Package ‘koRpus’ February 15, 2013 Type Package Title An R Package for Text Analysis Author m.eik michalke <
[email protected]>, with contributions from Earl Brown <
[email protected]>, Alberto Mirisola, and Laura Hauser Maintainer m.eik michalke <
[email protected]> Depends R (>= 2.10.0),methods Enhances rkward Suggests testthat Description A set of tools to analyze texts. Includes, amongst others,functions for automatic lan- guage detection, hyphenation,several indices of lexical diversity (e.g., type token ratio,HD- D/vocd-D, MTLD) and readability (e.g., Flesch, SMOG, LIX,Dale-Chall). Basic import func- tions for language corpora are also provided, to enable frequency analyses (supports Celex and Leipzig Corpora Collection file formats). #’ Note: For full functionality a local installation of TreeTagger is recommended. Be encouraged to send feedback to the author(s)! License GPL (>= 3) Encoding UTF-8 LazyLoad yes URL Version 0.04-36 Date 2012-08-27 Collate ’ARI.R’ ’bormuth.R’ ’C.ld.R’ ’kRp.tagged-class.R’’kRp.txt.freq-class.R’ ’kRp.txt.trans- class.R’’kRp.TTR-class.R’ ’kRp.analysis-class.R’ ’koRpus-internal.R’’clozeDelete- method.R’ ’coleman.liau.R’ ’coleman.R’’kRp.hyphen-class.R’ ’correct-method.R’ ’cTest- method.R’’CTTR.R’ ’dale.chall.R’ ’danielson.bryan.R’ ’dickes.steiwer.R’’DRP.R’ ’ELF.R’ ’farr.jenkins.paterson.R’ ’flesch.kincaid.R’’flesch.R’ ’FOG.R’ ’FORCAST.R’ ’freq.analysis.R’ ’fucks.R’’get.kRp.env.R’ ’guess.lang.R’ ’harris.jacobson.R’ ’HDD.R’’hyphen.R’ ’hyph.XX- data.R’ ’jumbleWords.R’