SflUirday l0Torr the littl1Ule e girlsglrls. The next meetl Clothina /VniWr "T"?c av rette » hL - ^ "8 1« been |15 Girl Scouts Rees, Kathleen Teffenhart, N TV '. ', P J f « »ve B meet- set for Monday from 6 to 8 P. Barbara Travis and Marianne and the un- N i. „ _ . -Th'Bpavrrrt^lnj scheduled for tonight at|M. with their leader, MM. Vlda. The awards were present- Ins nephew i-H Club met wit.. h thei. .r, load,7:3I..»M', • '-0 - a•-t" Mrsmini . umajuHarayda'n o s1 home Wally Bowen, Correja Avenue Receive Awards ed by Mrs. Warren Rees, lead- •! him. When er. Mrs. Lloyd Harayda, 77 Tal-'unk>ss othrrwlse notffled. The girls will learn how to make er, assisted by Mrs. John Tef- idn't been In nudge Avenue and worked onl " ISBUN—Fifteen girls of Qlrl French peas with onions and Scout Troop 12 received awards fenhart, Mrs. John Axen, Mrs. !•• replied, 'I their clothlnn projects. The/. • . c . c, A mushrooms, and hamburgers. Wayne Travis, and Mrs. Ber- •i.itld need It JudBtng frt- the AUKU«1 County t'oo/l'nI? ^motl Set at a Court of Awards last week Mrs. Bowen was notified that'at the Presbyterian Church, nard tllllen. . ' T! he W4-MH Pair haa been «heduled[ // v [the girlsg ' projectpjcss folor the !!<•«»•' The lor July 26. They are at follows: A parting gift of a Girl Scout the County 4-H Fair will be Judged rose bush was presented to the ' • boy has on July 10. June Axen, Christine Bobal, - -.I'fit.s which for a pUpiic. , . „ the Patricia Bowitz, Karen Calendo assistant leader, Mrs. John Tef- icnimulnted 4-H Honorettes was listed be. After the July 2 meeting the Karen Cooper, Eatherlne Ko- fenhart, who will be spending Ii. ,J several of the members club will not meet again until vacs, Myra Lemberg, Laura Ul- the summer In the western part S'rr1 i meet- were participating at a camp the fall. lien, Jenny Oleson, Darryl of the U. S. !i',d benefit* hf'n payable . :.*t' ••• ofhee has SWIM SUITS : illowinj cate- ATf most likely !s -fits: !IIB at a re- from 10 :in:inRs after •,'*:-i may ha»e Other Brand Suits from $6.00 • m fir part of

•ycd '.* ho continue to Carefree Vacations start at Jantzen t"iMr.rM but Who :SriK ribstantlal .i during SWIM CAPS of the 1 SIZE FITS ALL!

Ht no benefit* ••• caiiise there Ffirst Bank •'' earning! to Jantzen SPORTSWEAR . insured at for • t amendment! TRAVELERS CHECKS - time Safer, yet just as acceptable Women and Children who as money anywhere, Travelers Checks to Inquire- at • Tee Shirts • Play Suits • Bras • Shorts f-Jfice about are the modern way to carry cash • Midriffs • Robes • Pedal Pushers • Sandals when you travel. Tney're low in cost; • Sun Dresses • Beach Towels • Swim Suits Holds replaced if lost or stolen. • Terry Cloth Beach Jackets and Accessories 'P Tea SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES lmem Don't risk theft or destruction Buskens Play Shoes • • mple Beth of valuables, important papers •:: .Mty Center ' ••!'' last night or sentimental items—put them in '•!' and M« a safe deposit box at First Bank, ''-•••it Avenue from to BUSTER BROWN Sandals & P. F. Sneakers? ''^ Attend ' resident! o/ ••.iU'» THONGS _P'49< I'w planned ''•u U*i In • Colonla at 1 '• Temple Beth '••^•resident! Iant7pn SUMMER not yet af- Whether your vacation plans are big ''•••www. The or small... whether you vacation tiaiiMui SP0RTSWEAR at home or away... our services can 1 FOR MEN and BOYS • is the on\i make your "two weeks with pay" , '-' 'itue in Cot 1 , .. "('<1 at 320 more pleasant, more relaxing and We Also Carry Sportswear by: enjoyable than ever. TRU-VAL, MCGREGOR, KAYNEE, Have more fun. this summer, WINGS and HAGGAR j , by including First Bank in y

OPEN FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M. FIM CuWtimr Ptrking FKKK PARKING AT REAR OF STORE PAGE ETGHT JUNE 28, 29, 1962 -The Ladles' Aid of the First terlim Church will meet Sunday Presbyterian Church finished at 10 A. M. The Senior West- Temple Beth the 1961-62 season with a din- minster Fellowship will meet ISELIN PERSONALS ner meeting at "Sallys", High- jat 1 P. M. land Park, Monday. -St. Cecelia's Cadets will Board _ - -Members of the executive meet Monday from 6:30 to 8 COLONIA- Th, p. M. In St. Cecelia's parking will board of the Kennedy Park Ing of thp srnsi,,! By Alice Cnthbcrtwm -The VFW Port 2536 lot. meet tonight at 8 at Post Headsad-Schoo- l PTA attended a work- elected board oi n 1CO« Oak Trw Ro»* -The fishing club of VFW quarters, Lincoln Highway. Theshop at m.m, dance Saturday. Winners of —The CYO of St. Cecelia's Post headquarters. of Mr. and Mrs. George Max- the contests will be announced Church sponsored a cotillion —The Sweet Adelines Clover- |was held at th,. i well. Charles Street, wa* an at a later date. Saturday In Our Lady of leaf Chapter will meet Monday ing. overnight guert Saturday of Lourdes and Our Lady of Fa- at 8:30 P. M. in Fatima Hall. The new bonui Mr. and Mrs. John Waldheim, —Summer religious instruc- tion* for public school children tlma Halls. The event, semi- —The St. Vincent de Paul |to carry on u, iNlxon. r only who attend St. Cecelia's! formal formnlly opened the Society will meet Tuesday at 8 gram made by -Mrs. Carmella Libertaai Church, began on Monday. The 1962-63 season. P M. In Room 207. St. Cecelia's ' Hi: M.,, and Karen Callendo. Gill Lane, Utartlnff on its < classes will be conducted dally1 —The Iselin Social Club will School. are spending a few d»ys wlth at future mcctj from B A. M. to 1 P. M. and will Imeet„„. " Thursday, .July 5, for its -Boy Scout Troop 49 will outline various Mr. and Mrs. John Morettl, '' Lwlttown, L. I. end on Friday, July 6, These bi-monthly meeting, 107 Tren- meet Wednesday from 7 to 9 the year. Pi-oifi-mm „ ilasses are an absolute must to Street jp. M. in Columbian HattV —Mr. and Mrs. Emil Call- social, cultural. iW<\ endo. 0111 Lane, were hosts for all children who will receive —The Deacons of the First The Post Band of VFW projects to mrci, n,, Holy Communion or Confirma- Saturday to Ralph .Callendo Presbyterian Cluirch will meet Post will not have practice its members, t!v> ,h, Sr., Newark, and Mr. and Mrstio. n next year. Monday at 7:30 P. M. at the again until September, The and the communn. Walter Kronert and children, —The Iselin Fife and Drum church. date of the first practice will; Members of thru, Walter and Carol, Iselin. Corps sponsored by the Hook —The Misslonettes of the be announced later. Murray HrlW „" S -Mrs. Michael Romano and and Ladder Co., District 11, is Iselin Assembly of Ood Church —The Junior Choir of the Irving Grossman' Vir,' daughter, Beverly, Long conducting a fund drive for met Monday. The next regular First Presbyterian Church will dent; Gil Kasdin n,-,.... Branch, were weekend suests|uniforms. Anyone wishing to meeting *111 ** MondRy' July l th meet Wednesday. 7 P. M., under Sid Shur, treasurer u r of Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Bill- contribute is asked to can Rob-9 at 630 P. M- » « church. the direction of Mrs. 8. Ben- blatt, financial WT,,-.i'. ings, Jr.. Wright Street. On ert Painter, director of the ' —Police Boys from the Iselin nett. The Senior Choir will tin Sternbach. „„,',', Sunday, In honor of Mr. Bill- Corps, or any child who is a schools participated In the an- meet at 8 P. M. under the dl secretary: David n,,,. member. The group meets Mon- nual trip to Palisades Park, Ings' birthday, the Billings rection of Mrs. E. J. Jacobs Ing secretary; Al (;• " were hosts to Mrs. Hamilton day and Wednesday evening at sponsored by the Woodbrtto p choir director. and means; S1)I'H| Billings, 8r., Colonia; Charles 7:30 P. M. " Department, (I1 Township —The Country Fair spon- membership; \], Benz, 8r., Iselin; anl Mr. and —The Christ's Ambassadors n[tl Monday. sored by the Iselin First Aid synagogue activity- Mrs. Michael Romano and Young People's Group of iselin 3rhe Ladies' Auxiliary of Squad and the Congregation berg and Gerry \\in, children, Frank, Beverley, and Assembly of God Church made Volunteer Fire Company met Beth sholom started Monday. Rosemarle. plans for a picnic for the mem-yesterday at the Green Street gram co-chalniirn - The fair, which is being held ler, Mike Asm;,., '.,', —Oeorge Maxwell and chil- bers Saturday, at Roosevelt Firehouse at the Acme parking lot on Kestenbaum, w \' dren, Ruth Ann, Faith, Hope, Park. The C. A. will meet Sun- —The Sodality of the Blessed Route 1 and Green Street, will n]l men; Leo Kii|)l and George, Jr., Charles Street, day at 6 P. M. at the church. Virgin Mary of St. Cecelia's continue to Saturday evening ;Ul were dinner guests of Rev. and —Rev. John SI WUus, pastor Church met in Our Lady of A high wire act. "The Great Renlsoff, hospituijtv Mrs. William Kirby, Berkeley of St. Cecelia's Church, has an Lourdes Hall Sunday when Eugene", is the main feature. welfare co-chiiiimrn Boulevard. Mrs. Maxwell 1» nounced that registrations for plans were completed for a trip terman, publicity M,mb(, visiting her son-in-law and the first grade of St Cecelia's | to Bear Mountain. Election of large, Al Miller, Si Wllp daughter, Al/c and Mrs. Ver-Parochial School have been The wise girl takes a sweater Klein nond D. Gordon, at CarJbou.leloaed. Any additional children ,„ Westminster or fabric scarf along during Bemhard Me. 'will be placed on a waiting list.'Fellowship of the First Presby- these days of alr-conditionlng, Rappaport,

be raffled off Saturday

thia Bennett, Patricia Collins Straus. Dorothy Romanoff add- ]ynthia Steinmetx Evelyn Barty, Mary Teflen- ed to the entertainment with a hart, Pamela Rhodes, Elizabeth Operation ' new version of the Bhoeless Swim Party HostessMiller, Linda Corcoran and dance. Other demonstraters of ISELIN — Miss Cynthia Gall Andrea Rosapinskl. Project Finale dance antics were Jean Kolpan Stelnmetz, daughter of Mr. and and Hurray Stelnf eld. COLONIA — "Operation Mrs, Edward W. Stelnmetz, BadMorto School Bus", the main project The welcoming speech at the Oak Tree Road, was hostess at The box-office cashier was counting the day's receipts during the past winter and dinner was given by the newly- her third annual "school is elected president of the Men's out" party Saturday. This year i when suddenly she was con- spring of the Men's Club of Club, Murray Heller. The com-the girls enjoyed the newly fronted by a gunman pushing a MONEY-SAVERS Temple Beth Am, has drawn to plete project was supervised by built-in swimming pool All pistol at her through the win- a successful conclusion. A gala Sy WUpon, assisted by a large the guests were promoted to dow of her cage. evening of entertainment, din- committee. sixth grade in School IS. "It was a lousy show I" he ing and dancing was the reward Guests included Patricia snarled. "Gimme everybody's) for all those who helped make iBurke, Kathertae Kovas, Cyn-money back!" the project a success. Farewell Fete Held The fund raising project witttj For Vincent Grogan Answers to 8 questions on car care the ultimate goal of raising money towards the purchase of I8ELIN—The entire person- ISOUB a school bus In order.to trans- nel of School 15, and some for- port the young children attend- mer teachers, attended a fare- ing Sunday School and Hebrew well dinner for Vincent Grogan, BUSINESS that Shell dealers often hear School and youth activities at school custodian for over 16 the newly erected temple at Cleveland and Arthur Avenues years, who is retiring. Aii — Sail — Steamship — Hotel In Colonia was completed with Mr. Grogan also served as TOUR AND CRUISB RESERVATIONS the Issuance of a theatre ad recreation supervisor for Iselin Note: New Shell X-100® Premium is the journal. from 1938 until 1959 and coach- THE WORLD OVER Shell dealers answer thousands of questions every ed and managed many cham- first premium motor oil that leaves no ackli- After the performance of the Phons VA 6-3661 "World of Sholom Aleichem," pionship teams of juniors and year. Here are 8 that crop up all the time. The an- twe ash deposits, it fights four other mt,«r- by the Circle Players, the entire seniors, boys and girls. In 1951 group attending the show was he had girls teams who won nal troubles that can shorten engine life. served a supper at the temple Township and county trophies Travel Bureau swers have helped many motorists save money. building and danced to the in softball, volleyball, and bas- music of Arnie Platt and hisjketball. SOS Maple Street band. Songs in a professional The honored guest received PERTH AMBOX, N. J. They may do the same for you. style were offered by Gil Kas-marly gifts from the personnel, WORLD WIDE TRAVEL din and Betty Heller and the the PTA, and organizations who SPECIALISTS SINCE 1907 Colonia version of the twist t was have used the school facilities What's that fanny noise I hear? All ance and can lead to engine damage. ably demonstrated by Evelyn through the years. IMMMWMWMMMWMMM 1cars make some noise, But be partial- That's why Shell scientists are such larly alert for any squeals, squeaks, clicks, sticklers about knock. They even listen TK or rattles that crop up suddenly. Could be for it with stethoscopes and insist that Super Shell contain no fewer than three knock-fighting ingredients,

How can I make my battery last 5 longer? Here are four suggestions: M Mr. BOSTON 1. Let your Shell dealer check your car's Why do my tires wear out on just electrical system. Worn wires and loose t one side? Most likely cause: wha Is connections can drain power. 2. Always 8 out of alignment. Result: yuui tires di^ maintain battery water to the proper level. YOU'RE MAKING A BIG MISTAKE against the road and wear unevenly. Urv •3. Avoid prolonged idling with radio balanced wheels can also cause uneven turned on. 4. Go driving! Long drives wear and make your car shake or slum IF YOU'RE NOT DRINKING SO PROOF GIN! lielp charge your batlury. my. That's why it's a good idea tu kei p If you think higher proof means higher quality — anything from a sticking valve lifter to a tires balanced and have wheel alignment that's a mistake. HOW TO MAKE DRY MARTINIS checked twice a year. MAKE MORE SENSE loose wheel lug. Ask your Shell dealer to Using help you track down any unusual noise. If you think you have to pay more money to get a Usm: Standard Using SO Proof 36 Proof 90 Pioof Dry Gin Now a question for you better gin <~ that's a mistake. I Dry Veimouth Dry Gin (or Vodka) You may save yourself a big repair bill h your cor giving you top performifwce? If you think the gin most Englishmen drink is more 3-to-I (Traditional) 76.S hoot (9.0 tool If there's any doubt in your mind, try a than 80 proof—Mat'8 a mistake. j S-lo-1 (Dry) 81.0 Proof 716 Proof 8-10-1 (EkliaDry) 84.0 Proot 75.1 Prool How can I get more mileage bom tankt'ul of today's Super Shell. It contains You should know, to begin with, that America ia practically CTha "slandud" prool for loday'i bottled Mittlnli my tires? Rotatt all tires, including »',•:• it a moderate 67.5 pioot!) ' 2 9 ingredients including a gum preventive, the only civilized country in the world that drinks high-proof ^hdtkpare, every 6.0Q0 miles. Drive at mod- three knock-fighter^ "cat-cracked" gaso- giij. The British, who perfected gin, know that gin has an OLD MR, BOSTON IS THE FINEST GIN erate ipeeds. Tire^ can wear twice as fast line, a mileage booster, an anti-ic«,quu. k- ideal taste and flavor balance, and they prefer it at milder, YOU CAN BUY at 70 miles per hour as at 45. [Avoid fast starting Butane, and Pentane mix for last smoother 80 proof. Here's the whole story: It's vacuum distilled at an unusually low cornering, "jackrabbit" starts, sudden temperature in special glass-lined stills. warm-ups M PROOF GIN TASTES BETTER N PROOF GIN MAKES BETTER MARTIN^ Only at such a low temperature, is it pos- stops. Try not to bang tires against curbs. •Twdemirk for Shell'i tiniqo* gnoHw •*•>""'• P""1"" "Proof"'Is no measure of quality. It's a It makes them extra dry, as you like them, sible to ca pture the most delicate essence And check your tire pressure frequently. What does TCP do? Shell's unique conuiniag TCP ia covered by U.S. Patent Wil:- measure of alcohol content alone. (100 but not extra strong: Twenty yeaft ago, of the herbs. This is one 6 TCP* is a combustion control addi- proof means 50% alcohol.) Alcohol Itself the 3-tol Martini was standard, Today, reason for Old Mr.4Bof ton's Do I really need a lube job every tive. The hot piston device above shows has no flavor. The pleasant test* of gin with the trend to dryer Martinis, they're flavoi distinction. It U 3 thousand miles? Yes-unless you one la^ay TCP works. The glowing de- comes entirely from the herbs wltji which made 6-, 7-, even 8-to-l. As a result the America's first and largest- It's distilled. have one of the newer models that doesn't' posit on the left has not been neutralized modern Martini has climbed from a telling 80 proof Dry Glnl require it But with any car, remember The best test of gin is to drink it straight or smooth 76.5 proof to an overwhelming 84 with TCP. In your engine/glowing de- onthe-rocks, You'll find 80 proof gin has proof) Solution? Mix with 80 proof gin. It 29 that frequent lubrication offers yqur serv- posits can ignite fuel too soon, wasting QUART the big taste advantage of 80 proot mild- gives you the same full, dry gin flavor, but iceman a chance to spot trouble before it fuc\ and power, Deposit on right has been it returns the Martini to its original, more 4 ness — with the same full flavor of higher edsts you a lot of money. That's why Shell "fireproofed" by TCP. No glow - no moderate proof. proof gins. $1799 HM dealers give you a bumper-ic-bumper in- power loss. § GALLON 10 PROOF ONCOSTS LESS spection with every Shellubrication. SHELL U PROOF GIN MAKES BETTER TALL *339 I *220 Gins are taxed by the U.S. On their proot DRINKS PINT How often should I change oil? The **nr.r'FIFTuH I ^w 01MT qr alcohol content, only. Th* lower the Whe,n you mix a tall drink, like a collins or •INTEUJGKNCEIN. Can knock hurt my engine? Usu- 7 American Petroleum Institute rec- THE PURCHASE... proof - the lower the taxes, and the-lower a gin 'fi tonic, you dilute the strength of ally it's more annoyjng than harmful. MODERATION IN 4 ommends an oil change every 30 days in the cost to you. When you buy an Im- < "totaste." You also mix for bal- THE fcNJOYMENT." But persistent knocking hampers perfom- winter, every 60 days during summer. ported label, you add the tott of shipping lavor. 80 proof gin will give you and duties. That pushes the price even lance, You don't have, to drown «, Wgher, without givingyou 80 proof qutlity. u ink it \ tKiJIttfNtMlWUIHlli^KUM^ cr JUNE 28, 29, 1962 (Ha h Brazdo Wed PAGE NINE tiU Church Women Double Ring Ceremony Toastmistress Miss Bernadine Tluscik

Clau- Plan for Fall nil" WOODBRIDQE - Mrs. An- Weds Anthony J. Cicalese siiitilcy Brnzdo, drew I. Sebben, vice-president Jersey Toastmlstresa Club con' , ,,i hiTiiino the Lardiere Heads of the National Society of WOODBBIDOE - The Holy John Andrew. Hopelawn Tht United Presbyterian Women, x Ni-nl Jr., son ducted Instnllatlon of office™ Trinity Church, Perth Amboy. nngb-arrr was Paul Habrnck, |. li/.ibclh, And was the guest speaker at a Monday at K»nny Acres. Route was the scene of a double ring Fords. Avenel K. of C. meeting of the Women's Asso- .• ,i ;it a double ceremony Saturday a* Miss Ber Mrs Cicalese was graduated , AVENEL - The Installation ciation, First Presbyterlnn ,:;iiiirdnv TV Installing officer wns|nadlne Monica Tluscik. daush- from Pt. Cyril's Academy. Dnn- of the new officers of the St. Church, held Thursdnv night .,, clmrrh. i Donnld .!. SnwMle, 34 Sandy ter of Mr. and Mrs August vlu>, Pa. Montclnlr Stat- C I- ;.,,,,, |(()OS, Offi-i Andrew's Council, Knight* of i Fellowship Hall. Introduced Hill nond, West field Mr. 9«w- ]Tlusclk, 747 Harrell Avenue.'lene nnd the Bnrblzon Seivol ;Columbus will be held Thurs- y Mrs Edward Klllmer. pro- ','";.f'l I tolle, a textile executive, Is the became the bride of Anthony of Fashion Modeling, New Y*r!e jday, July 5, at 8:00 P. M ram chairman. Mrs. snM Fdiicntlonal Vice President of' Jnwph Clcalese, son of Mr. nnd Cl"\ 8h- Is »n English Uarher New officers are: ipoke on "Your Role AS n Prc.i- Die Westfleld Toastmaster's!Mrs. Louis Clcalese, Inlntfton. In Wooibrldge. >yterlan Woman " Club- Office™ installed are Miss Thc 1!ronin of Jo»eph , Lardiere, The couplcupe was s uniteunited d inin '» Irvlnnt»n The opening devotions were S, Herman, Perth Am- HI(th Sch 101 knight; Phillip Mlcell, chancel- marriage in a Nuptiap l MassaMassatt ' Mont- ,,,,), n square d by Miss Louise Httber and boy attorney, president; Mrs rllvlr Rlr<1 c ant lor; Slgmund Stackelslcl, dep- 1 0 A.M. Rev. Michael churalc "'^ l received r|i:n' - quarter ippcial selections were a\m« hy Irene Prlseoe, Metuchen realtor. PHIMP PECK ifflclated "Is mastrr of arts deeree from < - ji'. rt. adorned uty grand knight; Ccnitrne Mrs. Charles Krahe. Perth Am- vice nresldent; Mrs. Dorris Nye, The bride who was given in*"1""1';1"1™!11 Mr C*>^ ,,,,,>.:. had anMuccllli, recorder; Joseph Sal my. Guests at the meeting were! Franklin Townshln. home- via, warden: Alfred De Andrea Philip Pfck, Jrf- marriage by her father, wore a '". ^mple ;nr his doctoral stu- members of the Rpnnishspenk- |maker. secretary; Mrs. Ruth tes treasurer; William Lenhy. ad- nj Road. Colonla, has been long sleeved peau de sole sheath f " Columbia UnIversUy and i i(v>• nnd bow ng Women's Association of the elected vice president of the Usman. Westfleld. homemaker, vocate; Joseph Imbrinncco, mn with a portrait nert. ThThee ?l? by lh* Undcn ;lp,.] chain. A "• 1 r s t Presbyterian Church, North Central Counties Re- treasurer; Mrs. Edith McCal- B Brd 0( E( (:> on 1 Inside guard; Charlps Mn/arlck train extended from the should- ° "' " lirridnirn held 'erth Amboy, who were wel- tail liquor Stare Association, lum, North Brunswick, office and Joseph DeAngelis, ers. Her short veil ifas attached ,; sin' carried :omed by Miss Clnlre Pfelffer, Mr. Peek who operates the manager, club Tpnresentatjve; A Tall Tale guards; Rev. Arraond Gedata to an Imported hand marie Bel.'•• I'lii-tinpsis. roses 'ellowshlp chairman. Spirit! Shop of Colonla and and Mrs Jean Halllgan, Clark Traveling through the west, a chaplain; Anthony Graham glan crown of orange blossoms ,'h on B prayer lords in association with homeniaker club representa^ thirsty tourist had holed up in Mrs. Franklin S. Martin and centered wound crushed ro* of financial secretary; Michne; David B. Gfttfi, i« president five, a range town tavern during a Mrs. Donald Aaroe presented a' peau de sole. She carried an DeStefarro. A. J. FarKitano of the Wood bridge Liquor ,ori.<* and not-too-hrtol shower. ,,,!•• -v,~- Mrs, •skit to exolain the goals of the The New Jersey Toastmlstress arm bouquet of calla llllles. James Coniff, trustees. Dealers Association, a direc- i Having resumed hl« louxner. he old Brldire. Summer Medical Offering, col- Club of Metuchen as lt is offi- tor of the First Bank of Co- The maid of honor was Mlu.wn* speeding up a lon« slope i v.nkowskl The council will have Its 'eeted each year to nid medical cially designated ls the only ac- Ionia and a former board Sonya^M. Zuwiv, Perth Amboy.! en he suddenly «l*mraed on ^jslrr of thecorporate communion Sunday, missionaries In SB countries tive club of the International wn member ol the Essex Count; Attendants were Miss Mary his brnke*-»o suddenly, -In. .'•niiild. July 29 at the 8:15 A. M. Mass oround the world, as well as the [Toastmlstress Clubs in this Retail Mquor Dealers Asso- Seelmann Brooklyn, N Y. and, fart, that the car following him In St, Andrew's Church. United Rtat.es. State. It was organized in July ciation, Mr, Peck Is married Mrs. John Andrasi, Hnpclawn.lcrashed into his rear bumper. Mfikow- I960 by a former member and Mr. Mrs. William Knlbhenn, presl. and the father of three Junior bridesmaid was Miss] The driver of the *econd car wfts DEFENDS HER HOME dent, announced the new officer of several mldwestem children. clubs who hnd recently moved Judith Rader, Fords and the i™Ped out and called angrily, .bridge. DETROIT—Recorder's schedule of events for Septem- to the Metuchen area and M1 flower girl was Miss DlannerHey, what's tho Idea?" John P. O'Hara ruled thai Mrs ber. Instead of separate circle It was also announced that there was a need for tonstmls. Ganyo, Woodbrldge. j "Cautious" said tho thirsty • „.,;• nf the New Barbara Lewis was within her and association meetine.s. theWilliam Ziegenbalg, Iselln. tress here. This accounts fo: The best man was Joseph tourist thickly. "Slowing down the Meals will frmin will hold n combined was named to the Board of rights In sicclng her GO-pound 'he presence of Metuchen In Mauriello, East OranRr Ushers Tor that big curve up there." , The bride Is Directors of the North Cen- ;; dot; on a policeman. September ?0 In Pell the group's name. Actually thi Pat Clcalese, Irvlnnton, And he waved toward a ratn- tral Counties Retail Liquor VnndbridtT Hleh Policemen had entered her Hall. On September 10. New Jerse yCIub. meets In res borther of the bridegroom rmrt how atop the crest of the slope. Store Association. •i'f husband at- home searching for evidence in the local society will be hostess taurnnts In the Woodbrtdge ani .s iil'ih School, the arrest of her father without at luncheon to the executive Clark areas and has members s,tnil Hull Unl- board of the Kltanbeth Pr^sby- hi1': proper authority. from Union, Middlesex, and' ii:;in«e. He also The Judge dismissed assnult terlal nnd at the annual Presi- Somerset Counties. j tv. ?• . duly with the dents' tea In the afternoon: Picnic Date Set •d ,-:. and battery charges In finding luring the Kore- ithe policemen were on her prop Members of Circle fi. Mrs Membership is drawn from . j<. employed as Fred McElhenny, chairman nonp homemakers, profession- c:.r • erty Illegally. ih manager of were hostesses. By Avenel GOP al and business wompn. The lo- (.•••' WOODBRIDGE—Mrs. Julius cal club's membership Includes (:.-,,. ilinr Publishing Rightists attack again despite several housewives,'a tax asses- 'Salan's arrest Klsh and Mrs. Michael Nem- pa:' Yoik. Health and Beauty rlerhs . Secretaries sor; a dancing school operator, eth were hostesses at the last two attorneys, a real estnte Hold Installation meeting of the season of Mt broker, a bank officer, and a The greatest food factory in abundantly In citrus fruits, to-1 WOODBRIDGE — Miss Mary Carmel Catholic War Veterans' private school director among Ihe world,is the plnnt. It is the mntoes, rresh green cabbage White, president of the State Ladles Auxiliary. Mrs. Joseph others. The objectives of the ITC nnd the local club are to source of all nourishment and so on. Federation of Teachers, attend- Ptdor received a wall plaque Meat Is not necessary to man as dry °rt thp Installation dinner of afford every woman an oppor- If the frult la allowed to at the annual convention In At- a food. When he eats meat, he , changes again into tough!1 he Woodbrldee Township tunity for self-Improvement lPi lt lantic City on behalf is only netting his vegetables indigestible cellulose which islScho0' clprks Rnd Secretaries of the and development through study for having and fruits secondhand, utter unalagous to the bran i Association (ind % re- of the techniques of effective of speaking and leadership and to thn animals have digested them grains. "officer" s for the coming school promote the conduct of well for their own use, and built ... , . • .... Th*..-e• officeruuiu-us areurc-: ^MrslrsMrs. . Andrew Penyar was the s a factthat ature wastes |1 ll)pt winner of the door prize. ordered organizational meetings them up into flesh, which ls ,, " »..M a nf. Elizabet="'" h RuthR"th,, president-Mrpresident: Mrss. of every type through knowl- largely protein and fat. nothing even thevelithl — P- ' Ruth Sha™on, vice, president: Plans wore made for the Plants, fruits and Mrs Oret Corcnra r edge nnd use of parliamentary - I: ^H' ' ». «ordlns July picnic and for a penny procedure. The grass upon winch tin- which ls flnally ejecwo. ^cretary; Mrs. Manrnret Rad- sale. A definite date has not cattle feed ls rich in minerals White con-!»een set for the picnic, but Regular dinner meetings of and vitamins, some of which „„„,.„ Woodbrldge ^e Penr>y sa'e will be on Sep- the local group are held twice they Incorporate ioto their own Then "it"" "is again tember 16a t 3 a nn nrnT of tthee "^oriassociatioa n and| P-M- t Mt. Car- monthly with programs Includ- tissues, and. In turn, Impart to'vegptable life and ing workshoDs in parliamentary NOW GET THIS STRAIGHT! the flesh eaters. ' SnW th V Bre tllft firs mel Ha The pubUc ls lnV ted MraTJ " "' cakes wil' procedure, the conduct of meet Green fruits are unfit ings, use and understanding o food and If eaten are apt to life. Thus we see the marvelous 'served. The chairmen are: All children love p«ts and enjoy getting thtjn M liftl Teachers Federation. words and speech making cause sickness. The plant util-jwork of God throughout crea- Mrs. Victoria Klsh, Mrs. Membership chairman. Irem on birthdays and other occasions, Come in today . . . izes the carbon dioxide which is1 Hon. Mrs, Esther Fisher was chair- Betty Silvancy; kitchen; 'Mi's you'll find a wide choice of pets and pet tuppllci. man of the dinner committee Anna Arva, Mrs. Mary Nem- Priscoe, reveals that although breathed out as a waste product _ , 1 the membership in a local cltil Thrifty bujB too! Pr vate Id 1& sought for,and presented a past president's eth: Tickets, Mrs. Margaret by the animal kingdom and is ,, ' * Is limited In number by Inter' Mfx>CM1 chool!> pin to Mrs. Frances Vatente Fenyar. Mrs, Rose Kovncs; in the air. It wtsw.a.T fr-,i ° ' national by-laws, the New Jcr and a gift to the outgoing of. gifts, Mrs. Betty Fedor, Mrs the soil, and like all creation sey group has a few vacancia :,.; tuyayed or nuarUd... think of the fleers of the association. Rose Shanie. depends upon the sun7s rays lorj and lnyites interested wome JOE'S PET SHOP of the office tdltttioiul" the energy which enables it to to communicate with Mrs carry the Ufe-givlng chlorophyl Priscoe at Liberty 8-0279.. 317 State Street l'ertli Amboy or green coloring matter. This Come In Now For Your III 2-3419 is nnalasous to the n-d coloring . Q. E. head urges U. S. bus: (Just Ji Block from S Coriwn) matter In the blood which en- \ INSURANCE AGAINST FOURTH OF JULY ness cooperation. ables it to carry the life-giving ^ LOSING IT /,' If Prepared oxygen is every part of thej body. j for The carbon dioxide, and water! WINES & LIQUOR NEEDS '.undergo a chemical change and! • Scotch # Rye form formaldehyde and acids.! The Kreen fruit containlng: 9 Bourbon # Wine # JDAY Lhe.se substances is sour, I Knights of Columbus Wonder of wonders, if you Domestic and Imported permit the fruit to remain un- CHAMPAGNE and BEER nirrlainnient molested upon the trees, the sour, disagreeable formaldehyde begins to change into sugar. The process of ripening ls a VOGEL'S complicated affair. The sun carries on the chemical changes until starch is produced, then LIQUOR STORE dextrin and finally milt sugar. The fruit is now ripe and quite 82 Main Street, Woodbridge digestible. The juices and sugar are nourishing and contain es- sential vitamins and minerals Vitamin C, which prevents scurvy and ls healing to the RNIVAL mucous membranes, is found

