Natural England Commissioned Report NECR143 Latchmore Brook Restoration Options Appraisal First published 07 March 2014 Foreword Natural England commission a range of reports from external contractors to provide evidence and advice to assist us in delivering our duties. The views in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of Natural England. Background The damage caused by historical drainage resulting in increased erosion of the river bed activities and contemporary engineering/ and reduced channel habitat diversity. management of the mire systems and modification of rivers and streams is frequently This report uses flow analysis and the findings cited as a reason for unfavourable condition of from the following reports and their annexes to the New Forest SSSIs. Natural England aims to consider the restoration options for Latchmore restore these SSSIs to favourable condition and Brook: to do this needs to understand the physical habitat and ecohydrogical processes and forms • New Forest SSSI Geomorphological Survey of the mire/wetland floodplain habitats. Overview (NECR140); • New Forest SSSI Ecohydrological Survey Latchmore Brook (New Forest SSSI unit 48) is Overview (NECR141); and presently in unfavourable recovering condition • Geomorphic and Ecohydrological Monitoring having been adversely impacted by artificial and Prioritisation Report (NECR142). drainage and engineering. The channel has been artificially deepened and straightened Natural England Project Officer - Jinti Gifford, Natural England, Cromwell House - 2nd Floor, 15 Andover Road, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 7BT
[email protected] Contractor - George Heritage, JBA Consulting, Bank Quay House, Sankey Street, Warrington, Cheshire, WA1 1NN Keywords - New Forest, Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), geomorphology Further information This report can be downloaded from the Natural England website: