Government of West Bengal Health & Family Welfare Department • National Health Mission · I·\·"t• • GN-29, 4th Floor, S,wasthya Sathi Building, Swasthya Bhawan Premises, III.. · Sector - V, Salt-Lake, Bidhannagar, Kolkata - 700091 (Phone) 033-2333 0238; (Fax) 033-2357 7930 Email:
[email protected]/po
[email protected]; No. HFW/NHM-275/2021/ '-401 ORDER Administrative Approval and Financial Sanction is hereby accorded for "Construction of 12 (Twelve) new Su-Sasthva Kendras" an an estimated amount of Rs. 3,64,16,532.00/- (Rupees Three Crore Sixty Four Lakh Sixteen Thousand Five Hundred & Thirty Two Only) , against unit cost of Rs. 30,34,711.00 per Su- Sasthya Kendra. Details are as follows:- Name of the Sub- Sanctioned Amount SI. No. District Name of the Block Centre (in Rs) 1 Murshidabad Kandi Jamna ~ 30,34,711.00 2 Murshidabad Bharatpur-li Sonarundi ~ 30,34,711.00 3 Murshidabad Lalgola Maya ~ 30,34,711.00 4 Murshidabad Lalgola Madhupur ~ 30,34,711.00 5 Murshidabad Nabagram Mukandapur ~ 30,34,711.00 6 Murshidabad Raninagar-li Dewanpara ~ 30,34,711.00 7 Murshidabad Jalangi Domadi ~ 30,34,711.00 8 Murshidabad Suti-I Bangabari ~ 30,34,711.00 9 Murshidabad Suti-I Fatullapur ~ 30,34,711.00 10 Murshidabad Suti-I Nurpur ~ 30,34,711.00 11 Murshidabad Suti-I Nayabahadurpur ~ 30,34,711.00 - - -- - -- .- 12 Murshidabad Suti-I Gotha ~ 30,34,711.00 - TOTAL ~ 3,64,16,532.00 2. The Scope of Works includes the following: a. Block-wise Detailed Project Report(DPR) including soil exploration report of Su-Sasthya Kendras following the model drawing(s) (as attached in Annexure 'A' and Annexure 'B'), by engaging Design Consultant, by inviting NleT.