ORDER NOW For Holiday Parties JULY 9th to 14th ALL POPULAR Brands of BEER WINES & LIQUORS,

CABSTAJI'S Imported and 4.99 Qt. NIGHTLY AMERICAN SEAGRAM'S CORDIALS V.O. 6.40 % Qt. 2 BREATH TAKING SPECTACULAR /VOtf/ FREE DELIVERY A i&THETIME* DEATH DEFYING AERIAL ACTS "You mutt be the new , NowV the tim« to get out of the ordinary ... and Courtesy of General Artists student I've been hearing t |nto an Oldimoblle I It's the season for val ues. aboutl" That means It's easier than ever to step up to a dollar-saving Dynamic 88. Your OldslQuality Dealer i W|{| be happy to prove It to you... today! stop THmr EXTffA" paying high horn* about owning mn 50 BOOTHS ACTIVITIES Iniuranct coitt. Ask us about Gtneril't mo/iey- saving "AlllnOna" Homeowntrt Insurant*. CENTRAL STATE mm III YOU* IOCAI AUIHOII1ID OtDIMOIIll QUALITY PIAtll Rides—Refreshments—Booths OODBRIDGE Travel WOODBRIDGE AUTO SALES STORE, INC. Agency mi It Gwriu Aunut, B»liw»j 475 Rahway Ave. Woodbrldge, N. J. Avenue, Woodbrldge HI 1-131! PAGE TEN JUNE 28, 29, 1962

SPECIAL ARMY FORCES Avocado The Army is reinforcing Its Ripe Olive* JW'S Nesl anti-guerilla special forces with Pimlento ABOUT YOUR i 1,300 civic action specialists to French dressing do "nation building work in On a salad plate arrange a Pol in i fecrti underdeveloped countries vul- flat bed of romalne. Cut in not ii new || nerable to Communist subver- horseshoe shape a thick slice of l]n siniiil Kindrt] sion. avocado, leaving the skin on. fcedlni! Him Set bits of ripe olives at inter- About 100 Asians are receiv- inatinc vals, new the outer edfte Place fni ing training on Okinawa. These veil is What'* Your Opinion include Smith Vietnamese, the horsrshoe on bed of ro- whose country is under serious mRine. Fill the center of the It I The other dRy I entered into VillltiU Communist Riirrllla attack, avocado with graduated sec- n\ i a debate with n man high In Details of the program were tions of canned pineapple. GBT- the Township's official family. and li'•••. disclosed when the new 142- nish with strips of plmiento. win 1; I am not noing to mention hU Serve with French dressing. Slblc In > name, out tho conversation ;e brochure wns issued by ho Army. IlKI't 111 • started on the subject of con- One of the most popular Mull solidation of libraries I ,am American desserts Is cake; It Is Willi 111, of the opinion that there are NO FEAR OF NEW CRISIS one of the foods every house- lilnul !•, a sufficient number of library United States officials say keeper is anxious to makp cor- li-nl 'ill buildings It, the Township—all Russia has been embarrassed rectly The success of a cake I'l i >M11(1 1 • that Is needed is the money to by the jtrine of refuse? Ind-j depends greatly on the frosting en cli buy books to flit them. He told dents in Berlin and has tried I •II [(•! me that the Barron Public Li- to shift the blRme with Its note j White Icing plun! •. brary, which war, recently re- (reusing the West of provoking In the upper part of a double llftl'll modelrd and restocked by the ;rouble alonq the wall. boiler place 2 unbeaten e\ lo'xl Woodbridi;e Township Business Although the note was the whites, v teaspoon salt, ' and Professional Women's Club, 4 strongest the Soviet Dnion has| j teaspoon cream of tartar and; li'i'dn n: !•, l|] i was not we type of a building Issued recently on Berlin, 'a cup of water and 2 eups ofj to ;i') for a litvary. .He said I was United States authorities said I granulated suger. Place this just sentimental ; about the they saw no indication that over boiling water and beat for plain fiuiii •• building and other things In the statement foreshadows a !lO mnhites with a rotary egg Thr\ town and In reply I told the Kremlin effort to start the Ber-| | beater. Remove the upper oart mill lliii'. !••]!; ;L gentleman I would hate to live lin crisis boiling again. of the double boiler, pour the llist"iitl '1 m, i, ; in a world in which there was hot water from the lower part awiiv no sentiment. I also 6tated that of the double boiler and fill It vim citn M.I: through the years it irked me TURNPIKE MRS. U.5. SAVINGS BONDS of 1962—Mrs. Emily T«rroll, St. Helens, Oregon, urges avtry full of cold water. Replace pl:ttlt,s cvi'fv :. no end that nothing has been upper part and let stand five DRIVE-IN THEATRE American to buv an extra Bond during the Freedom Bond Drive, daiiKi'r nf [],k • done to preserve the places and minutes. Flavor with 2 tea- growth uppriu buildings of historical signifi- spoons vanilla. Spread on cake. every Urn day cance in this Township. Here THRU SATURDAY 3 Bermuda onions WINNHtS 01 P1NEWOOD DERBY: Sponsored by Cub summer. even we are, the oldeBt existing Cinnamon Unoooked Pineapple Ring Scout I'.ick II. thr Derby was very successful. At left Is three weeks is pi Township In the State of New Another Opportunity To Sw Slice the onions into tings of 4 slices pineapple Clemi'nt Nsumuvit* and son. (iarrie, who won second priie continue until Jersey - our charter was given 11 Sarah Ann's Cooking about % Inch. Separate into in- 1 tablespoon lemon Juice and nn th<- right Is Mike Galluppo and win, ,|o*eph, who to us, only five years later than "PEYTON PLACE ; The best in:: dividual rings. Soak in cold 3 tablespoons butter won first prlie. the state — and we cannot - with — 'spray feeding h water for 1% hours. Drain and 34 cups confectioners point to any museum or any Laitft Ttirppr • l.lftyd Nolan Fritters have always been Pineapple-Cheese Fritter* 1 egg white, beaten stiff j historical building with the ex- popular and to the homemaker; 1 cup flour dry- Dip into the batter (which has been made with other in- Shred the pineapple and al- COOI. BAItNS FOR COWS HOLIDAY sric ception of the White Church bent on providing her family 2 teaspoons baking powder low to stand Iin lemon juice.j| WWilmin :tun. Ohio — Thirty with variety in her meals, they 3 gredients) and fry in deep fat. and the Trinity Church. The "From The Terrace" A teaspoon salt Cream the butter well, add cow5 arc ii! in air-condi- Barron Library is compara- offer a delightful way of using 1 cup cottage cheese Sprinkle lightly with cina- With P»iil Nfwman sugar slowly. Then add plne- tioned luxury, while the re- tively new. It was built in 1875. pieces of left-over meats, fruits, \ cup drained, canned, mon and serve hot. Joanne Woodward apple from which the juice has mainder of the herd, probably mtwou I told th» gentleman that even etc. crushed pineapple 1 bMn dr med in beaten; very m.-. are living under . -. , IOP.H JU\ though it is late, something Anv family will eat salad for ew * SUNDAY THRC TUESDAY 1 egg ^SCTiS S whitwhitee. SpreaSp d on cake. normal conditions on the same for run every day.ride? for JCUW should be done to establish a Corn Fritters Sift flour, salt, and baking foS fnrm. museum ar.d perhaps some of or powder together. Combine accompanies it. The ingredients, free three-ad circirs, 4&9:30 p.m. • e«y parking |(), "S. I. BLUES" 1 cup fresh, canned whlch uur Tins U to test whether the the descendants of the original frozen eorn mashed cottage cheese, pine-| W be combined in sa-! - iwimmirtg 10 »• m. to 7 p. m.. .. Join our Teen S.. - Starring Flvls Preslrv lad in milk mid butUTfat production settlers might be willing to do- 1 egg -apple and slightly beaten egg « »« numerous. Just be sure. J™- f can be kept luiih through sum- nate or lend articles to it. We and yolk. Mix well, Stir In dry in-i° «*«» **° essentials: first, 1*™"*^ Vi cup plus 2 espeda" mer montl's rni^ht try to put markers at flour gredients, just enough to moist-!eye appeal and second a perfect historical places. For example "TO HELL AND BACK" dreSf ln ly in the House. especal is at Ohio State11 'i teaspoon baking powder en. Fold in stiffly beaten egg' ' K' Republicans see an opportun- OLYMPIC PAH there i.s no gravestone in Trin- University have found thatjl BUrrint Audir Murphy 4 teaspoon salt white. Drop by teaspoonfuls ity t<> embarrass the Adminis- 1 ity Churchyard for James into Golden Salad dairy cow. - produce more milkll Paprika hot deep fat. Pry until tration beginning with a routine Parker who printed the first Celebrate browned. Drain on ab- 2 medium-sized carrots when the n-inpeniliire rangesj IRVINGTON'MAPLEWOO Chop com. Drain. Add well ^ l bill tc limit the national debt. newspaper in New Jersey in sOlbent cup blanched almonds from 30 to 75 donees. Independence Day beaten egg yolk. Stir in sifted »P«- Serve hot. 4 Woodbridge The opinion of my V cup celery sliced thin The Republicans argue that dry Ingredients. Fold in well HHa m FritterFitt s 4 fellow debater was that the new Tuesday Evening, July a Salt and paprika this lower limit would force the people would not be interested beaten eg? white. Drop from 1 cup flour Administration to cut spending 1 h teaspoons baking powder Mayonnaise This I do not believe. The so- GIANT tablespoon into fat heated to Water cress by $2,000,000,000 in the fiscal called new people in the Town- 370 degrees. Cook until delicate* 2 eggs well beaten year starting July 1. FIREWORKS DISPLAY % cup milk Run the carrots and almonds ship came here because they ly browned. Drain on absorbent chopper. Add want to make their home here paper. 1 teaspoon butter melted '^"{i'VJ permanently. They want to be Box Ollice Open 7:1 l cup ground ham the sllced showtime—Dusk salt an Moisten with proud of their town and I am ; Sift together flour and bak- ™ ISELIN and pile in a AIR-CONDITIONED jure would like to point with I ing powder. Beat eggs, add milk mound on the cress. NOW THKl' TUES.! pride to the historical tradi- and melted butter. Stir in Sirphrn Bojd - Uolorn Hart tions of this Township. What NOW THRU SATURDAY! Hour mixture. Beat until Creole Salad do you think? I would appre- FORDS Jpff Chandler • Ty HanUn smooth. Stir in ham. Drop by ciate it. if you would drop me 2 cups finely shredded Prtcr Brown spoonfuls into deep hot fat. cabbage a line and let me know your PLAYHOUSE Turn tile fritters when brown t HI 2-1318 % cup chopped celery "USA" opinion. , . "MERRILL'S 'on one side to brown the other. Mayonnaise Jiratf Stewart - John Wayne Drain on absorbent paper.1 THIJRS. THRC SAT. Tomato puree JUNE 28 - 30 MARAUDERS" Serve very hot. MAN WHO SHOT 'Jottings: 8hlrley Knight Lettuce Dutch Onion Fritters Add celery to shredded cab- LIBERTY VALANCE" Since our feature story of JkeMin Barbara Nichols 1 cup flour • Joseph Johnson, president of "HOl'SE OF WOMEN" bage. Season with salt and P«P moShoe 1 teaspoon bating powder per. Mix mayonnaise which has SATURDAY & SUND4T the M & J Home Improvement vt teaspoon salt Company Woodbridge, ap- been colored with tomato juice. HIDDIE SHOW AT ? f.M. liberty SUN, - MON. - TUBS. 1 egg Serve in mounds on lettuce. prared on our front page last Orson Welles - Victor Mature 2a cup milk 'BASHFUL ELEPHANT' week, he has earned the nick- Wtence Bella Cortex 1 teaspoon olive oil or melt- HHorseshoh e SSalad "LIBERTY VALANCE" name of "Mr. Music" . . . Mas- with James Stewart ed butter Romaine ter Sgt. Rocco L. Soraci, son John Wayne "THE TARTARS" Of Mr. and Mrs, Rocco P. So- Joel MiCrta - Randolph Scott raci, 107 Oak Street, Avenel HIDE THE has been graduated from the HIGH COUNTRY" United States Air Force Head- TO quarters Command Senior Non- 55 commissioned Officers Aca- demy at Boiling Air Force Base with Dolores Hart Washington, D. C. . . . Geral- Stephen Boyd dine M. Kovacs, 295 Green Saturday Matinee Street, /Wooribrldge, this montl "ALAKAZAN THE GREAT" celebrates her 10th service an- also niversary with Esso Research COMEDY and CABTOON SOW THRU TIKS. and Engineering Co. Miss Ko- Wllllwn Holden vacs 16 a supvreisor with the SUN. THRU TUES, — IB — office and plant division, Lin- den. . . . Jack Ehman, son o 'Horizontal Lieutenant "The Counterfeit n . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ehman, 30 with Jim Button Central Avenue, Sjewaren, re Paula Prentiss Traitor" .cently was promoted to special 'The Late Blue' STARTS WEUNESDAY 1st five in Mannheim, Ger Walt DUncy's with BobbyJWrin many, where he is a membe "BON VOYAGE" of the 15th Quartermaster Bat- WEDNESDAY — Jl'Lflth talion, A 1955 graduate of Woodbridge High School, h "Hungariai Show" . forked for Sperry & Hutchin- mm •• iII son Co., Metuchen, prior to en- tering the Army. His wife, Ur- NOW THRU BAT. cula, is with him in Germany. "THE MAN TAT WHO SHOT Last But Not Least: LIBERTY VALANCE" " - Plus — ;. Born at Perth Amboy Gen- Woodbrldtei N. J. ROME ADVENTURE' eral Hospital: From Wood AIR-CONDITIONED bridge, a daughter to Mr. and SUN. • MON. - (TUBS. Mrs, William Benson, 173 Am- NOW THRU SATURDAY •HORIZONTAL ! boy Avenue; a daughter to Mr LIEUTENANT" ! and Mrs. William Black, 835 - also - ; Terrace Avenue; . . . from Port "THE DAI But How Much Will Reading, a son to Mr. and Mrs THE KARTH (Walter Sajek, 36 Sixth Avenue; Merrill's CAUGHT FIRE" I a daughter .to Mr. an^l Mrs Central Air Conditioning Cost You? Francis BWdgett, 71 | Third Marauders Street; . . from Fords, In IOIJM iiousej like the one above, practical nothing, but if you liv* in the average daughter t4 Mr. and Mrs, Michael Gulya, 202 Jacksor IJEFF CHANDLER rf» RITZ Theatre home and would like • realistic an»wer, thns'i only one w«y to find ^ut, ASK! ANDREW CUUtH Avenue; a daughter to Mr. ant rat tn TTiwt f^--.-..,-— v«.»ww< CATteret, N. i. tl \-lM» Mrs. Alfred Nebus, 415 Crows JROWN-HllTCHINS-OUGGANffl AIR COOLED Any house can be centrally air conditioned today, and for leaa than one would Mill Road; a son to Mr. and »lilUD SUIIS IWtklCTIOK PHOtOftil Ij NOW THRU MONDAY imagine!!! There'a only one way to have an honett and exact estimate of your Mrs. John Tomcsik. 17 Wal-TECHNICOLOR' i.-WABNEH BHO9 |j JUNE 28 - JULY 2 cooling needs—have a K & 0 man «urvey jour home-rno obligation of count! tuma Avenue. SUN . MON. - TUES. Susan Hajward • John Gavin He will tell you how and how much. Ask him to tell yon about financing up to 7 year*. WEU; FED DOC.S "BACK STREET" PITTSBURGH — The late 0R50N.VKT0R - AIM -j ' CALL TODAY ...K&Ohasthe bat tquipmtnt, ^s each day. will be showu with Cwtoom — C H R Y 8 W 1m Hftuh, Iram T«r SCQTT McCREA Comedy it otber Short*. * I • f •"!• p MitlnM at 1 P.M. — Kvc. MS Vait, ni htttn 1m HMM !• ifi iit«t, t-mr Origiiil CMAHM. WEUNKSDAY TIIHU MONDAY HlGHCQUHm JULY 4-9 COMING .... Laurence Harvcj O«ral(llu« Pa(e (Extra Matinee on •SUMMER and SMOKE' KETZENBERG & OIK., Inc. Wednesday, July 4th) - PlUi - Kluabclb Taylor - Dana Andnwi "ESCAPE FROM "ELKPHANT WALK" ME 44904 •iUMMKK * IMOKK' wlU not 1063 HIGHWAY No. 1 AVENKL, N. J. ZAHRAM" U ibuwn Sat. oi Sun. Mat. plan -ILU-1UNT WALK" wlU be »ho»n wllb CMlttOM * Comedy NEW JERSLfS STATE. UCENSED CONTRACTORS —*ad otbti IhorU 'HELL It for HEROES' MatlDH at 1 PM.—Bvet. at 1M inclusive NEWS r From AH Independent-Leade Carteret Press inclusively the Community A Newspaper Dedicated to the Best EDI3ON-FORDS BEACON Interest! of the Resident! of the Communities We Serve.

