The Angelus Monthly Publication of the Church of Our Saviour JanuaryApril 2019 HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE OF SERVICES MONDAY IN HOLY WEEK, APRIL 15 12:10pm, Mass, Lady Chapel WEDNESDAY IN HOLY WEEK, APRIL 17 12:10pm, Mass, Lady Chapel 7pm, Stations of the Cross MAUNDY THURSDAY, APRIL 18 7pm, Liturgy of Maundy Thursday Including foot washing and stripping of the altar; following the service, the Vigil of Gethsemane before the Altar of Repose begins in the Lady Chapel GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 19 12noon, Liturgy of Good Friday 7pm, Liturgy of Good Friday HOLY SATURDAY, APRIL 20 8pm, Great Vigil of Easter concluding with First Solemn Eucharist of Easter An Easter Eve reception is held following the service; everyone attending is asked to bring a contribution EASTER, APRIL 21 8:30am, Said Mass 9:45am, Between-the-services reception | 10am, Easter Egg Hunt 11am, High Mass and Coffee Hour Events and Feast Days Events and Feast Days Parish Clean-Up Passiontide April 6, 2019 436-4522Begins or
[email protected]. April 7, 2019 We’re in need of readers, actors, costume/set designers, On Saturday, April 6, 2019, from 9:00 am choristers,The last instrumentalists, two weeks before snack Easter, chefs, called and gen- until 1:00 pm, we will be holding a Spring clean- Passiontide,eral assistants, are aso transitional there’s definitely time, part something of Lent for up morning dedicated to getting the parish ready andeveryone! yet not aWe part’ll of have Lent. one During rehearsal Passiontide immediately for the upcoming Easter celebrations. Please plan theprior focus to ofthe Lent service, moves at 4:00from pm an (snacksexamination included).