WINDOW New Slate On Green Street Is Inducted Project Boivtie Approval By The Staff ByHadassah Depends on US Deadline r vi^rs n«o when Woodbrldfe wai selected on .nrrssKc ncca»lorm an the "Typical American COIONTA - Mrs. Jerome WOODBRIDQE — Senator Harrison A. William*. Jr., this B(lk week Informed Mayor Walter Zirpolo that the Urban Renewal i,, it i''w president of the Colonla undertaking of a survey and plan* for "Project Bowtle" in , riinwgh the year* the town ha* erown tn rimm,.,. , tr .. I'on Heading for action thU fiscal year, which terminate! „, ,Xhlp of better than 80,000 re'lfcni £n * ^ on Saturday, [ nf ColotUft Jewish Com- ..,.,,rs were uradimted from Woodbridg, Hl*h "'- In hLs letter to the maytfr,, I i In n-:lr- "•'' rnuld not help but he reminded that ours munity Center. Senntor Williams wrote: fairly optimistic. At any rate, I ,,,. ,l American Community." It wai with Other officers installed were: "As n follow up to our recent I will have a report and will be ! i, inn .it «i- sat through the program and hVardi Vioe-pirstdent, membership, telephone conversation regard- In touch with you again." i,l. Mis* Marilyn Tln«, five the claim welcome Mrs. Herman Haberman: VICR- inn the status of Woodbridge's The Woodbrldge Redevelop- ,, ,i, ,,.;,nils of pnrrnt* and pietta ln the , Presidcnt, fund raising, Mrs [Urban Renewal Project Bowtle, ment Agency last year released i.,.,,,• m niitMiindlni Negro boy, George Washln*- Solnman Breshlnsky; vice- I wanted to let you know that plans for the renewal of tha I will continue to do every- i,,. ,!.,-,•. iiirsidrnt, accept the diplomat In behalf president, education, Mrs Port Reading seelton which in. thing I can to help. ,,i i;r,o sinrlrntii. Thi« IR truly Americanism and u-onarcl Schlosser; vtce-presl- eludes the demolition of de- ,,, ,, .(ft ion. and main wp nay It It with prldr and dent. program, Mrs, Martin 1 don't know whether lapldated houses, the erection ,,. ;i.,i »<- :irr part of «nch a fine community RoKoff. treasurer. Mrs. Milton iiade clear one of the principal of a park area near the in* , i ni,irrst tn (Mr rlau, Dr. John P. Loco, principal' Kushncr: recording secretary. moblems facing the Project dustrtal plants and construc- i,,mi:, lair "Is without doubt the finest class Mrs. Morton Diamond, and cor- rlnht now The Urban Renewal tion of a neighborhood shop- ,.,, i i..,v.- MTII in 38 yrar»." . . . Patrick Boylan, snp. lifMKinding secretary, Mrs. Ron- Administration is presently ex- ping center. amining the projects pending ., i, ,.i ,.i ,, IKIIIK in ftddmnlnf thf audlr-ncr drrlarrd Hld Gort, \i,.| MIII think thi* clam li big — wait until in order to determine which Ml ,. f|.-n I l'>1 wphomorm enter then* portals from -v Irvlnn Hutt, Wood ones can be considered lor ac- . , .111..I- liicli schools." bridui-. orRanization chairman tion this fiscal year which Question Fee • • • * "' the Southern New Jersey terminates on June 30th. Bow- i naiilb believe our eytt Sunday afternoon, Hecion ,,f Hadassah was the tle fall into this category. I r, •::-. Woodbrtdfre Avpnue from Cartern. when ln.MalllnK officer. At a short conveyed to Urban Renewal On Insurance (Ii.-M'd couple ihr with a straw hat>' ually business meeting, Mrs. Rogoff TAUGHT: All day Administration, a keen Interest! was Installed as a life member supervisors at the various playurounds, were taught arts and crafts In ,1 ri-n• iwrciuxh on a tandem bike. This you f the sites In the project and asked them WOODBRJDOE—Bernard M. by Mrs, Manny Temkln, presi- Above the are shown at work. In the center are Hartnett, who was discharged ;tixi television these days but lt» been many, Comrnltteeman Herman Fallon, left, chairman of recreation on to do everything possible to dent. the Town Committee and Recreation Director by. the Town Committee aa ! <•• »f lmvc M-cn such a sight around here! John Zullo. move it along this month. Business Administrator, in- .!., 'Iu iittractlve couple wag. . . . Von can A welcome address was "They would not give me ab- formed each membef of tbat ,r. 'hili- life WltnMSPjl to thlSI. A by Mrs. Reuben solute assurance, but they were tion committee chairman. body by letter, this past week Motor Lodge that he has turned over to tha Bill Crocker with a plute Miv Tcmkin thanked the Preston Parker, Colonia ch| Director of Local Government dei-'armg "How did you make this su'i'ff, i b for their cooperation dur-; Chief Maps 'all facts" of the employment taste anything like the rabbits we her term of office and wel- at Dix of an Insurance consultant by Committee-man Charles Molnar likes comed the Incoming president. tht municipality. the two old timers who used to con- In her acceptance speech. PORT RIX - A drill instruc- He plans on staying in the In his letter to the commit- tor and New System : • hftit" to each other. Said No 1, "i vras Mrs. Bcrkowltz stressed thei Platoon sergeant at 19,Army "for as long as they'll teemen, Mr Hartnett referred :i i-h my Job In th«- township the other day. have me" II he should stay in k'oals of the Colonia Chapter'and at 20 the youngest sergeant WOODBRIDOE — Deputy to a newspaper article which ha •vs a tmckload of fence pout holes "No 2 for 20 years, Sgt Parker will be attached to the letter, which • and HadH.ssah'5 aim in Israeljat Port Dlx-thafs Preston L. Chief Nela Laurltzen, who takes minute, and then declared "How did they an ancient 37 when his career ry WM over as Acting Police Chief, read in part: i.reVnVeri T^"" ^ -," i''«*e«-. *e training Non-com- is over. "As I have stated on many 1'iiMiitPd. The cast Included: missioned off leer at Headquart- July 1, Is already at work map- ping out a new system for theoccasions the municipal budget r ih to Robert T. Wahh, fonorr rdltor of Mrs Leonard Greenfield w Company, Special Troops is probably the most Important Mrs. Herbert Hutt. Mrs. Tilden Sergeant Parker, of 3 Water department. i'.tMI.> i ' leadrr il!>3?> and In more recent years "The system I am working piece of legislation you . will i il,.• ( .irlrrrl Indnttrial f'ouncll. who has tirrn Isaacs. Mrs Erwm BUllnit. Mrs.street, Colonia, first joined the Warren and Fay enact during your term tn of- Edward Army November 18th, 1957. He on eliminates overlapping of MMitivr director of thf Metropolitan Fair K*nt duties", Chief Laurltzen said. fice. Once adopted It has th« Mm,. M^ Rogoff, and Mrs; was discharged ln June the fol- I'nor to thU Mwnt appointment. Mr. Walsh All shifts will be evenly bal- force and effect ot an ordi- r O S Pillnlst was'inwing year and In August he Guest Speakers \, i ippod for Alpha Fpgilon Delta, National lion- understand that under interro- M• 111. .11 fraternity. Hi> ww a member of three Inma work and they work strategic :n.-c.,ratlanS, Mrs Schliler B, 5 " Avenue. gation by a reporter. Mr. Bean ,: id.miic fraternllie*, Lambda Chi Alpna. Bruce. 5i Mr. Warren, reportin beats. Other patrolmen will IMrs Melvin SchlesTngt" invl- R on Indicated he has an agree- tnsrph. a junior *1 WMdbridge High, and hi*;tatlo.is and reservaUons Mrs work round-the-clock' shifts. ment with the mayor for the • le.ivini; next week for a monlh'i vacation at ReBi ent fOr "Older men", the new police IstacS; program bookie ' """' if* ,^^ !holder are. mentioned ttw payment of a specific amount i ikr. MinnrsoU. . . . Many a parent U luppy 'Rogoff. and refreshments' Mr ;momo"ththss before h wa rattde head went on, "will be trans- Mrs " « i, 'Middlesex County has done to be paid ln Installment, the Jl tliov Krijuatlon partle* are mrfr. . . . Saw ""• :platoon sergeant. Thw was more Jor tne atat of N 3 ferred to radar." 1 first of which is reputed to t» u.T thr uihrr day on hla way to a fUhinj trip, iwhile he was an old 19 years "Previously so many men sey than any other county. "W (3,000. Mr. Bean told the re- Ik in; i of age. were working days, that the imini- h.id a rifar bot U brinf hit flib horn? m. have the finest park system porter, who interviewed him by j As a platoon sergeant, he radio cars could not be manned fSouth Ambovan Hurt best county roads and count; properly", Chief Lauritzen telephone that to date he has '.'•'•• uur man with ttie remarkable memnry for 'trained men who were as oldhospitals In the State and thi 39 stated. received no money." • • • aud dates telltf u* of the historic back- In (Mr-Truck ('rmh^ - According to Sgt. Parker, finest vocational school system He indicated he is waiting Mr. Hartnett went on to say >' ...It water Uffy got Its name. Back in 1883. almost 80 per cent of the menIn the United States," he stated. MRS. PAUL R. BERGMUELLER the results of the Civil Service the reporter called him and ha a_ younKg „_ma„n ,._nameOT.Ud „,„,David„ ulmBradleK y WOODBFUDOE — A South he trained ln Daslc were older He informed the committee referred him to the chairman stand on the old boardwalk In Atlantic lfV'"'joy nun recelV(1d serlousithan he. He said that many examinations on captains and that there will be a large addi- lieutenants, before deciding of the finance committee and twwo .itenstemt abovwbove sanandd level One night ' .injurip.; s when the car he [[o f them had pprio r service but tion and morice equipmenvt aai twi the e then concluded the letter by wtt dr lving struck thp rear otlthat he never had mj trouble how many new men he will elbsed hta rtand. a very generous tide l *1 . on OrMn Street s wlth anyone because he re Roosevelt Hospital to take care California Girl Bride recommend for appointment to saying he had reported "thi v surff whichihh aprayed li u whIUhI ' churh n over ifjffjf 1"* on OrMn Stree^t ""swlt| h anyone because he re"" of chest diseases. At the close facts" to the Director of Local both ca and truck were about spected them and they respect- the force. nt un(] ever so allihtly dampened his stock of his address, Mr. Warren, Government. to enter Route 9 "I do not believe in appoint- '•'•• socialized In Uffy. off Green ed him. who has been reelected to office Saved «35,00a Street, yesterday The young sergeant was an Of Rev. P. R. Bergmuellerments for appointment sake", • • • » more than any other public of- he commented. Mayor Walter Zirpolo yes- "'"nun, Mr. Bradley waa dlanarH to find hl» Robert D. Waitt 20, Ferry acting sergeant for four months ficial in the State, spoke high- AVENEL — At a candleligh The couple will make their terday said that be and Com* before he actually attained the • ill »r| and needle* U tar DC op«nrd his itand Place. South Amboy, wa.s taken ly of the local candidate for theservice at the Pittsburgh wme in Wheeling, West Vir- ATTEND CONFERENCE mltteeman Robert Vogel, fl« to the Perth Amboy General rank. In November of last year, << I'limiir. HHi flrtt customer, a Uttl* Kirl. aiked Township Committee, Jack Pay. logical Seminary Chapel, Juni inla. WOODBRIDGE — William nance chairman, called in tht (l at the ripe old age of 20 years "v Thr ihop owner amrcattl«aUj Inrlinrd but Hospital where he was treated Mr. Pay explained, to the 16, Miss Myrna Rebecca Put Chaney and Victor Katen, consultant the early part of two months, be was a sergeant. A graduate of Warren Wilson • miiMdual'uld -Tou mean Salt Water Taffy, for a iwSsible cerebral concus- group why he accepted the mun, daughter of Mi. and Mn Township Assessors, attended a|January that the consult- College and Richmond Profes- H^ * rriinrldrneti Brmdler'i tbter awl mother 'slon and possible chest injuries. The youngest sergeant atlnomination for the Township Jewel Putnam, Redondo Beach Conference for Assessing Offi- ant has already saved tt». iHls cur had to be t T wn hl ii' n nurk UU* the mother repeated thr rtmark Fort Dix, Sgt. Parker plans on Committee. He said he felt that Cal. became the bride of Pau ional Institute of College of cers at Rutgers UniveraIty"iast| <> » ? 136,000. The driver of making the Army his career. the Democratic party in Wood- "We found we were prfying ">itu*v> Broiowakl, and her ton, Kenneth, Cxr- Eanza. and her elbow lengtl -at — at work correcting some of the lalned, Sunday at the Avenel told Mr. Bean if he could save ' "tin* a thru-month Taettlon in Italy. bouffant veil extended from drainage and witer problems in 'resbyterian Church and will SON IS BORN money for us, then we would this area. Work Is progressing crown of Swedish pearls. .erve as minister of the Second discuss it. I believe the matter irk-end. at the 108th Annual Meeting of COLONlAt — A son was born very rapidly on the first big Miss Judith Ann Kaufman Presbyterian Church, Wheeling, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles will come up at caucus to- !':<*•> Association, of which this newspaper Mercury Federal Savings & Loan drainage project ih the Morn- Pittsburgh^ was maid of honor Vest Virginia. jSchwenzer, Jr., 180 South Hill night." ' i^i.-liers and staffers from all over the state lngside Road, Lancaster Drive, Bridesmaids were Mrs. Georg. Road, on Friday at the Rahway The mayor said as yet no - it. llnhtful Essex & Sussex Hotel in Spring and Jordan Hotid area. He also Putnam, North Carolina, ant )N DEAN'S LIST Memorial Hospital. fee has been paid Mr. pean. '•i-itum fun and work weekend. It started announced that about twenty- Mrs. Dennis Putnam, Norti WOODBRIDGE—MlsB Edith 11 with a recepUon at the Monmouth Park 1000 five of the more frequently Carolina, sisters-in-law of thi losenblum, daughter of Mr. '•AO of our young ladle* who were making traveled roads will be resur- bride. tnd Mrs. Isadora Rosenblum '<) the track almost hit the Dally Double Serving as beat man wa ilgh Street, on the Dean'i •'1 3 und 6 because of feminine intuition faced before September 15. Mr. : (l Kilgallin said this planning and John N. Crock, Pittsburgh Jst at Simmons College, * Puy off The evening session with Qov- FREE SCHOOL'S OUT! progress is part of the big Zir-Ushers were Daniel Duerksen an, Mass. Miss Rosenblum w: h Hughes and Merrlman 8mlth, veteran polo administration permanent Ohio, and Richard Grant, Pa. inter college next year as a "'"••ipundent, the honored guests produced II improvement program. nephew of the bridegroom. unlor. STOCK YOUR FREEZER ;ih tlu-|aov. "roasted" the Press, and Smith ht'»t" on tht Oovernor. 8mlth In kidding PLAID STAMPS BUY BY THE DOZEN 'Juxt hk ten fchlldren laid, "The Ooventor "s represent a new trend in government with every transfer ot an account of $100.00 SAVE! "wde. their own constituents." or mure to our office. Limited time only. • • . T Woodbridge Car Wash who decide* when Men PreiideiktUI ^Iliilll I br brouint to a eloee. kidded each political Mil! »liilr Niion to oat In California trytnf to By MARIA DIXIE CUPS 1 500 """ Summer Special! in i. row, Teddy b ninnhif afalnit Eddie in •O TUB summer camp." He aald this b known as RESCUE '.iMiir ><> Wuhlncton where each political party If sun, sand 1 FREE "1 'K U|l dirt" against the other. . . . Where thr and witer ue N I,,) jour dUb In >lll,,|ls FLYING SAUCERS c HHle old dowaren are "Hey Kennedy YOUR CAR 1.00 tlBliii, a ">' y witch dart. In the basement at Kennedy'* load wit will enable you to and downtown and teU their atoeki. He PLAID STAMPS enjoy them to would, alwajn refer to the expense tha f u 11 w t. '"•'"'i-ix to anyone opening a • Too can plat TRUE FRUIT FLAVOR Nhi "• l*re»ltlentlal yacht and how Ha«erty WASHED FOR I all] d», ing b«»t" and finally In exasperation called lUU look Ilk* V" al ,„ With every car wash you will receive f discount M prMin cons both. Now that the Beiubllc»n» tru« ln tha evening. And, jou bfllnnln. h> refer to "Uvbh partial card entitling you to a 2nd car wash; for $1.00. have a big choice in color and Idential yadht!" That'i Waahlnfton. $50 Card must be presented within 10 days of issue •tylu You mlibt like a com of 11(1 jour own halt or K>metMh| «»od newi for ihe new»papen when h* quite different ICES and SHERBETS and Is good any day on any car. Closed Mondays. '•'•' .'»Vorably dlipoaed" towards a bill now -at- If jou don't hate a wl», a com- forUWo, u to treat jour hair. Make jour $ » Oubllc senranU" oeeasionally prevent WOODBRIDGE I'HI,,. appointment at Marla'i Balr »i x«-rin,[, Mercury Federal Savings ML+4333 Paililon, (21 Weit Avenue, Port IOUMATY Beadlnc Phono MX I-70H. 12 for 1°° ?KO9. and August, There .will be no and LOAN ASSOCIATION mm PM7, Sunday School and the nursery MARIA'S ""- res will, be open only during the HOURS PRIDE Hair Fashion ANDY'S (Carvel) D. 10:18 service. Open Dally IN A "' the Pir* HA8 TO WALK 0:00 to 4:M 824 West Avenue 'imi-ch. am tn- WOODBrUDOE — Mm Irene Port Reading Friday CRR wm 4 By Appointment Only DARI - FREEZE Store to _ begin reported to police Monday that TEL. UE 4-1050 1075 St. George Ave., Colonia FU 1-9292 her «on'« bicycle had been 117 Main Street, Woodbridfce Cloted Wednetoiji "" *'rvi(vb wlllistQJwi from the Drug F»ir Jn 11<1H) iSSU NOW gT*RTlNQ lii IM M Inmuu Avenue, She valued It l Renewal for Main Street 'WITH LAOTIANS OF LOVE'—KHRUSHCHEV Report horn Washington , Woodbrldge merchants had their would hesitate to locate here at pres- to tk* hopes revived last weekjjrhen Mayor ent. Appropriations Committee \!,i%k\ .. Zirpolo said he will do his best to help The merchants are hopeful they will 'renew the Main Street business sec- be able to arrange a meeting with the Says Millions Saved In Fiscal if tion. (This letter, addressed to the Town Committee in the very near Bj Wei Hiyden Clear implicat:..., Board of Edncntton, was sent •Km i The local businessmen at this point future and reach an agreement on one which govmm to us with thr request it be Washington, DC — One of feel the Redevelopment Agency did what can be done to revitalize Main privately admit to printed.) the most intriguing stories on is that exports them a disservice when that body re- Capitol Hill at tne moment, and Street. Board of Education fron, this conn: , leased a report advocating a new shop- WoodbridRC N. J. one that apparently escaped markets arc If something Is going to be done to Drar Sirs: puollc notice, concerns the way undei the preset t : ping center in the clay pit area. At The Executive Board of tne In which Congress managed to whereby this c, , •'•••it remedy the situation, it had better be Iselln Junior IIlRh School Par- :i • present there Is a number of empty save $400 million this year by 8'i cent per "'••I accomplished now. •nt-Teacl'cr Association would the simple expedient of re- Pom.i Stores on Main Street and the senti- the Board off EEdud - export cotton in , ment Is, that with the release of the Talking never aided a patient. Only likr to m fusing to be stamped Into tain the pritv cation to speed the very much action. United States'',.. "report, any prospective merchant the right medication can affect a cure. needed construction of the new The incident, recounted to the lower works Senior HIRII Prhool as much as1 this column by an influential possible. Rnpld progress on the, member o( the House Appro- building programs already ap- Additional fm „ Board of Education Budget priations Committee, hinges on tent of textile in,,,, proved will make the passage of A supplemental appropriations future procrnms very much lated to offset u ;, The Board of Education has finally Salary cuts are difficult in face of request submitted last March ferentlal—ttuis •*-,, 1 easier. by the Administration. adopted its 1962-63 budget, indicating the fact that surrounding communi- So much has been written to S. cottdn loss The figure asked was about foreign buyers i) • cuts of $220,000 In appropriations and ties are offering higher salaries to and about the Board of Educa- liU tion that we would like to ex- $450 million, an amount repre- case and could nr use of an additional $80,000 of surplus, wean away top teachers from other press our appreciation to the sented as being absolutely es- volume even i>,,'. ' ard J. Hughes and other top mirs truly. to bring about better understanding The Independent-Leader pledges to as well as the generations have provided and use of these explosives re- while you we if an emergency year-old mind- of :\ , school facilities for children re-|ma:!i prohibited under the. New i.rcn.LE CARLE Is real or Imagined." —Los Angeles Ti::.- between nations. Students from other Start the fund With a $100 donation JUJS. Corps of Army Engineers, The Talki., are rushing to beat the mid- sldlng near schools must be Jer-ey law I Mrs. Peter Carle! lands —as one of the exchange stu- from the paper's charity fund. Secretary A statistic contained in th( It is estimated :';.,• A-J August deadline to prevent flexible to prevent racial dis- The Governor did not con- most recent Commodity Credit further possible damage to the crimination in New Jersey. sul' experts on grown-ups to! Dear Mayor Zirpolo now has seventh-: < Corporation status, report hints dialects, not row.".::; •; New Jersey coast. Both Governor Richard J. find out the effect of the noise In behalf of the Post Com- at one of the reasons the U.B. of rap pistol on the Jaded Hollywood-British Punishment for Vandalism Particularly, Governor Hughes and Dr. Frederick M. mandrr and members of Col- Tariff Commission may decide ftaubinger, State Commissioner nei.es of Pop and Mom. Hughes and State Conservation onia Memorial Post 60fil, Vet- against recommending new fees Reason Knmirh Good police work resulted in the parents will begin to ask questions Commissioner H. Mat Adams, of Education, have endorsed] FAIRS:— New Jersey will be erans of Foreign Wars, Colonla, Pretty Stenoc - W ? this stand. The decision is in- the locale of twenty agricultur- on the cotton content of textile apprehension of the teenagers who are when their boys stay out to all hours of |are anxious for Congress to N. J. I have been requested to!^nort/to""thls country. big Idea of your wo:.:,: • tended to provide a guideline al fairs starting this week-end alleged to have caused the senseless the night. There wi:l be closer super- pass S-543, which authortaes send you this letter. That .statistic shows the 10 hours a d.-.v 1 v Secretary of the Interior Stuart for local boards of education ar.d all are designed to exhibit During the Memorial think of it. You k!v.v •<' vision which is sorely needed in many disturbed by radiil problems. amount of surplus cotton either damage at Avenel School last week. C. Udall to distribute $25,000,- products of farms, orchards^Parade In Woocibrldqe Town- under povernment loan or in code said. Paradoxically, the neighbor- and gardens. homes. 000 to purchase seacoast prop- ship on May 30. 1962 It was inventory is just about double Equally Pretty Cav..' ' Now that the culprit* have been erties to make way for the con- hood school principle was first The fair season will get un- noticed by members or this didn't think ol:-. m> v:: In matters of vandalism, it would be designed to forestall racial dis- derway on June 30 with a one- 1 the amount now that It was a caught, It is hoped the Board of Edu- struction of a continuous pro- Post and- other people of this year ago. the boss who t-.miRht r a good idea if we were permitted to tective dune line to hold back crimination, but in recent years day Bergen County 4-H Fair to Township, the lack of respect cation will invoke the law which per- tne high tides at storm time. certain city neighborhoods have be held at Paramus. The clos- shown to our Nations Colors by publish the names of teenagers in- become predoininently Negro ing event of the year will be 'mits that body to collect the damages The Governor believes New the majority of the uniformed\ volved. Perhaps more than anything As a result, schools in such the New Jersey State Fair atjmen and citizens of our corn- from the parents. Jersey's $6,000,000 cost of ac- areas have become predomln- Trenton, from September ! else, the glare of unfavorable publicity quiring real estate to make way 15 munity, ently all-Negro schools. to 23. 130 Years of Service would tend to eliminate destruction for the high dunes along 17 It seems that In times like If an example is set—it always hurts 1 The Cape May County 4-H miles of seaboard in Cape May, The United States Supreme these we all should be proud, when the pocketbook is touched — of public and private property. Court has ruled Negro children™1' wi!1 be hM at CaP« Mav to show our pride and respect to oar Customers Atlantic and Ocean counties, urt Hoiue Irom Ju] could be paid from the $25.- should not be required to at- °° y W to 21 to the flag of our great nation tend an all-Negro public school and the Monmouth County 4-H and show to It, its due courtes- 000,000 earmarked for such a !W] wU> be hfM at The Arrival of Summer Th'mfor7ltia"thVdutj"oMocal| :h Freeholds. purpose In the bill before Con- at the Kilme timp Tne gress. Beaches are boards of education to reformi Cumber-I Enclosed please note our The time for the Summer solstice Therefore, even though the land County Fair will be flag 11 etl- T. L. WATSON & CO. -has arrived. This arrives midway be- day of the year is here, the hottest 7 storm and it is necessary to secure a cross-'sectlo^Trwhite: '- BridReton from July 23 to 28:quettc and the Burlington County ESTABLISHED 1831 tween the Spring and Fall equinox, . period of the year is yet before us, :Construct the protective dunes and Negro children. Yours truly. Farm Pair will get underway at Donald D. Jacques when the twenty-four hour day is Summer should bring with it many on new land which is private new Lumbcrton from July 26 to 28 property Property owners must guide line extended to such Post Adjutant The Ocean County .Pair at Colonia Memorial MONROE A. WE1ANT exactly half day and hah" night. thoughts. It means vacation-time to bt paid and the dunes con- local boards states, however,:Ukewood m launch ex- structed before the hurricane Post VFW /This year the first day of Summer many students, and it means short {positions for Aupust and will! Resident P»rtnn season washes away incomplete ^should be eliminated "so joe held on the 1st and 2nd Editor begins today, and Summer will last vacation periods to many adults. dunes. possible consistently with MEMBER NEW YOB& AND 4-HlIndependent-Leader until September 23rd, which is the In this connection, safe driving Engineers are now working at|resard for physical and eco-jp^ "£"£" held "at" Clayton AMERICAN STOCK KXCHAMiF* noml 1 It Is interesting to r.ote that first day of Autumn. The hottest days should be stressed. Actually, conditions Sea Isle City, Strathmere and| c factors. jtrom AuRust 1 to 3. The Pas- the "we've got to save money" of the year will probably come—if the for driving are bettei in the Summer JULY 4th:— Toy cap guns andisaic County 4-H Pair will beitype of government of Mr. Zir- Perth Amkiy Natloial Bsik Building aps of limited explosive con-| ield at Preakncss from August polo calls for the Increase of At the 6 C«MM Bl I-«50 weather follows the traditional pattern than at any other time of the year. ings, mostly private homes, in tent may be fired by Junior to 4 and the Camden County;$4,000 for the new "better •—after the longest daylight day of the There is more light, no ice on the roads Sea Isle City; 28 in Strathmere cowboys in New Jersey on July -H Fair will be a feature at!qualified" (but no relative) a rura year. except in unusually high locations, and 48 buildings, including tw«j4 this year. Lakeland on August 3 and 4. form of business administrator motfls, In Brigantine. Thty are Governs Richard J. Hughes The Middlesex Comity Fair (Continued on Page 16) . This is true, usually, because the and motorists generally enjoy safer paying $5,000 a day to rent the has signed such a bill Into law will be held at East Brunswick jarth stores up heat in the period driving conditions Yet holiday acci- heavy equipment to build the to permit New Jersey to con- rom August 1 to 11 while the , . j „ , ...... ,,i idunes and will not toleiate any!form with the July 4th practice iussex County Farm and Horse jvhen the sun shines longest. By July dents annually take a terrible toll/on (delay in removing the/summer of 40 other-states. The new Show will be held at Branch-j , and August the earth has stored up homes in the way. law b in accord with the Model Hie from August 7 to 11. ' the nation's highway?. The measure carrying the State Fireworks Law proposed Other fairs Include: Salem •great quantities of heat and is likely To make this Sjjimmer different $25,000,000 appropriation has|by the National Fire Protection County Pair, Cowtown, August! ;to register temperatures which exceed from others in the ^>ast, drive safely been adopted by the U. S. Sen- Association. -10; Essex County 4-H Pair,' those of days which were actually ate and hearings by a sub-com- Governor Hughes believe* Caldwell, and Mercer County on your trips to the mountains, lakes mittee of the Interior and in- that toy guns may be used in Partners Picnic and 4-H Show, longer in sunlight, which occurred and beaches; and reduce the death sular Affairs Committee have complete safety by children Trenton, on August 10 and 11; back in June. rate, which might include you. been completed. Particularly, iBased on ether information re- Warren County Farmers Fair, Hughes la anxious for all New ceived from child experts, the Harmony, August 15 to 18; Jersey congressmen to get be- Governor said the shooting of Somerset County 4-H Fair at 5 County Spending More for Personal Services hind the measure bpt is having caps channels the aggressions|Far Hills and Atlantic County difficult? i with two of the pea- of childhood along controllable 4-H Fair, Egg Harbor, from, \ Budgeted "personal service" costs of County-by-county tabulations loom- shorj e congressmen, lines. August 18 to 1»; Morris County1 3county government in New Jersey this piled by the New Jersey Taxpayer^ As- Howevar. both promise to Approval of the measure Fair, Troj Hills, August 18 to vote for be bill if it will help however, should not be mis- 25; and Plemington Fair, Au- ]SJreaf top the $100 million level. sociation show that in Middlesex Coun- New Jersey. construed to imply approval of gust 28 to Stptember 3, Hi: ty 1962 budgeted personal service ap- INJURIES:— Last year in New THE ROCKET'S RED GLARE * Budgets of the 21 counties for 1962 propriations'total $5,986,901. This is Jersey accidents were the fifthj| I "Tkt rocket's iti gkrt" of TM GLAMOR GIRLS leading cause of death, the Uotd.1 $104,091,792 for salaries and a 9.1% Increase compared with similar State Department of Health Star Spangled Baniitr has toartd on images, as well as other forms of com- 1961 expenditures of $5,488,837. ireports. There were 2,247 acci- pensation and certain "fringe bene- dental deaths reported to the to become the missile'* fiJty thrutt The figures are compiled from offi- department. fits" for county employees. The 1962 cial records by the Taxpayers Associ- Injuries in. the United States into tpace. Wt move on to timti jdgets for personal service compared ation for inclusion in its annual ref- each year that require the \}c- dmanding more technical tkiU ith actual 1P61 expenditures of $95,- erence work, "Financial Statistics of tlm to go U) bed exceed 10,- 000,000 and! 1,700,000 require I end diplomatic ttrtngth. On Ihit 59,356—an increase of approximately New Jersey Local Government," to be hospitalizatlon. per cent. published in the fall. To help reduce the problem, My ith, Ift til remember tht eoiteepd e State Department of Health has borrowed Henry Young, of frtedm put down in from US. Public Health Serv- ice. Hli job will be to Initiate, Tht Declaration of Indtfiendtnct. expand, guide, and coordinate accident prevention activities of the department w|Ui similar, (Eartmt $ activities by other groups. Clurlei Edwrn Grcfor; — November 27, 1984 - December 10, 1961 JERSEY JIGSAW;- Governor Richard J. Hughes it trying to Woodbridg tbt Udfp«Bd«nt-U«d«r (Kdlioii-roidi B*aeon) pukUih«4 wetUr keep State Highway Conunts- rf on Tfcundaj 1M A.M. — n Oratn Itratt, Woodbridie, N. /• lioaer Dwight R. Q. Palmer and TIM Cirttrtt fttu pukUfhed WNklf «n ftldtj 7:M kM. - HI State Conservation CommU HooMttlt Avtnut. CirWret, A. J. slon^r H. Mat Adams in his National Bai TdtpbQDt: Woo4l»rid(c, MB Mill - Cutortt, U I-MH cabinet ai long as he can. . . . YVOODBBIDGE PDBLI8HING COMPANY Betting at the Garden State Lawrenoa F. Campion, Pmident A TnMorer Park race track near Camden this spring wai off five per cent •uncflpuou Kitci — bj Curtn 10o t*t Copj .... Governor Richard J. MAIN OI'FICE I«M 111 MMlkl V*M P»J»bU 1B idfuie* — WMlt mtil U «*aih Hughe* 1* now a permanent I8ELIN OFFICE resident of Princeton as he has Cor, Moor* Ave. and Berry St. im Oak Tre« Roa4 sold nil Trenton home to a WOODBKIDGE, N. i. nalgbbqr. .. . Former duvernor ISEUN, N. J. "The boss got bored with putting prtotiM tnd took Robert B. Meyner has been a Member: Federal Betem 1 * full swing!," (Continued on Page 16) and Federal U"" """ PAQE THIRTEEN School 22 iinounces Local Bank Lists A wards Day Open House Dotmld C. Whlt- ,,,„!, Hrtiool 24, atl- Is Success 1 ( h,,n,i, mil for tin On Saturday ,1 ilic fiflli C<)I/)NIA — Al the closing iissi-niWy held at School 22, scv- cm ONIA — aiddif B. .[, Mlllfr. teiirlier: crul awards were pi-esnited to I)H\;IU.':I Ji . president of the \1 •irtrnrrt Bonoinolo, IstiindlriK students. Scholar- ii'V,\ formed First Bank of . .nrtni Y',-y-f. William ip citations were presented to 'i < urmiMincpd today that c followinK .sixth Krndcrs: iip-ti ti.''.i5.- win V held «t the \v ililiuiin, teiwh- Krlc Pascal, JnniMtc atoll imi'k nt th» intrnwtloh of In- ,, nut (Irlrr, Oury •u-ri Baron, Drborah Cohen m.i-i »•(! Amhrr»t Avenues. In Hrrrlrk, Donnld 1 ,., iMikniMkl, flta- urcla Pelst and Howard th>> fo". .p'» ShooptiM On T, i MI KiilkcitBtern, reschcr. Sr •:!('iv frnm 10 A. M. until ,,ln Kuril-*, Konti iiun Jnrquellne .lane Kleinrr and Vincent SP M stnfthi, DenlM hmidt were citfd for out- Of!':r!a'i!iK »t the own hoil!» indiiiK growth In Improved will r-" Miv Ne»- Jersev of 19W. Mr, Hmi marten, holnrship. Citizenship clta- Ki. Bwwnne Preltv. rwrt Oronri* E Mnfek. ,,,,.• imvl». Vulfrie )iis for service to School 22 ramd.-n. will bf makinf her 11.,-tiiiini, CAtltftrtna •ie presented to Short Baron flr lit the open ,,. I'C I'nlrlrlti Wlllln, id Janette Stoll. Silver med- Mivi Hl/./UtO, ttU were presented to Erici Mis5 Mkhck will welcome ,;l Kurri) KlmbBll, nsca! and Howard Drescher visitor* »nd present them .with I r the highest gi-neral aver- buoy orchids ii'i Fftruccl. ronmirs. tfarh cs of boys and Rirls O'tVe and cake will be served .iirliin Mnlonty, A play, "The Emperor's New nnd punch will be available to lothes," was presented and thp chUdrm who will also be p inched by Mrs. Vera Mfu»ee. Micimfl Klflmnn, Khrn '.ollvpops and bclloona. ]|»irl. Inn Clrf The cast included: Adults win also reeelTe tree ,,iyiT Jlltiltll Rlt- David Jost, Richnrci Urdang, Rifts liehnel Rosenbaum, Joseph The bank will be officially luscollno,, Carl Ont.heil, Gary be ojvn for business on Mon- I'i'.i!, Tlioma upidus, Marie Ouarino, Joy drty. Julv 2. Mr. Davidson de- ovak, Judith Thaler, nnd clared iu, leuclirr my Schneider. Hii^, Bar- llnhrrinan, Included in the musical part Mnwlmlno, f the program were: , ,ruii Hnthmnn, FAMILY s HAPPY: R,,. Harold I, Rounds, former Isclln resident »nd nnrlyordainrd min- 1th Ward GOP t Ki'.'.l l.'Ml. JlltlN Cheryl Curtis, "God Bless merica" In Spanish: Andrea / Tr ^^ 'I 8t th'» at the First Pmhvtrri.n li A;iilii". lenrher Chureh of ; Caraffa, "Moonbeams'; Kathy M •.r 1 r111 ThnmM. Friday nUht. Standing next to Kev. Round, »e daughters Patricia Ann To be Club Host •iRBS, "The Battle Hymn of the and Donna, and his wife, Ruth. epubllc." Ronnie K?sten- ISELIN- The 4th Ward Re publican Club will be host at 1U riflh aum played piano selections. The orchestra also enter- September 20th meeting to an Harold Rounds Ordained the GOP Townsrtp dubs. Quest "" «»"' Twin County of the Children's ained during the final tribute r Wtlllum lll¥ runctinn U r speaker will be Mayor F. Ed- Dlntie Yr- and o the sixth graders and intro- ° '* > «^ uced the different Instmrnents ward Biertuempfl, Union, l nia Sh n with so o the third graders. Into Ministry at Iselin Other speakers, all Republi- can Township Committee can- I.trrU. Clmrlrs T v ° °" Orchestra members who par dilates, will be: , :.wi. Htnn>r. and Mrs. <;fnr /.irpnlo. rolonla. Mrs Sami]p| R icipated in the program were ISELIN — Harold L. Rounds, cation engineer for the Catl- ir.Iinnv. Uml« Mr.. Robrrt Scnlt. Scotch Plains. Over ISO quests attended from Middles and Violinists, Michelle Doerr, former resident of Iselin, was ornia Oil Co., Perth Amboy William Gyenes. First Wart; rrn, Virginia 1 Mrs Ruth Jago, Second Ward; .ii Jacqueline I'nion (ounllrs, 'aula Rosenthal, Bruce 8elz irdained into the Christian and Montclair, for eight years' .(fill. Denlw lick: cello, Peter Albano. Rob Ministry Friday night, at First before entering Princeton Theo- 'Elbur Richards, Third Ward; resbyterian Church of Iselin. logical Seminary in 1959, He is iMrs. Helen E. Schreiber, Fourth B«iuiii!«rten. rt Coyne; clarinets, Dennii Township Couple Wed Herman, John Parvin, Nea The service of ordination was married to the former Ruth {Ward; Joseph Wisniew&U, •lull. Vulrrlf Revcr. Joseph Rost'nblum :onducted by the Rev. Douglas Spohn, Cranford, and they have .Fifth Ward. '.!i//rii, Rlrky :. Bartlett, presiding moderator I Mrs. Rose Perillard, program - ^T» C«rolyn Steven Savage, Howard Schutz- two children, Donna and Patri- ,v :<. Drlximh. man, Mark Slotnick, Richari sr the Elizabeth Presbytery and cia Ann. chairman, di&dussed the club's i In St. Cecelia's Church minister, Grant Avenue Presby- : forthcoming "Wia. Ptrty" to Urdang; flute, Susan Sheffield The family joined the Iselin KJ.'/IUO. tft^h-l saxophones, Daniel Kline, How- terian Church, Plainfield. be held August 8 (rain date K.irm Klmhilli ISELIN— Mi*s Ban icia Mar- 968 Jaai.'s Avenue, Rahwny Presbyterian Church in 1955 August 10) at the Woodbridge ard Pierce, William Thall Rev. Dr. Donald MacLeod Somers, daughter of Mr She wn.s graduated from Wood- where both the new minister Swim Club She also announced : rumpets, Donald Boyken, Rob |Professor of Homiletics, Prince- •«nnor», u»rh- Riid Mti James Bomers. 31 Ed- b:;dKo Huh School and is sec-1 and his wife were very active the annual picnic is set tor nrd 8ln>et berame th irt Crystal, Stephen Donnelly .on Theological Seminary He was Ruling Elder. Clerk o: \~>Ma carh« * t" bride r>-Mry at the Hillside National' Clark Kashmaier, Jeffre; September 9 at Grove 2, Mer- inn Bi!. Jun»,of Joseph John MfCormack. B.mk. preached the sermon "Living Session, Church School teacher Irill Park. Tickets may be pur- Kunkes, Alan Victorine; per Your Religion". Others partici- and headed several importan in,i (i.-^oniii-'son of Mr. and Mrs Chisiopher Her husband, a i:rnduiite of Mission, William Gliet, Rand: 'chased from members of th* Jlia"|i' mt"nJMcCormark. Colonla, Saturday the Middlesex County Voca- pating in the service were Rev committees. He was also elect •club or at the affairs. Mrs. Wilson; trombones, Davi Roger D. Sidener, First Presby- MISS FIIYIXIS IIAYDEN afternoon In St. Cecelia's tioiul and Technical Hinh ed as Elder Commissioner tc ! Vincent D'Andrea and Mrs. Meltz, Kevin McDonald, am terian Church of Iselin, wh Church. Schnlo, Perth Amboy, is em- the General Assembly of the! wr^mnn \i- John McMurray are ticket, o©« K.kr Tlunu piano, Sheri Baron. gave the call to worship; Rev.j and Mrs. luvtd DV A:d Presbyterian Church for one; George Hayden, 13 Desbon ;Chalrmen. -,'k i rharl«n« The Rev Evauo DeMarcellis u Product* Co.. William Clasen, the Holy Spirit Iwlm Books were presented to th year during this time. Avenue, Bronxville, N. Y., The annual municipal dinner it. the double rint: school library by the volunte Lutheran Church, Cortland, N. ceremony. Y., the scripture reading; Rev. library staff at a smorgasbor^ y 1 of thelr i J u 1 i a n Alexander, Willow« in H™.™H n. ™.i,,. 1 w" daughter, October 20 at the Bel Airt : luncheon held in their hono lived in Hopewell. He received itvrh'iri' D,',omi>»i!;by her father wore a sown of Grove Presbyterian Church, Phyllis, to Kenneth Boice Manor, Perth Amboy. "Coffee L Library service certificate we: his Bachelor of Divinity .n. n»:r. Kv.udHn, milk ordganw and lace Her 100-bp Bike Scotch Plains, who led the McCain, Jr., Syracuse, N. V., ^latches" and card parties will presented to: on June 5. They are moving to ... K'™, w'l^T1110' veil wu elbow length and she prayers; and Rev. William G. son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth be during the coming months Mrs, Witt, Mrs. Chudobi |Onandaga Hill, N. Y., where • rvApo:n,> :»»oh«:jearrled row* and stephanotts. Tolley, Bryn Mawr Park Pres- Boice McCain, 65 North Hill to give all voters an opportW}- Race Scheduled Mrs. Dorothy White, Mrs. G Mr. Rounds has been called to Rosemurle A. Fanari byterian Church, Yonkers, N. Road, Colonla. ity to meet the candidates. lina Gainer, Mrs. Georgia A be pastor of the Onandaga Hill 1 Y., who gave the charge to the Miss Hayden holds a B.S.. '•<.- K..«, ,«,„„• Mary Ann Oslekl. IstlinJf* ^K" *ri j^/,.'^5 IN HAWAII: Miss Roseraarielen, Mrs. Dorothy Dipperl: Presbyterian Church. ordained. Rev. Rounds said the degree in Nursing from Hart- TWO PARTIES rs. Josephine Cuzzo, Mrs ISEUN — George . Beverldge, p benediction and a reception MOTHERS DONATE wick College, Oneonta, N. Y., jKathk«n Somm. Iselin Carol ,„,_,...„„, frnm „ lo ,,, and Mrs. Rocco Fazzari, 108 hirley Forman, Mrs. Shirle; tomo!row from 8 t0 was held in Fellowship Hall of and is employed by the Mary Worth Street, son of Mr. and , i8©mM». Clark, cousins of the ™'°, ": rh , „.,„,, K d h COLON1A — A donation LWK tsMM.KSARY ihrtr«— v.»hu.. v«^.,^« »„,» P- M in Our Lady of i/iurdes l"lln "ji"1" n< .' . . _ arum, Mrs, Dtoorhy Barbei Imogene Basset Hospital, 'Mrs. George Beveridge, WW bride; Kathleen Yonone and ceived the church. Hall Music will be furnished » Bachelor of Arts De- tfrs. Paula Berman, Mrs. Sy amounting to one day's care Coonerstown, N. Y honored at two parties to mark Mrs. Rglna Be»l. both of Irflln. The by a live band and refresh- «ree clir"er tnis month from ia Lapidus, Mrs, Barbara Gar- Mr. Rounds was born in was given to the Richard Ober- a -••4 East Warrenl(lower girl wu Kawn Doir.i- ,. . ! Trenton State Colleee, left jikel, Mrs. Florence Kasoff, Syracuse, N. Y., and was raised dick fund by the Mothers' As- . McCain is a graduate celia'"s Gramma™ ^wr Schooli. Ofth m l)Ui scn pd of hutgers Preparatory School •n a surprise hach, Linden, mecf of the Sunday for Hawaii where rs. June Morrison, Mrs. Carolyn both Syracuse and Roches- Jsociation of Colonia, At a meet- Thursday, the night of gradua- m blkt lace and holds a B.S. degree in t:. pai-iv at Po»-ibridegroom ' she will study at the Univer- ohen, Mrs. Carol Asman, 'Mrs. ter. He served a year in the Airing at the VFW hall, plans were tion, guests were Mr. and Mr* th; CYO. will be Metallurgical Engineering :n. Via Itane B«Bestt mman wnt> Anthony y Hawa for th um- usan Thaler, Mrs. Miriam Corps during World War n and made for a card party, Septem- Ralph Qrillo and son, Carl; Mr. H-htdule of. *" °' " « * from Lafayette College. He is Hie couple wuMue.! Ronellr Park. <»u»m of iarino, Mrs. Marie Gliet, Mrs.[attended Syracuse University ber 10 at the Elizabethtown and Mrs. Joseph Forano, Mr. : events is as follow.^ mer. employed by the Crucible •:;• 21 1937 In 8t.|U» groom U&hers were Phil upon discharge. In 1949 he re. Gas Company, Rahway. Mrs. 'and Mrs. William Hassett, Mr. Sunday, July 1 from 1, to 5 On her return in Septem- atherine Hoffman, Mrs. Verna; Steel Co. of America, Syra- • :•'•. EllzatoHh.'Miele, Oolmiia; Richaid Huzar. ceived his Bachelor's Degree in Harold Barber and Mrs. Terrll and Mrs. Frank TagUareni and P. M qualifyiiiK trials. Si. Ce- ber. Miss Fazarl will teach tokoloski, Mrs. Eva Saperstein, cuse. ,<'!i by their Newark: Stanley Quidadas and Nolan are co-chairmen. Mrs. son, Frank, and Christopher t in the Woodbridife Township rs. Ruth Thompson, and MrChemica. l Engineering, and his : • • '• L>' CoRimo Jr.,|Keln MoConaack, nephew of celm v . Parking Lot. 24 qunli- James Small of Walnut Street The wedding will take place Kasper, all of Iselin, and Mr. school system. orman Burgisser. - Master's Degree in C. E. in ' > aid Di Coslmo.tthe bridegroom, both of Ellz«-i"frs t0 * was welcomed as a new mem- in November. and Mrs.. Anthony Aiello. Jer- At Trenton State College, 1951. l(l v y 4 al 2 Mr. Rounds worked as lubri- ber. sey City. Sunday, guests wer* •^"•'•'- the gueito beth. «nd John McCormaclc. *- ,'" , ,, „ .,. Miss raziarl was vice presi- rac f r ls nti • Defamation The Suit That Counts Mr. and Mrs. Aiello, Mrs. Qer* • :»«.e Festa. Ellz- brother of the brldmoom. also ^^ . [ ? _ « ; •';" lent of Omega Psl sorority •'• w J. Perth Amboy, N. J. 28 at the fair grounds. I HUUHI.0nt>ttlMM After the pony ndtis the ' LI 8-4641 HI 2-0073 children returned tu Mary The Lyons and the Sansevier (Ann's house where they con- ction Groups met Jointly with dr. and Mrs. Edward Kelly tinued the party. McLean Street, last night. The In Rahway It's GOLBLATT Jewelers eeting of the Brady Action roup wil be held tomorrow at "RAHWAY'S OLDEST ESTABLISHED JEWELRY STORE" P. M. with Mr. land Mrs, featuring ,alph Carbone, Oak *Tre« Road Expert Rev. Robert Mayer, parish assistant, is chaplain. Married • DIAMONDS Watch and ouples in the parish are en- Jewelry louraged to contact Mr, and A Guarantee Bond With Repairing tlrs. Michael Lyons, 84 Willlow Every Diamond! ALBEA LIQUORS venue, or call 548-7757 for urther information. • WATCHES by OMEGA- SANDALS... classics (or Route 27 CKONIA SHOPPING PLAZA. Co(onia HAMILTON - BULOVA - LONGINE - Etc. boys and (iris... crafted with • WEDDING and SHOWER traditional skill from fine soft n»ll Line of GIFTS leathers for that famous SAT HI-FI SETS OPEN JULY 4th IT • TRIFARI COSTUME JEWELRY Lfcty-Bonea fit, comfort and BEST RADIOS • ROGERS SILVERWARE ^m 9 A,M. to 2 P.M. With a Complete Selection of good looks 'til they're Call for flowers, blrth- TYPEWRITERS • TOURISTER LUGGAGE days anniversaries, out-frown! AND ... only 5.50! weddings, etc., to add Infanta' size 5 to miaseo' sixe 4. BEER - WINE - LIQUORS Mtra Joy to the event YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERE ,-and other tlmea to PAY AS LITTLE AS $2.00 WEEKLY ezpre&i your sympathy •'ARTY SNACKS • KEG BEER and thougtatfulneM. B» OPEN DAILY 8:30 A.M. TO « P.M. - FRIDAYS 9:SO A.M. TO 9 P.M. auured of the finest— Schwartz Shoes DELIVERY Phone MUUI GOLDBLATT JEWELERS "One of New Jersey's Finest Shoe Stores" , 84 East Cherry Street Rahway, N. J. I*. M. to 6 P. M. FU1-8989 WALSHECK'S 1519 MAIN STREET RAHWAY, N. J. Phone FU 8-1667 FLOWERS OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. 305 Amfcoy *»•• MS «•!«• PAGE FOURTEEN


14 Slntt, %»«••! MI I-MSI !

—Mr. and Mr* Oorgf Stl«-} ka.'Avene) Street, rwntly m-, joyed a vacation on the West Coast. Their elevfn days were: mostly spent viewing the World's Fair. Seattle. Wash j

They also stopped In San Fran-' :•:**•:•: elsco. Cal While In WMhing- ton, they vlslirt with Mr. and 1 LOW PRICES IHrs. Charles Slessel, Seattle, «to>w«.~ former residents of Avenel. The' Sllzlcas stayed at the Olympic Hotel In Seattle. First —Mrs. John Pirong and daughter, Kathy. Toms River, WITH HQWM SHOPPING AHEAP! gppnt five days visiting Mr. and National GIVE Mrs. John E*an. Jr.. and chil- Going Away? Whlerevec r you vacation in this area you'll find a dren, Patty1 and Mary Ellen. Geonre Street. Stores First National to save you money, serve you we —Pvt. David Zwkone. son of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Zeskone Burnett Street, haj arrived GREEN home for a fifteen-day fur- LSTAM PS, MOI TIM UTIRUY, JUKE 304. ]%: lough. He Is stationed at Fort Hood, Tex. —The family picnic sched-) tiled for last Sunday by Cub' Pack Troop 73 has been post-; The Best in Meats-Value Priced-Fully Guaranteed! poned until September, accord- Ing to announcement by Car'; nine Borzellr. chairman. ' SEMI-BONELESS SMOKED —Miss Betty Outowskl and her grandfather, Andrew MIk- kelaen. George Street, have re- GREEN turned home from vacationing ONLY ONE In Topeka, Kan., where they; STAMPS vtalted with Mr. and Mrs. An- SMALL BONE drew Mittelsen, Jr.. and fam- ^or added flavor WITH A $5 PURCHASE OR MORE ily. UMIT ONI Ptt ADWT- ClOAimiS, TOUCCO [>|j i i —Sunday the Rosary and UQUOI AMD FtfSH MILK UIMPT flOM STAMP i:n,, Altar, Societies of St Andrew's mil COUPON von ir PKHNTIO AT ANT K • Church will receive Holy Com- jtoti omit TMAN nuT NAIIONU II! munion together at the 9:30 A. M. Mass. TODAY THOU SATUIDAT, iUNf M prlcM rfhdi*. .1 ,D M.. ,,. —Mrs. John Mahon will be •w —4 MMMm *>"*• W. mm Aw right to limit c, - •,, .'.] host to the Avenel Woman's HU f*r null. Club's weekly card party at 8 IDEAL WITH ANY MEAT ... OCEAN SPRAT dtANBERRY SAUCE 2»-43< P. M. at 415 Belgrade Street, Monday. Mrs. Orlando Coppola and Mrs James Hoplar will be SKCHUMMMIK OHIO*BVB6E1 SAVE ON eo-host*.«e». •"ill ILSiMVT MNCTO Brownies 'Fly-Up' svsssuev Become Girl Scoutg Finast Brands Ovntonding valuM or* offtrtd on tlw many fine ;•;.,; SEWAREN — At an Impres- ]lb I t which proudly w«ar tht^Finatt" label. First Nation ;,; sive "fly-up" ceremony last CANNED HAM •"•• ""2.99 ROCK CORNISH week at the homt of Mrs. Har- OIUMI tUm to bt of Hw highwt quality. Noi« ':-., •:; ii •, old Perry, leader, five Brownies lb lk thty Mp low* ywr total food bill. of Troop 81 received their wings CHICKEN PARTS ^49<"~« 59' GAME HENS Q denoting the fact they have ^ BREAST BONE MMOVCD completed the requirements to FINAST become Girl Scouts. GROUND BEEF ."SffiSB * 49« 12 oz. The new Olrl Scouts, looking lizt forward to the Fall season, In- ANGEL CAKE 39 clude: Malvina Baloga, Patty Droet, Patty Lw, Erin Wilver-' START NOW-SAVE MONEY I : ding, and Virginia Zehrer. j Cash Savings Plus S&H Qreen Stamps! FINAST t i Other Brownies of the troop j " A • } L-L- 16 OI. tie: Alaine Hegedus, Nancy] mencan ^fashionshi lizt Karpockh. Clnty »Perry, and- MUSTARD 19 Trances Ryan. ' STAINLESS TABLEWARE 29 or Mothers and guests were! cam served refreshments by the I IT INTERNATIONAL SILVER CO. DEL MONTE PEACHES .* 3 83 FINAST * group. Attending were Mrs.) UNIT N.. 1 STILL AVAILAIIE UNIT NO. 1 NOW ON SMI 16 oi. John Baloga, Mrs. W. R. Lee.i 4 PC. PLACE SETTING 4 ICED DRINK SPOONS cans ; ,Mrs. John T. Wirverding, Mrs.i CREAM CORN? 29 : ChrU Zehrer, and John Baloga. WITH ANY WITH ANY 1.29 PURCHASE PURCHASE NEEDS G.O.P. SUPPORT HAWAIIAN PUNCHY 3 1.00 v In a recent news conference y~^ Frozen Food Specials ^" President Kennedy has urged Republicans to ignore party -YOT GARDEN RKL OR CRINKLE CUT labels and vote for his major REMINDER...REDEEM COUPON No. 4 1 •vi|"' proposals. 80 Extra S&H Green Stomps This Week KRAR MIRACLE WHIP -• 49 The President said that he FRENCH FRIED POTATOES needed G.0 P. votes on some is- . . . FROM THE BIG FREE COUPON STRIP SERIES OFFER sues* and has challenged Re- RECEIVED RECENTLY AT HOMES IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD • 1 publicans to adopt a nonpar- tlsan stance on' "matters of WHITE PAPER NAPKINS ~10 49 g1«at national import." He further reminded them DO IT NOW... that as a Senator he sided with former President Eisenhower on CUT OUT < Important Issues such as rais- THESE COUPONS BURRY COOKIES" rT. I'" 29 ing the debt limit. ton... PAIMS RWI0 SARAN WRAP KOSHIR DILLS only ONE c Butter & Honey 400 EXTRA 25h.roll2fcf 50f>.rol5U« M.r Sryli ruHfldUjS* | There is LICORICE CANDY —— 2 ^45< WESTCHESTER BONED CHKKEN "143c BREAD Green Stamps KEN-L-RATION DOG FOOD 2 IT 33« 1 BROADCAST CORNfO BEEF HASN UZ 39c only one WITH COUPON OFFERS LISTED BELOW CARNATIOK EVAPORATED MILK 3 r. 44* BROADCAST . ^.r^ --37c WELCOME =11111111111 6001TIRU SATURDAY, JOKE 's Finest Fresh fruits and Vegetables* THIS COUPON GOOD FOI WAGON CALJFORNU 50 S&H Green Stamps CARDINALS 29 Check This List with piirchoi. of a i 01. pkg. ol VIENNA BRAND PASTRAMI CANTALOUPES •-—, EVERY ONE FULLY MATURED ON THE VINE 2O3 RBTA PUNCH LIMIT 1 COUPON HI CUSTOMER TOPS IN FLAVOR FOR BREAKFAST OR DESSERT FREESTONE JUVTQN INSTANT TEA ^ =1111111111 mil OILY AT FIRST RATIONAL Illlill PEACHES SWEET 2-29 II jean of eipvienc* fw- BERMUDA •tfTHKAL CHOCOUH WAFERS tirlna food will In bnalneM =11111111111 GOOD TIRU SATURDAY, JUNE ud community Ufe. YELLOW 3-39. THIS COUPON OOOD FOt MA^IY CHHDREN BATH POWDER ^ 1 for Information on 4J Welcome Wafon in 50 S&H Green Stamps GtHN FLBSCHMANN/S MARGARINE ^ , with purciiat. of a i u. pkg, of STAMPS • COLONIA 100 FREE AHTI ROACH KILLER — VIENNA BRAND PARTY PtATTER Is BUY ALL YOU WANT...NO COUPON NBOfD • AVENEL iiMir 1 COUPON PEft CUSTOMER RAID HOUSE 4 6ARIEI SPRAY u ~ ~ IRONIIM BOARD onil • ISELI.N VALIiuiI lONLY IT FIRST NATIONAL •UP4C0VUMT CaU MtTALICI ME 4-0951 «4CI SIIIIIHHUOOITIRU SATURDAY. JUNE 30IIIIIIHI OOD THRU SATURDAY MOD Till tATIHAY, CUM IRAY __ THIS COUPON GOOD FOR If rou r^ild* |n 'THIS COUPON OOOO POI • WOOpBRIDCE 50 S&H Green Stamps 50 S&H Green Stamp* 50 S&H Green Simps SWANK TISSUE with purchaw of a 6 n, pkg. of • S£ WAREN k VIENNA BRAND CORNED BEEF COPLEY INSTANT COFFEE RAID FLY INSECT K1LUR tOMA BATHROOM SKOAL PACK • PORT READING LIMIT I COUPON Ml aiSTOMt* LIMIT 1 COUPON Ptt CUSTOMi- LIMIT 1 COUPON PCI CUfTOWl 6ur t FORDS OILY AT FIRST NATIONAL Illlllllll! Illlllllll mil ONLY AT FIRST NATWAL CAT FOOD 9 com * CALL 1001TWU SATURDAY, JUNE MOI TNRK myRIAT. JIIE M UTTT I0OH IUMAH

Hi THIS COUPON GOOD FOR THIS COUPON GOOD POI If THIS COUPON OOOO KM m ME 4-2759 |2oi. fl 50 S&H Creen Stamps 50 S&H Green Stamps 50 S&H Green Staans RX-A-MkRIK CARTERET «Mi pvnta* •» • 10 n. bgnU ol (-AUHAVOM i) li with purdiaM »l a 1] n. hi I iii RESIDENTS FINAST STUPfED OLIVES m SCHULER'S POTATO CHIPS FINAST BLUBBKY Nt H COtONNA CAU. mm I cou*ON rut tutioMtt LIMIT I COUPON Pit CUHOMtR LIMIT i CQUPOM m [I; RDMIIX HEAP CRUMBS 11 ME 4-9340 MIY NT PIRIT NATIONAL VALII ONLY AT FIRST NATIONAL AUlWKYATFlKTIATHUt w 2i ) 11 JUNE 28, 29, 1962 PAGE FIFTEEN I NCW C nVent f Our of Ppace Church Blessed Fords Girl By Bigho° p ° Siiituner Sun(|ay

! ( t IIP SliiwwS- - « |Mil(!s I IBS r d >» Iorlllo, son of cornel-stone and blocslnc by the .;'' •""> Mrs. Roosevelt Iorlllo, 6Boys Most Rev Dr. Oeoino W Ahr [Scouts from tl* Metuehen Area .i Monday I 1 l!:li Council who is on a two-week ''' " Avnue, Perth Am-e bishop of the Dloctdc or Trm-i |i III H ml tour of Mexico. She Is the lnO.ur.11y nftcrnrjo, Penn hin Am tin*- , of the new convent of our AsNcwBol diuiBhtcr of Mr. and Mm. lv of Pesce church look .11 inaiTlnujc by Her Gooi'Re Molnar. . .j PORDS-Petr. r Qnodt-..-- , Rl ~f, .—-ce here Sunday, June 24 ' Woman's (.>'!,.• • ••• bbridt wore a gown aid Wo. Henry SclWep=k The $280,000, 31-room build The Olrl Scouts and two ali'd Hint w h ft iucd jd Hndan Garv T lenders from Troop 50 and II (lUT i lit h ; r ' 'y$3& '««• oesignod b.; Thom™ £; Mariner Ship Prevail left Idle- I'niilir Iil- • t;" oed bel and bowjKonneth Swalllck. ^eweT-Moran of Princeton Inrlid' a wild Airport on Sunday, June "'•'•'H lcnKth aleovei.jcom.-d »* Bobcats adduction:cliapet, library, Jrnmu,ltv' i|il"l('(l. Thr RICHARD '""' 'nil skirt ended 17. The trip Is the result of ••I'il|!''l-lc||t:lh In acwmnnws hold bv Cub Pack room, three reception rooms; three years of long rang plan- 1 unulf-.i :) COMMISSIONKI): l(ich;ml r, '•'Mil flT lining room, kitchen, laundry' ning and numerous fund raising and 22 1 'i liiii . lo Gavin. !I9 Warnrr sti(.r( •''I wilh crystal c Awards wrre also presented, private bedrooms, it 'activities. Tlie Impending »lr •.'iili Mrs. fords, recently graduated '•'I' "f "iv.stallzed llllle's Wllllani Try«ar, William'*»• house the Sisters of Rl. ,u>- line strike caused them to VJllIe v se n Qt lilir.irlmi. from St. Peter's Collrir. Jer- - and organza Varuo, Bear' P Newark, who staff thc i transfer reservations from the r sey City. He received a B.ir-h- •iitarhcd m a Sklblnski, Wol(!P» l«h school. | Eastern Air, Lines to Aeronaves 1 lillirll llllVr elor of Scletirr drurrp in ,\f, ivlli-d En-iif-i . Fisher and Lee Bishop Ahr, was s jde Mexico and to leave here a Hmm Um Bad(ies with layinf! thc • M.r ,if (he counting from {he School nf ""<"' rarriofl , bourn,,, nf w, ^ K°ld, cornerstone by Rev'j day earlier. • 'inn u. . H , i ""wn'le.-arrows, Matthew JaRo. Jr., wai ->°«Ph R- Brzozowski, pastor of r.j'Ml irtid- Builnms Arlministralliin. ||r mn of the The first week of their stay i: uml HISO was secretary of the Account- v, y '""' 'Presented » silver arrow under Our Lady of Peace. , was spent at thc International Bpal- The cornerstone encases ai iii books ing Club at the Collie. Mr. Milld Olrl Scout Cabana In pictur- if lonor was Miss Ber- Joseph Fisher and Lee Han- ^aled ''opper "time capsule"! fiavln was also commissinnid lUKlllll' esque Cucniavaca where they ; ii, mViiin- second lieutenant In the Aiinflo, Hopelawn. sen were advanced to the Web- containing memorbllia: A col- Joined activities with 40 other1 ""' nniinn of honor was Mrs.ielOs Den under the lradprshlp Action of 1962 coins, the June1 hie read United States Army Reserve Hichmd Scouts from New Mexico, Texas, Sablne, Edison Jof Mr. Joseph Bauz. 24 edition of the parish bul- Bun Dominno. and California. ilui-IIIK the and will (0 lo Fort Benjamin letln s were the Mlssesj Mrs. Paulino Leiiman was . front pages of the local They participated In a cultural i'ri/c« will Harrison. Indiana, f •' /.iiinbor, Hopelawn, sis-j Presented a certificate of ap- and dally press and the dio- ALL RITES: Bishop George W. Ahr of Trenton blesses :md lays cornerstone of New Con- program including sight-seeing lir'• bride and Marilyn preciatlon for her services as a «san newspaper, the Monitor of historical places; handi- •xo>\ books vent of Our Lady of Peace Church, Fords, at ceretmmifs Sunday. Looking on are Sister i »—•>— w»v«». ..«.».- P-nil Amboy. Flower Den Mother during the past!Published reports of a talk on intresa Catherine, C.S..1 principal of Our Lady of i-eacr School; and Sister Marian crRfts' folk sinning and danc- • br aub- y(1 r Jan1M the Misses Deborah I "Communism's Assault on Re-! ' provincial nf the Eastern Province nf the Sisters of St. Joseph of Newark. iln^' Rnd special activities r. In Aill- 1 *D - Junior High Mcizftms, Woodbridge, cousin ™ 3. \inder Den Mother llgion" given to the parish's —_—„—___ Including swimming in their "( ihr bimcKioom and ChelzyniM>'S- Nancy Nlcolocopulos pre- recent Father and Son Com- OutdoOr Wonian'.i hiiwnick, l-ords, cousin of the-Sfnted a skit, "it All ComesAut munion Breakfast by Rt. Rev. Llnd. Norado. CbtUUne R °^ W»l- '!.•' lith dj$5 ;NNotn. Judith B. oakiey, Kathleen1 The area girls presented a 1)1 Klc ;in Hie Wash." Movies fere o Joyce otosa. r K. Honor Roll M*gr. (Col.) Joseph S. Chmie- Fords Jr. High Presents America Pageaht repre- M:1 o[ the AI In Ioi'illo. another cousin18'10*'" by Matthew Jago, Pack lewski, chaplain of the military OrrlBo. Sherry Osterga«rd, Gin •'If tttioTl Of (if tin omm P«ce, Kathleen A. Pftriinft, Mnrlene ntatlve of New Jersey. v, 11 if was bejit maii.;^ lttee chairman. district, Washington, D. C, and, t,. Pastor, Kathleen A. Patrick. Mrs C'hes- A tr Thc other member* of th» we: c Richard Sabine 'P to Newark Airport Is a scroll signed by the bishop Promotion Day Program Carolyn M. p»vicn, Jarquriinp touring group are the Misses: !•:.: of the Announced Wi.yiif Bosze, Las ^ for July 21 tor Cubs and the priests present, which Pendleton, AnlU 1. Peto, PMrlcla., p.w.,1,v vAimi\n- " '- Herman l nd tn(>lr Ann >•'. Nev. cousin of the bride, * Patientsi . Those ln- in Latin describes the event FORDS— Promotion day ex- Slephen B. Miller. Robert Mlrocco, APouiscn. pirBik,.Dian, Sandra« LA.. Poweiipoiiicic. , NikkKatei Sorensen Rablnsky, Anis, e EdisonVerbal:, Wendy .. !• jnesi- FORDS James J c-.nnifT „«!, Uiiriici, Lnwrence Mm, Mi- :cl Ronald Zumbor, Hope-'Crested should call Mr. Ray- and lists the names of current ercises at the Fords Junior E. Procoplo, Btleen M. tUptoKeVur.ii. Tn10Dv,yv bnovmnlrr0n »Uu 0nIf MM». prlnripal of the Fords .lunini m chael J. Muller, Prank Neglla, Hfnrj- Pamela Boclur, Donna M. Homeo. , ,, ' »P' > » * >ni, hroi'.'.cr of the bridt, ond Hansen. institutional rep- civil and religious leaders, High School were held on K. Nelson. DDiani e J . RudolphRdlh , DoniD m M. - tuctuchenh ; CCarol l GGordond , BarbarBb a uvcr Jr., Hlgh 8cho01 llMl! thr Unix A v Wnl. ,.„.„., . , ft' > 'h» reception held in'resentatlve. After the ceremony, Bishop Thursday, June 21. The pro- Gary J. Nljro, Boben W. OUlson, B h htand Jr.. Michael t. Orao, Da?W A. p»- ,sldflU Roll students for Jim, „, fn]. ,,,,,.„, A]1:boy lne CQuple ,e[t Tho next Pack meeting will gram was as follows: Mt;!^ ^! ^° - !!!? |OWR: Ahr blessed the convent's downkl, Michael A. Papp, Thomas CnrolAnn Schmidt, - council b(1 Pnl n trip lo Miami Beach. FlaJ SfPtember 24 st School 7,irooms. His Excellency was es- Processional, "Coronation shi , nn«»no r MM. awDiani e R.: "K' The leaders WHO ac- ::nd'' the Ninth CJrudr: I.ilm H.iKanu 'Iliey -.via n-sidj at 87 James Fo'<1'- unaccompanied the BcouU are Mrs. corted on his rounds by the March", Band; Bible reading! R. Plrnlk. Martin A. Plavln, Wllllnm t. lharck autlnn S!i.gVi Rlblnsky, Edison, and ,, ; Mrs Michael Berescliin.sk;'. Holx'ii street for travelling she wore Honor Guard of San Salvador and Lord's Prayer, Rae Frat-I T. Prairie, Raymond Proslcs. John siivasii , Chctmrieei n A . SSimoni , Mngde- Mrs. Roy Sorensen. Metuehen. president Bertekap. Nlcholn.s Hlntl.-i '••• '-Oilf "Ik sheath patent IfpiBJ 1 o. C. Prushlnskl, Jamea A. Rncln, Jo- line K. Btpoa. Helen E. Blttek, Ju- lne sec011< Council 299 of Perth Amboy, terolo, Student Council Presi- seph Raeuccl, Richard J. Rsndazzo, A, Sklblnskl. Linda Shunter-1 l "eefc Of tneir ,»f Fords, Martin Bobkln. Mnr;;,r.- far- 1-. tht-r ura-uorics and an or- Vf W AllXlll dith A, Sklblnskl. Linda Shunter- t Chaplains to the Bishop were dent; "Lord, Thou of My Alexander Q. Reevle, Jr., Mark David bnch, Lorele" • i- Slomlak- - -, Dehora- h trip WHS spent In Mexico City. ..T(II dls- nlglla, Kenneth ClufTicdn, }>» i;:i! cor^i'iv Mrs. Iorello was "H"T Pitmlrl Bomnn, George W. Ann 'Smith. Carol June Solovty, Rr. Bernard de Coste, pastor Heart", Band; Flag salute, Roslce Joseph I, Rowland, Peter They arc staying at the Hotel rduca-tricla Covlno, Frank Cnnda: i. i-i;iiiu;iU'd from Woodbtidne Linda I, Soltls, Jullann 3prlnR«r, , . , ,,, - , . • , of St. Joseph church, Trenton Rae Fratterolo; Star-Spangled .ii.. .. -h.n'il Sunrtcr, Donald JoAnn C. Sromovsky, Jeanann Stel- Lum(l »n ^ the Chorale group; JoAnn Tarr, Phyllis M. Tnvella, tu1 0 7..., tv,o ^athnHr.! rVi. D'S «n de-'John Fuley, Linda Oil*-!••-. j0' '.fi-: Iceremony were: Rev. Alfred D. and the presentation of the Ivan K. Smith, Henry Sosnowlri-, Linda J. Taylor, Lorraine M. Tnylor.t" ^OCBie, We CalIIMnl,Cna- M Home, Friday Peter P. Stankowits, William P. dlsront.n- sejih Ooglas. B*th Grosi. John Inn ilo Music was class to the superintendent, PntriciH A. Teiiha, Marien* A. Toihjpultec Park and castle, and fur ni hei Smith, assistant, St. Joseph's Steffner, George C. Stek, J. James Ho-.'.ver.HegedUS, Tina Marilyn M. Travisnno, Jacqueline Pcdreifc reg l HeilhU The1 v Will Ulllfi.i and fn in IVrt » Amboy High School . « > »y The Continentals, church, Keyport; and Rev. James J. Conniff, principal. Stevens. Dennis Subay. M. Urbim, Arlene I. VnnD.len, Bar- . , ."r*™- if *" ,!" A |w nn y le ha s aLw been .;i to Key, - Kathleen Hrltz. ,„„„-, lu. c N-w Brnaswlck Secretarial.; , . . *? - Samuel C. Constance, assistant, This was followed by the Wllllun Button, Allan J. Szuca. bura E. varuo, Ariene M. Vargo- also visit Puebla, University U m b " u- if E rar- nick, RoiemBrle Vella, Lorraine L. City, the Pyramids Of the Sun :;erf for Julv;verso, Phyllh Johiiwn. Rose A.routuing and Prep School. £ ' ^ ^, ^e group for Julyi St. Bernadette'a church, Parlin. presentation of the class to the |r»nt, Thoma^ s J. Taylor, Emery C. 9 he Home. Proceeds' 4 0 Vendo t, Qtraldlne Wall, Joan E. „,. , wn._ . A n, ov..^» t I.IM:' mem-JAnn Johnston, Joyce JUIUUM "• -mirtovpirtovpd hv the Good-- " ' f Climax of the afternoon's Board of Education, Dr. Robert;' ' """"" uehnrd loth. BonnUI W nseiewiczi.. Rita B. wetnMwetn«r,, enrocaroll ,,»«d Moon, and the Shrine of 1 111 P Us ed tor unlf( rnw for Id T vanco, Richard A. Westlake, Lynn C. Whltley, Linda1 Guadalupe. Pottery and tile ••iM rontsct'Karen Kamlnsky, joscptt KJnl' yni and Rubber Co, New " ^ ,, o > services was the celebration of Polglaze; presentation of certi- _ the Drill Squad. W. VnnDalen, Wara H. Vanderhoff J. Whitman, Jane Williams, Frances!wnr011|r< musmumim* and tinm«rrai» r, or Mrs Oraldine Klnt, Nanrv Kov.il- Solemn Benediction by Bishoipn ficatesIicates, MrMI. . RoberROOert Smith,, Jr.. knucn L vennlK-B. -iBine* L.AnAnn Wo]clk,, Myra Wolkolsky,, Donnal*Donna ".'"' «™. S anT,.O, numerou• s '•'• czyk. Hospmarle Lunpar-ky MI,, Awards for good citizeiwhlp, Ahr. Deacon for Benedictio,n Board of Education- lelw-tiniK: Waldoln III, Richard P. Wall, Ray- M- Yaremczak•, Marlo-- - n C- . Taskow- - - Churchechurche8s aree additionaadditionall points mond W Willsh Mnd.1 Moylc. Sandra were, made to Beverly Chismar P.n^ L* th Vi , ^ - - Terrance, J. W»rBo, «ky. LiVerne Yubts. Dttlene M. of interest that they will s. :nn c:«ws Susan Ami tynart. Audi-MM,,,, was Fr. Sebastian Weber, OJF...Band; and the entire ninth Mark P. Wa«lel«»kl Robert B Weg-!z«kalyk. Carolyn ZamDrl, Barbara- 1"^'"1' """' "'ey wl" Im. um-'Loviuu, Barbara l>ova«, Chm;. >' r.i ShuiTii Nel.-on, Ed-and Christine Popan at the M. Conv. of Union City, public grade sang the "Alma Mater" larz, John Wleczerzak, aerald G.|A. Zellcskovlcs, Charlotte Oltar- ar*>. program with the farewell and Richard E. Wyzykowskl, Michael It HARVARD GRADUATE son of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Hoch- Znmbrl. | man 10 i *•.chaplain to the Brothers of the the band followed with the re- Cynthia L. Ahr, Diane M. Aml- FORDS - Robert Cserr. 80^ - JMk"«pn Street, Fords, il.i. Sacred Heart, Metuehen; and cessional, "Trumpet Volun- cuccl, Lenore I. Applobaum, Carol 'ord Avenue, Fords, received a Linda During the months of April tary," L. Archibald, Linda C. Arplno, iiialrman Richard Randazzo, Jacob Schl- s' Kiitliciine J. Babek, Lllla-Ann Bsl- Doctor of Medicine degree from a: Wood-iavo, Urida Seres. Roi.ald s ,,11R, Jt y J. Letahdoski, assistant, Those promoted were: samo, Oall P. Behan, Audrey S. Harvard University, recently. '^ we of Sherry. Diana silvu, Judy Ski '-], : i\ I jAnn's • Church, Keansburg. Andrew Auaray, Robert Altlerl, Benl. Carol B. Boerer. Sharon L. n]r 617 Bracken, Lorraine F. Brttton. Imeneement exercises. He hol(i» Pr, Christopher C. Rellly, as- Walter O, Arooi, Robert C. An- • •• :n the blnskl. Jcai.ann Stcfmilk. U-n- derson, Daniel AuMlml, John A. P. Ann A. Bukowiki, Margaret M. Shipbuilding in Britain at a,the degree of Bachelor o( Am • distant, Our Lady of Peace, di- Balog. Ralph Banks, Thomu Bara- CarnlKlla. Bernardlne Cells, Diane ul5 Suhay, ireiw H/.I.OCZI. 17-year low. from Indiana University (1956>. W1| n T aes 0 rected the altar boys who were Biumann. Alan Bedrock, William j. Welt A. Covlno, Carol A. Ortwtord, |'* ' f - °" "-"- Tar- wnnberi! Phvlhs Williams, Mrs. Andrew Pastor, Mrs uiiculr D'ABOstino, Corrlne D'AKOE- lam. .\I»r,.w, Tran.s«.. Juc Amy Wise he, ChrlMiue Y.ivor. Charles Thomas and ithe Larry Bo- Beres, Mlchtel BerMchlntky, Zd- u mund W. Berry'. Robert L, Berteltsp, titio. Emma Jane D'Alesslo, Rose- marle Danku, Elizabeth A. Deak, ne Urban, Barbura V:trKo Virginia Zampn.o. Hornyak were delegated to Nicholas Binder, Martin Bobkln, Marianne deQatt, Beatrice Del Botso. bury Park NewslArk-ne VuiKwick, Or.Mir.,- Sevcatl. Grade: Irene Adam, tend the convention at Michael J. Boccanfuso, Charles V, Bogdany, Richard J. Borgerson, Diana L. DeMark, Sandra D, Den- Fteney, Lawrence Fiench Bison, Janet B. DISalle, Nancy E Wall. Carol Westlak--, 0,-rald 1>ld;i- ii,.ckrr, Put Philip S. Borrl, Dean Brannlgan. Rb F B Jh j Dzlenclol. Mtryanne Sston, Donna HIM Hiso\ °-Williams. Diiiuia V«r-imvak, Kcnn.'th Booth. Judv Robert F. Bucco, John Bucjmey, M. Eso, Susan Xsoldo, Charlene A th 1 H I Paul W._ BeyXuss, Hlchard Buda, • |.r.- !!,I,H Barbara Zt-llcskovtc.-.. °f , a J,?!?™^"" ""aW it ion"'to"parlshl0ners Kvanello, Kathleen A. Evanello Edward R. BurdaBd , George C . ByrneB , Orade: Olo Gregory A. Cardlno, David A. Chris- Chtlhtlne C. Faczak, Alice Falk, . T^SSL SS SKSt3?A S*T5 sthe clergy==i==i, a delegation of 55stensen, Kenneth J, Cluifreda, For- Jean Farkas, Barbara J. Faucna, bam, Eisa Arnold, . 1 ;,:iettMc Dai id Cook, JeRrey Cross, neighborhood planted golden "" 'il?Vthp Denlse V, Pennessy, Diana R. Fer- m St. est Clark, Mlcfiael Coppola, Frank ris, Christine H Flndlno, Maria T. Arnold. Caro! Bin* Murv Brcuda filtala, Cathy Czech, blossoms in front of the nionu-,.'"v ": \l™ J. Cundari, Jwnei V. Onulel, HI, "Joseph of Newarrik witnessed the Joseph E. Dfecatie, Eric W. D»ck- Plorersch. Raphael Fratterolo, Ju- '"•i 1.1. Jane Ban«-s, Virginia Hu-ton, Ann NL.rie Daak. Marianne,ment at the Post Home. At-,^1.'° ' ^1 „,_,,„ „, Inger. Dennli J, Delorenso. Irnest dith Gftrtrtis, Claudia A. Dal, Linda •Mrs. Kathleen Bilbao, Mark Bog- Deak. Jill Dudlk, Joseph Elliott,lending were Robert Janeski,^"6™111^ lne gr0Up *aSi V. DeStffano. L. Gillette, Dawn Ooodsell, Peggy / Marian J. Qrant, Jo-Ann M. Greenwald, HOLIDAY SALE uttndany, WlUiam Capik, (Vi,,!vn Margairi Evan, Allen Fa'iceru, post commander, and Mrs.;,**" „, Francl* V. DeStefano, Wayne 8. Diana B. Orelzn, Beth O. Oros« 1 1 1 3 J of lDlbofskyy . Robert J. Dollnlch. Alan Lorraine C. Gurka. • s*nn Covlno, Matthew D'Auu- :;.o, Uobi•:• Pread, Klft-im- Kutry, Hornyak. auxiliary president. I " " "' ^ ' Do n ro Bo b t (FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY) / Order's eastern province; and)?- ,! 5» "!i'' i , U Dawn a M Hansel, Patricia 8 her Nancy Danhelmer. Jean Ktllev. Cani^- fiilltutc. Joan (ilass- Mrs. Andrew Kramer, branch Joseph V, D Oril, John 0. Dnsoula, Sr. Theresa Catherine, C.S.J., H»rc. f ndra Harrison, Nancy Hath- Mduridge Cheryl F»ezak. I.yn Pi-nin-lh, man. Betsy ooiihis, Hobt-rt secretary of the Woodmen of Nicholas E. Oruschat, Dennis R. »waj-, Nancy M. Hattrlch, Dlaot M ', ™ u /JfT o Principal of Our Udy of Peace Druzsba. John Dudlk, Qenld Dun- lltntiertioii, Maureen P. Henry, Kar- '"ii-WNorma Flugrad, Sandra Fuiui, Goltm. a, Hobt-rt Grah can, Alfred J, Dynarskl, Jr., Oeorge Croup Of .,the World, presented the Postrschool ,. en O. Herman. Tina Hlllebrand. z Phyllis Goldberg, Kadn Gwh, jimic1 Hunsen, I.vnn Hill.!with a fifty-star flag. h S. Edley, James A, Egan, Jr., Rlch- Kathleen A. Hrltz, Prtsctlla Ann The convent was COnstl'UCted ard T. Bgan, Allen A. Egrl, Oerald Husko. Michelle A. Hussey, Carmel IJ En |er Carolyn Hein/, SUNSII UOJ- Thmiiiis Hoflu-rr, William Frc- The auxiliary will sponsor a! yv joriInhn Westewesieir anda oonsSons , wuiwlth ^- 8_ >^ Ron»l^ dj Fedorp , Olenn C. M. Inver&o, Kathcrlne H. Iorlllo, lander. | Anthony Hon.ith. ln>c-:k Patricia JDhn-ton.jasaBne supper, September 13 FlBel UsrowtcZi m Ills.sn c. Jacobs, Lee E. Jensen, Nicholas Schwalje the plumb- chael J. Pisco, Barry J. Fishier, Paul Phyllis IJ. Johnson, Rose A. John- ••••• f'ur-Wayne Hresko, Rebecca In.sh. l.::-.cl; Klebf.' William Kress, at1 the Post Home. Tickets are 1 A DRESSES U PRICE ( ins contractor and Charles - Nfnle Robert Francese, John ston, .JHHIS Jorgensen. Jovce C. _ i.ii . . R Futey, Bugent R. Qerba, John J. 7- -•••'uiice Carol Junowskl. Patru-ia J,.im- l>> : a I.ycosky, l.mda Mat-'avallable from members. Jwnlgal KUKII M. Kamlniky. Judith l Tarr, electrical contractor. launirancesco, Joseph w. Gogia., Kf, Alice M, Kau, Kathleen Just a few doors below the Majestic! Theater r'n-iKh ston. Gerald Karul. Jf-ifi'-ijt- HH-W.-. Bonnie Meyer. John : -— I Leonard Qoln», Arthur W. Oruber, M. Kerly, Oertldlne King, Christina I i'lace Kazarda, Maureen Kr-lly. < >T.)i.n«-i-. Hette Jean Ohlson, i<< . i J /' I . i Andrew J. Orygo. Jr., Thomas Halm, J. Kollar, Phyllis D. Kollar, Judy ;i ntSterhOOa l.OllaUCtS Jimei H. Handerhan, Raymond C. C. Koltyk, Otrnldlne Kovaos, Nancy OPKN FRIDAYS TILL 9 P.M. !'om Charles King. John KOCMS JO I-vnn Pa-^u. Mary Ann Perry, Hansen, Burry I. Hart, John A. J. Kowalciyk. Judith A, Krall, Ellen "'"• Wb-Ann Koczan, Karen Koi.this, Arihur PUaskl, Robert Plnelli, First Installation Hegedui. Nicholas A. Holowki, Vin- Mr KVlcsar, Phyllis LaOuardla, Rose- CLOSED WEDNESDAY DURING JULY AND AUGUST cent J, P, Hospodar, Dtnnla R. nary Lamparsky, Susan E. Lands, possible Karen Krltzman, Janet Cuol R>«m Rlelly. Amy Simon, FORDS — The Sisterhood of «l«y Stephanie V Lann, Jane A. La- 115 Ursen,' Patricia Uuntzei: M"^' Hunkewic/, Judy suairi. Install Officers Temple Emanu-El held its flrstj George A. Jacob, Jr., WlllUni J. Stnte, Laura M. Laskowskl. Diana Tar1 Bettv I iU1 llnt Pf Lawkiel, Bernardlne A. Lerjman, Jeanne Uonc Smrld I.o'icker N'«>i''>' '' ' ' ' ' installation of officers at the! Blisiiii A. lemirt 261 Madihon AVP. Perth Amboy ri sslt r MENLO PARK TERRACE - Neal Lflebel. Janet Lund, Mai\ I.mdu Terry, Mark ' ' ' - .„„..„ Bucket, Woodbridge, In- W.'Karol, Peter H. Kaufman, Ma'rc Linda E. Lerchenfeldt, Susan 11 Kel Arm Mayorek, Donna McKee K-.-el.vu TrachU-nberg JosnlT. Nulty Post, American Legion wam«s. MrMrs,.. IK""'". J"" _" 'y . j WllllanKef^ondyi O,, Lloyd, Anna O. Lombardl, tiusan , VA 6-9191 -and its auxiliary, have ^IMg*} "^ Kellnedy| UI Jonn M. Lombard!, Eva M. E. Lurentz, (Ralph Menweg, Marie Mercuric M»ne Vulerio. Margart-i Zam |james A. J. Kollar. Frank Koolteu, Barbara L. Lovasz, Janice D. Lund, Ml M»ke Other officers are: Mr«. Mar- Richard J. Kotutkl. Lawrence F. Judith Maclolek, Colleen MacKay, Mary Ellen Meshro\v| Bonnie |Jir.». Robert ZederbaMM: Kovacs, Alfred J. Kramer, Michael Jartet C. Malcolm, Sandra J. M. Mac-:v'" Rosmarin J. Krauss, Albert J. KuHun, Frapk Marsh, Joan ft. Matli, Mary mm P. W. Kuk-sar, John Kultnlch, III, Id-, McCarthy, Maureen 0. McLaughlln, win R. Ulnfc'. George LaPenta, Sr., Kathleen J. Melnlck, Arlens B Mes- Mnrk L. Ltsky, Nels J. Laurluen, zajos, Paula Metro, Donna M. Miller, Jr.', Bertel E. Lo/entz, Jouph * MaryJene Mlsdom. MaryAnn Ml'/.- mander, James McMorrow; [corresponding secretary] Mrs. trarlo, Andrew C. Lovaia. Walterjerak, Oale M. Mohary, Judith F. tl^ird vice commander, William Lozeskl, Michael J. Lycosky, Tony Morrison, EleanoEl r MurrayMy , PatriciPiia A. Murray, (Judith Nagaalna, Prla- Henderson; finance officer, fo- Merle Hir^h, financial; secre- >'undlco, Robert W. M»ra«, Oary tary; Mrs, Norman Rolband, W. Mand Aug. 1 (10 A.M. to 11:80 AM I in Hie / J^erional *~)etjetuue EVERGREENS • AZALEAS Or»«n Un» (HUsatMUt-Unlonl, /;/ A A DAYS LEFT • RHODODENDRONS • WMtfUld, Railway, Metuehen mid •.;•' Pirth Amboy Horn* Strvlc* Center! JaitL ROSE BUSHES * SHRUBS Reglttratlon Ii limited to mall Hi la l)U REMOVAL SALE tbrouibout • SHADE TREES • coupon or call your local otlwt Come, ice, select, 10to5CK REDUCTIONS buy ... at »avln[i! • FRUIT TREES • Mrs. K. H. Krausi, Home Service IM. *' ADULT BOOKS • BIBLES • COOK PEAT BLACK—$2 per 100 lbs. ELIZABETHTOW'N CONSOMOATfcO OA8 CO. C BOOKS • DICTIONARIES • ATLASES HWJeneySt.Eluabeth.N.J. [• SELECTED CHILDREN'S BOOKS • EN- MOSS BROWN—$4-$5-$6 Bales r F1{KE T n A 1 O Yei, I would like to attend y«" 1 *' . £ ; GAGEMENT. AUTOGRAPH AND TRW Cooking Classes on Thursday mornings at 10 A.M. GREINER July if, 19, 26 and Aug. 2. R BOOKS • DIABlEg • PHOTOG»A»1 Charles Addalia's AND SCRAP ALBUMQ • WRITING PA. FUNERAL HOME Name, N . PER AND NOTE8 • DOLLS • DOLJt 1904 - AUOUBT P. OREINKE, Director Address ! CLOTHES • STUFFED ANIMAL* E • TOYS • QAMES • SCHOOL BAGS ii Qnin Street, CENTRAL GARDEN SHOP AND SUPPLIES • GRADUATION CARDB Woodbridge Telephone No. A«« R 1095 St. George Avenue, (lolonia BOOK 79 SMITH STREET, PERTH AMBO? I'kone HJ 1-1644 Metuehen Optoaltf Mu(*lr Uru M*rkt> Klizabetli WestfleW SHOP Oprn 7 Daj» a Week from 9 A.M. Till Dusk Perth Amboy, Kahwty AD 3-0040 PHONE VA •-•«» - OPEN 1 Hie EL 2-610H K| I ME 8-1790 JUNE 28, 29, 1962 PAGE SIXTEEN 804 Main Street tkmi. . A new queen of thelbut New Jersey cannot," states the salary of 110,000 so we'ean land municipal road aid own- I alertness by motorists, Attorney Fords, N. J. New Jersey State Pair will be Governor Richard J. Hughes... save more money Ita this direc- Capitol Dome mission to study the present 0™"*1 Arthur J- s|"8 wa™ Editor selected on Sunday evening, Vacation time brings sunburn tion also. Independent-Leader -: CLASSIFIED (Continued from Edit Page) programs ot State assistance to ... Thus far In New Jersey this Now if we "lump" all this to September 16. . . to many State House stenog- On behalf of the PTA of BATES - INFORMATION great help to the present Gov- counties and municipalities for year 363 persons have been raphers and It is very becoming. gether and not list them as CAPITAL CAPERS: — Some School 14. Fords, may I thank wordi ernor during the past six road purposes, .. . Fallout shel- killed by cars, compared with "live items" I'm sure the pres- fl.M for 1» DeadUn* for people on vacation very nearly you for your coverage of our months. The State Depart- ters erected upon property oc- 317 up to the same time last ent administration could save &• eaeb additional w«d 10 A. M for th kill themselves trying to have PTA news. Your help and con- ment of Health has sent copies cupied by one or two-family!year. . . New Jersey peaches the Woodbridge taxpayer loads ln (lT n t Bbll a good tune, claims the Medi- Editor's Letters Parable » * * ' P «tlon and applea s are in plentifu 1IV l supr - o/ the now Chapter 8 of the dwellings are now exempt from niiu vt\*v*-^ *»*VJ «• K" — \ •* of doush — even if, we can't consld (Continued from Edit. Page) NOT* NO CLASSIFIED ADS TAKEN OvfR ... State Sanitary Code to muni- taxation under a new law. predated. 1!( ply this year. . . . Reprints of cal Society of New Jersey. at a time when eleven stores "firid" it. Blnrrrely yourn, MtlST BE SENT IN, " clpal officials nnd local boards The New Jersey Republican the new Construction Safety In New' Jersey, one million young children are growing up remain vacant on Main Street, I also believe that more park- JOANNE RHINES of health. . The recent north- State Committee has called on Act aree available from the Telephone MErewj 4-1 in with twice as many cavities In and shoppers RO shopping at Ing meters on Main Street will i Mrs. William Rhincs easter (greatly improved surf ite New York counterpart to State Department of Labor and their teetlf as they should have, the 10-11-12 and 13 thousand aid the shopper — that wants Publicity Chairman fishin?, Maims the Seaside Park press for an increase In the Industry . . Oovnrnor Hughes according to the State Depart- dollar city administrator towns. to shop in "Ghost Town" — Tournament of Fish officials. minimum drinking age In that ha* bPtrun a regular weekly UNFURNISHED APT8. JWALE nF.M- u VN ment Of Health "Uncle Sam The executive secretary but well administered Wood- ON ONF.-MAN RITLE IN LAOS Governor Hughes has signed|state. . . Vacation time forjradlo program over n network TO LET can Indulge In deficit spending should be Immediately raised to 'bridge. PALADIN Thr United States Is working WOMEN Tlir t resolution creating a county children calls for increased lincludlng 22 New Jersey ata- to head off a Mtuatlqn that AMBOY - WOODBR1DQI AVONCOKMK r0 would I)"' P * Communist NOW LI AH! NO FOR (•tries am BV.II ;, Prince SouphanoVong ln tem- JULY OCCUPANCY |lcnt income d, porary control of the new CORII- EXECUTIVE a FULL CHKnn tlon Kovrmmpnt of Laon latr APARTMENTS AVON. C\u I,,,.,,. this month. RT «0 AND F1.ORIDA OROVB RD Mrs. Jone.s M i • o, ,wo other members of ElKK.IKNUI Ar»nl- P 2 the tluTi-mmi regime »'' [ M£HTO IN NEW COLONIAL BRICK scheduled to be out of the coun-1 iuui.DlNn FOR Mil SERVICE DIRECTORY try. United States officials wld XilrlT BUSINESS Bwlh or that rtt thr very least they con " " in (I (RENT K WAi> i' sldPirri it hftd psychology to $109 MONTH Only 75c a ...,,. leave command In the hands of FIIEEHRAI HA.S ANDPABKtNO Iban Soft W:r.- just one member of the ruling INCLtlliKP IN RENT ni tills budding ttapr of Sp TO MAPLE CR1H Roofing ft Siding - tli€ CORlitioll. rBV|^LLT,^ATK - Adding Machines - - Coal & Fiel Delicatessen -- Moving 4 Tracking - Porches & Steps I EVEHYTHINn-Just 15 minulu DF.FKNSF. BILL APPROVED ! from Newurk by Cur ""rB« plete $30 nn The Srnate* approved unani- Coliim WOODBRIDGE , Move "IDEAL WAY" P™RNISHI:U MODEL APT Hot Water Running PORCH AND STEP Henry Jansen & Son mously the $80,500,000,000 df condition %\ BUSINESS MACHINE SLOWLY? MAT SHOPPE Phone Ft) »-S9U _ tense bill which will be a record D*{^V"irKOON TO 8 P.M. CO. AGENT NATIONAL VAN SPECIALISTS Tlnnlni and •II Bahway A«nue appropriation. IirNTAL MANAOFR ON PREMHJKB 25* Amboy Are. Woodbrldgc LINES m: H1 Woodbridft Sheet Metal Work bill returned to thr ''^./u i/»!?T •• Ne»t I'pke Ortrpin 1286 St. Georre Aie., Atenel Wood or Masonry with nearly #590,000.000 __^l!iM desks x ME 6-0010 (Op». milt* Church) Rooflni, MeUI Cellini SPECIAL WINTER RATES in Soimlc Increase* over what WOODBRH>OE _ Apartment, *r*' , ' Steps and Platforms 1 SALES A SERVICE LOCAL MOTOR and Furnace Work the Hnusp originally voted. The; , .oo ,, kitchen,!^? "' '" Tankkss • SALADS at Theb Bert I Men and friUv. 114 Bom lwQ arKP bedl m • SODA FOUNTAIN Replaced. Repaired differpnee must be resolved be-'dmln(f ftr(,n ,,vlng room, im.^u I-MM Coils 588 AJden Street (ore thr hill moves on to Presl-1 maculalp Iiew hOme. Good area Ait • FRESH BAKERY GOODS or Remodeled jdent Kennfdy for. his signature JMARTELL REAL ESTATE CO Chemically , Woodbrldge, N. J. ELECTRO Open 1 A. N. to 10:31 P. ft • ME 4-5100, Broker, 521 Rahway amplifier for Kodak Cleaned I'N'Fl RNISHED APTS. INCLUDING SUNDAYS Telephone MErcarj 4-1248 TO LET lAvcnue. WoodbridRe 6/28 Call FU tf-Bl~4 Cloaed Wednesday All Day NtW PORT READING — Hanamen 8ERVKT> I WuehonM Helgh.s New apartment.;-, NOW RENTING iSxtra la-qp kitchen and UvlnRJ AVENEL Drugs room, Two bedroom* tile bath1 your wall Music Instnictloi T. R. STEVENS PARADISE Professional and shower Electric range. COAL < OIL CO. (tootini and Sht*l Metal Work at no extra <: 68J ST. GEORGE AVE. BAYSIDE EXECUTIVE Adult* or business couple pre- <\,J| 828 RAHWAY \VT. 2344 for nn RAYMOND Learn To Play The Pre-Cast Concrete WOODBRIDGE APARTMENTS ferred. References. Call KI 1- AVENEL 4443 6/28lyour ME 4-1400 JACKSON PIANO-ORGAN Steel-Reinforced New Concept REAL ESTATE ACCORDION in Modern Living .BRICKLAYER V\SO1 Installed or do-lt-yonraeM FOR SALE Private Instructions by | types of brick and S01S West Avenue. Sewaren. Con- Qualified Teachen. Raillnc Included venient to everything. 2-1? Beginners and Advanced Druggists FREE spacious rooms; plenty of half ucre of woodland with| JOHN J. BITTING Studenti Accepted. Alr-Condltlonini Tim ftnwd-nw led* Bmfctye With This Ad Wxrm Air Beat closets and storage .space; new 12x20 ft, vacation cabin. (Upm tabes eoior mocits rt the 88 Main Street IndustrlaJ Exhanit S 8 x 20 ft. porch, electric, high Call ME 4-5446 ideal, deluxe*, exclusive for IF YOUR DRINKING pets of a button «nd ft'* rcrnn— Motor Gaarda lelevatlon. lake swimming and at pndkaDr • itumiimitb Anthoriied FOR FREE ESTIMATES newlyweds. bachelors, teach- come a prob'..m t Woodbridge, N. J. ME 4-2145 or ME I-S2M community wells for club mem- yoot parchnc at Sales & Service B & B Company ers, barhelorettes, retired Anonymous can .••,;•. Telephone MErcury 4-0554 and business couples, bers. $2350 Only $350. down BI 2-1815 or »•::•« P CONN ORGANS 112 E, 2nd Avenue Bui. stops nl door. Just 3 blooka and $20. per month. Immediate 253, KIMBALL PIANOS Service Stations from railroad station. possession. Free Brochure. Ar- EXTERMINATING ROSELLE thur L. Yetter, Marshalls Creek, HAVING TROL'Bli »ld SMITH-CORONA 209, portable typewriter JARDOT WA S-55M S105 - - $110 Pa. 'Office on Highway sewerage ? Electric Sc (* Mod* H> cheat* front !i-ml. South of Village)ag,, [er removes rooty fllil ME 4-0012 TERMITE CONTROL PIANO COMPANY Includes hot water heat; ft/21ft21 - 6/28and stoppage lrom • TOM GARAGE each apartment individually More people buy SmrfbQ • EXTERMINATING 44S Rahway Avenue pipes, drains and «iJ J. F. Gardner A SOD portables than my other Hoi • LAWN & TREE Woodbridre controlled by thermostat; AVENEL — Cftpe Cod With full digging, no damaiPi - Printing ample paved parking; air- expansion attic. Oil heat. •Yo« cm grt tfih bnai-oui 062 SPRAYING OPEN DAILT !•-» - (At. 1M 485 AMBOY AVENUE and efflcient Cull model KodU Hiwttyt 8-mw only • LANDSCAPING conditioning; master TV Assume existing mortgage for Plumbing and Heallnl throat your Smith-Corona dealer TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUK Woodbridge $2,300.00, — available for the first time— not For Prompt Service antenna. 8007. 91 Bktal rcuilanyvkhcrc. LOW SUMMER PRICES ON MErcary 4-3540 jMARTELL REAL ESTATE CO CALL HE 6-9258 Inspect Daily and Evenings, ME 4-5100, Broker, 521 Rahway We're SpeclaUtU in or call: Ml Learn the Beautiful- I! Ave,, Woodbrtdge. ' «/28 ARMBEf LABORATORIES • BEAR WHEEL ALIGN- Two men »n roiTilfl Beauticlat Sounding on a friend's bw MENT and BALANCE SAYREWOOD8 SOUTH- Dr. Robert V. Bielarski Stern & Dragoset race track Fill Your Coal Bin With STEEL GUITAR! • BRAKE 8ERVICI SACRIFICE. "Americana' Director - Entomologist "Funny" said llavailable Immediately. Moved A Lehisb Premium Anthracite 530 Rahway Avenue Hawaiian, Western or Realtors is SO lUCky at i\i: j Detroit. Take it for $14,700 Woodbridre, N J. Pedal Style Ibadly at the (!•„• Coiffure a&sume mortk'age of $14,200 NUT OR Le&Mni by a professional FOR QUALITY Skin Diving MErcury 4-5500 "Funny no;):. styled just 19 Evenlnis: MErcnrj 4-0378 cash needed $500.00. Call HUm the other, "tli" STOVE Heating-Air Conditioning with yean of playing and |,ttoldt 5-3680. U4/2f for you! ! ! PEA teachlnr experience. SKIN DIVING »/M - T/U shuffle the h":- 1850 For area from 8 to SO From COAL PRINTING HEADQUARTERS QUALITY HEATING B. J. ROEMMELE HAIR DESIGNS br For Equipment and BUCK 17-50 TO »-07M DIAL Instruction COAL & AIR CONDITIONING For Information Stop In or Stella ana jack bj ME 4-1111-2-3 Call ME 4-0071 Beauty Salon 13.1 Painting GALLON The Rahway Ave., Avenel Premium OD K & O HEATINB ME 4-3150 Nationai WARM AIR or HOT WATER Complete Interior, Brand Exterior Painting LADIES 65 A UP 31-Uour ttt* Bitunatei - lima Pajmmti Announce- ON ALL Service on Paperhanging 20 OFF SERVICE! All MakM at Burneri 1M3 Hwaj #1 KitlmiUi ChetrtaUj Gliem AVENEL ments o For Fait Service HE 4-2901 First Class Work Builders Jnst Give Ui a Call ROOF, GUTTER and Business DOWN DRAIN An? Type and 8tjle Jewelers 477 Rahwij A vena* AT LEIS COST Ciston Bum Homes SIMONE BROS. REPAIRS Cards Woodbrldie LINDEN. N J. Fully Insured ailj 1« to »—ri(u*d Inndty All Electrie Homes Ownrd and Upcntcd kj Poet and Beam Hornet HU 6-2726 LADDIE and CONWAY Billheads Eiperleocet Ulun Free Estimate ME 4-71H Financing Arranged HU 6-0059 Call For Appointment Tankless Heater Doll ALL WORK Letterheads WOODBRIDGE NOME Construction FULLY GUARANTEED! Plwnkiig * Heating • Cleaning BUILDING CO., INC. FU 8-1667 Programs 15t Strawberrj Hill Avenue Clogged Hot Water Woodbridre, N. J. GOLDBUVTT'S ^ Get More ALTKR.VriONS Oldtrt KUbUiMd Heater Coil? Telephone ME C-0026 b Signs Jeweler HOT WATER End this ADDITIONS M Bait Cherry Stre** From Tour Tankleu Heitef slow-running - Car Rental -{Leasing RAHWAY CALL TODAY CUSTOM Coils Flushed Clean hot water HOMES No Job Toolargf problem forever! Lawn Mowers Call Available To All Advertisers CAKACES SMITH or Too Small Rent > Gar Hand and Power Lawn SUBURBAN What advertiser ha4nll envied tfte Mowers Sharpened and PLUMBING & HEATING FREE ESTIMATES Collect dramatic illustrations used by big per 1M iJK«mien Ave., Avenel 2t Hour Repaired ORange 4-0534 business in putting added impact into .95 Period ME 4-3098 5 — Headquarten for — their copy? True, good advertising i f mnlei per MU« Brlcii * Stratton art is expensive . . but you needn't CUnton-Lawton A Power Asphalt Pavlig CONCRETE worry about that. Equipped'as we are Product! — Gaa. Engines INRIF-IEE LAR MIDDLESEX with Metro Newspaper Service, our PATIOS Schwinn Bicycles staff is able to put the "agency touch" 8al«t * Senrlot P&PLUMBtR RENTAL SYSTEM H STANLEY into your ads— at no extra cost to you. ALBRECHTJ ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS CALL ME 4-1111/2 flM Smith St. DRIVEWAYS THE Advertising in our Newspapers/ means Display Adv Perth Amboy WCLL LOOK AT YOUR and KEY SHOP PUBUSHING CO. PARKING LOTS PLUS BUSINESS lor you. j 114 HEATING WITH TRAINED VA 43-0232 SIDEWALKS Waahlnftvn Avenu* KNOWNSKYEf 16 20 Green Street INSTALLED — Special rate* for Carterat, N. J AWDWtWILL, Woodbridge FREE ESTIMATES Longer Period* — Tel KI 1-1163 BEHAPPYj All Work Guaranteed IMOCEOID Skilled Labor ADVrSI Ceramic Tile Liquor Stores - Radio & TV Service First Claw Material! CONSTRUCTION CO. Call CH 6-J8J1 or W9-11I* (PubUshed Every Thuwday Morning) Set Need CABTEBET, NEW JEBSE1 HI 8-B739 Telephone HEroury 4-1881 BEPAIRT FKF.K ESTIMATKS CaU PANAMA TALKS SET WOODBRIDGE ME 4-4S60 and the EDWARD SWANICK Representatives of the United CERAMIC TILE Liquor Store, lie. (states and Panama Canal Zone ART'S RADIO [plan to begin discussion, at an CONTRACTOR WE DELITEE1 & TELEVISION early dale, over differences over operation of the Panama Canal tncludinf MOMIC ttlci CgmpUU Stock <4 Donwilc SALKS and SERVICE and ilie adjoining Canal Zone ao< Imported WIUM J E4 lea Avenel Street, Aveuel This was made public follow- fartmt fre«s B*en and Uqvon ing tulk* between President 4U PLUMeiHG.\ 1738 i Kfp.nr Eltluatet free! (Published Every Friday Morning) ". MATING ^ Kennedy and Prenldenf Roberto innu«, Kordf 5T« AMBOY AVENUE uMOBM UUUtUeA P. Chlari of Panama Both re- • 067 MAWHtLL AVtNUt •ubci tciU4 Pie* H »ton 18-20 GREEN STREET W I-UM WOODBKIDGfc, N. J. ported satisfaction with the talks and visit. ,.:n-CP JUNE 28, 29, 1962 I PAOB 8IVBNTKEN VBtn\ BAfTUT CHURCH Buptnntendentt, last Tues- elfltt Bwlmrd day CHRMTWf SCIENCE KreehnuOr ra CHtftCH Bible School Opena WORSHIP Chnren school, ind Wednes- the strength Perth Amboy day M*M«i« rempl* J«Mph ft. BuMn, Factor 1541 Intel ttreet, Rahwaj At Go$pel Church 10:00 A M White Church Guild, second 8unda> at 11:00 A M. WOODBRIDOR-The Vaca- Sunday School tnd fourth Monday* TOGETHER all ages 8unda> School 9:30 A M. tion Bible School of the Wood- 11:00 A M., Worship Service, Udles Aid Society, second Wednesday, testimony meet- bride Oospel Church began your life... and fourth Wednesdays jmmuolon Service ing at I 00 P. M Monday with Rev. Burgess di- THIS WEEK Woman's Association, first recting. Classes for the chil- . ;iiE(MTl0NAL Fellowship. Nursery open 10-12 for chll- Thursdaayy *> Reading Room Tuesday (lS( Iren birth through 3. Thursday. 13 to I P M ; Wed- dren ages 4 to 16 Include Bible «"' (ll, aoODBRIDOE 7:30 t M.. Evening 1 PRESBVIERIAN Cancer DresslDresslnisn . first and stories, songs, handcraft, scrip- f jISEMN ASSEMBLY OF GOD nesday 6 to 7:30 P M : Friday IMHCH OF AVENKI EVANGELICAL AND 7:00 P M. Evening Worship (irnv,. Avenoei Service CHURCH thirird WednesdayWedd s " to i P. M tural memorization, recreation I iiiiininn it. «2I Woodbrldje Avenur REFORMED CHURCH Bo; and refreshments. Classes will Mulle 11:00 A.M., Communion 8un-! 48 Berkfley Boulevard CONG REG AI ION ADATH Fridays. 7:30 Mltil«trr «> day tint Avenel »4 Jamei Street P. M. Wtttfleld continue Monday through Fri- rIh rtrCaln. Sunday ol each RM <,,„,„ l.vlln, New Jersey Krnn S. MarK*nile, Th n ISRAEL 4M East Braid Street ,,l ( hurrh Scbool month. Woodbrldte ME 4-1751 day from 9.12 A. M, through Pmitor RM William Klrby Paitot «e? UeUe «|ry. Minuter Ambor Avenue, Woodbrldtt ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH Sunday 9:30 and i| A M Hrrn, Orianlit Wednteday, 8 P. M., Prayei! Sunday Services: July 6. There will be no class Sunday Order of Sunday Services Rabbi Samuel Newberter Atenel Sunday School u A M. on July 4 II !il. second andl CHURCH ! 7:45 P M Wednesday: Bible Friday: Qlrl Bcouts, 7:00 lundays). A correlative citation to be WOOnBRlDGE OOSPEL Mr) New Dover Road, Edison Before the downpour, a base* B no P M Port Reading CHURCH Study, Saturday: Confirmation class Holy Days Rn Albert R. Sweet. Pattot read from "Science and Health first Sunday at?. »t*niiiaui Miiot. p,,t0I 8:00 P M., First Monday ol 10:00 A. M. 10:00 Cornrr Prospect Avenue and A. M., Holy Com' Sunday School Services committeemen playing Sunday Masses, 7:00. 8 00. Avenue month, Teachers and Workers munton. 9:30 to 10:30 A M. Mary Baker Eddy states (p OUR REDEEMER along with the cubs. •mirth ThursdayiaVOO, 11:00 and 12:00 noon. Peirr Bur(eu PIIIOT Conference Orrsnitatlons 11 A. M until noon 142): "Truth Is God's remedy : 9 45 It was announced that ten- Weekda.•^•....jy ,"«cotMasseis sati o.u8:ouu ft M i ' •" 1' •"•M•. ounQftSunday acnOOlSchool; ou8:00« rP M.M.., ISecond' Monday LUTHERAN CHURCn Trinity Vestry, third Mon- for error of every' kind, and Novena In honor of HI An-'or a" 8R«s. Ernest Barabas Boald Meeting 26 Fourth Street, Fordi FIRST PRESBYTERIAN tative plans have been made r day, 7:30 P.M. Truth destroys only what Is for a soap box derby In Sep. 7:«tfiony each Tuesday at i5 «ui.erim.hdcnt Adult Blbiej 6:30 P M 2nd and 4th Mon- R«». Kldon R. Stohi CHURCH Of ISELIN untrue. Hence the fact that, 7: OrtanlaUs Mv. Reset D. Bldeow. Putor casts out evils and heals the FORDS '1:0 her Snnday Services sick." be In September, Cubmaster « M., Morning worship home, 184 Cooper Avenue Main Service 10:45 Wednesday, 8:00 P M. Robert Aackerman announced. CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH service Nursery is provided Iselin. Holy Communion Morning Worship: 8:49 A. M. li:-i Episcopal Churchwomen, first and 11:15 A M. ll.irk' Huh Street a«» Peter Ibirlrk 6:00 P. M, Senior youth 8:00 P. M., first Friday ol First Sunday 10:45 Monday, 2:00 P. M, ; Church School: Nursery \mhoj Hoy Avenue, I'ordi groups. Month: Women's Missionary Third Sunday 8:15 Trinity Altar Guild. .,i.hilk PtltOt fourth through third grade, 8:45 A M 8onday 7:00 P M.. Evening GospelCouncil under direction ot Mrs Sunday School and Blbl ,,:nlng Worship Thursday 8:00 P. M. Kindergarten through sixth 7:43 A. M. Morning Worship Service. '"JR. Workman. Classes 9:30 A M. Trinity Young People's Pel- ,nUv School §:4J A. M Sunday School. lowshlp, grade, 10:00 A. M. Junior High every Bunday. 7:00 Fellowship, 10:00 A. M to 12 ii.ipilit Youth 'Second and fourth Friday CON(iRE(iATION BETH ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST . M. COLONIA GOSPEL CHAPEL noon: Adult Bible Study. 10:00 S1IOLOM ORTHODOX GREEK Trinity Girls' Friendly 80„- Public Notice: 486 Inman Avenue at West A M. Senior High Westminster 90 Coepn Avenue, Iselln Street, Colonla CATHOUC CHURCH ilety, second and fourth Tues- Fellowship. 7:00 P. M. to 9:30 H»bni Rtrnird Frinkd Broad and Division Streets day, 6:45 P M. Dr. Norbffi Kutntr Cinuir Sunday School and Blbli P. M. The ISELIN FIRST AID SQUAD, Perth Amboy Trinity Cub Scout Pack 84: Save Time On Your VACATION! b Services Friday eve- Classes 9:30 A.M. ning H:00 Rev, Stephen Srtor, Pastor Den Meetings, Thursday, 6:30 OUR LADI OF PEACE Oospel Service Sunday, 7:30 Sunday Matins, 7:00 A M., P. M.; Pack Meetings, fourth Inc., wishes to thank all our friends Saturday Morning Service P.M. CHURCH (Early English Mass, 8:00 A. M Monday. 7:30 P M. New Brunswick Avenue, Fordi « 30 Christian Women's Horn Church School. 9:00 A M. Trinity Senior Choir Prae Rev. Joeepb Bnoiowikl, Pastor Bible Class Thursday, 1:30 P.M and neighbors who contributed to ST. JOHN LUTHERAN Vespers. Saturday nights an ,lce, Thursdays, 7:30 P. M.; Sunday Masses, 8:00, 9:00, CHURCH Younn People's Meeting Frl before holidays at 7:00 P M. Saturdays, 2:00 P. M. 10:00 and 11:00 A. M. and 12 61; I A in hoy Avt., Perth Amboj day 7:45 P.M. Children's Holy Communion Trinity Junior Choir Prac- noon. our 1962 Fund Drive. Thanks to first Sunday of every month. PIAYTIX DKYPER KM Kiidolf Rctmru, Paitar tice, Saturdays, 9:00 A. M. Weekday Masses, 6:45 and Worshlu. 10:30 A M. ST. JAMES1 R, C. CHURCH WOODBRIDGE |8 A M.; Friday, 6:45. 8:00 and you, our drive was a success. .Sunday School 9:00 A. M. Amboj Avcnne, Woodbrldga FIRST PRESBYTERIAN '8:45 A. M. Rt Rd. Mi|T. Ctaarlti O. METHODIST CHURCH CHURCH ST. JOHNS McCorrlitln, Ptilot Rev. Theodore C.'Seamani Monday Rtf willlim Boot, RM. Lutner Martin, Rabwar Avenue and Carteret Novena, 7:30 P. M. Sincerely, KI'IS( OPAL CHURCH Aishtint Piuor Aaalitant Pastor lot Youth Road, Woodbridge Sfwaren Rev Donald J RtMj, Georce E. Ruddy, Ret. Alei N. Nrmeth Paitoi Male Choir Rehearsal 8:00 J">srph H. Thomton, L»jffadfr *ulit»nt Putor Organist and Choti Director Jamti Marab, Mlnlitei Asslitaot |P M. JOHN BOBAK, » 4.1 A M., Sunday School. lerrj L. Hawi Orfanlat Altar-Rosary Society, first Sunday Masses: 6:45, _7:45.i inperinwnYe^ eJ'cSurJh Schoo Sunday ll:no A M., Morning Prayer. 8:45 10:00 and 11:00 A. M. ; Monday aftea r first Sunday at I 1962 Fond Drive Chairman Sundaj Services 9:30 A M., Church Schooool 8:C0 P M. Holv Communion, Second^ Weekday Masses, 7:00 and; 9:30 and 11:00 A. M., Morn • SuMcluv 11:00 A. M. ;7:30 A. M. 11:00 A. M,, Morning Wot' Holy Name Society, second Ing Worship. [ship Monday after second Sunday P.S.: Anyone who still desires to donate 6:45 P. M,, Thursday, choir Novena services every Tues 9:30 A, M., Church School. n-ht iir.Mil. * 'day. 7:30 P M. :00 P M,, Junior Christian at 8:00 P M. 6:30 P. M, Junior Intermed Endeavor Tuesday may do so by mailing your donation ate Fellowship. WVWMAAMWWWVMMU i:00 P. M, Junior High PTA meeting third Tuesday to: 7:30 P. M..MYP. lUnlted Presbyterian Youth. of each month at 8:00 P M 1 7:00 P. M., Senior High Female Choir Rehearsal, 8:00 TEMTLE BJUAJfU-EL United Presbyterian Youth P.M. READY MIXED 120 Pleasant Avenue, Edison Meetlnrs Confessions Babbt MariDaU Hurwlti ISELIN FIRST AID SQUAD, INC. Sabbath Service- Board of Finance, second Every Saturday 11 A. M. un- (Tuesday Friday, 8:30 P. M. y til noon 4 to 6 P M and 7 to 477 Lincoln Highway, Iselin terass Junior Choir, Fridays, 4'5 9 P M., and sometimes on days GRACE EVANGELICAL P. M. 'before Holy Days of Obligation LUTHERAN CHURCH 600 New Brunswick Avenue PUBLIX PHARMACY Perth Amboj Rev. Herbert P. A Hecht, pastor |l.M.iinMr 't WORSHIP SERVICES M Woodhridge 9:30 and 11:00 A M. Tel. ME 4-0809 deUrtred In Saturday deliveries (Nursery during both services) GOOD NEWS in; quantity Mtlnutea given ST. JOHN S EPISCOPAL CHURCB Hoy and Hamilton Avenues Fords THORN-WILMERDING CORP. Rer fflllhm a. Pajne, Vicar For Residents of the WELDON CONCRETE CORF. Holy Communion, 8:00 AM Morning Prayer and 8ermon. DITIIIOM OF WKLDON MATIRULS, INC. 11 A.M. Church School, 9:49 A.M. Linden Scotch Plains So. PUlnfltli HUntr 6-4422 FAnwd 2-4S00 PLnfld 5-ZZ00 CONGREGATION Avenel, Colonia B'NAI JACOB OTHEK WELDON PRODUCTS: Crushed Stone, Black Lord Street, Avenel top, Gravel, Saod and Mason Materials Rabbi Philip Brand 8:30 P M. Friday 10:00 A. M. Saturday, Junior Congregation Iselin Area! Having a , PICNIC, WEDDING, Pre-Fourth of July "Sell-a-bration" LAWN PARTY? TREMENDOUS SAVINGS AT VICTOR MOTORS! The Woodbridge National Bank Leave your troubles behind this summer and enjoy your vacation by •i;i\f traveling In an immaculate, top quality automobile. No hidden charges, nothing extra to buy, prices listed include the complete car! Is Going to Build | -s» 1 Di / ai> •Jl (-HEVKOL1T - Impala, 1-dr. '«1 CHIVHOUrrS, Impalu, Auto, '60 CHEVROLET — Impala Conr. H.T,, Auto. V-8. T.S., P.B., Convertible*, RAH. PJJ., P.B, RAH, Auto, V-J, PB., PJ, V/2 H.T., R&H. 1-owDW car. w/w tlree, W/w «rei, Like mew .- i:iM Choose from 3 ears. ._ I248S Very clean. |2HS 'Jl C'AUniAO "82" 4-dr. H.T., 'Jl CHBVHOLFT — Impala, 4-dr., '» CHBVROLST ImpaU 4-dr. •KEGS IlA-HTTuto., PS., P.B., white V-8, H.T., BAH, w/w Una, H.T., auto., V-8, power eieej- 2 NEW BANK BUILDINGS: with red * blark Interior, Auto. P.B., P.B., MOO orlg. Ing and bretH. R&H, a vl tlrea, back up UihU, mllei, icry rerr dean car. (IBM tinted glau, Llka new. , fill) •howroona oax. ... 'i) FORD aalaili), 2-dr., hard- •90 PONT1AO O»talln» 4-dr, H.T., top, RAH, Auto., V-4, Power A NEW BRANCH OFFICE P»rk «- RAH, auto., PJ., P.B., ww, Steering, Very clean on wltn ptu. lUtlOIV w««on. RAH, • beautiful 3-tone TO BE LOCATED BV 8 tlrta, »«ry. ! CniU»-o-m»tW. Pi)-, I" '. »ery clean ——-. I1WI Ilnlah. |1IH l)(l »W. tlrti. Th« moil eipen- AVENEL "t be caught •lr< wigon Mercury makeii«. 'SO CHEVROLXT8, Impalat, 4-dr. '(> OHRVROUrr ImpalaJ 4-dr., H.T,, R4H, Auto., PA., P.B., •edan, B&B, Auto.,, Power "'""I. . . . \IM w/w tires, Hie new, 1 to Steering, V-8, Very, »»nr and . i.j,r ohoow (rum Like new. . fIMS clean — 1MB %r5SSeJJ?ns.£: •tO OLD6MOBILI H. 4-dr., H.T., '10 VAUXHALL station wagon, *' • Case on Hand 1 1 1 RJtH, w/Hr, black, red I"" ; '' . 500 mllee. P.B., 4-dr..;; (-cylinder, 1-owner, Al 2M '"I Times." A l>«autj.- - »'- P.B., Loaded. I1M5 Ooodjfoondltlon. — _ %W «1 OIJWMOBDJI 8up«r 'i1, 3- A New LARGER BUILDING «0 PLY MOUTH Saror, 2-dr, B dr. B.T., mto., V-8, P.S., P-B-, •M POtdtAO BoimefllW J-dr. 1 aedan, B&H, 7-8, aUndard H.T.JUutomatlc, V-t, power For Our Present Branch Office in CO SODA H*H, W/W tlrei, S""* ™" ahlft, 18,000 orlg. rallei. aUwrlng A brukei, ciC _ ^.^^ - |'5M tery nry clean HIM RAH , _r ISELIN •Jl I'ONTIAO C»talln». MJr. H.T., MiH, P^, P.B-. »uto., "Jl OHBVROLKT — Impala, 2-dr., FORD Country Squire aUtlon w/w tlret, »11 reU with red H.T., BAH, AUto.. PB., PA., wagon, S-piutnoer, R&H, V-* Offering ' t|25CASE^r« Inwrlor, 1«« n«w - '?ws w/w tires. Padded dtib, Power SteeMui; & BrUe*. 1 •H CKIVROUtT imiMla Con- l owner car. flJM Very »«ry clean, , -^- |UH t WutkMM Only , vrrtlbla, RAn, Auto, 8-cvl 12 Ur '« UHEVBOUET- lidr, aedan, Ke or l|( snuui w/w UNI, •» whit* with blu« R&H, Auto., VM., J-cyllndar, I BUIOK 8peci»l «-dl "Complete Banking Services luurlor. ihowroom ciwn, a real economical buy at Auto., V-B, Orltlual 1-owner, 1 owuw.,, -- *an Only - _.- flili New tire*. Clean throufbouc. ,. ""ttles Only ,..._. - • »M •HCHKlUM WlndMt. Mr. J» BtnCK-Bwtr» 3-dr. H.T.. I' -ii . ' »e Fmit Flavors and Mixers H.T., B4H, Wto., P.S.. P.B.. B&H, power itetrlnf and •U Throughout Woodbridge Township" w/w tlrN, back up ht brakia, I owntf 8-OTU B&H. eiecutlvt dl ' CM, ;m» Oood cond, |1M fully Beverages Unlimited WE SELL - WE SEBVICI - WK SATISFY St Member WMttrMii CUstttr *l Coaaaert* - George Aveitie Rahwiy First Payment In August • 36 Months To Pay^ WOODBRIDGE Tor Quick Credit Qlt-C*U MB 4-M5B ot Tiittdaj | AM. to 1:31 P.M. NATIONAL BANK • 'air 4 Op** Ont-Hiif pa, »f • AJL U till PJL VICTOR MOTORS, Inc. -KHOWM FOB lUVICI" Woodbridge • Iselin • Avenel FEANK ud SAM QUATTHOCUI ME 4-5085 445 RAHWAY AVENUE, WOOliBRIDGE Member Federal Reserve System and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation II,- PAGE EIGHTEEN JUNE 28, 29, 1962 En. A&O Loses to Joe Sico Hurls No-Hitter COLT CRASHER By Alan Maver G.B.B.A. Local Glen Turner Hurls Rambling fins Game, 9-6 Hitter In Little I, HolyFamUyin As Baumgartners Win, 7-0 CARTERET G.B.B. A. Local 111 defeated Sabo's Sport CARTERET-The KnlghU ofiBobby Terobc, CARTERET-Joo Siro hurled than he really needed to win Shoi). 9-6. in the opening game i, bus defeated tho Sports-l^rali? Extra Innings Co lm duel Rimbliiig no-hitter In his first, apprar- the game. in the Babe Ruth Baseball m^ c)ub 4 tQ 3 ln elgnt ln. CARTERET - The A & 0 ance In the Babe Ruth Bnsrbali; But the winners got three Ill scored twonlnw to take a l'i game leadjthel/fJt*( With B. Z. League as he shut ("it the:inore runs In the fifth inning The Sweet Shop dropped a close 11- three in the,in the Little Leasue, American outhittlng Knkr 10 decision In extra innings to Shop-Ritp combine to Rlvcto make the victory doubly se- runs In lhr third Turner won 10. The losem the Holy Family contingent in .Baumgartner's a 7-0 victory, cure fourth and four in the flftn'oivlsion. Glen Recreation Department do ;nins In the u the Senior Softball League. 'in achieving a perfect same,! Pilep and Lucky each got two to take a commanding lend of ()Ver DOUR CunliH H lings .,. Most of the parents of Joe Stise hit a homer and Joe struck out 15 buttm and .hits for the winning combine. to 1 and win easily. The team standing follows: the Vets en me 1 The box score: W win. Bobby 7,, single, while Theron Carml- the players In the Little League allowed only four bases on balls. Bill Teleposky pitched a fine Baamiart tier's 8 homer for t,h, ,< chad banned out two singles the ppos t few season*, have| gjn Walker was the losing game Biid hold the Sabo's Knixrits of Columbus Fllep, c 4 1 team to two*»cattered hits and SuC|, s Bar & Grill . .6 In the finni VKJ two doubles for the A It, Oformed the good habit of|p|tcricriprr,, ggiving g upp eialit hits Luckey, 3b 3 one run before tiring in the FttLn^ Dept. Store .5 team. watchinthi g theihi r boyb s playl . AtAtjj str||<|nK 0,,t ten tatters, but he Qlass boys rai, ss 3 last Iniiin'! when the losers , n War Vets .. .5 But the Holy Family, outhit pre-wnt, the Babe RUth is draw- had poor support from Ca( no c .Is '" jSico, p 4 ..4 by 12 to 7, made the best of its ing the largest crowds. The scored five times. Sportsman Club 5 gldcd score of ;MI mates. iPluta. cf 3 .4 seven hits to win the ball game.lfans have been loyal, root for Bill also Hided his own cause Mpt;.o Glass -••• ~i ners blasts n, BaumKartnrrs rolled up a Rosenblum, if .2. It was the fifth victory In seven'both teams and the good fleld- by netting two triples and »jrj. s Metals 7 first Innirm healthy 3-0 lend for Sico in the Makkai, If K or pitching The fans un- AHEAP single in thre trios to the Tavern 1 I!,- —. atarts. first Inning and that was more Coanshock, If Tony Sosnowskl was the win- rstand baseball. OF A FEW Meal #111 In other games the league Skrocki, lb 3 H ning hurler for the winners. Lou't Tavern has won eight OFffl AB R leaders defeated Such'? Bar and Fuccti 2b 0 John Krallck suffered the lots. raight games to lead the Jone.s. 2b . 3 2 Grill In an Important gaqne as;Three-Va\ I 'Kostur, rf 1 The A (St O tied the score mior Softball League. The lolly Pitcher White, p. cf 4 2 Glen Turner hurled a no-hltter. 3 with a big six-run rally In the am has two fine pitchers, Dan Teleposky, p, cf ... 3 1 losing hurler was Joe terebet- 27 7 8 1 In Little last half of the seventh inning, menza and Ray Kinch, who1 Felauei. c .. 2 sky who pitched a no-hltter a Handicap Jnlv 4 SITAR'S CARTERET forcing the game Into extra in- 11 be tough 10 beat. Other SMAXE Sumutka, ss .. 2 few weeks aco. OCEANPORT - T'vrnty-slx|5»nlck. c_ 4 0 0 surance upsei n nings. ams have some fine fielders, OF THE ,Musco, ... 3 The C.W.V. upset the favorite Pleczyskl. lb „ 2 0 Ing Italian Am.•: u The box score: ut are short on good pitchers, lies and marcs have been CREP/T Coanshock. lb '.. 2 Frank's Dept. Store by a 5 to 1 Niemiec, If 1 0 0, M Mark Holy Family oly Family has lost three imlnatod for the 17th running WfCL Miller. If ... 1 score in a bumper game as Hi 'ennings, If 2 team males AB R H ames duo to the pitching, the Molly Pitcher Handicap 60 TO Pelc If ... 2 Bramowicz, 3b .. 1 6-YEAR and shut on' n,, Mullan. ss 3 2 0 Monmouth Park on Wednes- '•THB Letso. rf .. 4 ollbas' only loss was to Lou's, Wfey, 3b .. 2 the Intwnini,, .,| Shomsky, 2b 2 1 0 ay, July 4, and a glance over RoMAfJ' Mir 0/U.y I? n hey meet again July 17. 1 Hreha, ss .. 3 winning, M H,.. Yavorsky, 3b 4 2 3 roster for that mil' anrl a , pur He 26 9 9 Semenza Hurls U The Babe Ruth season is on- Brown, rf _ 1 a three-way n,. ;,, ixteenth test indicates the CtOUfEP Sabo's Zabel, 1b „. 3 1 0 a week old and it has to Its Feerlck, rf 2 ack will have a banner nttra- coin /v ff/t AB R The teiim MUMI Keats, If _ 4 1 0 edit. Joe Slco, Bftumbartner's Marek, cf 1 H 4-Hh Victory on for the, holiday. 1 Miglecz, rf 4 1 2 urled a fine game in beating Biallk, 2b 1 inepe. ss ... .. 1 Many stakes winners are BEE?} .. 1 0 0 CARTERET - Lou's Tavern Italian Amnicai E. Weber, c _ 5 0 1 tar's, getting 15 strike outs, Ginda, 21) 1 Magner. If mong the eligible* for the .. 1 0 0 won its sixth straight victory Parkview Denim:;, Moiczan, cf 4 2 0 'earn needs more conviction to Walker, p 3 Rozanski. If 1 1 in the Recreation Senior Soft- Muller's T. Sosnowski, p 5 1 1 ule them top favorites. Other oily Pitcher and one of the Sivoti, lb . 3 0 O.bnll League by defeating Koli- Tony's Sh I'll earns have the ability to win iasslest of these is Barby Dan 24 0 Zukov. of ... 3 1 1 ibas Tavern by a 6 to 4 score Babies Funum 34 11 7 tfid could beat Baumgartner's. 'arm's Prlmonettn, already Sltar's .-. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—0 Chamift. c 3 O'at the Park field. It was the E. M. D. A&O The Joe Medwick League has ctor in the Regret here this B'mgartn'rs 3 0 0 0 3 1 x—7 Kushner. rf • 0 8 0:first loss of the season for thejHebrew Men.s r AB H opened Its schedule and plays Jason ana last year winner of Tidniski. p 0 F. M C, Corp Stise, 2b 4 ;ames at the Grant Ave. field he Miss Woodford over Lhr lo- Cardinals Trim V.F.W. Post Thatcher. 2b 3 1 0 Kolibas team. T. Carmichael, If „ 5 Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays al oval. C.D.O. Team Doucette. 3b 0 0^ Dan Semenza pitched a fine In a second . Palva, c „ 4 nd Fridays. Ada L. Rice's Apatontho.back Rinaldi, If ... 0 0 four-hitter and had the situa-jvlew Demon,,', KozyKorner9 2314 Wins, 8-3 Ojtion under control at all times. W. Vinsko, cf „. 4 Little Leagues are playing uccessful in the 1960 8ornrlty Tlndall. If .. 1 F. M. Corp U 21 His team mates pounded Moe Litwienskl, 3b 4 econd half schedule and wli: itakes here and a frequent wln- Wins Opener CARTERET — The Kollbas CARTERET — The V.F.W Prokopiak. p . 1 three-way tii : er in top company is another Kalusek for a total of nine hits, Lehotsky, ss ...... 3 oon pick their All-Star teams CARTERET — The G.D.O. Cardinals trounced the Kozy Post 2314 baseball team scored' Local till .... 0 0 2 3 4 0-9 leadership, Hnij if the leading hopefuls for the six runs In the bottom half of including a homer by George Makwinskl, If 2 .nd play in the County tourna- team won its opening game in iKorner Softball team for its Sabo's 0 0 10 0 5—6 was the winiiu.. Molly Pitcher. Still another the sixth Inning on only one Kich and three singles by Ray Manchise, If .. 2 ment. Such's Bar and Grill and the Joe Medwick basebal seventh victory of the season. The Hebr.-: hit, four walks and a couple of Kinch. Semenza struck out ten Meyers, lb 2 K of C take turns in beating ith excellent recommendation! league by defeating Kepich Es At present the Kollbas Cardi- limbed out n: errors to defeat the Labor batters. dear, lb 2 :ach other. At present K of C s Fred W. Hooper's My For so, 12 to 6, this week. TAe win nals trail the league leading beating the F .rait, winner of the 1961 odi 'Lou's Tavern by \'z game in Council team, 8 to 3, in the Stofa Pitches 7 The losers scored two runs! Krallck, p 3 ias won eight games and losl ners had two big frames, "scor 13, in a wild ,, Ion of the Monmouth Oaks the fight for the top position. Recreation Babe Ruth League. in the seventh inning on no , while Such's won seven ing four runs in the first roum third win of n,. The winners rolled up a 2-0! hits, three walks, an error and Hebrew club 35 10 12 ;ames and lost two. Brae Burn Farm's Shirley jand six more in the fourtl Joe Nardi and Tony Sarzillo Hit Victory, Holy Family ,.„ 100 205 12—1 onps, King Ranch's Tamarona,' inning. each got three hits to lead .MU, but it was short lived as! hit batsman. The Italian A: 1 the Labor Cuuncil scored three j CARTERET — The Agrico The box score: A&O 002 001 61—1 Evergreen Landscapes are thi Bart W. Martin's Rose O'Neill, Toth gave up seven hits 14-hlt attack staged by the Iscored an imp.,: runs in the top half of the Softball team won its fifth! Lou's surprise team in the National Meadowbrook Stable's Friman- mostly of the scattered varletj iCardinals against Kozy Korner. walloping tho } fourth inning to regain the up- game in league competition byj AB R League, having won their ninth ha, and George D. Wldener's Losing huner allowed only six Joe Zimmerman hurled an 18 to 1. itraight game and taken effective game, limiting the per hand, 3-2. wallopinp the Holy Family con- S. Semenza, cf .. 3 0 Mullers IIIMI:,,] many tingent, n-6, at the Park field YMCA Day Camp !our-game lead over the Crafts to go into the walks which caused his down- .osers to six widely scattered Then came the blast which Donovan, ss .. 4 0 Furniture playrii this week. The winners scored 0 mens' Club. A fight to thi Molly Pitcher and who have;fan_ hits. shook the Labor Council and D. Semenza, p . ..4 and the game M.; lnish is indicated in the In ine efforts The box score: save the Vets 6 runs in the three runs In the first inning Kinch, 2b 3 2 at another tlmr Begins Season to recommend Rundle got three hits for the ternaticmal League, as th hem. ;winning team. Kolibas I sixth inning to win the ball and eight more in the third to G. King, lb 2 1 'arkview Democrats have tlec Weights for the Molly Pitcher AB H'game. take a biff lead and win easily. Gluchoskl, 3b 2 2 RAHWAY - The Rahwa: The box score: the Italian American Clut are due from the desk of John Nardi, cf _ 4 3 ORielly got two hits for the Al Stofa held the hard .hit- Van Alstein, rf 2 0 YMCA Day Camp, Camp Fair G.D.O. Both teams have the same iTurner, racing secretary, on Sarzillo, If _...... 3 3! winners. ting Holy Family club to seven Wojewodzki, If ...... 3 1 Evergreen Te weather, will begin its eight AB R record of seven wins and two Friday, June 29, and thereafter Kaskiw, If _ _ 1 T The box score: scattered hits. He helped his Bryan, c 3 0 week season on Monday am Wayne, ss 4 2 loses. better line on the probable Vinsko, rf _ 3 own cause along with three continue through August 24. Pascal, rf. _ „ 2 2 1 V.F.W. Wins 8th in All playgrounds are open an starting field will be available. Biesiada, rf 2 0 ._ 1 0 AB hits, including a homer, double 26 6 9 120 boys and girls are already I CARTERET Tiie| are well used. There Is fini Complete list of eliglbles fol- 3 W. Kolibas. c 4 O'RkJlly p . 3 and single. Frank Washington Kolibas registered, but applications •will Zierpola, 3b .. 3 green Landscape tc trained supervision, Ball gam* lows: 3 Stragepede, ss . 2 I1 Donovan, 3b . 3 got three hits, with a homer AB still be accepted. Toth, p ... 2 eighth straight pamj are played at seven fields, wltl Apatontheback, Apple Eva, 0 Bertha, ss 1 l!Gallo, c . 3 and two singles. Kas!;iw, 3b 4 The five-day-a-week pro Kinney, lb .. 3 undefeated m first pLicfj three night games at the sofl Counter Call, Countess Celeste, 1 Gural, 3b 2 ^Burton, ss . 2 The box score: Sarzillo, cf 2 J gram wil take place at the Ral Rundle, 2b ... 4 Little Leaguo, national d ball field. Cup Of Tea, Decline and Fall, 0 J. Kolibas, lb ... .._„ 1 1 Antonello, lb . 3 AGRICO R. Vinsko, rf 3 S way River Park in the mornin Marrone, c _ 3 The league lende The 12th annual Pal Day w Dreamflower, First Sitting, 0 Zajac, 2b .' 3 Rosal, 2b . . . 3 1 * and early afternoons. Swim Gartley, c - 1 2!Laytham, 2b : 2 Giordano, c 3 the Craftsman Club 151 be held at the Park field Jul: ,Frimanaha, Hill Song, Honey 0 Zimmerman, p _ 2 F. Bamburak, If 3 2 1 Stragepede, ss ming instruction will take plac Gregos, cf -, 3 Turner, cf 2 gain a full 'i-tinv la 4. There will be the usual rldi Dear, Lady's Maid, La Verde, 0 Z. Ur, 3b 2 0 Gural, 2b at the YMCA. Other actlviti Husar, cf ..„ „„ 1 Chamra, If 2 the losers who are in| and all the eats and. drink: Look Ma, My Portrait, Oil Roy- 1 27 14 Washington, lb 4 3 McLaren, lb will include crafts, group garni Papp, If „ 3 !5 lReynolds, rf 2 position. Both teams | free for all Carteret childrei alty, Play Time, Prlmonetta, Kozy Korner Hannon, rf 2 1 W. Kolibas If _ and skills. For further infoi Rose Bower, Rose O'Neill, Seven bumper action with M«| The Pal Day was first held 31 12 61 AB 20 8 5 DeCarlo, rf 0 0 Kalusek, p mation call the YMCA. Thirty, Shirley Jones, Social \0nnlng easily over I 1950 for the purpose of givi: Kepich Esso Maretta, rf 2 Labor Council Mesquita, rf 1 Leader, Tamarona, Towson Hefferan. Movement from farms hurt the youngsters a day for them AB R Pusillo, rf 1 AB P. Bamburak, c .. 1 26 4 4 Gal, Vanairess, The team stamtmss: 1 East Europe. iselves. Paulovick, ss 3 1 Sica, cf 1 Such, 2b 3 W. Ward, cf , Kolibas .'..„ 020 000 2—4 2 iasculin, cf 1 Sabo, 2b 0 iarzillo, ss Lou's 020 103 x—6 Fondi, cf _., 4 Evergreen Landscapes, Toth, c .: 4 2 eagan, 3b 3 Grunden, ss 3 Stofa, p Craftsman Club . v Paparteys, If 2 1 innegan, ss 3 Holden, 3b 3 .lp :deal Liquor Jackson, 3b 3 0 ideally, 2b 2 Vogt. lb 2 31 17 Babies Furniture . Naegley, 2b 4 0 afro, c _.._ 2 Knight, cf _._ 3 HOLY FAMILY Agrico Defeats ISacred Heart . Kitz, p 4 0 Maretta, lb, 2 Kosci, cf 1 Julian, ss 4 1 Local #440 West, lb „ 1 0 londrk, If — 1 Pendick, p 3 Shomsky, 2b 2 0 Carteret Lanse Synowiecki Funeral -- Tampa, lb 1 0 Pusillo, If 0 Biolick, rf 0 Yavorsky, 3b 2 2 'arteret Delkiitr.^iii. Burns, rf 2 0 Llineko, p 2 Jimenez, rf 1 ieats, p 2 1 CARTERET —Agrico defeat. In other giwws tin-' Coughlin, If _ 2 Miglecz, cf 3 0 ed the Carteret Lanes, 16 to 6, Delicatessen pulled an I 28 6 20 5 6 Brack, if J E. Weber, rf-c 3 0 Ojfor its fifth victory in the Rec- beating the Sacred H9 G.D.O. 4 0 16 0 1 0—12 :ozy Korner .... 0 14 0 0—5 Torre, c 2 Molczan. If 2 1 C;veation Softball League. their second win of I Kepich Esso 3 0 1 0 0 0 2- :olibas 9 4 11 X—15Rozzelle, c 1 Riedel. c-rf 3 1 The winners scored eleven behind Joe Moiwhan runs in a big four-lnnlng bom final game the Cmfw 24 3 6 24 6 7 bardment to break a 3-3 dead- he sportsman and modified .won over SynowiiTii;s Labor Council 000 300 0—3Agrico 3 0 8 13 2—17 lock and win the game easily. (Veterans Race drivers will battle through four 10 score as Dennis VJ.W 101 006 x—8H. P. .. 3 2 0 0 10—6 juallfying heats for starting In rolling up 18 runs, the star hurler for tlie Crij AT LESS COST lositlons in the feature event. ACTICO softballers got a total of outpitched Tom l At Old Bridge Saturday night, the NJTA lap sports car feature race 15 hits. Paul Bamburak got OLD BRIDQE — Cancelled Irag racing sanctioning body three novice stock car races, Bi? Field for three hits and Prank Bambu CARTERKT IW Jast Friday night by early eve- ,t the Old Brlflge strip will and a two-hour fireworks show rak. Bob Ward. Dick Ward, and DEI'ARTMt.NTl ning Intermittent showers, the itage the second record,night on the spacious speedway j Sanders each got two hits each 1 ' Senior Softball 4 star packed driver • roster for f the season. Drag racing com. grounds. i Rich Gardenia The box *coi/e: Standings .!••> >' ' Friday nights NASCAR stock )etitors will be given ample op- CAMDEN - Harbor View AGRICO races at Old Bridge Sta- portunities to establish new F. Bamburak,:If 3 Farm has four nominees, in- Lou's Tavern dium will be at peak strength ipeed marks in class and elim- Rosal 2b cluding Omarbrad and O'Cala- Xolibas Cai-dn'-"> • t h established NASCAR ination runs on the 331 foot Lou's Tavern R. Ward, c way, both of which show prom- grico speedway favorites. lOme-stretch strip. P. Bnmburak. lb ise. The Elberon Farm of Mr. Holy Family Rated above all other to an Adding to Saturday's pro- nd Mrs. Sonny Werblin have ss |nex his fourth 25-lap featun Wins 8th Game A&O Swi-H .Si.»i) gram will be the first all girl omlnated their impressive colt, D. Ward, cf ; i: victory will be Joe Kelly, threi powder-puff races to be held CARTERET — Lou's Tavern Knights of Cn!iMi'. ' lun Through, in addition to % Ur, ef Kozy KorntM- time feature race winner from lollowing the time tr|als, which jscored its eighth straight tri- hree others. Miss Patricle A. Stofa, 3b Pennsylvania. Other etandijruti itart at 6 o'clock, Entries have CarWret Lanc- umph in a row in the Senior acobs has a pair of good possi- Sanders, rf 1 in the 22-car main event lieli been received from Barbara Recreation Softball League, de-j Next week's s;!""" - littles ln Prosperous and Bon A. Pusillo, p Mon July -IK1 include Don Stcmpl, Bill Kazlmlr of Linden, Mary Jane feating Lou's Tavern, 9 to 0, as our. Kelso's owner, Mrs. Rlch- K|tz, p alier, Peanuts Wardell, Eddli Sa\fers of Metuchen, Carm Dan Semenza shut out the K. 1st itame •> ^ <' ,rd C. DuPont, has nominated 1 Sigler, Bob Malzahn, Al De Bastiao of Newark, and four- Carteret L' -' •" Available To All Advertisers of C. team with only two hits. pair, while Lloyd K. Rudd of 29 16 Angelo, Jack Hart and others Cardinijls teen other girl drivers for the George King led the nine-hit latboro, Pa., has nominated CARTERET LANES [from Long I I4fnd, New York, two-car macadam duels on the 2nd gapie 8:30 Wha|t advertiser hasn't envied the attack with a home run. triple he exciting prospect Danaus. Kopin, 3 I and Connecticut states. one-sixteenth of ft mile straight- and single. Sam Semenza also 'his year The Garden State Pettus, cf 3 dramatic illustrations used by big Novice point leaders Star away. Tues. July 3rd- ihomered for the winners. ,lso drew two nominations from Klraly, p . 3 lst game 6:3H business In putting added impact into VanBrunt, Tom Green, Bernli Promoter Tom Orbac has an- Lou's! scored two runs in the 'illieg — something that has notSullivan, lb 3 Reazkowskl, Bob Voorheet an pi ttr 3b A&O Bwi '• their copy? True, good advertising nounced the signing of a three- first inning and seven runs in lappened in quite a while. Thel ^ ' 3 forty others will compete in tw for-one raoing [program to be the last three frames. ""empleton Stable of Mr. and Tavern art is expensive . . but you needn't MtWahon, as .... 2 2n4 tune 8:is For 10-lap heat tussles and a 20-la; presented Tuesday night, July The box score: Mrs. F. C, Guest has nominated Kulick, If 3 novice main attraction, while K Of C vs Holy worry about thit. Equipped as we are 3, at 8:00 P. M., including a 50 LOU'S iSwipe, by Swaps out of Con- Kertes. 2b 2 Personal K rf Thurs- July 5"i- with Metro Newspaper Service, our I £f, Semenza, cf niver, while Mr. Richard CI W' ! 1 staff is able to put the "agency touch," Service T. Semenza, If Bailey, president of SpBrts Net- Zeke, If work, Int., the firm that does 23 6 8 2nd «»nie into your ads— at no extra cost to you. D. 8emenza, p the telecasting of races in Catreret Lanes 0 0 2 1 3-6 CALL ME 4-1111-2-3 Agllco Holy Fami UP WITH YOUR! Donovan, as „ ,Flprida, New York, and New 0 3 0 11 2—16 Advertising in our Newspapers means Display Advertising Q, King, lb „.„ Jersey", has nominated his filly PLUS BUSINESS for you. J. Gluchoski, 3b by Our Babu, named Lady Not HOME TOWN NEWS! Van AlstyneJc Yet, The nation's top filly pros- CLIP AND HAIL THIS COUPON TODAY Oluohoski, 2b pect, Mrs. Ethel D. Jacobs Af- Enjoy jifour Gretsky, rf fectionately,, by swaps out of WOODBRTOOl PUBUSKNO 00. Ginda, rf Searching, heads the list of 18 GREEN STREET nominations for The Gardenia Suminer Bowltog WOODBRTDGE, N. J. 26 9 Interestingly enough, the Crim- (Published Every Thursday Morning) K. of C. son King Farm, owners of at the O Enclosed please find $4.00 tor on»-ytar lUwtor, of Crimson Satan, last year's two- subscription to: Bala>i" «" &• ntun»d tmmKiiai«ir tfttr Contract* tod Piri For Sgt. Elko disappointment In his life " Bondi bare Mtn Mteuttd. ters, Mr«. Frank Cleversey and "How's that?" No Blddtr miT wltbdwltbdnn w hit nid /(Ill* CARTERET - Many friends, hit nid M. Zofla Mrs. Anthony Rodomskl. both He never looks for anything tor a perioidd or thirtthit y ddiyi tft«r of Carteret; Mrs. Edward relatives and members of the thf trtutl dtl* Of tin opening I,k Of 12 Maple but trouble." thereof. mrtpret, died Walsh, of Iselin. and Mrs Pollen attended the funeral Tb« tueoMtful Bidder will t» rt> Charlea Groth, of North Plaln- LEGAL NOTICES qulrfd u> provide »nd p»T Inr t. . iiiihway Memo- Wednesday morning of retired sutviiort wtformtoe* Bond in »p- si,r was 78. "leld. protfrt form •• nt forth In In- Police Sergeant Otto Elko, 11 MIDDLMIX COUNTY •tmettoQi to Bidden". wtilrTi B"ni Also, three sons, Andrew and SIRROOATIS r Wi|S born in Po- Rht ' lhi',1 be In the full »monnt «-eM*d, Intend) to inhibit final•• may h deemedd d bbe*t t ((o r tth« :n- held from "t St. Joseph's Church at 9:30 a.-.-oiint to the Ulddleaet County t»r»itt t Ititir IlbmrI.lbmry BBo»rt» l i,l.,- of its Altar he Blzub Funeral tnun-Prob»u DlTlalnn, on Thuri- By order of the Ubrery Bonril P( wlrt vv nnd she Homeme,, 54 A. M, with the Rev. Dominic fy, th» Mth. day OJ July, liw, at the Beroui'i of Ctrtcnt. Count; oi M. Manzo. OSM, celebrant P M.. for «ett]ement and allow- Mlddletn. Sttte OI New Jfr»v 1023 of the Wheeler Avenue, on Wednes- IT; the UDI being Ilrtt aMdlted day morning at 10 A. M. A and RrV. victor M. Grabrlan' »l aUttd by tha flurroitte. °SM in the sanctuary! •mad Jiin* 18th. 1M3 J by a high requiem mass was offered AMUtl KAPLAN, t»q . riKST NATIdMAL RANK Interment .^ Cooke ATsnut, IX CARTIKBT Krissak of Car- at 8t. Joseph's Church nt 1030 was at St. James Iturrhnlden' Meetlni A. M., with Rev. Patrick 'M. Cemntcry, Carteret, N. J. ,iolm of Lln- Lyons, OSM, celebrant, WoodbridKe, and Attorney. Notice U nprehy (luen thit, p meetlni of the eh»reholdrr« " ,M; two sister* nt the Riave by the Rrv. Dom- Cemetery, WoodbrldRe. com- Inlc MM M '1 N'" B ,.,-/rlc of Poland mittal Mrvlces were hold at O8M. P. 6/1J • M; 1/i 1J/M be htlrt 11 IU tinmiriK hoiiM •' Nr of Car- A military service was held JS Cooke Ar>nti«, In the borouiti c the grave by Rrv. Patrick M ADVIKT1IKMEST ri\n»rcl. 9t»te of New Jtrwy, on in • hrrs, Michael of Lyons, OSM. Pallbearers were•' at the sravc by the Honor =»^._.™ . '17lh y U. ;-. :,ii(1 Walter of Guard and the Firing Squad 8BPARAT1 eiALID PBOPOeALH;»flfrn(v,n. for the purpose of con Jeff Oroth, Howell Todd, Bonny HI be r»c«l*ed by the Llbmry tiderlnn «nd rtetermlnln* by vot Mtxlrliildren and Wlckes. John Murphy and members of the VPW Post 2314 n«rd of the Borou|h of Cirteret. whether >n iireemrnt to merae th Cartcrei.. Those present were' ounty of Mlddletei, N J «t ihe!»»ld hunk «nrt The Perth Amho Donald Walsh. Rosary serv- orsry, M Ctrtcret ATP. O»rl»r«l,lN«tinn»l Btnk. lor»ied In the CTt I will be held to- ices were recited on Tuesday Alex Penske, John Mazur J. on Monday^ July 9, IMJ untilof Penh Amboy, flt»t« of New Jei . synowlckl Pun- 30 P.M. ID S^T.) for" t'lirnUhini eey, under the protitooi of tf evening at 8 P. M. by Rev. Andrrw Majlstrlk, Anthony nbor end mnerlnl rfqulred for Uwi of the United Sutet ihill t Curtrrpt Ave. A Dominic M. Manzo, OSM. Nemeth, John Pluta, Nicholas 'our aeptrste dlrtelona of work u RKCEIVE FIRST COMMUNION — Photo shows uxoup of young people from Stsi.. nMary's ITtniinlan Catholic Church rntlfled iind confirmed, mibject t v. ill be celebrated Sisko. the bugler, Fred Brock- ollowi: the ipprovtl of the Comptmlltr f who received their first holy communion at ceremonies held recently In the church. Seen at the helm Is Rev. Yaro- I. General Conitrnctlon the Currrnry. Wkthlncton, D. O., »n family Church. JAMES WHITE 8H. up, and the commander, Ed- Fedyk, pastor of the church. a. Plumbing Work Tor the purpott of »oUni upon er i \ in St. Ger- ward Kuliils. Pallbearers were 1. He*tlnu Work other matters LncldenUl to the pn )r CARTERET—James N White 4. Electric*! Work poeed merger of the two bknk*. , i-v, Colonla. members of the Carteret Police CARD OF THANKS the Altar Boys, the organist For thh * mention to th« Ctrtaret copy of the »foreuld tgr*«in«e 3r., 43 Hermann Street died Department. They were: Lt. rick M. Lyons OSM, the Altar Jaycee-ettes To Aid libllc Llbr»ry, (3 C»n««t Me emitted by e. mijorlty of the d Friday at the Middlesex Gener- STEVE DOKUS and soloist, Miss Eleanor Aba- '•rtent, N. J , und then. »t uld rectori of wh of th* two b»nk MUTER SB. Patrick De Santis, Sgt. Michael Boys, the organist and soloist 1U HI al Hospital In New Brunswick We wish to express our sin- ay, the Holy Name Society of In Township Survey offlre publicly opeiitd ma rmd'prorldirn lor the merger. It on fl - Andrew Dc- Bohnnck, Sgt, Edward Czaj- Miss Eleanor Abaray, the Car- *loud. t the bank and may be UupwU He was 65. cere thanks to all our relatives, 3t. Joseph's Church, Dr. Theo- InttnictloQi to Bidden — Form ot luring business hourt, ,,.i a resident here Pross, Sgt teret First Aid Squad, US Me- WOODBRIDGE — Mrs. Fre friends and neighbors for the dore Chenkln, Dr. M. A. Cho- Bid, Oentrtl COrttlltlonn. ptim ,ni B. MICHAEL DOKWILLT MI yi'iirs, died Sun- dosh, the Carteret First Aid tals Refining Co.. employees of Stebblns, new president, pre 8peclflc»tlont m»y be finminrd ind many acts of kindness and sided at her first meeting 0 obtainened by each bidder ni the office oaabl ;..,tnn, 536 Roosevelt sympathy they extended during Squad, Mayor Stephen Sklba, the power dept. at US Metals' of the Architect. H. B. Southern, C. P 6/lS-])-»; 1/t-Wa ,he Carteret Council, Police the Woodbrldge Township Jay ST1 I HUMlwood Aie, Rahway, our bereavement in the death Refining Co., local 84, bus op-cee-ettes. Mrs, R. White wl N. J., upon depotlt of "'•'' turn of NOTICE OF ritQFOfKD ; ;:• 1945 from the of our dearly beloved father, Chief Charles Makwinskl, Car- 110.00 per copy. The deposit wm v ^ DAN^MBEOtft the Jersey Trailer Co, of Northjp. MM.. bvv Hrv. Dominic M erators and mechanics, Andy's be the chairman for the combe refunded to the bidder upon re- ,i:.il Ki'finlng Co. Bik f grandfather, and devoted ;eret Police Dept., P3.A. Local Notice u hereby flTen tbtt WP Food Market, the pall bearcre, munlty service survey con turn of the documents within ill) «tion Im heen nMi to UM Oenh ..,. bad been em- Brunswick for the mi seven Mai™, OSM. The members of 47, Carteret Firehouse No. 1, dayi after the nponln* of the bids. thp broth- and uncle, Steve Dokus. ducted by the Red Cross, roller or the Currency, WMbJngti M th Ct Police Dept. and Carteret Exempt Firemen Asso- police escorts and the Blzub Itch bid muse ba accompanied :n yrars. "" lice Dept. and We wish to gratefully ac- 3). D. C, (or hla cottMnt to 5;,-™-Neva Police Chief Charles Makwin- ciation, VPW Post 2314, MidjFunera- l Home. thank you note for clothing fo by a certified check for ten permit merger of Flnt N«MonU BwiK . Onrteret. O«rt«r«t, Haw JUMT, Ii Rlce White; two dauRhti-rs.jskl paid their respects in a many spiritual bouquets, floral dlesex County Barracks No. to the order of the Carterrt Library The Ptntt Amboj Natlontl Bfct Andrew Demeter Sr. the German Jaycees. Hoard, u a guarantee thai |n ca Perth Amboy, New JerHT. Mrs. Paul Cummings o[ Cliff-,body lmed churcn- t!le Hungarian employees at General Electric, were discussed and the tlm of the bid will be contingent upon THS PXRTE AMBOT ReIormed Federatlon of Am "How can that be?" and place will be announce' fulfillment of thti requirement b> NATIONAL BANK mount, Pa., and Mrs. R. Scott ritual servlcrs Tuesday evening ^ Newark employees of F. M. tbe Bidder. The check' of nil bu Perth Ambor, MM Jan of Franklin, Pa., and two broih at 8:30 p M. ica, the Wodmen of the World Corp., employees at the power "She can say nothing In a|later. th* three loweit bidders will bi FIRST NATIONAL BA1 manner that leaves nothing un ers, Rexford of Astoria, Loin: Sgt. Elko, a Camp 89, the American Agrl- house of F M. Corp., employ- The group will now meet a returned within three days after thi mcAKTKirr of Union said." the Keys Hotel, Rahway. opening of Bids, and the remaining Cartarat. Raw Jtrttr Inland, and Fred of Connraut, City, had ees at Sinclair Corp., Tremley CP. a/J-U-M-W; Ohio. -ust 7d years. He was Chemical Workers Union Point, International Chemical watch Funeral services were held HIT ot the borough's police „,.- 434, Mayor Stephen Workers Local 144, Oil Chemi- Tuesday morninjf at the Grcln-'partment for 31 years retiring Sklba, the Carteret Council, cal Atomic Workers Union Lo- er Funeral Home, 44 Green1 m 1951. Police Chief Charles Makwln cal 13-337 at Sinclair, employ- ski, the Carteret Police Depart- ees of the Market Planning Street. Interment WHS In dov- A communicant of St. Jo- Dept. at Westinghouse Corp. erleaf Park Cemetery, Wood-.fill's Roman Catholic Church ment, Squad D, Employees o: Natvar Corp., Woodbrldge, th Metuchen, John's Texaco bridge. land a member of Its Holy Name 1 1 pall bearers and the Btzu [Baumgartner Brothers, the po- Society. SiH. Elko was a U.S. Funeral Home. ,lice escorts and the Blzub Fun- A meuagt from the Treasury of a free people MRS. NARDI FUNERAL I Army veteran of World War I. Family of the lat eral Home. that CARTERFT — The funeral He belonged to Star Landing Pos Steve Dokus. of Mrs. Jennie Nardi, 60 Lln-i t. VFW; the VS. Veterans Family of the Late den Street, wns held Saturday,"' World War I, Post 2345, Me- Retired Police Sgt. Otto Elko at 8:30 from the Synowieckl,11101"1": 8»d for 15 years was a CARD OF THANKS Funeral Home. 56 Curten t Av-Imcmbcr of the Exempt Fire- POLICE SGT. OTTO ELKO enue, and a requiem high muss mnl's Association, We wish to express our sln- CARD OF THANKS followed at 9 A. M. at St. Jo-i Surviving are his wife, Mrsjcele thanks to all our relatives, ANDREW DEMETER SR. frl soph's Church with the Rcv/Madilinc Barrett Elko: a ends and neighbors for the We wish to express our sin- notch! D. M. MBUZIO, OSM. cetebrant.jdaiuhtn, Mrs. Zolton SzLmcsak!ma»y acts of kindness andsym- cere thanks to all our rela- Interment was at St. Jamesjof Carteret: a son, Edv.ard of pathy they extended during our tlvs, friends and neighbors for Cemetery, Wbodbrldne." Pall ;Hnliway: four .sisters, Msr. bereavement in the death of the many acts of kindness and bearer.i. all Rrnndrhlld were: Anna Cortelyou. Mrs. Julia our dearly beloved husband, sympathy they extended dui> Martin Nardl, Walter Walko.JQwaJ , Mr.s. Ellen Toth and Mrs.father, grandfather, and de- .Ing our bereavement In the Richard Nardi, Snrmifl Nardi.'Elizabeth FuIsU all of Carteret; voted brother and uncle, re- death of our dearly beloved Joseph Nnrdi and Richard'three brothers, Joseph, George tired Police Sgt. Otto Elko. father, grandfather, and great Turco. 'and John of Carterel: and two We wish to gratefully ac- grandfather Andrew Demeter grandsons. knowledge with thanks the Sr. DOKT'K FTVERAI, many spiritual bouquets, floral We wish to gratefully ac- CARTERET — Tin- funeral Sovil'1 plluls in ln- tributes, donations of cars. We knowledge with thanks the dusl1 1 1 especially Wish to thank the many spiritual bouquets, floral for Rt.'ve Dokus, r, TlH)mal, ' " ™*™W™^ I Rev. Dominic M. Manzo OSM, tributes, and donations of can. Street, took place Friday morn-1 lo of l0 Hong;Rev. Victor M. Grabrlan OSM, We especially wish to thank in* at 9:30 A. M from the! *' \ ^ Rev. Patrick M, Lyons Rev. M, Manzo OSM, Rev. Pat- Blzub Funeral Home, 54 K'ong M^s' Wlweler Avenue. S'nices fol- lowed at 10 at the Hunenrlan Reformed Church with Dr I \ Andrew Harsanyl oiricintinR buy a. Interment was at the Clover Park Cemetery, Wood- , fclonn with commits] services by Dr. Andrew Har- snnyl. Pallbearers were Paul Gom- REFRIGERATOR- bos, John Yursa, Alex Marczi. Stfvc Soltesz. Joseph Teleposky nd Steve Zatlk. Prayer services were held Thursday evening at 7:30 P. M Lite Diet Bread with Dr. A. Harsanyl ofTicliU- FREEZER ng. tas only 15 calories The members of the Curteret Police De'partment paid their How to speak outfor freedom {oday Per thinner slice! respects In a body Thursday you can enjoy a. 1 nfternooh at 4 P.'M. arr j- Free men have never gone in {s an investment in freedom. Old **&> do well to IOHN SISKO much for silence. Even before While you're saving money for d your own family's future, you're ^>arp sight-line CARTERET — John Sisko the flnt thirteen States became 44. 36 Roosevelt Avenue, dwd SUPERMARKET United States, men were speak- helping Uncle Sam tend to the Wednesday. Mr. Slsko was the business of keeping men free 5ta ing for freedom loud and "-•£ today, tine wp son of Parvle Dirczo and of clear. today. tf-uitn a lighter he late John Siskjo. He Is sur Today Americans speak out Perhaps you don't speak out orii vived bv three stst?rs, Mrs.; - that includes for freedom many ways—in for freedom in the same tone of OL Alfred Tavares, Miss Rarahj IN YOUR ''- hearty, Lite Slsko, and Miss Lenko Sisko, Congress, in local government, voice when you buy a Bond as Brt Id - Dugan's •ill of CarteS-et, two brothers.! in neighborhood activities. Patrick Henry did in his famous | formula White William Siako, Fords, and ftnn' Some speak out for freedom in speech. But you apeak every bit , baked with all the Slsko, Carteret, a nephew, | other languages, in other lands. as surely. And evdry bit as fitam Rev Ernest J. Sisko; three ns KITCHEN proudly.) and minerals a ithpr nephews and two nieces. And millions of Americans Ood br Why 4ot apeak out for free- ^a should have Mr. Slsko has lived In Car- speak out ft>r freedom every repeat), with teret his entire life where he tune they buy U.S. Savings dom now? Buy Bonds at [the ca|ofies in each was a communicant of St. Ellas Bonds. bank or on the Payroll Savings riinner (i; Plan where you work. (1^ Church and a member of Our Every Savings Bond you buy ram) slice, Lady of Hungary Society. He to "watch also served in the Merchant KMP fmdMti In your future with nolcf'1 (other men Marines, The funeral will be hejd to- U.S.SAVINGS BONDS , morrow at 9 A. M. froii the Synowleckl Funeral Home, 56 Boy an EXTRA Bond during the Freedom Bond Drive Carteret AvenUe, and a requiem '. W)» Tnuury J . high mass will follow at 9:30 Uuir patriot* tuppart. A: M. at the St. Ellas Church.: Rev. Augustine Medvlgyl will1 hold parastae services tonight at 8 P. M. The Interment will 1 Saves extra trips to the store be at the Clov«r Leaf Park \,.\ Cemetery. Woodbridge. Visit- \>\ ing hours are from 2-5 and 2. Gives greater menu variety from 7-10 In the evening. 3. Is a life-saver when unexpected guests drop, in Legion to Sponsor 4. Saves money on food bargafns and leftovers Picnic on Saturday Woodbridge Publishing Compcr.y WOODBRIDQE — Wood- 5. Saves time. Cook double-serve one...freeze one brldge Poit, the American Le- 18 • 20 Green Street Woodbridge, N. J. g(pn. will meet tonight at 8 at the Poet home on'Barry Street. buy a refrigerator-freezer ' Phone ME 4.1111-2-3-4 On Saturday, the Legion- naires will sponsor a get-ac- qualnted family picnic at the at your favorite store Post home grounds, starting at •L«OTWO AND OA» COMPANY 1 P.M. PUBUC Small band pf U. S. self exiles j Taxpaylng Servant olt Qrut State ijoudl backs Castro. ' PAOE TWENTY JUNK 28, 29, 1962 OrtwtngDown the toe remainder of the year. The volumne Is tremendous take all the food out of Father-Son Supper Teen-agers act so silly right experience. .. There is the va- Be wise and take it easy, considering the size of the bird after tai cease to be one of cent? and thie always Impresses one cation 10 crowded with travel Make yours a satisfactory va- Held by Boy Scouto and activity as to exhaust the cation. You'll be alive and them. — The Dubuque (Iowa) "A patient wh(l hearing the song for the first Health Hints A time, It Is Impressive even to Ukewlw, there Is happily vigorous when back to IBEUN—Boy Scout Troop 47 Telegraph-Herald, son." experienced listeners who have the completely dull vacation— work you go. held a father-son supper Satur- long known the bird. VACATIONS CAN BE as one spent in some forlorn Michael S. Newjohn, MD. day in Fellowship Hall at y>e HARMFUL First Presbyterian Church. The All In all, this little cin- and cheerless wilderness — Some people on vacation which produces a feeling of WINS 1TTU! Invocation was given by Boy namon-brown sprite with 1U very nearly kill themselves try- emit Robert Ackerman. conspicuous white eye linr is physical stagnation and social TOKYO — A 30-year-old Scout ing to have a good time, Don't decay. Avoid these as you would fashion model from Yokohama, Outgoing Scoutmaster Rob- one of the most attractive of let this happen to you. The the plague. song-birds and Is also hiirhly Marlko Harada, is Tokyo's ert Amalas was presents fciin word vacation means a period There are different types of "Miss Hips of 1962." several gifts from the Troop. regarded for Its diet whirl) Is of free from routine care, about 95 per cent lnsrcts, many unsatisfactory vacationers, too Chosen from some 000 com-Mother's Club, and Flying duties, and scheduled activities —from those who get water petitors in a contest sponsored Eagle Patrol William Doerr of them Injurious to human 18 The mood of a true vacation logged trying to get their by an importer of French films has been named «" tne new interests. one of complete relaxation. The money's worth, or who surfer and a bed manufacturer, judges scoutmnstrr. Hope-Chest Mnnnikrr effect is "re-creation" — the second-degree burns from boil- decided that her hip contours Visitor — "What was your1act of creating again, of mak- ing themselves in the sun, to were more pleasing than the Members of the Mother's raummif1 s name before she wasing a new person of you. those who court heart attacks others Club who served as hostesses married?" There are different types of and heat exhaustion by taking Miss Hirada's hips, measuring were Mrs. William Doerr, Mrs. Young Innocence — "I think unsatisfactory vacations more violent exercise during 36.6 Inches and a waist of 22 8Robert Ackermnn. Mrs. Thomas it. must have brcn 'Savoy.' There is the vacation that costs this period of so-called rest inches were balanced by a 34.8 Bowen, Mrs Stephen Mihallk, That's the name on our towels."1 so much that financial worries than they indulge through all Inch chest. and Mrs. William Tat*.

"U.S. Savings Bonds Banner joins color guard to dramatize America's strength for freedom Each one of these proud flags—from the "stare and Btripes" to the U.S. Savings Bonds Banner—symbolizes America's determination to remain Btamg and free. The 1962 Freedom POLKOWITZ MOTORS PRE Bond Drive offers every American a chance to take part person- ally in the defense of freedom, simply by buying an extra Bond.

Choice of a nesting site shows a wide range, some seemingly incongruous. I once found a neat in the pulpit of an old BIRDS parish church (used only a few times a year) and another in a mayonnaise jar on the back porch of a dwelling. The Jar IN YOUR could be picked up with the sitting bird in it and replaced without her leaving it. Garage rafters or shelves, window BACKYARD frames and the like are often utilized. One season we had a JUIY nest atop an old long-handled mop in an unused corner. Bird boxes and natural cavities are THIS THURSDAY - FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY!! also used. Nest materials are composed of grasses, leaves, pine needles, HURRY! (THESE PRICES GO BACK TO NORMAL ON MONDAY, JULY 2nd) feathers and hair. The eggs number from four to six and are whitish, spotted with brown Multiple Brood Species and lilac markings. The total "Jenny wren" is one of the elapsed time from the selection most widely used terms con- of a site to the young leading nected with birds. There is, of the nest is 43 days—8 days for course, no such species of that nest building, 5 for laying five vx. BRAND NEW 19621 BUICK name. It is usually applied to eggs, 14 for incubation and 16 the House Wren as it occurs in for the young to attain flight. many partg of the country and The Carolina wren is an in- FULL SIZE LE SABRE SEDAN many people know it, but the defatigable songster and, in the term is attached to , other South sings practically the year Wivns, no doubt including the round, Its song is a rollicking, 1/ FULL a:; ?ject of this sketch — the cheerful and melodius rendi- C ::ina wren. tion which is most pleasing to PRICE ' ills is the largest of the hear. I have often been im- w .is east of the Mississippi pressed by many northern Euer and a general favorite bird-watchers thinking that the Includes: Automatic transmission, Heater and defrost* throughout its range which em- notes are those of the Oven- braces much of the mid-west bird. Others confuse them with er, instrument panel safety cover, oil filter, r.'id eastern parts of the United the cardinal. While the tone is Suites. It is the State Bird of similar, there is a marked dift al signals, plus all standard equipment. E'liith Carolina and a singular- ference in delivery. The car- ly apt choice for such. One of dinal's song is rather slow and tlie friendliest of birds, if such deliberate while that of the a term can be used, it frequent- wren is rapidly given, so much ly lives in close association with so that the hearer is under trje prople, as well as in the depths impression that the bird can hardly get it out fast enough. BRAND NEW 19^62 BUICK^ of the heaviest swamplands. RUGS and FURNITURE CLEANE INVICTA 2-Door Convertible ^ Dura clean FULL $ Colors come alive.fabnWl revive! Work done in your home...everything usable in a few hours PRICE 3,179 NO messy soaking I Includes t Automatic transmission, heater and defroster, NO harsh scrubbing! NO harmful soaps! ofl filter, directional signal*, instrument panel safety • Mothproofing with cover, deluxe wheel covers, custom bright exterior, 6-year Warranty! moldings, high performance V-8 engine. for FREE estimate call DURACLEAN-MOREY |C0. Phone ME 4-2386 JIM MOREY, Proprietor BRAND NEW, 19.62 BUICK ELEQRA 425 «)oor Hardtop FULL $ PRICE 3,585

Includes: Automatic I transmission, power brakes, lmttr and defroster, power steering, safety group, windsfyiejd washer, dual speed wipeff, wstom padded cushions, inttrument panel safety cover, custom brkht exterior moldings, Ugh performance V-8 engine*

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